Complexity and Algorithms for Exploiting Quantal Opponents in Large Two-Player Games

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The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21)

                 Complexity and Algorithms for Exploiting Quantal Opponents
                                in Large Two-Player Games

                                    David Milec1 , Jakub Černý2 , Viliam Lisý1 , Bo An2
                              AI Center, FEE, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
                                           Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

                            Abstract                                         2008). QR is also the hearth of the algorithms success-
                                                                             fully deployed in the real world (Yang, Ordonez, and Tambe
  Solution concepts of traditional game theory assume entirely               2012; Fang et al. 2017). It suggests that players respond
  rational players; therefore, their ability to exploit subrational
  opponents is limited. One type of subrationality that describes
                                                                             stochastically, picking better actions with higher probabil-
  human behavior well is the quantal response. While there                   ity. Therefore, we investigate how to scalably compute a
  exist algorithms for computing solutions against quantal op-               good strategy against a quantal response opponent in
  ponents, they either do not scale or may provide strategies                two-player normal-form and extensive-form games.
  that are even worse than the entirely-rational Nash strate-                   If both players choose their actions based on the QR
  gies. This paper aims to analyze and propose scalable algo-                model, their behavior is described by quantal response equi-
  rithms for computing effective and robust strategies against a             librium (QRE). Finding QRE is a computationally tractable
  quantal opponent in normal-form and extensive-form games.                  problem (McKelvey and Palfrey 1995; Turocy 2005), which
  Our contributions are: (1) we define two different solution
  concepts related to exploiting quantal opponents and analyze
                                                                             can be also solved using the CFR framework (Farina, Kroer,
  their properties; (2) we prove that computing these solutions              and Sandholm 2019). However, when creating AI agents
  is computationally hard; (3) therefore, we evaluate several                competing with humans, we want to assume that one of the
  heuristic approximations based on scalable counterfactual re-              players is perfectly rational, and only the opponent’s ra-
  gret minimization (CFR); and (4) we identify a CFR variant                 tionality is bounded. A tempting approach may be using the
  that exploits the bounded opponents better than the previously             algorithms for computing QRE and increasing one player’s
  used variants while being less exploitable by the worst-case               rationality or using generic algorithms for exploiting oppo-
  perfectly-rational opponent.                                               nents (Davis, Burch, and Bowling 2014) even though the QR
                                                                             model does not satisfy their assumptions, as in (Basak et al.
                        Introduction                                         2018). However, this approach generally leads to a solution
                                                                             concept we call Quantal Nash Equilibrium (QNE), which we
Extensive-form games are a powerful model able to describe                   show is very inefficient in exploiting QR opponents and may
recreational games, such as poker, as well as real-world situ-               even perform worse than an arbitrary Nash equilibrium.
ations from physical or network security. Recent advances in                    Since the very nature of the quantal response model as-
solving these games, and particularly the Counterfactual Re-                 sumes that the sub-rational agent responds to a strategy
gret Minimization (CFR) framework (Zinkevich et al. 2008),                   played by its opponent, a more natural setting for study-
allowed creating superhuman agents even in huge games,                       ing the optimal strategies against QR opponents are Stackel-
such as no-limit Texas hold’em with approximately 10160                      berg games, in which one player commits to a strategy that
different decision points (Moravčı́k et al. 2017; Brown and                 is then learned and responded to by the opponent. Optimal
Sandholm 2018). The algorithms generally approximate a                       commitments against quantal response opponents - Quantal
Nash equilibrium, which assumes that all players are per-                    Stackelberg Equilibrium (QSE) - have been studied in secu-
fectly rational, and is known to be inefficient in exploiting                rity games (Yang, Ordonez, and Tambe 2012), and the re-
weaker opponents. An algorithm that would be able to take
an opponent’s imperfection into account is expected to win                   sults were recently extended to normal-form games (Černý
by a much larger margin (Johanson and Bowling 2009; Bard                     et al. 2020b). Even in these one-shot games, polynomial al-
et al. 2013).                                                                gorithms are available only for their very limited subclasses.
                                                                             In extensive-form games, we show that computing the QSE
   The most common model of bounded rationality in hu-
                                                                             is NP-hard, even in zero-sum games. Therefore, it is very un-
mans is the quantal response (QR) model (McKelvey and
                                                                             likely that the CFR framework could be adapted to closely
Palfrey 1995, 1998). Multiple experiments identified it as
                                                                             approximate these strategies. Since we aim for high scala-
a good predictor of human behavior in games (Yang, Or-
                                                                             bility, we focus on empirical evaluation of several heuristics,
donez, and Tambe 2012; Haile, Hortaçsu, and Kosenok
                                                                             including using QNE as an approximation of QSE. We iden-
Copyright © 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial              tify a method that is not only more exploitative than QNE,
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.                            but also more robust when the opponent is rational.

Our contributions are: 1) We analyze the relationship and                 aj ∈ A, n ∈ N} is the set of histories in the game. We assume
properties of two solution concepts with quantal opponents                   that H forms a non-empty finite prefix tree. We use g ⊏ h to
that naturally arise from Nash equilibrium (QNE) and Stack-                  denote that h extends g. The root of H is the empty sequence
elberg equilibrium (QSE). 2) We prove that computing QNE                     ∅. The set of leaves of H is denoted Z and its elements z
is PPAD-hard even in NFGs, and computing QSE in EFGs                         are called terminal histories. The histories not in Z are non-
is NP-hard. Therefore, 3) we investigate the performance of                  terminal histories. By A(h) = {a ∈ A ∣ ha ∈ H} we denote
CFR-based heuristics against QR opponents. The extensive                     the set of actions available at h. P ∶ H ∖Z → N is the player
empirical evaluation on four different classes of games with                 function which returns who acts in a given history. Denoting
up to 108 histories identifies a variant of CFR-f (Davis,                    Hi = {h ∈ H ∖ Z ∣ P (h) = i}, we partition the histories as
Burch, and Bowling 2014) that computes strategies better                     H = H△ ∪H▽ ∪Hc ∪Z. σc is the chance strategy defined on
than both QNE and NE.                                                        Hc . For each h ∈ Hc , σc (h) is a probability distribution over
                                                                             A(h). Utility functions assign each player utility for each
                        Background                                           leaf node, ui ∶ Z → R. The game is of imperfect information
Even though our main focus is on extensive-form games, we                    if some actions or chance events are not fully observed by all
study the concepts in normal-form games, which can be seen                   players. The information structure is described by informa-
as their conceptually simpler special case. After defining the               tion sets for each player i, which form a partition Ii of Hi .
models, we proceed to define quantal response and the met-                   For any information set Ii ∈ Ii , any two histories h, h′ ∈ Ii
rics for evaluating a deployed strategy’s quality.                           are indistinguishable to player i. Therefore A(h) = A(h′ )
                                                                             whenever h, h′ ∈ Ii . For Ii ∈ Ii we denote by A(Ii ) the set
Two-player Normal-form Games                                                 A(h) and by P (Ii ) the player P (h) for any h ∈ Ii .
A two-player normal-form game (NFG) is a tuple G =                              A strategy σi ∈ Σi of player i is a function that assigns
(N, A, u) where N = {△, ▽} is set of players. We use i                       a distribution over A(Ii ) to each Ii ∈ Ii . A strategy profile
and −i for one player and her opponent. A = {A△ , A▽ } de-                   σ = (σ△ , σ▽ ) consists of strategies for both players. π σ (h)
notes the set of ordered sets of actions for both players. The               is the probability of reaching h if all players play according
utility function ui ∶ A△ × A▽ → R assigns a value for each                   to σ. We can decompose π σ (h) = ∏i∈N πiσ (h) into each
pair of actions. A game is called zero-sum if u△ = −u▽ .                     player’s contribution. Let π−i     be the product of all players’
   Mixed strategy σi ∈ Σi is a probability distribution over                 contributions except that of player i (including chance). For
Ai . For any strategy profile σ ∈ Σ = {Σ△ × Σ▽ } we use                      Ii ∈ Ii define π σ (Ii ) = ∑h∈Ii π σ (h), as the probability of
ui (σ) = ui (σi , σ−i ) as the expected outcome for player i,                reaching information set Ii given all players play according
given the players follow strategy profile σ. A best response                 to σ. πiσ (Ii ) and π−iσ
                                                                                                      (Ii ) are defined similarly. Finally, let
                                                                                           π σ (z)
(BR) of player i to the opponent’s strategy σ−i is a strategy                π (h, z) = πσ (h) if h ⊏ z, and zero otherwise. πiσ (h, z) and

σiBR ∈ BRi (σ−i ), where ui (σiBR , σ−i ) ≥ ui (σi′ , σ−i ) for                σ
                                                                             π−i (h, z) are defined similarly. Using this notation, expected
all σi′ ∈ Σi . An -best response is σiBR ∈ BRi (σ−i ),  >                payoff for player i is ui (σ) = ∑z∈Z ui (z)π σ (z). BR, NE
0, where ui (σiBR , σ−i ) +  ≥ ui (σi′ , σ−i ) for all σi′ ∈ Σi .          and SSE are defined as in NFGs.
Given a normal-form game G = (N, A, u), a tuple of mixed                        Define ui (σ, h) as an expected utility given that the his-
strategies (σiN E , σ−i
                         ), σiN E ∈ Σi , σ−i
                                                  ∈ Σ−i is a Nash            tory h is reached and all players play according to σ. A coun-
Equilibrium if σi is an optimal strategy of player i against                 terfactual value vi (σ, I) is the expected utility given that the
strategy σ−iNE
                . Formally: σiN E ∈ BR(σ−i NE
                                                 ) ∀i ∈ {△, ▽}               information set I is reached and all players play according
   In many situations, the roles of the players are asym-                    to strategy σ except player i, which plays to reach I. For-
metric. One player (leader - △) has the power to commit                      mally, vi (σ, I) = ∑h∈I,z∈Z π−i  σ
                                                                                                                (h)π σ (h, z)ui (z). And simi-
to a strategy, and the other player (follower - ▽) plays the                 larly counterfactual value for playing action a in information
best response. This model has many real-world applica-                       set I is vi (σ, I, a) = ∑h∈I,z∈Z,ha⊏z π−iσ
                                                                                                                        (ha)π σ (ha, z)ui (z).
tions (Tambe 2011); for example, the leader can correspond                      We define Si as a set of sequences of actions only for
to a defense agency committing to a protocol to protect crit-                player i. inf1 (si ), si ∈ Si is the information set where last
ical facilities. The common assumption in the literature is                  action of si was executed and seqi (I), I ∈ Ii is sequence of
that the follower breaks ties in favor of the leader. Then, the              actions of player i to information set I.
concept is called a Strong Stackelberg Equilibrium (SSE).
   A leader’s strategy σ SSE ∈ Σ△ is a Strong Stack-                         Quantal Response Model of Bounded Rationality
elberg Equilibrium if σ△ is an optimal strategy of the                       Fully rational players always select the utility-maximizing
leader given that the follower best-responds. Formally:                      strategy, i.e., the best response. Relaxing this assumption
                                  ′            ′
         = arg maxσ′ ∈Σ△ u△ (σ△     , BR▽ (σ△     )). In zero-sum            leads to a “statistical version” of best response, which takes
games, SSE is equivalent to NE (Conitzer and Sandholm                        into account the inevitable error-proneness of humans and
2006) and the expected utility is denoted value of the game.                 allows the players to make systematic errors (McFadden
                                                                             1976; McKelvey and Palfrey 1995).
Two-player Extensive-form Games                                              Definition 1. Let G = (N, A, u) be an NFG. Function
A two-player extensive-form game (EFG) consist of a set of                   QR ∶ Σ△ → Σ▽ is a quantal response function of player
players N = {△, ▽, c}, where c denotes the chance. A is a fi-                ▽ if probability of playing action a monotonically increases
nite set of all actions available in the game. H ⊂ {a1 a2 ⋯an ∣              as expected utility for a increases. Quantal function QR is

called canonical if for some real-valued function q:                             One-Sided Quantal Solution Concepts
                    q(u▽ (σ, a ))
                              k                                          This section formally defines two one-sided bounded-
 QR(σ, ak ) =                            ∀σ ∈ Σ△ , ak ∈ A▽ .             rational equilibria, where one of the players is rational
                ∑ai ∈A▽ q(u▽ (σ, ai ))
                                                          (1)            and the other is subrational – a saddle-point-type equi-
                                                                         librium called Quantal Nash Equilibrium (QNE) and a
   Whenever q is a strictly positive increasing function, the            leader-follower-type equilibrium called Quantal Stackelberg
corresponding QR is a valid quantal response function. Such              Equilibrium (QSE). We show that contrary to their fully-
functions q are called generators of canonical quantal func-             rational counterparts, QNE differs from QSE even in zero-
tions. The most commonly used generator in the literature                sum games. Moreover, we show that computing QSE in
is the exponential (logit) function (McKelvey and Palfrey                extensive-form games is an NP-hard problem. Full proofs
1995) defined as q(x) = eλx where λ > 0. λ drives the                    of all our theoretical results are provided in the appendix1
model’s rationality. The player behaves uniformly randomly
for λ → 0, and becomes more rational as λ → ∞. We denote                 Quantal Equilibria in Normal-form Games
a logit quantal function as LQR.
   In EFGs, we assume the bounded-rational player plays                  We first consider a variant of NE, in which one of the players
based on a quantal function in every information set sepa-               plays a quantal response instead of the best response.
rately, according to the counterfactual values.                          Definition 3. Given a normal-form game G = (N, A, u)
Definition 2. Let G be an EFG. Function QR ∶ Σ△ → Σ▽                     and a quantal response function QR, a strategy profile
is a canonical couterfactual quantal response function of                (σ△QN E       QN E
                                                                                 , QR(σ△    )) ∈ Σ describes a Quantal Nash Equi-
player ▽ with generator q if for a strategy σ△ it produces                                             QN E
                                                                         librium (QNE) if and only if σ△     is a best response of
strategy σ▽ such that in every information set I ∈ I▽ , for              player △ against quantal-responding player ▽. Formally:
each action ak ∈ A(I) it holds that
                              q(v▽ (σ, I, ak ))
                                                                                             QN E
                                                                                            σ△    ∈ BR(QR(σ△
                                                                                                           QN E
                                                                                                                )).                (3)
        QR(σ△ , I, a ) =k
                                                     ,     (2)
                         ∑ai ∈A(I) q(v▽ (σ, I, ai ))                        QNE can be seen as a concept between NE and Quantal
                                                                         Response Equilibrium (QRE) (McKelvey and Palfrey 1995).
where QR(σ△ , I, a ) is the probability of playing action a
                    k                                        k
                                                                         While in NE, both players are fully rational, and in QRE,
in information set I and σ = (σ△ , σ▽ ).                                 both players are bounded-rational, in QNE, one player is ra-
   We denote the canonical counterfactual quantal response               tional, and the other is bounded-rational.
with the logit generator counterfactual logit quantal re-
sponse (CLQR). CLQR differs from the definition of logit                 Theorem 1. Computing a QNE strategy profile in two-
agent quantal response (LAQR) (McKelvey and Palfrey                      player NFGs is a PPAD-hard problem.
1998) in using counterfactual values instead of expected util-           Proof (Sketch). We do a reduction from the problem of
ities. The advantage of CLQR over LAQR is that CLQR de-                  computing -NE (Daskalakis, Goldberg, and Papadimitriou
fines a valid quantal strategy even in information sets un-              2009). We derive an upper bound on a maximum distance
reachable due to a strategy of the opponent, which is needed             between best response and logit quantal response, which
for applying regret-minimization algorithms explained later.             goes to zero with λ approaching infinity. For a given , we
   Because the logit quantal function is the most well-                  find λ, such that QNE is -NE. Detailed proofs of all theo-
studied function in the literature with several deployed appli-          rems are provided in the appendix
cations (Pita et al. 2008; Delle Fave et al. 2014; Fang et al.
2017), we focus most of our analysis and experimental re-                   QNE usually outperforms NE against LQR in practice as
sults on (C)LQR. Without a loss of generality, we assume                 we show in the experiments. However, it cannot be guaran-
the quantal player is always player ▽.                                   teed as stated in the Proposition 2.
Metrics for Evaluating Quality of Strategy                               Proposition 2. For any LQR function, there exists a zero-
In a two-player zero-sum game, the exploitability of a given             sum normal-form game G = (N, A, u) with a unique NE -
strategy is defined as expected utility that a fully rational            (σ△
                                                                           NE    NE
                                                                              , σ▽  ) and QNE - (σ△QN E
                                                                                                        , QR(σ△ QN E
                                                                                                                     )) such that
opponent can achieve above the value of the game. For-                   u△ (σ△ , QR(σ△ )) > u△ (σ△ , QR(σ△ )).
                                                                              NE        NE          QN E         QN E

mally, exploitability E(σi ) of strategy σi ∈ Σi is E(σi ) =
                                                                            The second solution concept is a variant of SSE in situa-
u−i (σi , σ−i ) − u−i (σ N E ), σ−i ∈ BR−i (σi ).                        tions, when the follower is bounded-rational.
   We also intend to measure how much we are able to
exploit an opponent’s bounded-rational behavior. For this                Definition 4. Given a normal-form game G = (N, A, u) and
purpose, we define gain of a strategy against quantal re-                                                                  QSE
                                                                         a quantal response function QR, a mixed strategy σ△    ∈
sponse as an expected utility we receive above the value of              Σ△ describes a Quantal Stackleberg Equilibrium (QSE) if
the game. Formally, gain G(σi ) of strategy σi is defined as             and only if
G(σi ) = ui (σi , QR(σi )) − ui (σ N E ).
   General-sum games do not have the property that all NEs
                                                                                       σ△   = arg max u△ (σ△ , QR(σ△ )).           (4)
                                                                                                  σ△ ∈Σ△
have the same expected utility. Therefore, we simply mea-
sure expected utility against LQR and BR opponents there.             

Game 1                        formulation of the program is non-linear with non-convex
                                          A     B   C       D                 constraints indicating the problem is hard. We show that the
                                     X    -4    -5   8      -4
                                                                              problem is indeed NP-hard, even in zero-sum games.
                                     Y    -5    -4  -4      8
                                                                              Theorem 4. Let G be a two-player imperfect-information
                                                 Game 2
                                                                              EFG with perfect recall and QR be a quantal response func-
                                                A     B
                                                                              tion. Computing a QSE in G is NP-hard if one of the follow-
                                         X      -2     8
                                         Y     -2.2  -2.5
                                                                              ing holds: (1) G is zero-sum and QR is generated by a logit
                                                                              generator q(x) = exp(λx), λ > 0; or (2) G is general-sum.
Figure 1: (Left) An example of the expected utility against                   Proof (Sketch). We reduce from the partition problem. The
LQR in Game 1. The X-axis shows the strategy of the ra-                       key subtree of the constructed EFG is zero-sum. For each
tional player, and the Y-axis shows the expected utility. The                 item of the multiset, the leader chooses an action that places
X- and Y-value curves show the utility for playing the corre-                 the item in the first or second subset. The follower has two
sponding action given the opponent’s strategy is a response                   actions; each gives the leader a reward equal to the sum of
to the strategy on X-axis. A detailed description is in Exam-                 items in the corresponding subset. If the sums are not equal,
ple 1. (Right) An example of two normal-form games. Each                      the follower chooses the lower one because of the zero-sum
row of the depicted matrices is labeled by a first player strat-              assumption. Otherwise, the follower chooses both actions
egy, while the second player’s strategy labels every column.                  with the same probability, maximizing the leader’s payoff.
The numbers in the matrices denote the utilities of the first                    A complication is that the leader could split each item in
player. We assume the row player is △.                                        half by playing uniformly. This is prevented by combining
                                                                              the leader’s actions for placing an item with an action in a
   In QSE, player △ is fully rational and commits to a strat-                 separate game with two symmetric QSEs. We use a collab-
egy that maximizes her payoff given that player ▽ observes                    orative coordination game in the non-zero-sum case and a
the strategy and then responds according to her quantal func-                 game similar to game in Figure 1 in the zero-sum case.
tion. This is a standard assumption, and even in problems
where the strategy is not known in advance, it can be learned                    The proof of the non-zero-sum part of Theorem 4 relies
by playing or observing. QSE always exists because all utili-                 only on the assumption that the follower plays action with
ties are finite, the game has a finite number of actions, player              higher reward with higher probability. This also holds for a
△ utilities are continuous on her strategy simplex, and the                   rational player; hence, the theorem provides an independent,
maximum is hence always reached.                                              simpler, and more general proof of NP-hardness of comput-
                                                                              ing Stackelberg equilibria in EFGs, which unlike (Letchford
Observation 3. Let G be a normal-form game and a q be a                       and Conitzer 2010) does not require the tie-breaking rule.
generator of a canonical quantal function. Then QSE of G
can be formulated as a non-convex mathematical program:
                                                                                 Computing One-Sided Quantal Equilibria
             ∑a▽ ∈A▽ u△ (σ△ , a▽ )q(u▽ (σ△ , π▽ ))                            This section describes various algorithms and heuristics for
       max                                         .             (5)          computing one-sided quantal equilibria introduced in the
      σ△ ∈Σ△       ∑a▽ ∈A▽ q(u▽ (σ△ , a▽ ))
                                                                              previous section. In the first part, we focus on QNE, and
                                                                              based on an empirical evaluation; we claim that regret-
Example 1. In Figure 1 we depict a utility function of △
                                                                              minimization algorithms converge to QNE in both NFGs
in Game 1 against LQR with λ = 0.92. As we show, both
                                                                              and EFGs. The second part then discusses gradient-based al-
actions have the same expected utility in the QNE. Therefore,
                                                                              gorithms for computing QSE and analyses cases when regret
it is a best response for Player △, and she has no incentive
                                                                              minimization methods will or will not converge to QSE.
to deviate. However, the QNE does not reach the maximal
expected utility, which is achieved in two global extremes,                   Algorithms for Computing QNE
both being the QSE. Note that even such a small game like
Game 1 can have multiple local extremes: in this case 3.                      CFR (Zinkevich et al. 2008) is a state-of-the-art algorithm
                                                                              for approximating NE in EFGs. CFR is a form of regret
  Example 1 shows that finding QSE is a non-concave prob-                     matching (Hart and Mas-Colell 2000) and uses iterated self
lem even in zero-sum NFGs, and it can have multiple global                    play to minimize regret at each information set indepen-
solutions. Moreover, facing a bounded-rational opponent                       dently. CFR-f (Davis, Burch, and Bowling 2014) is a modifi-
may change the relationship between NE and SSE. They are                      cation capable of computing strategy against some opponent
no longer interchangeable in zero-sum games, and QSE may                      models. In each iteration, it performs a CFR update for one
use strictly dominated actions, e.g in Game 2 from Figure 1.                  player and computes the response for the other player. We
                                                                              use CFR-f with a quantal response and call it CFR-QR. We
Quantal Equilibria in Extensive-form Games                                    initialize the rational player’s strategy as uniform and com-
In EFGs, QNE and QSE are defined in the same manner as                        pute the quantal response against it. Then, in each iteration,
in NFGs. However, instead of the normal-form quantal re-                      we update the regrets for the rational player, calculate the
sponse, the second player acts according to the counterfac-                   corresponding strategy, and compute a quantal response to
tual quantal response. QSE in EFGs can be computed by a                       this new strategy again. In normal-form games, we use the
mathematical program provided in the appendix. The natural                    same approach with simple regret matching (RM-QR).

Conjecture 5. (a) In NFGs, RM-QR converges to QNE;                          we call this approach the counterfactual COMB. Contrary to
while (b) in EFGs, CFR-QR converges to QNE.                                 COMB, the RQR can be directly applied to EFGs. The idea
   Conjecture 5 is based on empirical evaluation on more                    is the same, but instead of regret matching, we use CFR. We
than 2 × 104 games. In each game, the resulting strategy of                 call this heuristic algorithm the counterfactual RQR.
player △ was -BR to the quantal response of the opponent
with epsilon lower than 10−6 after less than 105 iterations.                Algorithms for Computing QSE
   QNE provides strategies exploiting a quantal opponent                    In general, the mathematical programs describing the QSE
well, but performance is at the cost of substantial exploitabil-            in NFGs and EFGs are non-concave and non-linear. We use
ity. We propose two heuristics that address both gain and ex-               the gradient ascent (GA) methods (Boyd and Vandenberghe
ploitability simultaneously. The first one is to play a convex              2004) to find the local optima. For concave program, the GA
combination of QNE and NE strategy. We call this heuristic                  will reach a global optimum. However, both formulations of
algorithm COMB. We aim to find a parameter α of the com-                    QSE contain a fractional part, corresponding to a definition
bination that maximizes the utility against LQR. However,                   of the follower’s canonical quantal function. Because con-
choosing the correct α is, in general, a non-convex, non-                   cavity is not preserved under division, accessing conditions
linear problem. We search for the best α by sampling possi-                 of the concavity of these programs is difficult. We construct
ble αs and choosing the one with the best utility. The time re-             provably globally optimal algorithms for QSE in our concur-
quired to compute one combination’s value is similar to the                 rent papers (Černý et al. 2020a,b). The GA performs well on
time required to perform one iteration of the RM-QR algo-                   small games, but it does not scale at all even for moderately
rithm. Sampling the αs and checking the utility hence does                  sized games, as we show in the experiments.
not affect the scalability of COMB. The gain is also guaran-                   Because QSE and QNE are usually non-equivalent con-
teed to be greater or equal to the gain of the NE strategy, and             cepts even in zero-sum games (see Figure 1), the regret-
as we show in the results, some combinations achieve higher                 minimization algorithms will not converge to QSE. How-
gains than both the QNE and the NE strategies.                              ever, in case a quantal function satisfies the so-called pretty-
   The second heuristic uses a restricted response ap-                      good-response condition, the algorithm converges to a strat-
proach (Johanson, Zinkevich, and Bowling 2008), and we                      egy of the leader exploiting the follower the most (Davis,
call it restricted quantal response (RQR). The key idea                     Burch, and Bowling 2014). We show that a class of simple
is that during the regret minimization, we set probability p,               (i.e., attaining only a finite number of values) quantal func-
such that in each iteration, the opponent updates her strategy              tions satisfy a pretty-good-responses condition.
using (i) LQR with probability p and (ii) BR otherwise. We                  Proposition 6. Let G = (N, A, u) be a zero-sum NFG, QR
aim to choose the parameter p such that it maximizes the ex-                a quantal response function of the follower, which depends
pected payoff. Using sampling as in COMB is not possible,                   only on the ordering of expected utilities of individual ac-
since each sample requires to rerun the whole RM. To avoid                  tions. Then the RM-QR algorithm converges to QSE.
the computations, we start with p = 0.5 and update the value                   An example of a quantal response depending only on
during the iterations. In each iteration, we approximate the                the ordering of expected utilities is, e.g., a function assign-
gradient of gain with respect to p based on a change in the                 ing probability 0.5 to the action with the highest expected
value after both the LQR and the BR iteration. We move                      utility, 0.3 to the action with the second-highest utility and
the value of p in the gradient’s approximated direction with                0.2/(∣ A2 ∣ −2) to all remaining actions. The class of quantal
a step size that decreases after each iteration. However, the               functions satisfying the conditions of pretty-good-responses
strategies do change tremendously with p, and the algorithm                 still takes into account the strategy of the opponent (i.e., the
would require many iterations to produce a meaningful av-                   responses are not static), but it is limited. In general, quantal
erage strategy. Therefore, after a few thousands of iterations,             functions are not pretty-good-responses.
we fix the parameter p and perform a clean second run, with
p fixed from the first run. RQR achieves higher gains than                  Proposition 7. Let QR be a canonical quantal function with
both the QNE and the NE and performs exceptionally well                     a strictly monotonically increasing generator q. Then QR is
in terms of exploitability with gains comparable to COMB.                   not a pretty-good-response.
   We adapted both algorithms from NFGs also to EFGs.
The COMB heuristic requires to compute a convex combi-                                     Experimental Evaluation
nation of strategies, which is not straightforward in EFGs.                 The experimental evaluation aims to compare solutions of
Let p be a combination coefficient and σi1 , σi2 ∈ Σi be two                our proposed algorithm RQR with QNE strategies computed
different strategies for the player i. The convex combination               by RM-QR for NFGs and CFR-QR for EFGs. As baselines,
of the strategies is a strategy σi3 ∈ Σ computed for each in-               we use (i) Nash equilibrium (NASH) strategies, (ii) a best
formation set Ii ∈ Ii and action a ∈ A(Ii ) as follows:                     convex combination of NASH and QNE denoted COMB,
                                                                            and (iii) an approximation of QSE computed by gradient as-
                                                                            cent (GA), initialized by NASH. We use regret matching+
    σi3 (Ii )(a) =                                             (6)          in the regret-based algorithms. We focus mainly on zero-
          1                        2
       πiσ (Ii )σi1 (Ii )(a)p + πiσ (Ii )σi2 (Ii )(a)(1 − p)                sum games, because they allow for a more straightforward
                                                                            interpretation of the trade-offs between gain and exploitabil-
                   πiσ (Ii )p + πiσ (Ii )(1 − p)
                      1            2

                                                                            ity. Still, we also provide results on general-sum NFGs. Fi-
  We search for a value of p that maximizes the gain, and                   nally, we show that the performance of RQR is stable over

Figure 2: Running time comparison of COMB, GA, RQR,                     Figure 3: Gain comparison of GA, Nash(SE), QNE, RQR
NASH, SE and QNE on (left) square general-sum NFGs and                  and COMB in (left) random square zero-sum NFGs, and
(right) zero-sum EFGs.                                                  (right) random zero-sum EFGs.

different rationality values and analyze the EFG algorithms
more closely on well-known Leduc Hold’em game. The ex-
perimental setup and all the domains are described in the
appendix. The implementation is publicly available.2

The first experiment shows the difference in runtimes of GA
and regret-minimization approaches. In NFGs, we use ran-
dom square zero-sum games as an evaluation domain, and                  Figure 4: Gain and robustness comparison of GA, Nash,
the runtimes are averaged over 1000 games per game size.                Strong Stackelberg (SE), QNE, COMB and RQR in gen-
In EFGs, the random generation procedure does not guaran-               eral sum NFGs – the expected utility (left) against LQR and
tee games with the same number of histories, so we cluster              (right) against BR that maximizes leader’s utility.
games with a similar size together, and report runtimes av-
eraged over the clusters. The results on the right of Figure 2
show that regret minimization approaches scale significantly               The results show that GA for QSE is the best approach
better – the tendency is very similar in both NFGs and EFGs,            in terms of gain in zero-sum and general-sum games if we
and we show the results for NFGs in the appendix.                       ignore scalability issues. The scalable heuristic approaches
   We report scalability in general-sum games on the left in            also achieve significantly higher gain than both the NE base-
Figure 2. We generated 100 games of Grab the Dollar, Ma-                line and competing QNE in both zero-sum and general-sum
jority Voting, Travelers Dilemma, and War of Attrition with             games. On top of that, we show that in general-sum games,
an increasing number of actions for both players and also               in all games except one, the heuristic approaches perform as
100 random general-sum NFGs of the same size. Detailed                  well as or better than SE. This indicates that they are useful
game description is in the appendix. In the rest of the ex-             in practice even in general-sum settings.
periments, we use sets of 1000 games with 100 actions for
each class. We use a MILP formulation to compute the NE                 Robustness Comparison
(Sandholm, Gilpin, and Conitzer 2005) and solve for SE us-
ing multiple linear programs (Conitzer and Sandholm 2006).              In this work, we are concerned primarily with increasing
The performance of GA against CFR-based algorithm is                    gain. However, the higher gain might come at the expense
similar to the zero-sum case, and the only difference is in             of robustness–the quality of strategies might degrade if the
NE and SE, which are even less scalable than GA.                        model of the opponent is incorrect. Therefore, we study also
                                                                        (i) the exploitability of the solutions in zero-sum games and
Gain Comparison                                                         (ii) expected utility against the best response that breaks ties
Now we turn to a comparison of gains of all algorithms in               in our favor in general-sum games. Both correspond to per-
NFGs and EFGs. We report averages with standard errors                  formance against a perfectly rational selfish opponent.
for zero-sum games in Figure 3 and general-sum games in                    First, we report the mean exploitability in zero-sum games
Figure 4 (left). We use the NE strategy as a baseline, but              in Figure 5. Exploitability of NE is zero, so it is not included.
as different NE strategies can achieve different gains against          We show that QNE is highly exploitable in both NFGs and
the subrational opponent, we try to select the best NE strat-           EFGs. COMB and GA perform similarly, and RQR has sig-
egy. To achieve this, we first compute a feasible NE. Then              nificantly lower exploitability compared to other modeling
we run gradient ascent constrained to the set of NE, optimiz-           approaches. Second, we depict the results in general-sum
ing the expected value. We aim to show that RQR performs                games on the right in Figure 4. By definition, SE is the op-
even better than an optimized NE. Moreover, also COMB                   timal strategy and provides an upper bound on achievable
strategies outperform the best NE, despite COMB using the               value. Unlike in zero-sum games, GA outperforms CFR-
(possibly suboptimal) NE strategy computed by CFR.                      based approaches even against the rational opponent. Our
                                                                        heuristic approaches are not as good as entirely rational so-
   2 qne code.git            lution concepts, but they always perform better than QNE.

Figure 5: Robustness comparison of GA, QNE, COMB and                   Figure 6: (Left) Mean expected utility against CLQR
RQR in (left) random square zero-sum NFGs, and (right)                 (dashed) and BR (solid) over 100 games from set 2 of EFGs
random zero-sum EFGs (E(N ash) = 0).                                   with changing λ. (Right) Expected utility of different al-
                                                                       gorithms against CLQR (dashed) and BR (solid) in Leduc
                                                                       Hold’em. QNE is the value of COMB or RQR with p = 1.
Different Rationality
In the fourth experiment, we access the algorithms’ perfor-            Summary of the Results
mance against opponents with varying rationality parameter             In the experiments, we have shown three main points. (1)
λ in the logit function. For λ ∈ {0, . . . 100} we report the          GA approach does not scale even to moderate games, mak-
expected utility on the left in Figure 6. For smaller values           ing regret minimization approaches much better suited to
of λ (i.e., lower rationality), RQR performs similarly to GA           larger games. (2) In both NFGs and EFGs, the RQR ap-
and QNE, but it achieves lower exploitability. As rationality          proach outperforms NASH and QNE baseline in terms of
increases, the gain of RQR is found between GA and QNE,                gain and outperforms QNE in terms of exploitability, mak-
while having the lowest exploitability. For all values of λ,           ing it currently the best approach against LQR opponents
both QNE and RQR report higher gain than NASH. We do                   in large games. (3) Our algorithms perform better than the
not include COMB in the figure for the sake of better read-            baselines, even with different rationality values, and can be
ability as it achieves similar results to RQR.                         successfully used even in general games. Visual comparison
                                                                       of the algorithms in zero-sum games is provided in the Ta-
Standard EFG Benchmarks                                                ble 1. Scalability denotes how well the algorithm scales to
                                                                       larger games. The marks range from three minuses as the
Poker. Poker is a standard evaluation domain, and contin-              worst to three pluses as the best; NE is a 0 baseline.
ual resolving was demonstrated to perform extremely well
on it (Moravčı́k et al. 2017). We tested our approaches on                                    Conclusion
two poker variants: one-card poker and Leduc Hold’em. We               Bounded rationality models are crucial for applications that
used λ = 2 because for λ = 1, QNE is equal to QSE. We                  involve human decision-makers. Most previous results on
report the values achieved in Leduc Hold’em on the right               bounded rationality consider games among humans, where
in Figure 6. The horizontal lines correspond to NE and GA              all players’ rationality is bounded. However, artificial intelli-
strategies, as they do not depend on p. The heuristic strate-          gence applications in real-world problems pose a novel chal-
gies are reported for different p values. The leftmost point           lenge of computing optimal strategies for an entirely ratio-
corresponds to the CFR-BR strategy and rightmost to the                nal system interacting with bounded-rational humans. We
QNE strategy. The experiment shows that RQR performs                   call this optimal strategy Quantal Stackelberg Equilibrium
very well for poker games as it gets close to the GA while             (QSE) and show that natural adaptations of existing algo-
running significantly faster. Furthermore, the strategy com-           rithms do not lead to QSE, but rather to a different solution
puted by RQR is much less exploitable consistently through-            we call Quantal Nash Equilibrium (QNE). As we observe,
out various λ values. This suggests that the restricted re-            there is a trade-off between computability and solution qual-
sponse can be successfully applied not only against strate-            ity. QSE provides better strategies, but it is computationally
gies independent of the opponent as in (Johanson, Zinke-               hard and does not scale to large domains. QNE scales sig-
vich, and Bowling 2008), but also against adapting oppo-               nificantly better, but it typically achieves lower utility than
nents. We observe similar performance also in the one-card             QSE and might be even worse than the worst Nash equilib-
poker and report the results in the appendix.                          rium. Therefore, we propose a variant of CFR which, based
Goofspiel 7. We demonstrate our approach on Goofspiel                  on our experimental evaluation, scales to large games, and
7, a game with almost 100 million histories to show a practi-          computes strategies that outperform QNE against both quan-
cal scalability. While CFR-QR, RQR, and CFR were able                  tal response opponents and perfectly rational opponents.
to compute a strategy, the games of this size are beyond
the computing abilities of GA and memory requirements of
                                                                                            COMB      RQR      QNE     NE    GA
COMB. CFR-QR has exploitability 4.045 and gains 2.357,
                                                                           Scalability        -         0       0       0    ---
RQR has exploitability 3.849 and gains 2.412, and CFR                      Gain              ++        ++       +       0    +++
gains 1.191 with exploitability 0.115. RQR hence performs                  Exploitability    --        -       ---      0     --
the best in terms of gain and outperforms CFR-QR in ex-
ploitability. All algorithms used 1000 iterations.
                                                                               Table 1: Visual comparison of the algorithms

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