Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Rossmore Public School 2999 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Ernest Jacobs
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Rossmore Public School 2999 - Amazon AWS
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                   Rossmore Public School 2999

Page 1 of 8               Rossmore Public School (2999) -2021-2024   Printed on: 1 April, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                    School context
       As the Rossmore Public School community, we strive for excellence in a safe, inclusive and                 Rossmore Public School is a small primary school located in a semi-rural community
       positive learning environment built on high expectations for all and continual school                      situated in the South West Sydney Priority Growth Area and is undergoing rapid
       improvement to foster students' academic, social and emotional success.                                    development to roads and local infrastructure. The school has a current enrolment of 69
                                                                                                                  students, with two mainstream and three multi-categorical classes catering for students with
       Our vision is to operate in partnership and collaboration with the community striving for                  a disability. The school has a combination of experienced and early career teachers. Our
       excellence in learning, empowering students to become confident, resilient, self-directed                  FOEI is 138, identifying us as a low socio-economic demographic. 35% of students are from
       and successful learners who are known, valued and cared for.                                               an English as an additional language/dialect background and 17% of students identify as
                                                                                                                  Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

                                                                                                                  The school values its community and is focused on maintaining and building strong
                                                                                                                  partnerships with staff, parents and students. Parent participation is highly regarded and
                                                                                                                  valued in our learning community. Staff and community hold the strong belief that links
                                                                                                                  between home and school are essential for a child's education and we invite parents into
                                                                                                                  partnership with the school.

                                                                                                                  The school is well resourced with technology available to support student learning and
                                                                                                                  engagement in every classroom. Physical resources to support teaching and learning
                                                                                                                  programs in literacy and numeracy are extensive and new flexible furniture supports
                                                                                                                  innovation in learning and promotes student collaboration.

                                                                                                                  Extra-curricular opportunities in sport, environmental initiatives, creative arts and performing
                                                                                                                  arts, chess, debating, science and STEM enable our students to build curiosity, engage in
                                                                                                                  critical thinking, and be challenged.

                                                                                                                  The school is an active member of the Cowpasture Community of Schools, which work
                                                                                                                  together to provide additional extracurricular, cultural, leadership and enrichment
                                                                                                                  opportunities for our students and to enhance professional networks for staff.

                                                                                                                  Through the situational analysis, we have identified the need to maintain a clear and
                                                                                                                  focused approach to enhancing student wellbeing, growth and learning outcomes. This will
                                                                                                                  be achieved through the delivery of high impact professional learning, which will provide
                                                                                                                  opportunities for teachers to enhance their capacity to deliver explicit, evidence-based
                                                                                                                  differentiated teaching and learning, to support students to achieve expected growth and
                                                                                                                  attainment with a focus on literacy and numeracy. We will effectively utilise data informed
                                                                                                                  and deep reflective practices to allow the delivery of curriculum to be responsive to student
                                                                                                                  need. Our community consultation highlighted the need to improve authentic community
                                                                                                                  collaboration in supporting wellbeing and learning initiatives and set school directions, in
                                                                                                                  order to strengthen partnerships and promote engagement with parents, community and the
                                                                                                                  Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG). Improved monitoring of wellbeing and
                                                                                                                  student performance data will determine areas of need at an individual and whole-school
                                                                                                                  level to ensure ongoing student and school improvement.

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                    Initiatives                                                        Success criteria for this strategic direction
       In order to maximise every student's growth and            Data Informed Practice in Reading and Numeracy                     The school's value-added trend is positive.
       achievement we will develop, refine and implement
       explicit evidence-based teaching and learning practices    Build staff capability to effectively utilise data to inform the   Teachers routinely use evidence of learning, including a
       informed by data, responsive to the needs of individual    differentiation of curriculum and to shape teaching and            range of data sources to inform their teaching, adapt their
       students and with a sustained focus on reading and         learning programs to meet the needs of all students.               practice and meet learning needs of students in reading
       numeracy. We will empower students to be goal              Teachers to develop a deep understanding of student                and numeracy.
       orientated, to engage in deeper learning, and hold high    achievement and growth at point in time, supported by
       expectations for self and others as they strive for        strong teaching mechanisms and collaborative practices.            Teachers are proficient in their teaching of literacy and
       excellence.                                                                                                                   numeracy, meeting the needs of the students in their
                                                                    •   Whole school planned approach to data analysis               class.
                                                                        processes of individual students including, EAL/D
       Improvement measures                                             Aboriginal students, students with a disability.             Teachers provide specific feedback to students based on
                                                                                                                                     the learning success criteria and actively provide students
       Target year: 2022                                            •   Systematic analysis and use of a range of data
                                                                                                                                     with opportunities to reflect on and apply feedback to
                                                                        sources inform reading and numeracy teaching and
                                                                                                                                     improve their work.
       Increase the percentage of students achieving in the top         learning programs to personalise learning for all
       two bands of NAPLAN reading by 9.2% from the system              students.
                                                                                                                                     Students are aware of learning pathways and
       negotiated target baseline.
                                                                    •   High impact targeted professional learning of the            demonstrate expected growth on internal and external
                                                                        Numeracy and Literacy Progressions to accurately             school progress and achievement data in reading and
       Target year: 2022
                                                                        track student growth and achievement and inform              numeracy.
                                                                        goal setting.
       Increase the percentage of students in the top two bands
       of NAPLAN numeracy by 8.7% from the system                   •   Sustained and narrow, whole school focus on
       negotiated target baseline.                                      reading and numeracy improvement                             Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Target year: 2023                                            •   Quality targeted and whole school numeracy and               Question
                                                                        reading intervention strategies to identify and
       Increase the percentage of students achieving expected           address improvement measures.                                To what extent has the delivery of explicit evidence-based
       growth in NAPLAN reading to meet the small schools           •   Teachers engage in collaborative professional                teaching and learning practices informed by data,
       lower bound system negotiated target of 60%.                     learning focusing on pedagogy.                               maximised individual students' growth and achievement?

       Target year: 2023                                            •   Commitment to the use of data to improve the                 To what extent are students goal orientated, engaged in
                                                                        educational outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait         deeper learning and demonstrating high expectations?
       Increase the percentage of students achieving expected           Islander students so they excel and achieve in every
       growth in NAPLAN numeracy to meet the small schools              aspect of their education.                                   Data
       lower bound system negotiated target of 60%.
                                                                  Reflective Learning Culture                                        TTFM survey data
                                                                  Teachers to develop a deeper understanding of reflective           Student achievement and growth measures:
                                                                  and evaluative practices, to build teacher capacity to
                                                                  effectively evaluate teaching programs and student                  •     NAPLAN
                                                                  growth. Develop students' ability to respond to feedback,
                                                                  set and meet learning goals and utilise self-assessment             •     Internal assessments
                                                                  tools to ensure learning is maximised for all.                      •     tracking data
                                                                    •   Literacy and Numeracy Progressions, individual                •     PLAN2 data
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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

                                         Initiatives                                                  Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                              student goals and formative assessment feedback is       •   Phonics Screening Check
                                              used to plot students' growth and achievement,
                                                                                                       •   Check in
                                              differentiate teaching and refine practice.
                                                                                                       •   Pat test
                                          •   High-quality collaborative practice focusing on
                                              reflective and evaluative practices.
                                                                                                      Teaching programs (planning and assessment)
                                          •   Professional learning models build teacher
                                              capabilities and collective pedagogical practice.       Analysis
                                          •   Expert use of authentic self assessment processes       Analyse the data to determine the extent to which the
                                              to embed reflective practice for all school, teaching   purpose has been achieved.
                                              and learning practices.

                                                                                                      The finding of the analysis will inform

                                                                                                       •   future directions
                                                                                                       •   effective resourcing
                                                                                                       •   reporting on progress/improvement measures
                                                                                                       •   ongoing implementation and progress monitoring

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Strategic Direction 2: Excellence in Teaching

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                                  Success criteria for this strategic direction
       In order to build an improvement focused, high                                                                            Teachers collaborate across faculties/ stages/teams to
       performance learning culture, we will strengthen teaching    Effective Classroom Practice                                 share curriculum knowledge, data, feedback and other
       and leadership capabilities through the design and                                                                        information about student progress and achievement, to
       delivery of high impact targeted professional learning, to   Implementation of quality teaching practices founded on      inform the development of evidence-based programs and
       drive the enhancement of learning outcomes for all           quality feedback, high expectations and collective           lessons, which meet the needs of all students.
       students. Teachers will authentically and collaboratively    efficacy, supported by high impact professional learning.
       evaluate the impact of their practice on student learning,                                                                Teachers are skilled at explicit teaching techniques such
       holding high expectations for achievement and adjusting       •   Teachers use formative data and Progressions to         as questioning and assessing to identify students' learning
       practice to meet student needs.                                   support differentiation, enhancing explicit teaching    needs, and use a range of explicit strategies to explain
                                                                         practice.                                               and break down knowledge.
       Improvement measures                                          •   Summative data sources, monitoring and reflection
                                                                                                                                 Teachers provide explicit, specific and timely formative
                                                                         on teaching effectiveness is utilised.
                                                                                                                                 feedback related to defined success criteria. Teachers'
       Target year: 2024                                             •   Literacy and numeracy practice is informed by           feedback supports improved student learning.
       Increase the percentage of students achieving internal
                                                                                                                                 Use regular formative assessment to understand
       school benchmarks against the understanding text              •   Teachers work collaboratively to ensure their
                                                                                                                                 students' strengths and areas for improvement, and
       (reading) progression by 36.95% from the school                   pedagogy aligns with quality teaching practices that
                                                                                                                                 provide a variety of meaningful learning opportunities that
       determined baseline.                                              are shown through research to improve student
                                                                                                                                 cater to the full range of understanding and abilities in the
       Target year: 2024
                                                                     •   High-quality collaborative practice focusing on
                                                                         reflective and evaluative practices.                    The leadership team comprehensively analyses student
       Increase the percentage of students achieving internal
                                                                                                                                 progress and achievement data for insights into student
       school benchmarks against the numeracy progression by         •   High impact professional learning models to build
                                                                                                                                 learning and discusses results with the whole staff. All
       39.1% from the school determined baseline.                        teacher capabilities and collective pedagogical
                                                                                                                                 teachers contribute to gathering and analysing data.
                                                                         practices are embedded.
                                                                     •   Teachers analyse their own and others' teaching
                                                                         through observation of practice and are provided with   Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                         specific feedback about their lessons.

                                                                                                                                 To what extent has teaching and leadership capabilities
                                                                                                                                 been strengthened and student learning outcomes
                                                                                                                                 enhanced, through the design and delivery of high impact
                                                                                                                                 targeted professional learning?

                                                                                                                                 To what extent do teachers authentically and
                                                                                                                                 collaboratively evaluate the impact of their practice on
                                                                                                                                 student learning, reflecting high expectations and
                                                                                                                                 adjusting practice to meet student needs?


                                                                                                                                   •    PLAN 2 data (ALAN)

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Strategic Direction 2: Excellence in Teaching

                                                                                            Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                                              •   Teaching programs with WWB evident
                                                                                              •   Assessment data tracking
                                                                                              •   Teacher feedback on PL
                                                                                              •   Observations


                                                                                            Analyse the data to determine the extent to which the
                                                                                            purpose has been achieved.


                                                                                            The finding of the analysis will inform:

                                                                                              •   future directions
                                                                                              •   effective resourcing
                                                                                              •   reporting on progress/improvement measures
                                                                                              •   ongoing implementation and progress monitoring

Page 6 of 8                                      Rossmore Public School (2999) -2021-2024                                                   Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Quality Engagement

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                               Success criteria for this strategic direction
       In order to build an educational landscape that promotes a                                                             Every student can identify a staff member to whom they
       shared responsibility for students to connect, succeed and   Engagement in Learning                                    can confidently turn for advice and assistance at school.
       thrive, we will develop strong links between school
       excellence, student achievement and wellbeing,               Embed strong whole school practices and processes to      Students are actively connected to their learning through
       empowered by student voice and community                     support student wellbeing and engagement, develop         meaningful, engaging and rewarding personalised
       engagement.                                                  leadership capabilities and enhance meaningful            learning experiences.
                                                                    community involvement. Provide authentic opportunities
                                                                    for students to develop the skills, knowledge and         Students are self-aware and regulate their own emotions
       Improvement measures                                         strategies to take responsibility for and be active       and behaviours. Students have the social and emotional
                                                                    participants in their learning.                           skills to develop and maintain positive relationships and
       Target year: 2022                                                                                                      engage in pro-social behaviour.
                                                                     •   Whole school planned approach to facilitate
       Increase the percentage of students with an attendance            enhanced positive connections with stakeholders.     Positive, respectful relationships are evident and
       rate equal to or greater than 90%, by 4.7% from the                                                                    widespread among students and staff and promote
       system negotiated target baseline.                            •   Wellbeing framework embedded into the school
                                                                         culture through ongoing professional learning in     student wellbeing to ensure optimum conditions for
                                                                         effective wellbeing strategies.                      student learning across the whole school.
       Target year: 2024
                                                                     •   Whole school approach to wellbeing processes to      Attendance data is regularly analysed and is used to
       Increase the percentage of students reporting a positive
                                                                         ensure monitoring, analysis and evaluation of        inform planning. Whole of school and personalised
       sense of belonging by 9% from the school determined
                                                                         student behaviour, attendance, wellbeing, learning   attendance approaches are improving regular attendance
       target baseline to reach state norm.
                                                                         and engagement.                                      rates for all students, including those at risk.
                                                                     •   Positive attendance is promoted.
                                                                     •   Student voice successfully embedded across a
                                                                                                                              Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                         range of domains.
                                                                     •   Teachers work in partnership with the community      Question
                                                                         including the Aboriginal Education Consultative
                                                                         Group (AECG).                                        To what extent has student voice and community
                                                                                                                              engagement shaped an educational environment that
                                                                                                                              promotes student empowerment to connect, succeed and

                                                                                                                              To what extent are strong links between school
                                                                                                                              excellence, student achievement and wellbeing evident?


                                                                                                                               •     TTFM survey data
                                                                                                                               •     Teaching programs (planning and assessment)
                                                                                                                               •     Attendance
                                                                                                                               •     Behaviour/wellbeing monitoring
                                                                                                                               •     PLPs

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Strategic Direction 3: Quality Engagement

                                                                                              Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                                                •   Wellbeing Framework Self-assessment


                                                                                              Analyse the data to determine the extent to which the
                                                                                              purpose has been achieved.


                                                                                              The finding of the analysis will inform:

                                                                                                •   future directions
                                                                                                •   effective resourcing
                                                                                                •   reporting on progress/improvement measures
                                                                                                •   ongoing implementation and progress monitoring

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