School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023 - Aspen Heights School - School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023

Page created by Greg Campbell
School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023 - Aspen Heights School - School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023
School Education Plan
2020-2021 to 2022-2023
      Aspen Heights School

   School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023
School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023 - Aspen Heights School - School Education Plan 2020-2021 to 2022-2023
Aspen Heights School

5869 - 69 Street Drive                                  School Administration:
Red Deer, Alberta, T4P 1C3                              Principal: Bill Kwasny
Phone: 403 347 2581                                     Vice Principal: Lauren Dempster
Fax: 403 347 6566

School Profile:

Aspen Heights is a school located in the city of Red Deer and is part of Red Deer
Public School District. It has approximately 235 students and a staff of 20
professional and support staff. Aspen Heights serves students in Kindergarten to
Grade 5, from a variety of backgrounds. MicroSociety is an integral component of
Aspen Heights’ instructional program. It is our belief that the MicroSociety program
enhances student learning, while preparing our students to become responsible
leaders and productive members of the community through real-life experiences.

Anticipated Student Enrolment: 234 FTE

Anticipated Staff Profile:
   ● 12.6 Teachers (YY FTE)
   ● 6.2 Classified Staff (YY FTE)
   ● 2 Facility Services Staff (YY FTE)
   ● 20.8 Total Staff

School Vision and Mission:

   ●   Our students should feel successful, accepted and valued for who they are.
   ●   We identify student strengths and use those strengths in helping students learn.
   ●   Children need to learn social and life skills as well as the prescribed curriculum.
   ●   Children will take responsibility for their own learning with support from staff and
   ●   We will help our students develop tolerance, understanding and acceptance of
   ●   We will help our students become problem-solvers and risk-takers.
   ●   Student success will be celebrated.
   ●   Report cards should maintain a positive tone while identifying areas of strength
       and those in need of improvement.
   ●   We believe in growing as professional educators and the importance of yearly
       professional development.

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Opportunities and Challenges:

The low socio-economic status of approximately 95% of our families is a factor
impacting our school community. Our breakfast program (which includes breakfast
before school along with snacks available for the rest of the day) is an essential
part of meeting the needs of our students. Our Community Liaison Worker and
school based learning team is currently working with over half our student
population and their families to support a variety of social, emotional, mental,
psychological, and physical needs. Our focus on literacy and numeracy continues
to be an essential way to enhance student readiness and achievement.

Aspen Heights embodies the guiding principles of Micro Society, which are
outlined below.

Student Achievement is our ultimate goal. To this end, we are committed to and
will intentionally promote:
    1. Student Voice and Choice: Students who have voice and choice as citizens
        construct their own learning and shape their school culture.
    2. Learning by Doing: People learn best when engaged in work that is
        meaningful to them.
    3. Entrepreneurial Spirit: The entrepreneurial spirit motivates dynamic learning
        and pursuit of new ideas and opportunities.
    4. Real World Experiences: Increasingly sophisticated economic, social, and
        political experiences utilizing a balance of intrinsic and extrinsic incentives
        deepen learning.
    5. Teachers as Facilitators: Teachers are facilitators of integrated learning,
        providing multiple opportunities for success.
    6. Shared Responsibility and Authority: Opportunities for leadership,
        meaningful decision-making, and responsibility are vested, aligned, and
        accounted for at every level.
    7. Partners as Contributors: Parents and partners are essential contributors to
        the learning community.

School Education Plan Development and Communication:

The Aspen Heights School Education Plan has been developed in consultation
with school staff and stakeholders. Development of the plan has also included
consultation and advice from the School Council as required in Section 13 of the
School Councils Regulation. The School’s Education Plan is available at the
school and is posted on our website at:

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Alberta Education: School Accountability Pillar Report Card:

  Outcomes, Strategies, and Performance Measures:

 Priority                                     Literacy And Numeracy
               …refers to the ability of students to effec vely and confidently work with words and numbers.

             Each learner is proficient in the areas of reading, wri ng, speaking and listening.
              ● Con nue the enactment of the District’s Literacy Framework, with a focus on Fountas & Pinnell
                benchmarking, Guided Reading, Leveled Literacy Interven on Resources, the HLAT for wri ng and the
                ongoing improvement of reading and wri ng skills.
              ● Con nue to u lize LAT and Literacy Coach to support collabora ve, targeted responses to student
              ● Con nue to u lize Literacy Coach to build capacity with staff targe ng Guided Reading and
              ● Con nue to implement opportuni es for increased parental involvement to support literacy in the
                home through opportuni es such as Family Literacy and Numeracy Night.
Outcomes      ● Con nue to provide targeted literacy teaching to students with protected literacy blocks for grade 1-5.
Strategies   Each learner is proficient in the areas of reasoning and applying numerical concepts.
              ● Implement recommenda on from the Math Steering Commi ee, and sub commi ees, to improve
                teacher efficacy and instruc on of Mathema cs.
              ● Emphasize concepts dealing with Financial Literacy across the curriculum.
              ● Implement common expecta ons for a numeracy-rich classroom including: effec ve forma ve
                assessment that includes a focus on essen al outcomes, engagement with numeracy in relevant and
                meaningful contexts.
              ● Con nue to use the Math Interven on Programming Instrument (MIPI) ensuring students in Grade 2-5
                are benchmarked and the data is individually recorded for instruc onal planning purposes.
              ● Con nue to use the results from the MIPI to implement math interven on through the use of protected
                numeracy blocks for grade 2-5.

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● Con nue to implement opportuni es for increased parental involvement to support literacy in the
                 home through opportuni es such as Family Literacy and Numeracy Night.

              ● Percentage of students in Grades 1 to 5 who are reading/wri ng within one year of grade level (Target:
              ● Sounds assessment data K-3. (Target: 80%).
Performance   ● Literacy data from the Kindergarten Early Years Evalua on - Teacher Assessment (EYE-TA).
 Measures     ● Percentage of students in Grades 2-5 who are numerate within one year of grade level, as reported
                through the Math Interven on/Programming Instrument (MIPI).
              ● Survey result scores for literacy sa sfac on by students, parents and staff (Target: 90%). (RDP)

  Priority      …ensures fairness for all students through: Excellence in instruc on, Support for students, and a
                                                      Reduc on of barriers.

              All staff have the ability to meet the diverse needs of all students through excellent
              instruc on.
               ● Focus on excellence in instruc on in order to build more specific teacher capacity in the areas of
                 planning, assessment and classroom pedagogy.
               ● Build capacity with Teachers in regard to the indicators within the Teaching Quality Standard as they
                 apply to First Na ons, Mé s, and Inuit learners.
               ● Con nue to have students be ac ve par cipants in MicroSociety.
               ● Con nue to host our weekly Student Support Team mee ngs to provide teachers with strategies for
                 equitable educa on.
               ● Con nue to provide students with access to reading and math small group interven on through
                 protected literacy and numeracy blocks.
    and       Students are supported in their academic, behavioural, social and emo onal well-being.
 Strategies    ● Use our Student Support Team me to iden fy and track at risk students using the “Valuing Mental
                 Health” plan. .
               ● Con nue to implement the district-wide Comprehensive School Health model.
               ● Con nue to enact the “Valuing Mental Health” ini a ve

              Students are able to access the supports and services they need to achieve success
              through the reduc on of barriers.
               ● Con nue suppor ng the needs of students and families through our daily Breakfast Program, Salva on
                 Army Backpack Program and Mustard Seed Lunches.
               ● Enhance and support ease of access for families by connec ng them to suppor ng agencies.
               ● Enhance and promote STEP Up, the student equity fund developed by the Founda on for Red Deer
                 Public Schools.

               ●   Overall agreement that students are safe at school and learning the importance of caring (Target: 90%).
               ●   Overall percentage of stakeholders indica ng that their school and schools in their jurisdic on have
Performance        improved or stayed the same the last three years (Target: 83%). (AE)
 Measures      ●   Overall percentage of students and parents who feel students receive the help and support they
                   require at school (Target: 90%). (RDP)
               ●   Overall percentage of students and parents who feel students are cared for and accepted at school
                   (Target: 90%). (RDP)

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●   Overall percentage of students and parents who feel students feel connected and have a sense of
                   belonging at school (Target: 90%). (RDP)
               ●   Overall percentage of students mee ng grade level expecta ons in their core subject areas (Target:
                   90%). (RDP)
               ●   Number of students referred to school learning teams with an iden fied ac on plan (Target: 100%).

                                     Student Success And Comple on
  Priority      … is the successful journey students experience from early learning, through all grades, to high
                                                school comple on, and beyond.

              Children have an excellent start to their learning journey in Pre-K and Kindergarten.
               ● Develop common prac ces across the district to ensure effec ve universal programming in early
               ● Develop common prac ces across the district to create learning environments that focus on
                 explora on, play, and inquiry.

              Students experience effec ve transi ons between grades and between schools.
               ● Refine the use of transi on forms and conferences at the beginning and end of each school year to help
                 teachers plan for student success.
               ● Monitor and respond to student progress throughout each repor ng period.
 Outcomes      ● Provide transi on support for First Na ons, Mé s, and Inuit students.
    and       The six core values for learning and life (Respec ul, Curious, Responsible, Collabora ve,
 Strategies   Resilient, and Healthy) will permeate the culture of Red Deer Public Schools.
               ● Con nue to implement, demonstrate and teach specific core values within the school and classroom
                 atmosphere (Respec ul, Curious, Responsible, Collabora ve, Resilient, and Healthy).
               ● Con nue to implement and teach a common language of “I can” statements that students can iden fy
               ● Con nue to have a whole school approach where students and staff share in a common language
                 regarding interpreta on of the six core values.
               ● Con nue to recognize students monthly who are demonstra ng values as an Outstanding MicroSociety
                 Ci zen. Students who embody the characteris cs related to the month’s core value will be recognized
                 at monthly assemblies, newsle ers and take part in a special lunch with the Principal.

               ●   Overall sa sfac on with the quality of basic educa on (Target: 90%). (AE)
               ●   Overall agreement that students model the characteris cs of ac ve ci zenship (Target: 82%). (AE)
               ●   Overall sa sfac on with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies, including
                   fine arts, career, technology, health and physical educa on (Target: 85%). (AE)
Performance    ●   Overall percentage of students and parents who feel students are prepared for the next grade level,
 Measures          who feel students will complete high school, and who feel students have a plan for life beyond high
                   school (Target: 90%). (RDP)
               ●   Number of schools which have demonstrated plans for communica ng the six core values for learning
                   and life, as well as evidence of celebra ng students for demonstra ng these six core values (Target:
                   100%). (RDP)

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