Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network

Page created by Brett Baker
Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability
  of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project
 POLIS Conference, Session, 3G. Collaborative logistics. Brussels (BE),
             Wednesday 30 November – 16:15-17:45

              Giacomo Lozzi, TRElab @Roma Tre University

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
•   Why this project
•   The Logistics Living Lab
•   The L-3D project
•   Case study
•   Preliminary results
•   Next steps

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Why this project

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
The project aims to increase the involvement of stakeholders in the
decision-making processes of public policies for urban logistics, thanks to
 the use of new technologies and innovative communication techniques

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Lack of stakeholder engagement

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Logistics Living Lab

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Urban freight measures in the
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
of Rome

SHORT TERM                         MEDIUM TERM                         LONG TERM
-   Living Lab approach            -   Vehicle accreditation systems   -   Urban Distribution
-   Information campaigns and      -   Mini-hubs and parcel lockers        Centers (UDC)
    gamification processes         -   Technological systems for       -   Reverse logistics
-   Incentives for low emission        management and control of       -   Electric van-sharing
    vehicles                           L/U areas
-   Increase of the offer of L/U   -   Electric charging points
    areas                          -   Crowdshipping
-   New permit system for          -   Delivery systems with cargo-
    expansion of the Freight           bikes and off-peak deliveries
    LTZ                                                                                 25/11/2022   7
Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
The Logistics Living Lab
• EU project City Logistics in Living Laboratories
• Permanent working table on urban logistics
• Continuous involvement of public and private
• Co-create, test and implement effective and
  sustainable solutions in line with SUMP
• Consultation, exchange & networking
• Synergies & integration of projects

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Participants so far
• Public actors:
   – Roma Capitale (Transport and Commerce Departments),
     Città Metropolitana, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, ATAC
     (PTA), Regione Lazio, Università Roma Tre.
• Associations and organizations:
   – Associazione Italiana Corrieri Aerei Internazionali, e
     associati (AICAI), Associazione Nazionale Imprese Trasporti
     Automobilistici (ANITA), Associazione riders Roma, CNA,
     Confcommercio Roma, Confcooperative, Freight Leaders
     Council, Isfort, Unindustria
• Companies:
   – Amazon, Bartolini (DPD Group), CDU San Lorenzo, DHL,
     FedEx / TNT, FERCAM, FM Logistic, GLS, Piaggio, Poste
     Italiane, SDA, Spedire Roma, UPS.

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Storytelling for stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban logistics measures in Rome: the L-3D project - POLIS Network
Improving stakeholder engagement for urban
         logistics: the L-3D project

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The case study:

Sustainable Logistics Plan
 Rome metropolitan area

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5.352 km²
M5 inhabitants

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Strategic areas of intervention and actions
                                                               1. Improved monitoring
                                                               2. Restrictions on polluting vehicles
                                                  ZTL access   3. Facilitations for green vehicles

                                  Cross-                           Spaces for
                                  cutting                           logistics
        1. Logistics in urban planning                          1. Integrated PuDo network
        2. Green logistics in public tenders                    2. Availability of loading/unloading bays
        3. Electric charging infrastructure                     3. Integrated microhub network

                                                                              1. Off-hours deliveries
        1. $ consolidation
        2. $ Off-hours delivery
                                         Monetary          Operation          2. Priority lanes for green vehicles
        3. $ green vehicles              incentives        al facilities      3. Loading / unloading areas for
                                                                              green vehicles

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Preliminary results

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Strategic measures prioritisation
         Best shared policy mix                                 Degree of satisfaction

    LTZ access       Facilitations for green
    Cross-cutting    Logistics in urban planning
    Operational      Priority lanes for green
    facilities       veihicles
    Spaces for       Integrated microhub           transport providers    senders             receivers
    logistics        network
    Monetary         Incentives for off-hours
    incentives       deliveries

        Best shared policy mix + degree of satisfaction per stakeholder =
                       catchier way of presenting results
                                                                                         25/11/2022       18
Impact assessment
                 Area di impatto →                                  Ambientale                                    Sociale                                  Economica
                                                     Inquina-   Inquina- Emissioni   Inquina-                           Condi-                                                Tempo
                                                                                                Accessibi-   Conge-              Sicurezza              Costi    Livello del
                 indicatori di riferimento →          mento      mento     di gas     mento                              zioni             Costi Fissi                       medio per
                                                                                                   lità      stione               stradale             Operativi servizio
                 (TRElab)                             visivo    dell'aria  serra     acustico                         lavorative                                             consegna
INTERVENTO ↓                 AZIONI ↓

                 Miglioramento monitoraggio             +          +         +          +           +          +          =          +          =          -           +          +
 Accesso ZTL     Agevolazioni mezzi green               =          +         +          +           =          =          =          =          -          -           =          =
                 Restrizioni mezzi inquinanti           =         ++        ++          +           =          =          =          =          -          -           =          =

                 Disponibilità aree carico/scarico      +          +         +          +           +          ++         +          +          =          +           +        ++
  Spazi della
                 Rete integrata microhub                -          +         +          +           +           +         +         ++          =          -           +         -
                 Rete integrata PuDo                    -          +         +          +           +           +         +          +          =          +           +         -

                 Corsie preferenziali mezzi green       =          +         +          +           =          +          +          +          =          +           +          =
                 Aree carico/scarico mezzi green        +          =         =          +           +          +          +          =          =          +           +         =
                 Consegne fuori orario                  =          +         +          +           +          +          =          +          =          -           +        ++

                 $ consolidamento                       +          +         +          +           +          ++         =         ++          +          +           +         =
                 $ consegne fuori orario                =          +         +          +           +           +         =          +          +          +           +        ++
                 $ mezzi green                          =         ++        ++          +           =           =         +          +          +          +           =         =

                 Logistica green gare pubbliche         =          +         +          =           =          =          =          =          -          -           +          =
                 Infrastrutture ricarica elettrica      -          +         +          =           =          =          =          =          =          +           +          =
  trasversali                                                                                                                                             25/11/2022         19
                 Logistica nei piani urbanistici        =          +         +          +          ++          ++         +         ++          +         ++           +        ++
Next steps

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Next step: Digital storytelling & Measure validation

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Next steps
• Broaden the number of respondents
• Engage «non-usual suspects»
• Assisted procedure
• From strategic (i.e. Plan) to operational level (e.g. micro-hubs
• Apply methodology to other policy/research areas

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Thank you for your attention!
                   Giacomo Lozzi
             Research & project manager

TRELAB | Transport Research Lab – Roma Tre University

                       L-3D Team:
  Edoardo Marcucci
         Valerio Gatta
      Ila Stefania Maltese
       Riccardo Lozzi
 Gabriele Iannaccone    25/11/2022   23
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