Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure

Page created by Wade Norman
Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
Storytelling for

2021 Official Program Brochure

Learn how to create effective pitch
presentations for your big, bold and
new ideas.

lReach out to us at
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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
About Us

Ycenter is a global     We have successfully designed and delivered learning
learning, innovation    workshops in top universities like Cornell, George Washington
consulting and design   University in USA to Indian Institute of Technology to
enterprise.             University of Nairobi in Kenya.

                        We have trained 10,000+ participants across 4 continents in
                        last 7 years in using Design Thinking based methodology to
                        start companies, launch a social innovation project or upgrade
                        their critical thinking skills portfolio.

Ycenter learning                       2021                 02
Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
All the modules offered in
Storytelling workshop
                   Introduction to               Purpose, Medium         Company brand and               Structure of                  Tools for
         Storytelling in Business                and Pitch of story     Personal brand story            building story             building the pitch

           Elevator Pitch + Long                   Storytelling for    Harvard's Marshall Ganz     Practise your storytelling   TED talks, other famous
             pitch for demo day                  Social Innovators    public narrative framework       and get feedback         storytelling case studies

Ycenter learning                                2021                                                                         06
Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
Optional add-ons to the workshop
 You may select any of these options in advance before the workshop commencement date for little to no extra cost (no cost for select - student organizations,
 NGOs, organization with budget issues)

                                        Post program mentorship                             Access to our Slack community                       Certification from Ycenter USA

                                        We offer post program support to                    Our SLACK community consists of                     We provide a certificate of
                                        participants for them to continue                   Entrepreneurs, Designers, past                      completion for all participants
                                        building their projects or launch their             program participants from USA,                      and/or certificate of merit for
                                        new ideas.                                          Canada, Africa, India, Europe.                      exceptional participants.
                                                                                            Connect with another Design

                                        Non-english workshop                                Fully customized to your
                                        We have offered workshops in French,                Our workshops are fully customized to
                                        Portuguese, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish,                add context to your participants
                                        Arabic. We can work with your team                  background. Like Business, Fashion,
                                        translators or we can bring in a                    Healthcare, Blockchain, etc. All the case
                                        facilitator that speaks your language               studies and examples will be designed
                                        for an additional cost.                             accordingly.

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
We work with world class institutions

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
Bringing Storytelling workshop to
your university/organization
                                                  Select the Workshop duration
                                                  1/2 day
                                                  1 day

                                                  How many participants you have?
                                                  4-30 participants = One facilitator
                                                  30-50 participants = Two facilitators
                                                  If there are more than 50 participants, we make
                                                  break down the groups into batches for highest

                                                  When do you want it?
                                                  We offer workshops year round. But need a 1-3
                                                  week lead time to customize the program for
                                                  your needs.

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
Ycenter has one of the best programs I have seen for teaching                  This was more impactful than 4 years of my studies at
Entrepreneurship and Empathy to make students a better leader.                 Wharton Business School - Justin Malone, B school
Ying Zhou, Head of Tech Incubator at City University of New                    student
Thank you for the super great experience you gave us during the                Ycenter program experience is truly unique, exhilarating and
two-days workshop, I gained tons of new knowledge and insights                 inspiring for everyone on campus.
on both social entrepreneurship and creative thinking. I was                   Scott Stein, George Washington University,
especially surprised to find that I could relate some skills that you          Associate Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation center
taught us with the training course I took in PwC Shanghai this
summer. The idea of divergent thinking, analogy relationships
and the whole process of diving into problems and coming up                    One of the most enlightening experiences! I didn’t realise how
with solutions is very useful and refreshing. I was also impressed             much I had learnt until the classes got over. I thought I was just
by the great number of real-world cases you gave us, they were                 having fun.
so inspiring for me. - Yulu Cao Cornell university                             Rushali Agarwal, Ecole Intuit Lab India

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
Connect with us
                                                  for workshop
                                                  For USA/Global
                                                  Dhairya Pujara

                                                  For India/Africa
                                                  Rohaan Goswami

                                                  For general inquiries

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs - 2021 Official Program Brochure
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