STIHL BR 500, 550, 600 - Instruction Manual Notice d'emploi - Belleville

Page created by Duane Todd
STIHL BR 500, 550, 600   Instruction Manual
                         Notice d’emploi
G Instruction Manual
  1 - 29
F Notice d’emploi
  30 - 60


                                                               Guide to Using this Manual          2                                                                        Dear Customer,
                                                               Safety Precautions and Working                                                                               Thank you for choosing a quality
                                                               Techniques                           2                                                                       engineered STIHL product.
                                                               Assembling the Unit                  7
Original Instruction Manual

                                                                                                                                                                            It has been built using modern
                                                               Adjusting the Throttle Cable        10                                                                       production techniques and
                                                               Fitting the Harness                 10                                                                       comprehensive quality assurance.
                                                                                                                                                                            Every effort has been made to ensure
                                                               Fuel                                11
                                                                                                                                                                            your satisfaction and trouble-free use of
                                                               Fueling                             12                                                                       the product.
                                                               Winter Operation                    13
                                                                                                                                                                            Please contact your dealer or our sales
                                                               Information Before You Start        13                                                                       company if you have any queries
Printing inks contain vegetable oils, paper can be recycled.

                                                               Starting / Stopping the Engine      14                                                                       concerning this product.
                                                               Operating Instructions              17                                                                       Your
                                                               Replacing the Air Filter            17
                                                               Engine Management                   18
                                                               Adjusting the Carburetor            18
                                                               Spark Plug                          19
Printed on chlorine-free paper

                                                               Spark Arresting Screen in Muffler   20
                                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Nikolas Stihl
                                                               Storing the Machine                 20
                                                               Inspections and Maintenance by
                                                               Dealer                              21
                                                               Maintenance and Care                22
                                                               Main Parts                          24
                                                               Specifications                      25
                                                               Maintenance and Repairs             26
                                                               Disposal                            27
                                                               STIHL Limited Emission Control

                                                               Warranty Statement                  27
0458-452-8221-G. VA6.H20.

                                                                                                        This instruction manual is protected by copyright. All rights reserved, especially the rights to reproduce, translate and process
                                                                                                        with electronic systems.

                                                               BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                                                  1

                                           Engineering improvements
Guide to Using this Manual                                                          Safety Precautions and
                                                                                    Working Techniques
                                           STIHL's philosophy is to continually
                                           improve all of its products. For this                   Special safety precau-
                                           reason we may modify the design,                        tions must be observed
                                           engineering and appearance of our                       when working with a
The meanings of the pictograms             products periodically.                                  power tool.
attached to the machine are explained in
                                           Therefore, some changes, modifications
this manual.
                                           and improvements may not be covered                     It is important that you
Depending on the model concerned, the      in this manual.                                         read the instruction man-
following pictograms may be attached to                                                            ual before first use and
your machine.                                                                                      keep it in a safe place for
              Fuel tank; fuel mixture of                                                           future reference. Non-
              gasoline and engine oil                                                              observance of the
                                                                                                   instruction manual may
                                                                                                   result in serious or even
              Intake air: Winter                                                                   fatal injury.
              operation                                                             Observe all applicable local safety
                                                                                    regulations, standards and ordinances.
              Intake air: Summer                                                    If you have not used this model before:
              operation                                                             Have your dealer or other experienced
                                                                                    user show you how it is operated or
                                                                                    attend a special course in its operation.
              Operate manual fuel
              pump                                                                  Minors should never be allowed to use
                                                                                    this product.
                                                                                    Keep bystanders, especially children,
                                                                                    and animals away from the work area.
Symbols in text                                                                     When the power tool is not in use, put it
                                                                                    in a place where it does not endanger
                                                                                    others. Secure it against unauthorized
     WARNING                                                                        use.

Warning where there is a risk of an                                                 The user is responsible for avoiding
accident or personal injury or serious                                              injury to third parties or damage to their
damage to property.                                                                 property.
                                                                                    Do not lend or rent your power tool
     NOTICE                                                                         without the instruction manual. Be sure
                                                                                    that anyone using your power tool
Caution where there is a risk of                                                    understands the information contained
damaging the machine or its individual                                              in this manual.

2                                                                                                  BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

The use of noise emitting power tools        Persons with pacemakers only: The                          Clothing must be sturdy
may be restricted to certain times by        ignition system of your power tool                         but allow complete free-
national or local regulations.               produces an electromagnetic field of a                     dom of movement. Wear
                                             very low intensity. This field may                         snug-fitting clothing, an
Do not operate your power tool if any of
                                             interfere with some pacemakers. To                         overall and jacket combi-
its components are damaged.
                                             reduce health risks, STIHL recommends                      nation, do not wear a
Do not use a pressure washer to clean        that persons with pacemakers consult                       work coat.
your power tool. The solid jet of water      their physician and the pacemaker
may damage parts of the power tool.          manufacturer before operating this                         Avoid clothing with loose
                                             power tool.                                                drawstrings, laces and
Accessories and replacement parts                                                                       ribbons, scarves, neck-
                                             Do not operate the sprayer if you are                      ties, jewelry or anything
                                             under the influence of any substance                       that could be sucked into
Only use parts and accessories that are      (drugs, alcohol) which might impair                        the air intake in the side
explicitly approved for this power tool by   vision, dexterity or judgment.                             and bottom of the
STIHL or are technically identical. If you                                                              machine. Tie up and con-
have any questions in this respect,          Intended Use                                               fine long hair so that it
consult a servicing dealer. Use only high                                                               cannot be sucked into the
quality parts and accessories in order to                                                               machine.
                                             The blower is designed for blow-
avoid the risk of accidents and damage
                                             sweeping leaves, grass, paper and            Wear sturdy shoes with non-slip soles.
to the machine.
                                             similar materials, e.g. in gardens, sports
STIHL recommends the use of original         stadiums, car parks and driveways. It is         WARNING
STIHL replacement parts and                  also suitable for blow-sweeping forest
accessories. They are specifically           paths.                                                     To reduce the risk of eye
designed to match the product and meet                                                                  injuries, wear close-fit-
                                             Do not blow-sweep hazardous
your performance requirements.                                                                          ting safety glasses in
                                                                                                        accordance with Euro-
Never attempt to modify your machine in
                                             Do not use the machine for any other                       pean Standard EN 166.
any way since this may increase the risk
                                             purpose because of the increased risk of                   Make sure the safety
of personal injury. STIHL excludes all
                                             accidents and damage to the machine.                       glasses are a comforta-
liability for personal injury and damage
                                             Never attempt to modify the product in                     ble and snug fit.
to property caused while using
                                             any way since this may result in
unauthorized attachments.                                                                 Wear hearing protection, e.g. earplugs
                                             accidents or damage to the product.
                                                                                          or ear muffs.
Physical Condition                                                                        STIHL offers a comprehensive range of
                                             Clothing and Equipment
                                                                                          personal protective clothing and
To operate this power tool you must be                                                    equipment.
                                             Wear proper protective clothing and
rested, in good physical condition and
                                             equipment.                                   Transporting the Power Tool
mental health.
If you have any condition that might be
aggravated by strenuous work, check                                                       Always shut off the engine.
with your doctor before operating a
power tool.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                          3

Transporting in a vehicle:                  This reduces the risk of unit vibrations     –   Check condition of blower housing.
                                            causing the fuel cap to loosen or come
–   Properly secure your power tool to                                                   –   Check condition of harness straps
                                            off and spill quantities of fuel.
    prevent turnover, fuel spillage and                                                      and backpack – replace damaged
    damage.                                                                                  or worn straps.
                                            Before Starting
                                                                                         A worn blower housing (cracks, nicks,
Fueling                                                                                  chips) may result in an increased risk of
                                            Check that your power tool is properly       injury from thrown foreign objects. If the
                                            assembled and in good condition – refer      blower housing is damaged, consult
              Gasoline is an extremely
                                            to appropriate chapters in the instruction   your dealer – STIHL recommends you
              flammable fuel. Keep
                                            manual.                                      contact a STIHL servicing dealer.
              clear of naked flames. Do
              not spill any fuel – do not   –   Check the fuel system for leaks,         To reduce the risk of accidents, do not
              smoke.                            paying special attention to visible      operate your power tool if it is not in a
                                                parts such as the tank cap, hose         safe condition.
Always shut off the engine before               connections and the manual fuel
refueling.                                      pump (on machines so equipped). If       For emergencies: Practice quickly
Do not fuel a hot engine – fuel may spill       there are any leaks or damage, do        opening the fastener on the waist belt,
and cause a fire.                               not start the engine – risk of fire.     loosening the shoulder straps and
                                                Have your machine repaired by a          setting down the unit.
Always remove the power tool from your
                                                servicing dealer before using it
back and put it on the ground before                                                     Start the engine.
refueling. Fuel the machine only when it
is standing on the ground.                  –   Throttle trigger must move freely
                                                and spring back to the idle position     Start the engine at least 3 meters from
Open the fuel cap carefully to allow any                                                 the fueling spot, outdoors only.
                                                when released.
pressure build-up in the tank to release
slowly and avoid fuel spillage.             –   The setting lever must move easily       Your power tool is designed to be
                                                to STOP or 0                             operated by one person only. Do not
Fuel your power tool only in well-                                                       allow other persons in the work area –
ventilated areas. If you spill fuel, wipe   –   The blower tubes must be properly
                                                                                         even when starting.
the machine immediately – if fuel gets on       assembled.
your clothing, change immediately.                                                       Do not drop start the power tool – start
                                            –   Keep the handles dry and clean –
                                                                                         the engine as described in the
              Check for leakage. To             free from oil and dirt – for safe
                                                                                         instruction manual.
              reduce the risk of serious        control of the power tool.
              of fatal burn injuries, do                                                 Place the power tool on level ground,
                                            –   Check that the spark plug boot is
              not start or run the engine                                                make sure you have secure footing, hold
                                                secure – a loose boot may cause
              until leak is fixed.                                                       the power tool securely.
                                                arcing that could ignite leaking fuel-
Screw-type fuel cap                             air mixture and cause a fire.            As soon as the engine starts, the air flow
                                                                                         may throw small objects (e.g. stones) in
              After fueling, tighten        –   Never attempt to modify the controls
                                                                                         your direction.
              down the screw-type fuel          or the safety devices in any way.
              cap as securely as

4                                                                                                       BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

During Operation                            Be particularly alert and cautious when     To reduce the risk of fire, do not smoke
                                            wearing hearing protection because          while operating or standing near your
                                            your ability to hear warnings (shouts,      power tool. Note that combustible fuel
In the event of impending danger or in      alarms, etc.) is restricted.                vapor may escape from the fuel system.
an emergency, switch off the engine
immediately by moving the setting lever     Work calmly and carefully – in daylight     If dust levels are very high, always wear
to STOP or 0.                               conditions and only when visibility is      a suitable respirator.
                                            good. Stay alert so as not to endanger
                                                                                        Operate your power tool so that it
                                                                                        produces a minimum of noise and
                                            To reduce the risk of accidents, take a     emissions – do not run the engine
                                            break in good time to avoid tiredness or    unnecessarily, accelerate the engine
                                            exhaustion.                                 only when working.

To reduce the risk of injury from thrown                  Your power tool produces      After finishing work, put the unit down on
objects, do not allow any other persons                   toxic exhaust fumes as        a level, non-flammable surface. To
within 15 meters of your own position.                    soon as the engine is         reduce the risk of fire, do not put it down
                                                          running. These fumes          near easily combustible materials (e.g.
To reduce the risk of damage to                           may be colorless and          wood chips, bark, dry grass, fuel).
property, also maintain this distance                     odorless and contain
from other objects (vehicles, windows).                                                 If your power tool is subjected to
                                                          unburned hydrocarbons         unusually high loads for which it was not
              Do not direct the air blast                 and benzol. Never run         designed (e.g. heavy impact or a fall),
              towards bystanders or                       the engine indoors or in      always check that it is in good condition
              animals since the air flow                  poorly ventilated loca-       before continuing work – see also
              can blow small objects at                   tions, even if your model     "Before Starting Work". Check the fuel
              great speed – risk of                       is equipped with a cata-      system in particular for leaks and make
              injury.                                     lytic converter.              sure the safety devices are working
                                            To reduce the risk of serious or fatal      properly. Do not continue operating your
When blow-sweeping (in open ground
                                            injury from breathing toxic fumes,          power tool if it is damaged. In case of
and gardens), watch out for small
                                            ensure proper ventilation when working      doubt, consult your servicing dealer.
animals to avoid harming them.
                                            in trenches, hollows or other confined
Never leave a running machine               locations.
                                            To reduce the risk of accidents, stop
Take special care in slippery conditions    work immediately in the event of
– damp, snow, ice,                          nausea, headache, visual disturbances
on slopes and uneven ground.                (e.g. reduced field of vision), problems
Watch out for obstacles: Be careful of      with hearing, dizziness, deterioration in
refuse, tree stumps, roots and ditches      ability to concentrate. Apart from other
which could cause you to trip or stumble.   possibilities, these symptoms may be
                                            caused by an excessively high
Never work on a ladder or any other         concentration of exhaust gases in the
insecure support.                           work area.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                           5

Using the Blower                                      Working Technique                            Vibrations

                                                      To minimize blowing time, use a rake         Prolonged use of the power tool may
                                                      and broom to loosen dirt particles before    result in vibration-induced circulation
                                                      you start blowing.                           problems in the hands (whitefinger
                                                      Recommended working technique to
                                                      minimize air pollution:                      No general recommendation can be

                                       0009BA001 KN
                                                                                                   given for the length of usage because it
                                                      –   If necessary, dampen the surface to
                                                                                                   depends on several factors.
                                                          be cleaned in order to avoid creating
                                                          too much dust.                           The period of usage is prolonged by:
The machine is carried as a backpack.                 –   Do not blow particles in the direction   –   Keeping your hands warm
Hold and control the blower tube with                     of bystanders, in particular in the
                                                                                                   –   Work breaks
your right hand on the control handle.                    direction of children, pets, open
                                                          windows or freshly washed                The period of usage is shortened by:
Walk slowly forwards as you work –                        vehicles. Take special care in such
observe the nozzle outlet at all times –                                                           –   Any personal tendency to suffer
                                                          situations.                                  from poor circulation (symptoms:
do not walk backwards – risk of
stumbling.                                            –   Remove the blow-swept debris in              frequently cold fingers, itching).
                                                          rubbish bins – do not blow it onto the   –   Low outside temperatures.
Always shut off the engine before taking                  neighbor's land.
the machine off your back.                                                                         –   Gripping force (a tight grip hinders
                                                      Recommended working technique to                 circulation).
                                                      minimize noise:
                                                                                                   Continual and regular users should
                                                      –   Operate your power tool at               monitor closely the condition of their
                                                          reasonable times only – not early in     hands and fingers. If any of the above
                                                          the morning, late at night or during     symptoms appear (e.g. tingling
                                                          midday rest periods when people          sensation in fingers), seek medical
                                                          could be disturbed. Observe local        advice.
                                                          rest periods.
                                                      –   Operate blowers at the lowest            Maintenance and Repairs
                                                          engine speed necessary to
                                                          accomplish the task.
                                                                                                   Service the machine regularly. Do not
                                                      –   Check your blower before starting        attempt any maintenance or repair work
                                                          work. Pay special attention to the       not described in the instruction manual.
                                                          muffler, air intakes and air filter.     Have all other work performed by a
                                                                                                   servicing dealer.
                                                                                                   STIHL recommends that you have
                                                                                                   servicing and repair work carried out
                                                                                                   exclusively by an authorized STIHL
                                                                                                   servicing dealer. STIHL dealers are

6                                                                                                                 BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

regularly given the opportunity to attend   Vibration behavior is influenced by the
training courses and are supplied with      condition of the AV elements – check the    Assembling the Unit
the necessary technical information.        AV elements at regular intervals.
Only use high-quality replacement parts     Shut off the engine before rectifying
                                                                                        Mounting the Control Handle
in order to avoid the risk of accidents     problems.
and damage to the machine. If you have
                                            Maintenance, replacement, or repair of
any questions in this respect, consult a
                                            the emission control devices and
servicing dealer.
                                            systems may be performed by any
STIHL recommends the use of genuine         nonroad engine repair establishment or
STIHL replacement parts. They are           individual. However, if you make a
specifically designed to match your         warranty claim for a component which
model and meet your performance             has not been serviced or maintained                        1

                                                                                                                                    452BA101 KN
requirements.                               properly, STIHL may deny coverage.                  2
To reduce the risk of injury, always shut   For any maintenance please refer to the
off the engine before carrying out any      maintenance chart and to the warranty
maintenance or repairs or cleaning the      statement near the end of the instruction   N   Pull the two halves of the clamp
machine. – Exception: Carburetor and        manual.                                         apart.
idle speed adjustments.                                                                 N   Push the control handle (1) onto the
Do not turn the engine over on the                                                          blower tube (2).
starter with the spark plug boot or spark
plug removed since there is otherwise a
risk of fire from uncontained sparking.
Do not service or store your machine
near open flames.
                                                                                                       1       2
Check the fuel filler cap for leaks at

                                                                                                                                     452BA102 KN
regular intervals.
Use only a spark plug of the type
approved by STIHL and make sure it is
                                                                                        N   Line up the control handle (1) with
in good condition – see "Specifications".
                                                                                            the tube's seam – as shown.
Inspect the ignition lead (insulation in
                                                                                        N   Secure the control handle (1) with
good condition, secure connection).
                                                                                            the screw (3) so that it can still be
Check the condition of the muffler.                                                         moved on the blower tube (2).
To reduce the risk of fire and damage to
hearing, do not operate your machine if
the muffler is damaged or missing.
Do not touch a hot muffler since burn
injury will result.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                               7

Mounting the Blower Tubes                            Mounting the Hose Clamps and Pleated
                                                                                                                  2             5
BR 500

                                                                                                                                                   452BA103 KN
                          1                                      1
                                                         3                   2

                                                                                             452BA108 KN
                                                                                                           N   Push the hose clamp (5) (without

                                      452BA095 KN
               3                                                                                               retainer for throttle cable) onto the
                                                                                                               elbow (6) – the positioning marks
                                                                                                               must face to the right.
                                                     N   Push the hose clamp (1) (with
N   Depending on your size and reach:                    retainer for throttle cable) onto the             N   Push the blower tube (6) into the
    Push blower tube (1) up to the                       elbow (3) – the positioning marks                     pleated hose (2).
    appropriate mark on the blower                       must face to the left.
    tube (2).
                                                     N   Push the pleated hose (2) over the
N   Rotate the blower tube (1) in the                    elbow (3).                                              2        5
    direction of the arrow and engage it
    in the appropriate slot (3).                                                                                                    6

                                                                                                                                                   452BA104 KN
BR 550, BR 600
                                                                         1                                                7
                                                             3                   2

                                                                                             452BA109 KN
                              1                                                                            N   Push the hose clamp (5) onto the
                                                                                                               pleated hose (2).
                                                                                                           N   Line up the hose clamp (5) and
          2                                                                                                    blower tube (6) – as shown.
                                       452BA096 KN

                      3                              N   Push the hose clamp (1) onto the
                                                         pleated hose (2).                                 N   Secure the hose clamp (5) with the
                                                     N   Line up the positioning marks on the                  screw (7).
N   Depending on your size and reach:                    hose clamp (1) and elbow (3) – the
    Push blower tube (1) up to the                       screw eye faces down.
    appropriate mark on the blower                   N   Secure the hose clamp (1) with the
    tube (2).                                            screw (4).
N   Rotate the blower tube (1) in the
    direction of the arrow and engage it
    in the appropriate slot (3).

8                                                                                                                         BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Mounting the nozzle                                    Adjusting the Control Handle                             Wear Mark on Nozzle

      2                      1
                                                                        1        2

                                         452BA111 KN

                                                                                                                                                       452BA100 KN
                                                                                                  452BA110 KN
N   Push the nozzle (1) onto the blower                N   Move the control handle (1) along                    The front end of the nozzle is worn by
    tube (2) and engage it on the                          the blower tube (2) to the most                      ground contact during operation.
    lugs (3).                                              comfortable position.                                Replace the nozzle when it has worn as
                                                                                                                far as the wear mark.
Removing the Nozzle                                    N   Secure the control handle (1) with
                                                           the screw (3).
                                                                                                                Fitting the Transport Aid

                                                                                                                When storing or transporting the
     2                       1
                                         452BA112 KN

N   Rotate the nozzle (1) in the direction
    of the arrow until the lugs (3) are
N   Pull the nozzle (1) off the blower
    tube (2).
                                                                                                                N   Secure the velcro strip to the blower
                                                                                                                    tube – pull the flap through the

                                                       N   Engage the throttle cable (4)
                                                           with sleeve (5) in the retainer (6).

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                                 9

                                     Adjusting the Throttle Cable                    Fitting the Harness

                                     It may be necessary to correct the
                                     adjustment of the throttle cable after
                                     assembling the machine or after a
                                     prolonged period of operation.
                                     Adjust the throttle cable only when the
                                     unit is completely and properly
N    Secure the blower tube to the   assembled.
     handle on the backplate.

                                                                                     N   Adjust the harness straps so that
                                                                                         the backplate fits snugly and
                                                                                         securely against your back.
                                                                                     A   Adjust height
                                                                                     B   Adjust angle

                                                                                     Tightening the harness straps
                                     N   Set throttle trigger to the full throttle
                                         position – as far as stop.
                                     N   Carefully screw home the screw in
                                         the throttle trigger until you feel
                                         initial resistance.

                                                                                                                             373BA003 KN
                                                                                     N   Pull the ends of the straps

10                                                                                                 BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Loosening the harness straps                                                                       Gasoline with an ethanol content of
                                                       Fuel                                        more than 10% can cause running
                                                                                                   problems and major damage in engines
                                                       This engine is certified to operate on      with a manually adjustable carburetor
                                                       unleaded gasoline and with the mix ratio    and should not be used in such engines.
                                                       50:1.                                       Engines equipped with M-Tronic can be
                                                       Your engine requires a mixture of high-     run on gasoline with an ethanol content
                                                       quality premium gasoline and high-          of up to 25% (E25).

                                         373BA004 KN
                                                       quality two-stroke air-cooled engine oil.   Use only STIHL two-stroke engine oil or
                                                       Use premium branded unleaded                equivalent high-quality two-stroke air-
                                                       gasoline with a minimum octane rating       cooled engine oils for mixing.
N   Lift the tabs of the sliding adjusters.            of 89 (R+M)/2.                              We recommend STIHL 50:1 two-stroke
                                                       Note: Models equipped with a catalytic      engine oil since it is specially formulated
                                                       converter require unleaded gasoline. A      for use in STIHL engines.
                                                       few tankfuls of leaded gasoline can         To ensure the maximum performance of
                                                       reduce the efficiency of the catalytic      your STIHL engine, use a high quality 2-
                                                       converter by more than 50%.                 cycle engine oil. To help your engine run
                                                       Fuel with a lower octane rating may         cleaner and reduce harmful carbon
                                                       result in preignition (causing "pinging")   deposits, STIHL recommends using
                                                       which is accompanied by an increase in      STIHL HP Ultra 2-cycle engine oil or ask
                                                       engine temperature. This, in turn,          your dealer for an equivalent fully
                                                       increases the risk of the piston seizure    synthetic 2-cycle engine oil.
                                                       and damage to the engine.                   To meet the requirements of EPA and
                                                       The chemical composition of the fuel is     CARB we recommend to use STIHL HP
                                                       also important. Some fuel additives not     Ultra oil.
                                                       only detrimentally affect elastomers        Do not use BIA or TCW (two-stroke
                                                       (carburetor diaphragms, oil seals, fuel     water cooled) mix oils!
                                                       lines etc.), but magnesium castings as
                                                                                                   Use only STIHL 50:1 heavy-duty engine
                                                       well. This could cause running problems
                                                                                                   oil or an equivalent quality two-stroke
                                                       or even damage the engine. For this
                                                                                                   engine oil for the fuel mix in models
                                                       reason it is essential that you use only
                                                                                                   equipped with a catalytic converter.
                                                       high-quality fuels!
                                                                                                   Take care when handling gasoline.
                                                       Fuels with different percentages of
                                                                                                   Avoid direct contact with the skin and
                                                       ethanol are being offered. Ethanol can
                                                                                                   avoid inhaling fuel vapour.
                                                       affect the running behaviour of the
                                                       engine and increase the risk of lean        The canister should be kept tightly
                                                       seizure.                                    closed in order to avoid any moisture
                                                                                                   getting into the mixture.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                     11

The fuel tank and the canister in which                                                         Filling up with fuel
fuel mix is stored should be cleaned      Fueling
from time to time.
                                                                                                Take care not to spill fuel while fueling
                                                                                                and do not overfill the tank. STIHL
Fuel mix ratio
                                                                                                recommends you use the STIHL filler
                                                                                                nozzle (special accessory).
Only mix sufficient fuel for a few days
work, not to exceed 30 days of storage.   Preparations                                          Closing screw-type tank cap
Store in approved safety fuel-canisters
only. When mixing, pour oil into the
canister first, and then add gasoline.

Gasoline     Oil (STIHL 50:1 or equiva-
             lent high-quality oils)
liters       liters        (ml)

                                                                                                                                            002BA448 KN
                                                                                 452BA123 KN
1            0.02          (20)
5            0.10          (100)
10           0.20          (200)          N   Before fueling, clean the filler cap              N   Place the cap in the opening.
15           0.30          (300)              and the area around it to ensure that             N   Turn the cap clockwise as far as
20           0.40          (400)              no dirt falls into the tank.                          stop and tighten it down as firmly as
25           0.50          (500)                                                                    possible by hand.
                                          Opening screw-type tank cap
Dispose of empty mixing-oil canisters
only at authorized disposal locations.

                                                                                  002BA447 KN

                                          N   Turn the cap counterclockwise until
                                              it can be removed from the tank
                                          N   Remove the cap.

12                                                                                                              BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Winter Operation                                                                                               Information Before You Start


                                                                                                 452BA086 KN
                                                                                                               With the engine stopped, check the
                                                                                                               following parts before starting and clean
At temperatures below 10°C:                                                                                    if necessary:
                                                     N   Swing the shutter (4) to the winter                   –   Base plate (BR 600)
                                                         position (r).                                         –   Intake screen between backplate
                                                     N   Tighten down the screw (3) firmly.                        and engine
                                                     N   Refit the filter cover and air filter
                                                                                                               Positions of Setting Lever
                                                     At temperatures above 20°C:                               The power tool is equipped with different
                                                                                                               types of control handle.
                                                     N   Always return the shutter (4) to the
                                                         summer position (s)
        1                                                                                                                     1
                                                     since there is otherwise a risk of engine

                                                                                                                                                       0416BA010 KN
                                                     running problems due to overheating.                                     2
                                       452BA084 KN

N   Remove the filter cover (1) and air
    filter element (2).                                                                                              1


                                                                                                                                                         452BA020 KN
                                      452BA085 KN

                                                                                                               1   Setting lever
                                                                                                               2   Throttle trigger
                                                                                                               Position “F”
N   Loosen the screw (3).                                                                                      Engine runs or is ready to start. Throttle
                                                                                                               trigger (2) can be moved to any position.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                               13

Position “†”
                                                             Starting / Stopping the
Ignition is interrupted, engine stops. The                   Engine
setting lever (1) is not locked in this
position. It springs back to position “F”.
                                                             Starting the Engine
The ignition is switched on again.

                                                                                                                                                               452BA115 KN
Fixed throttle
                                                             N   Observe safety precautions.

                                                                  NOTICE                                             N   Press the manual fuel pump bulb at
               1                                                                                                         least five times – even if the bulb is
                                                             Start your unit on a clean, dust-free
                                                             surface only to ensure that no dust is                      filled with fuel.
                                                             sucked in.
                                          0416BA013 KN
                   2                                                                                                 Cold engine (cold start)

The throttle trigger (2) can be locked in
any position.

                                                                                                      0009BA011 KN

                                                                                                                     N   Turn the choke knob to l.

                                                                                                                     Warm engine (warm start)

Position “C”

                                                                                                      0009BA021 KN
The throttle trigger can be locked in
three positions: 1/3 throttle, 2/3 throttle
and full throttle.
                                                             N   Move the setting lever to F
To disengage the lock:
N    Return the setting lever (1) to
     position “F”.
                                                                                                                     N   Turn the choke knob to n.
                                                                                                                     Also use this setting if the engine has
                                                                                                                     been running but is still cold.

14                                                                                                                                  BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Cranking                                       When engine begins to fire

                                                                                                                                 0009BA016 KN
                                               If the engine is cold:
                                               N   Turn the choke knob to n and
                                                   continue cranking until the engine

                                                                                                                                 0009BA022 KN
                                               If the engine is warm:
                                               N   continue cranking until the engine
                                                                                        N    Blip the throttle trigger – the choke
                                                                                             knob automatically returns to “F”
                                               As soon as the engine runs
N   Place the unit securely on the
    ground and make sure that
    bystanders are well clear of the           Return engine to idle speed:             N    Turn the choke knob to the “F”-
    nozzle outlet.
                                                                                        At very low outside temperatures
N   Make sure you have a firm footing:
    Hold the unit with your left hand on                                                N    Open throttle slightly – warm up the
    the housing and put one foot against                                                     engine for a short period.
    the base plate to prevent it slipping.
N   Pull the starter grip slowly with your
    right hand until you feel it engage
    and then give it a brisk strong pull.
    Do not pull out the starter rope to full
    length – it might otherwise break.
N   Do not let the starter grip snap back.
    Guide it slowly back into the housing
    so that the starter rope can rewind
N   Crank the engine until it begins to
    fire. After no more than three
    attempts, turn the choke knob to n.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                          15

Stopping the Engine                                                                                                Engine stalls in cold start position c or
                                                                          1                                        under acceleration
                                                                                                                   N   Move the choke knob to o and
                                                                                                                       continue cranking until the engine

                                                                    2                                              Engine does not start in warm start
                                                                                                                   position o

                                       0009BA018 KN
                                                                                                                   N   Move the choke knob to c and
                                                      N   Push the setting lever (1) upwards.                          continue cranking until the engine
                                                          The throttle trigger (2) is in the full                      runs.
                                                          throttle position.
                                                                                                                   Fuel tank run until completely dry
                                                                                                                   N   After refueling, press the manual
                                                                                                                       fuel pump bulb at least five times –
                                                                                                                       even if the bulb is filled with fuel.
                                                                                                                   N   Set the choke knob according to

                                       0009BA023 KN

                                                                                                                       engine temperature.
                                                                                                                   N   Now start the engine.

N    Push the setting lever in the
     direction of † – the engine stops –              N   Move the setting lever (1) to C.
     the setting lever then springs back              N   Engage the throttle trigger (2) in the
     automatically.                                       full throttle position.
                                                      N   Continue cranking until the engine
If engine does not start

Choke knob                                            Other Hints on Starting

If you did not turn the choke knob to n
quickly enough after the engine began to              If the engine does not start
fire, the combustion chamber is flooded.              N   Check that all settings are correct.
                                                      N   Check that there is fuel in the tank
                                                          and refuel if necessary.
                                                      N   Check that the spark plug boot is
                                                          properly connected.
                                                      N   Repeat the starting procedure.
                                                      N   Check adjustment of throttle cable –
                                                          see chapter on "Adjusting the
                                                          Throttle Cable".

16                                                                                                                                BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Operating Instructions                      Replacing the Air Filter

                                            Dirty air filters reduce engine power,
During Operation
                                            increase fuel consumption and make
                                            starting more difficult.
After a long period of full throttle
operation, allow the engine to run for a    If there is a noticeable loss of engine
short while at idle speed so that engine    power
heat can be dissipated by the flow of
cooling air. This helps protect engine-
mounted components (ignition,
carburetor) from thermal overload.

After Finishing Work

Storing for a short period: Wait for the
engine to cool down. Keep the machine
in a dry place, well away from sources of                                             N   Remove the filter element (3).
ignition, until you need it again. For
longer out-of-service periods – see                                                   N   Replace dirty or damaged filters.
"Storing the Machine".                                                                N   Fit the new filter in the filter housing.
                                                                                      N   Fit the filter cover.
                                                                                      N   Insert the screws and tighten them
                                                                                          down firmly.

                                            N   Turn the choke knob to l.
                                            N   Loosen the screws (1).
                                            N   Remove the filter cover (2).

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                         17

                                                                                                 Standard Setting
Engine Management                         Adjusting the Carburetor
                                                                                                 N   Shut off the engine.
Exhaust emissions are controlled by the
                                          Machines without Adjustable Carburetor                 N   Check the air filter and clean or
design of the engine and components
(e.g. carburation, ignition, timing and                                                              replace if necessary.
valve or port timing).                    On certain machine versions it is no                   N   Check that the throttle cable is
                                          longer necessary to adjust the                             properly adjusted – readjust if
                                          carburetor. Such machines have no                          necessary – see chapter on
                                          setting symbol on the shroud.                              "Adjusting the Throttle Cable".
                                                                                                 N   Check the spark arresting screen
                                                                                                     (not in all models, country-specific)
                                                                                                     in the muffler and clean or replace if
                                                               H    L                                necessary.

                                                                                   452BA105 KN
                                                                                                                     H      L

                                          These machines have been set at the
                                          factory to provide an optimum fuel-air
                                          mixture in all locations and operating

                                          Adjusting Idle Speed                                   N   Carefully turn both adjusting screws
                                                                                                     counterclockwise as far as stop:
                                          Engine stops while idling:
                                                                                                 N   The high speed screw (H) is 3/4 turn
                                          N   Turn the idle speed screw (LA)                         open.
                                              slowly clockwise until the engine
                                                                                                 N   The low speed screw (L) is 3/4 turn
                                              runs smoothly.
                                          Machines with Adjustable Carburetor
                                                                                                 Adjusting Idle Speed

                                          The carburetor comes from the factory
                                                                                                 N   Carry out standard setting.
                                          with a standard setting.
                                                                                                 N   Start and warm up the engine.
                                          This setting provides an optimum fuel-air
                                          mixture under most operating                           Engine stops while idling
                                                                                                 N   Turn the idle speed screw (LA)
                                          With this carburetor it is only possible to
                                                                                                     slowly clockwise until the engine
                                          adjust the high speed and low speed
                                                                                                     runs smoothly.
                                          screws within fine limits.

18                                                                                                              BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Erratic idling behavior, engine stops                                                                    Checking the Spark Plug
even though setting of LA screw has             Spark Plug
been corrected, poor acceleration
Idle setting is too lean                        N   If the engine is down on power,
                                                    difficult to start or runs poorly at idle
N   Turn the low speed screw (L)                    speed, first check the spark plug.
    counterclockwise, no further than
    stop, until the engine runs and             N   Fit a new spark plug after about 100

                                                                                                                                                 000BA039 KN
    accelerates smoothly.                           operating hours – or sooner if the
                                                    electrodes are badly eroded. Install
Erratic idling behavior                             only suppressed spark plugs of the                                                 A
                                                    type approved by STIHL – see
Idle setting is too rich
                                                    "Specifications".                                    N   Clean dirty spark plug.
N   Turn the low speed screw (L)
    clockwise, no further than stop, until                                                               N   Check electrode gap (A) and
                                                Removing the Spark Plug
    the engine runs and accelerates                                                                          readjust if necessary – see
    smoothly.                                                                                                "Specifications".

It is usually necessary to change the                                                                    N   Rectify the problems which have
setting of the idle speed screw (LA) after                                                                   caused fouling of the spark plug.
every correction to the low speed screw                                                                  Possible causes are:
                                                                                                         –   Too much oil in fuel mix.

                                                                                           452BA092 KN
Fine Tuning for Operation at High                                                                        –   Dirty air filter.
Altitude                                                            2                                    –   Unfavorable running conditions.

A slight correction of the setting may be       N   Pull off the spark plug boot (1).
necessary if the engine does not run
                                                N   Unscrew the spark plug (2).                                                            1
N   Carry out standard setting.
    Warm up the engine.

                                                                                                                                                 000BA045 KN
N   Turn high speed screw (H) slightly
    clockwise (leaner) – no further than
     NOTICE                                                                                              Arcing may occur if the adapter nut (1) is
After returning from high altitude, reset                                                                loose or missing. Working in an easily
the carburetor to the standard setting.                                                                  combustible or explosive atmosphere
                                                                                                         may cause a fire or an explosion. This
If the setting is too lean there is a risk of                                                            can result result in serious injuries or
engine damage due to insufficient                                                                        damage to property.
lubrication and overheating.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                           19

N    Use resistor type spark plugs with a
     properly tightened adapter nut.                    Spark Arresting Screen in                                   Storing the Machine
Installing the spark plug                               N       If the engine is down on power,                     For periods of 3 months or longer
                                                                check the spark arresting screen in                 N   Drain and clean the fuel tank in a
                                                                the muffler
                                                                                                                        well ventilated area.
                                                        N       Wait for the muffler to cool down                   N   Dispose of fuel properly in
                                                                                                                        accordance with local
                                                                                1                                       environmental requirements.
                                                                                                                    N   Run the engine until the carburetor
                                    2                                                                                   is dry – this helps prevent the
                                                                        2                                               carburetor diaphragms sticking

                                                                                                      452BA090 KN
                                                                                1                                   N   Thoroughly clean the machine – pay
                                                                                                                        special attention to the cylinder fins
                                                                                                                        and air filter.
                                                        N       Undo the screws (1)
                                                                                                                    N   Store the machine in a dry, high or
                                                        N       Remove the scoop (2)                                    locked location, – out of the reach of
                                                        N       Remove the spark arresting screen                       children and other unauthorized
                                          002BA178 KN

                                                        N       Clean the spark arresting screen. If
                                                                the screen is damaged or heavily
                                                                carbonized, fit a new one
N    Screw the spark plug (3) into the
     cylinder and fit the boot (2) (press it
     down firmly).


                                                        N       Refit the spark arresting screen (3)
                                                        N       Fit the scoop

20                                                                                                                                 BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Inspections and Maintenance
by Dealer
STIHL recommends that you have
servicing and repair work carried out
exclusively by an authorized STIHL
servicing dealer.

Fuel Pickup Body in Tank

N   Have the pickup body in the fuel
    tank replaced every year.

Spacer                                  452BA126 KN

N   Check spacer for damage.
N   Have damaged spacer replaced

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                    21

Maintenance and Care

The following intervals apply for normal operating conditions. The specified intervals
must be shortened accordingly when working for longer than normal or under difficult

                                                                                                                At the end of work and/or

                                                                                                                                            Whenever tank is refilled
cutting conditions (extensive dust, etc.).

                                                                                         Before starting work

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               As required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If damaged

                                                                                                                                                                                                      If faulty
                                            Visual inspection (condition, leaks)                    X                                                     X
Complete machine
                                            Clean                                                                            X

Control handle                              Function test                                           X                                                     X

Air filter                                  replace                                                                                                                                                        X           X

                                            check                                                   X
Manual fuel pump
                                            Have repaired by a specialist dealer1)                                                                                                                                     X
                                            Have checked by dealer                                                                                                                                         X
Filter in fuel tank
                                            Have replaced by servicing dealer1)                                                                                                                X                                     X

Fuel tank                                   Clean                                                                                                                                    X

                                            Check idle speed                                        X                                                     X
                                            Readjust idle speed                                                                                                                                                                      X

                                            Adjust electrode gap                                                                                                                                           X
Spark plug                                  Replace after every 100 hours of

                                            Visual examination                                                               X
Intake port for cooling air
                                            Clean                                                                                                                          X

                                            Have checked and, if necessary,
Valve clearance                             adjusted by dealer after first 139 hours                                                                                                                                                 X
                                            of operation1)

                                            Check                                                                                                                                                                                    X
Spark arresting screen in muffler
                                            Clean or replace                                                                                                                                               X

                                            check                                                   X
Spacer, shim
                                            Have replaced by servicing dealer1)                     X                                                                                                      X

All accessible screws, nuts and bolts (not
                                           Tighten                                                                                                                                                                                   X
adjusting screws)

22                                                                                                                                                                                           BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

The following intervals apply for normal operating conditions. The specified intervals
must be shortened accordingly when working for longer than normal or under difficult

                                                                                                                At the end of work and/or

                                                                                                                                            Whenever tank is refilled
cutting conditions (extensive dust, etc.).

                                                                                         Before starting work

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 As required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If damaged

                                                                                                                                                                                                      If faulty
                                            check                                                   X
Anti-vibration elements
                                            Have replaced by servicing dealer1)                                                                                                                            X           X

                                            check                                                   X                                                     X
Blower air intake shield
                                            Clean                                                                                                                                                                                      X
                                            check                                                   X                                                     X
Base plate
                                            Clean                                                                                                                                                                                      X

Throttle cable                              set                                                                                                                                                                                        X

Safety information label                    replace                                                                                                                                                                    X
1)   STIHL recommends STIHL dealers

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23

Main Parts

                                                                                       1  Straight Nozzle
                                                                                       2  Curved Nozzle
                                       8                                               3  Blower Tube (BR 550 / 600)
                                                10                                     4  Blower Tube (BR 500)
                 4                          6                                          5  Blower Tube (BR 500 / 550 / 600)
                                                          12                           6  Control Handle
                                                     11                                7  Throttle Trigger
                              8                                     13                 8  Setting Lever
                          3        7                                                   9  Pleated Hose
                                                               14                      10 Harness
      1                            5                                                   11 Backplate
                                                     9                                 12 Screen
                                                               15                      13 Air Filter Cover
                                                                                       14 Fuel Filler Cap
                                                                                       15 Base Plate (BR 600)
                                                                                       16 Spark Plug Boot
                                                                                       17 Carburetor Adjusting Screws
                                       23                                              18 Choke Knob
                                                                                       19 Manual Fuel Pump
                                                                                       20 Starter Grip
                                                                    #                  21 Fuel Tank
                     16                                                                22 Muffler (with Spark Arresting
                17                                                                        Screen)
                                                                                       23 Spacer
                              22                                                       # Serial Number

                                                                         452BA128 A2

24                                                                                                  BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Definitions                                   14. Fuel Filler Cap
                                                  For closing the fuel tank.
1.   Straight Nozzle                          15. Base Plate (BR 600)
     Aims and widens the airstream.               Helps prevent leaves entering          EPA / CEPA
2.   Curved Nozzle                                intake.
     Aims and widens the airstream.           16. Spark Plug Boot                        The Emission Compliance Period
3.   Blower Tube (BR 550 / 600)                   Connects the spark plug with the       referred to on the Emissions
                                                  ignition lead.                         Compliance Label indicates the number
     Directs the airstream.
                                                                                         of operating hours for which the engine
                                              17. Carburetor Adjusting Screws
4.   Blower Tube (BR 500)                                                                has been shown to meet Federal
                                                  For tuning the carburetor.             emission requirements.
     Directs the airstream.
                                              18. Choke Knob                             Category
5.   Blower Tube (BR 500 / 550 / 600)
                                                  Eases engine starting by enriching
     Directs the airstream.                       mixture.                               A = 300 hours
6.   Control Handle                           19. Manual Fuel Pump                       B = 125 hours
     Handle on the flexible hose to hold          Provides additional fuel feed for a    C = 50 hours
     and direct the tube in the required          cold start.
     direction. Designed to help protect                                                 Engine
     against static electricity.              20. Starter Grip
7.   Throttle Trigger                             The grip of the pull starter, for
                                                  starting the engine.                   STIHL 4-MIX Engine
     Controls the speed of the engine.
                                              21. Fuel Tank                              Displacement:           64.8 cc
8.   Setting Lever
                                                  For fuel and oil mixture.              Bore:                   50 mm
     For run and stop. Sets the throttle to
     various positions or stops the           22. Muffler (with Spark Arresting          Stroke:                 33 mm
     engine.                                      Screen)                                Idle speed:             2,500 rpm
9.   Pleated Hose                                 Muffler reduces exhaust noises and
                                                  diverts exhaust gases away from        Ignition System
     For blowing in the desired direction.        operator.
10. Harness                                       Spark arresting screen is designed
                                                                                         Electronic magneto ignition
    For carrying the unit.                        to reduce the risk of fire.
                                              23. Spacer                                 Spark plug (resistor NGK CMR 6 H,
11. Backplate
                                                  Designed to reduce the risk of burns   type):               BOSCH USR 4AC
    Helps protect the back of the user.
                                                  and fire.                              Electrode gap:       0.5 mm
12. Screen
                                                                                         This spark ignition system meets all
    Helps prevent leaves entering                                                        requirements of the Canadian
    intake.                                                                              Interference-Causing Equipment
13. Air Filter Cover                                                                     Standard CAN ICES-2/NMB-2.
    Covers and protects the air filter

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                          25

Fuel System                              Weight
                                                                             Maintenance and Repairs
All position diaphragm carburetor with   dry:
integral fuel pump                                                           Users of this machine may only carry out
                                         BR 500:                   10.1 kg   the maintenance and service work
Fuel tank capacity: 1400 cc (1.4 l)      BR 550:                   9.9 kg    described in this user manual. All other
                                         BR 600:                   9.8 kg    repairs must be carried out by a
Blowing Performance                      BR 600 with base plate:   10.2 kg   servicing dealer.
                                                                             STIHL recommends that you have
Blowing force:                                                               servicing and repair work carried out
                                                                             exclusively by an authorized STIHL
BR 500:                    22 N                                              servicing dealer. STIHL dealers are
BR 550:                    27 N                                              regularly given the opportunity to attend
BR 600:                    32 N                                              training courses and are supplied with
                                                                             the necessary technical information.
Air velocity:
                                                                             When repairing the machine, only use
BR 500:                    77 m/s
                                                                             replacement parts which have been
BR 550:                    94 m/s                                            approved by STIHL for this power tool or
BR 600:                    89 m/s                                            are technically identical. Only use high-
                                                                             quality replacement parts in order to
Air flow rate:                                                               avoid the risk of accidents and damage
BR 500:                    925 m3/h                                          to the machine.
BR 550:                    930 m3/h                                          STIHL recommends the use of original
BR 600:                    1150 m3/h                                         STIHL replacement parts.
Maximum air velocity:                                                        Original STIHL parts can be identified by
BR 500:                    93 m/s                                            the STIHL part number, the {
                                                                             logo and the STIHL parts symbol K
BR 550:                    113 m/s                                           (the symbol may appear alone on small
BR 600:                    106 m/s                                           parts).
Maximum air flow rate without blower
tube assembly:
BR 500:                    1,380 m3/h
BR 550:                    1,490 m3/h
BR 600:                    1,720 m3/h

26                                                                                          BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

                                                                                                 including diagnosis (if the diagnostic
Disposal                                             STIHL Limited Emission                      work is performed at an authorized
                                                     Control Warranty Statement                  dealer), parts, and labor.
Observe all country-specific waste                   This statement is given voluntarily,        Manufacturer's Warranty Coverage
disposal rules and regulations.                      based on the MOU (Memorandum of
                                                                                                 In Canada 1999 and later model year
                                                     Understanding) as agreed in April 1999
                                                                                                 small off-road equipment engines are
                                                     between Environmental Canada and
                                                                                                 warranted for two years. If any emission-
                                                     STIHL Limited
                                                                                                 related part on your engine is defective,
                                                     Your Warranty Rights and Obligations        the part will be repaired or replaced by
                                                                                                 STIHL Limited free of charge.
                                                     STIHL Limited is pleased to explain the
                                                     Emission Control System Warranty on         Owner's Warranty Responsibilities:

                                       000BA073 KN
                                                     your equipment type engine. In Canada
                                                                                                 As the small off-road equipment engine
                                                     new 1999 and later model year small off-
                                                                                                 owner, you are responsible for the
                                                     road equipment engines must be
                                                                                                 performance of the required
STIHL products must not be thrown in                 designed, built and equipped, at the time
                                                                                                 maintenance listed in your instruction
the garbage can. Take the product,                   of sale, to meet the U.S. EPA
                                                                                                 manual. STIHL Limited recommends
accessories and packaging to an                      regulations for small non road engines.
                                                                                                 that you retain all receipts covering
approved disposal site for environment-              The equipment engine must be free from
                                                                                                 maintenance on your small off-road
friendly recycling.                                  defects in materials and workmanship
                                                                                                 equipment engine, but STIHL Limited
                                                     which cause it to fail to conform with
Contact your STIHL servicing dealer for                                                          cannot deny warranty solely for the lack
                                                     U.S. EPA standards for the first two
the latest information on waste disposal.                                                        of receipts or for your failure to ensure
                                                     years of engine use from the date of sale
                                                                                                 the performance of all scheduled
                                                     to the ultimate purchaser.
                                                     STIHL Limited must warrant the
                                                                                                 Any replacement part or service that is
                                                     emission control system on your small
                                                                                                 equivalent in performance and durability
                                                     off-road engine for the period of time
                                                                                                 may be used in non-warranty
                                                     listed below provided there has been no
                                                                                                 maintenance or repairs, and shall not
                                                     abuse, neglect or improper maintenance
                                                                                                 reduce the warranty obligations of the
                                                     of your small off-road equipment engine.
                                                                                                 engine manufacturer.
                                                     Your emissions control system may
                                                                                                 As the small off-road equipment engine
                                                     include parts such as the carburetor or
                                                                                                 owner, you should be aware, however,
                                                     fuel-injection system, the ignition
                                                                                                 that STIHL Limited may deny you
                                                     system, and catalytic converter. Also
                                                                                                 warranty coverage if your small off-road
                                                     included may be hoses, belts,
                                                                                                 equipment engine or a part has failed
                                                     connectors or other emission-related
                                                                                                 due to abuse, neglect, improper
                                                                                                 maintenance or unapproved
                                                     Where a warrantable condition exists,       modifications.
                                                     STIHL Limited will repair your small off-
                                                                                                 You are responsible for presenting your
                                                     road equipment engine at no cost to you,
                                                                                                 small off-road equipment engine to a
                                                                                                 STIHL service center as soon as a

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                                    27

problem exists. The warranty repairs will   warranted part which is scheduled for        The following list specifically defines the
be completed in a reasonable amount of      replacement as required maintenance          emission-related warranted parts:
time, not to exceed 30 days.                will be warranted for the period of time
                                                                                         –   Air Filter
                                            up to the first scheduled replacement
If you have any questions regarding your
                                            point for that part.                         –   Carburetor (if applicable)
warranty rights and responsibilities,
please contact a STIHL customer             Diagnosis                                    –   Fuel Pump
service representative at                                                       Choke (Cold Start Enrichment
                                            You, as the owner, shall not be charged      –
or you can write to:                        for diagnostic labor which leads to the          System) (if applicable)
                                            determination that a warranted part is           Control Linkages
STIHL Ltd.,                                                                              –
                                            defective. However, if you claim
1515 Sise Road                                                                               Intake Manifold
                                            warranty for a component and the             –
Box 5666
                                            machine is tested as non-defective,              Magneto or Electronic Ignition
CA-LONDON ONTARIO; N6A 4L6                                                               –
                                            STIHL Limited will charge you for the            System (Ignition Module or
Coverage by STIHL Limited                   cost of the emission test. Mechanical            Electronic Control Unit)
STIHL Limited warrants to the ultimate      diagnostic work will be performed at an
                                            authorized STIHL servicing dealer.           –   Fly Wheel
purchaser and each subsequent
purchaser that your small off-road          Emission test may be performed either        –   Spark Plug
equipment engine will be designed, built    at
                                                                                         –   Injection Valve (if applicable)
and equipped, at the time of sale, to       STIHL Incorporated,
meet all applicable regulations. STIHL      536 Viking Drive, P.O. Box 2015,             –   Injection Pump (if applicable)
Limited also warrants to the initial        Virginia Beach, VA 23452                     –   Throttle Housing (if applicable)
purchaser and each subsequent
                                            or at any independent test laboratory.       –   Cylinder
purchaser that your engine is free from
defects in materials and workmanship        Warranty Work                                –   Muffler
which cause the engine to fail to conform
                                            STIHL Limited shall remedy warranty          –   Catalytic Converter (if applicable)
with applicable regulations for a period
                                            defects at any authorized STIHL
of two years.                                                                            –   Fuel Tank
                                            servicing dealer or warranty station. Any
Warranty Period                             such work shall be free of charge to the     –   Fuel Cap
                                            owner if it is determined that a warranted
The warranty period will begin on the                                                    –   Fuel Line
                                            part is defective. Any manufacturer-
date the utility equipment engine is
                                            approved or equivalent replacement           –   Fuel Line Fittings
purchased by the initial purchaser and
                                            part may be used for any warranty
you have signed and sent back the                                                        –   Clamps
                                            maintenance or repairs on emission-
warranty card to STIHL Ltd. If any
                                            related parts and must be provided           –   Fasteners
emission-related part on your engine is
                                            without charge to the owner. STIHL
defective, the part will be replaced by                                                  Where to make a Claim for Warranty
                                            Limited is liable for damages to other
STIHL Limited at no cost to the owner.                                                   Service
                                            engine components caused by the
Any warranted part which is not
                                            failure of a warranted part still under      Bring the product to any authorized
scheduled for replacement as required
                                            warranty.                                    STIHL servicing dealer and present the
maintenance, or which is scheduled only
                                                                                         signed warranty card.
for regular inspection to the effect of
"repair or replace as necessary" will be
warranted for the warranty period. Any

28                                                                                                        BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

Maintenance Requirements
The maintenance instructions in this
manual are based on the application of
the recommended 2-stroke fuel-oil
mixture (see also instruction "Fuel").
Deviations from this recommendation
regarding quality and mixing ratio of fuel
and oil may require shorter maintenance
This Emission Control Systems
Warranty shall not cover any of the
1.   repair or replacement required
     because of misuse, neglect or lack
     of required maintenance
2.   repairs improperly performed or
     replacements not conforming to
     STIHL Limited specifications that
     adversely affect performance
     and/or durability, and alterations or
     modifications not recommended or
     approved in writing by STIHL
3.   replacement of parts and other
     services and adjustments
     necessary for required maintenance
     at and after the first scheduled
     replacement point

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                           29

Table des matières

Indications concernant la présente                                                                              Chère cliente, cher client,
Notice d'emploi                       31                                                                        nous vous félicitons d'avoir choisi un

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Notice d'emploi d'origine
Prescriptions de sécurité et                                                                                    produit de qualité de la société STIHL.
techniques de travail                 31
                                                                                                                Ce produit a été fabriqué avec les
Assemblage                            37                                                                        procédés les plus modernes et les
Réglage du câble de commande                                                                                    méthodes de surveillance de qualité les
des gaz                               40                                                                        plus évoluées. Nous mettons tout en
Utilisation du harnais                40                                                                        œuvre pour que cette machine vous
                                                                                                                assure les meilleurs services, de telle
Carburant                             41
                                                                                                                sorte que vous puissiez en être
Ravitaillement en carburant           42

                                                                                                                                                                                 est recyclable.
                                                                                                                                                                                 L'encre d'imprimerie contient des huiles végétales, le papier
                                                                                                                                                                                 Imprimé sur papier blanchi sans chlore
                                                                                                                parfaitement satisfait.
Utilisation en hiver                  43
                                                                                                                Pour toute question concernant cette
Avant la mise en route – pour                                                                                   machine, veuillez vous adresser à votre
information                           44                                                                        revendeur ou directement à
Mise en route / arrêt du moteur       45                                                                        l'importateur de votre pays.
Instructions de service               47
Remplacement du filtre à air          48
Gestion moteur                        48
Réglage du carburateur                49
Bougie                                50
Grille pare-étincelles dans le
                                                                                                                Dr. Nikolas Stihl
silencieux                            52
Rangement                             52
Contrôle et maintenance par le

                                                                                                                                                                                 0458-452-8221-G. VA6.H20.
                                                                                                                                                                                 © ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG, 2020
revendeur spécialisé                  52
Instructions pour la maintenance et
l'entretien                           53
Principales pièces                    55
Caractéristiques techniques           56
Instructions pour les réparations     57
Mise au rebut                         58
Garantie de la Société STIHL
Limited relative au système
antipollution                         58

                                           La présente Notice d'emploi est protégée par des droits d'auteur. Tous droits réservés, en particulier tout droit de copie, de tra-
                                           duction et de traitement avec des systèmes électroniques quelconques.

30                                                                                                                                     BR 500, BR 550, BR 600

                                            Développement technique
Indications concernant la                                                                Prescriptions de sécurité et
présente Notice d'emploi                                                                 techniques de travail
                                            La philosophie de STIHL consiste à
                                            poursuivre le développement continu de                     Des mesures de sécurité
                                            toutes ses machines et de tous ses                         particulières sont néces-
                                            dispositifs ; c'est pourquoi nous devons                   saires lorsqu'on travaille
Les pictogrammes appliqués sur la           nous réserver tout droit de modification                   avec un dispositif à
machine sont expliqués dans la              de nos produits, en ce qui concerne la                     moteur.
présente Notice d'emploi.                   forme, la technique et les équipements.
                                                                                                       Lire attentivement l’inté-
Suivant la machine et son équipement        On ne pourra donc en aucun cas se                          gralité du mode d’emploi
spécifique, les pictogrammes suivants       prévaloir des indications et illustrations                 avant la première mise
peuvent y être appliqués.                   de la présente Notice d'emploi à l'appui                   en service et le conserver
                                            de revendications quelconques.                             en lieu sûr pour pouvoir
              Carburant ; mélange
              d'essence et d'huile                                                                     le consulter ultérieure-
              moteur                                                                                   ment. Le non-respect du
                                                                                                       mode d’emploi peut
              Préchauffage de l'air                                                                    entraîner un danger de
              aspiré : utilisation en                                                                  mort.
              hiver                                                                      Respecter les consignes de sécurité
                                                                                         nationales spécifiques, par exemple des
              Préchauffage de l'air
                                                                                         caisses de prévoyance des accidents,
              aspiré : utilisation en été
                                                                                         des caisses d’assurance maladie, des
                                                                                         autorités chargées de la protection du
              Actionner la pompe                                                         travail, etc.
              d'amorçage manuelle                                                        Pour ceux qui travaillent avec l'appareil
                                                                                         pour la première fois : Toute personne
                                                                                         qui travaille avec l'appareil pour la
                                                                                         première fois doit se faire expliquer par
Repérage des différents types de textes                                                  le vendeur ou par un autre spécialiste
                                                                                         comment utiliser celui-ci en toute
                                                                                         sécurité – ou alors participer à un stage
                                                                                         de formation.
                                                                                         L’utilisation de l’appareil par des
Avertissement contre un risque                                                           mineurs est interdites, sauf par des
d'accident et de blessure ainsi que de                                                   jeunes de plus de 16 ans qui sont
graves dégâts matériels.                                                                 formés sous surveillance.
                                                                                         Les enfants, les animaux et les
     AVIS                                                                                spectateurs doivent être tenus à
Avertissement contre un risque de                                                        distance.
détérioration de la machine ou de
certains composants.

BR 500, BR 550, BR 600                                                                                                          31

Arrêter l’appareil lorsqu’il n’est pas      STIHL recommande d’utiliser des               Utilisation comme prévu
utilisé afin que personne ne soit exposé    pièces et des accessoires originaux
à des risques inutiles. L’appareil doit     STIHL. Les propriétés de ceux-ci sont
être inaccessible aux personnes non         adaptées de manière optimale au               Le souffleur permet d'enlever les
autorisées.                                 produit et aux exigences de l’utilisateur.    feuilles, l'herbe, le papier et les
                                                                                          matériaux similaires, par exemple dans
L’utilisateur est responsable des           N’apporter aucune modification à              les jardins, les stades de sport, les
accidents ou des risques que pourraient     l’appareil – la sécurité risquerait d’en      parkings ou les allées. Il est également
subir d’autres personnes ou leurs biens.    être affectée. STIHL exclut toute             adapté au nettoyage par soufflage des
                                            responsabilité pour les dommages              sentiers de chasse dans la forêt.
L’appareil ne doit être remis ou prêté
                                            corporels et matériels qui résultent de
qu’à des personnes qui sont                                                               Ne pas souffler de matériaux dangereux
                                            l’utilisation d’accessoires non
familiarisées avec ce modèle et sa                                                        pour la santé.
manipulation et toujours accompagné
du mode d’emploi.                                                                         Il est interdit d’utiliser cet appareil pour
                                            Condition physique                            d’autres travaux – cela pourrait causer
Il est possible que l'utilisation d'un                                                    des accidents ou détériorer l’appareil. Il
équipement d'émission sonore soit                                                         ne faut apporter aucune modification
limitée dans le temps par des               Quiconque utilise l’appareil doit être        produit – là aussi les conséquences
réglementations nationales ou locales       reposé, en bonne santé et en bonne            peuvent être des accidents ou des
                                            condition physique.                           dommages à l'appareil.
L’appareil ne doit être mis en service
que si aucun de ses composants n’est        Il est conseillé à toute personne qui ne
endommagé.                                  doit pas se fatiguer pour des raisons de      Vêtements et équipements
                                            santé de consulter un médecin pour
Ne pas utiliser de nettoyeur à haute        savoir si l’utilisation d’un dispositif à
pression pour nettoyer l'appareil. Le jet   moteur ne présente aucun Risque.              Porter des vêtements et de l'équipement
d'eau dure peut endommager certaines                                                      conformes aux règlements.
parties de l'appareil.                      Uniquement pour les personnes portant
                                            un stimulateur cardiaque : Le système                        Les vêtements doivent
                                            d’allumage de cet appareil génère un                         être appropriés et ne
Accessoires et pièces de rechange                                                                        doivent pas être gênants.
                                            champ électromagnétique de très faible
                                            intensité. Une influence sur certains                        Vêtements serrés ou une
Il faut exclusivement monter des pièces     types de stimulateurs cardiaques ne                          combinaison, mais pas
ou des accessoires qui sont autorisés       peut pas être totalement exclue. Pour                        de manteau de travail.
par STIHL pour cet appareil ou qui sont     écarter tout Risque pour la santé, STIHL
techniquement équivalents. Consulter        recommande de consulter le médecin
un distributeur agréé pour toute            traitant ainsi que le constructeur du
question à ce sujet. N'utiliser que des     stimulateur cardiaque.
pièces ou des accessoires de haute
                                            Il est interdit d’utiliser l’appareil après
qualité. Dans le cas contraire, il y a un
                                            avoir consommé de l’alcool, des
Risque d'accidents ou de dommages à
                                            médicaments qui affectent la réactivité
                                            ou des drogues.

32                                                                                                        BR 500, BR 550, BR 600
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