STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June

Page created by Deborah Ramsey
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June

   Lily of the Valley – birth flower for May
 Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June

     JUNE 2022
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
Hello and welcome to our latest magazine.
Hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the better weather. I
saw a swallow today which was a very welcome sight. There
seems to be less every year.
The Jubilee celebration will be taking place in June, all the
details are in this magazine. A thank you to the people who are
organising it.
If you are new to the village, we wish you welcome and hope that
you will be very happy here. You will find news of what is
happening somewhere in the magazine and on the back cover
you will find some important phone numbers that you might
If you are moving on to a new life, we hope that you will soon
make it your home and be happy there.

On the last Thursday of
each month the Parish
Council Chairman and
Clerk will be available at
the coffee morning
at St Luke’s Church from
10.00pm.                          The mobile Post Office
                                      will visit Stickney
                                in the Youth Centre Car Park
                               Monday’s 10.15am – 11.15am
                               Tuesday’s 10.15am – 11.15am
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
Bingo at Stickney Youth Centre
           on Friday evenings
  Doors open 6:45pm eyes down 7.30pm.

  Pick up is at 9.30am in Stickney and at 11.30am from Asda
              The price is £8.00 return per person
          Please call Kings on 01205 480241 to book
          Dates are 1, 15 & 29 June and 13 & 27 July
   Various pick-up points in Stickney, please ask for details

                 MOBILE LIBRARY VISITS
The mobile library visits Stickney on THURSDAY’S at the
Youth Centre, Hall Lane between 11.45am and 12.15pm, outside
William Lovell School between 1.00pm and 1.45pm and at
Horbling Lane between 2.00pm and 2.30pm.
          The next visits will be 23 June and 21 July
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
St Luke’s Church
They say a change is as good as a rest – well, with all the changes we
are facing as a Church at the moment, we must be very rested!
The major change on the horizon is the retirement of our Team Rector,
the Reverend Canon Peter Coates, at the end of June. Following his
departure, and in accordance with changes initiated throughout the
Diocese, I will be leading the team for our Deanery which extends from
Stickney all the way up to South Ormsby. Because of the distances
involved, it is likely that I will be moving up to Spilsby within the next few
The Church of St Luke will still be here and will still be an active part of
our community. For me, this is not ‘goodbye’, rather ‘see you shortly’.
Our services are not likely to change, although some will be led by
members of the community, rather than a Priest. We are excited about
the future, not worried.
We will be celebrating the Jubilee with our usual Coffee Morning at
10.00am on Thursday 2 June, when we will not only serve tea, coffee
and cakes, but also hold a Tabletop sale of New and Nearly New items
of Clothing and other goods.
We will also be joining the Big Picnic on Saturday 4 June.

Services during June in the Cluster (all at 11.15am)
05 June St Luke, Stickney (Service of the Word)
12 June St Helen, Stickford (Service of the Word)
19 June St Luke, Stickney (Holy Communion)
26 June St Helen, Stickford (Holy Communion)

Everyone is always welcome to join us.
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
Gardening Tips for June
June is the month when all the hard work gardeners have put in during the
preceding months begins to bear fruit. Already we are picking radishes. The
lettuce plants are beginning to heart up, the spinach is ready to be picked and was
that a rosy pink tinge I saw on my much cosseted strawberries? Best of all the
early sown potatoes have survived the frosts and are being inspected daily for the
first signs of flowers.
Here then are a few more jobs to be getting on with which will give us hope of a
grand harvest as the summer months pass.

1} We should still be mindful of the need to 'toughen up' some of the indoor raised
crops prior to planting out in their permanent place of growth. This class of plant
includes tomatoes, courgettes, chillies, peppers and squashes. This should be
done in stages, from indoors or unheated greenhouse to well-ventilated cold
frames outdoors, gradually increasing ventilation and keeping an eye on the
weather forecast.

2} Keep an eye on the strawberry patch and be ready to deal with any runners.
You can cut runners off if you don't need any new plants. Alternatively, pin the
runners into pots of compost. I use U shaped pieces of garden wire into three-inch

3} Keep weeding any beds that are growing onions and garlic to avoid unwanted
competition for nutrients, light and water. In my experience, the weeds always win.

4} Prepare the ground for runner beans, if you have not already done so, by
digging in plenty of well rotted manure and building the frame they will need to
climb by using bamboo canes.

5} Keep sowing quick growing vegetables such as lettuce, radish spring onions
and beetroot. Getting this succession sowing right, seems to me to be the road to
success in the garden.

6} You can continue sowing carrots right through to the end of June. Grow under
an insect-proof mesh to control carrot root fly. Alternatively sow root-fly resistant
varieties such as Flyaway F1 or Resistafly F1.

Finally, a cautionary note (author unknown);
                                 Zucchinis terrific
                              Like bunnies, prolific!

  Happy Gardening
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
Kiddies Corner
Coronation Chicken Sandwich - devised for the Queen’s Coronation in
1953 this dish of cold chicken, curry powder and mayonnaise is a must for
sandwiches at a Platinum Jubilee Picnic,

  •   6 tbsp mayonnaise
  •   2-3 tsp mild curry powder, to taste
  •   ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  •   2 tbsp mango chutney
  •   1-3 tbsp sultanas, or to taste
  •   500g shredded cooked chicken

  ▪ Mix the mayo, curry powder, cinnamon, chutney and sultanas together
    and season with black pepper.
  ▪ Add the shredded chicken and stir to coat in the sauce. Stir in 2 tbsp
    water to loosen if needed, then season and use as sandwich filling or on
    Jacket Potato filling.

Why not try a Great British trifle: for the Platinum Jubilee Picnic,
just top a classic trifle with a Union Jack flag made from fresh fruit.
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
STICKNEY NEWS - JUNE 2022 Lily of the Valley - birth flower for May Rose and Honeysuckle, birth flowers for June
Word Search
Stickney Ladies Club
       Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the
                        Youth Centre at 7.30pm
           A friendly and welcoming group for anyone to join
                     on Tuesday 14 June 2022
                          Afternoon Tea
            To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Future meetings:
12 July       ‘The Palio in Siena’ by Jane keightley
09 August     Active living skills – Sam Sorrell
13 September ‘An update on Jenny’s Wood’ by Adrian Isaac
11 October    To be arranged
08 November Firsby Fudge Art and Glass by Matt Sorrell
13 December Christmas meal – venue to be arranged
10 January    Sausage & Mash Supper
14 February ‘Joseph Banks’ talk by Ken Richard
14 March      AGM followed by a quiz
     For any information, please call Viv Jones on 01205 480292

                Stickney & District Gardening Club
            The next event will be in held at 7.00pm for 7.30pm
                          on Tuesday 28 June
    Our speaker this month is Dave from The Sage Gardener
The talk will be about herbs, folklore and magical properties, which I'm sure
will lead to a very interesting evening.
                   Refreshments are always served too
          Anyone wishing to join us will be most welcome for
                          a free ‘taster’ evening
We are a friendly club and you don't have to be a seasoned gardener to
enjoy the evening.
           For further information please phone Kay 01205 480769
Jim Dent
            Painter and Decorator
Local and long established with 20 years experience

                 Free quotations
  A friendly, reliable and professional service
               from start to finish
          Telephone: 07775 432423

               KIBO JUDO CLUB
                       now open on
           Monday and Thursday Evening
                           in the
          Stickney Village Hall (PE22 8BA)
             Your first session is free
                    Training times are:
                   Monday's 18:00-19:30
                  Thursday's 18:00-19-30
       All sessions are for both Junior's and Senior's
            At Stickney Village Hall PE22 8BA
      For more information call Wendy: 07803 174031
Declutter Your Home           Follow us on
 Has your home been taken over by clutter?          Facebook
 Do you have paperwork that needs sorting?
 If so, would you like to:
 ✓ Feel better about your home
 ✓ Gain more physical space
 ✓ Be able to find things more easily?
Please give me a call to talk about what you would like to organise
             Contact Vanessa for a free home visit
                       Tel: 07791 248139
                      Corrected phone number
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


              Saturday 04 June 2022
                  2.00pm – 5.00pm
       William Lovell Academy Playing Field
                 Bring your own picnic
     Teas, coffees and soft drinks will be available
       Football Competition and Outdoor Games

For more information contact Rev. Fran on 01205 482281
Stickney Church of England Primary School
                                                          “LEARN, ENJOY, ACHIEVE”
                                                  Executive Headteacher: Mrs R. Thompson
                                             Main Road, Stickney, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE22 8AX
                                                         Telephone: 01205 480254
         Nursery and school places available at both schools - please call to book a visit.

At Stickney Church of England Primary School we offer:

        • Quality education with experienced teachers & support staff
        • Nursey from age of 2 years with 15 hour and 30 hour funded places for 3 and 4 year olds
        • Small classes in spacious, bright classrooms
        • Large attractive grounds with a nature area, growing area and peace garden
        • Breakfast club and after school childcare provision available on site until 5.45 pm
        • Excellent Early Years provision with dedicated EYFS teacher from the age of two
     Please visit our website to find out more about our setting at

  If you have any questions or would like to register your interest in a place for Primary or Nursery and
     arrange a visit, please contact us on 01205 480254 or email

Stickney Primary School is part of The Stickney & New Leake Primary Schools Federation with New
Leake Primary School, so if you are looking for a school or nursery place in the New Leake area situated
on the road that links the A16 at Stickney with the A52 at Friskney please make contact with the details

                                 NEW LEAKE PRIMARY SCHOOL
                            Executive Headteacher: Mrs. R. Thompson

                 Fodderdyke Bank, New Leake, Boston, Lincolnshire PE22 8JB
                               Phone & Fax 01205 270285
At New Leake Primary School we offer:

        • Quality education with experienced teachers & support staff
        • Nursery with 15 and 30 hour funded places for 3 and 4 year olds
        • Children taught in small groups according to age and aptitude
        • Large outdoor play area with spacious school field, wildlife & sensory garden
        • Breakfast club and After School provision
        • Purpose built Early Years/Reception Classroom
        • Excellent Early Years provision
    Please visit our website to find out more about our setting at

 If you have any questions or would like to register your interest in a place for Primary or Nursery and
 arrange a visit, please contact us on New Leake 01205 270285 or
There is a vacancy on the Parish Council, this is to be filled by co-option.
 If you are interested in being co-opted onto Stickney Parish Council, you should meet
 one of the following criteria:
    ▪ Be registered as a Local Government Elector for the Parish on the current
      Electoral Register
    ▪ Has during the whole of the previous 12 months occupied as tenant or owner any
      land or other premises in the Parish
    ▪ Has had his/her principal or only place of work in the previous 12 months in the
    ▪ Has resided either in the Parish or within 3 miles thereof during the previous 12
                    Please apply by email to

      EMERGENCY                         TRADE                     CONTACT DETAILS

        Collin Buck            Plumber (not boiler/heating         Tel: 07590 928896
        CB Plumbing                     engineer)                reviews on

        Chris Aikin             Tree surgeon & hedges              Tel: 07973 778031
     Ca tree services Ltd                              

      Michael Paul                 Qualified Builder              Tel: 07920 820909
   M Paul Construction                             

       If you would like to be added to this list, please email your details to

If you would like to advertise in the Stickney News please
send an email to for more details.
WHATS ON IN                Village Hall        Youth Centre             Contact for
    STICKNEY                                                              information

Dog Training               10.00am - 11.30am                     Nikki: 01205 480869
Judo                                             6.00pm – 7.30pm Wendy: 07803 174031

Ladies Club                                      7.30pm            Viv:      01205 480292
2nd Tuesday each month
Gardening Club                                   7.00pm            Kay:      01205 480769
4th Tuesday each month
Badminton                  7.00pm                                  Carol:    01205 761154
                                                                             07786 162369
Regenerate (Keep Fit)                            10.30am           Rebecca: 01205 750265
Indoor Bowls               1.00pm - 4.00pm                         Clive:   01205 480344
Indoor Bowls               7.00pm – 9.00pm                       Clive: 01205 480344
Judo                                             6.00pm – 7.30pm Wendy: 07803 174031

Bingo                                            6.45pm for eyes   Doreen: 01205 480397
                                                 down at 7.30pm
East Coast Bird Breeders                                           Karen:      01507 442763
Auctions (monthly)

                                                    Our next meeting is on
                                                 Monday 13th June at 1:30pm
                                                   in the Community Centre
                                                    Church Road, Stickford
                                                  The speaker this month is
                                                          Lesley Reeson
                                                   who will be talking about
                                               ‘The lighter side of funerals’

                                                 Visitors always welcome £2.
                                       We will be having our usual tea and cakes
                                        whilst everyone has a chance to chat!
05 MAY 2022
A minutes silence was held before the start of the meeting in respect of the
passing of Cllr F Cooper.
The meeting was chaired by Cllr Edwards
There were no nominations for Chairman, this will be put on the agenda for the
June meeting when Cllr Bolland will be present.
Cllr Lawrence proposed that Cllr Edwards continue as Vice-Chairman, this
was seconded by Cllr Sherriff, there were no other nominations. Cllr Edwards
accepted the position and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as
Apologies were received from Cllr Bolland
Present: Cllrs Lawrence, Pavely, Sherriff, Pritchard, and Edwards (Chairman)
It was resolved that Mrs Spring would be asked to continue as the Parish
Council Representative on the William Lovell Foundation.
No changes were made to the Standing Orders, the Risk Assessment, the Play
Area Risk Assessment or the Cemetery Risk Assessment.
More information is required in order to complete the Emergency Parish Plan
The Financial Regulations need to be reviewed, this will be on the agenda for
the June meeting.
There were no members of the public present.
Apologies: received from Cllr Bolland
Present: Cllrs Pavely, Lawrence, Pritchard, Sherriff and Edwards, (Chairman)
Also present: County Cllr Bowkett and Dist Cllrs Jones and Ashton
Reports from Representatives in Outside Bodies
County Cllr Bowkett outlined the report she has emailed to the Parish Council, this has
been sent to all Councillors and includes the fact that Lincoln Castle will be free for
visitors throughout the summer.
Dist Cllr Ashton reported:
ELDC have secured a £9.3m levelling up payment which will be used to focus on the
market towns by supporting local businesses to help grow the public sector. ELDC are
looking to adopt a new Model Code of Conduct which will affect the current Parish
Council code of Conduct.
Dist Cllr Jones reported:
An enforcement notice has been issued for works being carried out at East Fen Lane.
The Wolds Festival will run for four weeks until the middle of June.
The Parish Council representatives on the Stickney Charities reported that they have
not had a meeting since the Autumn of 2021.
Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
Planning applications received
There were no planning applications for this meeting.
Planning Decisions received
There were no planning decisions for this meeting.
The 30mph signs are still not in place at the north end of the A16, County Cllr Bowkett
will be asked about these as well as the speed check for the south end of the A16.
            Highway faults and repairs should be reported
                                   via the
                ‘fixmystreet’ app on your mobile phone
               Photos can be taken at the time of reporting
        Remember to include the street name and village in your report
Play Area
Graffiti needs to be removed from the signs at the play area.

                     TO DISPOSE OF ANY DOG BAGS

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish meeting to be held on 25 May 2022 at
7.00pm in the Youth Centre, Hall Lane.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on 09 June 2022 at 7.30pn in the Eastville,
Midville & New Leake Village Hall with a public forum from 7.15pm
Parish Councillors:
Cllr M Bolland (Chairman)                             01205 480015
Cllr L Edwards                                        01790 763558
Cllr K Sherriff                                       01205 481261
Cllr A Pritchard                                      01205 481156
Cllr L Lawrence                                       01205 480839
Cllr C Pavely                                         01205 481498

Clerk to the Parish Council:
Mrs E L Arnold                                        01205 270352
Crookes Cottage
Wrangle Bank
PE22 9DL
              Parish e-mail address:
            Parish Website:
County Councillor:          Cllr Wendy Bowkett        01754 880388
District Councillors:       Cllr Tom Ashton           07812 522372
                            Cllr Neil Jones           07577 957392

Police contact details:     Non emergency             101
                            Emergency                 999
                            Twitter: @SpilsbyPolice
Doctors phone number                                  01205 480237
Hospital phone number                                 01205 364801
Stickney Bakery                                       01205 480010
Stickney Shop                                         01205 480225
Stickney Primary School                               01205 480254
William Lovell Academy                                01205 480352
Youth Centre and Village Hall bookings – Mr Gosling   01205 480641
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