Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder

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Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder
Copyright © 2023 by American Scientific Publishers                                                        Journal of Nanofluids
                 All rights reserved.                                                                                    Vol. 12, pp. 29–35, 2023
                 Printed in the United States of America                                                                  (

Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple
Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder
Hiranmoy Mondal1, ∗ , Subhabrata Dey2 , Archita Biswas2 , Sruti Gupta2 , and Sukhendu Samajdar3
  Department of Applied Mathematics, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, 700064, West Bengal, India
  Department of Applied Statistics, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, 700064, West Bengal, India
  Department of Materials Science & Technology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, 700064,
West Bengal, India

The paper provides the impact of suction and injection on convection laminar incompressible couple stress fluid
flow and magnetic field using spectral quasi linearization methods as the major novelty of our work. This work is
to addresed heat transfer is an important process in many engineering, industrial, residential, and commercial
buildings. Thus, this study aims to analyze the effect of MHD and non-Newtonian couple stress fluid runs over
a permeable stretched cylinder. The leading formulation is transmuted into ordinary differential equations via
similarity functions. The coupled equations with non-linearly terms are resolved numerically through utilization
of MATLAB code for spectal quasi linearization methods (SQLM). Convergence regions for solutions are dis-
cussed. Graphical results illustrating the impacts of various emerging parameters are presented in discussion.

The statistical declaration and probable error for skin friction and Nusselt number are numerically computed
and discussed through Tables. From obtained outcomes it is concluded that magnitude of skin friction increases
at the cylindrical surface for higher values of couple stress parameter and Reynolds number. Nusselt number
or heat transfer rate also enhances                On:
                                      at the surface of Fri, 27 Sep
                                                        cylinder    2024
                                                                 in the   01:21:32of Reynolds number.
                                     Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                               Delivered by Ingenta
KEYWORDS: Couple Stress Fluid, Stretching Cylinder, SQLM.

1. INTRODUCTION                                                                   presence of porous medium passing across a cone were
In Newtonian theory of fluids, fluid has been regarded as                         studied by Ahmad et al.3
continuous material ignoring the fact that fluid particle’s                          Of late Hadjesfandiari et al.4 have formulated an inno-
size or micro structural property affects the flow features                       vative reliable couple stress premises in which the diffi-
of fluid. However, in practical field results may differ from                     culties illustrated by Stokes can be eliminated. This novel
above mentioned assumption. Because blood flow or poly-                           theory provides an excellentsource for elementary stud-
mer extrusions or some lubricants, applications of colloidal                      ies as well as hugenumber of fluid mechanics applica-
suspensions designate that structural characteristic of con-                      tions. Wang5 explores the features of fluid passing over
tinuum at microscopic level is needed. Nanofluids have                            stretchable cylinder. Same was carry forwarded by Ishak
attracted the attention of several scientists owing to the                        and Najar.6 Numerical treatment of couple stress liquid
important applications in the technology sector. The heat                         over infinite vertically placed cylinder was reported by
transformation of convection liquids like ethylene glycol,                        Rani et al.7 A power-law fluid run over stretching surface
kerosene, water as well as oil can be used in numerous                            was addressed by Jalil et al.8 Couple stress flow between
engineering equipments, for example devices of the elec-                          permeable contracting or expanding path was investigated
trons and heat transfer.                                                          by Khan et al.9 Flow of magnetised couple stress liquid
   Verma et al.1 numerically discussed the effects of Soret                       over oscillatory stretched surface was communicated by
and Dufour with thermal radiation on MHD flow around                              Ali et al.10
a vertical cone. The 2-dimensional MHD nanofluid flow                                The progress in discovering the model of couple stress
passing over a Plate or cone were discussed by Ahmad                              fluid that can contribute to enhancing the flow properties
et al.2 The investigation of MHD micropolar fluid in the                          always be the main focus. Among the available additional
                                                                                  extension on the fluid flow problem, the MHD effects
                                                                                  are among the applicable elements should be deliberated.
        Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
        Email:                                         Slip flow of radiating couple stress liquid over stretching
        Received: 4 November 2021                                                 surface was explored by Ref. [11]. Hayat and Ahmad12
        Accepted: 19 January 2022                                                 scrutinize peristaltic couple stress flow inside revolving

J. Nanofluids 2023, Vol. 12, No. 1                         2169-432X/2023/12/029/007        doi:10.1166/jon.2023.1905                       29
Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder                                            Mondal et al.

          non-uniform channel. Literatures connecting these issues         field having strength B0 is applied along radial direction.
          are presented in Refs. [13–15].                                  The surface of the cylinder is subjected to the temperature
             Theory of physics confirms us about the subsistence           Tw and the ambient fluid temperature is T . The induced
          of two kinds of convection, first natural convection and         magnetic field effects are considered to be negligible due
          second forced convection. When natural along with force          to the fact magnetic Reynolds number has been considered
          convection acts jointly to transport heat, then mixed con-       negligibly small.
          vection originates. In this circumstance forces arising from        We maintain our study with the hypothesis that there
          pressure and buoyancy perform together. Mixed convec-            is no chemically reactive species, no slips take place, all
          tive flow of couple stress liquid through parallel path was      body forces along with viscous dissipation and joule heat-
          demonstrated by Srinivasacharya and Kaladhar.16 Ojjela           ing is ignored. Based on the above assumption the govern-
          and Kumar17 studied the unsteady chemically reactive             ing equations are as follows (Asad et al.41 ):
          flow between parallel surfaces. Umavathi et al. analysed                                 u w w
          the flow considering heat source or sink. Fluid blessed                                     + +         =0                 (1)
                                                                                                   z r       r
          with couple stress runs over oscillatory stretched surface
          was examined by Khan et al.19 Literatures introduced in                                                    
                                                                                       u       u     f 1       u     ¯
          Refs. [20–23]. depict more about such flows. A great num-                 u +w            =            r      −  4u
          ber of reports have been stimulated by the major func-                       z       r     f r r     r     f
          tion of hall and ion slip effect on heat and mass transfer                                                        B02 u
          MHD flow with different types of fluid model are analyzed                                    + g T T − T  −             (2)
          numerous thermal system.                                                                            2            
             Being encouraged by the aforementioned literatures, in                         T      T          T 1 T
                                                                                          u    +w       = f         +                (3)
          this article we have disclosed the scenario of couple stress                      z      r          r 2 r r

          liquid crossing over a stretched cylinder. We have presup-       where u and w are the velocity components of the fluid
          posed the flow to be mixed convective and radiating in           in the directions z and r respectively, T is the nanofluid
          character. Prime equations have been framed in its non-          temperature, ¯ stands for couple stress viscosity coeffi-
          dimensional structure. Then solution is being sketched out       cient, T authenticates thermal expansion, f is the den-
                                               IP:   On: Fri, 27 Sep 2024       01:21:32
          using novel SQLM mechanism. Parametric       effects retained    sity of the
                                                  Copyright: American Scientific         fluid, f is the fluid dynamic viscosity, f =
          velocity, temperature and noteworthy exergy discussion.             f /cp f  represents thermal diffusivity, f denotes the
                                                              Delivered byIngenta
          Now the upcoming section enlightens mathematical for-            thermal conductivity for nanofluid, cp f denotes the spe-
          mulation of the problem.                                         cific heat of nanofluid,
                                                                              Also after boundary layer approximation we obtain
          2. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION                                                                   4 u 2  3 u 1  2 u 1 u
          Let us consider the steady two dimensional laminar cou-                                 4u =     +       −       +                          (4)
                                                                                                       r 4 r r 3 r 2 r 2 r 3 r
          ple stress fluid flow caused by a stretched cylinder with                     The requisite boundary conditions are as follows:
          radius a as depicted in Figure 1. We presume r-axis along
          the radial direction while z-axis has been taken parallel                                  U0 z                 T
                                                                                       u= Uw =              w = w0   −k      = hf Tf −Tw     at   r =a
          to the axis of the cylinder. The stretching velocity is of                                  l                   y
          the form Uw = U0 z/l where U0 > 0 and l corresponds                           u→ 0         T → T    w →0      as r →                     (5)
          to the characteristic length. Uniform transverse magnetic
                                                                                        Also it should be noted that couple stress vanishes out-
                                                                                     side the boundary layer, and then we also have
                                                                                              u               2 u
                                                                                                  → 0 and           → 0 as r →              (6)
                                                                                               r              r 2
                                                                                        Invoking the following dimensionless relations
                                                                                                                     −a U0 f          ⎪
                                                                                                                               f  ⎪
                                                                                                 U0 z 
                                                                                             u=        f       w=                   ⎪
                                                                                                    l                 r     l          ⎬
                                                                                                  r 2 − a2 U0              T − T      ⎪
                                                                                             =                      =             ⎪
                                                                                                      2a     f l          Tw − T     ⎭

                                                                                        One can have the transformed form of Eqs. (6)–(7) as
                                                                                       2f  + 1 + 2 f  − Re 8 2 f  + 8 1 + 2 f iv
                                                                                          +1 + 22 f v + Gr + ff  − f  − Mf  = 0
          Fig. 1. Schematic of the problem.                                                                                                            (8)

          30                                                                                                              J. Nanofluids, 12, 29–35, 2023
Mondal et al.                                            Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder

                1 + 2  + 2  + Pr f   = 0              (9)       Table II. Numerical values of covariance and correlation coefficient for
                                                                            Nusselt number.
  Also the boundary conditions (8) and (9) take the
shape as                                                                    Parameters                    Covariance                    Correlation

                                                                            Re                          −08018976                     −09906756
             f  0 = 1     f 0 = −fw                                                                −006990366                    −09808269
                                                                                                        0385935                       09989474
                  0 = −Bi1 − 0         at   =0                    Gr                           05826931                     −04389585
             f → 0        f  → 0    f  → 0                            fw                          −04087654                     −09921106

                →0         as  →                             (10)
                                                                          Now invoking (10) into (20), we get the requisite expres-
It is to be noted that fw < 00 corresponds to suction, fw >
00 indicates injection and fw = 00 signifies impermeable                sion for reduced skin friction and reduced Nusselt number
surface. The non-dimensional appearances of the relevant                  as follows:
parameters are                                                                                 Cfr = Cf Re1/2
                                                                                                           z    = f  0          (13)
                                           ¯                ⎪                              N ur = Nu Re−1/2   = −  0         (14)
       = Couple stress parameter =                           ⎪
                                        f a   2
                                                             ⎪            where Rez = Uw z/lf  is the local Reynold’s number.
                                            1/2          ⎪
                                       f l                  ⎪
     = Curvature parameter =                                ⎪
                                     U0 a2                   ⎪
                                                             ⎪            4. STATISTICAL APPROACH
                             f                              ⎪
    Pr = Prandtl number =                                    ⎪
                                                                          Here the maximum and minimum of the parameters of
                                                                          Nusselt Number are shown in the required Table I along

                                 Ul                          ⎪
                                                                          with the mean and median values of those parameters as
    Re = Reynolds number = 0                                     (11)     obtained.
                                  f                         ⎪
                                                             ⎪               Now, as we know for Skewness, from the formula that
                                 g T TIP:   −   T   l 2
                                                             ⎪  On: Fri,  if
                                                                         27   (Q3-Q2)
                                                                              Sep   2024is01:21:32
                                                                                             greater than (Q2-Q1) then it is positively
    Gr = Grashoff number =                w
                                        U0 z Copyright:
                                             2               ⎪
                                                             ⎪           Scientific
                                                                          skewed,     Publishers
                                                                                     if less  than then negatively skewed and if equals
                                                             Delivered bythen
                                                             ⎪                   symmetric.     So, applying this rule we can say that
                                      lB02                   ⎪
    M = Magnetic parameter =                                 ⎪
                                                             ⎪            parameters    Re,  R,  Gr are positively skewed, parameters ,
                                    f U0                    ⎪
                                                             ⎪               are negatively    skewed  and only parameter fw is sym-
                                                             ⎪            metric   in nature.
                                                          l ⎪⎪
    fw = suction/injection parameter = w0                    ⎪               And, for Kurtosis as we know if it’s value is greater than
                                                      U0 f ⎭             3, then it is leptokurtic, less than 3 then platykurtic and if
                                                                          equals 3 then mesokurtic. So, now as per results obtained
                                                                          from the table all the parameters i.e., Re, , , R, Gr, fw
3. PHYSICAL QUANTITIES                                                    are platykurtic in nature.
The physical quantities of the stream profile are skin                       The Table II finds the Numerical values of Covariance
friction and Nusselt number. They are characterized as                    and Correlation coefficient for Nusselt Number. Table II
follows:                                                                  shows that the value of corellation are in the range.
              w                     zqw                         ⎫
     Cf =                Nu =                                    ⎪
          1/2f Uw2            f T w −T 
                                                                 ⎬        5. CALCULATION
                     u                                  T      ⎪
                                                                 ⎪        The probable error is the value which is added or sub-
     where w = f             and qw = − f                      ⎭        tracted from the correlation coefficient to obtain the upper
                     r r=a                               r r=a
                                                                 (12)     limit and the lower limit respectively, within which the

Table I. Numerical values of first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third Quartile (Q3), maximum and minimum of the parameters, mean, skewness and
kurtosis of the parameters.

Parameters         Minimum            Maximum          Mean             Median (Q2)         Q1            Q3            Skewness           Kurtosis

Re                   10                6.0            2.857                20            20           35            09268158         2.778368
                     05                2.5            1.271                12            05           1850          03099562         1.588231
                    01                2.5            1.029                10            02           16            04606427         1.760768
Gr                   05                4.0            1.657                12            07           225           08542307         2.534069
fw                  −05                0.5            0.0666               01           −015          035          −03270641         1.840772

J. Nanofluids, 12, 29–35, 2023                                                                                                                 31
Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder                                              Mondal et al.

          value of correlation coefficient expectedly lies. The prob-                Table VI. Numerical values of probable error and r/P E r for skin
          able error of the correlation coefficient can be obtained                  friction coefficient.
          by applying
                √        the following formula: PEr = 067451 −                   Parameters               Probable error (P.E(r))                 r/P.E (r)
          r 2 / n, where r signifies the correlation coefficient and
          n marks the number of observation. The correlation coef-                   Re                            0.061621170                       14297567
                                                                                                                   0.073708481                       11610044
          ficient is not remarkable if the value of r is less than PE                                             0.070808655                      −12172095
          this discloses that there is no correlation between the vari-              Gr                            0.121282543                        6167696
          ables. The correlation is said to be evident when the value                fw                            0.040559394                       22767125
          of r is 6 times more than the PE and insignificant when r
          is less than PE(r).
                                                                                        Here, we observe from the Table II that parameters Re,
                                                                                       , fw have a fairly strong negative relationship with the
          6. STATISTICAL RULE                                                        Nusselt Number and parameter Y has a fairly extremely
          The values of r/PE(r) are dispensed in the Tables III                      strong positive relationship with the Nusselt Number.
          and IV for Nusselt Number. From this Table it is obvi-                        While from the Table II.I, we observe that parameters Y ,
          ous that no values have fulfilled the relation, r/PE(r) > 6,               R have a fairly strong negative relationship with the Skin
          which specifies that the correlation coefficient is statisti-              friction coefficient and parameters Re, , Gr, fw have a
          cally insignificant for those all parameters.                              fairly extremely strong positive relationship with the Skin
             The values of r/PE(r) are dispensed in the Tables V and                 friction coefficient.
          VI for Skin friction coefficient. From this Table we can                      As a consequence we come to an end that some corre-
          see that some values have fulfilled the relation, r/PE(r) >                lation coefficients are tremendous and the parameters are
          6, which specifies that the correlation coefficient is sta-                greatly interconnected to the physical attributes.
          tistically significant for those all parameters (Re, , fw),

          while for the other parameters the correlation coefficient
          is insignificant.                                                         7. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS USING
             In case of perfect correlation that is r = 1, we get the                    SPECTRAL QUASI-LINEARIZATION
          perfect significant positive correlation       and if r = −1,                  METHODS (SQLM)
                                                   IP:       On:weFri, 27 Sep 2024 01:21:32
                                                      Copyright: American Scientific
          get the perfect significant negative correlation.                         The    numerical   implemented to solve the modelled dif-
                                                                     Delivered byferential
                                                                                     Ingenta equations. Here we approach spectral quasi
                                                                                    linearization (SQLM) to achieve numerical outcomes
          Table III. Numerical values of probable error for Nusselt number.
                                                                                    of coupled nonlinear equations together with boundary
          Parameters                                      Probable error (P.E(r))   condition.
          Re                                                  001045792
                                                                                        Let us consider fr , r be the solutions of equations at
                                                              00005793901          r th
                                                                                         stage of iteration and fr+1 , r+1 at r + 1th stage.
                                                             00001320485              Now employing SQLM scheme to the equations along
          Gr                                                  02223052             with boundary condition, we acquire the following itera-
          Fw                                                  0004327766           tive systems:
                                                                                             a0 r fr+1 + a1 r fr+1
                                                                                                                   + a2 r fr+1  + a3 r fr+1 + a4 r fr+1
          Table IV. Numerical values of r/P Er for Nusselt number.
                                                                                                 +a5 r fr+1 + a6 r r+1 = Rf                              (15)
          Parameters                                                   r/P.E(r)
                                                                                                     b0 r r+1 + b1 r r+1 + b2 r fr+1 = R               (16)
          Re                                                          −93.78798
                                                                                    Subject to,
          Gr                                                          −1.974576           fr+1 0 = 1     fr+1 0 = −fw                             ⎪
          Fw                                                          −229.2431               0
                                                                                            r+1 = −Bi 1 − r+1 0            fr+1  = 1             (17)
                                                                                            fr+1  = 0       fr+1   = 0        r+1  = 0
          Table V. Numerical values of covariance and correlation coefficient for
          skin friction coefficient.                                                 The coefficients in (20)–(21) are as follows:
          Parameters                   Covariance                     Correlation
                                                                                           a0 r = − Re1+22  a1 r = −8  Re1+2 ⎪
          Re                           01248104                     08810328                                                        ⎪
                                                                                             a2 r = 1+2−8 Re 2 a3 r = 2 +fr
                                       007633721                    08557587
                                     −01759238                    −08618897               a4 r = −M −2fr       a5 r = fr    a6 r = Gr               ⎪
          Gr                           06351431                     07480339                                                                            ⎪
          fw                           01848454                     09234208               b0 r = 1+2       b1 r = Prfr      b2 r = Prr

          32                                                                                                               J. Nanofluids, 12, 29–35, 2023
Mondal et al.                                         Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder

  The Chebyshev polynomial has been employed with                      8. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Gauss-Lobatto points defined by                                       The flow of couple stress on a stretching cylinder is inves-
                                                                    tigated numerically by considering magnetic effect and
           i                                                         Biot number. By selecting appropriate similarity variables,
 xi = cos          i = 0 1 2    N  −1 ≤ xi ≤ 1 (19)
           N                                                          the equations that reflect the stated flow are transformed
                                                                      to ordinary differential equations. A numerical scheme is
where N symbolizes the number of collocation points.
                                                                      used to give a clear knowledge of the behaviour of flow
The whole coordination (20)–(21) is worked out inside
                                                                      fields, which have been followed for the graphical frame
the region [0, L] insteadof [0, ); where, L being a
                                                                      work. The accuracy of our couple stress model we have
large number, corresponds the boundary clause at infin-
                                                                      examined the values of −  0 for different values of
ity and L must be a larger number. Thus, the region [0,               Prandtl number and listed in Table VII. Then the numerical
L] changed to [−1, 1] via linear transformation defined
                                                                      data have been compared with Ishak et al.,6 when others
by,  = L x + 1/2. The key feature of spectral colloca-           values as  = R = Gr = M = = fw = 00. We observed
tion scheme is to launch a system of differentiation matrix           that values are in good accord.
to approximate the derivative of unknown variables at the                The effect of dimensionless parameters on involved pro-
collocation points as a matrix product:                               files is studied using graphs in this section. The impact
                 N                                                    of couple stress parameter ( = 05, 1.2, 1.5, 2.5, 3)
             =      Djk f k  = DFm       j = 0 1 2     (20)     on f   is exposed in Figure 2. The velocity profiles
     d         k=0                                                   decreases as the value of couple stress parameter rises due
                                                                      to higher magnetic field which cause a resistance to flow
where D = 2D/L and F = f 0 , f 1 ,                           and hence velocity decays. The increasing values of couple
f 2     f N T is the vector formation of the functions.     stress parameter upsurges the temperature profile. Here,

Derivatives of higher order are classified as power of                the radius of the cylinder increases as the              increases.
D as:                                                                 Figure 3 demonstrates the variation of temperature profile
                             Fr p = Dp Fr                  (21)     for varied . The plot explains that the increasing values
                                            IP: On: Fri,  of Seprises
                                                                     27           the01:21:32
                                                                               2024   temperature profile. Temperature rises for
where p denotes the order of derivatives.                             higher Prandtl  number.
                                               Copyright: American Scientific   Publishers
   Now the matrix appearance of spectral collocation     Delivered by Ingenta
scheme containing the differentiation of anonymous func-
tions are as follows:                                                 Table VII. Comparison of − 0 for various values of Pr.

                                                                       Pr                        Ishak et al.6                   Present work
                      A1 1 f + A1 2  = Rf                   (22)
                                                                       0.2                          0.1691                       0.169187852
                                                                       2.0                          0.9114                       0.911423120
                      A2 1 f + A2 2  = R                   (23)      7.0                          1.8954                       1.895443213
                                                                       70.0                         6.4622                       6.462205674
    A1 1 = diag a0 r D 5 +diag a1 r D 4 +diag a2 r D 3 ⎪
            +diag a3 r D 2 +diag a4 r D +diag a5 r I
    A1 2 = diag a6 r I
            A2 1 = diag b0 r D + diag b1 r D
            A2 2 = diag b2 r I

                            Rf = f 

                         R = − Pr f                       (27)

where diag and I are the diagonal and identity matrices of
order N + 1 × N + 1. Now the entire systems can be
framed as:
              A11 A12       Fr+1        Rf
                                   =                  (28)
              A21 A22       r+1        R                             Fig. 2.   Impact of   on velocity profile.

J. Nanofluids, 12, 29–35, 2023                                                                                                           33
Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder                                          Mondal et al.

          Fig. 3. Impact of    on temperature profile.
                                                                                     Fig. 6. Impact of Bi on velocity profile.

                                                      IP: On: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 01:21:32
                                                         Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                                   Delivered by Ingenta

          Fig. 4. Impact of fw on velocity profile.
                                                                                     Fig. 7. Impact of Bi on temperature profile.
             Consequently frictional characteristics between fluid
          layers enhance and aids fluid velocity to run slow as
          depicted in Figure 4. Besides the reverse features is                      According to Figure 5 the temperature is raising through-
          observed for injection parameter. The range of suction and                 out the suction procedure compared to impermeable one.
          injection parameter fw is −0.5, −0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.5. Inside                  Figures 6 and 7 displays the impact of Biot number
          the cylindrical parametric effect is undoubtedly distinct.                 (Bi = 0.2, 0.5, 1.5, 2, 2.5) over velocity and temperature
                                                                                     profiles. Here velocity and temperature enhances for both
                                                                                     the cases.

                                                                                     9. CONCLUSION
                                                                                     In this research article we formulated and analyzed a
                                                                                     model of flow of a couple stress fluid induced in stretch-
                                                                                     ing cylinder. The flow and temperature of the couple stress
                                                                                     parameters were shown to have an effect on the fluid on
                                                                                     the cylinder. Some of the notable effects are:
                                                                                     (a) Increasing the couple stress parameter decreases
                                                                                     velocity and increases temperature profile throughout the
                                                                                     stretching cylinder.
                                                                                     (b) The perfect significant correlation for the different of
                                                                                     couple stress, Reynolds numbers, magnetic and suction
          Fig. 5. Impact of fw on temperature profile.                               parameters exists in case of skin friction.

          34                                                                                                              J. Nanofluids, 12, 29–35, 2023
Mondal et al.                                            Statistical Analysis of Non-Newtonian Couple Stress Fluid Induced in Stretching Cylinder

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