State of the QSR industry - Feeding Demand for a More Digital, Efficient Experience - Plexure

Page created by Beth Estrada
State of the QSR industry - Feeding Demand for a More Digital, Efficient Experience - Plexure
State of the
QSR industry
Feeding Demand for a More
Digital, Efficient Experience
State of the QSR industry - Feeding Demand for a More Digital, Efficient Experience - Plexure
STATE OF THE QSR INDUSTRY 2021                        2

Table of
       INTRODUCTION                              3


       CONTACTLESS IS HERE TO STAY               6


       UPDATING DRIVE-THROUGHS                   10

       ELEVATING DELIVERY                        11

       IT’S NOT TOO LATE FOR CHANGE              12
State of the QSR industry - Feeding Demand for a More Digital, Efficient Experience - Plexure
STATE OF THE QSR INDUSTRY 2021                                                                    3

Introduction                                      works for some QSRs, the fees can become
                                                  unsustainable, particularly as mobile
                                                  ordering for pickup and delivery becomes
                                                  more prevalent, even after the pandemic
Before the first case of COVID-19 was even
                                                  fully ends. Plus, with third-party solutions,
detected, retailers and restaurants were
                                                  QSRs lack the same level of brand control
already well on their way toward a more
                                                  and customer data that they can achieve
digital-oriented experience. From mobile
                                                  through their own offerings.
ordering to contactless payments to digital
loyalty programs, businesses have been
                                                  So, as more than a year has passed
implementing new technologies to create
                                                  since the first reported case of COVID-19,
a faster, more convenient and personally
                                                  many QSR brands are evaluating whether
engaging experience. The pandemic,
                                                  the solutions they implemented while
however, has dramatically accelerated
                                                  under pressure to meet rapidly changing
these shifts, especially for quick service
restaurants (QSRs).                               customer needs still fit with their long-term
                                                  requirements. That determination requires
Yet challenging economic times have a             assessing how the world has changed on
unique way of separating the prepared from        a more permanent basis and seeing how
the digitally immature, and therefore not all     a brand’s solutions can align with evolving
QSR brands fared the same during COVID.           demands. For example, only 20% of U.S.
The winners have been those brands that           consumers think their ordering habits will
had (or were in the midst of developing)          return to a pre-pandemic normal, finds
digital offerings prior to the pandemic — e.g.    industry publication QSR Magazine.
their own mobile ordering and delivery apps
— enabling them to fast-track their plans and     What will ordering habits look like going
still operate relatively smoothly over the past   forward? What do customers expect from
year. These companies not only survived           QSRs? And what types of technologies
but were able to thrive in 2020 and further       do brands need to deliver the type of
the digital transformation gap between            experience that consumers will demand?
themselves and competitors.
                                                  In this report, we’ll explore five customer
For those that lacked this technology, many       habit trends that QSRs need to keep in
were forced to implement quick fixes via          mind as they look to provide innovative,
off-the-shelf, third-party solutions like Uber    customizable solutions that can adapt and
Eats and Grubhub. Although this model             grow with brands over time.
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Mobile / digital
ordering as                                       By 2025, almost half of limited

the new norm                                      service restaurants’ revenue will
                                                  come from digital, which is around
                                                  70% more than pre-pandemic
In years past, QSRs often prided                  projections, according to Incisiv.
themselves on being able to efficiently
manage long queues of customers in-
store. While that has shifted somewhat in
recent years as apps, websites and digital     As such, QSR brands need to
kiosks emerged to provide customers with       evaluate issues like:
other convenient ordering methods, the
pandemic has dramatically accelerated          Managing digital ordering solutions:
this change. As of mid-2020, 58% of            High digital ordering volumes could justify
consumers prefer to order digitally from a     more QSRs investing in their own branded
QSR, finds Deloitte.                           solutions. While doing so would require
                                               brands to keep up with changes like new
“Before COVID-19, QSR, fast-casual, and        operating systems, devices and customer
casual dining consumers preferred dealing      preferences, advantages like reducing
with cashiers to using apps. After COVID-19,   commissions and gaining more control over
those options switched places in the           customer data will be worthwhile.
rankings. Options like voice assistants and
wearables are also gaining in popularity,”     And it doesn’t have to be entirely an either/
reports Deloitte.                              or decision. Some QSRs have found
                                               success by both using their own apps to
Even when more customers are                   build customer loyalty while also expanding
comfortable going inside to order, don’t       their customer base and offering specific
expect people to forgo the convenience         services like delivery through third-party
that digital ordering provides.                fulfillment solutions.
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Staffing and store design: If more
customers place orders online, then
stores can potentially be reconfigured to
minimize the space dedicated to ordering
and checkout. Staffing decisions may also
change, such as if more resources are
put toward fulfilling orders or back-end
technology support, rather than having as
many front-of-house employees taking
orders. Ultimately that type of model
would support increased efficiencies and
customer satisfaction scores.

Creating a strong customer experience:
Technological bells and whistles cannot
come at the cost of a smooth user
experience; instead they must enhance it.       a good experience, especially if that
Convenience and speed are still the top         human element of interacting with friendly
determinants for how customers order,           employees in-store gets lessened on
finds Deloitte. Similarly, ease-of-use is the   occasion. Using customer data to suggest
top factor for restaurants to get customers     new items to try and customize promotions
to download their own apps.                     could help make digital ordering both
                                                convenient and help customers feel
At the same time, brands need to think          appreciated.
about ways to reward loyalty beyond
                                                Studies (such as one from the International
                                                Journal of Hospitality Management)
                                                suggest, though, that more customers
                                                want a “Surprise and Delight” experience
                                                that rewards them for no obvious reason.
                                                Whether loyalty comes intrinsically from
                                                a good experience or from rewards, the
                                                outcome is the same in terms of creating
                                                a positive emotional response. That type
                                                of response is linked to the same type of
                                                endorphin release that people get from
                                                exercise and promotes repeat behaviors.
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  Contactless is
  here to stay
  Part of the reason why digital ordering is    The Appezite study also found that
  likely to remain prominent in years to come   features like self-service kiosks or viewing
  is that consumers are increasingly turning    menus on mobile phones could hold some
  to contactless options that increase          appeal.
  efficiencies in customer experience.
  Both from a sanitation and convenience        “However, kiosks have been rolled out as
  perspective, features like contactless        hands-on customer experiences, with
  payments can help provide a better            customers tapping on screens to select
  experience for customers. In fact, having     menu options and place their orders.
  contactless payment options is the top        These experiences may need to be re-
  drive-through innovation that customers       imagined, leveraging voice and gesture
  want, finds QSR Magazine.                     controls, to regain customer use,” notes
                                                separate research from Publicis Sapient.

                                                In other words, QSRs need to consider
                                                their current physical touchpoints and
                                                evaluate whether turning some of them
                                                contactless could help improve speed
Post-Covid, more than three-                    and/or provide customers with the types
quarters of U.S. consumers would                of interactions they’re comfortable with.
                                                As Publicis Sapient notes, technologies
still prefer contactless payments,
                                                like robotics could even cut down on
according to a survey from                      touchpoints within food prep.
                                                Ultimately, reducing touchpoints could free
                                                up time for both consumers and staff, while
                                                helping more people feel comfortable and
                                                allowing for more positive interactions.
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Some brands make the mistake of
thinking “digital is about communicating.
Communicating is part of it. But really,
what you want to do is to enable people
to perform the actions that they were
going to perform anyway but in a more
convenient, more personalized way,” says
McDonald’s Japan VP of Digital Marketing,
Raphaël Mazoyer. Working with Plexure,
McDonald’s Japan launched a contactless
order and pay system that coincided with a
40% increase in average check.

Case study
While Japan is the second largest            that McDonald’s customers receive their
McDonald’s market globally, there            meals within moments of being prepared,
are many other fast food options             every time. Within a few months of launch:
available to entice consumers.
Therefore, McDonald’s Japan
is focused on establishing and                     8%                      41%
maintaining strong customer                  of total sales originated   increase in average
connections.                                       from mobile                 check

Harnessing the power of data
and artificial intelligence, Plexure           203%                      623%
helps McDonald’s Japan send                  increase in guest count       increase in app
personalized offers and content,                    per store                   usage
and enables ordering and payment
via its mobile app. This includes            Watch the video case study:
the timing of order fulfilment so  
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   Creating a
                                                 to pay for orders online, rather than just
                                                 placing the order and then paying in-store,
                                                 which can slow down the process.

   better pickup                                 Customers may also want the option to stay

                                                 in their cars and have employees bring out
                                                 their food when it’s ready. Doing so can be
                                                 easier for customers while allowing stores
                                                 to not get clogged up by foot traffic.
   With demand for contactless options
   and mobile/digital ordering on the rise,      As notes, “mobile ordering
   QSRs also need to think about how they        in and of itself is no longer enough to win
   can create an efficient, enjoyable pickup     business at a time when customers are
   experience for customers. The ease of         loving – and have become accustomed
   ordering through an app only to then wait,    to – ancillary services like the ability to pay
   say, 15 minutes in the store to receive the   online and do curbside pickup to complete
   items can quickly turn a good experience      the touchless trifecta.”
   into a frustrating one.
                                                 Still, some customers may want to come
   So, QSRs need to consider ways to ensure      inside a store to complete their pickup, and
   that online orders can easily be picked up.   QSRs need to be ready to facilitate quick
   For one, customers should ideally be able     interactions here too.

           67%                                                          45%
 of U.S. consumers are using curbside                          of U.S. consumers have used in-store
pickup more often or at least at the same                     pickup more often or at least at the same
 frequency, whereas only 45% did the                           frequency, whereas 55% did so in April
          same in April 2020.*                                                 2020.*

                                                                  *According to an early 2021 Bluedot study
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Thus, QSRs will need to think of processes     Moreover, an optimized mobilized strategy
and utilize technologies that streamline       bolsters customer experience by enhancing
pickups, whether curbside, in-store or a       precision and personalization. There can
combination of the two. “The acceleration      be two-way data sharing that benefits both
of digital will also make curbside pickup      QSRs and their customers. Not only can
windows and lanes more relevant,” notes        customers track their order status, but
Morgan Stanley. These designated areas         QSRs can increasingly understand how to
could help customers get in and out quickly,   serve their customers.
without hampering the experience for
customers in a traditional line in-store.

 “When you’re able to move more and more customers
 onto mobile, you’ve got a lot more capabilities to build your
 orders and fulfillments around the customer and become
 truly customer-centric. Because they can order online, you
 know exactly where they are on their way to come pick it
 up. If you are a restaurant, you can actually cook the order
 to perfection based upon the fact that you see they’re 45
 seconds away. You know the exact parking spot they’re in so
 you’re handing off the perfect food in the perfect condition in
 the fastest, most seamless manner.”

 Cathy Song Novelli, VP Marketing & Comms, Rakuten Ready
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                                                thru only concepts this year,” says Clark,
                                                in an article for Construction Executive.

  drive-throughs                                Part of the reason for emphasizing drive-
                                                throughs is that they can align well with
                                                other features such as mobile ordering
  Another way for QSRs to provide efficient     and delivery. As stores reimagine their
  service and minimize contact is to utilize    layouts and staffing to handle fewer
  drive-throughs. During the pandemic,          customers lining up in-store to place
  stores that already had this infrastructure   an order, they might be able to dedicate
  often benefited, but drive-throughs could     more space and staff to prepare drive-
  become even more important going              through orders, thereby increasing
  forward.                                      efficiency.

                                                In addition to these logistics, QSRs will
                                                also have to consider how they utilize
                                                technology to upgrade the overall drive-
                                                through experience. If this method
                                                becomes more standard, brands will need
                                                to ensure that a long line of cars doesn’t
“Drive-thrus are not only here to
                                                equate to a long wait time.
stay but they are now a core pillar
of future restaurant development.”              Instead, QSRs might want to add options
                                                like designated mobile ordering lanes.
Shane Clark, director of                        Forty-nine percent of U.S. consumers
development & construction,                     would prefer to order online and then
Southwest region, Dunkin’ Brands                drive through a “pickup only” lane, finds
                                                QSR Magazine. Doing so could both
                                                provide a contactless payment option
                                                while potentially cutting down on the
  “In fact, numerous brands have launched       logjams that can occur when everyone
  drive-thru only prototypes or heavily         goes through one line to order and then
  focused on the expansion of their drive-      pick-up and pay at the next window.
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The pandemic has also had a dramatic
effect on food delivery, making this a
channel where many QSRs will have to
develop a viable long-term strategy.           That said, the most common response
                                               was to keep usage the same. Considering
According to Morgan Stanley, total online      the elevated usage during the pandemic,
food delivery reached $45 billion in the       that means QSRs that have not adapted to
U.S. in 2020. By 2022, delivery is expected    delivery demand will likely need to do so
to grow to 16% of the addressable market,      going forward. And since many consumers
whereas the company previously projected       seem open to ordering directly, some
that would occur in 2025. “That means          QSRs could stand to gain from developing
nearly three years of consumer spend is        their own branded apps and hiring their
being pulled forward, led by accelerated       own delivery drivers.
growth from delivery platforms,” says
John Glass, Morgan Stanley’s lead equity       The more control that QSRs have over
analyst covering the U.S. restaurant sector,   the delivery process, the more that they
in a company article.                          can create an elevated experience on
                                               their own terms. For example, instead of
Of course, this market is larger than just     leaving promotions up to third-party apps,
QSRs, but the opportunity still exists for     QSRs with their own delivery solutions
all different types of restaurants to appeal   could customize offers and provide
to consumers who want delivery. Over the       their own loyalty rewards. And instead of
next year, slightly more consumers plan        waiting for a third-party driver to pick-up
to increase than decrease their usage          and deliver an order, which can create its
of direct delivery, finds QSR Magazine.        own inefficiencies, a QSR could establish
Conversely, these surveyed customers           processes to get deliveries out as soon
tilt slightly more toward decreasing than      as the food is ready, thereby providing a
increasing their third-party delivery usage.   better experience for customers.
STATE OF THE QSR INDUSTRY 2021                                                              12

It’s not too late                              will keep coming back to that specific
                                               restaurant. Yet if QSRs can take more

for change
                                               control over their promotions and analyze
                                               their own customers’ data, they may find
                                               better ways to develop retention.

                                               “Despite evidence that showed customers
Keeping up with evolving customer
                                               would spend more if they had access to
demands may not be easy, but those
                                               loyalty and rewards programs, nearly 40
who do not adapt their technologies and
                                               percent of restaurants do not offer such
processes will get left behind. Fortunately,
                                               programs,” finds research from PYMNTS
even though brands that already started
                                               and Paytronix.
making some of these changes, such
as around mobile ordering and delivery
                                               Although it’s not too late to adjust your
solutions, may have had a leg up during
                                               strategy, the window to adapt won’t stay
the pandemic, it’s not too late for other
                                               open forever. There’s a reason there’s
QSRs to add solutions that align with what
                                               only one Blockbuster remaining. Working
consumers crave.
                                               with an experienced and flexible partner
                                               like Plexure can help you quickly identify
At the very least, brands should think
                                               your brand’s unique challenges and build
about how they’re using customer data
                                               solutions around them. From developing
to analyze these different areas. For
                                               mobile ordering solutions to analyzing
example, calculating the percent of
                                               your customer data for personalized
revenue that comes from delivery vs.
pickup can help brands assess their ideal      offers across the entire customer journey,
                                               Plexure can help QSRs thrive in this new
store layouts. Regardless of a QSR’s level
of digital transformation, they can add
personalization to existing strategies to
                                               We’ve helped some of the world’s leading
enhance consumer experience and build
                                               QSR brands, like McDonald’s, innovate to
                                               better serve their customers. See how we
                                               can help your brand do the same at
Moreover, QSRs need to think about how
they’re building loyalty. Delivery volume
might be high one month due to a third-
party app’s promotion, for instance, but
                                                         Request a demo
that does not necessarily mean customers
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