START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland

Page created by Ron May
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland

 January 2021
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
             PR I NCI P AL

Welcome to the start of 2021.               A new year marks a new beginning.
It is my prayer that each family            Seasons are a reminder of God’s
experienced a safe and happy                desire to continually create anew. From
Christmas break. I hope that all            Summer to Winter we see that which
our students are ready for the              was dead burst forth new life. God longs
new year and excited to return              for a fresh start in each of our lives. He
to the College. I am certainly              longs to make things new. The start of a
excited about what is in store for          new year is an opportunity to start new
the future at Faith.                        things.

                                            Last year we focused on recreating our
Our 2020 Year 12 graduates achieved         underlying systems and structures. We
significant success.                        wanted to create the proper conditions
                                            to allow our students to explore what is
59 out of our 74 Year 12 students were      possible. To explore who they are and
issued with 181 vocational qualifications   to do what was never thought possible.
ranging from nursing, automotive,           We believe we have the beginnings of
childcare, fitness, hospitality,            something special.
agriculture, construction, business and
everything in between.                      In 2021 our focus will be on innovation.
                                            But to be clear, innovation is messy and
For those who received an ATAR, 96%         we, as a College community, need to
of our students received offers for         sit happy with mess, failure and tears.
university placement in courses such        Steve Jobs said that “Creation is messy.
as paramedicine, nursing, education,        You want genius, you get madness; two
psychology, physiotherapy, science, arts,   sides of the same coin”. When we create
law and health. The College is proud of     the right conditions for innovation to be
the achievements of our 2020 graduates,     born, magic happens.
and we have every confidence that our
2021 senior students are on track for an    And who will guide this magic?
exciting and successful year.               Our amazing staff! As you will see, we
                                            have a number of new staff joining our
                                            team at Faith Lutheran College, and I
                                            am both confident and excited for this
                                            new season in teaching, learning and
                                            the community life of Faith Lutheran
                                            College. I sincerely look forward to
                                            sharing the journey of 2021 with you.

                       DOUG BRAIDEN
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
                U P DATE S

Each year, Faith Lutheran College welcomes a range of new faces
to our friendly college staff. As we continue to grow and expand our
offerings to both the students and our community, we consistently
work to ensure we recruit new team members that will help drive our
College into the future.

This year we are proud and excited to welcome the following new staff members as
they step into both teaching and learning, and College support roles:

   Teaching Staff
Name                 Role/Title                            From

Jabez Castray        Humanities and English Teacher        Graduate

Rebekah Barns        Dance and English Teacher             Graduate

Terrie Hahne         IDT, Maths and Science Teacher        St Mary’s Ipswich

Jane Hoskin          Science and Maths Teacher             Lowood State High School

Amy Green            English and Humanities Teacher        West Moreton Anglican College

Stuart Welsh         Humanities, English and HPE Teacher   Trinity Lutheran College

Coreta Lennon        Head of Leadership and Development    Faith Lutheran College, Redlands

Sam Formanez         Senior and Junior Mathematics         Grace Lutheran College

   Non-Teaching Staff
Name                 Role/Title

Liam Hensel          Director of Marketing

Tess Cole            Administration Assistant

Rebecca Westman Academic Registrar

Natasha Lewis        Admissions and Alumni Coordinator

Marie Tucker         Accounts and Payroll Officer

Sean Willmott        Trade Training Centre Teacher Aide

John Hanna           Bus Driver
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
             D EP UTY P R I N CIPA L

Welcome to another year of
teaching and learning at Faith                  Start Of Year: Important
Lutheran College. The new year                  Dates & Events
is shaping up to be very exciting,
and we’re looking forward to                   Monday 25 January
welcoming students, parents and
families back from the Summer                 • Term 1 commences for Year 7
break.                                      		 and 12 students, as well as for all
                                            		 new students in Years 8-11
                                            		Students in attendance will have
With the school year nearly upon us, it     		 their laptops and textbooks
                                            		 distributed to them, as well as
is important that all parents are aware     		 have a locker allocated to them
of a number of important events that are
taking place over the coming weeks at          Tuesday 26 January
                                              • No school (Australia Day Holiday)
Included here is a brief outline
concerning some these events; however,         Wednesday 27 January
please note that this only includes
information up to and including the           • Year 7 Camp ― Luther Heights
end of Week 2 (deemed Saturday 6                Year 7 families please refer to camp
February). For information pertaining to        information previously communicated
events later in the term and school year,
please refer to other forms of College        • Term One commences for all
communications, such as NewsBites, the      		 remaining students (Years 8-11)
College Calendar and Parent Lounge.
                                               Thursday 28 January
Some of the most important events
are provided in date order, for your          • Year 7 Camp ― Luther Heights
reference. Please assume that normal          • Years 8-12 ― Normal Classes
classes take place on school days that
are not listed, with each school day           Friday 29 January
commencing at 8.20am.
                                              • Year 7 Camp ― Luther Heights
                                                Year 7 students return to FLC
                                                in the afternoon
                                              • Years 8-12 ― Normal Classes

                                               Saturday 30 January

                                              • GBC Sports Trials

                                                     This information is continued
                                                     on the next page.
                      TYSON KENNY
                      DEPUTY PRINCIPAL
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
In 2021, the College has expanded its
      Start Of Year: Important             use of certain features within Parent
      Dates & Events                       Lounge. This includes providing parents
                                           greater access to certain educational
                                           resources pertaining to their students at
     Monday 1 February
                                           the College aimed at assisting families
   • Opening Service
                                           with helping their student with their
   • ID Photos                             learning.
   • Year 11 and 12 Information Night
 		 (commences after school at             Continuing families of the College can
 		6.00pm)                                 continue to access Parent Lounge by
                                           using their unique login and password
     Friday 5 February                     details by accessing the LMS link via
                                           the College website:
   • Interhouse Swimming Carnival
 		 (Gatton Aquatic Centre)

                                           For new families at the College, you will
     Saturday 6 February
                                           receive your login details shortly from
   • GBC Sport Carnival
                                           the College so that you can access these
 		 (FLC Courts and Ovals)                 important LMS features.

                                           For families who may have forgotten
                                           their login details or who have any
                                           questions concerns and/or queries
     Parent Lounge                         regarding Parent Lounge, please
                                           contact the College Office for assistance.

A reminder to all families that the
College utilises Parent Lounge as its
Learning Management System (LMS).

Parent Lounge is an online interface
where families of the College can access
and update important information
about their students who attend Faith,
including, but not limited to:

 •    Assessment calendars
 •    Attendance records
 •    Email addresses of staff members
 •    Report cards
 •    Student medical information
 •    Timetable information
 •    Whole College Event Information

                                                            (07) 5466 9900
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
             D I R E C TO R OF LEARN IN G
             CO MMUNI TIES

Welcome back!
                                                  New Positions within
We are very excited for the year                  Student Services
ahead and cannot wait for our
students to return.                            Our College restructure has seen
                                               some significant changes to our
                                               programs and some Staff positions.

                                               The new positions in Student Services
   Wellbeing on Wednesdays                     are as follows:

A significant change to our College
program is the commencement of our                       Mr. Reid Dobson
Wellbeing Wednesday program.                             Deputy Director of Learning Communities

Students will have the opportunity to
select from a range of personal interest,                Mrs. Sam Loxley
College and/or community projects.                       Head of Learning Community (Redbacks)
More will be explained to the students
on their first day.
                                                         Miss Lindsay Graham
On Wednesdays, students will meet                        Head of Learning Community (Scorpions)
with a Learning Coach and group of
about 17 students. This teacher’s role
is to work with the students to enhance                  Mr. Richard Miegel
their academic and personal growth                       Head of Learning Community (Stingrays)

and development with more of an
individualised student focus.
                                                         Mr. James Hallas
                                                         Head of Learning Community (Taipans)

                                               The positive and productive
                                               partnership between the College
                                               and families is critical to the
                                               development of students and we
                                               look forward to working with you.

                                               I encourage you to liaise with these
                                               leaders and other staff to ensure our
                                               communication is as effective as

                       DARRON SKINNER-MARTIN
                       DIRECTOR OF LEARNING
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
Uniform and Grooming                              Uniform Policy
                                                Our Uniform Policy can be found
                                                through Parent Lounge:
To assist in your preparations for the
first relevant College day, please              1.   Open Parent Lounge
note the following:                             2.   Navigate to ‘School Links
1.		 Students are required to wear              3.   Open ‘School Policies’
		 their full formal uniform on                 4.   Open ‘Uniform Guidelines’
		 Monday 25/1/21 AND
		Wednesday 27/1/21.

Please note that only Year 7, Year 12
and students enrolling in the College        Student Services Office
for 2021 are required to attend
on Monday the 25/1/21. All other
students first day is on the 27/1/21.
                                         Lastly, the Student Services office has
                                         been renovated and is looking very nice.
2.		 Please ensure your student meets
		 our grooming guidelines               Please note that all matters are now
		 including nails, hair styles and      through this office including:
		 colours, jewellery (piercings) and
		makeup.                                ∙   the health centre
                                         ∙   counsellors
3.		 There have been some changes        ∙   bus passes
		 to our uniform guidelines in          ∙   sign in/out
		 line with our future contemporary     ∙   assessment submission
		 learning structure and focus on
		student choices.                       and any other student related matters.
Please read this carefully and if you
have any questions, please contact       Thank you, and I look forward to another
your Head of Learning Community.         exciting year and to working with you in
                                         educational partnership.

                                                           (07) 5466 9900
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
             D I R E C TO R OF TEA CH ING
             AND LEAR NIN G

Welcome back to 2021!                            ATAR
We are all in for a fantastic year
of learning and change. If 2020               2021 saw our first year of graduates to
                                              attain an ATAR score (rather than an
taught us anything, it’s that we              OP) and our Year 12 students acquitted
are braver and more resilient                 themselves proudly. We have the vast
than we thought. We have a                    majority of our students accepted into
renewed focus on students                     the tertiary courses of their choice and a
                                              high rate of QCE/QCIA attainment. We
being at the centre of their
                                              will continue to work on our systems and
learning journey and on stripping             processes for supporting these students to
back the complexities of our                  maximise their potential. Students on all
processes. We have a fantastic                pathways continue to be well catered for
raft of initiatives planned around            with an increasing range of Applied and
                                              Vocational courses on offer.
wellbeing and maximising
the potential of teachers and
                                                   Subject Selections
I would encourage you to contact                It is vital that students have
me with any queries or concerns of              conversations with the appropriate
a teaching and learning nature. I               staff in order to make the most
would rather answer a hundred parent            out of their education. Students will
                                                need to come to the Curriculum
questions than have someone worried             Office via Student Services to action
and anxious at home. We will have more          any subject change requests as
opportunities for parent connection             soon as possible in Term 1.
(both face to face and online) and I will
thank you in advance for your patience          They will still require a parent/carer
and support as we trial new ways of             to sign off to ensure changes can be
                                                processed. Once the subject is
teaching, learning and being.                   changed, the student can then be
                                                issued a new timetable and relocate
                                                to the new class.

                                                Please be aware that changes
                                                cannot always be actioned due to
                                                full classes (a wait list will be offered)
                                                or may require further consultation
                                                due to impacts to QCE/ATAR
                                                eligibility (Senior only). Parents will
                                                be notified where appropriate.

                       ALICIA KENT-ROONEY
                       DIRECTOR OF TEACHING
                       AND LEARNING
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
The more proactive students
are in building strong learning
behaviours, the better their
outcomes will be. We have
a wealth of talent and
enthusiasm at the College and
I would encourage you to take
advantage of it.

Please take the time to engage with
College communications as there is a lot
that will be changing and we are aiming
for a ‘no surprises’ philosophy.

All the very best for this first term of
learning at the College.

                                                     (07) 5466 9900
START OF YEAR BRIEFING - January 2021 - Faith Lutheran College, Plainland
             D I R E C TO R OF OPERATIONS
             AND C O -C URRICULA R

Welcome back to Faith Lutheran College, and to the start of a new
year. I hope you have had a chance to relax and refresh over the
Christmas break and are ready for all 2021 has to offer.

   2021 Timetables                             Co-Curricular Options
   and Subjects                                for 2021

Student Café should be live for students    At Faith, we have some fantastic
to see their timetables, classrooms and     Co-Curricular opportunities for students
teachers by Wednesday 20th January.         this year.

If your student has any gaps or incorrect   It is not too late to join the hit musical
subjects in their timetable, I encourage    “Xanadu”. If you are keen to sing, dance,
them to contact us at the Curriculum        or act, I am sure our Musical Team
Office so we can address those gaps         would love to hear from you.
before classes next week or visit our
office located at Student Services on       Co-Curricular groups are a great way to
their first day back at school.             meet new people, hang out with friends,
                                            and just have a great time outside of
Also, if over the break any student has     the classroom. There are many more
changed their mind on an Elective           opportunities around the College to get
choice, changes can be made to subject      involved with, from our GBC Sport teams
choices up to the 3rd February. Again,      to Dance Troupes to our newly formed
simply come to the Curriculum Office and    Astronomy Club, watch the Notices in
grab a Subject Change form, complete it,    Student Café and Parent Lounge to find
and return by the due date.                 out more on how to get involved in these

                                            If you have any questions or would like
                                            to find out more information on anything
                                            mentioned above please contact either
                                            Rebecca Westman (rwestman@faithlcs.
                                   or myself
                                            ( and we
                                            will do our best to assist.

                      CHRIS BREINGAN
                      DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS
                      AND CO-CURRICULAR
            H EAD O F SPORT

Welcome to 2021 Sport at Faith!             GBC Sport ― Term One
The Faith Lutheran College
sporting program is a key                GBC Sport begins in Week 1 and Term
component of our holistic,               1 looks to be an exciting one, with the
balanced approach to                     inclusion of AFL. All fixtures and times
education. We are proud to               will be available on Student Café, Parent
offer a wide variety of sporting         Lounge and the Sports Facebook Page.
opportunities supported by an
enthusiastic group of staff.
                                                   FLC Sports on Facebook

                                              Keep up-to-date with latest from Faith
As always, the College’s sports               Lutheran College’s Sports Teams -
department is committed to providing          Follow our page on Facebook:
pathways that meet the needs of our 
community. Our programs aim to                faithlutherancollegesports
deliver quality learning experiences
that promote enjoyment, life-long
engagement and achievement.

Through regular high-quality sporting       Interhouse Swimming
competition against like-minded             Carnival
independent schools, students will
develop the human attributes necessary   The Swimming Carnival will take place at
for the future, including respect,       the Gatton Aquatic centre on Friday the
leadership, unity and determination.     5 th of February.
                                                 February The Carnival program
                                         will be available on Student Café, Parent
                                         Lounge and the Sports Facebook Page.

                                         This year students who wish to swim
                                         for Age Champion events will complete
                                         a direct nomination form that will be
                                         available during Week 1 of school. All
                                         50m and 100m events will go towards
                                         Age Champions. The overall House
                                         winner will be crowned based on:
                                               •   50m and 100m events
                                               •   All in Swim
                                               •   Year Level 25m events

                     KALE REED
                     HEAD OF SPORT
Total Rugby                              Western Ranges and
                                            Met West Trials.
Total Rugby Training will occur each
week on Tuesday and Wednesday
                                         All dates for district and regional trials
afternoons from 3pm-4.30pm.
                                         will be communicated through Parent
                                         Lounge and the Sports Facebook page.
In Term 1 these sessions will consist
of preparing students for competitions
                                         Students who are interested are
during Term 2.
                                         required to inform Mr Reed or Mrs
                                         Dana Stevens (Sports Admin Officer)
Trial games will be scheduled on
                                         through email or down at the Sports
Wednesday afternoon with all dates
and times to be communicate prior.
All students who are interested are
                                         All forms can be collected from the Faith
encouraged to attend. Boots, mouth
                                         Sports Centre. All Swimming, Cross
guards and appropriate clothing is
                                         Country and Athletics nomination will be
                                         performance based and selected by the
                                         Head of Sport.

                                                          (07) 5466 9900
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