Lincoln Northeast High School - Lincoln Northeast High ...

Page created by Michelle Garcia
Lincoln Northeast High School - Lincoln Northeast High ...
Lincoln Northeast High School
                           2635 N 63rd Street • Lincoln, NE 68507 • (402) 436-1303 • Fax (402) 436-1345

January                                     The Rocket Messenger                                          2020
Information from Principal Keri Applebee
Hello Rocket Families,                     settings, providing students with            Important Dates
 13451345 •to
               the start of second         a sense of security. Providing               Jan. 7 Start of Semester 2
semester! It is good to have our           this structure reduces stress and            Jan. 14 & 15
students back for what I know              reminds students that it is                  Lincoln Graduation -
will be a great Spring                     “business as usual.” This                    senior orders during lunch
semester. We understand that a             decreases the likelihood of                  Jan. 20 Martin Luther King,
new semester can be a busy and             problem behavior. Additionally,              Jr. Day – No School
exciting time for many of our              increasing our specific positive             Jan. 23 Rocket Food Market
staff, students and families. It is        feedback will not only support               3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
often seen as an opportunity to            students to demonstrate positive             Jan. 23 2020 LPS Bond Issue
“reset” and return to a more               behavior, but cultivate a safe,              6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
normal schedule and pace.                  successful and positive learning             Jan. 29 8th Grade Info Night
                                           environment for all. We try to               6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
At Lincoln Northeast we always             acknowledge positive behaviors
take time in January to re-focus           four times more often than                   More activities’ information can
on our school-wide                         correcting inappropriate                     be found on the LNE web
R.I.S.E. (Respect, Inclusive,              behavior. Outside of school,                 calendar at
Safe, Engaged) expectations so             consider using specific positive    or
we can be sure we are                      feedback to shape the behavior               on the LNE athletic calendar at
maintaining a safe and effective           you would like to see repeated.              https://www.heartlandathleticco
learning environment for all                                                  
students. Research shows that              Thank you for your continued                 chool/6/date/2020-01-
re-teaching and reviewing                  support of our great Lincoln                 27/view/week/
school-wide/classroom                      Northeast Community! Below
expectations creates predictable           you will find this month’s
adult behavior across all                  building and district updates.
Additional Student Supports:
Second semester brings with it             students who may need an
the opportunity to pilot a school          alternate setting.
within a school concept. We are            Additionally, Launch Pad can
calling ours “Launch Pad.”                 operate as a transition for
Launch Pad is a school within a            students who may move to
school concept where students              Lincoln Northeast at times other
will have the opportunity to               than the beginning of the year,
earn credits in an alternate               or second semester. We will be
setting within Lincoln Northeast           collaborating with counselors to
High School. This is an attempt            determine criteria based on the
to change the programming for              number of credits earned.                                          Page 1
Lincoln Northeast High School - Lincoln Northeast High ...
Reminders about our Quarter             Community Learning Centers:             Rocket House: if your student
3 Focus:                                CLCs are another great                  would like additional academic
                                        opportunity for students to be          support, Rocket House is open
Effective Instruction: A strong         involved in after school clubs          Monday - Thursday after school
continued focus on instruction          and activities. More information        until 6:00 p.m. and on Friday
and learning to provide students        can be found on our webpage.            until 5:00 p.m.. Thank you to
the best opportunities to earn          For your convenience, the link          the amazing Rocket House*
credits in their semester 2             is included:                            staff who is there every day to
classes.                               support our students and their
Culture for Learning: (R.I.S.E. expectations)
We will continue to work on:
   •    Decreasing hallway traffic and increasing on-time arrival to classes.
   • Wearing their IDs
           o Per district policy, students are required to wear an ID. This helps us ensure that proper
              identification is made and that ALL stakeholders know students we’re seeing in the hallways do
              indeed belong at LNE.
   • No blankets
           o Any students who bring blankets to school with them will be asked to keep them in their lockers
              or backpacks, during the school day, so as to not have them be a distraction to the learning
Begin to work on:
   • Students who use profanity.
We appreciate your continued support as we work to shift behaviors that are not school appropriate!
   • Cell phone/electronic use.
We appreciate your continued support as we work to remind, teach, and re-teach proper use/timing of when cell
phone/electronic use is appropriate.
Student Pick-up Update:
We continue to ask that all             For students needing to wait for        On Tuesdays, which is our PLC
students who are not staying            rides after 3:30 p.m., we ask           early release day for teacher
after school for CLCs, to               that students attend a CLC or           meetings, students can either
receive help from teachers or to        Rocket House* (see paragraph            attend Rocket House,
attend school practices or              to the right) located in the            Lighthouse opportunities, or
activities, to leave the building       media center. Another option is         stay in the commons area until
by 3:30 p.m.. The reason for            for students to join the                after school practices/activities
this is to decrease the number of       opportunities provided by               begin. All students will still be
unsupervised students.                  Lighthouse, once this program           asked to leave the building by
                                        is up and running.                      3:30 p.m..

LNE Mission Statement: Lincoln Northeast High School is dedicated to educating all students by emphasizing
positive relationships, high academic expectations and respect for diversity.

Lincoln Public Schools 2020 Bond Issue
Informational presentations about the Lincoln               throughout the school district identified in the
Public Schools upcoming bond issue will be held             updated LPS 10-year Facility and Infrastructure
throughout the community during the month of                Plan. There will be a presentation in the LNE
January. The district is asking voters to approve a         commons from 6:00 –7:00 p.m. on Thursday,
$290 million bond issue to address building needs           January 23rd, enter through door 35.
                                                                                                        Page 2
Lincoln Northeast High School - Lincoln Northeast High ...
Rocket Food Market on Thursday, January 23                   Tell your Friends and Neighbors!
The Rocket Food Market will be open 3:00 - 3:30 pm
for students and their families to pick up some extra              ALL Future Rockets!
groceries. You can pick them up on in the commons                          Wednesday
on Thursday, January 23, enter through door 35.                        January 29, 2020
Income verification and ID are not required to                      LNE 8th Grade Orientation
participate though you will be asked to sign in
                                                                         6:30 – 8:30 pm
when you pick up your grocery bag.

Access Amazing Library Resources from Home!
Did you know many of our fabulous library
resources can be accessed from home? If your
student is looking for online resources to complete a
research paper or speech for Oral Comm. class, we
encourage them to check out the many library
resources at home! The library provides access to
multiple database sites for students for free. To do
this, go to the Lincoln Northeast library website and            Become part of the Rocket tradition!
click on “Home Access” to get the database login
information. Many of the library’s resources can          Student Data Privacy
also be accessed by logging into the portal from          LPS cares deeply about protecting students
home. Go to and type in your               DIGITALLY. We go to great lengths to ensure that
student’s LPS ID number and password to see what          your child’s digital interactions are safe and
is available for your student to access from home!        appropriate, that the data we collect about them is
                                                          secure, and that we are guiding them to make good
Digital Citizenship Tips                                  digital decisions. Because these efforts are less
LPS teachers instruct students about digital law          visible than our physical security efforts, we have
when they help students explore how terms of              assembled this resource to shine light on these
service agreements and privacy policies are               important measures that are happening in LPS every
important and have real-world implications. Topics        day:
for a family discussion might include:
    • What are terms of service agreements?               Instructional Technology Tools (ITTs) in LPS
        (Rules you must follow when using an app          LPS believes that high-quality curriculum and
        or digital tool.)                                 instruction can and should include instructional
    • Why should you be aware of terms of                 technology for improving student achievement and
        service agreements? What are the                  preparing learners for adult success. To that end, a
        consequences of using apps not intended for       District Instructional Technology Tool (ITT)
        students your age? (Many terms of service         Committee works to identify those ITTs that are
        agreements include age requirements for the       safe for student use, support district learning goals,
        app or digital tool. If you use a tool that you   and encourage innovative teaching and learning.
        are not old enough to use, your account may
        be canceled, your safety may be                   All reviewed ITTs are cataloged in the LPS ITT
        compromised, and you may see                      Matrix [].
        inappropriate content.)
LPS has procedures in place to ensure the apps and        The most frequently used, approved ITTs are made
websites students are using adhere to the Children’s      available to students and staff in the LPS Portal
Online Privacy Protection Act.                            [].

                                                                                                       Page 3
Lincoln Northeast High School - Lincoln Northeast High ...
Wealth Building & Financial Management                 Cap and Gown Orders for Seniors
Students earn National Certification                   For seniors who have not yet ordered cap, gown and
                                                       tassel for graduation, representatives from Lincoln
                                                       Graduation will be in the commons during lunch
                                                       on Tuesday, January 14 and Wednesday, January
                                                       15 to take orders one more time; order forms are
                                                       available in the main office. Orders can also be
                                                       placed online at
The following students enrolled in the Wealth          The cost of the basic cap, gown and tassel is $20.00
Building & Financial Management class during first     including tax. Prices on all items will increase and
semester recently took the W!SE Financial Literacy
                                                       some items will not be available after
Certification exam and demonstrated proficiency in
personal finance by achieving a passing score on the   representatives visit LNE in January so order now.
nationally standardized Financial Literacy             Please make checks payable to Lincoln Graduation.
Certification Test.

Subjects mastered by these students include Money,
Budgeting, the Cost of Money, Banking, Credit,
Insurance, Investing, Retirement Planning, and
Financial Planning and Management.                     TEAMMATES Mentors Needed
                                                       Would you be willing to invest in one child’s life?
Great job to these students: Kali Burnham, Jesston     Become a mentor with the TEAMMATES
Howard, Sophia Mirabella, Dean Wiegert, Alexi          Mentoring Program at LNE. Meet with a student
Williams, and Kaleb Woodward.                          (grades 9-12) at school during school hours once a
                                                       week for 30-60 minutes. Build a caring relationship
                                                       while playing games and sharing interests. Focus on
NBHS Coat Drive Nets 100 Pounds of Coats!              the student’s strengths and foster their hopes and
Lincoln Northeast’s National Business Honor            vision for their future.
Society (NBHS) held a coat drive for the People’s
City Mission in December. Barrels for coats were       Take the next step. All it takes is an application,
placed in the commons, media center, the main          which can be filled out online (say that you saw this
entrance and all of the business classrooms.           in the LNE newsletter) at; a
                                                       background check and a training session are
Thanks to the student body, community, and LNE         required. For more information, contact Mrs.
staff, 100 pounds of coats were collected and picked   Kristin Skorupa at or 436-1303,
up by the volunteers at the People’s City Mission.     option 2.
The volunteers at the Mission indicated that all of
these coats were to be given away that very same
day to help members in our community.
Thank you to everyone who was able to donate!
Pictured on the right are NBHS officers Hannah
Schilz, Luke Buettner, Logan Gronewold, and Alexi
Williams with coats collected for the People’s City
Mission in December, 2019.

                                                                                                Page 4
Northeast Community Learning Center (CLC)

The CLC provides students with academic support via Rocket House, opportunities to participate in clubs and
activities, and an after school snack served between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m..
All students are welcome to be part of Northeast’s CLC by joining us in the media center after school and
participating in LNE clubs.
                                        Current Club Opportunities:

         Monday                   Tuesday              Wednesday                Thursday              Friday

        Key Club             Engineering               Slam Poetry            Yoga Club         LNE Cares (Anti-
       Anime Club                Club              Dungeons & Dragons       Latinos Unidos         Bullying)
   Gay Straight Alliance   Psychology Club              Art Club             Video Game
          (GSA)              Card Masters              Photo Club                Club
        Math Club           Kaleidoscope            LNE Cares (Anti-
                                                      Cooking Club

For more information regarding club dates, times, locations, and sponsors, visit the LNE website at and click on CLC Clubs under “Activities”, or contact CLC site director Erin Voichoski at or 402.436.1340.

Information from the LNE Counseling Center
Don’t ever pay for scholarship              ScholarshipQuest, Google                 Learn To Dream or ACE
searches! Use free resources                Classroom 2020 Scholarship               Scholarships to help with tuition
such as ScholarshipQuest at                 Document, or LNE Counseling              costs. Learn To Dream with over                Website under “Scholarships.”            Scholarship applications are
2,000 Nebraska-based                                                                 available in the LNE
scholarships, or free national              Foundation for Lincoln Public            Counseling Center.
sites like Cappex, GoodCall,                Schools Scholarships LINK -              ACE Scholarship deadlines
and Chegg.                                  Deadline February 24, 2020.              for Spring term classes:
                                            Lincoln Community                        Applications can be submitted
Susan Buffett Scholarship –                                                          now through May 15, 2020.
LINK Application Deadline:                  Foundation Scholarships –
                                            LINK - Deadline March 15,                LINK. Funds are limited - DO
February 1, 2020, 5:00 P.M.                                                          NOT wait to apply!
Susan Buffett Scholarship                   2020.
Help Sessions: Help will be                 Dual Credit Courses –                    Course Registration for the
available for Essay revision,               Registration for Second                  2020-2021 school year will
navigating the on-line                      Semester Dual Credit Courses             begin the last week of January
application, and uploading the              will begin during the first weeks        and continue into the month of
SAR on January 8th after                    of the semester in January.              February. Registration
school in Room 150 and again                Students will be given                   Resources will be available on
on January 23rd after school in             information from Southeast               the LNE Counseling Website.
Room 150.                                   Community College (SCC) and              Students will register through
                                            Nebraska Wesleyan University             Synergy, and parents will be
Ken Jones Engineering                                                                able to help with course
Scholarship – Application Due               (NWU) to bring home.
                                            Additional information will be           selection and view their
January 15, 2020 to LNE                                                              student’s registration choices
Counseling Center:                          available on the LNE
                                            Counseling Website. Students             during the week of their
Application available in                                                             registration.             Page 5
EducationQuest’s                            with financial need can use the
2020-2021 LNE Registration                 ACT National Test dates:                 Test: June 13, 2020
dates:                                     Test: February 8, 2020                   Registration Deadline:
9 to 10th Grade Registration:              Registration Deadline:                   May 8
January 27 - 30                            January 10                               Test: July 18, 2020
10th to 11th Grade Registration:           (the last ACT Test accepted by           Registration Deadline:
February 3 - 7                             UNL for scholarships)                    June 19
11th to 12th Grade Registration:           Test: April 4, 2020
February 10 - 14                           Registration Deadline:                   *************************
8th to 9th Grade Registration:             February 28                              All juniors will take the ACT
February 10 – 27                                                                    Test for the Nebraska State
                                                                                    Assessment on Tuesday, April
                                                                                    7, 2020. This test will be paid
                                                                                    for by the district and students
                                                                                    will register for the test at

                   Community Awareness Series: Promoting Healthy Behaviors
Looking ahead to February:                                    out-of-home placement, reunification, and mental health
Schools, parents, caregivers and communities all play a       and/or alcohol use problems. Melissa Tucci has been a
role in providing supportive pathways for our youth as        SCIP provider since 2014. James Tucci is a Licensed
they navigate childhood and adolescence. SCIP (School         Independent Mental Health Practitioner (LIMHP) in the
Community Intervention and Prevention) is partnering          state of Nebraska. James has worked in residential, acute
with Lincoln Public Schools, Bryan Independence               care (hospital), in-home, day treatment, and outpatient
Center and the Lancaster Prevention Leadership Team to        settings. He has assisted children, adolescents, families,
put on a series of valuable presentations about how to        couples, and individuals with issues related to abuse and
support the health and well-being of our community’s          trauma, depression, anxiety, resolving problems and
youth. Please join us on:                                     increasing skills, and optimizing parenting effectiveness.
                                                              Together Melissa and James will discuss:
 February 27, 2020 - Youth Anxiety and Depression
        Lincoln High School/Media Center                          •   What is anxiety and depression and how might it
                 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.                                     look in children and adolescents?
                                                                  •   Misconceptions about anxiety and depression
                                                                  •   Treatment of anxiety and depression: shifting
Anxiety and depression continue to be two of the most
                                                                      from a "control strategies" approach to a values-
common mental health issues that arise in today’s youth.
                                                                      based, committed action approach
Knowing how to recognize early warnings signs of
                                                                  •   Effective, flexible parenting responses for
anxiety and depression and how to support youth who
                                                                      parents of children and adolescents experiencing
may be struggling, are two important factors in early
                                                                      anxiety and/or depression.
intervention. Melissa Tucci is licensed as an Independent
Mental Health Practitioner and an Alcohol and Drug            Please contact Abbe Edgecombe, SCIP Coordinator for
Counselor. She has worked in various settings with            Lincoln-Lancaster County, for questions or additional
children, adolescents, and families experiencing trauma,      information: (402) 327-6841 or

Bryan Independence Center
                                                                                       Page 6
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