Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth

Page created by Dwight Holt
Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
C O N G R E G A T I O N                        S H A A R E                       E M E T H

              The Bulletin                                                                              July 2021

                                                Join Lucy Greenbaum and the Prayer Lab Musicians, along with
                  HOPE AND LIGHT                Rabbi Andrea Goldstein and the Missouri Tree Frogs for a night of
                                                live music, stories of hope and more.

                                                You can experience the fun of this event in person (space is limited)
                        J U LY 2 4 , 2 0 2 1    or stream it online. Whichever option you choose, visit
                                       to register.
                               7 : 3 0 P. M .
                                                While the concert is free (whether you join us live or watch online),
                                                we invite everyone to spread a sense of hope and light by
            I N T H E C O U R T YA R D AT       making a donation to the Parents Circle Families Forum (PCFF), a
                                                joint Israeli-Palestinian organization of over 600 families who have
C O N G R E G AT I O N S H A A R E E M E T H    lost an immediate family member to the ongoing conflict.

             Register to attend or stream at
Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Worship Schedule
Shaare Emeth will now host in-person Shabbat services on Friday                August will mark a new phase
evenings, beginning at a new time – 7:30 p.m. If you would like to             of our transition back to full
join us, please fill out an attendance request form at                         in-person services at Shaare                                                     Emeth. Beginning with Friday,
Please note that all worship services continue to be available                 August 6’s Shabbat evening
online via live streaming from our website,                      worship, we plan to return
                                                                               to 6 p.m. services hosted
You can join us from home via computer, tablet or smartphone at
                                                                               in the Stiffman Sanctuary.
                                                                               Details regarding attendance
Friday, July 2, 2021                  Saturday, July 17                        limits, reservations, and
7:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service,   9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish        other specifics will be
          July Birthday Blessings                                              communicated in mid-late
                                      Friday, July 23
                                                                               July via our ShaareMail
Saturday, July 3                      7:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service
9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish                                              e-newsletter. We will also
                                      Saturday, July 24                        include these details in the
Friday, July 9                        9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish        August issue of the Bulletin.
7:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                                      Friday, July 30                          We also will continue to offer
Saturday, July 10                     7:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                                                                               live online streams of our
9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish
                                      Saturday, July 31                        Shabbat services at
Friday, July 16                       9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish
7:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service

 OFFICE CLOSURE       The Shaare Emeth offices will be closed Monday, July 5 in
 observance of Independence Day.

Israel Through Your Eyes! Travel to Israel with Shaare Emeth in 2022
                                                           June 5-16, 2022 – A Family Israel Adventure
                                                           A family adventure, with a special celebration for
                                                           B’nei Mitzvah students, past, present and future.
                                                           Parents, children, grandparents and more will love
                                                           this 11-day overview of highlights of this amazing
                                                           land, including a group B’nei Mitzvah celebration.

                                                                                  We are now planning these
As we look forward, we are planning for two different                             amazing congregational
Shaare Emeth trips to Israel in 2022! Rabbi Jim and                               Israel trips. Space is limited -
Amy Bennett invite you to join them and others from                               so don’t get left behind! To
our congregational community to connect with the                                  learn more and to reserve
land, people and history and to see Israel through                                your spot, please contact
your own eyes!                                                                    Rosalie Stein,

March 12-26, 2022 – Israel Pilgrimage for Adults
First-timers and returning visitors will love this
memorable five-star deluxe two-week tour. A journey
you will never forget!

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Counting Our Blessings
Changing Hearts and Minds…

                                ver the past few years, we have       overcome their ignorance and let go of their hatred is certainly a
                                witnessed a troubling trend in        good thing. I am all for these strategies.
                                the “public square” of American
                       Jewish communities, including our own.         I wonder, though, if we also apply a commitment to reciprocity
                       Regularly, we witness members of the           to the work of changing hearts and minds, thereby changing our
                       right-wing “Pro-Israel” community              own hearts and minds as well. I am increasingly disturbed by the
                       condemning, shouting down, and bullying        polarization and closed-mindedness that so many of us – nearly
                       those of us who speak out in support of        all of us – seem to exhibit in our day-to-day lives and particularly
the rights of both Jews and Palestinians to self-determination,       when it comes to our political, national, religious and ideological
or those of us who may criticize the government of Israel.            beliefs. So many of us only listen to one source of news, only
Condemning the “Occupation of the West Bank” or supporting            read media and social media that comes from one perspective,
the civil and human rights of Palestinians often leads to charges     only have meaningful dialogue with people with whom we agree,
of anti-Semitism. Clearly, these loud voices desire to change our     and worst of all, think that those with whom we disagree are
hearts and minds, stop our voices and convince us that loyalty        simply wrong, and therefore, we condemn their perspectives as
to Jews and Judaism demands uncritical loyalty to Israel and          wrong and we refuse to even take the time to hear their point of
grants tacit permission to deny human rights to others.               view and to truly listen to what they have to say.

Those of us who are both pro-Israel and sympathetic to the            Might we actually open our hearts and minds to trying to just
rights of the Palestinian people must also debate in good faith.      listen to the perspective of others? Not to try and convince
When we condemn others who are uncritically pro-Israel                them to change their minds, but to try and to understand what
without hearing what they actually have to say, our hearts and        they think, feel, fear, believe, hope and dream. Are we really
minds appear similarly closed.                                        that insecure with our own beliefs that we must condemn the
                                                                      positions of others before we even hear them?
“Changing Hearts and Minds in the Arab World…” read a recent
email that popped up in my inbox. Sponsored by the American           Changing hearts and minds demands reciprocity. “I will listen to
Jewish Committee at its Annual Meeting, this talk discussed           what you have to say and try to understand, and all I ask is that
important efforts “leveraging technology to enhance the Arab          you listen to what I have to say and try to understand as well.
world’s understanding of Israel and the Jewish people…”               We will not scream at each other. We will not refuse to engage
Good for them. Promoting understanding among those who                in dialogue. We will listen, patiently and with openness and
may not understand us, or even those who hate us, is an urgent        perhaps, just maybe, we will find our way to changed hearts and
commitment for us, for Israel and the Jewish people, and for our      minds and a better future.”
own nation and community as well. Changing the hearts and
                                                                      James M. Bennett, Rabbi
minds of those who we perceive as enemies is one way to break
down barriers and create a better world for all of us. Getting
other people to see things our way, to let go of their prejudices,

     Changing Hearts and Minds                                       Join Rabbi Bennett and Rabbi Goldstein as
                                                                     we gather together for listening, learning and
                            WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 AT 7 P.M.              dialoguing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our
                                                                     goal is to share respectfully in a conversation about
                 Register to participate in-person or
                                                                     “How are we feeling about Israel?” We will share an
           stream online at
                                                                     update on what is happening in Israel and open an
                                                                     ongoing dialogue within our congregation seeking
                                                                     to open hearts and minds.

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
From the President
                       Note: This is an abridged version of           proud parents in Cantor Seth and Shayna Warner. Admittedly
                       president Joshua Wallach’s remarks that        I teared up on multiple occasions, overcome that I was back
                       were delivered at Shaare Emeth’s Annual        in one of my favorite spaces, knowing that so very soon our
                       Meeting on June 8, 2021.                       Congregation would be back together. On June 4, I sat with my

                                                                      daughter and many of our congregants in our garden for outdoor
                           t would be an understatement to say        services and was again moved by the power of our community!
                           this past year has been anything less
                           than challenging. In my remarks at         I have a tremendous amount for which to be thankful during
last year’s annual meeting, our first ever virtual annual meeting,    this first year of my Presidency. I said it last year and I will say
one of the key components I focused on was teamwork. Without          it again, you can never thank someone too much. To our Board
teamwork, we cannot function. This concept has proven                 of Trustees, our clergy, our staff, our directors, thank you. To
foolproof over time. Never in our history have we encountered a       my family, Stacey, Gabriel, Vivian and Benjamin, thank you for
closure of our doors for such an extended period of time. Never       allowing me the opportunity to spend so much time serving our
before have we had to reinvent how we make Shaare Emeth a             Congregation.
place of joy, of meaning, and of compassion in the absence of in
person gathering.                                                     Congregants, thank you for all you do, for giving of your time,
                                                                      your financial support and your willingness to embrace this past
There are layers upon layers of people at work who make               year as best as possible. Wonderful things are on the horizon for
Shaare Emeth go round each and every day. Lay leadership,             Shaare Emeth, and I am proud to lead us into this next chapter.
teachers, administration staff, part time, full time, custodial
staff, seasonal staff, and of course our world-class, unbelievable,   Very Sincerely,
selfless team of clergy. I often hear from others that the unique     Josh Wallach, President
relationship our lay leadership has working in tandem with our
staff and clergy is something we should be grateful for, and I
agree. I work alongside lay leadership and staff and clergy who
advocate for responsibility, kindness, and the security not only
of our congregation but of our community. The breadth of what
we do at Shaare Emeth isn’t possible without everyone playing
a role.

While the world does remain in a place of pandemic uncertainty,
we do know that things have thankfully, finally begun to take a
better path in the United States. Now, we find ourselves with a
new set of challenges; how do we best reopen our doors while
respecting science, safety, and the need to be together once
again? Many teams are hard at work on this process, on a daily
basis in fact. We will overcome these challenges, too –­ as we
have already begun to do.

Just a few weeks ago, I had the honor of serving as the board
representative for Isaac Warner’s Bar Mitzvah. While suffering
from a bit of pandemic induced agoraphobia myself, I was
quickly overcome with emotion as a limited number of people I
knew made their way into the sanctuary. I was greeted with the
familiar sounds of Orin Johnson at the piano, Lucy Greenbaum
on guitar and behind the microphone, our Rabbis welcoming
us before turning it over to a beautifully led service by our Bar
Mitzvah, and the familiar but unique words delivered by two very

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Save the date! Together Again
 at 7 p.m.                                    This year we will gather under an outdoor tent and have our
                                              annual Heart & Soul celebration.

Our Heart & Soul Committee is working to create a special celebration like no other that will
include food, inspiring moments of gratitude AND for those who are able...togetherness!

This year we are honoring the staff of                              Honoring
Congregation Shaare Emeth. Because of                               Rabbi Jim Bennett                 Stacy Jespersen
                                                                                                      Executive Assistant
                                                                    Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
their creativity and dedication our temple                                                            to the Clergy
                                                                    Cantor Seth Warner                Valerie Cundy
thrived during the pandemic. Their ability                          Rabbi Educator Lori Levine        Assistant to the Executive
                                                                                                      Director, Building Operations
                                                                    Rabbi Rachel Bearman
to pivot and bring our community together                                                             Director, and Director of
                                                                    Rabbi Emeritus Jeffrey Stiffman   Jewish Life and Learning
in worship, reinvent lifecycle events and                           Rosalie Stein                     Jana McGinty
                                                                    Executive Director                Receptionist
holidays, provide education for all ages, and                       Robert Colton                     Stacy Siciliano
                                                                    Facilities Director               Accounting Associate
support those in need are beyond measure.                           Scott Berzon                      Tammy Beaird
                                                                    Business Operation Director       Religious School
                                                                                                      Administrative Assistant
                                                                    Debbie Bram
                                                                    Jewish Life and                   Marci Diamond
                                                                    Learning Director                 Assistant Director of
                                                                                                      Religious School
                                                                    Brandi Cartwright
                                                                    Early Childhood                   Maggie Muhr
                                                                    Engagement Director               Early Childhood
                                                                                                      Administrative Assistant
                                                                    Jeremy Goldmeier
                                                                    Communications Director           Lorretta Longton
                                                                                                      Evening Receptionist
                                                                    Lucy Greenbaum
                                                                    Music and Youth                   Lynn Ferguson
Become a Heart & Soul Celebration sponsor.                          Engagement Director               Hospitality
For information on becoming a sponsor of Heart & Soul 2021,         Beth Kodner                       Custodial Staff
please contact Rosalie Stein at or 314-569-0010.   Camp Emeth Director

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Book of Memory
              ne of our most cherished High Holiday traditions is our beautiful Book of
              Memory, usually distributed each year during the Yizkor Memorial Service
              on Yom Kippur afternoon. The Book of Memory is a meaningful record of the
     names of our recently deceased loved ones, along with the names of other family and
       friends whom we wish to recall with loving memory. This year, the Book of Memory
        will be available online and printed copies will be available at Yom Kippur Yizkor
        services. We invite you to contribute to our 2021 Book of Memory by submitting the
         names of your loved ones online or by mail as soon as possible, and no later than
         July 23, 2021.

          To submit the names of your loved ones online, please visit
 to ensure they are displayed in our 2021 Book
           of Memory accurately, per your wishes.

           To see a copy of last year’s submission please contact
           or refer to last year’s book which can be found at The
            2021 Book of Memory will be completed during late July, so all submissions
            must be received by July 23, 2021.

                Please know that your voluntary and generous contributions make the creation
                of our 2021 Book of Memory possible. We are grateful for your generosity
                 on behalf of your loved ones and hope that it will bring you a measure of
         satisfaction, knowing that their good works will be carried on through the many
     programs, services and activities of Congregation Shaare Emeth. May your summer be
     filled with good health, rest, and fulfillment.

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Our First Service Back
“Shabbat Shalom,” Rabbi Andrea Goldstein said, standing on a
concrete bimah in Shaare Emeth’s courtyard.

For more than a year, she and the rest of Shaare Emeth’s clergy had been speaking these
words into empty and silent rooms every Friday evening. But on this night, a chorus of
voices answered back: “Shabbat Shalom!”

Rabbi Goldstein beamed. “I’m    just going to do that again. Shabbat
“Shabbat Shalom!” replied the congregation, even louder this time.
June 4 marked Congregation Shaare Emeth’s first in-person prayer services in 14
months. It was a night of celebration, joy and long-overdue socializing for the 100
attendees. As much as our online streaming services have helped to maintain the fabric
of our community, nothing compares to sharing our worship in-person.

“To hear a congregation – a community – respond to our greeting, to sing with us… it is
truly a beautiful sound,” Rabbi Goldstein said.

Our outdoor services will continue throughout July in our courtyard. You can learn
more and find a link to register each week at

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Member Spotlight
                             Jerri Livingston

                                  hroughout her 20 years as a
                                  breast cancer survivor, Jerri
                                  Livingston has been guided by
                           one simple mantra:

                           “Don’t mess with me.”

                           Granted, it’s not necessarily the sort
                           of saying that you’d have embroidered
                           on a throw pillow, but those four
For more information       simple words have embodied the
                           tenacity and spirit that Jerri has
on Komen Missouri, visit   brought to her battle with the disease.
                           The road hasn’t been easy, but it’s led         Jerri to her calling in life.

                           “I’m not sure why I got breast
                           cancer,” Jerri says, “but I definitely
                           feel that it was for a reason.”

                           Jerri prefers the term “thriver” over “survivor.” It’s an inspirational switch in verbiage
                           borrowed from Susan G. Komen, one of the world’s leading organizations in funding
                           breast cancer research. Supporting Komen is one of Jerri’s chief passions, and this May
                           she received some colorful recognition for her efforts.

                                                                    After Jerri raised more than $2,000 for Komen
                                                                    Missouri’s More Than Pink Walk, the organization
                                                                    honored her as the grand marshal for its Hope
                                                                    on the Road Parade. Bedecked in a bright pink
                                                                    tiara and riding in a black Chevrolet convertible,
                                                                    Jerri got to experience the event in style – see the
                                                                    attached photos as evidence.

                                                                    Jerri credits her success not to any particular
                                                                    fundraising acumen, but to having a tireless circle
                                                                    of friends and loved ones.

                                                                    “I have incredible support from my family and
                                                                    group of friends,” Jerri says. “We are always there
                                                                    for each other, no matter what.”

                                                                    Photos Courtesy of Susan G. Komen Missouri,
                                                                    taken by Alex Currigan and Brittany Seaman

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Camp Emeth
  Camp Emeth Opened on June 7 and We Are
  Having So Much Fun!
  We interviewed campers and asked:
  What’s your favorite part of Camp Emeth? Their answers included:



“water ga                                                   “everything!”

                                                            my counselors”
                                   “just hanging out with

“running around and getting ex

Starlight, Starbright - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Congregational News
                                             Shaare Emeth’s Mitzvah Garden Seeks

                                                    he Mitzvah Garden of Congregation Shaare Emeth is an amazing sight to
                                                    behold! Only in its third year, we grow over a dozen varieties of fruits and
                                                    vegetables that are donated to the Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry. In 2020, we
                                             harvested close to 300 pounds of produce.
AV Club

                                             To participate by watering for 30 minutes a week (alone or with your family), helping
     n 2020, Shaare Emeth rapidly moved      weed, or giving tours to our religious school or campers, please contact one of our co-
     services, classes and celebrations      chairs. We’d be happy to give you a private tour. The garden is located on the east side
     online while retaining our sense        of the Temple, down the hill from the camp pavilion.
of community, meaning, support and
joy. To meet Shaare Emeth’s increased        A group of us started the garden without much knowledge of ‘farming,’ and we
technology needs, the AV Club was            welcome any volunteers or visitors regardless of experience.
founded to partner with the Matlof Fund
for Connection and Communication.                                                  Let’s share our bounty, one plant at a time!
We thank our AV Club members for their
                                                                                        Gary Ratkin and Lorry Blath, co-chairs
generosity in meeting this crucial new
mission! For more information on how
to join, please visit or                                                Ready to volunteer? Sign up to help water
contact Michele Siler at                                                                 the garden at

Our new members from March 24 to
time of printing:                            A Note From Our Accounting Department
Jason and Melissa Adler                      Our congregation’s lockbox address has changed. Please use the address below for any
Gilbert and Sheila Dolgin                    payments mailed to Shaare Emeth:
Sue and Joel Picus
                                             Congregation Shaare Emeth
Earl and Laurie Rosenberg
                                             Dept 12005
                                             PO BOX 2153
                                             Birmingham, AL 35287-9211

                                             If you have automatic payments sent to Shaare Emeth each month directly from your
                                             bank account they will be returned until this address is updated.

For Those Who Might Be
Guest authors answer questions about Judaism, Jewish
practices and Jewish thought. If you have a question,
contact Subie Banaszynski, Interfaith Coordinator, at

Why do many Jews make
contributions or gifts in multiples
of $18?
Debbie Bram responds:
It is because of Gematria. Gematria is a
numerological system by which Hebrew letters
correspond to numbers. This system, developed
by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism),
derived from Greek influence and became a
tool for interpreting biblical texts. In gematria,
each Hebrew letter is represented by a number
(for example, aleph = 1, bet = 2, etc.). One can
then calculate the numerical value of a word
by adding together the values of each letter
contained in the word.
The Hebrew Alphabet in Numerology:
1 Aleph ‫א‬           10 Yud ‫י‬            100 Koof ‫ק‬
2 Bet ‫ב‬             20 Kaf ‫כ‬            200 Reish ‫ר‬
3 Gimel ‫ג‬           30 Lamed ‫ל‬          300 Shin ‫ש‬
4 Daleth ‫ד‬          40 Mem ‫מ‬            400 Taf ‫ת‬
5 Heh ‫ה‬             50 Nun ‫נ‬            500 Kaf (final) ‫ך‬
6 Vav ‫ו‬             60 Samech ‫ס‬         600 Mem (final) ‫ם‬
7 Zayin ‫ז‬           70 Ayin ‫ע‬           700 Nun (final) ‫ן‬
8 Het ‫ח‬             80 Peh ‫פ‬            800 Peh (final) ‫ף‬
9 Tet ‫ט‬             90 Tzady ‫צ‬          900 Tzady (final) ‫ץ‬

So how does this work?
The Hebrew word for life is chai, which is made up of
the Hebrew letter het and yud. Het is the 8th letter in the
Hebrew alphabet and has the numerical value of 8. Yud
is the 10th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and has the
numerical value of 10. When you add them together
you get the value of 18. It is considered good luck to
make contributions or gifts in multiples of chai (18).

Temple Joy
Looking for Yahrzeits? We are continuing our Yahrzeit listings online in an effort to make our
monthly Bulletins leaner and more impactful. You can view these at

                                    New Member Families
                                   Please join us in welcoming new member families to Congregation
                                   Shaare Emeth!
                                   Daniel Axelbaum
                                   Brittany and Jason Berry, with children, Brielle and Kinsley
                                   Bree and Jaren Goodman
                                   Brook and Raymond Pratt, with children, Nash and Margot

                                  Mazel tov to these members…
                                  Marcia and Carl Moskowitz on the graduation of their granddaughter,
                                  Ellie Moskowitz, who graduated magna cum laude from Elon University with a
   STEVEN B. GORIN                Bachelor of Arts in Human Service Studies.
  Thompson Coburn LLP
                                  Carol & Jeff Schulman celebrating 45 years of marriage.
    Attorneys at Law
      314 552 6151                Barbara and Mark Bernstein on the marriage of their son, Scott, to Rachel Freeman.
                                  Lorry Blath for receiving the J Associates Mitzvah Star Award.

  Fellow, American College of     To share your simcha, visit or call Stacy Jespersen in the
Trust and Estate Counsel Estate   Shaare Emeth office, 314-569-0010.
 and Tax Planning for Business
    Owners and Individuals

In the Temple Family
    We express condolences to Shaare Emeth members and
  families who have recently lost a loved one, and sympathy to
        Shaare Emeth members who have had a death in
                     their extended family.

  Condolences                                         Sympathy
Harvey Cotlar                                      Jean Sokora on the death of her father,
        Husband of Barbara Cotlar, father          Bob Boeger
        of Merle Fox and brother-in-law
        of Marilyn Keimon                          Paul (Rachel) Swier on the death of his
                                                   father, Gary Swier
Kay Levin
        Mother of Linda Levin                      Brenda Bennett on the death of her
                                                   mother, Linda Schick
Fern Rosenberg
        Mother of Marsha (Ernie) Demba             Nancy (Randy) Green on the death of her
        and grandmother of Liessa (Mark)           father, Morton Kaplan

Marlene Weiss
        Mother of Jan (Stewart) Zeid                                                             Providing professional,
Dr. Dolores Wolff                                                                                compassionate care to
         Sister of Larry (Ellen) Paskar
                                                                                                   the St. Louis Jewish
                                                                                                  community for more
  Perpetual Memorials                                                                                than 115 years.
  A memorial has been established for:

  Steven David Korenblat
                                                                                                   Richard W. Stein
           Established by Deborah Korenblat, Rachel Korenblat, Emma Korenblat and                Emily Stein MacDonald
           Josh Korenblat and Sweta Pendyala
   Dr. Harry L. Glassman                                                               
           Established by Natalie Kalmar and Lorica Delorenzo

  William Rudolph
          Established by Jackie and the late Joyce Rudolph

  Joyce Rudolph
          Established by Jackie Rudolph

  The names of those remembered by a Perpetual Memorial will be read during the Friday
  Shabbat Services. They will also be remembered by yahrzeit date reminders sent to designated
  family members’ homes and are automatically included with the Perpetual Memorials in our
  memorial book on Yom Kippur. For more information on establishing a Perpetual Memorial,
  please contact Stacy Jespersen at or 314-692-5302.

                                          Rabbi Bearman on the birth of her          B’NAI EL TZEDAKAH FUND                   MICAH DAVIS
 The tributes listed here are             niece, Aril Lynn
 those made for $10 or more
                                                                                     IN MEMORY OF:                            MEMORIAL FUND
                                               Stacy & Jon Jespersen                 Jay Shucart
 and processed May 1st to May             Lindsey & Brain Glass on Charlie                                                    IN APPRECIATION OF:
                                                                                          Jacqueline Rudolph                  Jodi Granok for all of her hard work
 31st. A tribute gift made in             Glass becoming a Bar Mitzvah
 another’s name is a lovely way                Gabrielle & Mark Tullman                                                       helping Riley Greenfield prepare for
 to honor a friend for a recent           Carole & Jay Goldstein on the birth of     BROCKMAN-SIEGELMAN                       her Bat Mitzvah
 simcha (joyous occasion),                their Grandson, Cy Alexander               GEMILUT HASADIM FUND                          Shelley & Michael Greenfield
 to honor the memory of a                     Barbara & David Furman; Nancy                                                   IN HONOR OF:
                                                                                     IN HONOR OF:
 deceased loved one on their                  & Harvey Lehrer                                                                 Stan Shanker, the most generous man
                                                                                     Debbie Bram on her daughter
 yahrzeit (anniversary of death),         Dave Plengemeier on his                                                             in the world
                                                                                     Jessica’s marriage to Warren
 or to show appreciation for              Granddaughter Rachel becoming a                                                          Andy Shanker
                                                                                          Ann & Ashley Loiterstein
 someone. To make a tribute               Bat Mitzvah                                                                         Nick & Julie Shreders on the birth of
                                                                                     Stacy & Jon Jespersen and Family
 donation, please visit                        Jody & Mickey Waldman                                                          Evelyn Gail Shreders
                                                                                     on Kate Jespersen’s graduation with Hard                Abby Prywitch and Family on her                                                          Pam & Norm Davis
                                                                                     honors from Missouri State University.
 copy forms are available in              Graduation from Parkway Central                 Ronnie & Allen Brockman
 the Shaare Emeth North lobby             High School and for being awarded the      Sandy Yavitz with thoughts and get       ESTELLE & ED FISCHER FUND
 vestibule or you may email               Missouri Student Journalist of the Year    well wishes                              IN MEMORY OF:                      by the Interscholastic Press Association        Ronnie Brockman                     Howard Bushman
                                               Edith & Robert Prywtich               IN MEMORY OF:                               Tama Bushman, Gloria & Ron
                                          Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rosenblum on              Helen & Oscar Brockman, Evelyn &            Schwartz and Wendy & Sandy Wax
RABBIS’ SPECIAL FUND                      Dylan Scissors becoming a                  Sidney Goldberg, Wilma & Caroline
IN APPRECIATION OF:                       Bar Mitzvah                                Siegelman & George Siegelman
Rabbi Bennett for officiating the baby                                                                                        LISHA GAYLE
                                               Phyllis & Steve Kamenetzky                 Ronnie & Allen Brockman
naming for Mason Samuel Herman            Dick Scharnhorst for a speedy recovery     Frances Cytron                           PRESCHOOL FUND
     Susie & Jay Joffe and Jessica &           Sheri & Fred Seigel                        Ronnie & Allen Brockmann            IN MEMORY OF:
     Brian Herman                         IN MEMORY OF:                              Joe Elias                                Joe Elias
Rabbi Bennett and Camp Emeth Staff        Dr. Howard Lieberman                            Ronnie Brockman                         Jerri & Bill Livingston
for officiating at Andrew Goldberg’s           Elaine & Jordan Rudolph               Kay Levin
Eagle Court of Honor                      Edwina Tarkow                                   Ronnie & Allen Brockman             SHIRLEE GREEN
     Nancy & Glenn Goldberg                    Karen & Mark Zorensky                 Kent Luecking
Rabbi Bennett for performing the
                                                                                                                              PRESCHOOL FUND
                                          Hortense Tarkow                                 Ronnie & Allen Brockman
stone dedication for Angela Gold                                                                                              IN HONOR OF:
                                               Karen & Mark Zorensky
     Elaine Unell                                                                                                             Diana & Todd Waldman and Family
Rabbi Bennett and Rabbi Levine for
                                                                                     MAX & BERNICE                            on the birth of their daughter Poppy
helping prepare Lottie Rochester to
                                          CANTOR’S SPECIAL FUND                      BABCHICK JEWISH FAMILY                        Debbie & Dale Poslosky
become a Bat Mitzvah                      IN APPRECIATION OF:                        INVOLVEMENT FUND                         IN MEMORY OF:
     Carolyn & Sean Rochester             Cantor Warner for helping Lottie                                                    Ruth Weinberg
                                                                                     IN MEMORY OF:
Rabbi Goldstein for her caring,           Rochester become a Bat Mitzvah                                                           Cindi & Keith Guller
                                                                                     Wilbur Bender
concern and officiating at the funeral        Carolyn & Sean Rochester
                                                                                         The Bormaster Family
for Kay Levin                             Cantor Warner for helping Dylan                                                     PHYLISS & MARK KAPLAN
     Linda Levin                          Scissors become a Bar Mitzvah
                                              Jennifer & Irl Scissors and            BUILDING MAINTENANCE                     CHILDREN & YOUTH
Rabbi Goldstein for the beautiful                                                                                             SCHOLARSHIP FUND
naming for our Grandchildren                  Family; Lee & Mark Scissors            FUND
Mikayla & Lucas Sanders                   IN HONOR OF:                               IN HONOR OF:                             IN MEMORY OF:
     Janice & Lew Sanders                 Cantor Seth & Shayna Warner and            Susie Cooper for a full and speedy       Noah Arnold
Rabbi Goldstein for helping Dylan         Family on Isaac Warner becoming a          recovery                                     Marsha & Mark Schankman
Scissors become a Bar Mitzvah             Bar Mitzvah                                     Stephanie & Will Schachter
     Jennifer & Irl Scissors and              Sharon & Richard Cohen; Jan            Taylor Nadel on her graduation from      ALBERT & RUTH KOPOLOW
     Family; Lee & Mark Scissors              Fishman; Sherri & Rick Goldman;        college                                  BEAUTIFICATION FUND
Rabbi Levine for working with Riley           Carole & Jay Goldstein; Shelley             Stephanie & Will Schachter
                                              & Michael Greenfield; Phyllis                                                   IN HONOR OF:
Greenfield to prepare her to become a                                                IN MEMORY OF:
                                              & Steve Kamenetzky; Jackie &                                                    Alan Schaffer for a speedy recovery
Bat Mitzvah                                                                          George Gilbert
                                              Marty Lipsitz; Terry Lynford;                                                       Andy & Stan Shanker
     Shelley & Mike Greenfield                                                            Karen Gilbert
Betsy Garland for all of her kindness         Marilyn & Gary Ratkin; The
                                              Siler Family; Sharon & Leonard                                                  IDA & HARRIS KRAMER
     Barbara Greenspoon and Irene &                                                  SADIE & SIDNEY S. COHEN
     Melvin Greenspoon (z’l)                  Smith;Gabrielle & Mark Tullman;                                                 SOCIAL ACTION FUND
                                              Jody & Mickey Waldman; Sue &           MUSIC FUND
Peggy Lents for all of her kindness                                                                                           IN HONOR OF:
                                              Alan Wallach; Ginny Weiss              IN HONOR OF:
     Barbara Greenspoon and Irene &                                                                                           Debbie Bram on the wedding of
                                          IN MEMORY OF:                              Cantor Seth & Shayna Warner and
     Melvin Greenspoon (z’l)                                                                                                  Jessica and Warren
                                          Kay Rothman Levin                          Family on Isaac Warner becoming a
IN HONOR OF:                                                                                                                       Marilyn & Gary Ratkin
                                              Peggy & Ivan Rothman                   Bar Mitzvah
Rabbi Goldstein for a Special Birthday
                                                                                          B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh Group;
     Gail & Charles Eisenkramer                                                                                               LISA’S STAR FUND FOR
                                          BEMA FLOWER FUND                               Suzanne & Bill Bierman
Rabbi Lori Levine and Joe Ferris on the                                                                                       CAMP EMETH
                                                                                     IN MEMORY OF:
birth of Edward Ronen Levine Ferris       IN MEMORY OF:                              Kay Levin                                IN MEMORY OF:
     Sherri & Rick Goldman; The Siler     Florence K. Reichman                           Ginny Weiss                          Marlene Kanefield
     Family                                   Eunice & John Reichman and             Steve Zucker                                 Eunice & John Reichman
                                              Family                                     Jennifer & Irl Scissors

STANLEY LYSS & ESTHER                       Garry Summers                           RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND                     WIILIAM SELTZER OLDER
LYSS-GREENSTEIN                                 Sue Matlof                          IN APPRECIATION OF:                       ADULT FUND
                                            Gary Swier                              Jodi Granok for helping prepare Lottie
LIFELONG LEARNING FUND                          Eunice & John Reichman                                                        IN MEMORY OF:
                                                                                    Rochester to become a Bat Mitzvah         Marty Kalmes
                                                                                         Carolyn & Sean Rochester                 Jackie & Alan Kofsky
Dr. Marshall Greenman                       HARRY & LUCILLE MIDOWS                  IN HONOR OF:
     Lynn & Dr. Carl Lyss
Philip Isserman                             RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND                   Rabbi Lori Levine and Joe Ferris on the
                                                                                    birth of Edward Ronen Levine Ferris       RABBI JEFFREY B.
     Lynn & Dr. Carl Lyss                   IN APPRECIATION OF:
                                            Jerri Livingston for all the hours of        Rabbi Rachel Bearman; Suzanne        STIFFMAN RABBINIC
Florence Kofsky
     Jackie & Alan Kofsky                   hard work helping Riley Greenfield           & Bill Bierman; Carole & Jay         CHAIR FUND
                                            prepare to become a Bat Mitzvah              Goldstein; Barb & Ken Peabody;       IN MEMORY OF:
Cynthia Sandler
                                                 Shelley & Michael Greenfield            Renee & Sam Silverstein;             Lisa, Hank and Henry Iglauer
     Lynn & Dr. Carl Lyss
                                            IN HONOR OF:                            IN MEMORY OF:                                 Irene & Melvin Greenspoon (z’l)
Gary Swier
                                            Rabbi Lori Levine & Joe Ferris on the   Joseph Elias                                  and Barbara Greenspoon
     Marcia & Carl Moskowitz
                                            birth of Edward Ronen Levine Ferris          Natalie & Larry Goldman
                                                 Jerri & Bill Livingston            Selma Birdie Mosinger
MANN FAMILY HUNGER                                                                       Shirley & Harold Mosinger
                                                                                                                              RABBI JEFFREY B.
                                            Hayley & Paige Greenfield’s
FUND                                        graduation from high school             Jay Shucart                               STIFFMAN LECTURE FUND
IN HONOR OF:                                     Jerri & Bill Livingston                 Sue Steiner                          IN MEMORY OF:
Julia Mendelow for being honored by                                                 William Silverstein                       Albert Fein
the JCRC with the Michael & Barbara                                                      Eileen Silverstein                       Ellen Bluestone
                                            OPERATIONS                                                                        Dr. Howard Lieberman
Newmark Emerging Leader Award
     Nancy & Bob Taxman                     ENHANCEMENT FUND                        SAM & GOLDYE ROSEN                            Esther & Al Appelbaum
Laura Silver on her special 50th birthday   IN HONOR OF:
                                            Julia Mendelow for being honored by
                                                                                    MUSIC FUND
     Cathy Orr
                                                                                    IN HONOR OF:
                                                                                                                              TEMPLE ENDOWMENT
IN MEMORY OF:                               the JCRC with the Michael & Barbara
                                            Newmark Emerging Leader Award           Annie Gottesman on Matan                  FUND
Kay Levin
                                                Marcia & Steve Feit                 Gottesman’s college graduation and Ari    IN HONOR OF:
     Judy Schenberg
                                            Eunice & John Reichman on               Gottesman’s high school graduation        Ellen & Dr. Larry Paskar on their new
                                            their Granddaughter Allie Kalik             Jerri & Bill Livingston               Granddaughter
MICHAEL MATLOF                                                                      IN MEMORY OF:                                  Donna & David Segal
                                            graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the
CONNECTION &                                University of Wisconsin                 Frances Cytron
COMMUNICATION FUND                               Jerri & Bill Livingston                Andy & Stan Shanker; Martin Wice      KATHY & MARTY ZIGLER
IN HONOR OF:                                Benjamin & Jessie Roodman on the        Kay Levin                                 FUND FOR ENRICHMENT
Rabbi Jim & Amy Bennett on the              birth of Philip Lawrence Roodman            Eve Becker & Bruce Adams; Lolly
                                                                                        & Don Hochman; Susan & Robert         OF PRESCHOOL TEACHERS
engagement of Erica Barish &                     Renee Roodman
                                            Sherri & Jimmy Rosen on the birth of        Levin; Sharon T. Silverstein; Rosh    IN MEMORY OF:
Ethan Bennett
                                            their new Grandson                          Chodesh Friends Felice Jones,         Steven Birenbaum
    Sue Matlof
                                                 Susie & Leon Kravitz                   Betsy Kelly, Sofia Kent, Jerri            Kathy Zigler
Rabbi Lori Levine & Joe Ferris on the
                                            Carol & Jeff Schulman on our 45th           Livingston, Louise Mass, Linda        Frances Cytron
birth of Edward Ronen Levine Ferris
                                            Wedding Anniversary                         Sandmel and Sharon Weissman               Kathy Zigler
    Sue Matlof
Cantor Seth & Shayna Warner and                 Carol & Jeff Schulman and Family
                                            Dr. Lawrence Samuels                    HARVEY & LEANNE                           – Listings received May 1st through
Family on Isaac Warner becoming a
                                                 Larry Krumrey                                                                May 31st–
Bar Mitzvah                                                                         SCHNEIDER INTERFAITH                      Every effort has been made to include
    Sue Matlof                              IN MEMORY OF:                           FORUM FUND
                                            Frances Cytron                                                                    accurate, up-to-date information on
Ellen & Gary Block on their anniversary
                                                Paula & Mike Geigerman; Janice &    IN HONOR OF:                              these listings. To report an error or
     Stephanie & Will Schachter
                                                Gary Sherman; Rosalie & Bob Stein   Harvey Schneider for being honored        omission, please call the Shaare Emeth
Tama Bushman on her special 95th
                                            Joseph Elias                            by the JCRC with the Batya                office at 314-569-0010.
                                                Paula & Mike Geigerman; Carl        Abramson-Goldstein Legacy Award
    Carol & Bruce Canis
                                                & Marcia Moskowitz; Rosalie &           Mary & Cary Lang; Jerri & Bill
Susan Rich on her 10 year “birthday”
                                                Bob Stein                               Livingston; Nancy & Bob Taxman
    Sue Matlof
                                            Carl Foster                             IN MEMORY OF:
Kim & Joel Schachter on their
                                                 Karen & Nelson Foster              David Samuels
                                            Harriet Goldenberg                           Barbara & Michael Shuman
     Stephanie & Will Schachter
Barry Worth on his special birthday              Ira L. Goldenberg
     Carole & Jay Goldstein                 Kay Levin                               JOAN & HARRY SELTZER
IN MEMORY OF:                                    Joyce & Dr. Jeffrey Glaser and     FAMILY FUND FOR
Wilbur Bender                                   Family; Betty & Joseph Langsam      IMPROVING WOMEN’S
     Carole & Jay Goldstein                 Kent Luecking
                                                 Sharon & Richard Cohen
Howard Bushman
     Tama Bushman and Family                Samuel Silverstein                      IN HONOR OF:
Sigmond S. Langsam                               Floryne & Murry Marks              Joy Seltzer
    Barbara Langsam Shuman &                Louis White                                   Cynthia & Garry Seltzer
    Michael Shuman                               Barbara Newmark                    Jill & Mark Schupp on their anniversary
Naomi Morrison                              Steve Zucker                                  Joan Seltzer
     Bonnie & Norman Solomon                     Sue Ellen Maneson                  IN MEMORY OF:
Cynthia Sandler                                                                     Harry Seltzer
     Scott Summers                                                                        Joan Seltzer

The Bulletin is published monthly by
Congregation Shaare Emeth. For more
information, please call the Temple office
at 314.569.0010

RABBIS                                                      Time Sensitive Material                                                                                 Non-Profit
  James M. Bennett                                                                                                                                                Us Postage
  Andrea M. Goldstein                                                                                                                                                    PAID
  Rachel K. Bearman                                                                                                                                             St. Louis, MO
                                                                                                                                                                Permit #5844
  Seth P. Warner
  Lori Levine
  Jeffrey B. Stiffman
  Rosalie R. Stein
  Debbie Bram
  Robert Colton
  Scott Berzon
  Brandi Cartwright
  Beth Kodner
		 Jeremy Goldmeier
		 Lucy Greenbaum
Board Officers
  Josh Wallach
   Bill Remis
  Dana DeBlasi
  Rachel Pereles
  Erin Schreiber
  Michael Sherberg
  Lisa Suffian
  Randy Brodsky
  Mark Gubernik
  Bob Sparks
  David Goran
  Michele Siler                                                Save the date! Together Again
  Mike Lefton
                                                               SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021
                                                               at 7 p.m.
                                                                             SEE PAGE 5
CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH                                                                         This year we will gather under an outdoor tent and have our
11645 LADUE ROAD                                                                                  annual Heart & Soul celebration.
                                                               Our Heart & Soul Committee is working to create a special celebration like no other that will
WWW.SESTL.ORG                                                  include food, inspiring moments of gratitude AND for those who are able...togetherness!
314-569-0010 • FAX 314-569-0271
                                                              This year we are honoring the staff of             Honoring
               Do You Get Our Weekly E-Announcements? Text    SHAAREMAIL
                                                           Congregation Shaare to 22828
                                                                               Emeth.   to signofup for ShaareRabbi
                                                                                      Because                  Mail,JimShaare
                                                                                                                        BennettEmeth’s weekly Stacy
                                                                                                                                                    Jespersen with a
               summary of the week’s events and breaking news updates.                                        Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
                                                                                                                                              Executive Assistant
                                                              their creativity and dedication our temple                                        to the Clergy
                                                                                                                 Cantor Seth Warner             Valerie Cundy
                                                              thrived during the pandemic. Their ability         Rabbi Educator Lori Levine     Assistant to the Executive
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