St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

Page created by Evelyn Holmes
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

St Helens Council Plan
2020-21 (Draft)
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

     Welcome to our draft St Helens Council Plan 2020-21. The plan sets out our draft priorities, main programmes
     of work and what we aim to achieve to ensure St Helens is a place of which we can all be truly proud.
     Our vision is to work together for a better borough with people at the heart of what we do. In the coming
     months therefore, we will be consulting widely with our residents and partners on this draft plan to ensure
     that the priorities we have identified and the actions we aim to take are the right ones, that meet the future
     needs of all our communities.
     Our aspirations and ambitions for St Helens are high and we want everyone in the borough to share these.
     We know there are some significant challenges facing our communities and it is only right that a large part
     of our plan focuses on supporting the most vulnerable. We have acted quickly and decisively to improve our
     services for children and young people and we are now heading in the right direction. The integration of our
     health and care services has been hugely successful and brought real benefits to local people. Future action
     will see us improving access to more joined-up services by delivering them closer to where people live.
     At the same time, there is also great potential and growing opportunity within our great Borough. The recent
     announcement of our long-term partnership with English Cities Fund is a huge step forward for St Helens and
     a game changer for the regeneration of our town centres and the wider Borough. Together we will work hard
     to ensure our plans for investment and growth bring greater opportunity and prosperity for all our residents
     and communities.
     Over the past 12 months we have made good progress in transforming the Council and improving the way
     we deliver services. We will continue this journey of modernisation through our One Council programme
     ensuring we put residents, customers and businesses first. I am delighted that our new Chief Executive Kath
     O’Dwyer has joined us and I have no doubt that the wealth of experience Kath brings will allow us to quickly
     drive further improvement and deliver our goals.
     I would like to thank all staff, Members and partners for their continued hard work and commitment over the
     past year and I look forward to our continued collaboration and engagement with the local community to
     fully agree our ambitious plan.
     Councillor David Baines

     Leader - St Helens Council
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

Our Vision
“Working together for a better borough with people at the heart of everything we do”.

Our Priorities

  Ensure children       Promote        Create safe      Support a         Create a       Be a modern,
    and young         good health,     and strong    strong, diverse   green, thriving   efficient and
   people have       independence     communities       and well-       and vibrant        effective
    a positive      and care across      for our       connected        place to be         Council
    start in life   our communities     residents    local economy        proud of
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

     St Helens - The Place
     St Helens is a place of great potential and growing opportunity. In our position at the heart of the North West, we have
     excellent road and rail infrastructure connectivity and are a short travelling distance from two international airports and the
     port of Liverpool. The semi-rural nature of the Borough, with over 65% of the area green-belt, makes for a very attractive
     place to live, demonstrated by strong recent growth in new housing development.
     St Helens is home to over 180,000 people, with a strong identity and sense of pride that is rooted in its past history and
     heritage. There is a confidence in the future, reflected by increasing business investment and therefore more jobs and
     opportunities; strong housing growth; a growing reputation as a centre for arts and culture; a nationally recognised and
     award-winning approach to delivering health, care and community wellbeing.
     The Borough has many strengths but also several challenges, which we are working to address and are reflected in this plan.

        Our Strengths

      A Growing          A Growing             Well                More A Safe Place A Green  Integrated
      Economy            Population          Connected            Homes    to Live   Borough Health & Care
         over 75% of        more than         St Helens lies at   over 2,800     crime rates     well over half    a nationally
        working age      180,000 people        the heart of the   new homes     are generally   of our Borough     recognised
        adults are in      living in the      North West with      built over    lower than       is rural with   approach to
        work, almost      Borough, with     strong and growing      the past    those of our     many quality       delivering
      5,000 more than    growing internal    strategic road and      5 years      statistical      parks and       integrated
       five years ago        migration           rail access                     neighbours      open spaces      health & care
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

Our Challenges

An Ageing Deprivation                         Poor              Worklessness                  Low                   High Demand
Population                                   Health                                      Attainment &               for Children’s
                                                                                          Skill Levels                 Services
  our population          there are        average levels of     there are still lower       although having            there are high
  is ageing faster        relatively     life expectancy are    numbers of people in      shown improvement,        numbers of children
 than many other       high levels of       lower than they     work, higher numbers     school attainment and       in the care system
  areas, creating     deprivation and     are regionally and     of people on out of       adult skill levels lag      and children and
    high demand       inequality to be       nationally, and      work benefits and        behind the national        families requiring
   for health and    found in areas of     vary significantly       less economic        averages, particularly     social care support;
    care services       the borough      within the borough        activity than the      higher level skills for       services need
                                                                  national average          specialist sectors            to improve

For a detailed profile of St Helens and its communities, please visit our local information site which provides
information, data and statistics on a wide range of themes:
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

     Our Council
     Our Council is one of the six authorities that make up the Liverpool City Region.
     The Borough of St Helens is split into 16 electoral wards, which are each represented by 3 Councillors, making a Full Council
     of 48. The Leader of the Council is supported by a Cabinet, consisting of 10 Portfolio areas that hold responsibility for a
     broad range of Council functions and the delivery of this Council Plan and its six key priorities.

                                Leader’s Portfolio

                                                     Corporate Services,
             Developing            Economic
                                                         Estates &
            Young People         Regeneration &
              Portfolio         Housing Portfolio

                                 Environmental            Finance
            Young People
                                Services Portfolio        Portfolio

                                                                                       Executive                 Executive   Executive
                                                                           Assistant               Director of
            Public Health,                                                              Director                  Director    Director
                                Adult Social Care       Community            Chief                 Children’s
          Leisure & Libraries                                                          People’s                    Place     Corporate
                                & Health Portfolio    Safety Portfolio     Executive                Services
               Portfolio                                                                Services                  Services    Services

      Our organisational structure is aligned to our portfolio structure and is based around three key departments.
      The Council’s workforce is led by the Chief Executive, supported by a senior management team consisting of an
      Assistant Chief Executive, an Executive Director responsible for each of the three departments and a Director of
      Children’s Services.
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

The People’s Services Department provides a range of statutory and non-statutory services for children, young people and
adults. This includes care services for older people, support for vulnerable adults and those with disabilities, children’s social
care, school support and improvement, fostering and adoption services, support for children with special educational needs
and public health services.
The Place Services Department provides a wide range of place-based services. This includes waste and recycling, street
cleansing, licensing, planning and development permissions, environmental health and trading standards, maintenance
of highways, footpaths, parks and open spaces, housing and homelessness advice. and the delivery of the libraries and
leisure services.
The Corporate Services Department provides a series of statutory functions and support services, that add value and
enable the effective running of the Council. This includes Finance, Legal, HR, IT, Health and Safety, Audit, Scrutiny and
many more. We also deliver a range of customer-facing services such as helping people with benefits applications.
Each year St Helens Council delivers over 700 services to over 180,000 residents and 82,000 households. In recent years
both the demand for our services and the cost of delivering them has increased significantly. In particularly the demand
for adult and children’s services is very high and 71% of our net budget is now spent delivering these services.

  Below is a snapshot of just some of the vital services we provided last year:

              almost                                    over
                                                                                               50                  over

            3,750              825,000
                                                     1,800                529                   adults
                                                                                            with learning       750km
          people supported                        children supported       children          disabilities            of
                                 supporting        through statutory
           with long term        over 65’s to                               looked           supported          carriageway
            adult social                               children’s            after            into paid         maintained
                                live at home          social care                           employment

           11,673                  45                2,500                116                 666                 93
             housing           public events          food and         long term empty       households           parks &
           benefit claims      supported &         health & safety      homes brought       supported to        open spaces
             caseload            delivered          inspections        back into use or      reduce fuel         maintained
                                                     completed           demolished            poverty
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

              Priority 1: Ensure children and young people have a positive start in life
     Children and young people are the future of St Helens and our        and work to ensure children leaving care have their specific needs
     aim is for them to have the best start in life so they can develop   met and support is provided for them to live well independently.
     and reach their full potential. We will achieve this by supporting   We will support families to make sure that all children, wherever
     families to thrive and be ambitious and confident about their        they live in the Borough start school ready to learn, achieve well
     children’s future.                                                   at school and leave school ready for life and work. We need to
     We have a particular challenge in St Helens in that too many         improve educational achievement and attainment for all young
     children and young people are in the care of the Local Authority     people in the Borough, by supporting all schools to become
     or receiving support from social services. We need to identify       rated ‘Good’ or better and we want more young people entering
     quickly those children and young people who need help to live in     employment or further education when they leave school.
     safe and supportive families and work with families to provide the   Working with a range of partners we will improve the quality of
     right help, at the right time to ensure more children stay safely    information, support and care for children and young people with
     living at home without the need for social worker intervention.      special educational needs and disabilities and their families which
     Children and young people in care and care leavers will be           supports them to live a life as ordinary as possible.
     listened to, treated with respect and receive strong support.        We also will work closely with families to improve the social,
     We will ensure children in care have effective care plans and        emotional and mental well-being of their children so that they
     that good, permanent living arrangements are identified for them.    can confidently journey into adulthood with high aspirations.
     We will focus on improving and increasing local fostering services
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -

Our objectives
  Every child       children and
  will attend a    young people
good school and    to build their
 achieve their    confidence and
   potential         resilience

                      children and
 children and        young people
   families       from risk of harm
with early help    and improve the
                   lives of children
                         in care
St Helens Council Plan - 2020-21 (Draft) -
10 I

         Priority 2: Promote good health, independence and care across our communities
   We want everyone in St Helens to have a life that is as long,            independence as a result of ageing. We will ensure that whatever
   healthy and fulfilling as possible. We will work in partnership to       a person’s circumstances the support we provide is easy to access.
   assist people to stay well, remain in control of their lives, and with   We will work alongside families to ensure that this support is
   the support of family, friends and other networks remain living in       provided in a way that makes sense to them. We will work closely
   their community.                                                         with local communities and provide services for carers to support
   Poor health is a significant issue in St Helens and wide health          them to look after their loved ones.
   inequalities exist in the Borough. Indeed, a man living in the most      With increasing demands placed on services careful management
   deprived part of the St Helens can expect to live 9 fewer years          and new ways of working are required. We will focus our reduced
   then a man living in a more affluent area of the Borough. Similarly,     resources where they are most needed and where we can make
   a woman living in the most deprived area of the Borough can              the biggest difference. Our award-winning St Helens Cares is now
   expect to live 7 fewer years than a woman living in a more affluent      providing real benefits to residents by joining up health and care
   area. There are deep rooted issues that cause this inequality, but       services. Over the coming year and beyond we will take this
   we will work with all partners and particularly the NHS to tackle        further by delivering more services closer to where people live.
   the causes of poor health and reduce the life expectancy gap of          We will focus services on the most vulnerable in our communities,
   St Helens residents.                                                     whilst assisting more people to support themselves and take control
   We also know that there are points in people’s lives when advice,        of their own lives for as long as possible. This includes supporting
   information, support and care is required. This could be because         people to manage their own health conditions in the community
   of physical or mental illness, a disability or a change in a person’s    and delay the need to move into residential and nursing care.
11 I

Our objectives

Provide people    Support people
with a positive   to lead healthy
 experience of        lives and
health and care    improve their
   services          wellbeing

   Promote         Support people
 good mental       with health and
  health to         care services
                      to remain
   people’s            in their
     lives           community
12 I

           Priority 3: Create safe and strong communities for our residents
   We want everyone who lives, works and visits St Helens to feel       Levels of crime and disorder in St Helens remain comparatively
   that they belong and are safe in their neighbourhoods and the        low, but challenges exist. Initiatives to support violence
   wider local area - by working together we can all play a part in     reduction including knife crime, tackling anti-social behaviour
   making sure our Borough is a tolerant, welcoming and safe place.     and combatting hate crime are all important areas we need
   Both the perceptions and the reality of crime and disorder have      to address. Reducing the scale and impact of domestic abuse
   a real impact on people’s lives and wellbeing and we know how        within our communities is a significant challenge. Nearly a fifth
   important it is for our residents to feel safe. Everyone’s views     of all recorded crimes within St Helens is related to this issue.
   matter so we will listen carefully to understand people’s concerns   Experiencing and witnessing domestic abuse has damaging long-
   and let them know what we are doing, including groups such           term effects on victims, children and young people. Together
   as children, young people and the most vulnerable, to make sure      we will do all we can to tackle the underlying issues of domestic
   they feel safer.                                                     abuse within our communities, support victims and hold those
                                                                        responsible to account.
   ‘Safer St Helens’, our Community Safety Partnership, brings
   together a wide range of agencies and community groups to            Importantly our work will focus on particular localities and directly
   tackle crime and disorder. Our approach will see us take early       support wider ambitions for the renewal of our town centres and
   action to prevent issues before they arise or get worse to protect   neighbourhoods. By working with residents to promote positive
   people and keep our communities safe. We will work with our          behaviours and good relations we will enhance the strength,
   partners to focus on those crimes that present the greatest          resilience and pride within our communities.
   threat, risk and harm to vulnerable victims and localities.
13 I

                                      Our objectives
                                                   Work with
                                                  partners and
                                                   to create
                                                strong and safe

                                                               Work as a
                                        Reduce the          partnership to
                                         impact of           prevent and
                                      domestic abuse         reduce harm
                                        within our            to our most
                                       communities             vulnerable

‘The Pansy Project’ - Paul Harfleet
14 I

          Priority 4: Support a strong, diverse and well-connected local economy
   We want St Helens to be place of increasing prosperity where            Our designs for economic regeneration will see us responding to
   a growing local economy provides greater opportunity and                emerging opportunities, investing to create growth, while valuing
   employment for the benefit of everyone so that no communities           the local environment and promoting the green economy. Our
   are left behind, and everyone has the opportunity to realise their      aspiration is to ensure everyone benefits from growth and a strong
   potential through life-long learning, skills and good jobs. Our         local economy is essential in bringing the financial resources to
   unique and distinctive Borough has a rich and proud history but is      support the delivery of the vital high quality public services our
   also a place of great future potential and ambition. We will work       communities deserve. Delivering with our partners on ambitious
   together with businesses, organisations and networks across the         plans for the revitalisation of our town and district centres will
   Liverpool City Region, the North West and beyond to raise               create vibrant, attractive places that bring a sense of pride about
   St Helens’ profile and support investment and growth within a           the Borough and confidence in the future.
   diverse local economy. Investment in new sustainable transport          Good homes in safe, attractive neighbourhoods will provide
   networks and advanced digital connectivity will bring people and        many positive benefits and improve quality of life and wellbeing
   places closer together, supporting business growth, improving           for young and old. We will work with partners to support the
   access to employment and strengthening communities.                     development of a range of good quality homes of all types, tenures
   Increasing skill levels and supporting access to good jobs will raise   and costs that meet people’s needs and aspirations and make
   aspiration and contribute to greater confidence and community           St Helens a great place to live and work. We will also strive to
   independence and wellbeing. There will be a focus on reversing          prevent homelessness wherever possible and where it does
   the impact of long-term and youth unemployment, including               happen, try to ensure that it doesn’t reoccur.
   increasing employment and training opportunities for young
   people in care or leaving care.
15 I

Our objectives

Invest to grow,
  attract and       Improve skills
  create more       and access to
   businesses        employment
    and jobs

                   Provide the right
Redevelop our
                     homes, in the
   town and
                    right place, at
district centres
                     the right cost
16 I

         Priority 5: Create a green, thriving and vibrant place to be proud of
   We want St Helens to be a clean, green vibrant place, where there   St Helens has a rich heritage and a growing reputation for the arts
   is a strong sense of community pride and belonging about the        and culture. Our two Arts Council National Portfolio organisations
   borough and confidence in its wellbeing for the future.             ‘The Heart of Glass’ and ‘St Helens Libraries – Cultural Hubs’
   The local environment is of great importance to people and in       provide a very strong foundation for us to build on. We want to
   response to global challenges in 2019, we declared a climate        celebrate our industrial and cultural heritage and make the most
   emergency and committed to reaching a zero-carbon target by         of our arts, cultural and heritage assets to promote the identity
   2040. We will work with a wide range of partners to invest and      of St Helens. We will develop new and existing partnership
   act to limit the impact of climate change, develop low carbon       arrangements so that arts and cultural activities engage and
   solutions to reduce the Borough’s carbon footprint and improve      inspire communities to enrich people’s lives. The development of
   aspects of the environment such as air quality.                     arts, culture and leisure across St Helens will support the delivery
                                                                       of our other objectives, including contributing to increasing
   Over 65% of our area is green space and there are some great
                                                                       economic growth, the rejuvenation of our town and district
   parks and open spaces within St Helens. We will work with the
                                                                       centres, improving the health and wellbeing of residents and
   local community to take pride in looking after local areas and
                                                                       raising the aspirations, attainment and confidence of our children
   promote respect for the environment to ensure that St Helens
                                                                       and young people.
   remains an attractive, green and sustainable place that
   contributes to enhancing people’s health, wellbeing and
   quality of life.
17 I

Our objectives

              Reduce our
           carbon footprint
              and impact
             on the local

 Provide green             Create a
 and attractive        thriving, diverse
open spaces for          cultural offer
 people to visit       and pride in our
   and enjoy               borough
18 I

   ONE council   Priority 6: Be a modern, efficient and effective Council
   One Council is our ambitious programme of internal                   One Council will fully support, develop and empower staff on
   modernisation which embraces the whole organisation, bringing        this journey of improvement. Our systems and processes will
   us all closer together to positively transform and improve the       be modernised and there will be greater communication and
   way we work.                                                         collaboration between people and departments to work together
   Above all it is the foundation on which we will collaboratively      to improve services.
   deliver our future services with communities and partners and        Importantly One Council will ensure that this new way of working
   shape our vision of St Helens as a place of real opportunity and     helps us respond to the financial challenges we face by focussing
   aspiration. The programme is critical to supporting the effective    resources on the services people most need, thinking creatively
   delivery of this Council Plan and our strategic priorities.          about how we best use our assets and making us more efficient
   One Council will build new trust and confidence both outside         and commercially minded.
   and within our council. A renewed focus will be placed on            To deliver our aim of building a modern, efficient and effective
   engagement; ensuring residents, businesses and partners lie          organisation One Council has the following 8 objectives, which
   at the heart of all we do. This way of working will reshape our      work together to complement each other and will continue to
   culture and be embedded in all our beliefs and behaviours.           grow and develop as the programme progresses.
   Our workforce is our single greatest asset and integral to helping
   deliver the best services possible to our residents and customers.

                                ONE council
19 I

    ONE resident                      ONE digital                      ONE people                      ONE message
We will deliver an improved       We will invest to create a     We will ensure our workforce       We will work together as
  customer experience for         modern, digital workplace       is fully valued, empowered     one council to communicate
 residents, businesses and       and infrastructure capable           and supported; being          effectively to build and
partners, ensuring that the     of changing the way we work      equipped with the skills and    support meaningful, positive
culture of the whole council    and the services we deliver to      knowledge necessary to        relations within the council,
 places the customer at the      better serve our customers,      support the delivery of our       with our customers and
     centre of all we do         residents and communities             strategic priorities           across communities

   ONE space                          ONE budget                       ONE practice                    ONE outcome
We will work collaboratively       We will look to deliver a       We will ensure modern,           We will promote a culture
   with partners to ensure      sustainable budget strategy         transparent, and clear        that prioritises performance
 that the buildings, land and   focussed on the delivery of       governance arrangements          management and in which
spaces that we have are used     our strategic priorities and    that support strong political   everyone takes responsibility
  effectively and efficiently    the outcomes and services       leadership, decision making     for performance improvement
 to promote positive change        that matter most to our       and new collaborative ways         at individual, service and
within the council and across    residents and communities               of working                    organisational level
       our communities
20 I

  Financing The Plan
  The Council’s financial strategy and budgets are critical to the delivery of its key priorities. However, the Council
  continues to operate in a challenging environment recognising the increasing demand-led pressures particularly within
  care services for children and adults. In response to these challenges the Council remains committed to ongoing review of
  budgets and service delivery and our Plan will be refeshed annually.
  For 2020-21 the Council has set a one-year budget due to the future level of uncertainty in relation to the whole of local
  government funding beyond this year.
  Our budget for 2020/21 provides funding for key areas which include:

           £132m                    £48m                    £72m                  £13m                 £6m
        Schools/Early            Children’s &            Adult Social             Public          Waste Collection
       Years & Support          Family Services         Care & Health             Health            & Recycling

             £6m                      £4m                   £2m                    £2m                 £1m
          Highways,                  Sports              Planning &              Libraries            Parks &
       Street Cleansing             & Leisure           Development               & Arts            Open Spaces
       & Street Lighting
21 I

Delivering the Plan
Whilst adopting new ways of working the Council will continue to maintain its existing strong governance and management
arrangements. The diagram below shows the planning and reporting cycle for the Council Plan. The Council adheres to high
public standards and applies the Nolan principles. We are currently reviewing our Council-wide values and behaviours.
Over the coming year we will continue to develop our Budget Strategy, action plans and performance framework to
support the delivery of our Council Plan. Further budgetary and performance information is available on the relevant pages
of the Council website. An overview of our key actions linked to our objectives follows.

 April to June                    July to September

 • Review outturn performance     • Annual Report produced                                   J une         Ju
                                                                                          to                      to
 • Quarterly finance and            & approved

   performance reports            • Quarterly finance and


   produced                         performance reports

 • Ongoing monitoring of            produced

   budgets and service delivery   • Mid-year review of budgets
 •		Staff appraisals                and service delivery                                       St Helens

                                                                                              Council Plan

 January to March                 October to December

                                                                                                                   b     er
 • Budget Strategy & Council      • Council Plan reviewed and


   Plan approved                    provisional resources


 • PIs, targets, service plans      allocated
                                                                                           ar                     D
   reviewed, updated & approved   • Quarterly finance and                                    ch              to
 • Quarterly finance and            performance reports
   performance reports produced
 • Ongoing monitoring of          • Ongoing monitoring of
   budget and service delivery      budgets and service delivery
22 I

                Priority 1: Ensure children and young people have a positive start in life

       Objectives              What we will do                                                      What this will achieve
       Objective 1:            • Implement our childrens centres review to support the              • Parents are supported to parent well
       Support children          development of children most in need and deliver improved          • Children are well prepared for learning at school
       and families with         outcomes for children and families                                 • Reduced school readiness gaps between disadvantaged
       early help              • Support the provision of good quality childcare to all families      children and others
                                 who need it                                                        • Safely reduced numbers of children who are looked after by
                               • Further promote programmes such as `Parent and Child time’           the Local Authority
                                 and `Chatterbox’ to Increase the number of parents accessing       • Early identification of children with special educational
                                 support services                                                     needs and/or disabilities
                               • Develop the effectiveness and reach of the Early Help service to
                                 support families before problems turn into a crisis
                               • Work to improve the quality of Early Help Plans and Assessments
                               • Work to further develop effective joint working between Early
                                 Help and social work teams

       Objective 2:            • Develop a strong and effective Edge of Care Service                • Children’s services will move out of the current ‘Inadequate’
       Safeguard children      • Deliver training and development including ‘Signs of Safety’         rating
       and young people          to improve the quality of social work practice                     • A well supported and effective social care workforce
       from risk of harm and   • Review our safeguarding arrangements and improve joint             • More children being managed through ‘Early Help’ and
       improve the lives of      working across all key agencies to safeguard children and            reduced statutory intervention
       children in care          young people                                                       • Fewer incidences of neglect and criminal exploitation
                               • Fully develop the new Neglect Strategy to raise awareness of       • Fewer numbers of children being brought into the care of
                                 and reduce ‘neglect’                                                 the Local Authority
                               • Improve awareness of and reduce ‘criminal exploitation’ in         • Strong cost-effective placement stability for children in care
                                 St Helens                                                          • Greater numbers of children and young people safely
                               • Improve permanence planning and arrangements for children            discharged from care
                                 in care                                                            • Children and young people’s views and experience shaping
                               • Review arrangements to improve local Fostering services              the delivery of social care services
                               • Undertake ongoing reviews of policy and procedure to reflect       • Better outcomes for young people leaving care
                                 the ‘Voice of the Child’
                               • Work through the Care Leavers Board to progress the action
                                 plan to improve services for young people leaving care
23 I

Objectives           What we will do                                                      What this will achieve
Objective 3:         • Challenge and support all St Helens schools to become rated        • Increased numbers of schools rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’
Every child will       ‘Good’ or better                                                     by Ofsted
attend a good        • Work with schools to offer an ambitious curriculum and             • Increased Foundation stage and Key Stage 2 attainment of
school and achieve     remove barriers for vulnerable learners                              all children
their potential      • Work with schools and local employers to increase the career       • Increased average attainment 8 scores of each pupil
                       opportunities for young people                                     • Increased average progress 8 score of each pupil
                     • Embed our approach and apply a range of strategies to meet         • A reduction in the attainment gaps for children with special
                       the differing needs of children and young people with special        educational needs and/or disability, children in care, boys
                       educational needs and/or disabilities                                and girls and pupils from deprived backgrounds and their
                                                                                          • Increased numbers of young people aged 16-18 in education,
                                                                                            employment or training
                                                                                          • Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
                                                                                            have their needs met with good quality local provision

Objective 4:         • Increase the support offered to children who experience            • Shorter waiting times for child and adolescent mental health
Support children       anxiety                                                              services
and young people     • Ensure there is good support for vulnerable children at point of   • Improved emotional support for children and young people
to build their         transition (e.g. primary to secondary school)                        in school
confidence and       • Seek opportunities to ensure children and young people are         • Fewer numbers of young people reoffending
resilience             involved in key decisions and listened to                          • Fewer numbers of children in reception classes who are
                     • Deliver the priorities of the Annual Youth Justice Plan              overweight or obese
                     • Tackle children and young people’s health issues that may          • Reduced hospital admissions for self- harm and alcohol
                       reduce confidence such as obesity                                    related episodes in young people
                     • Deliver the action plan to reduce the number of teenage            • Fewer teenage conceptions
                       conceptions                                                        • Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
                     • Work to ensure the timeliness of assessment and multi-agency         receive joined up support allowing them to make good
                       support for children with special educational needs and/or           progress
                       disabilities                                                       • Increased numbers of young people aged 19-25 with
                     • Work to prepare and support young people aged 19-25 with             special educational needs and/or disabilities in education,
                       special educational needs and/or disabilities for adulthood          employment or training
24 I

            Priority 2: Promote good health, independence and care across our communities

       Objectives              What we will do                                                        What this will achieve
       Objective 1:            • Work with partners to continue to join up health and care            • Increased numbers of vulnerable adults living at home
       Support people            services in the community                                            • A reduction in delayed transfers of care from hospital
       with health and care    • Work to promote hospital avoidance and delayed transfers of          • A reduction in the number of people in residential or nursing
       services to remain        care from hospital                                                     care settings
       independent in their    • Increase the use of assistive technology to help keep people         • Fewer numbers of people with social care needs requiring
       community                 safe and living independently                                          on-going long-term support
                               • Increase community care support through greater transitional         • More people remaining in control of their own lives
                                 care and reablement arrangements
                               • Review Learning Disability services to ensure their sustainability
                                 and ensure better outcomes

       Objective 2:            • Further develop our joined up ‘Front Door’ approach through          • High satisfaction with health and social care services
       Provide people with       Contact Cares                                                        • All care settings are rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ in the
       a positive experience   • Further the development and roll-out of the local shared care          Borough
       of health and care        record                                                               • Residents will be prepared for life changes and know where
       services                • Develop our localities model in partnership with health                to get the right support when they need it.
                                 partners to provide local access to health and care services         • Carers are satisfied with the range and quality of information
                               • Continue to monitor the quality of domiciliary and residential         and support
                                 care across the Borough                                              • High satisfaction with adult safeguarding arrangements and
                               • Improve the range of advice and information available to               procedures
                                 people around local health and care services
                               • Support the provision of information and services to carers in
                                 the community
                               • Work to increase capacity around adult safeguarding
                                 arrangements and strengthen processes
25 I

Objectives           What we will do                                                    What this will achieve
Objective 3:         • Further the response to addressing health inequalities within    • A reduction in the life expectancy inequality gap
Support people to      the Borough                                                      • Communities deciding what they need to remain well,
lead healthy lives   • Provide support to community and voluntary led initiatives to      building greater community resilience
and improve their      improve health and wellbeing                                     • More people feeling involved and part of their community
wellbeing            • Deliver activity to reduce social isolation and loneliness       • Greater numbers of people with a positive outcome from
                     • Continue to develop our social prescribing model to maximise       social prescribing
                       its reach and impact                                             • The development and application of a council-wide ‘Health
                     • Ensure the health and wellbeing of residents is considered         in All’ policy
                       when making all Council decisions

Objective 4:         • Deliver campaigns and community-based support to raise           • Fewer incidences of self-harm and suicide
Promote good           awareness of mental health issues and support people with        • Increased numbers of people with mental health needs
mental health to       mental needs                                                       supported by psychological therapies and increased crisis
improve people’s     • Work in partnership with primary care partners to identify and     support
lives                  risk assess people with mental health needs                      • The early identification of people with mental health needs
                     • Work to provide greater crisis support to people with mental       and the prevention of the deterioration of their mental
                       health needs                                                       health
                     • Provide greater support to families following suicide            • Families feeling confident about how best to support a
                     • Provide increased community support to people diagnosed            family member who has dementia
                       with dementia and their families to live as well as they can
26 I

              Priority 3: Create safe and strong communities for our residents

       Objectives               What we will do                                                    What this will achieve
       Objective 1:             • Promote a revised and renewed Community Safety Partnership       •   More people feeling safer
       Work with partners       • Develop a new Community Safety Strategy                          •   Reductions in crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour
       and communities to       • Undertake targeted action and campaigns to tackle anti-social    •   Resilient, stronger communities
       create strong and safe     behaviour, violence and hate crime                               •   A reduction in re-offending.
       neighbourhoods           • Build capacity within our communities to enable appropriate      •   Hate crime is identified and reduced with offenders
                                  responses to local crime and disorder issues                         prosecuted
                                • Engage with and listen to residents to better understand their
                                  views and priorities for action
                                • Better communicate our activities and successes to residents
                                  and communities
                                • Further develop intervention programmes to address re-

       Objective 2:             • Deliver our new Domestic Abuse Strategy and action plan          • Fewer incidents of domestic abuse
       Reduce the impact        • Coordinate activity and service delivery across the              • Fewer incidents of repeat victimisation
       of domestic abuse          partnership through our new Domestic Abuse Prevention            • Fewer children and young people with an experience of
       within our                 Officer                                                            domestic abuse
       communities              • Review multi-agency arrangements to effectively manage           • More perpetrators are identified and prosecuted.
                                  high risk cases of domestic abuse                                • A change in culture around domestic abuse especially
                                • Deliver improved support to victims of domestic abuse              around controlling and coercive behaviour
                                  through meeting identified needs and gaps in service             • More effective reporting and responses to domestic abuse
                                • Work to identify all children experiencing domestic abuse and
                                  protect them appropriately
                                • Deliver campaigns to change public perceptions and raise
                                  awareness of the harm caused by domestic abuse
27 I

Objectives              What we will do                                                     What this will achieve
Objective 3:            • Strengthen activity to prevent the criminal exploitation of       • Co-ordination of targeted action to provide more effective
Work as a partnership     children and young people and support young people at risk          early intervention and prevention of exploitation
to prevent and          • Co-ordinate action to safeguard vulnerable adults from the risk   • Greater support for young people and vulnerable adults
reduce harm to our        of exploitation                                                   • Greater awareness across the borough of the risks and
most vulnerable                                                                               responses available
28 I

              Priority 4: Support a strong, diverse and well-connected local economy

       Objectives           What we will do                                                   What this will achieve
       Objective 1:         • Review and develop St Helens Local Plan and provide effective   • The adoption of St Helens Local Plan and clear planning
       Invest to grow,        planning and development services                                 priorities for future employment, retail and green space
       attract and create   • Develop our key strategic employment sites                        development
       more businesses      • Promote growth through strategic investment opportunities       • A more diverse local economy with high quality employment
       and jobs             • Support new and existing businesses through a range of            opportunities
                              external funding sources                                        • Increased inward investment and local business enterprises
                            • Work through our Ambassador programme to promote                • Increased numbers of local employee jobs and a reduction in
                              St Helens and local businesses                                    worklessness
                            • Support delivery of a well-connected, safe, sustainable         • Increased resident earnings
                              transport network                                               • A well-connected St Helens with improved and sustainable
                            • Support delivery of advanced digital networks through             transport and digital networks to encourage further
                              ‘Merseyside Connected’                                            economic growth

       Objective 2:         • Develop an Employment and Skills Strategy                       •   Fewer residents with no qualifications
       Improve skills       • Encourage greater collaboration with the St Helens Chamber,     •   Increased numbers of residents with higher level qualifications
       and access to          education partners and local employers to promote skills and    •   Fewer young people not in education, employment or training
       employment             access to employment                                            •   Increased numbers of apprenticeship starts
                            • Deliver our Ways to Work programme and its future
29 I

Objectives             What we will do                                                     What this will achieve
Objective 3:           • Develop and deliver our long-term partnership approach with       • The regeneration of our town and district centres
Redevelop our town       ECF to deliver regeneration of the borough’s towns and district   • Increased retail and leisure opportunities for residents and
and district centres     centres                                                             visitors
                       • Establish our Town Deal Board and produce development and         • Growing pride in our Borough
                         investment plans for our town centres
                       • Work to secure private sector investment and external funding
                         to deliver regeneration

Objective 4:           • Work with developers to ensure a supply of housing that meets     •   Increased numbers of net homes and affordable homes
Provide the right        the needs of all the community                                    •   Fewer empty properties
homes, in the          • Tackle the poor conditions of existing stock                      •   A reduction in fuel poverty
right place, at the    • Promote initiatives to tackle fuel poverty                        •   Fewer households in priority housing need
right cost             • Deliver our Homelessness Strategy and act to prevent rough        •   Fewer numbers of households in temporary accommodation
                         sleeping                                                          •   Fewer people sleeping rough
30 I

             Priority 5: Create a green, thriving and vibrant place to be proud of

       Objectives               What we will do                                                    What this will achieve
       Objective 1:             • Develop a climate change action plan                             •   Reduced carbon emissions year on year
       Reduce our carbon        • Introduce a recycling pilot to encourage greater recycling and   •   Increased levels of recycling
       footprint and              waste reduction                                                  •   Improvements in air quality
       impact on the local      • Review and refine our cross-service Air Quality Action Plan      •   Increased energy efficiency savings
       environment              • Continue the development of an extensive network of
                                  footpaths and cycling routes across St Helens
                                • Further implement green procurement practices
                                • Develop and support energy efficiency measures in the council
                                  estate and local housing stock
                                • Complete the shift to 100% LED streetlighting across St Helens

       Objective 2:             • Complete our Parks and Open Spaces review                        • The sustainable maintenance of green and open spaces
       Provide green and        • Deliver high quality environmental maintenance services and        across St Helens
       attractive open            targeted enforcement activity                                    • High levels of street cleanliness across communities
       spaces for people        • Develop improved ways for the public to easily report            • Increased reporting of environmental issues and concerns
       to visit and enjoy         environmental concerns                                           • Reduced levels of fly-tipping
                                • Educate and work with residents and communities to
                                  encourage respect for the local environment

       Objective 3:             •   Develop a new Arts and Heritage Strategy                       • Arts, cultural, heritage and leisure activity supporting the
       Create a thriving,       •   Create a new Arts partnership forum                              economic regeneration of our communities
       diverse cultural offer   •   Further develop the Local Cultural Education Partnership       • Increased participation in arts, cultural and leisure activity
       and pride in our         •   Agree and approve a revised Libraries Strategy                   leading to improved health and wellbeing and increased
       borough                  •   Work with communities to embrace and celebrate the 2021          aspiration across communities
                                    Rugby League World Cup
31 I

ONE council   Priority 6: Be a modern, efficient and effective Council

  Objectives         What we will do                                                    What this will achieve
  One Resident       •   Develop a new Customer Services Strategy                       •   High levels of customer satisfaction and an enhanced
                     •   Develop a Council-wide Customer Service Standards                  customer experience
                     •   Develop a new website and Customer Relationship                •   Increased levels of customer self-service
                         Management System
                     •   Provide an improved Contact Centre Reception and
                         customer self-service facilities
                     •   Provide an improved Telephony Service

  One Digital        •   Develop a new Digital Strategy                                 •   An effective, agile workforce supported by mobile technology
                     •   Deliver a new and improved digital service delivery            •   Improved digital communications with staff, partners and the
                     •   Deliver improved public wifi access across council sites           public
                                                                                        •   Easier and better access to services
                                                                                        •   Increased digital inclusion, engagement and skills
                                                                                        •   The use of new technology to support stronger, better connected
                                                                                            and more resilient communities
                                                                                        •   Increased digital investment in
                                                                                            St Helens to maximise inclusive growth and employment

  One People         •   Introduce a modern and effective HR and Organisational         •   A highly skilled and motivated workforce capable of delivering our
                         Development Strategy                                               strategic priorities
                     •   Develop a set of widely embedded values and behaviours         •   A positive work culture based on widely shared common values
                     •   Provide an enhanced employment offer and employee                  and behaviours
                         reward and recognition schemes                                 •   Increased employee satisfaction
                     •   Develop a modern, effective HR systems and processes           •   A workplace where employee’s health and wellbeing are prioritised
                     •   Deliver a Workplace Mental Wellbeing Strategy

  One Message        •   Deliver a new Communications Strategy                          •   Greater engagement with customers and communities to
                     •   Develop a Community Engagement Strategy                            promote trust and confidence
                     •   Develop a strong new brand identity that defines the council   •   Strong employee and partner engagement to support an
                         and promotes its priorities, values and services                   informed, inspired and motivated workforce
                     •   Ensure the effective use of digital media and social media     •   The communication of positive messages and behaviours that
                         channels to promote the council and St Helens                      increase community resilience
                                                                                        •   The positive promotion of St Helens to create improved
                                                                                            perceptions and pride in the borough
32 I

       Objectives     What we will do                                                  What this will achieve
       One Space      •   Deliver a new Strategic Asset Management Plan                •   Financial savings, efficiencies and additional income generated
                      •   Undertake public consultation on the future use of our key       from a cost-effective estate
                          assets including the Gamble and Earlestown Town Hall         •   The maximisation of land assets to support growth, investment,
                      •   Ensure the expansion of agile workspace and collaborative        employment and housing
                          working areas for staff                                      •   Reduced Green House Gas Emissions
                      •   Provide investment in renewable and low carbon energy
                          solutions for our assets

       One Budget     •   Deliver a medium term Financial Strategy                     •   A priority focussed sustainable budget that delivers the best
                      •   Deliver a Capital Borrowing and Investment Funding               possible outcomes for local people
                          Strategy                                                     •   Prioritised investment to support future economic growth and
                      •   Introduce revised financial instructions and procedures          employment opportunities for local residents and businesses
                      •   Develop new and effective financial reporting                •   Increased income through increased commercial focus, traded
                      •   Ensure the ongoing review of service delivery                    services and external funding
                      •   Develop a new Commercial Strategy                            •   Further efficiencies and reduced costs

       One Practice   •   Review the Constitution and council-wide policy framework    •   Strong and effective political leadership
                      •   Widely communicate and embed our strategic priorities        •   Effective Member and Officer relationships
                      •   Introduce an updated Member and Officer protocol             •   Clear and transparent decision-making processes
                      •   Review council Scrutiny arrangements                         •   A clearly defined and widely understood strategic direction
                                                                                       •   Effective strategic and service planning to deliver our priorities
                                                                                       •   Effective risk-management and business continuity plans
                                                                                       •   Effective Member-led Scrutiny

       One Outcome    •   Develop a robust performance management framework            •   An improved performance management culture
                          with clearly identified outcomes                             •   A collaborative approach to council wide service improvement
                      •   Improve data analysis, visualisation and performance         •   The early identification of under-performance
                          reporting tools                                              •   Better intelligence promoting evidence led decision making
                      •   Improve data quality processes
33 I

Contact Centre
Wesley House
Corporation Street
St Helens
WA10 1HF
Tel: 01744 676789
Minicom: 01744 671671

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