St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company

Page created by Earl Mcgee
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
St. Aloysius Parish
Saturday Evening: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,
10:30 a.m., & 12:00 noon,
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Rev. Msgr. Robert E. Emery, J.C.L. - Pastor
Rev. Lynx J.M. Soliman, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Michael E. Kelly - Weekend Asst.
Rev. Thomas F. Blind - In Residence
Rev. Jack Cryan - In Residence
Deacon Raj Srinivasa
Jackie Alworth- Pastoral Associate for Faith
Cathy Gibbons-Coordinator for Faith Formation
Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. - RCIA Coordinator
Sr. Eleanor Uhl, O.P. - Pastoral Associate
Dee Taylor - Social Concerns
Joseph J. Wozniak - Organist /Music Dir.
Dr. Carmine LoMonaco - Trustee
Mary Edwards - Trustee
Through Baptism, we become Children of             Rectory:
God and members of the household of faith.         219 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell
Children should be baptized in the faith           Tel: 973-226-0221 Fax: 973-226-2204
community to which their parents belong,           Website:
that is, the Parish in which they are registered   Email:
and active members. Call the rectory to  
make arrangements. Parents are reminded  
that godparents must have received the
Sacrament of Confirmation and are actively         Parish Center:
practicing their faith.                            253 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell
                                                   Religious Ed:
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                        Tel: 973-226-0209 Ext. 31 Fax: 973-226-0923
(Penance)                                          Jackie Alworth, Rel. Ed. PreK-6th - Ext. 35
Saturdays: 1:00 pm and by appointment, call        Cathy Gibbons, Rel. Ed. 7th-8th grade - Ext. 29
the rectory.                                       Rel. Ed. Email:
                                                   Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P.- Ext. 30, RCIA
SACRAMENT - ANOINTING OF THE                       Sr. Eleanor Uhl, O.P.-Ext 39,
SICK                                               Homebound Ministry,
Please notify one of the parish priests in the     Dee Taylor, Social Concerns - Ext. 32
event of serious illness.
Communal celebrations of the Anointing will
be held twice yearly.                              PARISH ONLINE GIVING -
                                                   Click on the link on our website:
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022

                                                        SUNDAY, JANUARY 9
                                                        (Baptism of the Lord)
                                                         7:30 am-Julette Dajani by Eloise Grizzetti
                                                         9:00 am– Lena Riccardi by Florence Riccardi
                                                                  Danny Harris by John Reed
                                                        10:30 am-Toby & Amelia Caprio by Granddaughter
                                                        12:00 pm-Leo Brady by Conti Family
                                                         5:00 pm-People of the Parish

(Epiphany of the Lord)
 7:30 am-Mr & Mrs. Nick Auriemma by Peg Guiliano           Votive Lights for Sanctuary & Shrines
 9:00 am– People of the Parish                                  Arrangements may be made
10:30 am-Sean Meyers by Cathy & Clare
12:00 pm-Geraldine Soda by Flo McLaughlin
                                                           via email - or
 5:00 pm-Jennie Debonis by Michael Debonis                 by calling the office at 973-226-0221.
MONDAY, JANUARY 3                                        THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS:
(Christmas Weekday)
8:00 am– Donald F. Reeves by Tim & Grace Kerrigan         In Memory of Richard E. Blind by Carol & Ron.
12:00 pm-For the Souls in Pergatory
                                                         THE SHRINE AREA VOTIVES THIS WEEK:
(Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious)                   OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, MOTHER
  8:00 am-Angela Zigarelli by Lori & Mark Testa          CABRINI, SAINT KATERI TEKAKWITHA,
 12:00 pm-Julius Peter Parsick by Rosemary Esposito      DIVINE MERCY:
                                                         1. In Memory of Clodette Corio by Eileen
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5                                         Cruickshank.
(Saint John Neumann, bishop)                             2. In Memory of Elena Bentey by Cathy & Clare
 8:00 am-Vivian Stine by Carol Crump                        Sullivan.
12:00 pm-George Hollfelder by Carolyn Hollfelder
                                                         ST. JUDE, ST. ALOYSIUS, ST. PATRICK:
THURSDAY, JANUARY 6                                      1. In Memory of Etta Marie Rizzuto.
(Christmas Weekday)
8:00 am–Eithne Reinshaw by Florence Daly
12:00 pm-Ben S. Aufiero by John Noto
                                                               OUR SECOND COLLECTION
FRIDAY, JANUARY 7                                                  NEXT WEEKEND
(Christmas Weekday)
 8:00 am-Protection of Babies in the Womb by Patsyann
12:00 pm-Mark Veshlegaj by Florence Daly                   COMMUNICATING GOD’S WORD
                                                             THE SACRIFICIAL GIVING OF OUR
(Christmas Weekday)
8:00 am-Carmen Cecere by Wife, Rae                          PARISHIONERS This Week’s Total
5:30 pm-Donald Krosnowski by Carla Gouse                                            12/19/2021
                                                                        Week# 25     Y. to Date
                                                         First Collection       11,741       327, 235
                                                         Avg. Budgeted          12,885       322, 115
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
The Ministry of                                                              January 2, 2022
                                   Prayer                      Dear Parishioner,

                           “To everything there                Today we celebrate one of the oldest of Christian feasts, the
                          is a season, and a time              great Feast of Epiphany, when our Divine Lord is revealed to
                             for every purpose                 the gentiles by the guidance of a star. The Collect invites the
                                                               faithful to be so led by the guidance of the Holy Spirit as to
                              under heaven.”                   “behold with our eyes the beauty of our Lord’s majesty.”
                                         (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

                                                               The feast is sometimes also called the Three Kings Day, to
          .…A time to be healed….”                             celebrate the homage and adoration of the “Kings of the
Sick list: Juan Beato, Bobby Bowler, Sebastian                 East” to the newborn “King of Kings.” Our Matthean reading
Casaus, Kathleen Curry, Tom Dowling, Rick                      is the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy that all nations and
Duncan, Carole Dwyer, Clare Ennis, Don Finley,                 their rulers will be lit up by God’s divine Light. It is also
Gail Finley, Bill Gade, Joann Galinis, Jennifer                attested by the following verses from today’s beautiful
Gilman, Larry Glenz, Ambrose Grizzetti, Joseph                 responsorial psalm (Psalm 72):
Grizzetti, Carly Hofmann, Shannon Hofmann,
Samantha Marcus, Ramon Marmol, Barbara Martin,                 The kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall offer gifts;
Bill Martin, Donald Moglia, Adrienne Noonan,                   the kings of Arabia and Seba shall bring tribute.
Michael O’Connor, Sara Onorato, John Perry, Sr.                All kings shall pay him homage,
Justine Pinto, Lori Pratt, Steven Saccone, Vera Sax,           all nations shall serve him.
Al Schotanus, Martin Smith, Melissa Sullivan,
Robert Tyminski, LuAnn Usuriello, Nicholas J.
                                                               We are called to meditate on our own identity today, to know
                                                               that we are also “royalty,” having been baptized into the
                                                               Kingdom of God, thus sharing the royal inheritance promised
              .…A time to die….”                               us by our Lord and King. We are all kings and queens! Let us
Deceased: Etta Marie Rizzuto.
                                                               take the example of the traditional three Kings, Caspar,
  “..A time for war & a time for peace..”                      Melchior, and Balthasar, and follow their pattern in our
  For national and world leaders and for                       search for deeper meaning, holiness, and a greater love for
  those in the armed services, especially:                     our Lord. Let us,
Anthony Appleby, Michael Beier, Nathaniel
Carmona, Marco Classen, Michael C. Howley,                     x   make a spiritual pilgrimage to our Lord, being led by the
Joseph R. Hyer, Beckie Piela, Michael Piela, Rose                   Holy Spirit who is our Guiding Star.
Poyourow, Shawn Rice, Edik Serrano, David G.                   x   not be distracted by hateful and dissuading voices – by
Testa.                                                              the worldly spirit of Herod and his minions.
                                                Amen           x   offer our “treasures” and “attachments” to the newborn
  Take this list home with you and use it in your daily             King. Things that bind us, keep us from having that deep
                        prayers.                                    encounter with Him - our ability to worship Him freely -
                                                                    to accept Him as the Lord of our lives - Lord of our
                                                                    hearts - of everything we possess.
                                                               x   Seek to enter that epiphanous, life-changing moment -
                                                                    into a deep encounter with Him; with thanksgiving and
  OUR DECEMBER 2021 WINNER                                           gratitude; let our hearts and souls worship Him with
   OF OUR CALENDAR RAFFLE                                            deep reverence; let us adore Him with praise and
                                                               x   like the magi, let us be transformed and leave a
              Carol Zielenieski                                      different way – His way - than when we first came
                                                                     - totally freed from all that binds - this is what our Lord
                                                                     wants to do in our lives - to configure us fully into

                                                               Happy Feast Day!
                                                               Deacon Raj
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022

                                                              THINK GREEN

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - RCIA    Jesus came to earth to redeem us and to show
                                                  us how to live simply so others can simply live.
ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU                         Jesus was a role model for sustainability. To
KNOW SOMEONE WHO:                                 be sustainable we meet the needs of the
                                                  present without compromising the ability of
x   Has expressed an interest in becoming        future generations to meet their own needs.
     Catholic?                                    The decisions we make today will either
x   Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has    benefit or hinder future generations. The
     not celebrated the Sacraments of             future is in our hands, let us protect what we
     Confirmation and Eucharist?                  love. The Green Team in the next few weeks
x   Is from another faith tradition, but feels   will include in THINK GREEN doable
                                                  sustainable suggestions. We also welcome
     called to learn more about the Catholic      your suggestions and practices!
x   Hopes to be a Baptismal Godparent or         Blessings for the New Year!
     Confirmation Sponsor and has not been        The Green Team

If any of these statements apply to you or        Bulletin Quote
someone you know, please feel free to
contact Sister Alice for more information.        God sees every one of us; He creates
(Sr. Alice 973-226-0209 ext. 30 and/or            every soul . . for a purpose. He needs, He
                                                  deigns to need, every one of us. He has an
                                                  end for each of us; we are all equal in His
        STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION                    sight, and we are placed in our different
                                                  ranks and stations, not to get what we can
The Epiphany of the Lord                          out of them for ourselves, but to labor in
                                                  them for Him.
“…They prostrated themselves and did him
homage. Then they opened their treasures and      - St. John Nepomucene Neumann (1811-
offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and       1860), Patron of Catholic Education,
myrrh.” (Mਁਔਔਈਅਗ 2:11)                            Feast Day January 5
What gifts do you give to the Lord? Pope St.
Gregory said that these three gifts represent
what we should give God every day. Gold –                        Eucharistic Adoration
we should reflect Christ’s wisdom in all our                Eucharistic Adoration will take
relationships. Frankincense – represents our                place every Monday (except for
daily prayer and adoration to God. Myrrh – is               legal holidays) from 12:30-4:30
a symbol of our daily sacrifices that we unite    pm. It is important that the Blessed
                                                  Sacrament never be left unattended.
with Jesus for the sake of others.                Please see the sign up book in the church
                                                  vestibule to sign up for a thirty minute
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022

Estimados feligreses,
                                                                    LA ESCUELA DE LA ADORACIÓN
Hoy celebramos una de las fiestas cristianas más antiguas, la       ¿Desea crecer en la oración?
gran solemnidad de la Epifanía, cuando nuestro Divino Señor
es revelado a los gentiles guiados por una estrella. La Colecta     Todos están invitados a unirse al
invita a los fieles a dejarse guiar por el Espíritu Santo pa-       P. Lynx Soliman para un taller de
ra "...poder contemplar la hermosura infinita de tu gloria."        12 semanas sobre la oración! “La
                                                                    Escuela de la Adoración” ayudará
La solemnidad de hoy también se llama el Día de los Reyes           a fomentar un encuentro personal
Magos, para celebrar el homenaje y la adoración de los              con JESÚS presente en la Santísi-
"Reyes de Oriente" al recién nacido "Rey de Reyes". Nuestra         ma Eucaristía, desarrollar esta rela-
lectura de Mateo es el cumplimiento de la profecía de Isaías        ción de una semana a otra y condu-
de que todas las naciones y sus gobernantes serán iluminados        cir al deseo de compartir el tesoro
por la Luz divina de Dios. También lo atestiguan los siguien-       recibido a través de la
tes versículos del hermoso salmo responsorial de hoy (Salmo         evangelización.
                                                                    Comenzando el miércoles, 29 de septiembre a las
Los reyes de occidente y de las islas                               7:00PM en la Iglesia.
le ofrecerán sus dones.
Ante él se postrarán todos los reyes                                Para mas información:
y todas las naciones.

Estamos llamados a meditar hoy sobre nuestra propia iden-
tidad, a saber que también somos “realeza”, habiendo sido
bautizados en el Reino de Dios, compartiendo así la herencia
real que nos prometió nuestro Señor y Rey. ¡Todos somos
reyes y reinas! Tomemos el ejemplo de los Reyes Magos:
Gaspar, Melchor y Baltasar, y sigamos en búsqueda de un
significado más profundo, la santidad y un mayor amor por
nuestro Señor. Intentemos de:                                        ¡Un regalo para ustedes!
                                                                     Nuestra parroquia de San Luis Gonzaga se complace en
x Hacer una peregrinación espiritual hacia nuestro Señor,           ofrecerle una suscripción gratuita a
     de la mano del Espíritu Santo, que es nuestra estrella guía.    Formed tiene contenido católico premiado, programas para
x No se distraiga con voces de odio y disuasión, por el             iluminarnos acerca de las verdades de nuestra Fe, charlas de
     espíritu mundano de Herodes y sus secuaces.                     audio, películas entretenidas, programación para niños,
x   Ofrecer nuestros “tesoros” y “apegos” al Rey recién             charlas inspiradoras, una gran selección de libros populares
     nacido. Cosas que nos unen, impiden que tengamos ese            en forma electrónica y mucho mas en lengua hispana, y
     encuentro profundo con Él, nuestra capacidad de adorarlo        ¡todo con solo un clic de su computadora! ¡Incluso hay una
     libremente, de aceptarlo como el Señor de nuestras vidas,       aplicación para su teléfono móvil, así puede llevar el
     el Señor de nuestros corazones, y de todo lo que                contenido católico a donde quiera que vaya! (disponible en
     poseemos.                                                       Play Store, App Store, etc.)
x   Trate de entrar en ese momento epifánico que cambia la
     vida en un encuentro más profundo con el Señor; con             Es fácil inscribirse:
     gratitud; que nuestros corazones y almas le adoren con
     profunda reverencia; adorémosle con alabanza y acción               Visite:
     de gracias.                                                         Ingrese el código postal de nuestra parroquia
                                                                              (07006) o el nombre “St. Aloysius” y seleccione
x   Como los magos, seamos transformados y empecemos un                      nuestra parroquia
     camino diferente - el del Señor. Diferentes de cómo                 Ingrese su nombre y correo electrónico
     vivíamos antes de conocerle y totalmente libres de todo lo      ¡Es así de fácil! Ahora está registrado y listo para comenzar
     que nos ata. Esto es lo que el Señor quiere hacer en
                                                                     a explorar este maravilloso foro católico. Únase a
     nuestras vidas - ¡configurarnos completamente a Él
     mismo!                                                          nosotros en un viaje espiritual para fortalecer la fe y
                                                                     caminar humildemente con nuestro Dios y honrar a nuestra
¡Feliz día de los Reyes!                                             Santísima Madre.
Diácono Raj
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022

              PLEASE JOIN US AT

             IF YOU HAVE LOST
Need a Ride Around Town                      St. Aloysius Book Club -

The Caldwell, West                           Meets on Thursdays at 7 pm on the first floor of
Caldwell, Roseland                           the Parish Center. The book
Senior Bus is available
Monday through                               Jan 27th: The Four Winds by
Friday for rides to                          Kristin Hannah
Jack’s Foodtown,
Shoprite and Stop and                        Feb 24th: The Book of Hope
                                             by Jane Goodall and Douglas
Shop as well as to                           Abrams
other local stores,
banks and local malls.                       March 31st: Ms. Benson’s
                                             Beetle by Rachel Joyce
This is a free service that provides rides   April 28th: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
directly from your home to where you
would like to go. Please call 973-226-5108   As always Happy Reading. All are invited for
the morning you would like to travel.        good company and good conversation.
between 8:15 am and 8:45 am.
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022

                              St. Aloysius
                CALENDAR RAFFLE
                     $120 DONATION
                  12 CHANCES TO WIN
                  A PIECE OF THE PILE!
              Cash Prize of $1,500 Each Month!!!
     Every ticket holder eligible to win each month, even if you won before.
               Drawing Held 15th of Each Month
                   Beginning January 2022!
      The way it works: Only 500 tickets sold for the year, 1st come 1st served.
   Each month on the 15th there is a drawing for 1 winner who will receive $1,500.
    The winning ticket goes back into the pot to be eligible again to win the next
       month’s drawing. Please make checks payable to St. Aloysius Church.

                                  Saint Aloysius
                              2022 CALENDAR Raffle
                                   ORDER FORM
Enclosed is my check for $______for___chance(s) in the St. Al’s Calendar Raffle
             (Please Print)
Day Phone_____________________ Evening Phone _____ ________________
    NJ LGCCC ID # 066-1-18822                 Municipal RL # _RA-1455 _
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022

St. Aloysius Food Pantry
HAVE LIFTED IN                            St. Aloysius
                                          Parish Giving Program
COLLECTING                                It’s simple: Log on
FOOD FOR OUR                              and click on the Parish Giving logo and follow
FOOD PANTRY HERE AT ST. ALOYSIUS          the easy registration instructions.
NON-PERISHABLE FOOD FOR THOSE IN          It’s Secure: Parish Giving is PCI compliant
NEED THE THIRD WEEKEND OF EVERY           and uses the strongest

THE GENEROSITY OF OUR PARISHIONERS IS     It’s Convenient: No more searching for the
WONDERFUL! THANK YOU!                     check book or Sunday morning stops at the
                                          ATM. You can pick the day of the month for
Any questions or concerns please do not   the recurring contributions to be processed.
hesitate to contact:
                                          Parish Benefits: Weekly or monthly
Dee Taylor at 973-226-0209 X32
                                          contribution choices. Significant reduction of
                                          parish administrative costs. If you have
                                          questions, call Parish Giving customer service
                                          at 1-866-307-7140.
St. Aloysius Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
January 2, 2022
CECERE                                                                        Anne Filkin
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                                                                                                                                               Distinctive Lamps
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