SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 -2025

SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 -2025
SRCS First Aid and
Prehospital Emergency
Care Strategy

2021 -2025
2021 - 2025

                       Foreword ........................................................................................................ 6

                       Our Mission ................................................................................................... 7

                       Where we stand right now ......................................................................... 9

                       Our vision ....................................................................................................... 12

                       Objectives of the Program .......................................................................... 13

                       Strategic Theme: Operations .................................................................... 14

                       Strategic Theme: Increased Resilience ................................................... 15

                       Strategic Theme: Training ......................................................................... 16

                       Strategic Theme: Management ................................................................. 17

                       The impact of this revision ........................................................................ 19

04   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Glossary - Acronyms

                       ART                         Ambulance Respond Team

                       CBHFA                       Community Based Health First Aid

                       CFAT                         Community First Aid Training

                       DM                           Disaster Management

                       IED                          Improvised Explosive Device

                       IEC                          Information Education Communication

                       FA                           First Aid

                       MCI                          Mass Casualty Incident

                       RC/RC                        Red Cross and Red Crescent

                       PHEC                         Prehospital Emergency Care

                       PNS                          Partner National Societies

                       SO                           Specific Objective

                       ToT                          Training of Trainers

                       VRT                          Volunteer Responder Teams

05   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
The First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care (FA&PHEC) Program of the SRCS operates in a

country where for the most part people are deprived of emergency medical assistance and

basic ambulance services. War and conflict contribute to a heavy burden of trauma, which in

most cases finds no answer in the scarce resources available for the existing medical system.

The effects of other, non-traumatic, medical emergencies are also exacerbated by the lack of

system of early identification and referral.

For all these aforementioned issues, the FA&PHEC Program of SRCS, through its network of

volunteers, experienced staff, and growing fleet, wants to intervene and produce a positive

contribution for the local communities.

This document is the updated version of the Strategic Planning of the Program, which aims to

provide the necessary vision to guide the leadership of the Program, its partners, and all other

relevant stakeholders for the next five years (2021- 2025).

The First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Program of the SRCS aspires to become the

flagship program of the national society. Taking advantage of its visibility, the flags of the

ambulances and the uniforms of the first aid providers will carry the fundamental principles

of the organization to the most perilous and inaccessible places of the country.

                                          SRCS will develop a yearly plan of actions based on this

                                          strategy where monitoring and evaluation will take a

                                          close part in the follow-up of the activities.

                                          A mid-term review will take place in January 2023 to

                                          evaluate the achievements

06   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
The planning processes
During October and November 2020, SRCS FA team supported by ICRC FA team got together

to review the 2016 - 2020 SRCS First Aid Strategy that was due to end in December and to

discuss and update the future directions for the programme.

A meeting was held in Garowe to discuss about the inputs for the new SRCS FA strategy. This

was followed up with bilateral consultations among SRCS FA focal points in Hargeisa and

internal consultations between the FA Teams and the branches.

A draft strategy document was developed in early 2021 and taken up for discussion with SRCS

management during March and April 2021. Two virtual meetings were conducted with the two

Coordination offices to discuss the draft document.

This final document has inputs from various SRCS levels including SRCS management.

SRCS mission in First Aid and Pre-hospital care is to save lives and promote recovery.

SRCS staff and volunteers are present during all kinds of emergencies, wherever and

whenever wounded and sick need to provide timely and effective first aid services to

individuals and communities. Skilled staff and First Aid volunteers are trained and motivated

to offer effective and timely FA services safeguarding human values in accordance with the

Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

SRCS aims to deliver quality First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care services to the people

in need and to improve the patient referral and ultimately clinical outcomes.

07   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Program

                                                                          Problem Tree Analysis

      Developed at the Managers’ and Leaders’ Workshops, Q4 2020, Garowe and Hargeisa.

08   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Where we stand right now
With regards to the First Aid components, and especially training, the past years the Program

has managed to reach some impressive results.

Since Q4 2019:

            • 590 war wounded individuals received first aid

            • 1399 sick and injured individuals received medical support

            • 1278 cases were referred with higher levels of care

            • 59 Community First Aid Trainings (CFAT) with 1315 participants.

            • 327 Routine First Aid Trainings (Branch Level) with 6689 participants.

            • 7 Volunteer Responder Trainings (VRT) with 169 participants.

Since Q3 2020, the Program witnessed some major changes in the Prehospital Emergency

Care components. While up until then the prehospital elements of the Program focused solely

on providing quick response to MCIs (IED and landmine explosions), the SRCS program

updated its terms of reference and widened its scope, offering prehospital emergency care

services to the people of Mogadishu. This opened the doors to the general public which could

now benefit from the services offered for either trauma or any other medical emergency.

The graph above demonstrates clearly that the progression of the Program into something

“bigger”, which makes this moment a turning point and this strategic planning revision all

more pertinent.

09   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
SRCS strengths in FA & PHEC
            • Motivated staff, ready and willing to respond in every possible scenario, save lives,

                and promote the principles of the RC/RC Movement.

            • First Aid routine trainings conducted in all the SRCS Branches.

            • Volunteers trained in First Aid skills & Knowledge on a yearly basis, which creates a

                good foundation for mobilization in case of need.

            • First Aid trainers available at branch/Sub-branch level.

            • First Aid trainees’ manual booklet, contextualized and translated in Somali.

            • Good relationship with communities, making it easy to organize, participate and

                facilitate FA & Prehospital Emergency Care activities.

            • National Society has a good image and is well-respected by the community, a fact that

                allows for good access and timely response in most cases.

            • The Program has progressed with the digitization of the services (especially in PHEC

                Care) which allows for information-driven decision making.

            • The First Aid program of the National Society is well recognized.

Areas for improvement
            • There are no First Aid Focal Points to cover all the Branches, but only 8 out of 19

            • The number of ambulance responders remains low in the country.

            • Weak First Aid management structures at branches without focal points and


            • Low retention of First Aid trainers as they are volunteers.

            • Reporting system has several limitations; monitoring and evaluation mechanisms

               also require further development.

            • Limited follow-up of First Aid volunteers in the communities.

            • Inadequate IEC materials for First Aid & Prehospital Emergency care projects

            • Need for improving First Aid Instructor manuals.

            • Absence of standardized cost recovery procedures.

            • Limited reporting on first aid response activities

10   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
            • There is a need for First Aid & Prehospital Emergency Care services due to the ongoing

               emergencies (clashes, weapon wounds, explosions etc) and road accidents.

            • Authorities, organisations and other institutions recognise SRCS as a key First Aid

               service provider.

            • Interest among people to take part in First Aid and PHEC skills training.

            • Willingness of partners, especially within the RC/RC Movement, to support the

               development of SRCS First Aid & Prehospital Emergency Care Program.

            • Auxiliary role to promote preventive policies and measures related to road safety.

            • Potential income generation source for the National Society.

            • Sustainability of the programme

            • Absence of an emblem law

            • Limited access in some areas.

            • A possible increase of actors could affect staff and volunteer retention.

            • Competition with other actors providing similar services.

            • Ongoing and future pandemics present important challenges with regards to

               mobilization of volunteers.

11   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
The vision of the SRCS FA & PHEC program is to become the reference organization for first

aid and emergency medical services.

In the near future, SRCS would like to see:

            • Higher paramedical skill level for the staff and volunteers

            • Operational capacity in all urban centres

            • Trained Community responders in all villages affected by conflict

            • More and more modern ambulances

            • Advanced equipment for the SRCS Ambulances

…so that the wounded and sick people receive a first aid assistance wherever and whenever

they need it. So that SRCS becomes the paramount pre-hospital Emergency care provider in


12   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Objectives of the Program

Strategic Theme: Operations

Specific Objective 1: To enhance and expand the operational capacity of the program to

respond to traumatic and medical emergencies in an effective, timely and safe manner;

Strategic Theme: Increased capacities of communities

Specific Objective 2: To strengthen community capacities to respond to emergencies and

become increasingly aware of how they can contribute to save lives and improve the patients’


Strategic Theme: Training of SRCS staff and volunteers

Specific Objective 3: To increase the intensity and quality of training for the SRCS staff and

volunteers on the topics of First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care.

Strategic Theme: Management

Specific Objective 4: To further develop the overarching management apparatus of the

Program, with an eye to enhance the overall operational efficiency of and also to enhance its

capacity in resource mobilization and creating national and international collaborations.

13   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Strategic Theme: Operations

           Specific Objective 1:

            To enhance and expand the operational capacity of our Program to respond to

            Traumatic and Medical emergencies in an effective, timely and safe manner.

Activities for SO1

            • Expanding geographically and enhancing the role of the First Aid and Prehospital

               Emergency Care projects, with more Ambulance and Volunteer Responders.

            • Through reviewing the past events and continuous support, to improve first aid

             emergency response teams’ functionality and their capacity to respond to emergencies

              in priority areas.

            • Coordinate with authorities and other stakeholders to facilitate the access of the

              Ambulance responders, Volunteer responders and communities in case of emergency


            • Ensure a steady and uninterrupted supply of all necessary first aid materials,

               equipment and ambulances for the response activities.

            • Develop a monitoring, follow-up and reporting and feedback mechanisms that

                capture best practices and lessons learnt.

            • Proceed with the use of the computer-aided dispatch software “Beacon” and support

               the assessment of the pilot project.

            • Further dissemination of an emergency number where people can request emergency

               medical assistance. Educating the public about the functionality and proper use of the

               emergency numbers.

            • Proceed with the implementation and assessment of the “Motorcycle Responder

              Unit” Pilot Project and follow through in alignment with the findings of the


14   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Strategic Theme: Increased Capacities in communities

            Strategic Objective 2:

            To strengthen community capacities so as to respond to emergencies and become

            increasingly aware of how they can contribute to save lives and improve the


Activities for SO2

            • Increase training for communities, schools, university students and sports teams on

               basic First Aid skills and knowledge, so that they can assist and respond to life

               threatening conditions at their respective locations and know how to properly access

               the emergency number for medical emergencies.

            • Intensify efforts to reach out to the female population in the communities (mothers

               and ladies) which could be facilitated by female SRCS Trainers.

            • Integrate First Aid activities with other SRCS programs to maximize coverage and

               ensure better transition of patients through the continuum of care.

            • Advocate that First Aid is integrated into the national school curriculum, driving

              schools and other areas of interest.

            • Develop information education communication materials (IEC) regarding First Aid

               that can be distributed to the community and conduct public awareness events to

               scale up First Aid program.

            • Develop FA teaching guide that the trainers should follow when delivering FA training

               to the trainees/volunteers.

            • Follow up of donated FA kits to the communities in order to replenish, and record

              number of casualties assisted by the community volunteers; Develop a follow-up

              mechanism for those individuals who were trained in the communities.

15   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Strategic Theme: Training of SRCS Staff and Volunteers

            Specific Objective 3 :

            To increase the intensity and quality of training for the National Society’s staff and

            volunteers on the topics of First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care.

Activities for SO3

            • Ensure that all SRCS staff and volunteers, irrespective of the Program they are

               working for, receive at least the Basic First Aid training.

            • Establish and develop Training Institutes at the 2 Coordination offices Where First Aid

               & Prehospital Emergency Courses and Disaster Management courses are delivered.

            • Facilitate First Aid & Pre-hospital Emergency Care courses at SRCS Coordination

               offices through establishment of training centres. Develop training of trainer’s

              courses (ToT courses).

            • Strive for achieving better gender equity/balance within the trainers’ pool by actively

               looking for suitable candidates to join the ranks of prospective trainers.

            • Further develop standardized SRCS training pathways, policies, procedures and


            • Continue to build the capacity of the First Aid Trainers through the delivery of ToT

               Courses at all necessary levels (Introductory, Refresher, & Advanced TOT and Master


16   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Strategic Theme: Management

            Specific Objective 4:

            To further develop the overarching management apparatus of the Program, with an

            eye to enhance the overall operational efficiency of and also to enhance its capacity

             in resource mobilization and creating national and international collaborations.

Activities for SO4

            • Update the SRCS FA & PHEC organogram to clarify the technical reporting lines and


            • Revise the organizational chart so that all personnel of First Aid and Prehospital

                Emergency Care Program falls under the responsibility of Program’s

                Management, who are ultimately responsible for their performance.

            • Develop and establish reporting mechanisms to keep the senior staff of the Program

               are always updated with the latest developments in the field of First Aid and

                Prehospital Emergency Care.

            • Continue the efforts to digitalize the information collection and analysis for the

                Program, so that good quality information is more accessible at all times.

            • Develop a web-based Data Management system so that reports can be filled through

                online system and shared directly with the people involved.

            • Implement cost-efficiency and sustainability analysis for all activities and become

               more aware of the financial components and restrictions of the Program.

            • Establish cost recovery procedures for FA&PHEC Program such as developing

               guidelines in line with SRCS resource mobilization policy and strategies.

            • Develop FA Commercialization guidelines in line with SRCS resource mobilization


            • Mobilize additional resources from SRCS partners to run SRCS FA & Prehospital

              Emergency Care program.

            • Produce good quality and data-accurate monthly, quarterly and annually reports the

              requirements of SRCS and partners.

17   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Monitoring and Evaluation
The SRCS will track the progress of the implementation of the FAPHEC strategic plan through

a robust Monitoring and Evaluation plan by FA managers and PMERs. Measuring and

reviewing of progress towards achieving the goals, objectives and outcomes of the Strategic

Plan will be based on Key Performance Indicators (KIPs). Monitoring of activities will be

performed regularly and any significant deviation from the targets will be reported to the

leadership and senior management. There will be two evaluations (mid and final evaluations)

throughout the life cycle of the FAPHEC Strategic Plan to measure the achievements towards

the goals and objectives and assess whether the implementation of the strategic goals,

objectives and KPIs achieved the vision and mission of the FAPHEC. The results will be

communicated to the internal and external stakeholders through specific reports.

18   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
Annex 1: Key Performance Indicators

19     SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
                                                                     Specific Objective 1:
                                                                     To enhance and expand the operational capacity of our Program to respond to Traumatic and Medical emergencies in an
                                                                     effective, timely and safe manner.

                                                                     Key Activities                                                                     Key Performance Indicators                   Estimated Targets

                                                                     Activities for SO1

                                                                     • Expanding geographically and enhancing the role of the First Aid and             • Expanded and enhanced                       75%

SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
                                                                       Prehospital Emergency Care projects, with more Ambulance and Volunteer             geographically the role of the SRCS
                                                                       Responders.                                                                        projects At least 75% of SRCS branches
                                                                                                                                                          implement First Aid and Prehospital
                                                                     • Through reviewing the past events and continuous support, to improve first
                                                                                                                                                          Emergency Care program.
                                                                       aid emergency response teams’ functionality and their capacity to respond to
                                                                                                                                                        • # of Ambulances are operational.            10
                                                                       emergencies in priority areas.
                                                                     • Coordinate with authorities and other stakeholders to facilitate the access of
                                                                       the Ambulance responders, Volunteer responders and communities in case of        • # Coordinated and recruited of              40
                                                                       emergency response.                                                                Ambulance Responder Teams
                                                                     • Ensure a steady and uninterrupted supply of all necessary first aid materials,    • Well-functioning Coordination
                                                                       equipment and ambulances for the response activities.                              mechanism with authorities and other        0
                                                                     • Develop a monitoring, follow-up and reporting and feedback mechanisms              stakeholders to facilitate the access of
                                                                       that capture best practices and lessons learnt.                                    the responders is in place.
                                                                     • Proceed with the use of the computer-aided dispatch software “Beacon” and        • # of branches reported necessary first
                                                                       support the assessment of the pilot project.                                       aid materials and equipment stock
                                                                     • Further dissemination of an emergency number where people can request              outs.
                                                                       emergency medical assistance. Educating the public about the functionality       • # Developed and monitored the follow
                                                                       and proper use of the emergency numbers.                                           up of reports/feedbacks and best
                                                                     • Proceed with the implementation and assessment of the “Motorcycle                  practices or lessons learnt.
                                                                       Responder Unit” Pilot Project and follow through in alignment with the
                                                                       findings of the assessment
                                                                     Strategic Objective 2:
                                                                     To strengthen community capacities so as to respond to emergencies and become increasingly aware of how they can
                                                                     contribute to save lives and improve the patients’ outcome.

                                                                     Key Activities                                                                    Key Performance Indicators                    Estimated Targets

                                                                     Activities for SO2

                                                                     • Increase training for communities, schools, university students and sports      • # of communities, schools, universities      85%

SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
                                                                       teams on basic First Aid skills and knowledge, so that they can assist and        students and sports teams on basic
                                                                       respond to life threatening conditions at their respective locations and know     First Aid skills increased
                                                                       how to properly access the emergency number for medical emergencies.            • # of assist and respond to life
                                                                     • Intensify efforts to reach out to the female population in the communities        threatening conditions
                                                                       (mothers and ladies) which could be facilitated by female SRCS Trainers.        • # intensified of female population in the
                                                                     • Integrate First Aid activities with other SRCS programs to maximize coverage      communities (mothers and ladies)
                                                                       and ensure better transition of patients through the continuum of care.           trained and reached.
                                                                     • Advocate that First Aid is integrated into the national school curriculum,
                                                                       driving schools and other areas of interest.
                                                                     • Develop information education communication materials (IEC) regarding
                                                                       First Aid that can be distributed to the community and conduct public
                                                                       awareness events to scale up First Aid program.
                                                                     • Develop FA teaching guide that the trainers should follow when delivering FA    • # of developed of IEC First Aid materials
                                                                       training to the trainees/volunteers.                                              distribute to the community events to
                                                                     • Follow up of donated FA kits to the communities in order to replenish, and        scale up First Aid program.
                                                                       record number of casualties assisted by the community volunteers; Develop a     • # of developed FA teaching guidelines
                                                                       follow-up mechanism for those individuals who were trained in the                 that the trainers should follow when
                                                                       communities.                                                                      delivering FA training to the
                                                                                                                                                         trainees/volunteers. Developed and
                                                                     Specific Objective 3:
                                                                     To increase the intensity and quality of training for the National Society’s staff and volunteers on the topics of First Aid and
                                                                     Prehospital Emergency Care.

                                                                     Key Activities                                                                       Key Performance Indicators                 Estimated Targets

                                                                     Activities for SO3

                                                                     • Ensure that all SRCS staff and volunteers, irrespective of the Program they are    • # of established and developed two        2%

SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
                                                                       working for, receive at least the Basic First Aid training.                          Training Institutes where First Aid &
                                                                     • Establish and develop Training Institutes at the 2 Coordination offices where        Prehospital Emergency Courses and
                                                                       First Aid & Prehospital Emergency Courses and Disaster Management                    Disaster Management courses are
                                                                       courses are delivered.                                                               delivered
                                                                     • Facilitate First Aid & Pre-hospital Emergency Care courses at SRCS                 • % of Facilitated First Aid Trainers
                                                                                                                                                            through the delivery of ToT Courses at    60%
                                                                       Coordination offices through establishment of training centres. Develop
                                                                       training of trainer’s courses (ToT courses).                                         all necessary levels (Introductory,
                                                                     • Strive for achieving better gender equity/balance within the trainers’ pool by       Refresher, & Advanced TOT and Master
                                                                       actively looking for suitable candidates to join the ranks of prospective            Trainer) train.
                                                                     • Further develop standardized SRCS training pathways, policies, procedures
                                                                       and guidelines.
                                                                     • Continue to build the capacity of the First Aid Trainers through the delivery of
                                                                       ToT Courses at all necessary levels (Introductory, Refresher, & Advanced TOT
                                                                       and Master Trainer).
                                                                     Specific Objective 4:
                                                                     To further develop the overarching management apparatus of the Program, with an eye to enhance the overall operational
                                                                     efficiency of and also to enhance its capacity in resource mobilization and creating national and international collaborations.

                                                                     Key Activities                                                                     Key Performance Indicators               Estimated Targets

                                                                     Activities for SO4

                                                                     • Revise the organizational chart so that all personnel of First Aid and           • # of web-based Data Management          2%

SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025
                                                                       Prehospital Emergency Care Program falls under the responsibility of               system developed so that reports can
                                                                       Program’s Management, who are ultimately responsible for their                     be filled through online system and
                                                                       performance.                                                                       shared directly with the people
                                                                     • Develop and establish reporting mechanisms to keep the senior staff of the         involved.
                                                                       Program are always updated with the latest developments in the field of First
                                                                       Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care.
                                                                     • Continue the efforts to digitalize the information collection and analysis for
                                                                       the Program, so that good quality information is more accessible at all times.
                                                                     • Develop a web-based Data Management system so that reports can be filled
                                                                       through online system and shared directly with the      people involved.
                                                                     • Implement cost-efficiency and sustainability analysis for all activities and
                                                                       become more aware of the financial components and restrictions of the
                                                                     • Establish cost recovery procedures for FA&PHEC Program such as developing
                                                                       guidelines in line with SRCS resource mobilization policy and strategies.
                                                                     • Develop FA Commercialization guidelines in line with SRCS resource
                                                                       mobilization policy.
                                                                     • Mobilize additional resources from SRCS partners to run SRCS FA &
                                                                       Prehospital Emergency Care program. Produce good quality and
                                                                       data-accurate monthly, quarterly and annually reports as per the
                                                                       requirements of SRCS and partners.
24   SRCS First Aid and Prehospital Emergency Care Strategy 2021 - 2025

The Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) is
an independent, non-political humanitarian
organization that was founded in April 1963
and was established with presidential decree
No. 187 in 1965.

It was then recognized by the ICRC in 1969
and in the same year became a member of
the International Federation of the Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies.

© SRCS – July 2021

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