SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly

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SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
c a s c a d i a
                                REPORTING FROM
                                THE HEART OF CASCADIA
                                         *         *
                                            SKAGIT SURROUNDING AREAS
                                11-03-2021 • ISSUE: 44 • V.16
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
                                                                                                                             Cascadia Weekly:

                                         THISWEEK                                                                             360.647.8200

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                                                                                                                              sales@
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TOC          LETTERS            STAFF
                                                                                                                             Editor & Publisher:

                                                                                                                             Tim Johnson
                                                                                                                              ext 3
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                                                                                                                             Arts & Entertainment
                                                                                                                             Editor: Amy Kepferle

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                  PHOTO BY TIMMY RINEY

                                                                                                                             Contributing Editor:

                                                                                                                             Carey Ross
                                                                                                                              music@
                                         Although the sweet treats provided by Rocket Donuts have

                                         been gone since the business closed in 2019, the iconic space-
                                         craft at the corner of Holly and Bay streets remained—until
                                                                                                                             Art Director:
                                         early this week, when its removal sparked concern among the
                                                                                                                             Jesse Kinsman
                                         populace. Apparently, its absence will only be temporary, as
                                                                                                                              jesse@
                                         the flight crew has been directed to give the rocket a revamp

                                         before returning it to the spaceport. Stay tuned, earthlings.
                                                                                                                             Bill Kamphausen
                                                                                                                              bill@

                                                                                                                             Advertising Design:
                                                                                                                             Roman Komarov
                                                                                                                              roman@
                                              CHANGES ARE COMING                                                             cascadiaweekly.com
                                                                                                                             Send all advertising materials to

                                              GET READY for some                                                             ads@cascadiaweekly.com
                                              Cascadia Daily News.
                                              That’s the name of Bell-                                                       Distribution
                                              ingham’s new daily online/
                                              weekly print newspaper,                                                        Distribution Manager:
                                              set to debut in January.                                                       Erik Burge

                                              The Cascadia Daily News
                                                                                                                              distribution@
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GAGGING ON THE BALONEY                                from the inevitable fallout.
                                              team will be composed                                                                                                                                                                    At the duplex where I live, my neighbor has           The insurrection didn’t go well—many of those
                                              of news pros with a shared goal of boost-                                      Whatcom: Erik Burge,
                                                                                                                             Stephanie Simms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a large, friendly dog who is often outside on a       who stormed the capitol on that day are looking

                                              ing the level of local watchdog news while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    long lead. I wanted to make friends with him,         at jail terms—and there is talk of holding higher

                                              maintaining and expanding on lifestyle/arts                                    Skagit: Linda Brown,
                                              coverage that has been provided by Cascadia                                    Barb Murdoch                                                                                           so I would pat him on the head and scratch his        officials who may have been complicit in the up-
                                              Weekly for more than 15 years.                                                                                                                                                        back, which he liked. Then I thought to give him      rising accountable for their actions, with serious
                                              The Cascadia Daily News staff is currently                                     Letters                                                                                                a treat. Lurking in the back of the fridge was        consequences. The rule of law might prevail.

                                              being assembled by longtime Bellingham                                         SEND LETTERS TO LETTERS@
                                                                                                                             CASCADIAWEEKLY.COM                                                                                     some old bologna. He devoured it in a flash and          In the meantime, the former Impersonator has
                                              resident and WWU graduate Ron Judd, a
                                              Seattle Times veteran.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    looked at me with great affection.                    secluded himself on a private island, where he is
                                              Cascadia Weekly will continue to cover                                                                                                                                                   It occurred to me that this is the perfect met-    planning his second coming. And he is rumored

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    aphor for a politician—pat them on the head,          to be writing a book entitled My Struggles, about
                                                                                                                                                 BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05

                                              arts and entertainment, music, dining and                                                 c a s c a d i a
                                                                                                                                                                        REPORTING FROM
                                                                                                                                                                        THE HEART OF CASCADIA
                                                                                                                                                                                  *SKAGIT*SURROUNDING AREAS

                                              other popular features through the end of                                                                                                                                             scratch them on the back, give them some balo-        the hardships he endured on his path to the
                                                                                                                                                                        11-03-2021 • ISSUE: 44 • V.16

                                              the year—in both print and PDF formats.                                                                                                                                               ney, and you’re in. Except, of course, that your      presidency.

                                              Look for our next print issue on the streets
                                              Weds., Nov. 10.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    opponent will have his own brand of baloney,             The final chapter will explain why it is all right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    which he will be spicing up, putting a nice wrap-     for Republicans to change election results whenev-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    per on it, etc., in the Battle of the Baloneys, you   er possible, and why it may be necessary for them
                                         ©2021 CASCADIA WEEKLY (ISSN 1931-3292) is published each Wednesday by                                                                                                                      might say, the superfood of democracy.                to do that if they want to preserve the Republican
                                         Cascadia Newspaper Company LLC. Direct all correspondence to: Cascadia
                                         Weekly PO Box 2833 Bellingham WA 98227-2833 | Phone/Fax: 360.647.8200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                SPRING FLING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Shelter in place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                with FishBoy P.09      Former Impersonator Donald Trump had an es-        way of life. After all, the framers of the Consti-
                                         info@cascadiaweekly.com                                                             COVER: Illustration by                                                                                 pecially powerful mix of ingredients in his ba-       tution were writing it for a government “of the
                                           Though Cascadia Weekly is distributed free, please take just one copy. Cascadia
   2                                                                                                                         Peter Kuper                                                                                            loney. So much so, that some of his supporters        people, by the people and for the people”—and
                                         Weekly may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Any person removing
                                         papers in bulk from our distribution points risks prosecution
                                           SUBMISSIONS: Cascadia Weekly welcomes freelance submissions. Send material
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    were motivated to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6 in      the people they had in mind were white people,
                                         to either the News Editor or A&E Editor. Manuscripts will be returned if you
                                         include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. To be considered for calendar list-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    an attempt to overturn the election, and install      which is no longer the electorate we have now.
                                         ings, notice of events must be received in writing no later than noon Wednesday                                                                                                            the former Impersonator as President For Life.           The electorate has changed and now includes
                                         the week prior to publication. Photographs should be clearly labeled and will be
                                         returned if accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope.                                                                                                                                  Members of his own party, congressional mem-       many different peoples of different colors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    bers, were skeptical of this, some feeling that       races from all over the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    it didn’t make them look good, while others felt         Future elections, with this changed elector-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that the situation called for strong action, and      ate, will be very interesting indeed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that their fearless leader would protect them                                —Severin Schurger, Bellingham
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
                                                  SMOKE SIGNALS
                                                     Sadly, a
                                                  recent fire
                                                  behind craft

                                                  Michaels left
                                                  the store with
        BUSINESS                                  enough smoke damage inside to

    BRIEFS                                        necessitate closing the store.

                                                                                                 REAR END6
                                                  Given that this is prime time for
     11.03.21                                     all things craft-related, I have to
                                                  imagine they’re working as fast
            BY CAREY ROSS
                                                  and furious as possible to clear
                                                  the smoke and reopen. After all,

                                                  we won’t be able to deck the halls
FOOD AND BREWS NEWS                               without them.
   The pandemic has

been hard on small                           MEXICO CAFE
businesses. It has                             One of Mount
also been challeng-                          Vernon’s Mexican
ing for touring musi-                        food stalwarts,

cians. At the nexus                          Mexico Cafe, is cur-
of those two things                          rently closed—but
is Tim Alexander, Primus drummer and         don’t worry, they’ll

                                                                                                 GET OUT
owner of Herb’s Cider. Something had         be back. They’re on hiatus for happy
to give and in this case, that thing is      reasons, namely because they need to
Herb’s, which has closed permanently.        remodel their kitchen and dishwash-
The cider maker is currently in the          ing areas to better serve their loyal
process of clearing out remaining            customers. They hope to be back open

inventory, but the show is over—             and slinging sizzling-hot plates of
although I’m sure I’m not the only one       fine Mexican fare on Nov. 15—feel
hoping for an encore.                        free to drop in then and suss the

                                                                                                 CURRENTS 4
   Boasting a “new                           PIROSHKY PIROSHKY
menu” and “new ex-                             I’m not going to
perience,” Northwa-                          say that Seattle’s

                                                                                        SO CAN

ter, the restaurant                          Piroshky Piroshky
in the Holiday Inn                           pops up in Belling-
and Suites near the                          ham so often they

Bellingham airport,                          should do what


is reopening. The new menu is a fairly       Frelard Tamales is doing and open a
straightforward mix of snacks, pizzas        location here—except that’s exactly
from their Wood Stone oven, meals            what I’m saying. If you feel the same,

that come between slices of bread            you’ll have a chance to tell them so
and salads. Breakfast is also on the         Nov. 14 when they make their way
menu, so stop in and see what they           back to the Lummi Market. Preorders

have to offer.                               are currently open.

                                                                                                 CASCADIA WEEKLY
      Just a couple of years ago, I discovered
   that Bellingham is home to a rich and var-
   ied community of pickleball enthusiasts—
   live and learn. And thanks to Bellingham
   Fitness, they’ll have three fancy new courts
   on which to play. The courts are indoor and
   look to be ready for use at any moment,
   and I’m told that if the demand grows,
   outdoor courts may be added in the future
   as well. Welcome to the pickledome.
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly

                                      eek th

                                                                   at s
                  The W
                                            LAST WEEK’S


                                       OCT. 29-NOV. 02

                                           BY TIM JOHNSON

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PHOTO COURTESY UNITED STATES COAST GUARD

                  FRIDAY                                                                                 Containers and hazardous debris continue to wash ashore after a Canadian container ship caught fire off the

                    United States governors want a seat at the table as international leaders            coast of Victoria, British Columbia, last week. More than 100 shipping containers from the stricken cargo ship MV
                                                                                                         Zim Kingston fell overboard amid bad weather. Sixteen crew members were forced to leave the ship after smoke from
                  gather in Scotland at a critical moment for global efforts to reduce fossil fuel
                                                                                                         three burning containers holding a hazardous material identified as potassium amyl xanthate was deemed dangerous.
                  emissions and slow the planet’s temperature rise. At least a half-dozen state          The Canadian Coast Guard said in a statement that 71 refrigerators, 81 bags of Styrofoam and 19 bags of garbage are

                  governors—including Jay lnslee—plan to attend parts of the two-week United             among the items that have been flown by helicopter off Cape Palmerston beach on the northwest side of Vancouver

                  Nations’ climate change conference in Glasgow, known as COP26. Though states           Island. The lost containers were initially reported to be general containers with no dangerous cargo.
                  aren’t official parties to talks, governors hold significant sway over the United
                  States’ approach to tackling climate change. [U.S. Climate Alliance]


                     A federal jury determines that the for-profit operator of the Northwest ICE                                                                      ognized as one of the four primary threats
                  Processing Center must pay nearly $17.3 million to immigration detainees            MONDAY                                                          contributing to the precipitous decline
                  who were paid $1 a day to perform tasks such as cooking and cleaning at the                                                                         of wild fish populations throughout the

                  company’s for-profit detention center in Tacoma. The verdict concludes the            Puget Sound Partnership releases its bi-                      northwest. [Wild Fish Conservancy]
                  first phase of a retrial in the state’s lawsuit against GEO Group Inc., which       ennial State of the Sound report, which as-
                  alleges that the Florida-based company violated Washington law by paying            sesses t he health of the Puget Sound eco-                     11.02.21
                  workers less than the minimum wage, and that GEO unjustly enriched itself by        system and progress toward its recovery.

                  doing so. [AGO]                                                                     Measures of health are staying the same
                                                                                                      or getting worse, and few of them have                            Washington Congresswomen Suzan Del-
                     In a turnabout that offers hope for Puget Sound’s nearshore ecosystem,           reached the ecosystem recovery targets the                      Bene and Pramila Jayapal demand a for-

                  shoreline armoring is being removed faster than new bulkheads are being             Partnership set for 2020. The report pres-                      mal apology from U.S. Customs and Border
                  constructed, according to permit figures provided by the Washington Depart-         ents key challenges that have hindered the                      Protection for the detention and increased
                  ment of Fish and Wildlife. Among the concerns with shoreline armoring, ex-          progress of the recovery effort and lays out                    scrutiny of Iranian-Americans at the Peace

                  perts point out that bulkheads often occupy areas of the beach used by forage       a series of actions to address the problems.                    Arch Border Crossing last year. On Jan. 5,
                  fish, which are important food for salmon. Hard seawalls also can reduce nat-       [Puget Sound Partnership]                                       2020, m ore than 80 Americans of Iranian
                  ural erosion and concentrate wave energy, leading to a beach devoid of sands                                                                        descent were held in secondary inspection
                  and gravels, which forage fish use for spawning. [Puget Sound Partnership]            Environmental groups fear Congress is                         at length and questioned. Some individu-
                                                                                                      on track to make a n investment in north-                      als claimed to have been held for more than
                  10.31.21                                                                            west hatchery infrastructure on record                          10 hours. Some, including U.S. citizens, had
                  SUNDAY                                                                              that could cause irreparable damage to
                                                                                                      wild fish populationsand to endangered
                                                                                                                                                                      their passports confiscated and were ques-
                                                                                                                                                                      tioned about their political views and alle-
                    After more than 18 months of pandemic-driven eviction limits, Washing-            Southern Resident killer whales. The pro-                       giances without explanation. “Men, women
                  ton’s eviction moratorium expires, meaning landlords can seek evictions of          posed $400-million-dollar investment in                         and children legally entering or returning
                  tenants who fell behind on rent during the COVID-19 pandemic, provided own-         hatcheries is being labeled and heralded                        to the United States at a designated port
                  ers go through required steps such as offering the tenant a payment plan. The       as an important part of a larger package                        of entry should not be arbitrarily held and
                  decision will open the door for an influx of new eviction cases and test key        to restore and conserve Pacific wild salm-                      questioned solely based on their religion,
                  tenant protections for the first time since the pandemic upended the legal          on and steelhead. However, environmental                        ethnicity, or national origin,” the lawmak-
                  process last year. [Office of Governor]                                             groups warn hatcheries have long been rec-                      ers wrote. [U.S. Congress]
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
Cascadia Weekly’s
FUZZ                                               ever, fingerprints don't lie, and she collected
                                                   a criminal impersonation charge for her lack        SELECTED ELECTION RESULTS
                                                   of candor. Prowl finished his shift and then
                                                   got some treats.”                                        COUNTY COUNCIL, DISTRICT 1

                                                   RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE
                                                   On Oct. 14, a gent generated several 911                                                 Kaylee Galloway
SHOT, OR BE SHOT                                   calls as he walked southbound on Hannegan

On Oct. 17, an Anacortes restaurant own-           Way swinging a machete, Bellingham Police
er called police to discuss their policy that      admitted.
requires employees to get vaccinated for
COVID-19. The previous week, an employee at        BLING BLOTTER                                            COUNTY COUNCIL, DISTRICT 2

                                                                                                                                                                        REAR END6
the business refused to get vaccinated and was     On Oct. 18, a 70-year-old Anacortes man called
subsequently let go. The man reacted poorly        police to report a $10,000 bronze sculpture
and caused a scene, including loudly yelling ex-   stolen from his home. The man said he believed                                           Todd Donovan
pletives. During the outburst, the man report-     his house was burglarized earlier in the day.
edly said people who got vaccinated should be      He said he believed the front door might have

shot. This caused concern to other employees.      been unlocked when he arrived home, as he
As a courtesy, police called the man and left      recalled that something didn’t feel right when
a message warning him the matter needed to         he put his key in to unlock it. It appeared other        COUNTY COUNCIL, DISTRICT 3
not escalate.                                      items, including jewelry, may have been sto-

                                                   len. The investigation continues.
IMPROPER WHOPPER                                                                                                                            Tyler Byrd
On Oct. 19, the Burger King on Telegraph Road      PLANNING AHEAD
was robbed at gunpoint, Bellingham Police re-      On Oct. 16, a 91-year-old Anacortes man called                                           53.23%

ported. The robber fled with cash, but no one      police to say he lives alone and always keeps
was injured.                                       his doors locked. He wanted to know how res-
                                                   cue crews might enter his house in the event             CITY COUNCIL, AT-LARGE

                                                                                                                                                                        GET OUT
                                                   he calls 911 and can’t get to the door. He was
On Oct. 27, Bellingham Police officers were        told emergency crews would try all reasonable
called to a potential burglary in progress in      options to enter the house first, then as a last                                         Barry Buchanan
Samish neighborhood. A neighbor saw a car          resort they would likely kick the door in if it
parked at the front of a home, two people go       was a medical emergency. The man told police                                             53.76%

to the door, one return to the car and the sec-    he plans to discuss assisted living options or
ond head to the backyard—where the glass           home care checks with his son.
was breaking. K-9 Destro and his handler were                                                               PORT OF BELLINGHAM, DISTRICT 1
                                                   TAKING A BREAK

summoned to help locate the thieves, leading

to a shed several blocks away. “Officers tried     On Oct. 19, Anacortes Police learned a man
many things to encourage the burglar to sur-
render on his own and peacefully; however, he
                                                   was laying in the ditch on the side of Highway
                                                   20. Officers contacted the 36-year-old Stan-
                                                                                                                                            Michael Shepard
refused,” police reported. A combination of        wood man, who said he was taking a break and                                             55.06%

chemical irritants and Destro's looming pres-      did not need any medical assistance.
ence and his deep bark finally got the burglar
to surrender peacefully to the officers. Destro    WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS                                    PORT OF BELLINGHAM, DISTRICT 2

                                                                                                                                                                        MAIL 2 
was returned to his home to nap after some         On Oct. 19, Anacortes Police learned a woman
treats, police reported.                           was standing in the roadway with her pants

On Oct. 25, a Bellingham patrol officer logged
                                                   down. Officers contacted her and she agreed
                                                   not to let her baggy pants fall while walking
                                                                                                                                            Ken Bell

a car stolen from Oak Harbor. The officer saw
two males get in and drive off. The officer
                                                   in public.                                                                               54.63
followed, but the driver refused to stop, in-      On Oct. 20, multiple callers reported a na-

stead recklessly running a red light. Pursuit      ked woman in downtown Anacortes. Officers
                                                                                                            CITY OF BELLINGHAM, COUNCIL, WARD 6
officers eventually found the unoccupied car,      found the Anacortes woman lying in the cen-
still running, near the Connelly Creek Trail.      ter turn lane of the street partly covered by a

                                                                                                                                                                        CASCADIA WEEKLY
K-9 Prowl and his handler were called on to
the job. K-9 Prowl found the suspects’ shirts
                                                   blanket. She complied with requests to move
                                                   out of the road. Officers noted the woman
                                                                                                                                            Michael Lilliquist
in some water, and was really excited about
that, police reported. Prowl eventually found
                                                   appeared to be having a mental health crisis
                                                   or was under the influence of drugs. She re-
a man, who was taken into custody. Prowl           peatedly threw the blanket off and would run
kept tracking, and veered off from where he        around screaming, before sitting down and
                                                                                                            CITY OF BELLINGHAM, AT-LARGE                                   5
found the man, and insisted someone else           becoming cordial again. The woman threw
was there. Prowl found a now very, very            handfuls of grass and rocks at officers and
chilled woman who had been observed driv-
ing the stolen car. She was also taken into
                                                   medics. The woman eventually agreed to go
                                                   in the ambulance to the hospital. An em-                                                 Russ Whidbee
custody, given medical care and then taken
to jail for several felony charges. “She lied
                                                   ployee of a nearby inn later told officers the
                                                   woman is a frequent and fine guest there but
the entire time about who she was and gave a       something felt off about her lately. Police
false name, sticking with that lie all the way     learned she was the same woman they had
                                                                                                       SOURCES: Whatcom County Auditor. Uncontested races not listed.
through booking,” police commented. “How-          contacted the prior day.
                                                                                                       Results on election night, subject to change in future counts.
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
rearEnd                     comix + sudoku


                  INSTRUCTIONS: Arrange the digits 1-9 so that each digit occurs once in
                  each row, once in each column, and once in each box.

                   sudoku for December 10, 2005                                 difficult

                    3        8       0       0        7       0        0       6       2

                    0        2       0       0        0       0        0       9       0
                    7        0       6       0        0       0        5       0       8

                    0        0       0       3        0       8        0       0       0

                    0        3       0       0        0       0        0       2       0

                    0        0       0       9        0       4        0       0       0
                    9        0       1       0        0       0        3       0       6

                    0        6       0       0        0       0        0       4       0

                    5        4       0       0        6       0        0       8       1
                  © sudokuplace.com All rights reserved.

SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
rearEnd                    crossword

                                                                             36 Footwear merch for      DOWN                        34 On fire                  53 Words before tie,
                                                                               “Wuthering Heights”      1 President Bartlet on      35 Bakery need                bind, or knot
                                                                               fans?                       “The West Wing”          36 Side at some delis       54 Atlantic food fish
                                                                             41 “Sometimes you feel     2 French-Canadian region    37 Cartilaginous layer      58 Remotely

                                                                               like ___ ...”            3 Jeppson’s ___ (Chica-       between vertebrae         61 Three Gorges, for one
                                                                             42 Nutri-Grain grain          go-based wormwood          and disks                 62 Comedian Margaret
                                                                             43 Thanksgiving day, on       liqueur)                 38 Place to see cars        63 Barinholtz an-
                                                                               a sched.                 4 Benefit from                indoors                     nounced to work on

                                                                             44 Denver summer hrs.      5 Liqueur producer          39 Bear’s den                 the Mel Brooks series
                                                                             45 College, slangily,                                  40 “Grease” band ___          "History of the World,

                                                                                                           James, whose drink is
                                                                               abroad                      used in a “cup” cock-      Na Na                       Part II"
                                                                             46 Shoestring tip             tail popular during      45 Play caller
                                                                             50 Find lead singer Day       Wimbledon                47 Bottom of a parking

                                                                               at the right Time?       6 Actress Vergara             garage, perhaps
                                                                             55 Prefix with decimal     7 Permissible, in Islam     48 Voted off the island?
                                                                             56 FDR biographer          8 “Help me, ___-Wan         49 Old Radio Shack

                                                                               Joseph                      Kenobi. You’re my only     home computers
                                                                             57 Quechua speaker            hope”                    51 Pamplona partici-
                                                                             59 Diesel that isn’t       9 Lose hair, in a way         pants
                                                                               measured by the          10 Pontifical               52 Unbending

                                                                               gallon                   11 Without a middle,
                                                                             60 Bert who sang “If I        geometrically            Last Week’s Puzzle
                                                                               Only Had the Nerve”      12 Concerned query

                                                                                                                                                                                           GET OUT
                                                                             61 20th U.S. president     13 People changing their
WHEN THEY'RE PAIRED UP                                                         picking a side in the       branding, say
                                                                               “war of the currents"?   18 “Oh, bloody ___!”
ACROSS                   17 Role in an Oregon       23 They may be put on    64 “___ Blue Moon”         22 “No Scrubs” group
1 Traffic issues           capital production of    25 Brady in charge of      (Marie Osmond song)      24 Rapper Travis who

7 Partner of the “five     “The Odd Couple"?          every round piece of   65 Sushi fish                 had a signature Mc-
  W’s”                   19 Ball-___ hammer           sporting equipment?    66 “Annie Get Your            Donald’s meal
10 Former host of “The   20 The rite words at the   28 Escape the egg          Gun” protagonist         26 Dog food ingredient,

                                                                                                                                                                                           CURRENTS 4
  Tonight Show” Jack       rite time?               30 “Back to main menu”   67 Mountain ___ (some         maybe
14 Part of AOC           21 Kunis who voices Meg      key                      Taco Bell orders)        27 “___ Place to Land”
15 Moses Malone’s          Griffin                  31 Regret                68 Authority in a             (Janae Marks book)
  league, once           22 English makeup          32 “Certainement!”         Twitch chat              29 “What the ...?”

16 Nearly 5,000 square     YouTuber-turned-         34 Early August sign     69 Doesn’t look            33 Prefix meaning
  yards                    actress Burr             35 “J’adore” perfumier     forward to                  “image”                  ©2021 Jonesin’ Crosswords

                                                                                                                                                                                           MAIL 2 
                                                                                                                                                                                           CASCADIA WEEKLY

                                                                                                        Advertising supports the Cascadia Weekly
                                                                                                         newspaper and creates valued content.
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly SPRING FLING - BIZ BRIEFS P.03 + WEEK THAT WAS P.04 + ELECTION RESULTS P.05 11-03-2021 ISSUE: 44 V.16 - Cascadia Weekly
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