Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex

Page created by Benjamin Webster
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex
Inside Diamond
           SPRING 2020
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex
A Letter from Harrison Bishop

                               It is hard to believe that we are   changeover is no easy task! However,
                          well into the year 2020. Not long        our team has persevered and made
                          ago, 2020 seemed like the distant        great progress in working the new
                          future. However, since the company’s     system into our daily business. We
                          founding in 1971, the leadership at      appreciate the patience of our team
                          Amerex has made decisions for the        members, customers and suppliers
                          long-term, and investments into the      as we work to iron out all the new
                          company for the future. As a result,     processes.
                          Amerex quickly became and remains
                          a leader in the fire suppression               This publication also highlights
                          industry. In this edition of “Inside     the newest Amerex products, and
                          the Diamond,” it is apparent that        the progress that our Kitchen and
                          we are continuing the tradition          Industrial Systems group has made
                          of investing in our company and          into new arenas, along with a
                          making decisions for the long-term       spotlight on one of our international
                          benefit of those involved with the       vehicle system sales partners. Each
                          fire suppression industry. Detailed      of these areas of progress required
                          inside is information concerning our     foresight, study and decisions
                          efforts surrounding complete fire        made well in advance. We continue
                          protection in the National Defense       to fill our pipeline with ideas,
      HARRISON BISHOP     Authorization Act, the continuous        product innovations and system
              PRESIDENT   strides we make for the protection of    improvements for the future of
                          the environment and the expansion        Amerex. Finally, in this newsletter
                          of our distribution centers to better    you will be introduced to a group
                          serve all our customers.                 of team members who carry on a
                                                                   long-standing tradition at Amerex.
                              This year, we also transitioned to   Our Customer Service team has
                          a new enterprise resource planning       adapted to the changing business
                          (ERP) system, which required             environment and technologies over
                          more than a year of training and         the years, but they have not forgotten
                          preparation. As anyone who has been      their top priority: our customers.
                          through an ERP conversion can tell       Thank you for taking the time to read
                          you, because the system involves         “Inside the Diamond,” and thank you
                          everything that enters the plant,        for being an Amerex partner.
                          how it is transformed into product,
                          sold and how it is shipped, an ERP
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex

    The mission of the Fire Equipment Manufacturers’                  FEMA and the FEMA GRC continue our efforts to
Association is to advocate for complete life safety solutions.   implement the positive change we’ve realized through the
FEMA and Amerex have worked diligently over the last             lawmaking process. Here are some additional key points
two years to affect a positive change in the fire protection     to keep in mind as you’re discussing these topics with your
mindset within the U.S. Department of Defense. With the          customers and equipment owners:
signing of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA), this positive change was finally realized.                  • Amerex believes that organizations like FEMA are key
                                                                      to the mutual success of the industry.
     The NDAA is one of a few bipartisan bills passed               • Knowing a supplier’s commitment to such pro-industry
annually through Congress. The law’s bipartisan appeal                 and pro-life-safety activity should be part of any
and the defense focus of this bill are the main reasons                business decision.
FEMA and Amerex sought to change the Department of                  • Amerex continues to support FEMA on this issue and
Defense fire code through this bill. Working with Rasky               issues on the horizon such as fire protection on school
Partners, FEMA successfully found sponsorship of our cause            buses through the School Bus Safety Act (House Bill
in this important piece of legislation after many visits to           HR 3959) and the Campus Fire Safety Education Act
Washington, D.C., by FEMA GRC members.                                (which will provide grants to educational facilities
                                                                      with regards to fire safety products).
     Support within the ranks of lawmakers is vital for any         • We thank you for your support of FEMA’s efforts and
change to laws, but substantive changes like this one can              loyalty to Amerex.
happen only with grassroots efforts. Thanks to our strong
base of distributors throughout the country, your grassroots
efforts really paid off. Distributors’ letter-writing campaign
is a major part of this success story.
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex

When a company becomes known for the high quality of its products, every other aspect of the business must rise to the same
standard. In the fire suppression industry, Amerex is known for setting the standard in quality. To deliver quality throughout
our customers’ experience, we’re committed to continuous improvement in innovation, value and customer service. When
demand is high, keeping lead times short can be challenging, so Amerex invested heavily in our distribution centers with an
eye on improving lead times for good. Take a look at how innovations and new efficiencies in Amerex’s product distribution
process are helping our customer service meet the high expectation set by our top-notch products.

     It has been a busy couple of           products are made. Our headquarters
years for Logistics Manager Heath           also functions as a distribution center.
Posey. Along with managing regular          In addition to distribution operations
distribution operations, Heath has          in Trussville, Amerex currently has
been instrumental in expansive efforts      distribution centers in Oakland, New
to improve efficiency and shorten lead      Jersey, Santa Fe Springs, California
times. “It’s always gratifying to be part   (greater Los Angeles), and Elk Grove,
of an established company that’s still      Illinois (greater Chicago). These are
taking an innovative approach. The          longstanding distribution centers,
company has been really invested in         each with more than 30 years of
giving us everything we need to make        operational experience.
these improvements. We’re looking at
distribution centers that have been              At the end of 2018, our
in place for about 40 years in some         Chicagoland distribution center
cases, and for each one, we’ve laid out     moved to a new location and
and are implementing a plan to better       doubled in size, and in mid-2019, our      these new distribution centers were
serve the customer,” noted Heath.           California location also moved into        near the old ones, in some aspects,
                                            a much larger facility. In each case,      they’re a world away. Each new
     That plan to better serve the          the new buildings were within two          distribution location added a host of
customer begins at our headquarters         miles of the old locations to keep the     new benefits to deliver efficiencies
in Trussville, Alabama, where all our       distribution footprint the same. While     and enhanced order fullfillment.
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex

                                           demand and seasonality at each of          these logistical projects. “We’re very
                                           these locations to determine how           appreciative of the investment that our
                                           variations affect how we should            company leadership has made in these
                                           stock. There may be more demand            newer, larger facilities, these special
                                           for a particular product in January        racking projects and more. These can
                                           than there is in July, so we’re being      be costly projects, so we’re appreciative
                                           smart about that. It’s not just about      to be able to implement them for the
                                           more volume of everything at each          betterment of the customer in the long
                                           location,” he added.                       run,” enthused Heath.

                                                It all adds up to more robust              The goal, of course, is to ensure
                                           inventory at each distribution branch.     that yet another aspect of Amerex
                                           “Stock levels at all locations are being   customer service helps keep quality
     In both new distribution centers,     evaluated and improved, especially         behind the diamond. “It makes it easy
Heath’s team created efficiencies          for system parts like KP and vehicle       when you have complete support
through solutions like high-density        systems. We’re trying to make sure         from upper management. Those two
storage and gravity flow racking.          we have everything on-hand to make         distribution center moves show that
These techniques compound the              things easier and quicker for the          management is completely supportive
gains made from larger facilities with     customer,” Heath pointed out.              of our efforts to shorten lead times
the ability to stock more inventory in                                                with distribution improvements. That
the same amount of space. The new               “This is all part of improving        makes it easy for me,” Heath concluded.
locations also improve convenience         lead times for customers,” Heath
for distributors who pick up products      added. “Production is doing a great
directly with additional drive-in doors.   job of ramping up and meeting our
“We’re looking to help improve the         strong sales performance. As soon as
flow of product and our ability to serve   completed products hit the floor, we’re
customers both through shipping and        working to get them from Trussville
those who pick up on location. The         to our distribution centers. We can
focus is on the customer and making        react really quickly here in Trussville
it as easy as possible for the customer    because our distribution center is 50
to pick up the product, or to have it
shipped quickly, ” said Heath.             feet from our production line. The
                                           distribution centers can’t be quite as
     A strategic mindset is also crucial   nimble, so we work to get them more
to maintaining the right inventory         of what they will need as quickly as
levels in each distribution center         we can,” he observed.
throughout the entire year. “It’s not
as simple as just increasing all the           With an eye on permanently
inventory numbers,” cautioned Heath.       improved lead times, Amerex has
“We’re looking very specifically at        committed significant resources to
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex

            hen you walk into a          The premise of a chain restaurant              over the course of inevitable changes
            Popeyes or a Texas           is to take success from one location,          in kitchen appliances or layout.”
            Roadhouse, you’re probably   find ways to make it repeatable
focused on one thing: the delicious      and improve efficiency and package             Michael added, “Restaurants typically
meal you’re about to enjoy. Whether      it for additional locations so that            outlast their appliances. As appliances
it’s a famous chicken sandwich from      operations are as streamlined                  are changed out or upgraded, an
Popeyes or a hand-cut steak from         as possible. Popeyes and Texas                 appliance-specific setup has to be
Texas Roadhouse, most diners are         Roadhouse repeat their respective              modified, re-tested and re-certified.
thinking about what comes out of         successful formulas across locations,          If a particular area under a hood is
the kitchen, not what’s inside it. But   and these two major national                   protected with KP with Zone Defense,
behind the scenes in many Popeyes        restaurant chains are also repeating           that area is protected thoroughly
and Texas Roadhouse locations, an        the inclusion of KP to protect their
Amerex KP kitchen fire suppression       team members and property.
system stands at the ready to protect
lives and property. Michael Gaston,      Why is Amerex’s KP system the
Product Manager — Restaurant             right fit for chain restaurants? Jamie
and Industrial Systems, said, “Chain     Knowles, Sales Manager — Restaurant
restaurants are increasingly working     and Industrial Systems says the
with our distributor and original        advantages for end-users are many.
equipment manufacturer (OEM)             “First,” said Jamie, “is its adaptability in
partners to find that Amerex has the     the Zone Defense setup. That means
right fire suppression system to fit     restaurant operators don’t need to
their needs.”                            modify their fire suppression system
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex
“We’re focused on getting our systems      has helped convert some locations
                                           in the market so our distributors have     from MRM to STRIKE because, as
                                           plenty of demand for the product.          Jamie puts it, “STRIKE is 100 percent
                                           We have KP in numerous U.S. and            supervised and provides more data
                                           international locations. In the world      on the history of system events, so
                                           of multi-unit restaurant operations, a     it’s a smarter system for the end-user
                                           franchisee likes it to be turnkey, and     and it’s easier to maintain in the
                                           we’re able to help deliver that with the   long-term with less concern about
                                           KP system,” added Michael.                 grease buildup.”

                                           With Texas Roadhouse, Amerex systems       Overall, it’s safe to say the appetite for
regardless of the appliance                made their way into the kitchen            Amerex KP kitchen fire suppression
configuration under it.”                   through Koorsen Fire and Security, a       systems in chain restaurants is
                                           long-standing partner. “We’ve had a        certainly increasing, thanks to our
End-users also find the system             lot of shared success with Koorsen         valuable partnerships with OEMs and
advantageous because, Jamie said,          installing Amerex kitchen systems in       fire equipment distributors. Those
“using KP across locations keeps bills                                                relationships are the key, says Michael.
of materials, design and installation                                                 “If a distributor has a relationship with
processes consistent, predictable and                                                 an emerging chain, I’d love for that
streamlined.” Finally, the system offers                                              distributor to come back to us and
potent fire suppression, with plenty                                                  help catch them early as they begin to
of pressure to produce quick knock-                                                   expand, work with them on pricing and
down. Thanks to our fantastic partners,                                               standardizing the bill of materials, and
whether OEMs or distributors, chain                                                   we can help them expand in an easily
restaurant operators are able to find                                                 repeatable way.”
the adaptability, repeatability and
firefighting power they crave in the                                                  Now, with the debut of the Amerex
KP system.                                 Texas Roadhouse locations across the       Preferred Installer Network for KP
                                           country for many years,” said Jamie.       systems, it’s easier than ever for
For Popeyes, KP came into the picture      These systems help protect people and      distributors to help protect restaurants
thanks to a kitchen hood OEM. The          property in Texas Roadhouse kitchens       — whether a single location or a
KP system comes preinstalled on            where significant hazards exist            national chain.
the hoods in some new Popeyes              thanks to the presence of extremely
locations and Amerex ships the             hot appliances for cooking succulent
remaining necessary components             steaks, ribs and more. While most of
so that everything is ready on-site        the KP installations in Popeyes and
and installation and testing are           Texas Roadhouse locations use a
streamlined.                               mechanical release module (MRM),
                                           Amerex is also seeing growth in the
“Our relationships with hood               presence of the new STRIKE Electronic
manufacturers ensure there are more        Control System in chain restaurants
Amerex systems in the marketplace          like Freddy’s Frozen Custard.
and it increases the opportunities
for installations and long-term            In Freddy’s locations, another valued
maintenance and service work for our       distributor partner, Allstate Fire
distributor partners,” Michael noted.      Company of Independence, Missouri,
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex
                                             country and around the globe. Her team    can. Whether she’s interacting with her
                                             of eight spends the day answering         team or speaking with a customer a
                                             phones, emails and faxes to help things   thousand miles away, Debbie keeps a
                                             run smoothly for Amerex customers.        smile on her face and is unfailingly kind
                                             We sat down with Debbie to learn          and polite.
                                             more about her team, her work and
                                             the philosophy that guides Amerex’s            “My favorite part of the job is
                                             exemplary Customer Service team.          working with customers and building
                                                                                       relationships along the way,” said
                                                   Debbie has worked at Amerex for     Debbie. The key for Debbie and her team
                                             41 years, beginning in production and     is simple: listening. “The most important
               DEBBIE LAYFIELD               moving to Customer Service in 1997.       thing is to listen to the customer and
                                             In 2009, Debbie took on leadership of     immediately focus on solutions. We’re

 D     ebbie Layfield is a devoted spouse,
       loving mother and grandmother
  and, when she walks through the doors
                                             the department. Debbie’s household
                                             is all about Amerex — she is married
                                             to Senior Production Manager Jeff
                                                                                       solutions-oriented, and we emphasize
                                                                                       always ending the interaction on a
                                                                                       positive note. Customer service helps set
  of Amerex’s corporate headquarters in      Layfield. Together, they have three       Amerex apart,” noted Debbie.
  Trussville, Alabama, a relentless and      wonderful children and eight precious          How does Debbie’s team approach
  spirited problem-solver. Debbie leads      grandchildren with whom they love         customers with challenging issues?
  our Customer Service team, helping         to spend quality time. Outside of their   “We just live the golden rule and treat
  build relationships and solve problems     dedication to work and family, Debbie     everyone as we would like to be treated.
  for Amerex customers around the            and Jeff like to travel as much as they   We put ourselves in the customer’s
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex
shoes. I tell my team, even though you      manner, and they are very sincere            with queries for Amerex. Their day-to-day
don’t see the customer, put a smile on      and motivated personally to make             work includes answering phone calls,
your face because customers can sense       sure customers are taken care of and         emails and working in customer portals
if you’re approaching their problem with    satisfied,” said Debbie. “Customer Service   — “just taking care of the customers,”
a friendly disposition.”                    may be the first interaction, but it takes   as Debbie put it. “We have a family
                                            everybody, the entire company, to deliver    atmosphere on the team — really the
      Debbie’s quick to note she couldn’t   the kind of experience that we want our      entire company does. We cultivate that
deliver a customer care and service         customers to expect,” she added.             environment with fun Amerex outings
experience worthy of the Amerex brand                                                    like going to the McWane Science Center
without a great team behind her. “I feel         The Customer Service team is            or Dave & Buster’s. We get to know each
like I have the best customer service       comprised of eight team members,             other as people,” she said. Speaking of
team in the world. They work very hard      including one via McWane International       getting to know them…
to take care of customers in a timely       who handles international customers

GIDGET YEAGER                               MANDY STANFORD                               LESLI MELVIN
 •	Joined Amerex in 2011 as                 •	Joined Amerex in 2007 with the            • Joined Amerex three years ago.
    our Sales Administrator and                  Customer Service team.                   • Married for 23 years.
    Executive Assistant                      •	Family includes husband, Chris,           •	Has five children, two daughters-
 •	Has been married for more than               and three children.                         in-law and eight grandchildren.
    30 years and has two children, a         •	Teaches Sunday school to a lively         •	Has worked in customer service
    son and a daughter.                          group of middle school boys.                for 26 years because she loves
 •	Loves getting the chance to              •	Enjoys reading, crafting and                working with people and building
    make a difference each day for               watching Alabama football.                  friendships along the way.
    our customers.
 •	Hobbies include hiking, shopping,       KAYLA BROWN                                  SHARON MINYARD
    visits to Nashville and enjoying         •	Started at Amerex as an intern            •	Has been with Amerex for 35 years,
    sunshine and water at the beach.            in her senior year of high school            10 on the Customer Service team.
                                                in the Accounting and Sales               •	Started working in production and
MARIA SILVA                                     departments. After high school, she          has held several jobs throughout
 •	Handles international sales via             decided Amerex was where she                 the company.
    McWane International.                       wanted to be.                             •	Is thankful to have made so many
 •	Joined Amerex in July 2016               • Has been with Amerex for 10 years.            friends at Amerex along the way.
    working in production, then joined       •	Her family includes husband,              •	Enjoys spending time with her
    International Customer Service in           Robby, and their two children.               daughters and grandchildren,
    2017.                                    •	Hobbies include spending time                getting outdoors and watching her
 •	Has six children and nine                   with family, crafting and watching           oldest grandchild play baseball
    grandchildren.                              Alabama football.
 •	Is very family-oriented — she is                                                     BRANDY REID
    great at sharing home-cooked            RITA OVERBY                                   •	Joined Amerex in 1997 and moved
    meals with her children and              •	Has been with Amerex for 31 years,           to the Customer Service team in
    grandchildren                               11 on the Customer Service team.             2013.
 •	Enjoys working at Amerex for the         •	Worked in production for 20 years         • Has a daughter and two godsons.
    family environment.                         prior.                                    •	Spends lots of time with her
                                             •	Has been married for 41 years and            family, friends and pets.
                                                has one daughter, one son and one         •	A member of the 501st Legion,
                                                grandson who occupies much of                a Star Wars-related charity
                                                her time.                                    organization.
                                             •	Enjoys the outdoors, working with
                                                flowers and walking her dog.
Inside Diamond SPRING 2020 - Amerex
Event Description                        Location                Dates        Event Description                    Location               Dates
KP, IS & VS Training                     Las Vegas, NV           Mar. 2–4     KP & IS Training                     Cleveland, OH          Aug. 25–26
CONEXPO - CON/AGG                        Las Vegas, NV           Mar. 10–14   NJAFED                                            – TBA –
AUSA Assoc. of the US Army               Huntsville, AL          Mar. 16–19   ExpoMina                             Lima, Peru             Sept. 12–14
KP & IS Training                         Charlotte, NC           Mar. 17–18   KP & IS Training                     Marlborough, MA        Sept. 15–16
TSD/Transporting Students Disabilities   Frisco, TX              Mar. 22–23   Oil Sands Minexpo                    Fort MacMurray         Sept. 16–17
KP & IS Training                         New Orleans, LA         Mar. 24–25   MINExpo                              Las Vegas, NV          Sept. 28–30
Northeast Loggers                        Bangor, ME              Apr. 3–4     Kp & IS Training                     Sacramento, CA         Sept. 29–30
TBB/Thomas Built Buses Exh.              Savannah, GA            Apr. 12–13   CalSafe                              Monterey, CA           Oct. 4–5
Expomin                                  Santiago, Chile         Apr. 20–24   APTA                                 Anaheim, CA            Oct. 12–14
KP, IS & VS Training                     Canada                  Apr. 21–23   AUSA Assoc. of the US Army Exhibit   Washington, D.C.       Oct. 12–14
KP, IS & VS Training                     Chicago, IL             Apr. 28–30   KP & IS Training                     Allentown, PA          Oct. 13–14
FEMA                                     Chicago, IL             May 5–6      NCAFED                               Concord, NC            Oct. 13–15
WasteExpo Tradeshow Exhibit              New Orleans, LA         Nov. 5–7     PAFED/Annual Conference              Grantville, PA         Oct. 16–18
Elko Mine Expo                           Elko, NV                June 1–5     KP & IS Training                     Dallas, TX             Oct. 20–21
STN/Student Trans Network Central Exh.   Indianapolis, IN        June 4–8     PAFED Annual Conference              Gainesville, PA        Oct. 21–23
Eurosatory                               Paris, France           June 8–13    FEMA                                 Palm Beach, FL         OCT. 21–23
Euro Mine Expo                           Sweden                  June 9–11    Euro Bus Expo                        Birmingham, UK         Nov. 3–5
STN/Student Trans Network West Exh.      Reno                    June 10–15   VS Training MWI                      Miami, FL              Nov. 3–5
NFPA Conf. & Expo                        Orlando                 June 15–18   BusCon TMG Exhibits                  Philadelphia, PA       Nov. 15–17
KP & IS Training                         Seattle, WA             July 21–22   KP, IS, & VS Training                Trussville, AL         Dec. 1–3
KP & IS Training                         Ft. Lauderdale, FL      Aug. 11–12

NAFED 2020
Location                                                    Dates
Las Vegas, NV                                               Mar. 5–6
Atlantic City, NJ                                           Apr. 2–3
Chicago, IL                                                 May 7–8
           e’re proud to look back to an announcement made 10 years ago this month. In March 2010,
           Amerex made headlines, emerging as what the Birmingham News called “a major military
           subcontractor” thanks to the deployment of our vehicle fire suppression systems in Oshkosh
 Corporation’s U.S. military vehicles, including the armored vehicles that face threats from mines and
 improvised explosive devices in the Middle Eastern combat zone. Amerex Defense’s vehicle systems can
 detect and extinguish cabin compartment fires in the blink of an eye.

 Amerex’s partnership with Oshkosh helped us get back to full employment despite facing stiff economic
 headwinds in the midst of the recession. At the time, McWane Inc. CEO Ruffner Page said, “Amerex has
 been a real bright spot for us. And the work they are doing is saving lives.” We couldn’t have said it better
 ourselves. Amerex Defense continues to equip Oshkosh military vehicles like the JLTV with heavy-duty,
 military-grade fire detection and suppression power.

                                         two decades, I have worked to ensure     powder coating to give our products
                                         that future generations have the         better weather resistance in the field
                                         necessary resources to sustain and       while reducing our volatile organic
                                         prosper. I graduated from Jacksonville   compounds (VOCs) and hazardous
                                         State University in 1994 with a          waste generated by the operation. In
                                         B.S. in biology, and returned to the     addition, we recycle over 525 tons of
                                         classroom later in my career to earn a   aluminum, brass and steel annually.
                                         B.S. in business and an MBA from the     These materials, along with dry
                                         University of Alabama.                   chemical cylinders and cardboard
                                                                                  packaging, are fully recyclable. Amerex
                                              At Amerex, company-wide             products contain no heavy metals or
                                         environmental efforts instill our team   hexavalent chromium. Amerex has
                                         members with the same sustainable-       been ISO 14000 certified since 2004
                                         effort mentality. Team members           and is currently certified to the new
                                         participate annually in a McWane         ISO 14000:2015 standard.
                                         Inc. program called the Pollution
                                         Prevention Challenge. This program            Through our factory operations
     At Amerex, our responsibility       allows team members to think of          and our products and the communities
to our business customers, families      various ways that our operation can      they serve, Amerex will continue to
and communities is to be an              reduce its environmental footprint,      strive for excellence in environmentally
environmentally responsible partner.     with the opportunity to win up to        sustainable solutions for future
What do you think of when you            $1,000 annually for the best ideas.      generations.
hear environmental compliance?           From reductions in the quantity of
Take a moment to reflect upon your       materials used for making parts to
personal efforts to be environmentally   large-scale recycling efforts and
responsible. When I hear the phrase      container projects, Amerex team
“environmental compliance,” I think      members have helped reduce the
about sustainable efforts both at        amount of waste produced and,
work and at home that preserve           ultimately, given our operation a
our wonderful resources for future       smaller environmental footprint.
generations. My name is Chuck
Freind, and I am the Environmental           On the product side, we converted
Manager for Amerex. For more than        our wet spray applied paint coating to

  A   merex is pleased to welcome John Foley to the team as Regional Sales Manager — Northeast. We’re excited for you
      to learn a little more about John in his own words, and for our many partners in the Northeast, we hope you get the
  chance to meet John soon.

       “I am a Seton Hall guy through and             develop their distribution network and
  through; I played ice hockey while attending        subsequently conducted pull-through
  both Seton Hall Prep and Seton Hall University,     marketing, leading to significant growth
  where I majored in political science. I’m a         in the Northeast and on a national level.
  Veteran of the U.S. Army.                                Through it all, my most cherished
       I successfully ran my own business, starting   role has been that of husband and
  from the ground up to eventually become a           father. Outside of work, I enjoy golf,
  national service provider with a particular         hockey and cooking. I’m a New York
  strength in the Northeast.                          Giants fan and a fan of anyone playing
       Once the company sold, I was able to apply     against Dallas.
  my acquired skills and established network               This is an exciting time to join such
  working as a manufacturers representative           an amazing group of professionals on
  for several years. I’ve helped manufacturers        the Amerex team!”

Say Alo to one of our international fire equipment distributor partners in Brazil, Jose de Oliveira Assunção, General Manager of
Argus Produtos e Sistemas Contra Incendio Ltda (Argus for short). Argus is based in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo, with a branch in Belo
Horizonte. Opened in 1978, Argus has become known throughout Brazil for its highly trained staff’s fire suppression expertise
and for the quality of its product installations. Jose was kind enough to take a few minutes from his busy schedule to tell us
more about his work distributing Amerex fire suppression solutions in Brazil.

Amerex: How long have you been with         kind of products to distribute. We
your current company?                       looked into other manufacturers, but
                                            we really wanted to put an emphasis
Jose: I founded Argus in 2010, but I        on quality and to have the backing of
have worked in the fire protection          the UL listings and verifications on our
industry since 1978. Since 2010, I’ve       products, so we went with Amerex, and
run the company’s operations here           it’s definitely been the right decision.
in Brazil with an emphasis on fire
suppression system integration.             Why do you choose to distribute
                                            Amerex products?
How long has your company
distributed Amerex?                         J: The quality of the products is
                                            number one. Our philosophy is to
J: We started distributing Amerex           choose high-quality products with
shortly after I established Argus.          UL and/or FM listings, so for vehicle
Argus buys fire suppression and safety      systems and kitchen systems, that was
products from companies based in the        an easy choice. We distribute pre-
United States, Europe and Asia, and         engineered fire systems for vehicles
then we integrate them here. We work        and kitchens, and Amerex’s offerings fit
with partners to handle installation.       our market’s needs exceptionally well.
We do our research in deciding what
                                                                                             THE PRODUCTS
                                                                                             IS NUMBER ONE.

What kind of customer industries do          Has your business experienced any           2019, two systems were required, one
you serve?                                   highlights or significant moments           for hoods and one for ducts where
                                             recently?                                   CO2 systems were used. This change
J: We have a really wide variety of                                                      is a major technical improvement for
customers. For the vehicle systems, we       J: Yes, two recent highlights come          the consumer as well as a cost-saving
have customers in mining — mostly            to mind. First, I am very proud of          benefit. As an industry leader in South
for gold or iron — sugar cane (we            the success we had helping protect          America, we worked alongside our
protect the storage tanks, the vehicles      sugar cane harvesters with Amerex           partners at Amerex to help accomplish
for the entire site and the harvest),        vehicle systems. We were able to            this regulatory change. We have been
forestry, food manufacturers, sugar          reduce a customer’s losses from             able to specify and sell the Amerex
mills, refineries, data centers (using the   11 harvesters a year to zero. The           products in the Madero restaurant
NOVEC clean agent), paper and pulp           harvesters are exposed to a lot of          group in Brazil, and we are very
facilities, chemical and oil companies,      hazards in the cane fields, with a lot of   hopeful for more growth in kitchen
hospitals, hotels and restaurants. We        combustible material and sources of         protection in the next few years,
have customers throughout Brazil and         ignition. For this particular customer,     including integrating the new STRIKE
South America — Colombia, Peru— and          we performed all the work from risk         Electronic Control System.
parts of Africa.                             analysis, test-equipment installation,
                                             project approval and installation in
                                             350 harvesters in just three months
                                             while training about 2,000 people
                                             — that’s just inside of one group in
                                             Brazil to support a new plantation.
                                             We had a team of around 25 people
                                             working seven days a week to make it
                                             happen. We helped reduce the major
                                             fire incidents in the plantations with
                                             Amerex vehicle systems from more
                                             than 200 per year to nearly zero.

For example, when a food company is          Second, another success story was the
planning to open a new manufacturing         change in the Brazilian kitchen hood
plant, they contract with us for all         protection standard, requiring the
the systems inside the plant, and we         protection of kitchen hoods and ducts
create a total fire protection system        with fire systems that meet NFPA and
throughout the plant.                        UL 300 certification. Until September

     Amerex is happy to be your
preferred partner for the fire
extinguisher industry, supplying a
complete line of reliable, high-quality
dry chemical, carbon dioxide and
stainless steel extinguishers.

     We’re proud to produce the
highest-quality fire extinguisher on the
market today. The Z-Series line of high-
performance extinguishers is a huge
success, providing an environmentally
preferable corrosion-resistant product
to the market. A 12-year warranty and
a UL-verified marketing claim highlight
our commitment to the ruggedness
and reliability of the product line.

     Our commitment to innovation
and development continue with our
new line of BrX fire extinguishers.
We’re working hard to bring new items
like this to the market. This new clean
agent is designed specifically for
the aerospace industry and is a very
effective replacement for Halon 1211
extinguishers. A 5B:C rating and an FAA
approval mean this product will work
in most aircraft. Stay tuned for further
KITCHEN AND                               use Flash-Points, we encourage you        separate accounts, standard BOMs
                                          to check it out, and we look forward      or other potential improvements.
INDUSTRIAL FIRE                           to integrating with other providers       Everyone on the KP/IS team is ready to
SUPPRESSION                               in the future. We also have an Excel-     help. We also have tools and drawings
                                          based KP estimator that can help you      for those of you who work with
SYSTEMS                                   generate a bill of materials (BOM)        designers — items like 3D models and
                                          for any KP system. It works for Zone      specification documents are posted in
                                          Defense or Appliance-Specific setups      the KP section of the Amerex website.
     As 2019 concluded, our industrial    and can be a MRM, PRM, STRIKE
dry chemical line continued to grow       system. If you haven’t seen it yet, ask        For our United States-based KP
with its industry-leading Total Flood     the sales team or a member of our         installers, you should have received an
Perimeter coverage, and our KP            KP/IS team for details.                   invitation to join our Amerex Preferred
kitchen systems line with the addition                                              Installer Network. This network is
of the STRIKE Electronic Control               We continue to see more STRIKE       focused on bringing our OEM hood
System also had a very solid finish to    systems with KP sold each month. We       partners together with valued KP
the year. Our focus on ease of use and    foresee this trend continuing thanks      distributors across the nation. This
internal efficiencies for the KP line     to the system’s simple plug-and-play      partnership between distributors
(detailed in the Fall 2019 newsletter)    wiring and installation, its continual    and hood manufacturers will ensure
paid off, as we were able to hold         monitoring to ensure the fire system      that hood manufacturers know the
pricing on KP to help you win more        is always ready and the long-term         installation pricing for any style of job
business with Amerex KP in 2020.          benefit of detection lines and corner     upfront and that our distributors set
                                          pulleys that cannot clog with kitchen     pricing that aligns with their given
     On the ease-of-use front, we         grease. We hope to bring some             market areas. This will be a win-win
made great strides to ensure that it      exciting improvements to the already-     for both groups!
is easy to get the KP information you     great STRIKE system in 2020. Starting
need where, when and how you need         at the end of 2019, we have begun to           As always, we encourage you to
it. We have updated the KP component      see chain restaurants swapping other      look at the event calendar in this issue
booklet to include all service and        systems for KP with STRIKE as their       for training dates to become certified
repair parts, rendering our 2010 parts    standard. Speaking of chains, they are    on kitchen and industrial systems. If
book obsolete. The new simplified         a key focus area for us in both kitchen   you’re interested, log in to our training
parts booklet contains images from        and industrial systems. Please let us     site for more info, or contact your
3D models along with descriptions of      know if you do a lot of work with an      Regional Sales Manager to sign up!
each component and service part. We       individual chain and are interested
will refer to this new booklet during     in how we can help take that
training classes. You can expect to see   relationship to the next level through
an industrial systems version soon as
well. The KP parts booklet is posted
online and will be in the McWane
Pocket Engineer app soon.

     We also worked with the team
at Flash-Soft to make sure they
had the most up-to-date KP and IS
information, including the new parts
booklet, in the drawing software that
we know many of you use. It now has
even more Amerex features when
generating hassle-free drawings to
meet local permit requirements. If you

           VEHICLE FIRE

     Look out for new product             or injury from bus fires. Further,
information from Amerex vehicle           the report recommended that fire
systems coming soon! We are               suppression systems be required
preparing to introduce a J1939/CAN        on all new school buses. As a result
interface. The CAN, or Controller         of the investigation and report,
Area Network, receives messages           congressional action is taking place
from the Amerex fire suppression          now with the School Bus Safety
system regarding the status of the        Act, which adds a number of safety
system and relays those messages          features to school buses, including
to computers and maintenance              a requirement for fire suppression
personnel. This valuable tool helps       systems on all school buses. At this
save downtime and can alert               point, the bill is in the sponsorship
personnel of real-time events such as     stage and is not yet law. Be sure
a fire condition.                         to listen for information on this
                                          important subject as it is debated
     Have you considered talking with     in Congress. In the meantime, call
your school districts about vehicle       on your school districts. Many are
fire suppression systems for school       aware of the NTSB report and the
buses? Last summer, the NTSB issued       legislation moving in Congress, and
a report on a tragic school bus fire in   they might just be ready to say yes
Iowa where, sadly, the bus driver and     when you ask them if they have
a student lost their lives to a fire in   considered making their fleet safer
the vehicle. The NTSB report on the       for operators and passengers with
fire concluded that a fire suppression    Amerex fire suppression systems on
system offers major safety benefits in    their buses.
helping prevent unnecessary death

                                              Amerex teamed with Milton                We had very good traffic all three
                                         Manufacturing to display our vehicle      days with key end-users coming by to
                                         system capabilities, including the        meet the team and discuss potential
                                         all-important crew cab system that we     opportunities or products coming to
                                         currently provide to Oshkosh Defense
                                         for the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle
                                         (JLTV), purchased by the U.S. military.
                                         We also showed wheeled units with
                                         high demand in the military, the
                                         model 775 3M™ Novec™ 1230 and
                                         model B674 Halotron. We showcased
                                         this equipment in our newly created,
                                         dedicated booth, and it was well-
     Toward the end of 2019, the         received at the show.
Amerex Defense team, Vice President
of Sales and Marketing Ben Pitts and
Regional Sales Manager John Foley
attended the three-day Association
of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Show in                                                    market. Many of our customers were
Washington, D.C. This show is probably                                             also there with their own booths,
the biggest show in the world to                                                   showing their products as well as
showcase current defense products                                                  ours. Several foreign government
available in the marketplace. This                                                 representatives stopped by to see
year, the AUSA show had more than                                                  what we had to offer. It continues
37,000 attendees. Pictured above are                                               to be an exciting time at Amerex
Ken Mier, Amerex Defense General                                                   Defense, and we look forward to what
Manager, John Foley and Tad Halcomb,                                               2020 has to offer.
Amerex Defense Sales Manager.
         From small, everyday actions to major process investments, Amerex is committed to being a good
         environmental steward. Here are just some of the steps we’ve taken to ensure our operations are
         sustainable and environmentally friendly.

             Since 1971, we’ve recycled steel, aluminum, brass and paper scrap and waste.
             We annually recycle more than 525 tons of scrap aluminum, brass, stainless steel and steel.
              Since 2004, we’ve been ISO 14001 certified. Amerex was the first fire extinguisher manufacturer
             in the industry to earn this environmental certification. Amerex is currently certified to the new
             ISO 14001:2015 standard.
               Important factors in gaining and maintaining these certifications include our on-site waste
             water treatment, oil filtration and recycling, air emissions reduction efforts, closed loop system
             for reduction of water usage and our status as having both a very small quantity of hazardous
             waste and a low-VOC generator.
                Finally, everybody’s favorite: we annually sponsor a fantastic fry team in the Cahaba River
             Society’s Cahaba Fry-Down fundraiser.

Keep important Amerex information at your fingertips via the McWane Pocket
Engineer app or by visiting

             WHY AMEREX
             Quality                               Innovation                              Service

             Amerex didn’t become a global         Because Amerex is independently         Amerex was founded upon a
             market leader overnight. Our          owned and forward thinking, we          mutual appreciation for premium
             business has grown year after         are continuously innovating and         quality in products and customer
             year based on our products’           investing for the benefit of our        service and the importance of
             reputation for performance            customers and those they serve.         interpersonal relations.
             and durability in even the most
             rugged environments.

                                                                                   amerex fire   @amerex_fire @amerex_fire   amerex fire
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