MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men

Page created by Sara Hartman
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
     Spring 2019
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
What’s Up @ In The Meantime
  • MyLife MyStyle Health Education (Three Empowerment Sessions)
     • Brothers Reaching Brothers Weekly Social Discussion Group
   • MENtorship: Mentorship Initiative • BoiRevolution Youth Initiative
                                                                          Spring 2019
      • HIV Testing/STD Screening Linkage • Yoga and Meditation           editor and publisher
    • Umoja Three-Day Empowerment Retreat • Case Management               Jeffrey C. King

• Project Elevate (Social Justice Advocacy) • 12 Step Recovery Meeting    art director
                                                                          Alan Bell
• Community Outreach/Condom Distribution • Game Night/Social Hour
• Black Gay Men’s Wellness Month • King-Bremond Scholarship Fund          Jeffrey C. King
         • Message Magazine • One-on-One Peer Counseling                  Nina LáVoy Photography

  • Housing Assistance Initiative • Social Justice/Billboard Campaign
                                                                          Jerry Morris
                                                                          national advertising
                                                                          Rivendell Media
                                                                                                                            7                         8
                                                                          1248 Route 22 West
          In The Meantime Men’s Group                                     Mountainside, NJ 07092
                                                                          board of directors
  The Premier Organization for Black Gay Men in Los Angeles               Joel Byrd, M.D.
                                                                          Garry Gregory
            2146 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018                    Jeffrey C. King
            323-733-4868, 818-441-1216 Testing Hotline                    Roger Quinney, Ph.D.
                                                                          Earl Wooten •
                                                                          on the cover
        f @inthemeantimemen • I @inthemeantimemen                         Quincy LeNear

                                                                                                                         10                      14
                                                                          Message is published quarterly
                                                                          by In The Meantime Men’s
                                                                          Group, Inc., 2146 W. Adams
                                                                          Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
                                                                                                              Spring: A Time of Renewal�������� 5
                                                                          90018-2039. Mailing address:
                                                                          Box 29861, Los Angeles, CA
                                                                          90029-0861, 323-733-4868,
                                                                                                              King-Bremond Awards������������� 6
                                                                          Facebook @ inthemeantimemen
                                                                                                              My Best and Most Authentic Self�� 7
                                                                          © 2019 In The Meantime Men’s

                                                                                                              To Keep Pushing Toward Success� 8
                                                                          Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

                                                                          The slogan “Creating Unity and
                                                                          Affirming Our Common Bond” is
                                                                          a trademark of In The Meantime
                                                                          Men’s Group, Inc. Views and
                                                                          opinions expressed in this
                                                                                                              Shrouded in Doubt����������������� 10
                                                                          publication are not necessarily
                                                                          those of ITMT. Publication of the
                                                                          name or photograph of a person
                                                                          does not indicate the sexual
                                                                                                              This is About Me������������������� 14
                                                                                                              Karamo Brown��������������������� 19
                                                                          orientation or HIV status of the
                                                                          person or necessarily constitute
                                                                          an endorsement of ITMT or its
                                                                          policies. Message is designed
                                                                          for educational purposes only
                                                                          and is not engaged in rendering
                                                                          medical advice or professional
                                                                                                              Dwayne Vernon�������������������� 20
                                                                          services. Some photographs in
                                                                          this publication use professional
                                                                          models.                             ITMT Receives Advocacy Award�� 22
                                                                                                                                          Spring 19   MESSAGE  3
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
I n T he M eantime
 Wants to B e Your                                            Spring: A Time
 Personal Tester                                               of Renewal
                                                                                     By Jeffrey C. King

                                                       must admit that I am still struggling    service to our community in 2019.
                                                       with the current state of world af-            Spring is a time of renewal,
                                                       fairs, as well as the affairs of those   revival, and resurrection. This current
                                                    I hold dear and close. Many are facing      energy shift could very well be a part
                                                    health and financial issues, and other      of the transformation process that we
                                                    matters of the heart.                       are all going through to get us to a
                                                         As we enter the spring of the year,    new and better place of greater love
                                                    In The Meantime, I am asking for all        and light!
                                                    of the conscious ones to stand in the             We hope that you will join us on
                                                    gaps and be supportive whenever you         this amazing journey of 2019. Check
                                                    can. We need each other today more          out our newly redesigned website and
                                                    than ever before. There is no force         visit
                                                    nor power greater than love. Love is
                                                    the foundation of In The Meantime,          Jeffrey C. King is Founder and Executive
                                                    and we will continue to be of greater       Director of In The Meantime Men’s Group.

           IN THE MEANTIME

      Get Tested
Insti HIV Test Results Available in 1 Minute
  818-441-1216 or 323-733-4868
                In The Meantime Wellness
       2146 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018
                                                                                                                        Spring 19   MESSAGE  5
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
King-Bremond                                                     My Best and Most
           Awards                                                         Authentic Self
     B. Yohaun Walker and Joshua Green                                                                 By B. Yohaun Walker

      Receive First Quarter Scholarships
                                                                         n preparation for this essay, I
                                                                         thought about the many identities
                         By Jeffrey C. King                              that I occupy (Black, male, creative,
                                                                      spiritual, scholar, queer) and what
                                                                      success means for each of them. In
                                                                      doing so, I discovered that my gay
    B. Yohaun Walker and Joshua Green were presented with             identity, the same identity that has
King-Bremond Scholarships at In The Meantime’s “The State of          been the most complicated, had
Black Gay Men in LA” presentation held February 19, 2019. Each        the simplest meaning of success:
quarter, ITMT supports two deserving young people as they pur-              By no means do I view myself
sue higher education, whether academic or trade focused.              as a victim; however, growing up, I
    B. Yohaun Walker is studying fashion design with a focus in       was taught that being my genuine
                                                                      self was an abomination. As a
technical design at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Joshua       result, I grew up teaching myself to
Green is pursuing engineering at El Camino College.                   suppress my authenticity because
    Named after Jeffrey King, Founder of In The Meantime Men’s        of the fear of making those around
                                                                      me uncomfortable or disappointed.
Group, Inc., and Duane Bremond, the founder of Los Angeles
                                                                      But in reality, ultimately, I was only
Black Pride, the King-Bremond Scholarship Program was estab-          disappointing myself.
lished to assist deserving Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-         In 2016, something transformative
gender youth in Los Angeles County by offering financial assis-       happened. I experienced a shift, a
                                                                      grace and confidence that I had never
tance to help meet educational expenses.                              felt so vibrantly before. I had accepted   My biggest fear was disappointing my
    Scholarship candidates must be part-time or full-time stu-        what others had conditioned me to          family, because to them, me choosing
dents in good academic standing at an accredited college or           reject, and that I was a gay Black         to pursue a career in fashion meant
                                                                      man in America. Self-acceptance            embracing my gay identity. After
university. Graduating high school seniors with written proof of      has granted me the freedom to take         finding the confidence within myself,
acceptance to an accredited institution of higher learning are also   control of my life and act on choices      I quit my job and enrolled at Santa
eligible. The amount of each award ranges from $500 to $1,000.        that I had once felt undeserving of.       Monica College as a fashion design
                                                                      One of those choices is my education       student.
    Once selected, awardees are asked to write a short essay on       and career aspirations.                         Finding the courage to accept
what it means to be Black LGBTQ and successful in America. The              After graduating from UC             myself has had a profound impact on
two essays that follow were written by scholarship receipients        Riverside in 2015 with a B.A. in           not only my personal development,
                                                                      Public Policy, I found work at a tech      but my professional and academic
Walker and Green.                                                     startup in Santa Monica. Unhappy           development as well. When I started
    Students who would like to be considered for future scholar-      and unfulfilled, I stayed in my role       accepting myself, simultaneously I
ships should visit, download the             much longer than I would have liked,       started accepting all of the aspirations
                                                                      because of the fear of rejection. The      I had for myself. My plan is to fin-
application, and contact In The Meantime at 323-733-4868 for          reality was, I was a gay man that had      ish my A.A. program at Los Angeles
further instructions.                                                 aspirations of being a designer/artist.    Trade Tech and apply for an MPP

                                                                                                                                         Spring 19   MESSAGE  7
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
(Master of Public Policy) program at        ourselves. Being a successful Black            equity. They recognized that students   has been shown to have a negative
   UCLA or UCR. I would like to develop        LGBT/same-gender loving youth                  were facing barriers that were tough    impact on health and student
   more comprehensive legislation that         in America means acknowledging                 to overcome because they did not        academic outcomes. However, with
   both directly and/or indirectly impacts     my trauma(s) and addressing them               have the right tools or vocabulary to   scholarships like these, Black study
   the apparel industry.                       in order to heal. It is only then              explain their experiences. This was     spaces, a willingness to be there for
        While I can’t speak for the entire     that I can be my best and most                 the case for me.                        one another, and a couple of tutors,
   LGBTQ community, I firmly believe           authentic self and better serve                     I had been dealing with issues—    we can reach the finish line.
   that most, if not all of us, just want to   the communities that I wish to see             some racial—that I had trouble                This is why I’m thankful for the
   be accepted and treated as equals.          thrive.                                        defending myself from. Santa Monica     King-Bremond Scholarship, because
   While we continue to fight and do                                                          College decided to present research     it’s what we need to help motivate us
   the work for that to be our collective      B. Yohaun Walker is studying fashion de-       that included concepts that would       to keep pushing toward success. I’ll
   reality, it is equally important that we    sign with a focus in technical design at Los   help the students describe their        leave you with a quote by Stokely:
   do the individual work and accept           Angeles Trade Technical College.               experiences effectively. For example,         “Our grandfathers had to run, run,
                                                                                              microaggressions are subtle prejudice   run. My generation’s out of breath. We
                                                                                              actions that are racist, sexist, or     ain’t running no more.”
                                                                                                   In general, people who educate     Joshua Green is pursuing a degree in

      To Keep Pushing
                                                                                              hold ideas from the media while         engineering at El Camino College in
                                                                                              interacting with the student. This      Torrance, California.

       Toward Success
                                       By Joshua Green

             y journey has been
             tumultuous, because to be
             a successful Black LGBT
   same-gender loving youth in America
   means to have two crosshairs on your
   back: One because I am Black, two
   because I identify as same-gender
   loving. It’s not enough that I have
   to work four times as hard as my
   counterparts just to get half back.
        But even after we put the work
   in, we have to advocate for ourselves
   and stand up for our own intelligence;
   even if you’ve done all you’re
   supposed to do, people will still try to
   silence you in one way or another.
        I was inspired to go to school by
   men like Stokely Carmichael, Huey
   Newton, and Malcom X. I loved the
   things they said, the concepts they
   put together, and the conclusions
   they made. And, most importantly,
   how unconventional and limitless they
   were with knowledge. There’s a quote        have.”
   to the effect of, “The more knowledge           At Santa Monica College, they              Presentation of King-Bremond Scholarship checks at In The Meantime’s “The
   you gain, the more responsibility you       created a lecture series to increase           State of Black Gay Men in LA” presentation held February 19, 2019.

8  MESSAGE   Spring 19                                                                                                                                         Spring 19   MESSAGE  9
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
Shrouded in
    Jussie Smollett vs. The People’s Court
                                 By Victor Yates

        n December 25, 2018, Jussie       2:00 a.m. after he left a 24-hour Sub-
        Smollett rented out the Pacific   way sandwich shop at the 300 block
        Theatre in Los Angeles,           of East North Water Street. According
ShowPlace ICON in Chicago, and the        to a statement by the police depart-
AMC Magic Johnson in Harlem for           ment, the assailants hurled racial and
cinephiles to watch If Beale Street       homophobic slurs at him, struck him
Could Talk on a first-come, first-        in the face, poured an unknown liquid
served basis for free. He believed        substance on him, and then wrapped
in the project directed by Barry          a hangman’s noose around his neck.
Jenkins (of Moonlight) and hoped to       They yelled, “This is MAGA country”
generate greater buzz behind it. The      at him before running off and jumping
film opened the week of December          into a taxicab.
14 in only four theaters. It grossed           The police officers assigned to
$219,000 with the help of Smollett.       the case reached out to local business
     On January 12, 2019, the actor       owners with surveillance cameras to
hosted a private screening for the cast   share video footage from the night of
and crew of Empire at ShowPlace           the attack to determine the identities
ICON. In the movie, Tish Rivers seeks     of the assailants and find out the
to clear the name of her partner,         direction in which they traveled.
Fonny Hunt, who is wrongly accused             On February 13, two suspects
of a crime that he did not commit. No     Olabinjo (“Ola”) [below, right] and
one in the audience could imagine         Abimbola (“Abel”) Osundairo were
that sixteen days later Smollett would    detained at Chicago O’Hare Airport
find himself embroiled in a similar       and brought into the police station for
storyline, pleading in the court of       questioning. Two days later, the sus-
public opinion to clear his name of a     pects were released without charges.
crime he did not commit. At the end
of the movie, Fonny Hunt is forced to
accept a plea deal, faces an uncertain
future, and shares a meal with
Rivers and their child from a vending
machine. Smollett faces a similarly
uncertain future.
     On January 29, Smollett re-
ported to the Chicago Police that two
masked men attacked him around

                                                                Spring 19   MESSAGE  11
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
On February 25, Eddie Johnson, the         Cook County in Chicago reported 16         unprecedented case. Typically, when            At 3:34 a.m. on March 26,
   Chicago Police Superintendent, spoke       anti-Black, 16 anti-Jewish, eight anti-    charges are dropped, the defendant         President Trump tweeted, “FBI and
   to Robin Roberts of Good Morning           Islamic, and seven anti-gay crimes,        receives the bond. And, because the        DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie
   America and answered questions sur-        while Los Angeles County reported 64       court record is sealed, the public may     Smollett case in Chicago.”
   rounding the 48-hour hold.                 anti-gay, 23 anti-transgender, 55 anti-    never learn what additional evidence           Unnamed federal law
        Johnson stated, “In the 47th hour     Black, and 37 anti-Jewish crimes.          helped the prosecutors to make their       enforcement officials confirmed
   [the suspects] became corroborating             Even though Smollett was              decision.                                  to ABC Chicago and NBC that the
   witnesses. We worked closely with          indicted on 16 felony counts from              The Illinois Prosecutors Bar           Department of Justice and FBI are
   their lawyer and their lawyer went         a grand jury for allegedly falsely         Association issued a statement             investigating the dropped charges.
   and talked to them. What she said          reporting a hate crime (Class 4            saying, “The sealing of a court case
   got through to them, to tell the truth.”   Felony), he should still be presumed       immediately following a hearing where      Victor Yates is a writer, editor, and writing
   Their testimony supported holes            innocent until found guilty.               there was no reasonable notice … is        workshop instructor whose debut novel, A
                                                                                                                                    Love Like Blood, was recently released by
   in Smollett’s story according to                                                      a matter of grave public concern and

                                                                                                                                    Hillmont Press. His website is victoryates.
   Johnson. In a small period of time,               eale Street, set in New York        undermines the very foundation of our You can follow him @
   the brothers went from suspects to                City, is layered, rich, devastat-   public court system.”                      writervicyates.
   persons of interest to witnesses.                 ing, and provides commentary
        Roberts commented that                on the failure of the justice system
   Johnson delivered an impassioned
   speech during his first press
                                              for Black families. And, if East North
                                              Water Street in Chicago could talk, it       Takeaways
                                                                                              unprecedented case. Typically,
                                                                                         when charges are dropped, the
                                                                                                                                         At 3:34 am on March 26,
                                                                                                                                    President Trump tweeted, “FBI and
   conference discussing the case
   and it was the noose that made him
                                              would reveal much the same.
                                                                                           for groups
                                                                                         defendant receives the bond. And,
                                                                                         because the court record is sealed,
                                                                                                                                    DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie
                                                                                                                                    Smollett case in Chicago.”

                                              O                                            impacted by
   emotional. Johnson stated that he                   n March 26, the Cook County       the public may never learn what                 Unnamed federal law
   grew up in the Cabrini-Green housing                State Attorney’s Office           additional evidence helped the             enforcement officials confirmed

                                                                                           this story.
   projects in Chicago at the tail end of              dropped the criminal charges      prosecutor’s to make their decision.       If
                                                                                                                                    to you
                                                                                                                                       ABCare     part ofand
                                                                                                                                             Chicago        theNBC
                                                                                                                                                                 LGBTQ  that the
   the Civil Rights Movement, and the         against Smollett. The lead prosecutor           The Illinois Prosecutors Bar          community:
                                                                                                                                    Department of Justice and FBI are
   image of a noose is a painful symbol       said they reviewed the evidence            Association issued a statement                  ■■ Whenthe
                                                                                                                                    investigating      youdropped
                                                                                                                                                            read about      a
   of racial violence, oppression, and        as well as Smollett’s lengthy past         saying, “the sealing of a court case       story on social media, before typing
   white supremacy to him as well as to       community service, his willingness to      immediately following a hearing where      your thoughts
                                                                                                                                    Victor Yates is ainstantly,    research
                                                                                                                                                        writer, editor,         the
                                                                                                                                                                         and writing
   many African Americans.                    forfeit his $10,000 bond to the city of    there was no reasonable notice … is        workshop
                                                                                                                                    story first.instructor  whose
                                                                                                                                                  Then, if you   aredebut    novel, A
                                                                                                                                                                      still af-
        The case resonated with African       Chicago, his non-violent background,       a matter of grave public concern and
                                                                                                                                    Love Like
                                                                                                                                    fected       it, typewas
                                                                                                                                            byBlood,      outrecently    released by
                                                                                                                                                                your thoughts.
                                                                                                                                    Hillmont Press. His website is victoryates.
   Americans, people within the LGBTQ         and that he was not a danger to            undermines the very foundation of our      Sometimes       stories  can  be
                                                                                                                           You can follow him @slanted.
   community, and Chicagoans and              society.                                   public court system.”                      writervicyates.
   captivated people across the world              Immediately after the decision,
   because of the nature of the hate          Smollett told reporters, “I’ve been
   crime that was reported.                   truthful and consistent on every single
                                              level since day one.”

         he Center for Study of Hate and           Joseph Magats, from the State’s
         Extremism at California State        Attorney office, issued a statement
         University at San Bernardino         saying that their decision to drop the       If you will or have experienced a        If you are in the entertainment
   released a report last year on hate        charges does not exonerate the actor         hate crime:                              industry:
   crimes across the country. In the          nor correct a wrong from the handling              ■■ A hate crime does not                ■■ This is a cautionary tale. If
   report, the center highlighted that hate   of the case.                                 define you. It is something that         entertainers are looking to receive
   crimes increased by 12 percent in the           Later in the day, Mayor of              happened to you.                         publicity, they should have good
   10 largest cities (Chicago, Los Ange-      Chicago Rahm Emanuel spoke at                      ■■ You are not a victim, you       intentions and not concoct a dia-
   les, San Jose, San Diego, Phoenix,         news conference and said, “There             are a survivor.                          bolical plan. There’s a saying that
   San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, New          needs to be a level of accountability              ■■ Report the hate crime           all press is good press, but lies can
   York City, and Philadelphia). The cen-     throughout the system, and this              immediately without fear of what         ruin a career.
   ter reviewed hate crime data by law        sends an unambiguous message that            your family, the police, or the public        ■■ Know that when you give
   enforcement agencies in 38 cities and      there is no accountability. And that         will think.                              an interview your words might be
   counties. The report cited that African    is wrong.” The police department                   ■■ You do not have to suffer       twisted to create a narrative that
   Americans, Jews, and people within         echoed the same message.                     alone. You can reach out to a            may fit someone else’s agenda.
   the LGBTQ community were the                    The decision from the State             mental health professional for help.     Control your image and narrative.
   most targeted groups in hate crimes.       Attorney’s Office complicated the

12  MESSAGE   Spring 19                                                                                                                                         Spring 19   MESSAGE  13
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
                Is About Me
                   Your Belief or Disbelief
                  Doesn’t Change My Truth
                                  By Quincy LeNear

        he Leaving Neverland Michael
        Jackson documentary is stir-                                             Age 5
        ring up a lot in me; more so are
the ridiculous arguments people are
having about his innocence or the
victims’ lack of innocence. I haven’t
really been vocal about my survival
in years. I was tired of leading my life
with that story. I wanted to tell a differ-
ent story. I had really moved on, but
clearly my story still needs to serve
as a reminder and a testimony for
those who are voiceless and for those
whose truths are being silenced.
      If this can give anyone a small
moment of pause before they rush to
judgment on the validity of a victim’s        were close extended family members.
testimony, I really hope it does. I hope            No, I did not tell. I repeat. I did
I can also provide a window into the          not tell.
mind of a child victim.                             Why? I was 3. I was 4. I was 5. I
      I was sexually assaulted as a           was 6. I was 7. Then I was 11. That’s
child for years by a male Monday-             like asking a child why they jumped
Friday and a female Saturday-Sunday.          off of a roof with an umbrella. Left
So, being sexually abused was my              cookies for Santa. Stuck their hand
full-time job. Talk about child labor...      in a fire. Stuck a Lego up their nose.
      My clearest memory is as early          Threw wet tissue wads on the ceiling.
as 5 years old, but time and location         Licked a frozen pole.
mapping actually point to the abuse                 Children don’t make adult
starting as early as 3 years old until        decisions. Children don’t reason
about 11 years old. My abusers were           like adults. Stop placing your adult
not of any blood kin to me, but they          reasoning on children.

                                                                     Spring 19   MESSAGE  15
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
The reasons why I never spoke           my life and took over my childhood,                                                       an amazing new and happy life for
   were many: a tangled mass of                  my adolescence, and shaped my                                                 Age 8       myself; but I had never really cut out
   confusion, conflict, concerns, and            young adult life.                                                                         all of the tumors, and there was still
   mistaken assumptions.                              I somehow managed to function.                                                       cancer present in my soul.
         I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want     I managed to be as normal as normal

   to seem weak. I didn’t want to break          could be. I smiled sometimes.                                                                t wasn’t until a few years ago that
   down. I didn’t want to implode in front       I laughed sometimes. I had fun                                                               I shared with my family that I had
   of the world.                                 sometimes. Then other times I was                                                            been sexually abused by a second
         When I was older I thought I            painfully shy, quiet, withdrawn,                                                          person. They couldn’t understand
   could handle what had happened.               distrustful, melancholy, self-loathing,                                                   why I had never spoken of it before.
   I thought I could defend or protect           and sad.                                                                                  They couldn’t understand why I chose
   myself from my abuser(s) if they ever              The first half of my abuse was                                                       to omit it the first time around. The
   came back.                                    not exposed until I was almost                                                            worst feeling in that moment is being
         My abusers were no longer               18—with an accompanying nervous                                                           asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
   around. They were out of sight, out           breakdown. If it had not been for                                                               If I only had an acceptable
   of mind. I thought I was content with         my stepmother reading my journal                                                          answer for that million-dollar
   that.                                         of poetry (while I was sleeping) and                                                      Jeopardy question. Can I make a
         I carried a deep love, respect,         having the intelligence to decipher my       come easily. It feels like slowly cutting    phone call, Alex?
   and affection for the families, and I         cryptic writing and carefully, lovingly      yourself open with a butter knife. I               So here I am at 18 and again
   didn’t want to hurt anyone with the           approaching me about it, I would             felt I and my family had done enough         at 30-something, pulling a 10-inch
   revelation. Yes, I put their feelings         have probably taken it to my grave.          cutting and bleeding.                        fisherman’s hook from the bottom
   before mine.                                  That was the first time I ever spoke               Why? Because I still held              of my heart, and both my abusers
         As a child I feared that if anyone      those words from my own mouth.               onto this loyalty to familial ties and       are either dead or who knows where
   knew, I would be the one blamed.              The cramp in my throat felt like an          friendships. I thought we could move         in the world, and my admission is
   That I would be punished. Why?                expanding mass that was going to kill        on and forget the past. I didn’t want        simply to free myself. There will be
   Probably because it felt pleasurable          me.                                          to disappoint anyone I loved. I didn’t       no evidence. No DNA. No photos or
   when it was for a while—until it                   That day was the first time I felt      want to be held responsible for              videos. No eyewitnesses. No proof to
   wasn’t.                                       what freedom was like.                       destroying their sense of normalcy,          satisfy those who refuse to accept my
         I also knew what was happening                                                       not understanding that we were               truth or those who choose to deny it

   to me with my male abuser was                            y second abuser was not           living in denial and accepting being         because it conflicts with the narratives
   considered homosexual in nature, and                     exposed until I was well into     functionally dysfunctional.                  they have of the people they love.
   I didn’t want to be accused, teased,                     my 30s. Although my main                I told myself that because my          None.
   or found out.                                 abuse had come to light at 18, my first      weekend abuser was a woman, no                     And there doesn’t have to be. I
         Religious beliefs. If anyone knew,      revelation was so difficult to speak         one would have likely viewed it as           know. This is finally about me.
   would this mean that God knew as              truth to that I kept the rest to myself.     sexual abuse, simply a boy being                   P.S. Neither of my abusers faced
   well and would I go to hell for it?           It felt like I would only be adding insult   exposed to what “was supposed                charges. One died in prison after later
         My main abuser was about 10             to injury. To speak those words didn’t       to happen.” I was a child. She was           being convicted of another sexual
   years my senior with a history of                                                          a teen. I rationalized it as being           assault of a minor, and the other is
   violence, and I feared that he would                                                       “normal” to be forced to perform oral        unaware I ever told and is likely a
   hurt me if I ever told.                                                                    sex on a young woman—even at 7.              mother and grandmother somewhere.
         I felt complicit. I felt like I was a                                                Most boys and men would brag about           I forgave them both. I continue to
   participant in my own abuse.                                                               that, right?                                 grow. I am better. I am healthier. I am
         A code of silence. There were                                                              Just be quiet and take it like a       happier than ever. I help others heal. I
   multiple eye-witnesses; of at least                                                        man.                                         am not a victim but a survivor.
   two, one was silenced and the other                                                              Once again, I put other people
   never spoke up. There were a few                                                           before my own well-being, and so I           Qunicy LeNear, now an award-winning
   others who were aware and were                                                             learned to function with it. I enjoyed       filmmaker and TV producer, describes
   complicit through silence. I have no                                                       love. I enjoyed success. I embraced          himself as an “artist, interrupter, advocate,
   answers for why they never spoke, so                                                       myself and my sexuality. I smiled            social satirist, filmmaker, personality,
                                                                                                                                           writer, and genealogy hobbyist.” He and
   I followed suit.                                                                           for the camera. I grew. I changed. I         his husband, Deondray, made history after
         I simply held it in. I kept it all to                                                made it onto TV and film. I walked red       being married on the 56th Annual Grammy
   myself. I remained untreated for a              Age 18                                     carpets. I traveled the world. I fulfilled   Awards and were chosen by BET as one of
   cancer that literally spread throughout                                                    some of my wildest dreams. I made            2015’s Black Hollywood Power Couples.

16  MESSAGE   Spring 19                                                                                                                                             Spring 19   MESSAGE  17
MESSAGE Spring 2019 - In The Meantime Men
In The Meantime Men’s Group Book Shelf


In theMeantimeMen's Group

 WhiteParty                                    K
                                                       aramo Brown
                                                       believes that
                                                       culture is so
                                               much more than
                                               art museums and
                                               the ballet—it’s how
                                               people feel about themselves and
                                                                                                              in 20 years so you
                                                                                                              can truly change
                                                                                                              your life.
                                                                                                                   In this eye-
                                                                                                              opening and
                                                                                                              moving memoir,
                                                                                          Karamo reflects on his lifelong educa-
                                               others, how they relate to the world       tion. It comprises every adversity he
The Official Black LGBTQ Opening Celebration   around them, and how their shared          has overcome, as well as the lessons
                                               labels, burdens, and experiences           he has learned along the way. It is
                                               affect their daily lives in ways both      only by exploring our difficulties and
                                               subtle and profound.                       having the hard conversations—with
              Redline DTLA                           Seen through this lens, Karamo       ourselves and one another—that we
            131 East 6th Street                is culture: his family is Jamaican and     are able to adjust our mindsets, heal
                                               Cuban; he was raised in the South in       emotionally, and move forward to live
       Los Angeles, California 90014           predominantly white neighborhoods          our best lives.
                                               and attended an HBCU (Histori-                  Karamo shows us the way.
                                               cally Black College/University); he

          Saturday, June 29, 2019              was trained as a social worker and                rown is candid and warm in all
                                               psychotherapist; he overcame per-                 the ways his fans will expect.
                  6-10 p.m.                    sonal issues of colorism, physical and            He relates a childhood filled
     Food and Complimentary Beverages          emotional abuse, alcohol and drug
                                               addiction, and public infamy; he is a
                                                                                          with both love and trauma, his journey
                                                                                          through anger problems and addiction,
               Entertainment                   proud and dedicated gay single father      the stops and starts in creating a
                                               of two boys, one biological and one        career that fit, and his unexpected
         Special Guest Appearances             adopted.                                   path to fatherhood. Even his story’s
                                                     It is by discussing deep subjects    happy ending—a hit show and an
                                               like these, he feels, that the make-       upcoming wedding—is addressed
       FREE COMMUNITY EVENT                    overs on the show can attain their full,   with introspection. Brown states
                                               lasting meaning. Styling your hair and     his passion for helping others find
                                               getting new clothes and furniture are      the language to communicate their
                                               important, but it’s imperative that you    emotions; readers will appreciate his
                                               figure out why you haven’t done so         openheartedness in sharing his own.

                                                                                                                Spring 19   MESSAGE  19
❖                                                                   ❖
                    In The Meantime Men’s Group Book Shelf
                                                                                        Black Gay Men’s
                                                                                        Wellness Month
                                                                                        August 1-31, 2019

                                                                                                                                        HE’S MY BROTHER
                                                                                                  HE AIN’T HEAVY
         ighting for your                                        six years of active
         life is normally                                        duty service.
         a figurative                                                 Dwayne’s
   expression used                                               writing started in
   to depict hardship                                            1992 with poetry.
   or rough times. In                                            In 2007, his first
   this new novel, Counter Punched,          novel, My Man, My Boyz, was re-
   by Dwayne Vernon, it is truly a literal   leased with great reviews and became
   reality for the unknowing participants.   a bestseller on several review boards
        We teach our young boys to           across. In 2009, Dwayne’s sequel to
   always keep their head’s on a swivel      My Man, My Boyz, Deception, Lies
   while playing sports. Another way of      and Truth, hit the shelves. Dwayne’s
   saying, “have eyes in the back of your    third novel was entitled, Roman.
   head to watch your surroundings and
   own back!”
        What happens when you are
   undefeated in the ring and crowned
   Heavy Weight Champion of the world,
   but yet your toughness fight is outside
   of the ring and your opponents aren’t
   using gloves?
        Below the belt punches, back
                                                                                            Opening Gala Reception
   stabbing, and getting the kitchen sink
   thrown at you are all fair game. Sit
                                                                                                  Tuesday, August 6, 2019
   back and relax as this editorial marvel                                                                                 7-9 pm
   takes you on a journey that will have
   you guessing, begging, and rooting                                                                LA84 Olympic Foundation
   for vengeance!                                                                                       2141 W. Adams Blvd.
                                                                                                   Los Angeles, California 90018

          wayne Vernon grew up in
          Portsmouth, Virginia. After
          graduating from high school,                                                  F R E E      T O           T H E    G E N E R A L     P U B L I C
   he joined the Navy and completed

20  MESSAGE   Spring 19                                                                ❖                                                                   ❖
ITMT Receives
     Advocacy Award

   By Jeffrey C. King                       among the list of honorees included
                                            Karamo Brown, Tajamika Paxton, Phill

       t was a clear summer-like Los An-    Wilson, Eric Jones, Kalen Allen, and
       geles evening when Better Brothers   Anthony Hemingway.
       Los Angeles hosted its 5th annual          During the weeks leading up to
   Truth Awards. It was a magical mo-       the event, I reflected back to the day,
   ment in the 21-year history of In The    21 years ago, when I sat down at my
   Meantime Men’s Group, Inc., as we        kitchen table and wrote the following:
   received this year’s Advocacy Award.           “We challenge ourselves to
         LA’s finest packed the opulent     achieve a greater sense of respon-
   banquet hall of the Tagylan Cultural     sibility to our ancestry, ourselves,
   Complex to enjoy an amazing night of     and to those who will follow. In The
   community at its best. We accepted       Meantime we strive to become better
   the award as a team. Joining me on       brothers, better sons, better fathers,
   stage were Ronald Jackson, Gregory       better lovers, better friends, better
   Wilson, JaVonTae Wilson, Louis Smith     role models, and better people, In The
   III, Stevie Cole, Carl Highshaw, Earl    Meantime and until the end of time.”
   Wooten, Garry Gregory, Joshua
   Green, and Xavier Craddock.              Jeffrey C. King is Founder and Executive
         Other deserving individuals        Director of In The Meantime Men’s Group.

22  MESSAGE   Spring 19
Y O U           C A N          H A V E             I T      A L L

          Young Black Gay Men 18-29 Years of age
                 f @BoiRevolution2017
                 I @inthemeantimemen

                   Quarterly Social Events

   Community Outreach/Condom Distribution

                         MyLife MyStyle
               Health Education Empowerment Series

                      Throw It In The Bag
                  Drop-In Social Discussion Groups

         Personal and Professional Development Trainings

                             The Bridge
               Resource Linkage and Referral Service

               In The Meantime Get Tested
          HIV Testing and STI Screenings/Peer Navigation

       This project is supported by funds received from the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention and the County of Los Angeles Department
              of Public Health, Division of HIV and STD Programs
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