LISTEN TO YOUR GRAN DriveSmart focuses on young drivers - SCOTLAND'S AUTHORITY ON ROAD SAFETY - Road Safety ...

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LISTEN TO YOUR GRAN DriveSmart focuses on young drivers - SCOTLAND'S AUTHORITY ON ROAD SAFETY - Road Safety ...

DriveSmart focuses on young drivers

YOUR GRAN                                                    Road Safety
LISTEN TO YOUR GRAN DriveSmart focuses on young drivers - SCOTLAND'S AUTHORITY ON ROAD SAFETY - Road Safety ...
                                                                            With the launch of the new Road Safety               Due to the recent launch of Road Safety
                                                                            Scotland website in late 2018,                   Scotland’s #DRIVESMART Young Drivers
                                                                  , the next phase of           campaign in the topics section of the
                                                                            the website development work involved            website, all topics pages of the site are now
                                                                            the design and launch of the new Learning,       being reviewed and updated with the latest
                                                                            and Learning Zone sections.                      campaign messaging and artwork.
                                                                               The Learning section provides a home for          Debbie Nicol, from Road Safety
                                                                            all the content that was migrated over from      Scotland, said: “The benefits of the new
                                                                            the individual learning resource websites and    single domain will give strength to, and
                                                                            provides information on Curriculum for           increase awareness of, all road safety
                                                                            Excellence (CfE) experiences and outcomes        learning resources and campaigns.
                                                                            relating to the interactive and activity-based      “It will provide a better user experience
                                                                            content. The Learning Zone is a dedicated area   by creating a single site structure and a
                                                                            that provides easy access to the interactive     look and feel that is consistent across
                                                                            content for each of the CfE learning levels.     the site.”

    Towards 2030 Framework...................3
    driVR awards...................................................3
    Country Roads evaluation.....................4
    Theatre in Education review................5
    Police Scotland motorbike
    safety campaign...........................................5
    New DriveSmart campaign.............6-7
    Breathtaking Roads video......................7
    Cycling Scotland launch.........................8
    Managing Occupational
    Road Risk...........................................................8
    Protecting horses.........................................9
    Data-enabled breathalyser...................9
    Interview with former Traffic
    Commissioner for Scotland............. 10
    EU driver assistance ruling..................11
    Child car seat campaign......................12
    My Journey with Ziggy pack..............12

    Designed by Connect Publictions on behalf of
    Road Safety Scotland.

    4th Floor, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas
    Road ,Glasgow, G4 0HF

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LISTEN TO YOUR GRAN DriveSmart focuses on young drivers - SCOTLAND'S AUTHORITY ON ROAD SAFETY - Road Safety ...
        he Scottish Government is                   review of the Framework in 2016 – Speed,
        committed, through Scotland’s                   Age and Vulnerable Road Users –
        Road Safety Framework to                              and an additional one to focus
2020, to achieving safer road                                     on occupational road risk –
travel in Scotland. With this                                       to develop a draft Road
Framework coming to an                                                Safety Framework 2030
end in 2020 the                                                        that will go out to
Government wants to                                                    consultation at the
continue and build on                                                  end of the year.
this commitment. It is a                                                 Donna Turnbull, Road
crucial time for road safety                                          Safety & Policy Framework
as we all strive to ensure we                                       Manager at Transport
meet our current targets and                                      Scotland, said: “This is very
develop the next framework to                                 much the start of the conversation
2030 which will provide direction to                   we are having with our road safety
help achieve the vision where no one                partners. We will discuss the risks to road
is killed on our roads.                             users we are going to encounter over the
   Work is under way to identify risks and          next 10 years, and consider how certain
develop new targets for the next 10 years           things could influence road safety – such
until 2030. Four workshop groups have               as new and emerging technology, Scotland’s
been created to look at the three current           active travel agenda and the move to a low
key priority areas identified at the mid-term       carbon economy.”

        d r i V R awa r d w i n
        afety Cameras Scotland’s innovative         results announced at the RAC Club in
        driVR programme, which uses virtual         London at the beginning of May.
        reality to engage 16-18 year olds in           Jennifer Stark, Communications Officer
  road safety, won the Best Education and           with the West Safety Camera Unit based in
  Training Initiative at the 2019 Young             Glasgow, said: “We have been working on
  Driver Road Safety Awards.                        the programme for a long time and it has
     Organised by Road Safety GB, working           involved a lot of hard work from our
  in partnership with FirstCar and the RAC          partners Police Scotland and Glasgow
  Foundation, the awards recognise work             Council, so it was great to get this
  being developed to reduce crashes and             recognition from industry experts.”
  casualties caused by young, newly-                   The driVR programme was developed
  qualified drivers.                                to engage S5-S6 pupils. Since its roll out
     Seven projects were each shortlisted for       to four schools in Glasgow, more than 200
  the five categories of awards and the             students have experienced the intervention.

 Meredydd Hughes (Executive Chairman, Road Safety Support), Jennifer Stark
 (Area Communications Officer, Safety Cameras Scotland), Simon McLaughlin
 (Data Analyst, Safety Cameras Scotland) and James Evans (Founder, First Car)

                                                                                summer 2019       3
LISTEN TO YOUR GRAN DriveSmart focuses on young drivers - SCOTLAND'S AUTHORITY ON ROAD SAFETY - Road Safety ...
       oad Safety Scotland’s strategy to         audience valued, and were excited by, new      to complete their road trip in one piece.
       ‘show and not tell’ young men about       technology, the campaign was based                “Creative testing showed that
       the dangers of speeding on country        around a virtual reality (VR) film which       respondents loved it and many admitted
roads has paid off, with research showing        allowed young people to experience the         that they know they should drive at an
the highest ever motivational score for a        unexpected hazards of country roads            appropriate speed – but only by
Road Safety Scotland campaign.                   through a VR simulator and also a              experiencing the consequences of a near
   Research of the ‘Prepare for the              360-degree film, which was ‘teased’ on         miss would they learn a lesson.”
unexpected; slow down on country roads’          social media channels.                            The campaign launched on 31 May 2018
campaign showed that 77% of the target              Claire Wood from advertising company        and the immersive VR experience visited 16
group – 22-29 year olds – recognised the         The Leith Agency said: “Virtual reality        rural locations across Scotland, chosen for
campaign and 93% of them said they felt          presented a unique opportunity to immerse      high footfall among young men, and the
motivated to change their driving behaviours.    our audience in a more creative form of        360-degree film was promoted by various
   This response was achieved without            ‘hazards perception’ training. The VR film     social media activity.
traditional TV and cinema advertising by         puts the user in the driving seat on a dark       Research showed that the VR experience
using an integrated digital-led strategy         country road, where they are surrounded by     was a powerful tool in changing young
based around an immersive 360-degree             mates’ ‘banter’ in the car and unexpected      people’s driving behaviours as 79% of the
film which was leveraged across social           hazards outside it. The driver is challenged   viewers said they intended to reduce their
media channels, and supported with more                                                         speed in future compared to 54% of people
traditional media and PR activity.                                                              who saw the 360-degree film.
   Liz Rockley, Senior Marketing Manager                                                           The campaign also used music to get the
with the Scottish Government, explained            COUNTRY ROADS RESULTS                        message to its target audience,
the aims of the campaign and the strategy          • Three quarters of road deaths in           commissioning a track from DJ Jack Eye
taken: “Young men think they are excellent           Scotland occur on country roads.           Jones and singer/songwriter Nicky
drivers but they are more likely than any          • Two-thirds of those killed or              McDonald urging listeners to expect the
other age groups to be killed on the roads,          seriously injured on Scotland’s            unexpected on country roads. This song was
particularly on country roads. However,              country roads were men.                    shared over social media and promoted by
academic research showed that telling              • A third of those men were aged 22-29.      Jones’ record label to 800 DJs.
young drivers to slow down would no longer                                                         When the campaign launched it was
cut it: they need to be shown that they            BEHAVIOUR           TARGET     RESULTS       covered in 39 publications, many of which
aren’t invincible so our communications to                                                      featured the moving story from Claire
this group was based around a ‘show, not           22-29 YEAR OLDS                              MacKenzie, whose brother died in a country
tell’ strategy.
                                                   WHO RECOGNISED        50%        77%         road accident.
                                                   THE CAMPAIGN
   “Our country roads campaigns in the                                                             Michael McDonnell, Director, Road Safety
past have been successful; our 2014                22-29 YEAR OLDS                              Scotland, said: “This country roads activity
David Coulthard campaign was the best              WHO REALISED THAT                            exceeds all metrics and set the bar even
performing Scottish Government campaign            ‘NOT ADJUSTING
                                                                                    60%         higher than the David Coulthard campaign.
to date. However, while these campaigns            SPEED ON A            55%                    Road Safety Scotland is delighted with
                                                   COUNTRY ROAD’
relied on tradition broadcast media, we            IS ‘VERY SERIOUS’                            the results and I am delighted to be
know that young men’s media of choice has                                                       associated with a superb campaign
changed over recent years so we needed a           22-29 YEAR OLDS                              delivered by an excellent and enthusiastic
‘digital first’ strategy to reach our audience     FELT MOTIVATED        80%        93%         team of dedicated professionals within the
where they spent most of their time.”              TO CHANGE                                    Scottish Government and the various
   Since research showed how much this                                                          agencies involved.”

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RSS Theatre in Education evaluation

         here can be no doubt that both                                                             driver and getting your first car. It
         school children and adults alike                                                           follows the lives of four friends at
         enjoy the theatre performances                                                             secondary school and into adulthood
  developed by Road Safety Scotland (RSS)                                                        • Better Late than Dead on Time is
  to deliver road safety messages, but how                                                          designed for all generations within
  have these thought-provoking plays                                                                communities and looks at the impact
  changed people’s road safety behaviours?                                                          of driver and pedestrian behaviour on
  This is the goal of a comprehensive                                                               one family.
  research project, currently under way and                                                         Dr Kate Skellington Orr, Director of
  will be published in the summer.                                                               Research at KSO Research, said: “We’ve
     Mairi Blair from RSS said: “The                                                             been assessing road safety knowledge
  evaluation of our Theatre in Education (TiE)                                                   before and after the performances and
  programme seeks to explore if the current                                                      checking on people’s attitudes three
  activities are fit for purpose in helping to   • The Journey (Primary 6 or 7): explores        months later to assess if and how the plays
  protect children and young people as some        developing relationships between a            might impact on people’s road safety
  of Scotland’s most vulnerable road users.        group of young friends as they journey        behaviours. Having attended many of these
  As an impact evaluation, the project             through primary school towards                plays in schools, as well as in community
  specifically seeks to explore the impact         secondary school and looks at different       venues, it is obvious that people are
  that the performances have on their              influences on their behaviour                 engaged with and enjoy the experience, but
  audience’s attitudes towards road safety, as   • School Daze (Secondary 1): focuses            the aim of our research will be to assess
  well as capturing any self-reported change       on peer influence and personal choice         the real impact of these messages.”
  in behaviour that may result.”                   in relation to relationships and                 She added: “Most of the adults initially
     The TiE programme, which has been             risk-taking at the point of transition to     thought that road safety messages were
  running for many years, consists of four         secondary school                              just for children, but after the play many
  plays, which have been delivered by the        • Friends Disunited (Secondary 5/6):            admitted that they had actually learnt
  Baldy Bane Theatre Company for the past          deals with the enjoyment and                  something new. It just shows that road
  three years:                                     responsibilities involved in becoming a       safety is for everyone.”

                                                                                                    PROMOTING BIKE
                                                                                                    SAFETY MESSAGES
                                                                                                    Once again, the Police Scotland and
                                                                                                    Road Safety Scotland stand at the
                                                                                                    Scottish Motorcycle Show at Ingliston
                                                                                                    in March was busy promoting road
                                                                                                    safety to the country’s motorcycling

  POLICE SCOTLAND MOTORBIKE CAMPAIGN                                                                fraternity. Representatives from both
                                                                                                    organisations were on hand to discuss
                                                                                                    safety issues and give out information
The Police Scotland Motorcycle Safety            also include checks of MoT certificates and        to signpost riders to the wide range of
Campaign was launched in April at the            insurance cover.                                   riding advice and videos available.
Grampian Transport Museum in Alford,                Superintendent Louise Blakelock, Deputy            Inspector Ian Paul, of Police
Aberdeenshire, to urge motorcyclists to          Head of Road Policing at Police Scotland,          Scotland’s National Motorcycle Unit,
ride safely as bikers prepare to get back on     said: “Although motorcyclists make up only         said: “We’ve been partnering with Road
the road for the summer season.                  one per cent of the motoring public they           Safety Scotland at this event for many
   The campaign, which will draw on Road         account for around 20 per cent of the              years as it is an excellent way to
Safety Scotland’s successful ‘Breathtaking       people killed in road crashes, often during        engage informally with motorcyclists
Roads’ campaign – short films which              cornering or overtaking manoeuvres.                and to promote positive road safety
showcase Scotland’s spectacular motorcycle       Motorcyclists are more vulnerable than             messages just before the start of
routes while encouraging bikers to share         other motorists as the smallest of errors, by      motorbike season.”
best practice riding tips – will promote safe    rider or driver, can lead to very serious
and responsible motorcycling.                    consequences, particularly when higher
   During the campaign, which runs until         speeds are involved.”
September, Police Scotland will organise a          The campaign will be supported by the
number of special ‘Weekends of Action’,          Area Safety Camera Units and will include
where road policing officers will be out         deploying a specially equipped motorcycle
engaging with bikers to ensure their             which has all the functionality of a Safety
machines have been properly maintained           Camera van, including forward-facing
over the winter and are fit for use. This will   speed cameras.

                                                                                                                          summer 2019          5
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drivesmart with your gran i
         ould you take risks and drive                 Michael McDonnell, Director of Road           behaviours such as excessive or
         irresponsibly with your Gran in            Safety Scotland, said: “Young men are            inappropriate speeding, mobile phone
         the car? This is the message from          prone to over-confidence in their abilities,     use, driving after taking drink/drugs, the
the new DriveSmart campaign which is                a misplaced sense of control and a desire        influence of mates and not anticipating
targeting the risk-taking driving behaviours        to push themselves and their cars to             hazards.
of young men in their twenties.                     the limits.                                         Michael added: “This campaign will
   The campaign suggests that a good                   “Men aged between 21 and 30 have the          address some of the key contributing factors
talking-to from their loveable but plain-           highest rate of motoring offences and            that lead to casualties on Scotland’s roads in
speaking Gran would encourage young men             speeding offences in Scotland. They are          a way that young men will take notice of.
to think about driving more safely and taking       more likely than other adults to engage in       Next time the drivers see themselves
fewer risks, such as texting while driving,         risky driving behaviours – such as speeding      slipping into bad habits, they should imagine
speeding, drinking or taking drugs before           and drink-driving – that lead to themselves      Gran is in the car with them.”
driving, and being distracted by noisy friends.     or others being killed or seriously injured. “      The ‘always-on’ media will include
   It asks young men to consider how they              Primary research conducted with               Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and
would stay in control of the car if their Gran      this group of drivers revealed that                  Twitter, while the campaign will also
was a passenger, building on research               they often reject the driving style                    feature in targeted TV and cinema
findings that young men drive more                  they used as a learner as                               advertising addressing speed and
carefully if they have ‘precious cargo’ – such      unrealistic for the real driving                        in-car distractions this summer,
as a family member – in the car with them.          world. They see speed limits as                          before focusing on drug-driving
   The quirky campaign tells young drivers:         guidelines and they feel some                            during autumn and drink-driving over
“Roads are unpredictable and life is full of        situational factors that contribute to                    the festive period. For the first time,
distractions, but help is at hand. You’ll have      safe driving (e.g. time, place,                              RSS is serving adverts on Twitch
met Gran. She’s no-nonsense and pops up             company) are out of their                                      – Amazon’s live streaming
in the least likely of places. Driving like she’s   control.                                                        video platform – to reach even
in the car with you is a great way to                  The new strategy sets out                                     more young men, who are
#DRIVESMART.”                                       to frame perceptions of a                                         one of the biggest audiences
   Running until March 2020, the campaign           good driver and to remind                                          for this channel.
from Road Safety Scotland marks a new               young men that a good                                                 Field marketing will take
strategic approach, moving away from the            driver is a safe driver; one                                        the campaign out to areas
‘Don’t Risk It’ message, which no longer            who is in control. This will                                         with high footfalls of young
feels relevant to young men because they            influence their willingness                                         men over the summer,
enjoy taking risks while driving.                   to accept or undertake risky                                      while PR, social media

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ride safely
                                                        as a group

                                                   ollowing the success of last year’s      and during overtaking, and the evaluation
                                                   Breathtaking Roads motorbike safety      shows how the campaign has exceeded all
                                                   campaign, another film has been          SMART targets and demonstrated
                                             produced that highlights the skills required   evidence of attitudinal change.
                                             to ride as part of a group. Bikers suggested       “The Breathtaking Roads 2019
                                             this topic during last year’s evaluation of    campaign will build on learnings from
                                             the campaign, as around half of                2018 and we will re-use existing assets
                                             motorcyclists enjoy riding with others.        and continue with our peer-led
                                                 Independent evaluation of the 2018         communications approach.
                                             Breathtaking Roads campaign showed                “However, to enhance the
                                             94% of bikers who had seen it claimed to       communications strategy further, we
                                             have changed their riding behaviour (versus    have created a new film for social media
                                             a campaign target of 66%). Other positive      focusing on the skills required to ride safely
                                             riding behaviours highlighted by the           as part of a group, which was requested by
                                             evaluation included 39% of riders saying       bikers in our evaluation.
                                             they would be more patient when                    “We also plan to develop new
                                             overtaking, 34% would approach bends           partnerships and increase our presence at
                                             more carefully and 33% would approach          key Scottish biking events. We will also be
                                             junctions more carefully.                      increasing advertising along key biking

in the car
                                                Liz Rockley, Senior Marketing Manager       routes in Scotland to reinforce safety
                                             with the Scottish Government, said: “To        messages at the point of riding, particularly
                                             date, our films have focused on the skills     with older bikers who may be less likely to
                                             required to remain in control of a             see digital advertising.”
                                             motorbike, particularly at bends, junctions        The new Group Ride video was filmed at
  activity and extensive partnership and                                                    the Devil’s Beef Tub in Moffat, which is on a
  stakeholder outreach will target local                                                    popular bikers’ route around the Borders.
  authorities, emergency services, social
  media influencers and partners in the      “We have created a                             Like the others, the new film captures the
                                                                                            beauty and freedom of riding a bike
  private sector including local football
  clubs and cinemas.
                                             new film for social                            through Scotland’s amazing scenery while
                                                                                            focusing on the hazards that riders need
     The Scottish Government and Road
  Safety Scotland are determined that
                                             media focusing on the                          to be aware of, as well as the safety
                                                                                            issues when it comes to riding as part of
  young men are most receptive to            skills required to ride                        a group. The film and related marketing
  communications that increase their                                                        material will be launched at some point
  sense of control over the car, because     safely as part of a                            during the summer.
  they acknowledge they can always
  improve their driving skills. Insight      group, which was
                                                                                                  For more information, visit
  found that that the campaign needed
  to reframe young men’s perceptions
                                             requested by bikers
  of safe behaviour in the car in order to
  influence their willingness to speed
                                             in our evaluation”
  and to heighten their belief that there
  is action they can take to remain in
  control of the car regardless of
  situational factors.
     Liz Rockley, Senior Marketing
  Manager with the Scottish
  Government, said: “This new marketing
  approach for DriveSmart reinforces
  the challenge to follow best practice
  when driving on the roads. It also aims
  to deliver a more focused campaign
  that resonates more strongly with the
  audience where the issues of speeding
  and other negative behaviours are
  most prevalent.”

                                                                                                                     summer 2019        7
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(From left) Inspector Andrew Thomson (Police
                                                                                                    Scotland); Cycling Scotland Chief Executive Keith
                                                                                                     Irving; Michael Matheson (Cabinet Secretary for
                                                                                                      Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity); and
                                                                                                   Cycling Scotland Head of Communications Denise
                                                                                                  Hamilton at the launch of the road safety campaign

        alerting drivers
        to the consequences
      ycling Scotland launched a new safety       • Knowledge of the amount of space that          unaware that you can be stopped by the
      campaign in May aimed at making                should be allowed is good, but many           police for driving carelessly or dangerously
      people aware of the consequences               admitted that they don’t always follow        around a person on a bike, and potentially get
of driving dangerously close to people on            the advice                                    three points on your licence and a £100 fine.”
bikes. TV and social media adverts used           • Personal priorities, impatience and sense         Of four tested advertising scripts, all
footage shot from the perspective of                 of entitlement are at the forefront of        responded most positively to a campaign
different people cycling to bring home the           driver’s thinking when on the road            focused on raising awareness of the need to
frightening experience of being overtaken         • Lack of understanding of the law and           give space to people cycling or risk a
too closely by a car.                                penalties around driving near people          three-point penalty and up-to £100 fine.
   The new campaign is a development of              cycling means that drivers don’t have ‘top       All of the focus group participants were
the charity’s previous campaign – Give               of mind’ concern about consequences           also unaware of Operation Close Pass run by
Everyone Cycle Space – which highlighted          • Some believe poor cycling behaviours           Police Scotland. This involves an undercover
the need for vehicle drivers to give cyclists        excuse poor driving behaviours                officer cycling along a known ‘close pass’
at least 1.5 metres of space when passing         • Low awareness that passing someone             hotspot and reporting vehicles that drive
them on the road. There were 729 reported            riding a bike too closely was an offence      dangerously close. A police team further up
road casualties for people cycling in 2017.       • Some assumed it was good manners and           the road flags the offending driver down
   The charity conducted focus groups in             courtesy to give space.                       where the dangerous nature of their driving
Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow in                   Denise Hamilton, Head of                      is discussed, with an educational mat that
December 2018 to understand why some              Communications at Cycling Scotland, said:        shows the correct amount of space to give.
people drive dangerously and/or carelessly        “We explored what would motivate people to          Denise added: “People don’t fully
around people on bikes and what might             change their driving behaviour and what          understand the impact of a close pass on a
make them change their behaviour.                 resonated most were the legal consequences       person cycling, and how scary and
   The results included the following insights:   for them. We also found that drivers were        dangerous that can be.”

                                                  MANAGING OCCUPATIONAL ROAD RISK
                                                  With more employees killed in ‘at-work road     rolling by providing free resources to small
                                                  accidents’ than in all other occupational       to medium-sized companies to help them
                                                  accidents, the Scottish Government has          develop a suitable policy.
                                                  espoused its future aspiration that every          ScORSA is currently on a membership
                                                  organisation it works with will have a          drive to increase the number of SMEs using
                                                  Managing Occupation Road Risk policy.           its free resources to develop their own
                                                    The Scottish Occupational Road Safety         occupational road user risk policies.
                                                  Alliance (ScORSA) has started the ball             Sandy Allan, Road Safety Manager with

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                                                                                                             Police Scotland is now able to get
                                                                                                             quick access to national data on
                                                                                                             drink-driving incidents thanks to the
                                                                                                             roll out of data-enabled breathalysers.

         ecent research by the British                app records no personal data during                    During the most recent festive
         Horse Society (BHS) suggests                 its trial period, BHS is still encouraging             drink-drive campaign, Road Policing
         that nearly two horses are killed            riders to continue reporting incidents                 officers used the new technology to
   each week on UK roads, with 845                    to its horse accidents website                         allow them to record a range of
   incidents involving horses and drivers             (                                      information directly into their devices
   reported to the BHS last year – an                    In the last year, 87 horses and four                at the roadside and later upload the
   increase of 109% compared to the                   people have been killed while riding on                data to a central server for analysis.
   previous year.                                     the roads and 73% of incidents                             Constable Aileen Walker, from the
      The BHS collates statistics each year           reported occurred due to vehicles                      Road Police Management Support Unit,
   to understand the rate of incidents                passing by too closely.                                said: “These new data-enabled devices
   involving horses and riders on UK roads               Alan Hiscox, Director of Safety at                  are not only screening devices to
   and is currently working with the Huufe            the BHS said: “The dramatic increase                   enable an officer to detect suspected
   riders reward app over six months to               in incidents is of huge concern, but we                levels of alcohol in the breath, but they
   trial new functionality that allows users          are aware that only 1 in 10 accidents is               also permit the officer to input details
   to report incidents easily and quickly.            reported to us, therefore these figures                of everyone they breathalyse such as
      The app ( allows              are only the tip of the iceberg. We will               age, sex, ethnicity and the reasons for
   the user to select the type of incident            continue to promote our key Dead Slow                  stopping their vehicle. As this data is
   they were involved in while also                   messages and strive to ensure all                      stored centrally, we can easily use the
   recording the location and time. As the            vulnerable road users are kept safe.”                  information to work with Road Safety
                                                                                                             Scotland to develop more targeted
                                                                                                             drink-drive campaigns and market
                                                     If I see a horse on the road, then I will:              more appropriately.”
      KEY MESSAGES                                   1. Slow down to a maximum of 15mph                        Police Scotland is also looking at
      The BHS launched its ‘Dead Slow’               2. Be patient – do not sound my horn                   increasing the functionality of the
      road safety campaign to help                        or rev the engine                                  data-enabled breathalysers, such as
      better educate drivers on how to               3. Pass the horse wide and slow, (if                   including the location of the incident
      pass horses on the road.                            safe to do so) at least a car’s width if           to see if this will add value to the data
      The key messages to drivers are:                    possible                                           it is collecting.
                                                     4. Drive slowly away.                                       At the moment, only Road Policing
                                                                                                             officers have been issued with the
                                                                                                             devices, but there are plans to roll out
                                                                                                             the data-enabled breathalysers to all
                                                                                                             divisions across Scotland later this year.
                                                                                                                 Road Policing Inspector, Vinnie
RoSPA and co-ordinating the ScORSA                  organisations will have policies for employees           Fisher, said: “Once the new
marketing campaign, said: “Driving is the           using machinery and tools within the                     breathalysers are rolled out across all
most dangerous work activity that most              workplace, many do not have specific policies            divisions we will be able to capture data
people do. Between a quarter and a third of         for reducing the risk while driving.”                    for every breath test that is undertaken
road collisions involves someone who is                ScORSA provides a wide range of free                  in Scotland.
driving for work purposes. The HSE say that         resources to help organisations develop a                    “This will make our reporting of
‘health and safety law applies to on-the-road       policy to manage occupational road risk.                 drink-drive incidents much more
work activities as to all work activities and the                                                            efficient and streamlined, and will give
risks should be effectively managed within a              F or more information, visit                      us a far richer picture of the situation
health and safety system’. However, while                                         across Scotland.”

                                                                                                                                    summer 2019           9
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Joan Aitken training
                                                                              for another Transaid
                                                                                   charity bike ride
                                                                                                       “I’ve always deeply
                                                                                                       admired legislation which
                                                                                                       is focused on keeping
                                                                                                       working people safe and
                                                                                                       that feeling has walked
                                                                                                       with me my whole
                                                                                                       professional life”

                                                                                                       very high cause of road traffic incidents.
                                                                                                          I was also quick off the mark in 2011 in

                                                                                                       getting Scotland’s police forces to start
                                                                                                       reporting mobile phone offending by
                                                                                                       professional drivers.
                                                                                                          One of my other successes was to

          the roads                                                                                    get the law to recognise that Traffic
                                                                                                       Commissioners need the power to work in a
                                                                                                       preventative role, and not wait until someone
                                                                                                       has been killed or seriously injured before we
                                                                                                       can take action against an operator or driver.
Direction magazine talks to the former Traffic Commissioner for                                        Traffic Commissioners do use their powers
                                                                                                       to revoke the licences of operators and
Scotland, Joan Aitken, on her 16 years in the role regulating the                                      drivers who show a reckless attitude or
commercial vehicle sector and her contributions to road safety                                         pattern of behaviour towards road safety.
                                                                                                          Of course, cases can be appealed but
                                                                                                       fortunately the appeal bodies upheld my
How did your previous experience                  account for the punctuality and reliability of       decisions to take a preventative approach.
prepare you for the role of Traffic               local bus services. The criteria for getting a          The human element is so important in this
Commissioner?                                     licence are rigorous but are there to anchor         role. It is the attitude of an operator or a
I’m a solicitor by profession and chaired         road safety, as well as encourage fair               driver which can be the greatest threat to
various tribunals and qualified as a mediator.    competition and care for the environment.            road safety. That is why it is not just about
For four years I was the Scottish Prison             Traffic Commissioners get reports from            whether the vehicles are roadworthy but how
Complaints Commissioner – these are roles         the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency              they are going to be used; whether chances
where lots of people don’t always want you        (DVSA) and the police about infractions, as          will be taken with speed or loading or fatigue
to find out the truth!                            well as complaints from operators and                or mobile phone use or such like.
   So I see the qualities that I used in my       anonymous tip-offs. These tips can be
previous jobs, such as an inquiring mind, the     essential clues in DVSA investigations. If           What was your reaction to finding out
ability to probe and an acute sense of the        evidence shows that operators are not                you had been awarded an OBE?
importance of evidence, together with a           keeping their vehicles roadworthy or not             The citation is actually for services to the
sense of fairness and an interest in people,      giving their drivers time off, or that drivers are   Scottish transport system and to road safety.
as ideal for the role of Traffic Commissioner.    not respecting safety measures, then they            This gave me great joy because it recognised
   Also, when I was a young law apprentice,       could lose their licence or get disqualified.        that I did not just look at vehicles but I had
the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974                                                            contributed to improving bus services and
came into force. I’ve always deeply admired       In what areas have you been able to                  transport overall. I was also pleased to be
that legislation which is focused on keeping      contribute to road safety?                           recognised for my contribution to road safety
working people safe and that feeling has          Without a shadow of a doubt, I contributed to        and especially as I have been involved with
walked with me my whole professional life.        the professionalisation of these industries and      the charity Transaid for many years.
                                                  to the enhancement of respect for road safety.
How would you explain the role?                      When I arrived, there was a degree of             What are you involved with now?
There’s a very simple answer to that: if you      complacency and people worked to industry            I’ve recently joined the Board of Transaid as
want to put a lorry or bus on the road you have   averages where more than one in five                 a Trustee and I’m looking forward to helping
to get a licence from the Traffic Commissioner.   vehicles were failing their annual test. I           the charity with its international development
   Traffic Commissioners license two critical     wanted a 100% pass for all vehicles because          work. I’ve also developed a love of cycling
industries: road haulage carrying goods, and      an operator should be able to keep their             and I’ve been involved in two of the past
buses and coaches carrying people. These          vehicles in top condition all the year round.        Transaid five-day 300-mile cycle charity
are two industries that are important to the         It was a great wake up call, and we               challenges in Africa with another to train for
economic success of the country and               developed this further by focusing on driver         in Malawi in 2020. I got into cycling almost
fundamentally important to people’s safety        wellbeing and demanding that operators had           by chance so I am looking forward to what
on the roads. Traffic Commissioners are also      systems in place to ensure drivers were              other chances and surprises might come
responsible for holding bus operators to          properly rostered, because driver fatigue is a       my way.

10   direction
E U r u l in g  o  n s a f e t y a n  d
    driv e r  a s s is ta n c e f e a t u r e s
EU proposals for autonomous vehicle safety measures could help                                           commitment to have fully self-driving vehicles
Scotland reduce ‘Killed and Seriously Injured’ on the roads.                                             on UK roads by 2021”.
                                                                                                            Transport Scotland is also working with

        he new EU rules adopted on 16 April          safety measures on Scotland’s roads. He said:       partners on a pioneering £6 million trial of
        by the European Parliament will              “As far as Scotland is concerned, this new          autonomous buses on the trunk road between
        make advanced safety equipment               ruling has the potential to save around seven       Fife and Edinburgh for start up in 2020.
mandatory in all new road vehicles sold on           fatalities and 39 serious injuries per year based   Project CAV Forth will trial full-size single-
the EU market. They are likely to apply              on the proportion of Scotland’s share of the        decker buses operating at Level 4* autonomy
from May 2022 for new models and from                European population. This means we could            along a 14-mile route between Ferrytoll Park &
May 2024 for existing models. The aim is             dramatically reduce serious injuries by almost      Ride and Edinburgh Park Train and Tram
to reduce road casualties.                           2.5% from current figures – so it seems really      interchange, and will provide a world-leading
   The UK’s Department for Transport has             positive on the road safety side. We are            demonstration of UK autonomous bus
confirmed that these measures will also be           currently trying to forecast the impact of these    capability.
adopted in the UK.                                   technologies based this time on the future             In the meantime, the UK government is
   The EU has admitted that progress on              Scottish fleet and our road casualties to firm      preparing the regulatory landscape through
reducing EU-wide road fatalities has stagnated       up the initial casualty reduction assessment.”      the Law Commission of England and Wales,
in recent years, and that its objective of halving       The EU package of measures would                the Scottish Law Commission and the Center
road fatalities between 2010 and 2020 is now         mandate vehicle manufacturers to install            for Connective and Autonomous Vehicles
an “extreme challenge”. As a result, the EU is       for example advanced emergency braking              examining options for regulating automated
proposing a new policy framework for                 systems, intelligent speed assistance,              road vehicles into a modern and robust
2021-2030 with a long-term goal of moving            emergency lane-keeping systems, driver              package of law reforms promoting automated
close to zero fatalities and serious injuries by     drowsiness and distraction warning,                 vehicles and their use.
2050, with an interim target of minus 50%            advanced driver distraction warning and                Bertrand said: “It’s all positive for road safety
between 2020 and 2030.                               reversing detection systems. Intelligent            in general, but with the caveat that all these
   The EU’s proposals focus on both vehicle          speed assistance makes a driver aware               new technologies need to be developed with
safety and infrastructure safety, and together       when exceeding the speed limit. In the early        improving road safety at the heart, and that’s
are forecast to save 10,500 lives and avoid          stage of the rollout, the EU is proposing an        why the law commission review is looking at
59,600 serious injuries over 2020-2030.              on/off switch, which would allow the system         the type approval regime to allow the industry
Vehicle safety will be based around making           to be overridden by pushing down on the             to produce and market
safety and driver assistance technologies            accelerator. All new cars would also be             autonomous vehicles in
mandatory, which it is estimated will save           fitted with event data recorders to register        the safest way.”
7,300 lives and avoid 38,900 serious injuries        data shortly before, during and immediately            *Level 4: an
over the ten-year period, while the                  after a road collision. The processing of           automated driving
infrastructure safety management work will           personal data through the event (collision)         system which can
include network-wide risk mapping and                data recorder will be undertaken for                perform the dynamic
reinforced provisions for vulnerable road users.     collision data research only and will comply        driving task without
   Bertrand Deiss, Head of Road Safety Policy        with personal data protection rules.                requiring a user to be
at Transport Scotland, welcomed the EU                   The UK government already has ambitious         receptive to
decision and his team is currently assessing         plans to launch autonomous cars and recently        requests to
the ramifications of adopting such vehicle           announced that it was “on track to meet its         intervene.          Bertrand Deiss

                                                                                                                                     summer 2019           11
Child car seats
                                                                                                    MY JOURNEY
                                                                                                    WITH ZIGGY PACK
              to be checked                                                                         Following the revamp of the Road Safety
                                                                                                    Scotland (RSS) website, the popular My
                                                                                                    Journey With Ziggy pack has been
                                                                                                    relaunched to Early Learning and
         Initiative will help ensure youngsters’ safety on the move                                 Childcare centres (ELC centres) and
                                                                                                    Primary 1 teachers.
                                                                      The events are designed to       The pack, which includes a Ziggy soft
                                                                         help families to be safe   toy and journey diary contained in a
                                                                                                    bright reflective drawstring bag, has been
                                                                                                    developed to help practitioners, parents
                                                                                                    and carers bring road safety learning to
                                                                                                    life. To obtain the pack, teachers and
                                                                                                    childcare practitioners first register on the
                                                                                                    Ziggy pages on the RSS website and are
                                                                                                    asked to conduct some simple road
                                                                                                    safety lessons with their children before
                                                                                                    taking them on a walk outside. Using the
                                                                                                    Ziggy’s Big Day Out Guide, which is
                                                                                                    downloadable from the website, they can
                                                                                                    record aspects of their journey to help tell
                                                                                                    their story. They then upload their story to
                                                                                                    the website with photos or drawings from
                                                                                                    the day. Once the story is uploaded and
                                                                                                    approved, the My Journey With Ziggy
                                                                                                    pack will be sent out.

      hild car seat specialist, Good Egg Car       appropriate car seats from the very                 Mairi Blair from RSS said: “The My
      Safety, is expanding its popular             beginning is so important, not only in           Journey With Ziggy pack has proved
      Community Checking Events                    keeping them safe in the present, but it         popular with ELC centres and primary
throughout Scotland to include 10 Police           plays a vital role in creating future            schools since it was launched in the
Enforcement Days, thanks to support from           generations of vehicle occupants who             2016-17 school year.
Police Scotland and Road Safety Scotland.          are used to being restrained for safety             “For the 2017-18 school year we
   Good Egg experts will work alongside            while travelling.”                               wanted to increase engagement
the police and undertake random checks                The first of Good Egg’s Community             opportunities for ELC centres and
on cars carrying children to check the             Checking Events kicked off in Falkirk at the     Primary 1 classes, so we introduced a
suitability of the child car seats or restraints   end of March and car seat checking events        competition element to the activity:
used in them. This activity will be in addition    are planned to run across major towns in         Ziggy’s Big Competition.
to the 46 free child car seat community            Scotland until the beginning of September.          “As well as going out for a walk, classes
events over the summer at high footfall               At these events the Good Egg team             were also asked to submit a film or
venues across Scotland.                            provides not only free child seat checks         recording of the children doing the Ziggy
   Jan James, CEO of Good Egg, explained:          and fitting guidance, but also offers the        song and dance. Our research showed
“Whenever we partner with the police on            award-winning Good Egg Car Safety Guides         that the Ziggy’s Big Competition activity
mandatory checks, we sadly almost always           and supporting materials for families to         did appear to encourage the increased
find a much higher incorrect fitment rate          take away. Furthermore, information              use of the website, in particular the
than our standard checks.                          leaflets are provided which direct parents       resources for teachers. This evaluation
   “This is because those parents who              to Good Egg’s extensive online resources         will be considered by RSS’s Learning
voluntarily attend are already concerned           for more information.                            Advisory Group and will provide a steer
with child seat safety and are proactively            Good Egg’s website hosts a popular ‘ask       on future engagement with teachers.
seeking guidance and reassurance. The              the expert’ service which provide families          “In the meantime,
families we often meet at police checks are        with free personalised advice and also           the My Journey
not as focused on safety and the results           details all the forthcoming venues across the    With Ziggy pack
evidence that. These much-needed Police            UK for the free Community Checking Events.       activity has been
Enforcement Days will run between May                 Jan added: “We provide free videos on         refreshed for the
and September and are designed to offer            our Facebook and social media platforms          remainder of the
advice and support to parents, grandparents        to show parents how to easily and quickly        school year and
and carers who drive with children. No             rectify common fitting problems and every        into the
tickets will be issued by the police for           local authority in the UK has a free digital     2019-20
non-compliance on these occasions.”                platform featuring our Good Egg In-Car           year.”
   Michael McDonnell, Director of Road             Safety Guide, thanks to support from the
Safety Scotland, has been involved from the        Arnold Clark Group. All you need to do is             For more information visit:
beginning of this campaign. He added:              visit and 
“Having children in correctly-fitted and           enter the name of your own local authority.”

12   direction
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