Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County

Page created by Lauren Armstrong
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Market Report 2021
Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Table of Contents
 Letter from CEO........................................................ 1

 Retail .........................................................................3

 Industrial ...................................................................5

 Office/Medical Office ................................................7

 Downtown .................................................................9

 Apartments .............................................................11

 Investment ..............................................................13

 Property Management ...........................................15

 CDA/Kootenai County ............................................17

 Principals/Brokers/Property Managers................. 20
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Letter from
                                   the CEO
                                   Spokane is usually insulated a bit   had to figure out how to deal
                                   from the major ups and downs         with pandemic-related tenant
                                   of the national economy. Not this    issues and keep moving forward.
                                   time! My career has spanned          2020 brought the addition of
                                   decades from the eruption of         Josh Gutzwiler (a former real
                                   Mt. St. Helens, to the high teen     estate director at Wells Fargo in
                                   interest rates of the 80s, to the    Portland) to our team, who has
                                   advance of technology in the         done a fantastic job with our
                                   90s (when I got a computer and       largest clients.
                                   a cell phone), to 9-11 in New
2020 will go down in the           York (I was there), and the Great    Our entire property management
history books as the most          Recession starting in 2008!          team has been providing
uncertain, tumultuous,             Nothing has affected us more         incredible service to our amazing
and volatile year in our           than the pandemic!                   clients throughout this pandemic.
history! The year started                                               Our multifamily team has kept
out with the best economy          Through all the challenges of        our properties physically and
America has ever seen. It          2020, we have remained calm          economically full, and we have
was hitting on all cylinders       as a company, and went about         increased revenue for our clients
until the Covid-19 pandemic        our business. We transitioned        without evictions. Thanks go to
hit the world hard. Travel         staff to remote working while        our great team, including our
bans were enacted, lock-           retaining a core work force          accounting staff led by new CFO
downs were mandated,               for our “Essential” property         Holly Poquette! Holly came from
some businesses moved to           management company, Black            Inland Northwest Bank and has
remote working, and others         Realty Management, Inc. (BRMI).      been a tremendous addition
were closed. Downtown              We grew BRMI this year with          to our Executive Team. Our
Spokane experienced riots          revenue up over 10%. We added        Operations Director Mary Kay
and looting! What a year           some family real estate portfolios   Knudsen and HR Director Julia
for me to be board chair           with retail, self-storage, and       Guinn have worked especially
of the Downtown Spokane            multifamily properties. Under        smart and diligent this year
Partnership! No matter how         the leadership of Kim Sample         handling pandemic-related
you slice it, 2020 affected the    (President) and Tom Hix (Vice        issues. These ranged from getting
lives of EVERYONE in               President) we grew our business      people set up to work remote,
the world!                         and worked harder than ever.         to deciding what to do when
                                                                        someone breathed someone
                                   We had national tenants (and less    else’s potential Covid breath!
                                   local tenants) QUIT paying rent      Thanks to Mary Kay and Julia!
                                   starting in March, even though
                                   they hadn’t yet experienced          Black Commercial, Inc., led
                                   the brunt of the pandemic. Our       by President Jeff Johnson,
                                   dedicated property managers          was down mid-year over

1 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Letter from CEO

20%, but ended the year on a         bold entrepreneurs opened new
really strong note with several      restaurants this year!
major transactions. It was a
challenging year for our brokers     I keep hearing about a “NEW
as they adjusted to working with     NORMAL” and certainly things
Governor Inslee’s Stay at Home       have changed! Virtual meetings
order but continuing to serve        are not going away! The Inland
their client’s needs. Our brokers    Northwest is growing and North
had to work extra smart and be       Idaho is booming. People don’t
diligent while staying Covid safe.   have to live where they work
I appreciate their hard work!        anymore. Given these factors, our
Despite Covid, we actually had       entire area will continue to grow. I
several brokers with a record year   predict that with the new vaccine
in 2020.                             we will return to an amazing
                                     economy. The Spokane region
On the investment and                continues to be attractive to out
development side we had an           of area investors, home buyers,
amazing year. I have never seen      and major employers!
a bigger spread between cap
rates and interest rates! Positive   The term “HAPPY NEW YEAR”
leverage in 2020 was truly           had special meaning this year!
unprecedented. An 8% cap turns       A big thank you to all of our
into a 14% cash on cash return       clients, our great employees,
before tax, based on current         and brokers for sticking with us
interest rates. We continued         this crazy year!
the development process on
four or five subdivisions and we
exchanged into a legacy 20-
acre retail property in Mead. We
also moved forward with the
conversion of our former office
building (the James S. Black         David R. Black
Building) into 50 apartment          Chief Executive Officer
units. We renamed the building
after my mom, “MARJORIE
APARTMENTS”. We also are
remodeling the Wave restaurant
on the ground floor.

The biggest challenge in 2020
was our hospitality tenants,
specifically full-service
restaurants. As a landlord to over
50 restaurants, this year has been
unprecedented. We helped many
of our restaurants get PPP loans
and other grants so they could
try to stay in business. The jury
is still out on this sector of our
economy, but that said, several

Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
   By Stephen Pohl and                     delivery options; many aspects of       enjoys a unique retailing vitality.
   Matt Walsh                              which will likely be permanent.         In an otherwise stable market, the
                                           During the fall of 2020, North          shuttered Albertson’s on Grand
   NAI Black annually tracks               Spokane’s vacancy rate increased        Boulevard and the Shopko on
   average rental rates, occupancy,        to 11.45% compared to a 2019            Regal Street continue to “weigh”
   and vacancy by submarket,               vacancy rate of 8.55%, with             on the South Hill vacancy factor.
   comparing and contrasting to the        average rent remaining stable
   prior years as a measurement of         at $16.84 PSF. This submarket           Central Business District retail
   market trends and performance.          typically enjoys the attention of       space showed an increased
   The extraordinary and challenging       national retailers first entering the   vacancy rate of 7.49% in 2020
   headwinds of 2020, which carried        Spokane market. In 2020,Texas           compared to 6.92% vacancy
   forward into 2021, will present         Road House and Chick-Fil-A              in 2019. Average rent remained
   a significant adjustment to the         opened their doors in this              stable at $16.00 PSF. The Cosmic
   norm. As frequently predicted           exciting submarket.                     Cowboy Grill and LUSH, Fresh
   by national observers, the                                                      Handmade Cosmetics opened
   anticipated “Retail Apocalypse”         Also in 2020, Spokane Valley            in River Park Square in early
   is giving way to a new paradigm         experienced a lower 3.69%               2020. Wooden City restaurant
   - the Omni Channel marketing            vacancy rate with rents averaging       opened their doors on Riverside
   platform (blending internet             $13.00 PSF, compared to a               and Tavolata Italian restaurant
   and physical stores), which             2019 vacancy of 5.70% and               announced plans to open in Old
   has been accelerated by the             unchanged average rent. Several         City Hall. The new $53 million
   pandemic. More than ever,               long shuttered big box spaces           Sportsplex with completion
   traditional retailers are reinventing   (Shopko and Toys R Us) provided         planned for the fall of 2021 on the
   themselves!                             new locations for Ashley Furniture      North River Bank should provide
                                           and Burlington Coat.                    a boost to CBD retail!
   Turning our focus on the year
   2020, our veteran retailing             Spokane’s South Hill experienced        With the introduction of several
   industry adapted and adjusted.          an increase to 13.48% vacancy           new retail projects, the West
   As retailing was tested to the core     during 2020 with average rents          Plains 2020 vacancy rate rose
   with mandated shut-downs and            of $18.22 PSF, compared to a            to 13.63% from 2.61% in 2019.
   Covid-19 protocols, the creativity      2019 vacancy rate of 12.47%             Average rental rates decreased to
   and incredible resourcefulness          and average rent of $18.49 PSF.         $13.51 PSF compared to $16.46
   of many determined operators            Natural Grocers opened in 2020          PSF in 2019.
   resulted in new ways to sustain         taking the old Hastings store, and
   sales and extend consumer               Thai Bamboo started construction        Attempting to evaluate the
   interaction. Talented marketing         on their newest restaurant in           comparative performance for
   efforts substituted in-house            the Grape Tree development              2020, clouded by mandated
   shopping experiences with curb          on 29th Avenue. The South Hill          closures, rental concessions,
   side pick-up, increased digital         retail market is one of Spokane’s       foreclosure prohibitions, and
   shopping platforms, and home            smaller suburban submarkets but         other COVID-19-related factors,

3 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County

is tough. Faring well were                source of repeat customers for        more substitutive percentage
grocery operators, drug stores,           retail properties); an increase       rent, and provide free rent in lieu
pet supplies, fast food drive-            in fast food delivery/QSRs;           of TI dollars to attract and retain
thru or in-store pick up, medical         “ghost kitchens” (off-premises        great retailers. E-commerce
retail providers, big box home            food prep) facilitated by Uber        will continue to log impressive
retailers such as Walmart and             Eats and Door Dash services;          digital sales fueled by the
Target, sporting goods, and               and experienced-based                 pandemic. “Clicks and Bricks”
home improvement stores.                  indoor restaurant operators           will continue to merge, producing
Correspondingly, cinemas,                 addressing curb side pick-up          a new blended retailer who
sit-down full dining experience           and outdoor dining options.           provides a shopping experience
restaurants, small business,              Artificial Intelligence will expand   based on convenience and
bars, health club/exercise                the ability of retailers to alert     delivery efficiency.
facilities, travel industry, and retail   shoppers of buying options
entertainment venues such as              based on buying patterns              Retail, clearly in transition, will
arcades and gaming suffered.              and search results. There will        continue to evolve in 2021 with
Many resulting in store closures.         be a continuation of product          new brands, concepts, and
                                          transparency, displaying what is      ideas increasingly coupled with
Our predictions and trends for            better for a consumer’s health;       new mixed-use developments.
2021 envision: increased healthy          and, finally, the emphasis on         Spokane continues to be a
choices in grocery, especially            ethical, sustainable clothing and     viable market for retail expansion
farm-to-market; a steady advance          renewable items, surpassing $7        based on its economic stability,
of medical retailing in traditional       billion in sales last year. Prudent   growing in-migration, labor force
shopping centers; athletic                landlords will master Covid-19        availability, and a strong regional
facilities, including gyms (a great       relief lease language, embrace        customer base.

Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
                                         LB Stone Properties saw                plans to building two more
   By Darren Slackman and
                                         continued success with the             buildings in 2021. Asking lease
   Drew Ulrick
                                         Playfair Commerce Park project,        rates are estimated to be $0.75
                                         with initial asking rates of $0.70     PSF for shell space.
   2020 saw significant industrial       PSF. That project has filled all but
   development in the Spokane            one of its recently constructed        The Montgomery Logistic Center
   area driven by the growth of          buildings, leaving only 60,800         completed their second building
   E-commerce, low vacancy               SF available at the end of 2020.       of three in 2020. The second
   rates, and developers                 Playfair has four more available       building is 36,000 SF and offers
   anticipating demand for larger        sites for additional buildings.        30’ clear height, ESFR sprinklers,
   spec industrial space. The            The next industrial project for        and dock high loading. At the end
   fall survey of industrial space       LB Stone Properties will be to         of 2020, they also had 50,000 SF
   showed a vacancy rate of              develop additional quality tilt up     available in their first building. The
   3.23% out of 34 million SF            buildings on their 20-acre site on     project owners said that activity
   surveyed.                             North Freya Street in northeast        was starting to pick up at the end
                                         Spokane (The Yard).                    of the year with the receipt of
   For users seeking space, there                                               several LOIs.
   continued to be a large range         Spokane Industrial Park
   in lease rates. New buildings         completed the first of four            Selkirk Industrial Park off of
   with amenities such as dock           120,000 SF buildings that they         Barker Road continued to move
   doors, ESFR sprinkler systems,        announced in 2019. 96,000 SF           forward in 2020 by completing
   and 30’ plus clear height, not to     of the first building was leased       the first of four buildings. Krueger
   mention the continued increase        to two national tenants prior          Sheet Metal will occupy the entire
   in construction costs, kept the       to completion of construction.         60,000 SF building in building
   lease rates near $0.70 PSF NNN.       With only 24,000 SF remaining          one. The next two buildings are
   Property owners of existing           available in the first building, The   planned to be 67,500 SF each
   buildings having fewer amenities,     Park started construction on their     and will share a truck court
   lower ceiling heights, and a          second 120,000 SF building at          area. Site work is complete for
   lack of 3-phase power or fire         the end of 2020 with a planned         the entire project; however, the
   sprinklers, were able to command      completion date of May 2021.           developer will wait for a build-to-
   lease rates in the $0.40 - $0.45                                             suit before starting construction
   PSF NNN range. This gives the         Developer Harlan Douglass,             on the next building. Asking lease
   end user a range of options to        who purchased over 100 acres           rates are $0.70 PSF NNN for the
   consider when they are shopping       adjacent to Amazon on the West         warehouse shell.
   for warehouse space. With limited     Plains at the end of 2019, has
   options, it’s never been more         begun construction on 96,000           Amazon is expanding its
   important for tenants to seek         SF of concrete tilt up with plans      presence in Spokane, this time
   professional help with their search   for approximately 1.5 million total    to Spokane Valley, per numerous
   for space.                            square feet of warehouse space         media reports. Public documents
                                         on the 100-acre site. In addition      have indicated that a national
                                         to the current building, Douglass      developer started construction

5 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County

on a new Amazon facility on           of shovel-ready buildable sites.        E-commerce will continue to
land owned by Centennial              Centennial Properties, Inc.,            be a key driver of demand
Properties. The plans at the city     recorded a Binding Site Plan of         for industrial space in 2021.
show the building to be over          20 lots of industrial land off of
1 million square feet in size. In     Barker Road at the end of 2019.         With low vacancy rates and
addition, there are currently three   During 2020 they completed              land becoming more limited
other potential Amazon deals          the infrastructure improvements         for development, the industrial
happening in our market involving     for the BSP which included a            market will continue to favor
their expansion. Last mile            new road, Garland Avenue, and           landlords in 2021. Tenants will
distribution and other uses are       bringing utilities to each site. This   have limited choices; especially
growing for the tech giant faster     created shovel-ready sites in a         tenants seeking smaller industrial
than anticipated.                     market that desperately needed          spaces. All of this bodes well for
                                      that product. By the end of 2020,       a dynamic and active Spokane
                                      all but one lot was either sold or      industrial market in 2021!
Land Outlook                          under contract. These lots traded
                                      between $3.25 and $4.50 PSF.
Currently, the growth of our          Other buildable infill sites in the
industrial market is only being       Spokane area are seeing values
held back by a limited supply         exceeding $5 to $6 PSF.

Market Report 2021 Greater Spokane and Kootenai County
Office - Medical Office
   By Jon Jeffreys and Chris Bell       rate of 15.33% to 15.52% with        handful of smaller office buildings
                                        an average rental rate of $16.47     that sold, such as 9921 North
   The Spokane Office market            PSF per year full service. Class C   Nevada containing approximately
   saw limited office leasing and       softened, going from a vacancy       11,600 SF selling for $1,550,000.
   sale activity in 2020 due to         rate of 12.63% to 15.55% with        The Seller was represented by
   the uncertainty surrounding all      an average recent rental rate of     Jon Jeffreys of NAI Black, and
   commercial real estate markets,      $12.39 per square foot per year.     Darren Slackman of NAI Black
   but there were pockets that          Tenants in the market continue       represented the Buyer. 101 West
   showed promise leading into          to be drawn to properties with       Cataldo, a 17,000 SF office
   2021. As a whole, rents continued    amenities such as strong ground      building on the North Bank of the
   to increase and vacancy rates        floor retail tenants, exercise       CBD sold for $2,100,000.
   held flat due to absorption and      facilities, and on-site parking.
   a lack of new inventory being        We continue to see CBD office        The South Hill saw a decrease in
   introduced in the market. Many       buildings being removed from         vacancy in 2019 to 4.18% from
   tenants put off discretionary        the market completely and being      17.97% in 2020. Recent rental
   leasing decisions and used their     converted to multifamily.            rates held steady at $18.81 PSF
   time to analyze their long-term                                           per year full service. The major
   office occupancy needs. The          North Spokane was a bright           reason for the absorption on the
   good news is many office tenants     spot in the office leasing market.   South Hill was leasing activity
   weathered the storm and there        Vacancy rates in the North           in the Ben Burr Building at 5915
   should be pent up demand as          submarket dropped substantially      South Regal (the building is now
   tenants desire to get back to        to 8.68% from 15.96% a year          full) together with other leases
   in-person collaboration. 2020’s      prior. Average rental rates are      being completed in a market with
   changing office environment          currently $16.41 PSF per year        a limited supply of space. The
   was followed closely by              full service. North Spokane in       South Hill market is one of our
   investors looking to capitalize on   2020 had one major change;           smallest submarkets and easily
   opportunities in the market.         Spokane International Academy        feels the effects of a few larger
                                        leased approximately 100,000         office leases or vacancies. The
   The CBD, comprising of close to      SF of space in the property          South Hill office market is more
   3,000,000 SF of Class A, B, and      located at 777 East Magnesium.       a bedroom community office
   C office space, saw the overall      There were no new notable            market consisting of smaller,
   vacancy rate inch up slightly from   office construction projects         local tenants. No notable office
   2019 levels at 14.21% to 15.03%      completed and very few large         buildings traded hands in 2020 on
   at the end of 2020. Class A office   office building sales in 2020        the South Hill.
   space increased its vacancy          in the North Spokane market.
   slightly up from 12.62% to           220 West Rowan was one of            The Spokane Valley submarket
   14.21% and average rental rates      the largest office building sales.   held steady at 11.68% vacancy,
   staying flat at $20.63 PSF per       The approximately 46,000 SF          slightly down from 12.58% the
   year full service. Class B office    medical office building sold         year prior. Average rental rates
   space held flat from a vacancy       for $6,850,000. There were a         remained steady at $15.34 PSF

7 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
Office-Medical Office

per year full service. The Spokane
Valley was similar to the rest
of the Spokane submarkets
where very few office buildings
traded hands. The few that did
were a pair of neighboring office
buildings at 8815 East Mission, an
approximate 13,500 SF building
which sold for $1,900,000 (Buyer
was represented by Jon Jeffreys
of NAI Black) and 8775 East
Mission, an approximate 13,600
SF office building that sold for

The medical office market held
steady with the current vacancy
now at 9%, up slightly from
8.41% with the average rental
rate at $21.72 PSF per year. We
saw hospital systems retract
their space requirements in 2020,
which we believe contributed
to the slight uptick in vacancy.
Medical office is one of the office
sectors that continues to see
new construction from investor
build-to-suits and owner-user
projects. With a large regional
pull and multiple medical schools
in Spokane, we feel Spokane’s
medical office market is and will
continue to be very healthy.
As far as the outlook for 2021,
some companies with leases
coming up for renewal may
consider downsizing their space
as a result of Covid-19 and the
shift to remote working. That
said, many employees look
forward to returning to the office,
post Covid-19, to maximize
collaboration and enjoy their
business culture. The Spokane
office market appears that it
could hold steady in 2021.

                                        As long as the pandemic              buildings on the corner of First
   By Mark McLees and Tom Hix
                                        subsides and business can return     Avenue, and a few future potential
                                        to a “new” normal, downtown          redevelopment sites. Year 2020
   Reset 2021. Year 2020 was the        Spokane is positioned for a          saw West periphery projects
   most bizarre year for all classes    robust recovery. Just drive down     completed, including the former
   of real estate.                      the streets of downtown Spokane      Watt’s Automotive historical
                                        and see for yourself. Buildings      building, which was converted to
   The downtown and periphery           are being well maintained, the       the Brick West Brewing Company;
   real estate transaction activity     streets are clean, loitering and     the former Otis Apartments
   took a long pause before moving      homeless issues are being            converted to Hotel Indigo, a 108-
   in slow motion to produce a          dealt with, and many building        unit room hotel; and remodeled
   limited number of sales and lease    owners/landlords are making          automotive dealerships along
   transactions through the end         building improvements with           auto row (Second and Third
   of the year. Those few sale and      the anticipation of better days      Avenue couplet).
   lease transactions that did occur    ahead. Spokane has a safe and
   resulted in sale prices and lease    secure downtown thanks to the        The North periphery growth
   rates remaining stable, indicating   efforts of the Downtown Spokane      continues with Kendall Yards’
   that the Spokane real estate         Partnership (DSP), the Mayor and     mixed-use and urban (By Nature)
   market remains resilient to a        City Council, and the Spokane        development still growing. North
   major national crisis.               Police Department, which recently    periphery growth also includes
                                        opened a new police precinct         the new state-of-the-art indoor
   As we begin to move past the         downtown. With mandated              multi-sport venue called the
   pandemic, lease rates for retail     business closures and social         Podium, located on the north
   and multifamily will most likely     distancing abated, downtown is       edge of Riverfront Park, which
   begin to increase. The major         waiting with open arms for the       will be completed and ready
   driver of increasing rental rates    return of customers, residents,      to host sporting events by
   is low vacancy rates and limited     and visitors coming back to          September 2021. The Podium is
   options. The surge of new            enjoy all that downtown has to       part of a larger athletic venue, a
   out-of-state residents moving        offer, including movies, concerts,   135,000 SF development called
   into Spokane is placing a high       dining, shopping, sporting events,   the Sportsplex. Construction is
   demand on downtown housing           exploring, and hospitality.          underway for the Flatiron three-
   options. With the exception          With most downtown historic          story, 13,000 SF building and
   of a few restaurant closures         buildings already redeveloped        the Jefferson five-story building,
   (Luigi’s and Rocky Rococo’s)         and occupied for current use, the    which are mixed-use projects.
   most downtown office and retail      options for downtown to grow are     The Papillon buildings are in the
   businesses are still occupying       to the West and East peripheries,    final design which will include
   and maintaining their space          as well as across the river to       a six-story, 36,000 SF mid-
   while working through all of the     the North periphery. The West        rise tower, along with a 12- or
   new social distancing regulations    periphery still has a few historic   14-story, 178,500 SF high-rise
   and costs associated with            buildings for development,           and a 468-stall parking garage.
   the pandemic.                        like the Jefferson and Norman

9 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021

The greatest growth potential is       Medical Examiners office and         River shorelines.
in the South University District.      60,000 SF being occupied by
That area east of downtown             Eastern Washington University.       The CBD office core shows Class
adjacent to the South Hill             This project and others are tied     A space with 159,594 vacant
Medical District, five universities,   to the North U District by the U     square feet (or 14.21%) with rates
11,000 enrolled students,              District bridge, which provides      starting at $20.63 PSF. Class B
and all located in a Qualified         pedestrian and bike access           space has 257,511 vacant square
Opportunity Zone. The South            between the two districts.           feet (or 15.52%) with rates at
University District is an area with    A number of other ground-            $16.47 PSF. Class C space has
redevelopment opportunities            breaking, new developments           28,913 vacant square feet (or
mixed in with fully occupied and       are underway in the U District in    15.55%) with rates at $12.39 PSF.
income producing properties,           2021. Although the majority of       The future revitalization and/
as well as new developments            the unobstructed Spokane River       or redevelopment of many
like the 159,000 innovative and        and U-District views are already     fully occupied light industrial
collaborative science, medical         being developed, there are other     warehouses will be the staging
and higher education hub; the          potential sites offering panoramic   point of much commercial real
Catalyst Building which will           views of downtown, Mount             estate transactions in the
be occupied by the Spokane             Spokane, and the Spokane             coming years.

                                     would result in a significant        unit in the Spokane market
   By Mitch Swenson and
                                     loss of rental income. Thus,         exceeded $110,000! In 2020 the
   Kim Sample                        the 2020 multifamily volume          average sales price per unit was
                                     of sales was 37% below 2019          approximately $113,610. This
                                     numbers. Multifamily investment      is a 4% increase over 2019’s
   Multifamily Investment Sales
                                     sales transactions totaled           average sales price per unit of
                                     $84,752,800 in 2020 compared         $109,535. Price per unit in 2018
   The year 2020 brought a very      with 2019 sales of $134,569,000.     was $103,558 and 2017 came
   robust and active multifamily     Additionally, the number of units    in at $81,309 per unit. These
   investment sales market to        traded was down by 39% from          substantial increases in sales
   a crawl!                          1,228 units changing hands in        price per unit over the last four
                                     2019 to 746 units closing escrow     years was mainly attributed to a
   Sales of apartments in the        in 2020.                             few very large, newer multifamily
   Spokane metro market                                                   projects that were sold at high
   declined substantially due to     Despite the effects of Covid-19      price/unit values.
   the uncertainty of Covid-19’s     on the volume of transactions
   impact on the market. Investors   in 2020, the amazing part of         Cap rates were driven down over
   were fearful that job losses      the multifamily market was           the last year and have remained
   and Governor Jay Inslee’s         the large increase in the sale       low due to a lack of inventory,
   emergency “NO EVICITION/          price per unit. For the first time   high investor demand, and record
   NO RENT INCREASE” mandate         the average sales price per          low interest rates.

                                                                          So, what’s in the wings for 2021?
                                                                          A very small inventory of
                                                                          multifamily product for sale,
                                                                          low vacancy rates, a housing
                                                                          shortage, low interest rates, and
                                                                          more investors discovering the
                                                                          Spokane market should result
                                                                          in continued record setting
                                                                          sale prices for apartments.
                                                                          With increasing in-migration, a
                                                                          dwindling supply of multifamily
                                                                          development land, and the rising
                                                                          cost of single-family homes,
                                                                          the demand for multifamily
                                                                          rentals should remain strong
                                                                          for the foreseeable future. The
                                                                          multifamily market will be further
                                                                          strengthened by the lessening
                                                                          effects of Covid-19 and the

11 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021

end of governmental-related           above median average rents.           is the result of new employment
restrictions on landlords.            Absorption for new apartment          in healthcare and education,
This should result in investors       projects averages 12 – 18             the stability of employment at
who own multifamily investment        months. The average rental rate       Fairchild Air Force Base, and
properties continuing to enjoy        for all units regardless of size,     new jobs at Amazon. Strong in-
excellent returns in the              class, location, and style was just   migration and a very tight single-
years ahead.                          over $1,000 per month at the end      family home market have added
                                      of 2020.                              to the demand for multifamily
                                                                            rentals as well.
Multifamily Rental Market
                                      Economic occupancy in the
                                      Spokane market remains                1,054 new apartment units were
The Spokane multifamily market        fluid with properties reporting       brought online in 2020 and at
for 2020 can be described             anywhere from 0% to 10% in            year-end another 1,084 units were
as a challenge successfully           delinquent rents due to the           under construction. Absorption
met. With the shocks of the           moratorium on evictions and           rates for new construction
pandemic impacting all sectors        the inability for landlords to        is predicted to remain
of commercial real estate, the        collect delinquent rents. Class C     steady; however, some rental
multifamily market felt the effects   properties, workforce housing,        concessions will likely remain in
of an economy in a downturn           and student housing have been         the marketplace.
and a state-wide moratorium on        the most severely impacted
rental increases. These effects;      by Covid and have the largest         The forecast for 2021 is for a
however, resulted in property         number of delinquent rents.           continued strong multifamily
owners and managers stepping          The overall vacancy rate in the       market with rental rates inching
up to the plate and adapting to       Spokane market landed at 4.9%         upward as new construction
the changing market, and by           at year-end. Submarket vacancy        apartments come online and
year-end generally coming             rates reported: downtown              as higher rents are achieved at
out ahead.                            Spokane 3.5%, West Spokane            unit turnover. Vacancy rates are
                                      6.1%, North Spokane 1.7%,             predicted to average 5% overall
Rental rates over the past 12         Spokane Valley 4%, South Hill         with the exception of the student
months have astonishingly             4.3%, and Cheney at 10%+.             housing market in Cheney.
increased by 5.2%. This rental        Student housing in Cheney,            Further extensions of the state-
rate growth was achieved              dependent on EWU students,            wide moratoriums on eviction
through new construction leasing      experienced the highest vacancy       and rental rate increases will
and rental rate increases upon        rates in Spokane County.              most likely have a dampening
apartment turnover. Premium           Demand for apartments in              effect on future rental rate growth
new construction Class A              the Spokane market remains            and rent collections.
apartments are leasing at 20%         moderate to strong. This demand

13 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
By James S. Black III and          low supply of quality income-        also contributing factors to
Jim Orcutt                         producing properties. Spokane        the prices being paid. Another
                                   investment property owners           recent transaction was the sale
The investment real estate         have a long history of a buy and     of a Valvoline Instant Oil Change
market stayed strong locally,      hold investment philosophy.          property located in the Spokane
regionally, and nationally in      Significant appreciation is rarely   Valley, which traded at a 5.75 cap
2020. With lending institutions    the case in the Spokane area,        and had 15 years remaining on
ready and able to loan,            so buyers here tend to hold their    the lease in place.
appetite for investment real       properties for the long haul. Most
estate remains very high. Many     local investors have the goals       The investment market will
local investors are looking        of long-term income and equity       continue to remain strong locally,
for higher yields than can be      build up through debt reduction.     as well as nationally, in 2021.
obtained through traditional       Sellers are also faced with the      We anticipate a slight increase
banking instruments, CDs,          question of what they will do        in cap rates as interest rates will
money markets, etc. Interest       with their proceeds if they sell.    most likely rise as a result of the
rates in 2020 remained             With few alternatives equaling       Covid stimulus money printed by
extremely low and the stock        their existing real estate yields,   the US government. This, in turn,
market continued influx. Bank      there is a strong reluctance for     would probably decrease prices
deposit yields continues to be     many sellers to dispose of their     slightly. Investors will continue
in the .5-1% range.                properties. This has created         to chase yield in Spokane/Coeur
                                   substantial competition for          d’Alene, which should make 2021
Money from larger cities           quality income properties as they    eerily similar to the year we had in
continues to flock to the Inland   become available. Our firm has       2020. Should you or anyone you
Northwest as investors seek out    been involved in property sales      know be interested in purchasing
higher yield in tertiary markets   with multiple offers over the        an income-producing property
like Spokane and Coeur d’Alene.    last year because of these           this year, please do not hesitate
There is a lot of cash sitting     market dynamics.                     to contact us.
idle on the sidelines looking
to be invested. Baby boomers       Cap rates have stayed low in
seeking to retire are looking to   2020. One example here locally
increase their monthly income      was the sale of a Texas Road
with minimal risk, and, as a       House ground lease to a Spokane
result, NAI Black has seen many    buyer doing a 1031 exchange.
all-cash investment real estate    This property traded at a sub
transactions.                      5% cap. Average local deals
                                   are trading in the 5-7% cap rate
The biggest problem facing         range and vary depending on
potential investors wanting        the quality, age, and location
to buy in the Spokane/Coeur        of asset. The length of lease
d’Alene market has been the        and replacement costs are

   By Kim Sample and Tom Hix              exceptional communication
                                          with our property owners and
   Black Realty Management                all other stakeholders. We
   is a leader in the multifamily         strive to optimize both gross
   and commercial property                and net operating income
   management field with a large          while maintaining the physical
   portfolio of multifamily units         infrastructure to preserve the
   and commercial properties              income streams over the
   managed throughout                     long-term and enhance
   Washington, Idaho, Utah,               property values.
   Oregon and Montana.
                                          Our philosophy has earned us the
   Our property management                reputation of an entrepreneurial
   team is a group of specialists         leader in the management field.
   who are dedicated to providing         Each property we manage
   excellence and exceeding               requires individual treatment
   client expectations. We deliver        as a uniquely distinct business
   a platform designed to provide         enterprise that is operated
   comprehensive, long-term,              pursuant to the objectives and
   profitable client services.            instructions of the property owner.
                                          We customize each property’s
   Our management company is the          operating procedures and
   only Spokane firm to have been         strategy to address the short-,
   designated as an Accredited            mid-, and long-term objectives
   Management Organization®               that the owner has established for
   by the Institute of Real Estate        the asset.
   Management, demonstrative
   of its management expertise,           Our clients are the reason we
   professional competence,               are here and we have been
   financial responsibility, integrity,   in business since 1958. If we
   and ethics.                            continue to be successful in
                                          meeting our client’s needs and
   Our property management                objectives, our company will
   services are dependent upon            remain on the path of growth and
   a clear focus on quality service       prosperity. To do this, we must
   to our clients and residents,          continually earn the loyalty of our
   resulting in high employee/tenant/     clients by providing them with
   client retention; insightful and       services that they acknowledge
   detailed operational, strategic,       being of superior value.
   and financial planning; and

15 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
Property Management

Our commitment to success is
a combination of our core values
which are:

  • Pursue excellence in all we do.

  • Hire and develop great people.

  • Keep our promises and honor our commitments.

  • Embrace change as an opportunity.

  • Enjoy the work we do.

  • Respect the environment and support green

  • Make a profit for our clients and ourselves.

  • Be a dynamic contributor in our community through
    ongoing charitable giving, civic involvement, and
    active participation in local city, state, and regional

To learn more about the value and benefits of our property
management services and how we can assist you in reaching
your goals, please call us at 509.623.1000.

CDA-Kootenai County
   By Steve Ridenour and                  50%. This doesn’t mean North           vacancy rate going into 2021 sits
   Jim Koon                               Idaho didn’t feel the sting of the     at 5.2% of almost 4,000,000 SF
                                          downturn, but it profited from out-    of GLA in Kootenai County. We
   The North Idaho commercial             of-state tourism and commerce.         expect rental rates to remain in
   real estate market paused for a                                               the $18 to $22 Class A and $14
   moment in 2020.                        Perhaps the most significant and       to $16 Class B ranges with rental
                                          positive effect of the pandemic        incentives being offered to fill

                                                                 Offset Single -
   While the effects of the Covid-19      going into 2021 is the shift to        vacant space.
   pandemic and broad national            remote work. Additionally,
   economic shutdown were                 overreaching governmental
   certainly felt, there is no question   policies in other Western
   that North Idaho weathered the         states resulted in substantial
   storm much better than other           population in-migration and

                                                                  Shifted West
   western states. Idaho stayed           business relocation to North
   “open for business”, relatively        Idaho. According to US News
   speaking, as state and local           and World Report, Idaho is now
   leadership instituted responsible      the fastest growing state and
   but common-sense policies that         Kootenai County is the fastest
   fit Idaho’s unique demographic         growing county in Idaho. The
   characteristics. This avoided the      Census Bureau reports that 75%
   long-term negative effects that        of the Kootenai County growth
   a sustained shutdown would             is in-migration from other states.
   have had on the population and         Out of state commerce combined
   business sectors.                      with increasing population growth

   Consequently, businesses in the
                                          will provide the engine for North
                                          Idaho’s 2021 commercial real                                               3
   service sector from restaurants        estate market.
   to hair salons saw less volume
   loss than similar businesses           Office –
   in neighboring Spokane,                The office market is a reflection of
   Washington. In many cases,             the national trend of downsizing
   they benefited from consumer           due to the Covid-19 effect with
   traffic in-flow from the “closed”      increased numbers working
   states of Washington, Oregon,          from home. However, due to the
   and California. For example,           smaller nature of the North Idaho
   during the summer and height           office market, we expect that it

   of the pandemic, North Idaho           will remain stable without major
   experienced hotel occupancy            work space reductions. The main
   in the 75% + range while West          change in this market sector will
   Coast hotels slipped well under        be less new construction. The

17 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
CDA-Kootenai County

   Industrial –                             the greater Kootenai/Spokane               The project will also contain 40
   Substantial land acquisition             market and will drive 2021 new             acres of high-density workforce
   and planning for new projects            construction activity.                     housing. INTP is being developed
   occurred during 2020 with                                                           by BGI, Inc., a GVD Commercial
   construction starts scheduled for        Inland Northwest Tech Park                 Properties, Inc./Jerry Dicker
   2021 in response to low vacancy          (INTP) -                                   company. Land pricing is from
   and a lack of inventory. Land            This 350-acre project is following         $2 PSF.
   values generally range from $1.50        the four-lane expansion of
   PSF for larger parcels without           State Highway 41 (completion               Rathdrum Industrial –
   utility service to $6 PSF for high       1st quarter 2022) with grading             Industrial development in the
   visibility and freeway-oriented          and interior road construction             City of Rathdrum has progressed
   properties. Rental rates range           commencing in the spring.                  and includes projects near the
   from $5 PSF gross for Class B            Plans range from large format              Highway 41 corridor. Expect 300
   to $9 PSF NNN for Class A small          distribution to incubator tech             acres coming to market within
   format buildings. The North Idaho        industries, with INTP having               this business-friendly city. Land
   industrial vacancy rate of 1.61%         unique access to rail service from         will be available at a lower cost

le -Point Urban Interchange
   continues to be the lowest in            an existing Union Pacific rail spur.       than Coeur d’Alene or Post Falls.

   Offset Single-Point Urban Interchange
   Shifted West

                                                                                   1       OFFSET SINGLE-POINT
                                                                                           URBAN INTERCHANGE
                                                                                           (O/S SPUI)

                                                1                                  2
                                                                                          I-90 BRIDGE OVER ID-41

                                                                                   3      I-90 BRIDGE OVER EB
                                                                                          OFF RAMP

                                                                                   4       I-90 BRIDGE OVER EB
                                                                                           ON RAMP
                                                     4                                     POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN
                                                          5                        5       TUNNELS UNDER I-90
                                                                                           AND EB ON RAMPS

CDA- Kootenai County

   Riverbend Industrial Park –          Planned multifamily construction      four-lane expansion. This project
   Most of Riverbend’s acreage has      will hopefully keep up with           will have a forward architectural
   been absorbed. It still offers the   growing demand. Post Falls is         look and will include 15 acres of
   occasional vacancy or sublease       now one of the fastest growing        lifestyle apartments as part of
   opportunity for users that require   cities in the country and its 2020    the project.
   immediate proximity to the I-90      4.74% growth rate could exceed
   corridor at the Idaho/Washington     5% in 2021.                           Athol Crossroads Center, north of
   state line. Land pricing from                                              Coeur d’Alene at Highway 95 and
   $5 PSF.                              Retail –                              Highway 41, opened with huge
                                        Continued disruption or a new         super market volumes in 2020.
   The Pointe at Post Falls -           day of opportunity? This is the big   This project is anchored by Super
   Located at the Beck Road/I-90        question for retail in 2021. Even     1 grocery stores and will offer
   Freeway Exchange, The Pointe         with the pandemic, North Idaho        outparcels for sale in 2021. There
   saw UPS open a new facility in       retail weathered the vacancy          has been a very strong retail
   2020 and Crown Distributing          storm much better than other          response to this underserved part
   purchased a 15-acre site.            parts of the country. Across the      of Kootenai County.
   Approximately 24 acres with          board landlords worked to assist
   freeway identity remains with        their tenants in getting through      Retail Investment -
   parcels priced from $6 PSF.          2020, and we expect to see that       Single purpose and essential
   The owner, Wadsworth                 pay dividends in 2021. There is       retail from grocery stores,
   Development, has commenced           no question that bricks and           to Starbucks, to urgent care
   construction on a 20,000 SF          mortar is giving way to digital       properties will continue to be
   divisible building with additional   on-line shopping. That shift,         investor favorites in 2021. We
   spec development planned.            accelerated by the pandemic,          anticipate that cap rates will
                                        has caused retailers to adjust to     remain stable in 2021, provided
   Coeur d’Alene Commerce Park-         new ways of retaining and serving     that interest rates remain low
   While Coeur d’Alene is not as        their customers.                      and there are not any substantial
   “industrial rich” as Post Falls,                                           increases in construction costs.
   it is still an important part of     The retail strength of the North
   the conversation. Especially         Idaho market will continue,           Forecast -
   for companies who do not             and most new major retail and         With 2020 vacancy rates
   require immediate highway or         shopping center construction will     averaging a surprising 4.88%
   freeway access and want to be        occur in Post Falls in response       during 2020 in a year crippled by
   in Coeur d’Alene. Coeur d’Alene      to the explosion of growth on the     the pandemic, we expect 2021
   Commerce Park is a high-quality      Prairie. The Post Falls/Rathdrum      to be a year of growth for North
   development with very high           trade area is expected to sail        Idaho retail.
   occupancy. Pricing from $5 PSF.      past Coeur d’Alene, tripling in
                                        population to over 100,000 by
   Multifamily –                        2035. The epicenter of most
   Multifamily will continue to be      significant retail projects in 2021
   strong into 2021. Kootenai and       will be State Highway 41 and
   Bonner County have a housing         Prairie Avenue. The 50-acre
   shortage which has led to            mixed use shopping center,
   average single-family values over    Prairie Crossing, will be the first
   $350,000. This has resulted in an    project to come out of the ground
   increasing demand for multifamily    this summer. It will be on track to
   housing and an explosion of          open for business in the spring of
   multifamily development.             2022, along with the Highway 41

19 | NAI Black Annual Report 2021
Principals/Brokers/Property Managers

Dave Black CCIM,                Jeff Johnson CCIM,         Kim Sample ARM          Thomas Hix CPM®              Holly Poquette CPA
SIOR, CEO                       SIOR, President, Brokerage President, Management   Vice President, Management   Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Bell SIOR James S. Black III                  Jason Dolloph CPM®       Julia Guinn                  Olivia Gutierrez
                                CCIM                                               Human Resources Director

Josh Gutzwiler                  Don Jamieson             Jon Jefferys SIOR         Brent Johnson                Jody Johnson

Mary Kay Knudsen                Jim Koon                  Johnathan Larsen         Jeff McGougan                Mark McLees
Corporate Operations Director

Devin Mecham                    Jim Orcutt               Mark Pinch CCIM           Stephen Pohl                 John T. Powers III

Steve Ridenour                  Darren Slackman SIOR Mitch Swenson CCIM            Barclay Tollefson            Drew Ulrick SIOR

Bryan Walker                    Matt Walsh
801 West Riverside Avenue, Suite 300
Spokane, WA 99201
509. 623.1000

105 North 1st Street, Suite 300
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
208. 665. 6475
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