Brook line - Brookline Adult Education

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Brook line - Brookline Adult Education
Adult & Community Education

                              SPRING 2019
Brook line - Brookline Adult Education
Adult & Community Education
                                                                                                     BROOKLINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS
                                                                                                     Brookline, Massachusetts
                                                                                                     Andrew Bott
                                                                                                     school committee
                                                                                                     Helen Charlupski, Susan Wolf Ditkoff,
WHAT IS BA&CE?                                      WHO TEACHES AT BA&CE?                            Suzanne Federspiel, Michael Glover,
Brookline Adult & Community Education               Our instructors are poets, computer              Jennifer Monopoli, David A. Pearlman,
(BA&CE) is one of the oldest non-­credit, public    programmers, teachers, chefs, therapists,        David Pollak, Julie Schreiner-Oldham,
education programs in Massachusetts. Adult          doctors, artists, and businesspeople who         Barbara Scotto
education has been a part of the Brookline          come to share their knowledge and training
community since 1832, beginning with the            simply because they love what they do.           ______
formation of the Brookline Lyceum Society. It       Faculty biographies, listed on our website,
is now the largest public program in the state,     will introduce you to their experience,          BROOKLINE ADULT &
with close to 1,000 courses and over 10,000         talent, and training.                            COMMUNITY EDUCATION
enrollments yearly. Today, BA&CE is the hub                                                          advisory committee
of an educational network serving residents                                                          Marina Brodskaya, Arthur Conquest
from more than 50 neighboring communities           WHO TAKES OUR CLASSES?                           (Chair), Claudia Dupre, Thomas
in the greater Boston area and beyond. A            People like you. People who know that            Hantakas, Jr., Chobee Hoy, Peter Meyer,
self-supporting program of Brookline Public         learning does not stop with graduation,          Jennifer Monopoli (School Committee
Schools, BA&CE’s operating budget is funded         but is a life­long process. People who           Representative), Steve von Lichtenberg
entirely from course fees.                          seek personal and profes­sional growth;
                                                    entertainment and education; new ideas           administrative staff
                                                    and new experiences, and who enjoy the
WHAT DOES COMMUNITY EDUCATION MEAN?                 company of others who seek the same.
                                                                                                     Claudia Dell’Anno
Through its proud tradition of public
schooling, the “business” of Brookline has                                                           Program Coordinators
always been education. The Brookline Public                                                          Monica von Huene
                                                    HOW DO YOU GET STARTED?
Schools has built on this tradition, expanding                                                       Nicole Nacamuli
                                                    Give us a call at 617-730-2700. Monday-
the concept of public education to serve the                                                         Michael Spicher
                                                    Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, please find us
many different constituencies which make up         at 24 Webster Place, Brookline Village.          Office Manager
Brookline and its larger community. BA&CE           In the evening, Monday-Thursday, 4:30-           Mona Saltalamacchia
fulfills its mission by providing service to the    9:30 pm, and on Saturday, 8:30 am-2:00           Evening Operations Support
community and enlist­ing its support for public     pm, please visit us in the Main Office at        Patrick Soares
education.                                          Brookline High School. Visit us online at        Accounts Payable
As partners with the schools for a common  Send us an             Susan E. Bonoff
purpose, BA&CE is committed to offering             email at Our staff will
                                                                                                     Operations Support Assistant
lifelong educational opportunity to all:            answer your questions and help you choose
                                                                                                     Trevette Campbell
newcomers to the United States, working             from among our comprehensive course
people and profes­sionals, those in transition      selections. But first, keep reading. We think
                                                                                                     Daytime Office:
or career change, older citizens, persons with      you will be pleased by what you see.
                                                                                                     24 Webster Place
special needs, and especially those who                                                              Brookline Village, MA
have not been able to participate fully in
the educational process. BA&CE is also              OUR COMMITMENT TO QUALITY                        Evening/Saturday Office:
dedicated to supporting public education            We strive to offer educational programs          Brookline High School
by creating and providing opportunities             of the highest quality to our participants.      115 Greenough Street
for innovation and flexibility in the school        Please let us know if you feel that the          Brookline, MA
curriculum. By offering programs that bridge        quality of the instruction was unsatisfactory,
the generations, the Brookline Public Schools       or if you feel the class did not meet your       Mailing Address:
seeks to unite the community in a common            expectations. Please send us a letter            P.O. Box 150 Brookline, MA 02446
purpose—educating for the improvement of            expressing your concerns, comments, or
the quality of life for all its members.            positive feedback, and we’ll personally          Phone: 617-730-2700
                                                    respond.                                         Website:

                                                                                                     Catalog Design
Volume 27/Issue 2/Spring 2019                                                                        Sarah Georgakopoulos Design
Brookline Adult & Community Education • USPS #009-762                                                Distribution
                                                                     For course updates
                                                                                                     Max’s Trucking
Published quarterly by Brookline Adult & Community Education,
                                                                     and information:
24 Webster Place, Brookline, MA 02445.                               LIKE US ON FACEBOOK             Bradford & Bigelow, Inc.
Periodicals U.S. postage is paid at Boston, MA.            
Postmaster: Send address changes to                                  brooklineadulted
Brookline Adult & Community Education                                FOLLOW US ON TWITTER
24 Webster Place, Brookline, MA 02445

     contents                               A Spring Cleanse
                                            Whether for finances or for home or health, there are few rites of
                                            spring more satisfying than the annual clean. The following classes are
                                            designed to help you prepare!
 1   Spring Highlights
                                            • Decision Making Strategies, page 6
 2   Special Events
                                            • African Energized Hand Drumming, page 10
 5   Thursday Evening Lectures
                                            • Speak, Connect, and Communicate with Confidence, page 12
		 COURSE CATEGORIES                        • Poetry as Therapy, page 13
 7   Especially for Children & Teens        • Managing Stress in the Modern World, page 25
		   Includes driver’s ed and test prep
                                            • Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life,
 8   Humanities
                                              page 25
10   Music & Performing Arts
                                            • Awakening Through Meditation, page 32
12   Writing & Communication Skills
                                            • Qi Gong for Health, page 33
14   Languages
		   Includes private language lessons

17   English as a Second Language
		   Includes private language lessons

20   Computers & Technology                 SPRING OFFERINGS                              Spring Walking Tours
		   Includes private computer lessons
                                            Explore some of our favorite new              Embrace the great outdoors with these
23   Finance & Career                       offerings we’ve planned for spring.           historical springtime walking tours, see
                                                                                          pages 29-31.
25   Life Skills
		   Includes personal and professional
                                            • Evicted: Poverty and Profit in an           • Ashmont Hill, Dorchester
		   development courses                      American City, page 8
                                                                                          • Boston’s Old South End
26   Food & Wine                            • A History of the Napoleonic Era             • Boston: A City Engineered Walking
		   Includes culinary tours                  1790-1815, page 9                             Tour
29   Walks & Tours                                                                        • Brookline’s Hidden History of Slavery
                                            • Historical Narrative and Popular
32 Well-Being & Yoga                          Culture in Hamilton: An American              and Freedom
		Includes tai chi                            Musical, page 10                            • Brookline’s Hidden River
34   Dance & Fitness                        • Editing for Writers, page 14                • Brookline’s Secret Stairways and
37   Homes & Hobbies
		   Includes golf, archery                 • Let’s Travel the World in Spanish,          • Changing Times: A Walking Tour of
                                              page 17                                       Boston Society
40   Arts
		   Includes photography                   • Literary Boston, page 19                    • City Planning: South Station and
                                                                                            Seaport District
43   Crafts & Skills                        • Google Suite, page 21
		   Includes pottery, woodworking                                                        • History of Fort Point Channel
                                            • Introduction to Bond Trading,               • A Tree Grows in Brookline
                                              page 23
                                                                                                                   Boston’s waterfront
46   General Information
                                            • Traditional Challah, page 27

47   Refunds, Credits & Transfers           • Circus Skills: Hula Hoop Tricks,
                                              page 35
48   Class Locations

Inside Back Cover       Registration Form
                                            • Backyard Farming, page 38

Inside Back Cover       Parking Map         • Canasta, page 39

                                                 Visit for newly added courses and any schedule changes.

                                                                                     • 617•730•2700    1

We are pleased to present an exciting line-up of events this spring. This special series will feature talks by speakers
who will draw on their expertise on subjects such as the history of tea, moving beyond fears, the positive impact of
mindfulness, and concerns for safe drinking water.

How much can you learn in one day? Plenty! Spend your Saturday relaxing, honing your mind, and rejuvenating your spirit with the
workshops below meeting at Brookline High.

Explore the World in                 Acting with                         Art Spoons: Kitchen                Acting Skills for
a Cup of Tea                         Shakespeare                         Craft for The Family               Business
Hillel Bromberg, Certified           D. Adriane Spunt, Instructor        Daniela Cermenati,                 Lau Lapides, Instructor
Tea Sommelier                        Saturday, April 13, 2019            Instructor                         Saturday, May 18, 2019
Saturday, April 6, 2019              11:30 am-2:00 pm • $10              Saturday, May 11, 2019             12:30-2:00 pm • $10
10:00 am-12:00 pm • $16              Often considered the                10:00 am-12:30 pm • $20 (per       We could all benefit from the
Tea has a history that spans         greatest English playwright,        person)                            trade secrets that stage actors
the globe, and health benefits       Shakespeare’s dramas have           A fun activity for the family!     and media industry professionals
that will keep you going. Get to     been read, performed, and           Turn ordinary wooden spoons        know. Learn the actor’s bag of
know tea’s delightful flavors and    made into films numerous            into painted artworks. In this     tricks geared specifically for
aromas, as well as its fascinating   times. In this one-day workshop,    workshop you’ll enjoy the craft    corporate presenters, sales
history, how it’s made, where        we will explore different           it takes, and the DIY pride you    professionals, and customer
it’s from, and what it can do for    theatrical ways, from the           feel, as you turn kitchen spoons   service personnel. Discover
you. You’ll learn how to steep       traditional to the irreverent, to   into eye-catching and colorful     tools and techniques to build
for best flavor and sample           recite and perform fragments        creations. We’ll show you how      confidence while strengthening
several varieties, including a       of his work. This workshop is       to paint creatures and portraits   physical and vocal presence, and
delicate white, rich oolong,         designed to provide a better        on your spoons, while also         engage and ignite your audience
refreshing green, and a malty        understanding of Shakespeare        discussing composition and         with storytelling techniques.
black. Discounts or waivers do       for actors and non-actors alike.    color. All materials included.     Learn how to think fast on your
not apply.                           Prior to the workshop, students     Children ages 8-12 are             feet through improvisation
                                     will be given a six-line mini-      welcome to register with an        and role-playing, manage your
                                     monologue or soliloquy. Join us     accompanying adult. Discounts      physical and vocal message
                                     for a fun exploration of acting     or waivers do not apply.           by incorporating breathing
                                     principles with the Bard as one                                        and speech techniques, and
                                     of our guides. Discounts or                                            have fun discovering new
                                     waivers do not apply.                                                  approaches to communicating
                                                                                                            in your work. Please bring
                                                                                                            a notebook and water. This
                                                                                                            session will be accompanied by a
                                                                                                            complimentary consultation and
                                                                                                            assessment by the instructor.
                                                                                                            Discounts or waivers do not

                                     For more Shakespeare, check out
                                     Acting Workshop: Brush Up Your
                                     Shakespeare, page 12.

2   Brookline Adult & Community Education • Spring 2019
                                                              Looking for a springtime getaway? Join our day-long bus tours, led by
                                                              knowledgeable guides, and take in the sights of New York City and the beauty
                                                              of Connecticut’s Mystic Village. Seating is limited. Registration is required at
                                                              least 14 days before the trip date. Call BA&CE at 617-730-2700 with questions.

Living Fearlessly                                             NYC: Park Avenue and The Guggenheim
Lauren Mackler, Bestselling Author & Coach
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 • 6:30-8:00 pm                      Endless Byways Tours, Guide
Brookline High School, 115 Greenough Street • $6
                                                              Saturday, March 23, 2019 • 6:45 am-10:00 pm
                                                              We will depart from and return to Newtonville, MA. Details and cancellation
Are you ready to unleash
                                                              policy will be emailed upon registration • $145
your potential? We’re
all born with unique
                                                              Join us on a trip to the heart of Manhattan, where energy, landscape, art, and
personalities, talents, and
                                                              architecture abound. After an early departure, we’ll spend our ride south
strengths. As we grow
                                                              learning about the Big Apple. Our first destination will be Park Avenue in
up, our innate potential
                                                              downtown Manhattan. Armed with a long list of sights to see, you’ll explore
is often diminished by
                                                              this area on your own as you unwind and stretch your legs. Nearby iconic
fears of failure, not being
                                                              destinations include The Plaza Hotel, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Radio City
good enough, criticism,
                                                              Music Hall, and Rockefeller Center. Tempting eateries are plenty and will
rejection, and other
                                                              satisfy your lunch needs. We may also opt to meet at Central Park (designed
self-limiting fears. These
                                                              by Frederick Law Olmsted who is popularly considered to be the father of
patterns shape our
                                                              American landscape architecture, and who also designed Boston’s Emerald
feelings about ourselves
                                                              Necklace) and enjoy strolling along the winding paths filled with city natives
and the roles we play that
                                                              and visitors from around the world. In the early afternoon, we’ll make our way
keep us feeling safe. Imagine your life if you could
                                                              to the world-famous Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
move beyond your fears to liberate your potential,
                                                              At the end of the day, we’ll point out a few more highlights before heading for
and ignite that potential in every part of your life?
                                                              home. All museum admission and gratuities are included in the price. Details
In this powerful lecture, world-renowned coach,
                                                              will be emailed upon registration. Discounts or waivers do not apply.
psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and author of
international bestseller Solemate: Master the Art of
Aloneness and Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler,            A Day in Mystic Connecticut
discusses how to uncover the roots of the fears that
keep you stuck, transform self-defeating patterns,            Endless Byways Tours, Guide
and override your fears to create and live a personal
and professional life that you love. Join us for this         Saturday, May 4, 2019 • 7:00 am-8:00 pm
powerful lecture that will allow you to live fearlessly.      We will depart from and return to Newtonville, MA. Details and cancellation
                                                              policy will be emailed upon registration • $129
Lauren Mackler is the creator of Illumineering Coaching,
author of international bestseller Solemate: Master the       Mystic Village is a quintessential New England seaside town with quaint
Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, and co-author of      downtown stores, a walkable neighborhood with lovely Colonial homes, a
Speaking of Success with Jack Canfield and Stephen Covey. A   vibrant art association, a lively seaport, and small nods to all things maritime.
frequent media commentator and Huffington Post blogger,       Join us on our two-hour trip south and spend your day exploring. Upon arrival,
Lauren’s work has been covered widely in the media,           we’ll visit the popular Mystic Seaport Museum, a recreation of a 19th century
including CNN, FOX, NPR, Wall Street Journal, and other
                                                              seafaring village complete with period buildings, more than 500 preserved
outlets. She has been a faculty member at Babson College
                                                              water craft, and a cordage factory that once produced the hundreds of miles
and Northeastern University, lecturer at Harvard, and is
                                                              of ropes. The historical atmosphere is combined with a working boat building
a faculty member at Kripalu. Visit her website at: www.
                                                              yard, where renovations and upkeep to the nation’s oldest tall-ship, the
                                                              Charles W. Morgan, takes place. From the museum, we’ll take a short drive to
                                                              the downtown area for lunch. If you’re a movie fan, you may want to checkout
  Look for the Shakers, Stockbridge, and                      Mystic Pizza. Or, after having some local oysters, you may want to gaze out
                                                              over the Mystic River Bascule Bridge. There will be plenty of options to fill the
  Scenes from the Berkshires Bus Tour on                      late afternoon as you sight-see on your own. On our way home, we will take
  June 22, 2019!                                              some time to drive through the beauty and bounty of the Connecticut shore,
  Take a trip back through time as we visit one of            including a visit to Stonington, a charming village where fishing is a centuries
  the icons of the Berkshires–the Hancock Shaker              old industry and the state’s only remaining commercial fleet is alive and well.
  Village. We’ll also tour the heart of the Berkshires        All museum admission and gratuities are included in the price. Details will be
  and see the magnificent ‘cottages’ of the Gilded            emailed upon registration. Discounts or waivers do not apply.
  Age, Tanglewood, and the majestic beauty of our
  Massachusetts far west. Register online.

                                                                                             • 617•730•2700    3

A Calming Effect: Mindfulness For                                            CO M M U N I T Y E V E N T
Brookline Parents                                                            Co-Sponsored by: Brookline-Quezalguaque Sister City
                                                                             Project & Brookline Department of Public Health, Brookline
Wednesday, May 8, 2019 • 6:30-8:30 pm                                        Adult & Community Education, Brookline Rotary Club,
Lawrence School Library, 27 Francis Street • $6                              Climate Action Brookline, Friends of Brookline Public Health

All parents experience a range of emotions stemming from
stressors encountered during their day. The clock is ticking the
second we awaken, counting down for the start of the school day;             Our Water, Our Health, Our Future:
emails and texts stream in constantly, while demands from work
and colleagues distract us from our loved ones and ourselves. After          Brookline & Quezalguaque
pick-up, dinner, and homework, we collapse into bed in a state of
tension and anxiety. Does this feel like your life and that of everyone      Keynote Speaker: Betsy Reilley, Ph.D.,
around you? What if there was a way that parents could work with             Director, Environmental Quality, Massachusetts
these stressful situations, and potentially relieve anxiety, calm            Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
their bodies and minds, and act in more centered and purposeful
modes? How might our days and lives be different if we did this              Thursday, May 16, 2019 • 7:00-8:30 pm
even a little bit, and could foster and maintain resiliency in daily life?
                                                                             Brookline VFW, 386 Washington St., Brookline,
                                                                             Free; Pre-registration is not required
On this evening, a mindfulness panel will help answer these
questions by first outlining current clinical research that supports         The Brookline and Quezalguaque communities could not
secular practices accessible to people of any religious traditions           be more different, yet safe drinking water is a concern in
or beliefs. We will also learn more about efforts from a current             both communities. Residents of Quezalguaque in Nicaragua
educator and community leader in Brookline, and where they have              struggle with basic access to a reliable and safe water
seen mindfulness have a positive impact on the social-emotional              supply. They fear that their water supply is contaminated
well-being of students and teachers alike. We will also facilitate           and may be contributing to an epidemic of chronic kidney
mindfulness techniques. Come join us for a positive and engaging             disease. In contrast, Brookline’s residents have access to
experience!                                                                  one of the safest drinking water systems in the U.S. by most
                                                                             measures. Still, residents install filters and buy bottled water
                                                                             to avoid drinking tap water. Join us to hear and learn about
Panel:                                                                       risks from one of Massachusetts’ leading experts on water
Liz Gorman is the program leader for the Mindfulness Initiative at
                                                                             quality with in-depth knowledge of both water systems.
Brookline High. She also teaches Spanish, rock climbing, and yoga,
and is the parent of two girls that attend Brookline Schools. She is a
formal and informal mentor to many teachers, and co-created the              Betsy Reilley is director of Environmental Quality for the
faculty and student wellness initiative. Liz is a doer and an agent of       Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) and is
change, and today she can add Caverly Award winner to her long list of       responsible for sampling, reporting, and compliance programs
accomplishments.                                                             to assure optimal water quality for 2.5 million residents of
                                                                             eastern Massachusetts. Dr. Reilley has a Ph.D. in microbiology
Paul Harris is on the Wellness Committee of the Public Schools of            from Clark University, and is the former U.S. Peace Corps
Brookline and is a Town Meeting member. He has practiced meditation          volunteer in Kenya and worked on community water projects in
for more than 40 years, and attended a mindfulness training led by the       her time there. The Brookline-Quezalguaque Sister City Project
Benson Henry Institute’s Resilient Schools program, along with teachers      invested more than $80,000 and facilitated the investment
and staff from the Coolidge Corner School. He currently volunteers in        of another $45,000 with support from the Brookline Rotary
classrooms and with mindfulness activities at CCS, including co-leading      and Rotary International to assure safe drinking water in the
weekly Mindful Monday sessions, where teachers share their own               Quezalguaque community. Dr. Reilley has served as a volunteer
mindfulness practices and experiences teaching mindfulness to their          consultant to the Sister City Project clean water initiative and
students. He has two sons who attended the Devotion School K-8 and           has made three trips at her own expense to Quezalguaque to
his mother taught first grade there.                                         provide on-site expert consultation and assistance.

Ted Meissner is the manager of Online Programming for the UMass
School of Medicine’s Center for Mindfulness, with a meditation practice
of over 25 years. He has taught mindfulness within the corporate
environment, higher education, and to the public delivering both
in-person and virtual programs to hundreds of participants. Ted is
currently focused on creating more online mindfulness programming,
developing support tools for mindfulness teachers, and growing the
global mindfulness community through mutually beneficial collaboration
and partnership.

4   Brookline Adult & Community Education • Spring 2019

For less than the price of a movie ticket, our spring lecture series is an experiment in education and entertainment.
From the historical to the cultural, our lectures will engage and enlighten, and give you a taste of all that Brookline Adult
& Community Education has to offer.

Downsizing: A Fresh                    The Art of                             History of Board                       Unknown Italy: A
Look at Living Life                    Networking                             Games                                  Trip Worth Taking
with Less                              Amy Lampert, CEO and                   Rand Lemley, Board Game                Veronica Campanini, Tour
                                       Founder of WomensWorth                 Geek                                   Guide
Marilyn Cruickshank,
Professional Organizer                 Networking skills are essential to     Milton Bradley. Parker Brothers.       Italy, the bel paese (beautiful
                                       every job search. On average, only     Monopoly. Risk. Guess Who.             country), is well worth visiting!
Many of us are renovating,             one-third of job opportunities are     When you hear the phrase               And not only for its famous art
separating, divorcing, combining       advertised—most positions are          “board game,” these names are          and architecture but also for
households, sending our kids           filled through word of mouth and       likely to pop up, along with a         its landscapes, climate, food,
off to college, or just looking to     personal referrals. This interactive   mental image of passing Go and         and people, which are equally
simplify and live a more pared         course will teach the art and          collecting $200 over and over          charming, warm, and even
down existence with less to            science of networking and allow        again. However, we are in an           breathtaking. In this lecture,
maintain. Additionally, 8,000          you to practice networking skills      exciting renaissance of board          you’ll hear briefly about Italy’s
Americans are turning 65 every         in the comfort of a classroom          game design that began in the          famous landmarks. Our real
day and many of these baby             setting. You will learn a systematic   1990s. Join us as we explore           focus will be the l’altra Italia,
boomers are looking to move to         approach to networking either          the history of modern board            the relatively unknown yet
a smaller home. Whatever your          in preparation for a current job       gaming, tracing the heritage           breathtakingly beautiful regions
motivation, downsizing is about        search or to keep your network         of the classics, while seeing          and cities of Italy—places that
adapting, but when faced with a        robust. You will also learn the        how games have evolved into            you can discover either by bike,
lifetime’s accumulation of stuff, it   difference between welcome and         completely new modes of play.          foot, train, or boat. These places
can be downright overwhelming.         unwelcome networking and be            This lecture is not meant to be        offer the art, architecture, and
In this lecture, we will focus on      able to detect situations where        all encompassing, but instead          way of life that you dreamt
downsizing in a positive light         networking is a welcome gesture        offers a launching point for           about and hope to see. Join a
and develop strategies to make         to the hiring manager. At the          discovering even more games            travel expert and native of Italy,
the process an opportunity to          conclusion of this lecture, you        in this growing landscape              while we armchair travel from
refresh our lives by letting go.       will have a structured personal        of fun. From lighthearted              the Italy’s north to south, learn
We will also learn tactics that        networking framework and               fun to deep strategy, highly           about travel options, and how
can help make decisions about          other job-searching techniques         thematic to distinctly abstract,       to plan your trip so that your
possessions and develop a path         that will increase odds of             games today offer all kinds of         memories will last a lifetime.
to getting stuff out the door.         landing your dream job. Led            experiences and you are sure
Join an experienced organizer                                                                                        Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-
                                       by a top executive, in charge          to find something that fits your       8:30PM. Begins 4/25/2019. Brookline
who will guide you through the         of recruiting for a Fortune 100        interests.                             High, $6.
process and make this time-            company who has helped
consuming endeavor more                                                       Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-
                                       scores of professionals and            8:30PM. Begins 4/11/2019. Brookline
approachable.                          C-suite executives with their job      High, $6.
Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-   searches, this evening help you
8:30PM. Begins 3/28/2019. Brookline    with your career development.
High, $6.
                                       Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-
                                       8:30PM. Begins 4/4/2019. Brookline
                                       High, $6.

                                                                                                      • 617•730•2700      5

Decision Making                        Renting a House                        Know Your Rights As
Strategies                             or Buying a House,                     A Patient
Kitty Huang, Writer and                Which Way Should                       Ailene Gerhardt,
Communication Coach                                                           Independent Board
                                       You Go?                                Certified Patient Advocate
Should you follow your heart
or your head? Which option is
                                       Maxine Freedman, Real
                                                                              Navigating today’s healthcare
best? Every decision we make,          Estate Professional                    system is complex. Often,
big or small, influences our           To rent or to buy? Well it             patients and their support
direction and the quality of           depends. In this lecture, we’ll        systems are overwhelmed
life. Looking back, it is easier       delve into the strong arguments        by the myriad of things to
to see what we should have             for both decisions. When it            know and are unsure of
done. But making decisions into        comes to housing, the many             how to navigate the system.
the unknown is a bit scarier.          factors that go into the equation      Patients have many rights and
In this lecture, you will learn        of what’s best are most clearly        responsibilities as they navigate
a set of factors to consider in        seen when they are laid out            medical care, yet many do not
decision making that will help         in front of you. We’ll take our        know the specifics of what
you perceive the meaning each          pencils and paper, and help you        they are. Whether attending a
choice has for you at the end of       start the brainstorming process        routine medical appointment,
the thinking process. Whether          of making a pros and cons chart.       navigating a chronic condition/
it is a business matter or a           We’ll talk about eliminating and       illness, facing a hospital stay or
family issue that concerns you,        adding expenses, opportunity           long-term medical treatment,
practicing making a decision you       costs, area prices, taxes, family      it is critical for a patient to be
will not regret can be as easy as      size and ages, insurance,              an active and knowledgeable
changing a mindset.                    and more. We’ll also explore           participant in their own care.
Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-   more personal items like your          During this lecture, we will
8:30PM. Begins 5/2/2019. Brookline     preference for a yard, a private       discuss the right to access care,
High, $6.                              entrance, additional financial         patient dignity, confidentiality,
                                       obligations in your life, or the       and consent to treatment. The
                                       timing of your stay. We’ll wrap        best way to make sure your
                                       up the evening by offering you         rights as a patient are honored
                                       some guidance and tips for             and respected is to know more
                                       more general concepts of how           about them. You will leave this
                                       to do the research and take            lecture feeling confident and
                                       the steps necessary to realize         well informed as you approach
                                       your housing dreams. If nothing        current or future health
                                       else, this lecture will help you       decisions.
                                       understand your own personal           Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-
                                       and unique answer to the               8:30PM. Begins 5/23/2019. Brookline
                                       question of whether you want to        High, $6.
                                       rent or to buy.
                                       Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Th 7:00-
                                       8:30PM. Begins 5/9/2019. Brookline
                                       High, $6.

6   Brookline Adult & Community Education • Spring 2019
Especially for                                      SAT Preparation Course                                Driver’s Education: Parents’ Class

                                                                                                                                                                    E S P E C I A L LY F O R C H I L D R E N & T E E N S
                                                    Chris Orr, Instructor                                 Joseph Giannone, Instructor

Children & Teens                                    This class is geared towards students
                                                    planning to take the SAT exam. In our
                                                    sessions, we will cover all aspects of this
                                                                                                          According to Massachusetts state law,
                                                                                                          parents of high school-aged children must
                                                                                                          also attend a classroom training session.
                                                    critical college entrance exam. This course           If the student is under 18 years of age, a
                                                    focuses on teaching strategies, reviewing             parent must attend the Parent Class so the
                                                    important content, and covering test taking           child can be certified by the Registry. Class
Private Test Prep Sessions                          techniques. Students will take practice               is free for parents of Pleasant Auto School
                                                    tests sourced directly from the College               students; for all others, there is a $20 fee
In our individual tutoring sessions, test
                                                    Board, between class sessions to simulate             (payable to Pleasant Auto School).
prep instructors are available one-on-one
                                                    the actual test. The instructor will provide          Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Tu 6:30-8:30PM. Begins
to work with students of all skill levels on
                                                    feedback on the student’s progress in both            4/23/2019. Brookline High, Free for Pleasant Auto
such topics as HiSET, SAT, GRE, and GMAT
                                                    the math and verbal sections of the SAT.              parents; $20 for non-Pleasant Auto parents. Pre-
prep. Students may choose the time and
                                                    The required text: The Official SAT Study             registration is required.
day of the week, Monday through Friday,
                                                    Guide is available for purchase online.               Sec. 02: # sessions: 1 Day: Tu 6:30-8:30PM. Begins
or Saturday morning. Once we have your
preferred schedule, we will work on finding         Sec. 01: # sessions: 16 Day: Tu, Th 6:00-8:00PM.      5/28/2019. Brookline High, Free for Pleasant Auto
an instructor to match your needs. Please           Begins 3/26/2019. Brookline High, $640.               parents; $20 for non-Pleasant Auto parents. Pre-
                                                                                                          registration is required.
come prepared with materials you would
like to work on with your instructor. Sessions
                                                    You Can Afford College If...
meet at Brookline High School or Webster                                                                  Kids in the Kitchen: It’s a Pizza Party
Place (student may indicate preference).            Dick Man, Instructor
                                                    ... you plan in advance, understand the               Christina Wynveen, Instructor
Discounts, waivers, credits, or transfers do
not apply. To schedule private sessions,            financial aid process, and act early enough.          Crispy or doughy, deep dish or pan, meat
please visit our website (brooklineadulted.         Financial aid goes to the families who plan           or vegetarian—pizza comes in a variety of
org) to fill out a tutoring sign up form.           in advance—ideally before the end of the              styles and flavors. This fun class for adult
                                                    child’s sophomore year of high school.                and child teams offers the opportunity to
Sec. 01 (4 hours): $240.
                                                    This course will teach you the concepts               chop, roll, top, and of course eat our pizza
Sec. 02 (6 hours): $360.                            and strategies that will help you maximize            creations. During our time together in the
Sec. 03 (8 hours): $480.                            your financial aid by understanding the               kitchen, we’ll prepare our own pizza dough
                                                    process, and how implementing strategies              from scratch and create traditional and
                                                    may increase a family’s eligibility even if you       new flavor combinations. We’ll end our
Test Preparation Planning: SAT & ACT                have a “high income” or own a business.               class with a pizza party to celebrate our
Chris Gathman, Instructor                           Remember, procrastination equals less                 tasty creations! A $14 food fee (per pair) is
Often, preparing for the SAT or ACT is the          financial aid. All schools are not alike, so          included in the course fee.
formal start of the college admissions              it is important to know your options and              Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Sa 10:30AM-12:30PM.
process. In this workshop, we’ll explore            opportunities. A free financial aid analysis          Begins 4/6/2019. Unified Arts Building, $54 per
the specific steps students should take             will be available to all attendees.                   pair.
to efficiently and effectively prepare              Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: M 7:00-9:00PM. Begins
themselves for these exams. Additionally, we        4/22/2019. Brookline High, $36.
                                                                                                          Etiquette for Teens: Ages 13-18
will review the role they play in admissions
and what an effective college admissions                                                                  Nikki Sawhney, Instructor
process looks like. Topics covered will             Driver’s Education                                    Soon your teen will move away to college,
include: how to decide between the SAT or           Joseph Giannone, Instructor                           interview for admissions and internships,
ACT exams, how to create a test preparation         According to Massachusetts state law,                 make their way out into the business
plan and timeline, what materials are               students are required to attend 30 hours              world—but do they know how to meet
needed, and what college admissions                 of classroom instruction, 12 hours of                 each new situation with aplomb and leave
officers are looking for in a student.              behind-the-wheel training, and six hours              a positive impression? Practicing good
Students will leave this class with a clear         of observation. To be eligible for classroom          social etiquette will get them very far in life
understanding of the steps they need to             instruction, students must have reached               and the skills teens learn in this class can
take in order to prepare themselves for the         their 16th birthday by the end of the course.         be applied to any context: school, work,
SAT or ACT exam.                                    The in-class portion of the Driver Education          and more. This class will cover the rules of
Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: M 6:30-8:30PM. Begins   Program is offered both days and evenings             introductions, sportsmanship etiquette,
4/1/2019. Brookline High, $36.                      throughout the year. Students will be taught          public speaking and interview skills, showing
                                                    on cars with automatic transmissions.                 self-respect and respect for others, and
                                                    Administrative Fee: $56 (payable to the Town          much more. Our dining etiquette class will
                                                    of Brookline). Instruction Fee: $555, (payable        teach your teen how to conduct themselves

                                                    at first class to Pleasant Auto School). Upon         at the dining table at home, in a restaurant,
                                                    successful completion of this course, students        or when meeting new people. Food samples
                                                    are responsible for an additional $130 in             will be served during class. Section 01
    SmartSummers for Children                                                                             will focus on dining etiquette and Section
                                                    Registry of Motor Vehicles fees. A breakdown
                                                    of these fees is available in the BA&CE office.       02 will focus on social skills. Discounts or
    SmartSummers 2019                               Discounts or waivers do not apply.                    waivers do not apply.
    Look on our website for information             Sec. 01: # sessions: 15 Day: M, Tu, Th 3:00-5:00PM.   Sec. 01 (Dining): # sessions: 1 Day: M 6:00-7:30PM.
    about our summer programs for children          Begins 5/6/2019. Brookline High, $56.                 Begins 4/1/2019. Unified Arts Building, $60.
    (ages 5 and up), which will go from                                                                   Sec. 02 (Social Skills): # sessions: 1 Day: M 6:00-
                                                    Sec. 02: # sessions: 15 Day: M, Tu, Th 3:00-5:00PM.
    July 1 – August 23, 2019.                       Begins 3/4/2019. Brookline High, $56.                 7:30PM. Begins 4/8/2019. Brookline High, $55.
                                                    Sec. 03: # sessions: 15 Day: M, Tu, W 6:30-8:30PM.
                                                    Begins 3/11/2019. Brookline High, $56.

                                                                                                       • 617•730•2700             7
Parkour for Children: Ages 6-9
Parkour Generations Boston, Instructor                 Humanities                                            Short Story Salon
                                                                                                             Rosalie Davis, Instructor
This class is for children ages 6-9, of all                                                                  From early fables to 20th century classics
ability and fitness levels, and will include                                                                 and trendy flash fiction, the short story
instruction in the basic movements and                                                                       form expresses many moods and conveys
techniques of parkour, as well as exercises                                                                  a world of narrative traditions. Using both
designed to improve general fitness and                                                                      objective and intuitive approaches, we will
ensure the long-term practice of the                                                                         read and analyze a few short stories each
discipline. Classes focus on exploring and             Telling Your Story: Senior Seminar in                 week and discuss them in class. Emphasis
moving safely through one’s environment                Autobiographical Writing                              will be on understanding and appreciation
and overcoming both mental and physical                Irving Schwartz, Instructor                           of individual stories and the genre. For
obstacles through the progressive training             Co-sponsored by the Council on Aging                  the first class read “A & P,” by John Updike,
system of parkour. A combination of games,                                                                   and also choose a story from the text that
exercises, challenges, and technical drills will       As we grow older, we tend to view our lives           appeals to you. All assignments will be from
provide scalable challenges to a wide range            with a more reflective frame of mind. We              the text or provided as handouts. Required
of skill levels and will improve balance,              think of who we are, where we’ve been, and            text: Single Scene Short Stories by Margaret
coordination, strength, spatial awareness,             what meaning we can make of our ‘moments              Bishop.
and flexibility—all while having fun! All              in history.’ Telling your story, or some
                                                       fragment of it, is a way to order your life by        Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: Tu 6:00-7:30PM. Begins
classes are taught by experienced ADAPT-                                                                     3/26/2019. Brookline High, $84.
certified coaches. To drop into a single class         giving meaning to your unique experience.
(rather than register for the entire term),            If you want to share what you have come to
please call us or register online prior to             know, and would like some help in organizing                      Evicted: Poverty and Profit in
class. Discounts or waivers do not apply.              and writing your remembered past, join us.            NEW!        an American City
                                                       Seniors only; discount does not apply.
Sec. 01: # sessions: 7 Day: M 6:30-7:30PM. Begins                                                            Joshua Frank, Instructor
                                                       Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: W 10:15-11:45AM. Begins
4/1/2019. Tappan Street Gym, 66 Tappan Street,                                                               Income Inequality. Poverty and Policy. Race
Brookline, $98.                                        3/27/2019. Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester
                                                       Street, Brookline, $74.                               and Gender. Gentrification. Affordable
Sec. 02 (Drop-in): # sessions: 1 Day: M 6:30-7:30PM.                                                         Housing. Evicted: Poverty and Profit in an
Tappan Street Gym, 66 Tappan Street, Brookline,                                                              American City, Matthew Desmond’s Pulitzer-
$16.                                                   A Workshop for Baby Boomers                           prize winning 2016 book is a must-read
                                                       Dawn Sully Pile, MA, CPCC, Instructor                 for those of us concerned about any or
                                                                                                             all of these issues. Based on 18 months
Parkour for Tweens: Ages 10-13                         From now until 2030, 10,000 Baby Boomers
                                                                                                             of investigative reporting in Milwaukee,
Parkour Generations Boston, Instructor                 each day will hit retirement age. Millions
                                                                                                             Desmond brings us in the rooms where
                                                       will begin to officially retire, while others
This class is for children ages 10-13, of all                                                                people’s lives hang in the balance and
                                                       will continue working either out of financial
ability and fitness levels, and will include                                                                 provides us with a comprehensive analysis
                                                       necessity or desire. This generation is one
instruction in the basic movements and                                                                       of housing markets and government policy
                                                       of the largest in American history, and it is
techniques of parkour, as well as exercises                                                                  in American cities in the 21st century. Evicted
                                                       currently one of the most important when
designed to improve general fitness and                                                                      ends with an epilogue entitled “Home and
                                                       it comes to s…enior living. Taking cues
ensure the long-term practice of the                                                                         Hope.” Join us for a close and compassionate
                                                       from her book, Baby Boomers +: A Guide to
discipline. Classes focus on exploring and                                                                   reading, analysis, and facilitated discussion
                                                       Designing These Years, Honoring the Full Circle
moving safely through one’s environment                                                                      of this eye-opening book. Required text:
                                                       of Life and Creating Life-giving Conversations,
and overcoming both mental and physical                                                                      Evicted: Poverty and Profit in an American City
                                                       Dawn Sully Pile will touch on topics such
obstacles through the progressive training                                                                   by Matthew Desmond.
                                                       as the aging mindset, how to claim these
system of parkour. A combination of games,                                                                   Sec. 01: # sessions: 6 Day: F 9:30-11:00AM. Begins
                                                       years as magical, viewing retirement as a
exercises, challenges, and technical drills will                                                             4/5/2019. The Korean Church of Boston, 32 Harvard
                                                       glorious blank canvas, and addressing the
provide scalable challenges to a wide range                                                                  Street, Brookline (enter on Holden Street), $102.
                                                       importance of life-giving conversations
of skill levels and will improve balance,
                                                       with those closest to us. Our time will be
coordination, strength, spatial awareness,
                                                       conversational, collaborative, optimistic, and        The Bible: The Book of Jonah
and flexibility—all while having fun! All
                                                       joyful. Discounts or waivers do not apply.
classes are taught by experienced ADAPT-                                                                     Judy Weiss, Instructor
certified coaches. To drop into a single class         Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: Tu 6:30-8:30PM. Begins
                                                                                                             Most people know the story of Jonah, the
(rather than register for the entire term),            5/14/2019. Brookline High, $20.
                                                                                                             Israelite prophet, refusing to deliver God’s
please call us or register online prior to                                                                   warning to the city of Nineveh (Israel’s
class. Discounts or waivers do not apply.                                                                    enemy), being swallowed by a miraculously
Sec. 01: # sessions: 7 Day: M 7:30-8:30PM. Begins                                                            large fish, and surviving against all odds.
4/1/2019. Tappan Street Gym, 66 Tappan Street,                                                               Yet, few people have read this story as it
Brookline, $98.                                                                                              appears in the Bible. In our sessions, we’ll
Sec. 02 (Drop-in): # sessions: 1 Day: M 7:30-8:30PM.                                                         discuss what lessons to take away from
Tappan Street Gym, 66 Tappan Street, Brookline,                                                              both the story’s cast of characters, and
$16.                                                                                                         its literary features (for example, irony,
                                                                                                             wordplay, parody, exaggeration, comic
                                                                                                             effects). We’ll consider reasons for its links
                                                                                                             to other biblical passages, the purpose of
                                                                                                             the story’s miracles, and the tensions it
                                                                                                             presents between sin, human responsibility,
                                                                                                             repentance, punishment, forgiveness, and
                                                                                                             mercy. We’ll also devote close attention
                                                                                                             to Jonah’s prayer to God from inside the
                                                                                                             huge fish which he refers to as the “belly

8   Brookline Adult & Community Education • Spring 2019
of Sheol.” Does Jonah’s reference to Sheol            A History of the Napoleonic Era 1790-                            Music of Motown: An Analysis
                         indicate he died? Is he later resurrected,            1815                                                 NEW!       Shannon Jacob, Instructor
                         or might Sheol suggest a fate other than              Anatole Sykley, Instructor                           This course will provide an overview of the
                         simply biological death? What can we learn            Napoleon Bonaparte was a French                      music and artists from the Motown era.
                         about our 21st century crises from Jonah,

                                                                               statesman, military leader, and self-                Students will be encouraged to listen to
                         the king of Nineveh, or Sheol? Please bring a         appointed emperor who rose to                        and analyze the crossover between various
                         Bible (any translation).                              prominence during the French Revolution.             genres of music, comprehend the growth
                         Sec. 01: # sessions: 3 Day: Tu 10:30AM-12:30PM.       He led several successful campaigns after            of music videos and sound with the advent
                         Begins 3/26/2019. Brookline Senior Center, 93         the French Revolutionary Wars. How was               of technological evolution, and understand
                         Winchester Street, Brookline, $84.                    it possible for one man to lead so many              the direct correlation between music and
                                                                               armies to victory in so many battles against         society. The course covers a wide variety of
                                                                               so many countries? What were the causes              genres such as Gospel, Pop, Blues, Funk,
                         The Bible: Introduction to the Book of
                         Ezekiel                                               of his success and what finally brought his          and Jazz. Artists such as Michael Jackson,
                                                                               career to an end? Historians still debate            The Funk Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Mahalia
                         Judy Weiss, Instructor                                the reasons even today. It emerges that              Jackson, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, and Sam
                         In this course, we’ll read and discuss the            Napoleon was not only a skilled military             Cooke will be discussed alongside analysis
                         Book of Ezekiel. The story begins with                leader, but he was also a skillful diplomat,         of their music in an evolving music industry.
                         the prophet Ezekiel, in exile in Babylon,             working up treaties and alliances almost as          Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: M 7:00-8:30PM. Begins
                         describing his famous vision of God’s fiery           fast as he won his campaigns. Napoleon               4/29/2019. Brookline High, $84.
                         presence leaving the Jerusalem Temple,                also was able to leverage his family and
                         carried away by four miraculous, composite            relations into his political schemes as well to
                         creatures. Ezekiel lived through a period of          re-arrange the borders of Europe which we            Miles Davis and His Electrical Period
                         enormous upheaval (late 7th century and               will recognize today as a legacy of this era.        Arthur Wellington Conquest, Instructor
                         early 6th century B.C.E.). Powerful regional          In this course, we’ll explore how Napoleon
                         empires fell, while new empires fought for                                                                 Miles Dewey Davis III (1926-1991) was an
                                                                               was able to exploit political as well as             American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and
                         control. Judah’s kings were assassinated, or          military gaps at a time when political ideas,
                         forcibly taken into exile, by opposing foreign                                                             composer extraordinaire. He is among the
                                                                               artistic norms, and new ideas about science          most influential Black musicians in the U.S.,
                         powers which then installed their own                 and technology were changing rapidly.
                         puppets on Judah’s throne. By 586, the walls                                                               and an acclaimed figure in the history of Jazz
                                                                               Handouts and maps will be provided.                  and 20th century music. He left us a treasure
                         of Jerusalem were breached, the Temple
                         destroyed, and the people exiled in stages.
                                                                               Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: W 1:00-3:00PM. Begins    of musical compositions that is unparalleled.
                                                                               3/27/2019. Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester    On this evening, we will focus on the later part
                         Ezekiel was exiled in the first wave, before          Street, Brookline, $130.
                         the city was invaded and God’s Temple                                                                      of Davis’ musical career where he blended
                         was destroyed. Please bring a Bible (any                                                                   rock and electrical black music with albums
                                                                                                                                    such as In a Silent Way, Bitches Brew,and A
                         translation).                                         The American Civil War 1861-1865: A
                                                                               Domestic and International Perspective               Tribute to Jack Johnson. Through audio and
                         Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: Tu 10:30AM-12:30PM.                                                            video examples and discussion, we’ll enjoy
                         Begins 4/30/2019. Brookline Senior Center, 93         Anatole Sykley, Instructor                           the music of Miles Davis and learn why he
                         Winchester Street, Brookline, $96.                    While large armies moved around the                  was a restless innovator, putting together
                                                                               eastern states, and navies battled for control       different musicians to create unique sounds.
                                                                               of the coasts, what lessons did the American
                         The Heirs of T.S. Eliot: Lowell, Plath, and                                                                Sec. 01: # sessions: 1 Day: W 7:00-9:00PM. Begins
                         Bishop                                                Civil War have to offer the rest of the world?       5/1/2019. Brookline High, $10.
                                                                               As the institution of slavery itself finally
                         Dona Luongo Stein, Instructor                         evolved to become one of the objectives
                         T.S. Eliot was a modern poet who was and              of the war, how did this affect anti-slavery                                                Miles Davis
                         is still known for his contributions to poetry        movements elsewhere? By reviewing a few
                         through his poems, essays, and criticism.             selected well-known events and following the
                         His influence on Robert Lowell, Sylvia                main campaigns, we will try to understand
                         Plath, and Elizabeth Bishop is not as widely          how truly new and surprising innovations
                         recognized. In our sessions, we will look             both in war and diplomacy were being
                         at the ways they are considered his poetic            generated as a result. In a world before the
                         heirs as well as how their influence is seen          Internet, people were reading about the
                         into the 21st century. A glance at Eliot’s            results of battles by the next morning. Within
                         humor in Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats          days of the battle of Gettysburg, people
                         will challenge our ideas about poetry and             were seeing photographs of the battlefield
                         perhaps our ideas about Eliot’s work. Join us         and its horror. Join us for an exploration
                         for a refreshing look at and understanding            of the American Civil War in a new kind of
                         of literary legacies. Please read T. S. Eliot’s       perspective that will help put American
                         Life and Career by Ronald Bush. Bring it              events from this tragic period onto the world
                         to class with you. Copy it from Modern
Photo Credit: JP Roche

                                                                               stage. Handouts and maps will be provided.
                         American Poetry online or in American
                                                                               Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: F 1:00-3:00PM. Begins
                         National Biography, edited by John Garrity            3/29/2019. The Korean Church of Boston, 32 Harvard
                         and Mark Carnes.                                      Street, Brookline (enter on Holden Street), $130.
                         Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: W 1:30-3:00PM. Begins
                         5/22/2019. The Korean Church of Boston, 32
                         Harvard Street, Brookline (enter on Holden Street),

                                                                                                                                 • 617•730•2700           9
Victor Herbert: The King of Operetta                Leroy Anderson: The Voice of the Pops               African Energized Hand Drumming
Marshall Wright, Instructor                         Marshall Wright, Instructor                         DrumConnection Faculty
Before the likes of Gershwin, Berlin, and           Starting at the midpoint of the 20th century,       Hand Drumming targets certain areas
Kern made names for themselves on stage,            and continuing through today, the Boston            of the brain that lead to relaxation and
Victor Herbert (1859-1924) and ruled                Pops is firmly entrenched as the top light          concentration. Studies have shown that
Broadway. Herbert enjoyed important                 orchestra in the land. Instrumental in              playing drums causes the brain’s electric
careers as a cello soloist and conductor,           the band’s success, was the genius of its           and chemical functions to charge and act
but he is best known for composing many             resident arranger and composer Leroy                upon the human body causing many types
successful operettas that premiered on              Anderson (1908-1975). Not only did he               of healing. Although MRI tests have shown
Broadway from the 1890s to World War                arrange pieces of the classical genre for           that all musical activity helps, drumming
I. Over the course of three weeks, we               the group, he added many original pieces            has the best effect. We will take the deeply
will explore the music to several of his            to the Pop’s repertoire. Over the course of         rooted, genetic connection humans
masterpieces including Babes in Toyland,            four weeks, we will listen to a large group         have with music and combine it with the
The Red Mill, and Naughty Marietta. Along           of these fun pieces including Serenata, The         time-honored tradition of many types of
the way we will listen to some of his more          Syncopated Clock, and the Bugler’s Holiday.         drumming. We will focus on rhythms from
obscure masterpieces like The Singing Girl          We will also take time to explore some of           Africa, Brazil, and Haiti. Our universal love
and Little Nemo, as well his long forgotten         Anderson’s lesser known works, including            stems from the concept that drums are
Cello Concerto. Please join us in this musical      March of the Two Left Feet, The Girl in Satin,      thought to be one of the oldest forms of
journey through yesteryear when Victor              and his forgotten musical—Goldilocks. Come          music in the world and are a celebration of
Herbert ruled the stages of Broadway.               and join us in a exploration of this musical        human history. A limited number of drums
Sec. 01: # sessions: 3 Day: M 1:00-3:00PM. Begins   genius.                                             may be available to rent from the instructor.
3/25/2019. Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester   Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: M 1:00-3:00PM. Begins   Sec. 01: # sessions: 5 Day: Tu 7:00-8:30PM. Begins
Street, Brookline, $84.                             4/22/2019. Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester   4/23/2019. Brookline High, $133.
                                                    Street, Brookline, $96.

                                                                                                        Beginning Flute
     NEW!                                                                                               Tiffany Hildebrand, Instructor
                                                                                                        The flute is one of the most popular and
             Who Tells Your Story:
                                                    Music &
                                                                                                        gratifying instruments to learn to play.
             Historical Narrative                                                                       Designed for beginners and those with
             and Popular Culture                                                                        some experience, this class will cover basic
             in Hamilton: An
             American Musical                       Performing Arts                                     techniques such as fingerings, breath
                                                                                                        control, and proper aperture. Learn to
                                                                                                        read music as well as some helpful tips
  Ethan King, Instructor
                                                                                                        to use when practicing. We will discuss
  Lin-Manuel Miranda’s ground-breaking                                                                  the history of the instrument, listen to
  Hamilton: An American Musical has                                                                     recordings of top performers, and review
  skyrocketed to the forefront of the               Music Theory 101                                    essential information about caring for your
  American music and theater scene.                                                                     instrument. Please bring a flute.
                                                    Shannon Jacob, Instructor
  Turning Founding Fathers into hip-
  hop icons and casting black and                   If you want to play an instrument, improve          Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: M 6:00-7:30PM. Begins
                                                    your music reading or writing skills, or            3/25/2019. Brookline High, $168.
  Latino actors and actresses as the
  all-white historical figures, Miranda             appreciate more fully the music you listen
  transforms the American Revolution                to, music theory is an essential tool. Music
                                                    theory is the study of the very simple              Flute Workshop
  and the establishment of the republic
                                                    concepts that underlie how music is written,        Tiffany Hildebrand, Instructor
  that followed into a masterpiece of
  contemporary political and social                 played, and heard. We will introduce the            This flute workshop is suitable for practicing
  relevance. To use Miranda’s own words,            basic elements of music: notes, clefs, rhythm       flutists. Whether you are improving your
  “It is the story of America then, told            and meter, major and minor scales, sharp            ability to read music, making sound on
  by America now.” This course will use             and flat key signatures, and simple chords          your instrument, or reading beginner to
  Hamilton to explore the intersections             and harmony. We will focus on composing             advanced music, this course will expose
  between historical narratives and                 a song with chords and lyrics, so being able        you to playing with others using repertoire
  popular culture, investigating the                to identify meter, rhythm, and notation is          that challenges different levels of playing.
  ways in which history is transmitted              very important. Please bring a notebook and         We will focus on rhythm as an ensemble,
  and transformed through particular                music staff paper.                                  articulation and dynamic possibilities, and
  narrative and cultural forms. In addition         Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: M 7:00-8:30PM. Begins   how to better improve your habits as a
  to the musical itself, this course will           3/25/2019. Brookline High, $84.                     performer and an individual. Students
  feature primary historical documents                                                                  will have the option of preparing solo
  and excerpts from Ron Chernow’s                                                                       music, alongside working on the music
  biography of Alexander Hamilton, as                                                                   we study in class. Although practicing by
  well as close studies of the musical                                                                  yourself is beneficial, this class provides
  genres Miranda employs throughout the                                                                 the opportunity to learn how to play with
  musical, namely hip-hop and musical                                                                   others. Please bring a flute.
  theater.                                                                                              Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: M 7:30-9:00PM. Begins
                                                                                                        3/25/2019. Brookline High, $168.
  Sec. 01: # sessions: 6 Day: W 6:30-8:00PM.
  Begins 4/24/2019. Brookline High, $102.

10    Brookline Adult & Community Education • Spring 2019
Beginning Mandolin                                  Violin                                                   Introduction to Jazz and Blues Guitar
Steven Manwaring, Instructor                        Amos Lawrence, Instructor                                Steven Ohm, Instructor
A mandolin is a stringed musical instrument         Have you always wanted to play the violin, or            This course will focus on basic to
in the lute family and is usually plucked           have you played in the past and want to pick it          intermediate jazz and blues techniques,
with a plectrum or pick. This is a class for        up again? From the fiddlers of the Hardanger             including single-note blues heads, solos
students who are interested in developing           plateau in Norway to the Highlands of                    based on the blues scale, basic walking
basic mandolin skills and playing with              Scotland and Cape Breton Island, from the                bass line, and comping. We will emphasize
others in a group. We will practice picking         stage of Carnegie Hall to the quaint fiddlers            the spirit of Jazz which is individuality

                                                                                                                                                                    MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS
techniques and learn scales and chords.             of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Carolinas,            and harmony. Once we learn the basics
In addition, we will learn to play several          the violin has succeeded in suiting every style          mentioned above, we will play together as
Americana folk songs as well as a couple            and fulfilling every need. We will explore the           a group. This course is for guitarists who
of tunes from the Bluegrass and Celtic              balance needed for proper tone production,               have some experience playing. Please bring
traditions. Please bring a mandolin.                along with how to read notes, comfortably                a guitar.
Sec. 01: # sessions: 4 Day: M 7:00-8:30PM. Begins   hold the bow, and play in small ensembles.               Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: W 6:30-8:00PM. Begins
4/1/2019. Brookline High, $123.                     Violin players of all levels welcome. Please             3/27/2019. Brookline High, $168.
                                                    bring a violin and shoulder rest. A $15 music
                                                    book fee is included in the course fee.
Play the Banjo                                      Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: Th 6:30-7:45PM. Begins       Introductory Guitar
Paul Sedgwick, Instructor                           3/28/2019. Brookline High, $175.                         Steven Ohm, Instructor
What’s more fun than listening to the banjo?                                                                 Introductory Guitar is a course for those
Playing the banjo! For those who are new to                                                                  who have never picked up a guitar before,
the instrument, or have some experience,            Beginning Piano                                          or for beginners who can strum a few
we will identify the basic technique behind         Jonathan Lovenstein, Instructor                          chords and would like to have fun learning
the two most popular styles of 5-string             If you have always wanted to learn to                    new songs and playing with other guitarists.
banjo playing: Bluegrass, or three-finger           play the piano, why not start now? In the                Our primary emphasis will be on building
style picking; and clawhammer or frailing           Beginner course, you will learn how to                   a chord vocabulary, establishing a rhythm,
folk styles. You will be given the opportunity      read musical notation and will become                    switching between chords, and gaining
to focus on one style or the other, or may          acquainted with basic piano techniques.                  comfort with the instrument. We’ll learn
choose to learn both. We will look at the           You will learn to play melodies with chord               about different chord types, what chord
amazing history of “America’s instrument”           accompaniments, scales, and intervals. By                symbols mean, and how to play songs
through demonstrations and recordings.              the end of the course you will be able to play           reading from a chord chart. In Beyond
Please bring a 5-string banjo and a                 simple popular and classical piano pieces.               Beginner we will work on rhythm, harmony,
notebook to class. Required textbooks:              The Beyond Beginner course is for those                  and a more expanded chord vocabulary,
Teach Yourself Bluegrass Banjo by Tony              with some piano playing experience. We                   as well as alternate chord voicings and
Trischka, and Mel Bay’s Frailing the 5-String       will focus on major scales, primary chords,              pentatonic scales, with an aim to get more
Banjo: An Instruction Manual by Eric Muller         more complicated rhythms, and linear                     comfortable with making music on guitar
and Barbara Koehler, are available at music         accompaniments with the left hand. For                   alone or with a group. Please bring a guitar.
stores and online.                                  both courses, the required text: Alfred’s Basic          Sec. 01 (Beginner): # sessions: 8 Day: M 6:00-
Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: W 7:30-9:00PM. Begins   Adult Piano Course: Lesson Book, Level One, is           7:30PM. Begins 3/25/2019. Brookline High, $168.
3/27/2019. Brookline High, $168.                    available at most music stores. Access to a
                                                                                                             Sec. 02 (Beyond Beginner): # sessions: 8 Day: M
                                                    piano or keyboard for practice is required.              7:30-9:00PM. Begins 3/25/2019. Brookline High,
                                                    This course will be taught on keyboards.                 $168.
Ukulele: Relax and Play Music                       Sec. 01 (Beginner): # sessions: 8 Day: W 7:15-
Paul Sedgwick, Instructor                           8:45PM. Begins 3/27/2019. Brookline High, $168.
Take care of yourself and learn to play the         Sec. 02 (Beyond Beginner): # sessions: 8 Day: Th 7:15-
                                                                                                             Beginning Songwriting
ukulele. We will start from the very beginning      8:45PM. Begins 3/28/2019. Brookline High, $168.          Terry Kitchen, Instructor
with lessons in chords, strumming patterns,                                                                  Have you ever wanted to write your own
introductory music theory, and maybe even                                                                    song? Do you have a poem that needs
a little fingerpicking. You will learn to play      Afternoon Beginner Guitar                                music, a melody that needs words, or
and sing a variety of popular songs, including      Steven Ohm, Instructor                                   a notebook full of ideas? In Beginning
ukulele classics from the 20s and 30s, Pop          This course is designed for beginner                     Songwriting we’ll learn the elements of
tunes, Rock, Blues, and Folk. We will also take     guitarists. We will begin with the                       song—melody, lyric, harmony, rhythm—and
advantage of the joy of playing music with          fundamentals, including an overview of                   song structure—verse, chorus, lift—by
others from the very first class. Please bring      tuning methods (using standard tuning),                  examining classic songs from Pop, Rock,
a ukulele, music stand, and recording device.       basic picking and strumming techniques                   Country, and Broadway, all the while
Required textbooks: The Daily Ukulele: 365          and proper fretting, as well as techniques               developing ideas for our own songs. You
Songs for Better Living, by Liz and Jim Beloff,     for developing strength and agility in both              don’t have to play an instrument or read
and Jake Shimabukuro Teaches Ukulele Lessons:       hands. As the course progresses, we                      music (many fine songwriters don’t). We’ll
Book with Full-Length Online Video.                 will learn about intervals, scales, chord                also learn exercises and habits to free
Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: W 6:00-7:30PM. Begins   construction, popular chord progressions,                our imaginations, and develop a toolbox
3/27/2019. Brookline High, $168.                    and song analysis. During each lesson,                   to fix songs that aren’t working. We’ll also
                                                    we will hone our rhythm with the aid of                  examine the technology now available to
                                                    metronomes and grooves. Last but not least,              songwriters, and the role of songwriters in
                                                    we will explore improvisation at all points              the music business.
                                                    along the way. Please bring a notebook, pen/             Sec. 01: # sessions: 6 Day: Tu 7:00-8:30PM. Begins
                                                    pencil, and an acoustic guitar.                          4/23/2019. Brookline High, $102.
                                                    Sec. 01: # sessions: 8 Day: W 2:00-3:30PM. Begins
                                                    3/27/2019. The Korean Church of Boston, 32 Harvard
                                                    Street, Brookline (enter on Holden Street), $168.

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