Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute

Page created by Jacob Malone
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
January 30 - February 1, 2022
      Hyatt Regency Orlando FL

                            For TFI Members Only

    Sponsorship Opportunities
                   Raise Your Corporate Visibility
                   Network with Industry Leaders
                   Showcase Your Company Brand
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
In 2022, personal                                                               LET’S GET DOWN
connections are more                                                              TO BUSINESS!
important then ever                                                                Meet with professionals from all
                                                                                     facets of the fertilizer industry
The Fertilizer Institute’s Annual Business Conference is a
professional meeting that brings fertilizer business leaders                  including producers, manufacturers,
and decision makers together to network and conduct                                       retailers, brokers/traders,
business meetings.
                                                                                consultants, sales executives, and
                                                                                  service providers. Take advantage
Generate Impact!                                                                of networking opportunities during
Reach your best customers and likely prospects with                                 the keynote breakfast meetings
innovative, appealing messaging at multiple touchpoints
                                                                              and evening receptions. The bulk of
throughout the conference and hotel.
                                                                                meetings are private, scheduled in
                                                                                advance by individual attendees in
                                                                                        suites and meeting rooms.

Create Your Own Custom
Sponsorship Opportunity!
How about a signature coffee at the café or a specialty cocktail sporting a
“Compliments of … “ business card to introduce a new product? We can do that,
too. From something as simple as a window cling with your logo to a multi-prong
promotional campaign to anything in-between, we’re happy to help turn your
creativity into a memorable corporate showcase. Just ask us!

Contact Valerie Sutton, TFI Director of Membership
Services and Conferences, at vsutton@tfi.org or
(202) 515-2709 for more information.
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
87% of 2021 attendees

                              87%                                   said they were likely to
                                                                    recommend TFI events to
                                                                    a friend or colleague

                                     Companies who attended 2019 and/or
                                       2020 Annual Business Conference

3H Trading Company LLC                   Dyno Nobel Inc                          Martin Resources, Inc.                      Southern Towing Company
ACF Minera                               EIRICH Machines, Inc.                   Martin Sulfur, a Division of Martin Oper-   SQM North America Corp.
Acron USA Inc.                           Eurochem North America Corporation      ating Partnership L.P.                      SUL4R-PLUS, LLC
Acuity Commodities                       Falcon Commodity Markets Ltd.           Marubeni Corporation                        Sulphuric Acid Trading Company, Inc.
ADM Fertilizer                           Fertizona - Casa Grande, L.L.C.         McDermott Will & Emery                      Sulvaris Inc.
AdvanSix, Inc.                           Freeport McMoRan Corporation            MFA Incorporated                            SureGrow Agricultural Products, Inc
AGI                                      Gavilon Fertilizer, LLC                 Michigan Potash & Salt Company              Sylvite Sales Inc.
Agrinos                                  Genesis Grain & Fertilizer              Milliken & Company                          Synagri S.E.C.
AGRIServices of Brunswick, LLC           Grammer Logistics                       Morral Companies, LLC                       TCIX Rail
Agrizon USA Inc.                         Granite Telecommunications              N-7 LLC                                     Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.
Airgas Specialty Products                Green Markets                           Nachurs Alpine Solutions Corp.              Texas International Terminals
American Plant Food Corporation          Greenhill Associates, LLC               NAQ Global Corporation                      The Andersons, Inc.
Ameropa AG                               GreenPoint Ag                           National Carbon Technologies                The Equity
Anuvia Plant Nutrients                   Greystone Construction Company          NeuAG LLC                                   The Greenbrier Companies
Applied Chemical Technology, Inc.        Gro Intelligence                        Nitron Group                                The Mosaic Company
Argus Media                              GROWMARK, Inc.                          NorFalco LLC                                The Plaza Group
Arkema-ArrMaz                            HarBrand Inc.                           Norfolk Southern Corporation                The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company
Belarusian Potash Company                Heartland Tank Services                 Northern Nitrogen Inc.                      ThorAg, LLC
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.                    Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC            Nouryon                                     Tiger-Sul Products
Bloomberg/Green Markets                  Helm Fertilizer Corp.                   Nutrien                                     TradeMark Nitrogen Corp.
Blue Sky Agrisource                      Hexion Inc.                             Nutrien Ag Solutions                        Trammo Inc.
BMO Harris Bank Corp.                    Hilco Transport, Inc.                   Nutrient Agri Products                      Transquip USA Inc.
BNSF Railway                             Hocking International Laboratories      Nyrstar Zinc                                Twin State, Inc.
Borregaard USA                           Hydrite                                 Oakley Fertilizer, Inc.                     UKT Chicago, Inc.
BPS Agriculture                          ICIS                                    OCI                                         Ultramar
Brandt Consolidated                      ICL Specialty Fertilizers               OCP                                         Union Pacific Railroad
BrownFLynn an ERM Group Company          ICM Speakers                            Old Bridge Chemicals Inc.                   United Services Association
CALAMCO                                  IHS Markit/Fertecon                     Peak Minerals Inc.                          Uralkali
California Sulphur Company               Indagro (USA) Incorporated              Pedigrain                                   Waterway Ag, Inc.
Cameron Chemicals/AMP Micronutri-        Integrated Agribusiness Professionals   Phillips 66                                 Western Milling
ents                                     (IAPROS)                                Phinite-us                                  Wilbur-Ellis Company
Canadian Pacific Railway                 International Commodities Export        PhosAgro Trading SA                         WinField United - Crop Nutrients
Cargill                                  Corporation An H.J. Baker & Bro., LLC   Poole Chemical Co.                          Yara International ASA
Cavendish Agri Services                  Company                                 Profercy Ltd. UK                            Yara North America, Inc.
CF Industries, Inc.                      International Raw Materials LTD         Pursell Agri-Tech
Chemical Dynamics, Inc.                  International Tank Service              Puryear Tank Lines
CHS Inc.                                 Intrepid Potash, Inc.                   PVS Chemical Solutions Inc.
Cisbay Global Holdings, Inc.             IOC/PCI                                 Quad Chemical Corporation
CIT Rail                                 Itafos                                  Ranco Fertiservice, Inc.
CJ Bio Management                        JM Fertilizer, LLC                      Richardson International Limited
CN Rail                                  K+S North America Corporation           Rio Tinto
Compass Minerals                         Keppler Speakers                        Sabic Americas, Inc.
Con-Sul, Inc.                            Keye International Sulphur              Sackett-Waconia
Cornerstone Chemical Company             Keytrade AG                             Saconix LLC
CoVar Transpotation                      Kiefer Fertilizer Group                 Sanders Products Inc.
CSX Transportation                       Kirby Agri, Inc.                        Savage Services Corporation
CVR Partners, LP                         Kirby Corporation                       SeaGate Handling, Inc.
Dakota Gasification Company              Koch Agronomic Services, LLC            Shell Trading and Supply
DASCO Incorporated                       Koch Fertilizer LLC                     Shrieve Chemical Company
Dead Sea Works, Ltd. (ICL Fertilizers)   Koch Rail, LLC                          Simplot AgriBusiness Group
Direct Hedge                             Koch Sulfur Products Company LLC        SNF Inc
Doyle Equipment Manufacturing            Landus Cooperative                      Sollio Agriculture
Company                                  LSB Industries                          Solugen
Dreymoor America LLC                     Marcus Construction                     Solvay Group
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
  ecognition of sponsorship on website, digital promotion, and event signage
  ogo and description listed in exclusive sponsor section of Conference Mobile App
  ecognition of sponsorship during opening General Session (logo on screen and verbal recognition)
  isted in printed program (if applicable, must sign by 1 January 2022)
  ll sponsors in attendance will receive distinctive “Sponsor Ribbons” to wear throughout the event
  ist of attendees with contact details via Excel format
  ight of first refusal for sponsorship of same event, if offered, in 2023

• Keynote Presenter Sponsor (2) (1st or 2nd Day)......................................................$20,000 each
• Welcome Reception (1st day) .................................................................................$20,000
• Closing Reception (2nd Day) ..................................................................................$20,000
• Two (2) complimentary attendee passes for sponsor company ($3,200 value)
• Priority meeting space reservations
• One (1) invitation to the board meeting luncheon held on Tuesday
• One (1) reserved breakfast table

• One (1) complimentary attendee pass for sponsor company ($1,600 value)
• Priority meeting space reservations
• One (1) invitation to the board meeting luncheon held on Tuesday
• One (1) reserved breakfast table

                                  More opportunities on the following page
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
          • Conference WiFI.....................................................................................................$10,000
          • Hotel Key Cards ..................................................................................................... $10,000
          • Coffee Break (2) (1st or 2nd Day) ...........................................................................$10,000 each
          • Networking Lounge.................................................................................................$10,000
          • Badge.....................................................................................................................$9,000

          GOLD LEVEL OPPORTUNITIES: $9,999 and below
          • Health and Wellness Sponsor (Branded Bags with masks and Branded Sanitizer) .......$7,500
          • Conference Mobile App...............................................................................................$7,500
          • Printed Program..........................................................................................................$7,500
          • Pens & Pads................................................................................................................$6,000
          • Exhibit Table Only .......................................................................................................$5,000

To maximize your company’s visibility this upcoming year, book an appointment with our
Valerie Sutton, Director of Member Services and Conferences at vsutton@tfi.org. Tfi looks
forward to helping you achieve your business marketing goals in 2022 and beyond!
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute

TFI offers its member attendees the opportunity to reserve suites and conference rooms to be used as meeting space
during the Annual Business Conference.

To secure a suite for TFI's 2022 Annual Business Conference, each company must submit a form for the suite and/or
meeting room it is requesting. Suites are assigned by TFI based on the company's past meeting attendance, the number
of registered attendees, and past suite usage.

                • Penthouse Suite - $1,600.00 plus taxes per day

                • Presidential Suite - $1,600.00 plus taxes per day

                • Hospitality Suite (with wetbar) - $1,100.00 plus taxes per day

                • Regency Studio Suite - $650.00 plus taxes per day

                • Meeting Room (traditional conference room setup) - $600.00 plus taxes per day

  isted prices are inclusive of a $100.00 booking fee. All food, beverage, audiovisual equipment, upgraded wi-fi, bed
 removal fees, and any other fees are not included in the fees above.

Reserve your meeting space today by contacting Valerie Sutton at vsutton@tfi.org or filling out one of these forms:

                • Meeting Room Reservation

                • Suite Reservation

Note: Requests for suites and meeting rooms must be directed to The Fertilizer Institute. The hotel cannot accept
requests. TFI cannot guarantee your first requested suite, and preference will be given to Titanium and Diamond
Sponsors. Suites will only be assigned to registered and paid conference attendees of TFI member companies.
Suite and meeting room cancellations must occur prior to January 26, 2022, for a full refund (less the booking fee). Please
contact TFI to make any cancellations.
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
January 30 - February 1, 2022
                                                                                Hyatt Regency Orlando FL

Sponsor Commitment Form Sponsorship(s) (check all that apply):
     Titanium Sponsor: $20,000 and above                                                   Diamond Sponsor: $12,500 - $19,999
         Keynote Presenter Sponsor (2) (1st or 2nd Day): $20,000 each
         Welcome Reception (1st day): $20,000
         Closing Reception (2nd Day): $20,000

     Platinum Sponsor: $10,000 - $12,499                                                   Gold Sponsor: $9,999 and below
         Conference WiFI: $10,000                                                              Health and Wellness Sponsor: $7,500
         Hotel Key Cards: $10,000                                                              Conference Mobile App: $7,500
         Coffee Break (2) (1st or 2nd Day): $10,000 each                                       Printed Program: $7,500
         Networking Lounge: $10,000                                                            Pens & Pads: $6,000
                                                                                               Exhibit Table Only: $5,000

Note: All sponsors must submit their company logo in a vector file format along with this form.

Amount:			Contact Person:



Phone Number:						                                                             Fax Number:

Email:							                                                                   Website URL:


*NOTE: Event sponsorship is not guaranteed available until confirmed by the TFI office.
My signature below affirms that I have read the document outlining the recognition package I will receive for my
sponsorship in addition to the Sponsorship Rules and Regulations and that I agree to all terms.

Signature:                                                                       Date:

Please return to Valerie Sutton at the TFI office: Phone: (202) 515-2709 | Email: vsutton@tfi.org
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203
SPONSORSHIP RULES AND REGULATIONS: New sponsorship ideas are encouraged. If any company would like to
make a special request, please contact the TFI office for approval. Sponsorship of all items must be for the exact
amount stated on the menu. Companies are prohibited from any embellishing of their recognition package through
the use of their own promotional materials without prior written approval by TFI. For any sponsorship questions or
concerns, please contact Valerie Sutton, Director of Members Services and Conferences, at (202) 515-2709 or
a. S
    ponsorships must be paid in full 30 days prior to the convention to ensure full recognition to the sponsoring
b. Sponsors begin receiving recognition on the TFI website immediately upon completion of this form. Thus,
    sponsorships may not be canceled and are not eligible for a refund.
Sponsorship Opportunities - January 30 - February 1, 2022 - The Fertilizer Institute
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