Specialty Tryouts 2022 - Saturday, January 22 (FS 5 & Up) - Northbrook Park District

Page created by Miguel Hunt
Specialty Tryouts 2022 - Saturday, January 22 (FS 5 & Up) - Northbrook Park District
Specialty Tryouts 2022
   Saturday, January 22
       (FS 5 & Up)

  1730 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook IL 60062 | 847·291·2993 | nbparks.org
                                             Specialty Tryouts 2022
                                        Registration Deadline: Monday, January 17
                                                       Code: 17340

Parents and skaters are responsible for the information contained in this packet. If you have any additional questions,
please email Northbrook-On-Ice Director Kennedy Lieb at klieb@nbparks.org or call 847-291-2993.

Mandatory attendance dates are listed below. Please do not tryout unless you are able to make all of the listed dates.

    •   Saturday, January 22             1pm – Ice Show Specialty Tryouts       Fee: $29/skater – Closed to the public
    •   Saturday, April 30               8am-6pm – Dress Rehearsal
    •   Sunday, May 1                    8am-6pm – Dress Rehearsal
    •   Tuesday, May 3                   6-9pm – Tech Night – Full Show Closed to the public
    •   Friday, May 6                    7pm – Ice Show
    •   Saturday, May 7                  11am & 4pm – Ice Show
    •   Sunday, May 8                    1pm – Ice Show

Optional Tryout Clinic Opportunities
The following tryout clinics are encouraged for all participants in Freestyle 5 and above planning to tryout for a specialty
role. At each clinic, skaters will have the opportunity to practice musical interpretation with lighting and music selections
similar to what they will experience at tryouts. Individual feedback will not be available; however, feedback that is
beneficial for all skaters may be provided.

    •   Friday, January 14               4:10-5:10pm                       Code: 17341              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Friday, January 14               5:10-6:10pm                       Code: 17342              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               8:20-9:20am                       Code: 17343              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               9:20-10:20am                      Code: 17344              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               10:30-11:30am                     Code: 17345              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               11:30am-12:30pm                   Code: 17346              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               12:40-1:40pm                      Code: 17347              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               1:40-2:40pm                       Code: 17348              Fee: $35R/$45NR
    •   Monday, January 17               2:50-3:50pm                       Code: 17349              Fee: $35R/$45NR

Available Roles
Skaters can earn a role as an extra character, line leader, key character, duet, 1-night soloist, or 2-night soloist. Specific
details about each role are detailed below. Music is assigned by the Northbrook-On-Ice Director based on the earned role.
Solos are choreographed by the coach of choice, at the skater’s expense. Skaters who receive a solo must perform at least
one jump (axel or above) and one spin in their solo during the show. Duets may be formed if an appropriate match is made
according to the results, dynamic of skaters and selected music.

All Skaters Are Eligible For:
    •   2-Night Solo (Responsible for your own costume after receiving style/color guidelines from the Director)
    •   1-Night Solo (Responsible for your own costume after receiving style/color guidelines from the Director)

Upper Levels, Dancettes, and Jr. Icettes Are Eligible For:
    •   Duet
        Two skaters will be selected to skate together showcasing their freestyle skills in all performances. Skaters will be
        responsible for paying a costume fee ($129) and are required to attend all rehearsals scheduled for their role.

    •   Key Character
        This small group of skaters will perform in a select group number in all performances. Skaters will be responsible
        for paying a costume fee ($125) and are required to attend all rehearsals scheduled for their role.

    •   Line Leaders
        Groupings and level selections are determined by the Director. Skaters are needed to assist beginner levels (tot-
        alpha) in their routines. Line leaders generally do not demonstrate their skating ability in these group numbers;
        however, their roles are critical to the success of the show. Skaters are responsible for a costume fee ($109) and
        are required to attend all rehearsals scheduled for their role.

    •   Extra Characters/Specialized Parts
        Skaters may be used as background characters in all of the shows. They may appear during or between group
        numbers. Extra characters generally do not demonstrate their complete skating ability, but they are an important
        aspect of the show. Skaters may be required to provide their own costume, wear a rented costume or pay a
        costume fee (TBD). Skaters are required to attend all rehearsals scheduled for their role.

Each tryout participant must choose one of the following eligibility requirements to remain eligible for a specialty role in
the 2022 production of Northbrook-On-Ice. Eligibility requirements for solo tryouts will only be required for the Winter
session, unless a skater has eligibility requirements for another program with Fall requirements. Skaters choosing to
participate in the freestyle ice option should refer to “Freestyle Ice Eligibility Option” below.

                                                        Winter Session
                         Participate in group number (Upper Level, Dancettes, Jr. Icettes, and/or Icettes)
                                               AND at least one of the following:

                                   Freestyle skating school class at Northbrook Sports Center

                                   2 hours/week of freestyle ice at Northbrook Sports Center

Freestyle Ice Eligibility Option
Skaters choosing to participate in freestyle ice for eligibility must inform the Director prior to the start of the 2022 Winter
Skating School session beginning on Monday, January 3. Freestyle ice time will start to be counted as of Sunday, January
2. Eligibility weeks coincide with Skating School session dates. Skaters may complete additional hours on some weeks to
make up for a loss of hours during others. Weekly practice logs can be found at the end of the tryout packet. Skaters must
participate during regular season freestyle ice. Winter break freestyle ice, public skating, cosmic, team practices and
rehearsal hours are not eligible.

Tryout Conflicts
Occasionally, conflicts arise that prevent a skater from attending the tryout. If this occurs, the skater should alert the
Northbrook-On-Ice Director Ice at least two months prior to the tryout. If skaters have an absolutely unavoidable conflict,
family emergency/death, or serious illness/injury requiring hospitalization, their score from the previous year will be used.

Tryout Guidelines
Group/Skating Order
Tryout groupings will be determined by grade level and skating order will be selected at random by the Director. Results
of the random draw will be sent to the email on file on Wednesday, January 19 by 5pm.

Tryout Times
Tryouts are scheduled to begin at 1pm. All skaters should arrive at least one hour before their warm-up time. Please check
in with the monitor in the Community Room to be pinned with your skating number. At check in your phone must be
turned in until the entire group finishes their tryout.

Tryout Attire
    •    For females: Any color/style practice dress, tank top, or leggings (no rhinestones on any apparel item)
    •    For males: Black skating slacks and a fitted shirt of any color/style (no rhinestones on any apparel item)
    •    Hair should be neatly tied back away from the face (hair lengths necessitating being tied back are required to
         use hairspray and v-clips)
    •    Performance make-up
    •    No jewelry should be worn (only small stud earrings acceptable)
    •    No gloves are permitted
    •    No underwear should be visible
    •    Hard guards required while in the Community Room

Closed Tryouts for Parents and Coaches
Northbrook-On-Ice is a production rather than a recital and a high level of objectivity through experienced judges have
been retained to ensure equality for all skaters. The Northbrook-On-Ice Director and other Sports Center staff will be
present at the tryouts to work the door, input scores, play music and take notes on each performance. No parents or
coaches will be allowed in “A” lobby, as tryouts will be closed.

Judging panels typically consist of:
    • Past/present ISI/USFS coaches
    • Past Icettes, soloists and Northbrook-On-Ice participants

Music Interpretation Tryout Format
The Northbrook-On-Ice tryouts use a music interpretation format, which is the personal and creative translation of the
music to movement on ice. Important to this format is the skater’s movement in time to music, expression of the music’s
style and rhythm, and artistic ways to highlight the intensity, tempo and other characteristics of the music. Selections may
be a mix of more than one song. All music selections are roughly two minutes in length. The interpretive format will be
coordinated as follows:

    1. Each group of skaters will be given a five minute warm-up.
    2. After warm-up, the group will stand against the wall and listen to the music for the first time.
    3. As a group, skaters will be allowed to rehearse a program while hearing their music for a second time.
    4. Except for the first skater, the group will be escorted to an enclosed room where they will wait until their
       performance time. Skaters may not rehearse while waiting for their tryout performance.
    5. The first skater in the group will sit in a chair located in the arena and will listen to their music for a third time.
    6. Once that skater takes the ice for their tryout, the next skater will enter the chair and listen to their music for a
       third time.
    7. This process will continue until the group is complete.

Since this is not a technical competition but a show by nature, scores are not solely awarded to the highest level skaters.
Skaters must be proficient in their technical abilities as well as in their ability to entertain and perform. Judges will be
looking for skaters who show their personality and strongest skills while having a great time on the ice. Scores within a set
point range will be awarded by judges based on the categories below.

                                                 Categories with Weights
              Technical (50%):
                                                                   Presentation (50%):
                 • Jumps (15%)
                                                                       • Interpretation/Artistry (25%)
                 • Spins (15%)
                                                                       • Entertainment (25%)
                 • Extras (10%)
                 • Pattern (10%)
              Bonus Points:
                 • Number of years of participation in Northbrook-On-Ice (0.10/yr)
                 • Northbrook Park District Residents (0.10)
                                                   Incorrect attire (-0.20)

    •   At registration, skaters will select the specialty roles they would accept. Selections will be confirmed with
        participants on the day of tryouts before taking the ice. Selections cannot be changed after they have been
        confirmed. These selections will be referenced when determining specialty role placement.
    •   On the day of tryouts, the judges’ scores are immediately entered into a spreadsheet.
    •   Calculations are double-checked and judges’ scores are reviewed for inconsistencies and/or bias.

Team Placement Results
Specialty role results will be emailed to the main contact of each household on Sunday, January 23 by 10pm.

No Contact Period
The Director will not be available for contact regarding matters of specialty role tryouts or results from Friday, January
21 until Tuesday, January 25.

Parent/Skater Conferences
If you have questions/concerns after the results are posted, we would like to speak to you in person. To receive feedback
on the skater’s tryout and to review judges’ comments for future growth, please contact Kennedy Lieb at
klieb@nbparks.org. Conferences may be requested starting Tuesday, January 25 through Monday, January 31. Please
allow up to two weeks after this deadline for comments to be prepared and distributed.

COVID-19 Guidelines (Subject to Change)
    1. Face coverings are required at all times on and off the ice.
           a. Skaters are only allowed to remove their face covering during their individual performance.
    2. Be vigilant in preventing the spread of the virus by practicing good hygiene, as recommended by CDC guidelines.
    3. Skaters should conduct a self-assessment and not attend a program, event or visit a facility if:
           a. The individual is ill or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
           b. The individual or household member has been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for
           c. The individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and has not been determined it is safe to return.
    4. Report suspected or positive COVID-19 cases or confirmed close contact exposures to the Park District

General Tryout Tips for Skaters
    •   SMILE!!!
    •   If you make a mistake, do not panic! Show your ability to handle mistakes graciously and with confidence. Pick
        up where you left off and keep yourself calm and relaxed.
    •   Be energetic and always show enthusiasm.
    •   Eat healthy and be sure to get plenty of rest.
    •   Talk to past/present skaters who have tried out. They are an excellent source of information.
    •   Include all moves full out every time you practice.
    •   Feel good about the way you look, it will be easier for you to concentrate on what you need to do.
    •   Make eye contact with the judges.
    •   Have confidence in yourself.

General Tryout Tips for Parents
    •   Encourage your skater to be realistic about their chances. Ask for honest feedback from your coach about your
        skater’s strengths and weaknesses.
    •   Find the balance between optimism and pessimism. Being overly optimistic puts extra pressure on each skater;
        being too pessimistic will discourage them from trying their best.
    •   Prepare your skater for the possibility that he/she will not get the part they desire.
    •   Discuss how your skater should handle success, the importance of integrity and how to console others who may
        not have received the part they wanted.
    •   Remind skaters that earning roles in past years does not guarantee parts in subsequent years.
    •   A fall does not mean the skater did not do well. It is how they handle themselves! Attitude, smiles and
        personality on the ice can go much further than a missed jump.

If we have missed something or should you have any additional questions, please email Kennedy Lieb at
klieb@nbparks.org. If the question is general and applies to all parents or skaters, the question and answer will be emailed
to all registered skaters.

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