Society of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guideline for FDG PET Brain Imaging
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Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 1 Society of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guideline for FDG PET Brain Imaging Version 1.0, approved February 8, 2009 Authors: Alan D. Waxman, MD; Karl Herholz, MD; David H. Lewis, MD; Peter Herscovitch, MD; Satoshi Minoshima, MD; PhD, Masanori Ichise, MD; Alexander E. Drzezga, MD; Michael D. Devous, Sr., PhD; James M. Mountz, MD, PhD I. Purpose function. Under physiological conditions glucose metabolism is tightly connected to The purpose of this guideline is to assist nuclear neuronal activity. [18F]FDG is suitable for medicine practitioners in recommending, imaging regional cerebral glucose performing, interpreting, and reporting the results of consumption with PET since it accumulates F-18FDG brain metabolic imaging. in neuronal tissue depending on facilitated transport of glucose and hexokinase II. Background information and definitions mediated phosphorylation. Therefore changes in neuronal activity induced by A. The document considers the work of disease are reflected in an alteration of previous guideline organizations such as the glucose metabolism. [18F]FDG-PET is German Inter Disciplinary Consensus currently the most accurate in-vivo method Conference on Clinical Brain PET, The for the investigation of regional human Austrian Guideline for the Use of FDG-PET brain metabolism in health and disease in Neurology and Psychiatry, The Society states. of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guidelines C. The clinical use of [18F]FDG can be for Tumor Imaging Using F-18 FDG, The regarded as established for a number of Society of Nuclear Medicine Brain Imaging diagnostic questions in neurology, Council and by individual experts neurosurgery and psychiatry. This throughout the world. information is often complementary to the B. In the brain, glucose metabolism provides anatomic detail provided by structural approximately 95% of adenosine imaging techniques such as CT or MRI. triphosphate (ATP) required for brain However, functional impairment often The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) has written and approved these guidelines as an educational tool designed to promote the cost-effective use of high-quality nuclear medicine procedures or in the conduct of research and to assist practitioners in providing appropriate care for patients. The guidelines should not be deemed inclusive of all proper procedures nor exclusive of other procedures reasonably directed to obtaining the same results. They are neither inflexible rules nor requirements of practice and are not intended nor should they be used to establish a legal standard of care. For these reasons, SNM cautions against the use of these guidelines in litigation in which the clinical decisions of a practitioner are called into question. The ultimate judgment about the propriety of any specific procedure or course of action must be made by the physician when considering the circumstances presented. Thus, an approach that differs from the guidelines is not necessarily below the standard of care. A conscientious practitioner may responsibly adopt a course of action different from that set forth in the guidelines when, in his or her reasonable judgment, such course of action is indicated by the condition of the patient, limitations on available resources, or advances in knowledge or technology subsequent to publication of the guidelines. All that should be expected is that the practitioner will follow a reasonable course of action based on current knowledge, available resources, and the needs of the patient to deliver effective and safe medical care. The sole purpose of these guidelines is to assist practitioners in achieving this objective. Advances in medicine occur at a rapid rate. The date of a guideline should always be considered in determining its current applicability. 1
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 2 precedes structural changes, and may also injection. exist alone. Thus PET imaging provides b. Blood Glucose - Should be checked unique information that is often prior to FDG administration. complementary to anatomic imaging (1) If greater than 150 - 200 mg/dL, information. most institutions reschedule the patient. When hyperglycemia is III. Procedure present, there is increased competition of elevated plasma A. Patient Preparation glucose with FDG at the carrier 1. Pre-arrival (Patient Instruction) enzyme and is often usually a. Patient should be fasting for 4 - 6 associated with high hours. intracellular glucose and b. Oral hydration with water is circulating insulin levels encouraged. driving FDG into muscle c. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or drugs resulting in reduced uptake in that may affect cerebral glucose the brain. metabolism. (2) Lowering serum glucose by d. Required medications should be administration of insulin can be taken with water. considered, but the e. Intravenous fluid containing administration of FDG should dextrose or parenteral feeding be delayed following insulin should be withheld for 4 – 6 hours. administration (with the f. Pregnancy and breastfeeding – See duration of the delay dependent Society of Nuclear Medicine on the type and route of procedure Guidelines for general administration of insulin), imaging. probably because the correction 2. Pre-injection of increased intracellular a. Environment – Should be stable for glucose levels lags behind the at least 30 minutes prior to FDG correction of the plasma injection and in the subsequent glucose level. uptake phase (at least 30 minutes). (3) Best results for clinical FDG (1) The patient should be placed in imaging of the brain in a quiet, dimly-lit room. diabetics can be achieved in a (2) Background noise is acceptable euglycemic situation during with eyes open. stable therapeutic management. (3) Alternatively, studies can be c. Bladder performed with eyes closed if (1) Before the scanning procedure this is being done consistently is started, the patient should across comparable scans. void the bladder for maximum (4) The patient should be seated or comfort during the study. reclining comfortably. (2) Advise the patient to void again (5) Place intravenous access at after the scanning session to least 10 minutes prior to minimize radiation exposure. injection to permit d. EEG accommodation. (1) For preoperative evaluation of (6) Instruct the patient to relax, not epilepsy, continuous EEG to speak or read and to avoid recording is recommended. major movements. (2) Monitoring should start ideally (7) Minimize interaction with the 2 hours before injection in order patient prior to, during, and up to ensure that FDG is not to at least 30 minutes post administered in a post-ictal 2
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 3 state and should be maintained influence regional metabolic rate of at least until 20 minutes post- glucose. If possible, centrally acting injection. For adequate image pharmaceuticals should be interpretation, it is important to discontinued. be aware if seizures occurred d. History of diabetes, and knowledge prior to imaging. of patient’s fasting state. B. Information Pertinent to Performing the e. Patient’s ability to lie still for the Procedure duration of the acquisition (30 1. History minutes to 1 hour). If sedation is a. A focused history should be required (e.g. patients with obtained including any past or Dementia or children), it should be current drug use or head trauma, performed after the uptake period neurological examination, prior to imaging. psychiatric exam, mental status f. If sedation is necessary, it should be exam (e.g. Folstein mini-mental performed as late as possible examination or other following administration of FDG. neuropsychological test), memory C. Precautions impairment, stroke, TIA or epilepsy 1. Supervision (type, location). History of brain a. Continuous supervision of patients tumor (type and location), prior during the procedure is important. brain operations including shunt b. Actual interaction should be kept at procedures should also be noted. a minimum to avoid the effects of b. Recent morphologic imaging functional activation on glucose studies (e.g. CT, MRI or prior PET metabolism. or SPECT brain studies). c. Deviation from resting state during c. Current medications and when last the uptake period and scanning taken. These would include anti- needs to be recorded and considered seizure medication, chemotherapy when interpreting scans. for brain tumors, anticholinesterase 2. Pregnancy is a relative contraindication drugs for memory impairment in especially during the first trimester. addition to psychotropic 3. Refrain from breastfeeding for 24 hours. pharmaceuticals. These may D. Radiopharmaceuticals Radiation Dosimetry in Adults Radiopharmaceuticals Administered * Organ Receiving the Largest Effective Dose ** Activity Radiation Dose ** mGy per MBq MBq (rad per mCi) mSv per MBq (mCi) (rem per mCi) [F-18]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy- 185 - 740 0.16 0.019 D-glucose (5 – 20) Urinary Bladder (0.070) (0.59) * Depends on equipment limitations, specific application and patient compliance. 3
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 4 Radiation Dosimetry in Children Wt adjust Radiopharmaceuticals Administered Organ Receiving the Largest Effective Dose ** Activity Radiation Dose ** mGy per MBq MBq/ Kg (rad per mCi) mSv per MBq (mCi)/Kg (rem per mCi) [F-18]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy- 5.18 – 7.4 0.32 0.050 D-glucose (0.14 – 0.20) Urinary Bladder (0.18) (1.2) * International Commission on Radiation Protection; Elsevier; 2000:49, ICRP Publication 80. E. Image Acquisition (2) Variations on the basic design 1. Depending on the clinical question and include the partial ring BGO type of equipment available, FDG dedicated PET scanner and the imaging may include: dedicated PET scanner with six a. Static limited field tomographic position-sensitive sodium images. iodide detectors. b. Dynamic tomographic images. b. Alternatives to dedicated PET (1) Multiple sequential images in a scanners field of view, usually covering (1) Gamma camera with 511 keV the whole brain. collimators imaging single (2) May be used when absolute scintillations. (not quantification of regional recommended) metabolic rates of glucose is (2) Dual-head gamma camera for needed. coincidence imaging (no c. 2D Mode - Coincidence detection collimators). Extremely limited only between adjacent detector performance characteristics. rings. Septa usually separate small (3) CT-PET scanner: In this system groups of rings. a CT scanner is combined with d. 3D-acquisition mode - Coincidence the PET components of a full detection using all detector rings. ring BGO/LSO/GSO/LYSO No septa between rings. scanner. This makes it possible e. For other dedicated PET-systems to have PET images corrected (i.e. sector tomographs), not based by CT attenuation data and on full detector rings, equivalent concomitant co-registration of acquisition modes are existent. functional images from PET 2. Scanners and morphological images from a. State-of-the-art dedicated PET CT. This system is becoming scanner the dominant choice due to (1) A state-of-the art whole-body manufacturing trends. PET scanner consists of several (4) Dedicated brain PET full rings detectors BGO scanners – These specialized (Bismuth Germanate machines may have superior Orthosilicate) or LSO performance parameters (Lutetium Orthosilicate) or when compared to full-body GSO (Gadolinium Orthosilicate) or LYSO scanners and are mainly used (Lutetium Yttrium for research applications. Orthosilicate). 4
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 5 Comparison of scanners is beyond the adequate count density. scope of this document. The (c) Scatter correction can be performance of the coincidence scanner obtained by removal of systems has been the subject of debate, non-coincidence events especially with regard to their costs and from the emission data. diagnostic accuracy compared to (2) Transmission scan - dedicated PET scanners. Limitations Transmission imaging (images include sensitivity, count rate, activity acquired with an external outside the field of view. At present the source): general opinion is that their clinical (a) Cold transmission - the reliability is lower than that of full ring standard procedure for BGO/LSO/GSO/LYSO scanners. There older generation full ring is general agreement in the international PET systems is the nuclear medicine community that the measurement of attenuation standard for PET is the dedicated prior to FDG-injection. A scanner with a full ring of Ge-68/68-Ga source is BGO/LSO/GSO/LYSO detectors on the commonly used as an basis of its excellent physical and external source of radiation clinical performance and the extensive and serves to correct the clinical experience in its application in subsequent emission scan brain studies worldwide. For this reason for attenuation. this procedure guideline will focus on (b) Hot transmission - these systems. transmission imaging following FDG injection is 3. Limited-field tomographic images. less favorable with Ge- a. This static scan consists of an 68/68-Ga because of the emission scan and a transmission potential underestimation of scan. attenuation of structures (1) Emission scan with high uptake, especially (a) The emission acquisition in sub-cortical regions. typically begins 30-60 4. Pre-Emission Attenuation Correction minutes post injection and a. The sequence of the two scans lasts between 5 and 60 (scanning protocols) and the minutes depending on the techniques for performing injected activity, the type of transmission scans vary according scanner and acquisition to the tomographic system available protocol used (2D or 3D). and be extremely time consuming. (b) Adequate scans including b. Exact positioning of the patient’s attenuation correction can head is attempted by external be completed in 5 minutes markers, e.g. with the cross- on a state of art PET/CT shaped laser marking system with 740 MBq FDG lower available in some scanners. dose (185 MBq) slower (1) Patient cooperation is important systems may require (ability to lie still for approx. 30 additional time to acquire minutes). sufficient count density; (2) If necessary, tools to aid most systems today use 3D immobilization (e.g. head elastic acquisition. IF 2D bands) may be used. acquisition is used, longer 5. Post Emission attenuation correction acquisition times are a. If a Cesium 133 or CT x-ray source required to achieve 5
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 6 is used, the attenuation may be done (2) Contours should be defined for following FDG injection due to a each individual transaxial slice. high photon flux relative to (3) Correct shape and position of emission data. the contours should be b. Correction factors are obtained by reviewed prior to calculation of measuring the ratio between a blank the corrected slices. scan (performed without patient in d. It is important to note that the scanner) and a transmission scan different mathematical correction (performed with an external source procedures lead to systematic when the patient is in position). differences in the resulting images, Positional differences will result in making images obtained with major artifacts. different correction procedures not 6. If repositioning of the patient is directly comparable (e.g. with necessary, great care should be taken to statistical subtraction analyses on a minimize positional differences. voxelwise basis). 7. Hybrid attenuation correction e. Differences may appear especially (attenuation map calculated from a in the occipital and cerebellar transmission measurement followed by regions. a segmentation image): These methods f. Measured attenuation correction is calculate an attenuation image based on preferable to calculated specially if a short transmission measurement post emission techniques used. followed by image segmentation. 10. Dynamic studies 8. CT-based attenuation correction of the a. Dynamic studies consist of a brain in PET/CT-scanners. sequence of serial images in a a. In CT-PET systems the photon limited field, starting at the time of attenuation correction is obtained FDG administration and continuing by means of a measured correction for 60-90 minutes. matrix from a simultaneously (1) The acquisition modalities for assessed CT scan in line with PET dynamic studies are only briefly b. The CT map has to be transformed mentioned here because they into a 511keV attenuation map by are not commonly used in segmentation and absorption clinical routine. correction and forward projection of (2) This type of acquisition is used the data for use as attenuation to quantitatively assess the correction data. regional rates of FDG 9. Mathematical attenuation correction - metabolism by determining estimated attenuation correction based appropriate kinetic rate or on the emission data: Not commonly influx constants. performed since post emission (3) Determination of arterial input attenuation systems now commonly function is needed. available. (4) Measurements of FDG and a. Correction procedures estimating glucose plasma levels are the attenuation based on the required. estimation of organ density from (5) A calibration factor between the emission data (i.e. according to scanner events and in vitro Chang). activity is needed and can be b. Accurate skull attenuation lacking. attained by phantom imaging. c. Shape contouring should be used if (6) Simplified methods for available. calculation of regional (1) Contours should include scalp metabolic rates of FDG using and not just grey matter. 6
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 7 static scanning and 4. Re-slicing of reconstructed images arteriolized venous blood helps achieve consistent orientation of sampling provides a the images for interpretation. Sagittal compromise between full and coronal views along with axial projections are important in metabolic quantitation and characterizing specific anatomic sites. quantitation of FDG uptake 5. Volume rendering may be helpful for relative to a reference region more accurate topographic orientation in the brain. in some clinical applications. However, F. Image Processing such display may also be subject to 1. Images are reconstructed in the form of artifacts and must be used with caution. transaxial 128 x 128 or 256 x 256 6. 3D coregistration with MR structural matrix size. data can facilitate anatomically 2. Typical pixel size is 2-4 mm. 3. Depending on the resolution of the PET accurate reporting. H. Image Interpretation system, a final image resolution may 1. The extent of normal variability must be vary between 2.5 -10 mm FWHM. This appreciated during scan interpretation. typically yields adequate image Substantial variability may be noted resolution and signal to noise ratios. between normal individuals and 4. For reconstruction using filtered back between scans of a single subject projection, commonly used filters are obtained at different times. Hanning or Shepp-Logan. 2. Individual clinics should obtain or be 5. Iterative reconstruction is increasingly familiar with an appropriate normal being employed. database to best interpret patient 6. Processing of gamma camera studies. coincidence detection data generally 3. Unprocessed projection images should employs iterative reconstruction be reviewed in cinematic display prior techniques. to viewing of tomographic sections. 7. Refer to camera manufacturer’s 4. Projection data should be assessed for recommendations for best choices of the presence and degree of patient iterations, subsets, and smoothness. motion, target-to-background ratio and G. Data Display other potential artifacts. 1. Reconstructed transverse images can be 5. Inspection of the projection data in displayed for quality control and sinogram form may also be useful. interpretation. 6. Images should be viewed on a computer 2. Additional re-sliced images in coronal screen rather than from film or paper and sagittal sections should be copy to permit interactive adjustment of displayed routinely, which often helps contrast, background subtraction and better delineation of lesions. color table. 3. Using volume re-slicing software, 7. Caution must be used in selecting levels transverse slices are most commonly re- of contrast and background subtraction. sliced to fit the bi-commissural line (the 8. Non-continuous color scales may be line passing through the anterior and confusing or misleading if abrupt color posterior commissures, which can be changes occur in the range of expected approximated by the line passing gray matter activity. through the anterior and posterior poles 9. Thresholding, if used, should be based of the brain). Re-slicing along the upon knowledge of a normal database hippocampal axis (parallel to the for FDG and instruments used in temporal lobe) is preferred for acquiring the study. Artifacts can be evaluation of suspected temporal lobe created when inappropriate thresholding epilepsy.** 7
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 8 is performed. by compartmental modeling, or 10. Comparison of serial images to assess influx constants by graphical worsening or improvement requires analytic approaches. appropriate normalization techniques to d. Correction factors, including the so avoid artificially created differences. called ”lumped constant” (LC = Differences in threshold settings, color 0.42 – 0.82), can be used to convert or Grey scale windowing, SUVs of the FDG values to values reflecting reference areas need to be minimized. glucose metabolism. In this way 11. Three-dimensional renderings may be glucose metabolic rate can be useful in appreciating overall patterns of measured in absolute units (e.g. in disease. mol min-1 g-1). 12. Images should be evaluated with e. For clinical purposes absolute reference to recent anatomic brain quantification approaches are images (CT or MRI). Specific typically not necessary, particularly attention should be paid to the extent when considering the high inter- individual fluctuation of absolute of metabolic abnormalities relative cerebral glucose metabolism. In to underlying morphologic defects addition, most diagnostic as well as to the possible effects of applications depend on patterns of atrophy and partial volume effect. relative regional abnormalities, not Interpreters should be familiar with on quantitative metabolic rate of the document “Ethical Clinical glucose. Practice of Functional Brain 1. Observer Independent Analysis Imaging” issued by the Ethical a. Owing to advancements in image Subcommittee for Functional Brain processing technology developed in Imaging, a subcommittee of the brain mapping research, automated SNM Brain Imaging Council. or semi-automated brain mapping I. Quantitative Interpretation techniques can be applied to routine 1. Absolute Glucose Metabolism clinical studies. b. In conjunction with pixel-wise a. A quantitative analysis can be comparison to normal control data performed when it is possible to or database, individual statistical calculate the curve of the arterial maps (such as Z score maps) may FDG concentration against time be used to provide additional (arterial input function). It information to conventional image requires direct sampling of interpretation. arterial blood (serial (1) The techniques are usually measurements). It is often based on slice display combined with dynamic data (customarily axial) or acquisition, but can also be stereotactic surface projection combined with static scanning. displays. b. Some non-invasive alternatives to (2) These methods commonly arterial blood sampling have been involve automated image studied: realignment in the bi- (1) Arterialized venous blood commissural stereotactic sampling system and anatomic (2) The input function can be standardization. retrieved from the PET images (3) When employing this type of using the aorta, or left ventricle. analyses for image c. Rate constants can then be estimated interpretation, it is critical to use methods validated and 8
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 9 published in scientific (3) Instrumentation used i.e. PET literature. with measured attenuation (4) The diagnostic accuracy may correction, PET with also be affected by differences transmission correction, in image characteristics attenuation correction with between individual cases and CT cases included in the normal h. Assessment of the technical quality database. of the study (good, adequate, poor). (5) The quality of the normal i. Potential artifacts such as database may affect diagnostic (1) Patient movement accuracy. Morphing artifacts (2) Medications which affect due to faulty alignment between cerebral metabolism individual subjects and a (a) These medications are composite normal database may listed explicitly under occur. Point L.1 (6) Quality control of such analyses (3) Observed seizure activity is essential for proper diagnosis j. Describe abnormalities including: given that these complex analyses are prone to errors and (1) Location artifacts. (2) Extent (7) Fully automated diagnostic (3) Symmetry or asymmetry systems are under development. (4) Reference to a normal These methods should be used database if quantitation is with caution until they are employed. Normalization to scientifically validated and a specific reference site in approved for clinical use and brain i.e. cerebellum, total pitfalls and artifacts are fully brain, pons, basal ganglia, or understood by potential users. thalamus. k. If study limitations are encountered, J. Reporting they should be described in the report. This would include: 1. Clinical reports for brain PET or PET- (1) Protocol deviations such as CT imaging should include the shortened data acquisition following clinical information time, changes in time including: following injection a. Indications for the study. (2) Other deviations which would b. Brief history emphasizing the main impact the FDG uptake and reason for the study e.g. memory distribution pattern. loss. 1. Interpretation and Conclusions c. Duration of the problem. a. Provide a reasonable differential d. Other essential clinical information diagnosis of the findings based on including medications. peer reviewed and generally e. Recent findings on prior nuclear accepted disease specific patterns. medicine studies. b. Integrate all other pertinent facts f. Findings on other imaging including historical information, modalities such as MRI laboratory information, co-morbid g. Study technique conditions, medications, any recent (1) Dose and route of therapy including surgery or radiopharmaceutical and uptake radiation therapy, additional period diagnostic studies such as CT, MRI (2) Blood glucose level or EEG. 9
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 10 c. Consider the impact of atrophy or (1) The blank scan also serves for structural lesions as well as partial attenuation correction. volume effects. (2) This test takes a short time (30 d. If relevant clinical or additional minutes) and can be performed testing results are not available for daily. review, state the limitation of the d. Since many studies are performed conclusions and recommend using CT for morphologic additional test as indicated. comparison and fusion as well as e. When studies are difficult to attenuation correction CT quality interpret due to a pattern not control should be performed by a commonly described using well- trained CT technologist and accepted criteria, the report should physicist. contain statements, which would 2. Performance tests can be usually aid the referring physician to better carried out according to the understand why a specific international recommendations diagnostic entity could not be according to: ascribed to the pattern noted. a. American guidelines are published f. Caution should be mentioned in by NEMA (National Electrical the reporting of quantitative Manufacturer Association). information as limitations of the b. European guidelines are published quantitative technique need to be by IEC (International Electrotechnical clearly understood by the Committee). interpreting physician before issuing a report as normal or L. Pitfalls, Artifacts, Sources of Error abnormal based on quantitative findings. 1. Medications altering cerebral K. PET scanner quality control metabolism including a. Sedatives 1. Clinical scanning should be b. Drugs such as amphetamines, accompanied by a strict quality control cocaine program consisting of specific c. Narcotics performance tests including: d. Anti-psychotic medications a. Normalization procedure: to ensure e. Corticosteroids the existence of an adequate correction of the changes in Most medications predominantly alter efficiency among the crystals of the global metabolism with modest effects on detectors. This procedure takes regional distribution. several hours and can be performed every month, providing that there 2. Hyperglycemia are no detector failures. 3. Patient motion during the data b. Setup scan: to ensure that all acquisition may result in image artifacts detectors are working properly. and render the study non-interpretable. (1) The setup scan changes the 4. Misregistration between the emission detect gains to modify any and transmission scans. possible drifts. 5. Calculated attenuation using a per file (2) This takes about two hours and calculation may result in falsely can be done weekly increased activity in the superior aspect c. Blank scan: to ensure that the of the brain. detectors have not drifted since the 6. Calculated attenuation does not correct last normalization. 10
Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging v1.0 11 for variations of skull thickness. 2. Chugani HA, Functional brain Subjects with hyperostosis frontalis imaging in pediatrics. Pediatr Clin may have falsely reduced frontal North AM 1992; 39: 777-799. activity. 3. Cook GJ, Maisey MN, Fogelman I. 7. Without absolute metabolic Normal variants, artifacts and quantitation, only relative interpretative pitfalls in PET imaging information is available. The most with 18-flouro-2-deoxyglucose and active area on a study may be hypo carbon-11 methionine. Eur J Nucl Med or hyper metabolic which may 1999; 26: 1363-78 influence the final interpretation. 4. Cranston I, Marsden P, Matyka K et al. M. Issues Requiring Further Clarification regional differences in cerebral blood flow and glucose utilization in diabetic 1. What constitutes a “normal” database man: the effect of insulin. J Cereb a. How many subjects Blood Flow Metab 1998; 18: 130-40 b. Is age matching important? 5. Devous MD. Functional brain imaging in c. Is gender matching important? the dementias: Role in early detection, d. Is neuropsychological testing differential diagnosis and longitudinal important? studies. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging e. Is a neurologist assessment needed 2002; 29: 1685-96 f. Can quantification be done using 6. Devous JS. Imaging and epilepsy. Brain normals derived from a different 1997; 120: 339-377. PET/attenuation system than a 7. Drzezga A, Arnoald S, Minoshima S et subject done on a different device. al. F-18 FDG-PET studies in patients g. Is structural imaging required? with extra-temporal and temporal 2. Adequate exclusion criteria for epilepsy: evaluation of an observer- “normal” volunteer subjects independent analysis. J Nucl Med 1999: 3. Quantification Techniques 40: 737-746 a. Limitations of methods for clinical 8. Hasselbalch SG, Knudsen GM, use versus research use Videbaek C et al. No effect of insulin b. Are corrections for multiple on glucose blood-brain barrier transport comparisons necessary? and cerebral metabolism in humans. c. Do these techniques produce Diabetes 1999; 48: 1915 – 1921. morphing errors? 9. Herholz K, FDG PET and differential d. Validation concerns diagnosis of dementia. Alzheim Dis e. What constitutes an abnormal study Assoc Disord 1995; 9: 6-16. f. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy 10. Kuwert T, Bartenstein P, Grunwald F et al. Clinical value of positron emission issues for individual techniques tomography in neuromedicine. Position need clarification and objective paper on results of an interdisciplinary methods to establish diagnostic consensus conference. Nervenrzt 1989; thresholds. 69: 1045-160. 4. Co-Registration Techniques 11. Lucignani G, Schmidt KC, Moresco 5. Hardware versus Software fusion RM et al. Measurement of regional 6. Image Reconstruction Techniques cerebral glucose utilization with fluorine-18-FDG and PET in IV. Concise Bibliography heterogenous tissues: Theoretical considerations and practical procedure. 1. Asenbaum S. Guideline for the use of J Nucl Med 1993; 34: 369-9 FDG-PET in Neurology and Psychiatry. Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2001; 11
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