Case Study: The Stanford University School of Medicine and Its Teaching Hospitals

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Academic Health Centers

Case Study: The Stanford University School of
Medicine and Its Teaching Hospitals
Philip A. Pizzo, MD

There is wide variation in the governance             Stanford University Medical Center—             this arrangement requires collaboration
and organization of academic health                   reflects responses to the consequences          and coordination that is highly dependent
centers (AHCs), often prompted by or                  of a failed merger of the teaching              on the shared objectives of the institutional
associated with changes in leadership.                hospitals and related clinical enterprises      leaders involved. The case study provides
Changes at AHCs are influenced by                     with those of the University of California–     the background factors and issues that
institutional priorities, economic factors,           San Francisco School of Medicine that           led to these changes, how they were
competing needs, and the personality                  required a new definition of institutional      envisioned and implemented, the current
and performance of leaders. No                        priorities and directions. These were           status and challenges, and some lessons
organizational model has uniform                      shaped by a strategic plan that helped          learned. Although the current model is
applicability, and it is important for each           define goals and objectives in education,
                                                                                                      working, future changes may be needed
AHC to learn what works or does not on                research, patient care, and the necessary
                                                                                                      to respond to internal and external forces
the basis of its experiences. This case               financial and administrative underpinnings
                                                                                                      and changes in leadership.
study of the Stanford University School               needed. A governance model was created
of Medicine and its teaching hospitals—               that made the medical school and its two        Acad Med. 2008; 83:867–872.
which constitute Stanford’s AHC, the                  major affiliated teaching hospitals partners;

I n providing a case study about                      changes, pressures, and other                   conducting research, and even caring for
                                                                                                      patients. In many ways, the face of AHCs
Stanford’s academic health center, the                phenomena. One of the most notable
Stanford University Medical Center                    external factors in recent history was the      is really a blending of many different
(hereafter, “Stanford Medicine”),                     creation of Medicare, Medicaid, and             genealogies, phenotypes, and behaviors.
composed of the Stanford University                   other entitlement programs in the mid-          Hopefully, this variety is a source of
School of Medicine and its major teaching             1960s that fueled the size of clinical          strength and distinction to U.S. medicine.
hospitals and clinics, let me first describe          faculty at AHCs. Another was the series
some of the common features that                      of investments by the National Institutes
underpin academic health centers (AHCs)               of Health (NIH) in biomedical research          Stanford Medicine: Then
in general in tandem with the ones that               that drove the engine of discovery and          In many ways, the character of an AHC is
characterized and distinguished Stanford              innovation; that, in turn, brought              significantly influenced by that of its
Medicine in the early part of the 21st                enormous strength and quality to AHCs.          home university or institution. Stanford
century.                                              These changes have been significantly           Medicine has gone through two historical
                                                      influenced and modulated by local               phases, the second shaping its current
The face of academic medicine in the                  institutional goals and cultures and have
United States has evolved significantly since                                                         configuration and organization. The first
                                                      led to a spectrum of AHCs that vary in          phase began in 1908 when Stanford
its inception in the late 19th and early 20th
                                                      depth and emphasis, such as “research           University assimilated the Cooper
centuries. Among the substantive shifts
                                                      intensive” or “primary care,” sometimes         Medical College, which was located in
have been changes in the internal
                                                      with overlap among these or other areas         San Francisco. For the subsequent nearly
organization and configuration of AHCs.
                                                      of focus.                                       50 years, Stanford students did their
These have sometimes been guided by
responses to institutional planning and                                                               initial preclinical education on the Palo
                                                      In reality, although each AHC shares a          Alto campus and then moved to San
initiatives, but perhaps more frequently
                                                      commitment to the tripartite missions of        Francisco for their clinical training. The
they have been the result of accommodations
                                                      education, research, and patient care, the      emphasis of the school during the first
and adjustments to various controllable
                                                      degrees of emphasis and excellence in           half of the 20th century was largely
as well as uncontrollable external
                                                      these separate but overlapping purposes         focused on training excellent clinicians,
                                                      are determined by institutional                 many of whom practiced in San
                                                      commitments and resources, the                  Francisco or the greater Bay Area. In the
Dr. Pizzo is dean and Carl and Elizabeth Naumann
Professor of Pediatrics and of Microbiology and       expectations of the community, sources          mid-1950s, the president and the provost
Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine,   of support (public versus private), and         of Stanford University, along with several
Stanford, California.                                 the vision of faculty and leaders. Thus, it     key faculty leaders, made the bold
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Pizzo,      is to be expected, and even desired, that       decision to move the medical school in its
Office of the Dean, Stanford University School of     AHCs have differentiated in how they            entirety to Palo Alto and to locate it on
Medicine, Alway Building, M-121, 300 Pasteur Drive,
Stanford, CA 94305-5119; telephone: (650) 724-5688;   approach the interrelated processes of          the university campus, where it would be
fax: (650) 725-7368; e-mail: (   educating students and trainees,                proximate to the school of engineering as

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well as the schools of biological and          more than 80% of the patients admitted to       Impact of a failed merger on
physical sciences and other university         Stanford Hospital, and there is a clear         organization and governance
disciplines. This was a transformative         commitment to excellence in patient care,       The culture of Stanford Medicine
decision that, more than any other single      although research still remains the currency    changed dramatically in the 1990s
factor, determined the current phenotype       of the realm.                                   because of the impact of managed care.
of Stanford as a research-intensive                                                            Concerns among institutional leaders
medical school.                                                                                about the viability of the clinical programs
                                               Stanford Medicine: Now
                                                                                               and the potential effects on the university
Three important events occurred with the       Important contributing factors                  should their financial performance decline
school’s move in 1959. First, a number         Several factors have contributed to the         resulted in significant organizational and
of extraordinary basic scientists were         current organization and governance of          programmatic changes. The most notable
recruited to Stanford. Among these were        Stanford Medicine. Foremost is the              was the attempted merger of the clinical
such luminaries as Dr. Arthur Kornberg,        colocation of the medical school and            enterprises of Stanford Medicine with those
who brought his entire department from         major affiliated teaching hospitals             of the University of California–San
St. Louis to Stanford to found a new           (Stanford Hospital and Clinics [SHC]            Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF), an
department of biochemistry, and Dr.            and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital          effort that took place at a time when many
Joshua Lederberg, who was recruited            [LPCH]) on the same campus as the rest          AHCs across the nation were seeking to
from Wisconsin to develop a department         of Stanford University. The proximity of        enhance their market negotiating power
of genetics. Indeed, virtually every           the medical school to the school of             through mergers. The attempted Stanford–
department had a stellar leader who was        engineering, the school of humanities           UCSF merger was unique in trying to bring
strongly steeped in research, which            and sciences, the graduate school of            together the resources of public and private
quickly became the currency of the             business, and the schools of education          AHCs that were some 35 miles apart and
school of medicine. The second factor          and law is enormously important because         that had long been regional competitors.
was that, with rare exceptions, most of        this arrangement brings a diverse faculty       The details of the merger attempt are
the other clinical leaders elected to          into many unique and virtually seamless         beyond the scope of this case study except
remain in San Francisco, where they had        collaborations and interactions. Coupled        to say that it quickly failed, resulting in
robust clinical practices. The third factor    with this is the “Stanford culture” that        significant financial losses for both
was the establishment, also in 1959, of the    has limited the size of faculty growth such     institutions as well as some uncertainty
Stanford Hospital on the same campus as        that every school has a fixed faculty           about their missions and goals. It also
the new school of medicine, thus forming       (or billet) cap—which makes every               created some fracture lines at Stanford
Stanford’s current AHC, Stanford               recruitment precious and which, in turn,        between basic and clinical science faculty
Medicine.                                      forces more horizontal interactions and         and, equally important, between university
                                               makes “empire building” anathema.               and AHC leaders—all of whom were
During the ensuing five decades, Stanford’s                                                    concerned about the potential erosion of
AHC has gone through a series of changes.      Although this model of restraint can            university resources as a result of the AHC’s
In the first decades after the move to Palo    be successfully embraced for many               financial losses. Ultimately, this contributed
Alto, the focus of the faculty and students    disciplines, it does pose challenges for        to a general loss of morale and direction.
was almost singularly on research and          clinical science specialties, because with
education. In the early 1960s, faculty         restricted growth, choices have to be           As the demerger process unfolded,
physicians provided care for fewer than a      made about areas of emphasis and about          among the activities that occurred at the
third of the patients admitted to Stanford     the depth of the clinical services that can     AHC was an assessment of leadership and
Hospital, and there was a division             be provided or sustained. That said,            governance. Not dissimilar to other
of services between the faculty and            faculty and students prefer to be part of a     AHCs, Stanford’s AHC had gone through
community doctors. Many of the medical         smaller school where the proximity of the       various models during the prior decades.
students who attended Stanford School of       basic and clinical sciences, hospitals, and     But, with both SHC and LPCH incurring
Medicine in the 1960s took part in the “Five   university faculty and students provide         significant financial losses after the
Year Plan,” in which laboratory and            a strong source of interaction and              demerger with UCSF, and with the many
research training was integral to the          collaboration. This ease of interaction has     other challenges facing the faculty, a
school’s mission. The curriculum was also      also fostered an entrepreneurial spirit         decision was made to recruit a new dean
unique compared with those of peer             that is consonant with the Stanford             of the medical school. Subsequently,
schools because it required a research         culture and the close partnerships with         when the individual who had served as
experience.                                    the information technology and biotech          vice president for medical affairs and
                                               communities that characterize the               previously as dean elected to leave his
Since those early days of the school of        surrounding Silicon Valley and Bay Area.        position, it was decided to create a new
medicine’s move to Palo Alto, the basic        Currently, Stanford has approximately           governance model in which hospital and
science programs have remained strong          820 full-time faculty, 472 medical              school leaders would work collaboratively
and vibrant, and they provide a source of      students (which includes the many               and in coordination. Specifically, the
unique strength and character to both the      students completing medical school in           school of medicine was to be led by the
medical school and the AHC. At the same        five or more years), 574 graduate               dean, who had been selected through a
time, clinical services have grown, although   students, approximately 900 residents,          national search and who reported to the
not in a completely coordinated and            and 1,100 research or clinical postdoctoral     provost and the president, while the two
uniform manner. Today, faculty care for        fellows.                                        hospitals would be led by chief executive

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officers (CEOs) reporting to hospital           support of basic science research, and to         sharing his own thoughts, even when
boards of directors. These three leaders        maximize opportunities for translating            controversial or even unpopular, with the
were charged to work together in                research into clinical outcomes. These            understanding that they will be shaped and
redefining the future of Stanford               goals established by the dean were based          improved by critical feedback and input.
Medicine. This governance model went            largely on the view that a small, private,
against the trend of a more centralized         research-intensive medical school                 The dean spent the first several months
and integrated leadership model that was        strategically located on the campus of an         of his tenure visiting with institutional
being put in place at many other AHCs.          outstanding university that was also              leaders (many of whom he had met
                                                physically contiguous to its two major            with before his arrival) to gather their
Of course, there has been ongoing               affiliated teaching hospitals provided            reactions and recommendations for
concern about whether a model of three          an outstanding environment for                    proceeding. By September 2001, he
separately governed entities operating          interdisciplinary education, training,            initiated a more formal strategic planning
under the umbrella of Stanford Medicine         research, and their translation to                process that engaged some 10 work
could, in fact, function in a coordinated       improve patient care.                             groups, each composed of faculty,
and even integrated manner. Many other                                                            students, and staff, which focused on
AHCs have elected to have a single leader,      Given the situation at Stanford at the            key missions and enabling resources.
and Stanford was clearly going against the      time the dean was appointed (i.e.,                Included were groups entitled
conventional wisdom and trend of AHC            immediately after a demerger with UCSF,           (1) Undergraduate Medical Education,
governance. But, as was noted earlier,          with the attendant fiscal challenges for          (2) Graduate Student Education, (3)
each AHC is unique. For instance, at            both hospitals and morale issues for              Post-Graduate Education and Training,
Stanford all the faculty are employed by        faculty and the university leadership), it        (4) Research, (5) Patient Care, (6) the
the school of medicine and the university       was clear that broad institutional                Professoriate and Academic Affairs,
and report to the dean of the medical           planning for the future was critical. There       (7) Finance and Administration, (8)
school. To facilitate coordination              was an immediate need for a redefinition          Communications and Public Affairs,
between the school and the hospitals, the       of mission along with tangible goals and          (9) Public Policy and Government
two CEOs and dean formed the Medical            objectives that would help the faculty            Interactions, and (10) Philanthropy.
Center Executive Committee, which               and the institution overcome the                  The groups developed plans around
meets regularly for medical-center-wide         demoralization of the prior years of discord      each area and then prioritized the
planning. Separate and quite rigorous           and lack of direction. But the delivery of        specific elements of each that would be
interactions also occur on many other           results and evidence of both short-term and       addressed and the timeline that would
levels between the school of medicine and       long-term success were also needed. Hence,        be followed to implement them.
SHC and LPCH.                                   before his official arrival, the newly            Although some would (and did) argue
                                                appointed dean spent the antecedent               that these were too many topics to
Although such a model has its limitations       months meeting with leaders in the school,        focus on at one time, the leadership of
and challenges, it has worked successfully      hospitals, and university trying to better        the medical school believed that they
during the past five years, largely because     learn the Stanford landscape.                     were quite interlinked and that the
the key leaders and faculty have worked                                                           solution to one depended on how other
diligently to make it successful. Although      On the basis of those observations and his        initiatives were handled.
organizational reporting lines can              personal reflections, the dean formulated
influence and direct institutional              the outline of a broad strategic plan, which      Once the work groups had developed
behavior and decision making, the               was published online on his first day at          their respective vision, goals, objectives,
relationships between leaders are often         Stanford (April 2, 2001) and sent to all          and timelines, the leadership of the
the most important factor determining           faculty, students, trainees, and staff at         school and the AHC gathered in February
success or failure. However, even though        the medical school (as well as various            2002 at an off-site, two-day strategic
the model at Stanford has largely worked,       university leaders) in the first installment of   planning retreat. In attendance were the
it must be recognized that it is likely         the biweekly “Dean’s Newsletter” (http://         senior leadership from the dean’s office,
dependent on the individuals in place  (This              basic and clinical science chairs, hospital
and will surely need to be reassessed as        communication vehicle, which the dean             CEOs, and representative medical and
changes in leadership occur. The                personally writes, has become one of the          graduate students, residents, and fellows.
governing bodies of the university and          signatures of his deanship at Stanford and        Several key university leaders, including
affiliated hospitals would determine such       serves as a resource to share thoughts, ideas,    the provost, the chairs of the hospital
a decision.                                     and events as well as to engage faculty,          boards of directors, and university
                                                students, and staff in the future directions      trustees were also invited. In contrast to
Stanford Medicine Since 2001                    of the medical school and its AHC.) The           many other strategic planning exercises,
                                                dean realized that consistent and even            an outside consultant was not employed.
The dean’s perspective                          constant communication is essential in            The dean felt strongly that having the
The current dean of the Stanford                keeping a broad and diverse community             process run by the school leadership
University School of Medicine (P.A.P.)          informed and invested in a process of             rather than an outside consultant would
assumed that position in April 2001 and         change. Although he recognized that plans         result in greater institutional ownership
was motivated to work on behalf of              and objectives require wide vetting and           of both the process itself and its outcomes.
academic medicine, the future training          discussion, his leadership style was and          Accordingly, the dean served as the chair of
and education of physician–scientists, the      continues to be to begin the dialogue by          the first strategic leadership retreat and

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helped coordinate and integrate the reports     need to sustain progress, the Office of          First, between 2001 and 2003, a task
from senior leaders on their work products      Institutional Planning was established           force, led by the senior associate dean for
and recommendations. He has played a            to continue strategic planning on an             medical education, made fundamental
similar role in the seven annual leadership     ongoing basis with clearly delineated            changes in the medical student education
retreats that have followed.                    benchmarks and goals. To provide a               programs that culminated in the New
                                                reality-based critique of institutional          Stanford Curriculum, which commenced
The first strategic planning retreat proved     progress, a high-level national advisory         in the fall of 2003. This accomplishment
to be even more seminal to future               council comprising leaders in academic           was predicated on basic alterations in the
progress than anticipated. Perhaps most         medicine, science, and policy was                school’s operating budget that redirected
important, it enabled a highly diverse          established. The council visits the school       considerable general funds to education.
group of leaders to learn about the             each year to review progress and report          This, too, was a major undertaking and
complex interactions of an AHC                  its findings to the president and the            was only made possible by the decision to
(Stanford Medicine) from many different         provost. In addition, the annual                 move a number of work group agendas
points of view and perspectives. Although       leadership retreats have continued               forward simultaneously.
it was assumed that senior members of           to provide a forum for discussing
the AHC had a broad understanding of            accomplishments, failures, and challenges        The overarching goal of Stanford
its missions, goals, members, and               in meeting defined strategic initiatives         medical student education (see http://
constituencies, this was not fully true.        and for recalibrating and directing an  is to train and
Indeed, by the second day of the retreat,       admittedly organic and evolving planning         develop future leaders and scholars. To
there was a veritable hum of recognition        activity.                                        accomplish this, medical students are
by basic and clinical science leaders (who                                                       selected on the basis of their academic
had become somewhat dichotomized                Aligning the missions                            performance as well as interest and
during the Stanford–UCSF merger and             One of the highest priorities has been to        commitment to research and inquiry.
demerger) of how their goals and                align the missions in education, research,       The school is fortunate in having more
missions interacted and how they were           and patient care while still being               than 6,500 applicants for its 86 incoming
different. More specifically, by reviewing      respectful of their discrete and individual      medical student places in each incoming
in depth the issues, goals, and plans of the    importance. Because Stanford University          year, thus permitting the school to be
10 working group areas, along with the          School of Medicine is a small, research-         highly selective. All medical students are
resources needed to enable and support          intensive medical school, it is essential        now required to complete a “Scholarly
them, light was shed on the critical            that strategic choices be made about what        Concentration” in tandem with their
factors faced by faculty who, although          can be done well and how it can be               other medical school requirements, and
part of a common community, faced               distinguished from its peer institutions.        most students do spend five or more
different challenges and had different          This was particularly necessary during the       years completing the MD degree. (A
understandings about the interrelated           postdemerger period when morale was              Scholarly Concentration includes
roles they played in the complex quilt          compromised and institutional direction          courses, mentoring, and research in a
that defines Stanford’s AHC. Equally            was less defined. It is also imperative to       specific knowledge domain spanning a
important, this shared experience helped        recognize that as strategic choices are          wider range of opportunities, such as
to bring the communities together—              being developed, there needs to be               bioethics and the humanities,
something that has been reinforced with         awareness and recognition of the                 bioengineering, community health and
each subsequent annual strategic                institutional culture and other factors          public service, health policy research, and
planning retreat. This institutional            that ultimately govern and influence             molecular medicine, to name a few.)
recognition and healing, even if at a high      recommendations that come forth—and              Because of Stanford’s financial aid
level, created a platform for positive          that define whether they are accepted or         programs, this extended education
institutional change—although                   rejected by the broader community. As            program does not result in additional
deliverables to accompany the words and         noted earlier in this case study, in the         debt, and, in fact, Stanford students
promissory notes were also required.            move of the school of medicine to the            graduate with among the lowest levels of
                                                Stanford University campus nearly 50 years       indebtedness in the nation. During the
On the basis of the reports and                 ago, a high value was placed on discovery,       past decades, approximately a third of
discussions of this initial strategic           innovation, and interdisciplinary education      Stanford’s medical school graduates have
planning process, the 10 work group             and research. The close proximity of the         pursued full-time academic careers. The
reports were unified under the umbrella         medical school to its teaching hospitals also    goal of the New Stanford Curriculum is
of a schoolwide strategic plan entitled         created an alignment around teaching,            to increase that to at least 50%. In
“Translating Discoveries.” To ensure its        research, and patient care. With this in         addition, students are encouraged to
transparency to the entire community,           mind, the strategic plan, Translating            pursue joint degree programs throughout
the strategic plan was published on the         Discoveries, sought to rebase and reaffirm       the university as part of their Scholarly
school Web site (see http://medstrategicplan.   the medical school’s core values, missions,      Concentration, and it is anticipated that,, including all the slides and     and objectives. On the basis of those            over time, the majority of students will
materials that had been presented at the        principles and a coordinated planning            leave Stanford with dual degrees. This
retreat. Several town hall meetings were        process, the following has transpired largely    more defined focus on educating and
also held. In addition, the dean has            during the past five years and, hopefully,       training physician scholars and scientists
continued to communicate updates in             will continue to unfold during the years         has had an effect on the types of students
the Dean’s Newsletter. Recognizing the          ahead.                                           who come to Stanford and has resulted in

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a better alignment between students and         temporal continuum of medical and              and to create exciting venues for garnering
faculty than was present before these           scientific training.                           philanthropic support. Specifically, the
major curricula changes and educational                                                        SIMs are Stem Cell Biology and
objectives were delineated and made             As noted earlier, Stanford’s medical           Regenerative Medicine; Cancer;
apparent.                                       school, both historically and at the           Cardiovascular Institute; Neuroscience; and
                                                present moment, is largely focused on          Immunity-Transplantation-Infection. Each
Stanford enrolls about the same number          research, discovery, and innovation. To        of these institutes was provided a limited
of PhD students as MD students each             that regard, it is imperative that planning    number of positions for new recruitments,
year. Given the strength and excellence of      activities not be allowed inadvertently to     and each was expected to build its
the basic science programs, these students      have a negative impact on what has truly       membership from the basic and clinical
are also highly selected. Although all of       worked well at Stanford—namely, a              science faculty in the medical school as well
these students will pursue basic discovery      commitment to excellence in fundamental,       as throughout the university. Importantly,
science, and the majority will have careers     discovery-based research. Perhaps also         each SIM is also connected to a center of
in academia, there was an interest by           unique to the institutional environment is     excellence at SHC, LPCH, and the Palo Alto
nearly a quarter of the incoming PhD            the abundance of interdisciplinary             VA Medical Center, which, along with the
students in also educating and training a       collaborations extending across the            medical school, form Stanford’s AHC. The
selected number of these students to            university—something that is very              SIMs were designed to foster translational
pursue translational research. To help          much part of Stanford’s institutional          discoveries and to create exciting venues for
facilitate this, in 2006, a professor of        fabric. Coupled with this is the highly        garnering philanthropic support. One of
neurobiology took the lead in developing        entrepreneurial nature of Stanford’s faculty   the ongoing challenges is to strike the
a masters in medical science program            and their willingness to engage with start-    correct balance between the fundamental
that exposes a small number of PhD              ups and other companies in Silicon Valley,     role of departments and these new
students to the challenges of clinical          especially in biotechnology and devices.       institutes—striving to make them
medicine. This, too, created an additional      This, too, has shaped the nature of the        synergistic wherever possible.
point of alignment of the school’s              medical school. During the past seven to
graduate and medical education                  eight years, an informal as well as formal     To further the research opportunities of
programs.                                       interface has been created under the name      the five SIMs, several cross-cutting
                                                and umbrella of “Bio-X” to foster              strategic centers that complement and
In addition, the advanced residency             interactions and collaborations between        enhance institutional research efforts
program at Stanford (ARTS), led by a            and among the physical, engineering, and       have been delineated. These are the
professor of radiology who is also the          life sciences, largely through innovation      Centers for Genomic Medicine, Imaging,
director of the molecular imaging               grants and fellowships. From Bio-X has also    Clinical Informatics, and Clinical and
program, has recently been introduced.          emerged the new joint department of            Translational Research.
The ARTS program permits clinical               bioengineering (between the schools of
residents or fellows who have become            medicine and engineering—a first at            Supporting these mission-based efforts
committed to research to do a PhD               Stanford) that is rapidly becoming highly      has required significant financial
degree. This program is modeled on the          successful, mainly because of its focus on     and other resource planning. For
highly successful STAR program at UCLA          using engineering principles to study          example, for the next 10 to 15 years, a
and, along with other integrating efforts       biology, and vice versa. This very strong      major transformation is planned for
led by the senior associate dean for            commitment to basic science and                Stanford’s research and education
graduate medical education, also helps          interdisciplinary research (including          facilities—as well as for both major
connect programs in graduate medical            bioengineering) can be viewed as a             teaching hospitals. This necessitates
education with the undergraduate                fundamental foundation for Stanford’s          integrated planning not only within the
emphasis on training physician–scientists,      medical school and among its most              medical school but also collaboratively with
scholars, and leaders.                          distinguishing attributes.                     both major hospitals and the university.
                                                                                               Included in this planning has been a
Thus, a continuum of programs from              Because Stanford’s medical school is a         determination of the numbers of
undergraduate medical education                 small school and part of a small AHC and       recruitments that will be needed to fulfill
through graduate education and                  cannot “do everything,” one of the most        the missions of the medical school and its
postdoctoral training is focused on             important facets of strategic planning was     AHC, as well as the space and resources
training future physician–scholars,             the selection of those areas that would        required to house and support them, and
scientists, and leaders and is, therefore,      best further align the school’s missions in    the sources of funding that need to be
very much aligned with the medical              education, research, and patient care.         employed or created to make these efforts
school’s core missions in research and          Accordingly, in 2002 the dean and the          successful.
patient care—and also very consistent           school’s executive committee selected five
with the medical school’s strategic plan,       major disease/discipline themes to be the
Translating Discoveries. Importantly,           basis for the Stanford Institutes of           The challenges
these education and training programs           Medicine (SIMs), each composed of 150          Although it is assumed that thoughtful
have helped foster more dialogue and            to 200 faculty members from across the         and integrated planning is the best way to
communication between basic and                 university who engage in collaborative         achieve a vision, it is also clear that many
clinical science faculty and among those        research and education. The SIMs were          internal and external forces can alter or
committed to education across the               designed to foster translational discoveries   challenge that vision and its success. This

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reality calls for constant adjustment,              by an institutional direction they did            BioX program, the department of
consistent communication, and                       not understand or support.                        bioengineering, and the Institutes of
anticipation of events or forces that could                                                           Medicine) have helped to overcome
                                                  • Communication is a key component of               some of the misperceptions and have
thwart otherwise exciting institutional
                                                    institutional transformation, along with          led to positive interactions that appeal
efforts. As noted at the beginning of this
                                                    clearly delineated plans that are                 broadly to university leaders and the
case study, Stanford has a blend of
                                                    modified and adjusted to accommodate              community.
characteristics emanating from its size,
                                                    to the various institutional constituencies
location, history, resources, and focus.            and their not infrequently differing            • Leadership models at AHCs are highly
But, like every medical school, it is               perspectives. This requires communication         varied, and none are necessarily
subject to significant regional and                 from the leadership that is transparent,          sustainable over time. Stanford’s
national challenges. Today, those include           engaging, informative, and continuous.            separate leadership of its medical
the decreased funding from the NIH, the                                                               school and two major teaching
changing cycle of payments for clinical           • Institutional progress requires plans             hospitals provides both strengths and
care, and the fact that the lack of an              and objectives that are not only                  weaknesses. Whereas the overall
organized health care system in the                 transparent but also achieved.                    mission has been served because of the
United States makes all medical schools and         Institutional ownership of the planning           positive interaction of current leaders,
AHCs subject to serious compromise—                 process and its deliverables is essential         this model is not necessarily sustainable,
financially as well as in their perceived value     and should not be delegated to outside            and it could be compromised by resource
by the public they seek to serve. That said,        consultants or individuals who are not            constraints that pit one mission against
the best buffer to such forces is to stay true      responsible and accountable.                      another or by changes in individuals
to one’s institutional mission and                • Transformational planning is a                    that alter the dynamics or trust of the
uniqueness and to not lose sight of the             constant process with frequent ebbs               institutional leaders.
vision and goals that have been established.        and tides. Because of the diversity of          • Having the trust and authority of the
In the case of Stanford, that vision is to be a     talents, interests, and commitments at            university president, provost, and
premier research-intensive medical school           an AHC, it cannot be expected or                  board of trustees is essential, especially
that improves health through leadership and         anticipated that unanimity of opinion             when major changes are contemplated
a collaborative approach to discovery and           or support will be achieved. Difficult            or being implemented. But, this trust is
innovation in patient care, education, and          choices need to be made, priorities set,          also subject to change and, thus, must
research.                                           and accountability recognized. That               be constantly reinforced by evidence of
                                                    said, progress is more possible when              progress. Objective external evaluation
                                                    the institutional planning is adjusted to         of this project on a regular basis serves
Lessons Learned                                     fit the culture, history, and values of the       to validate the plans and the leadership.
                                                    institution.                                      But, it must be recognized that such
• Because AHCs are often highly matrixed                                                              external reviews can also result in
                                                  • Most AHCs have to make choices                    changes in institutional direction or
  by interdependent interactions and                about their areas of focus and
  relationships between academic and                                                                  leadership as well—and, thus, this also
                                                    institutional priorities, because few are         must be anticipated.
  clinical programs, they are also fragile          large enough to do everything. When
  and can be adversely affected when one            there are internal or external constraints,     • AHCs are likely to be especially
  mission gets off track or dominates the           forward planning is essential. Even if the        challenged in the next decade,
  enterprise in an unhealthy way. This was          plans are not fully achieved, they provide        ironically because of the destabilization
  true at Stanford Medicine when the                a foundation for future adaptation and            likely to occur from some of the forces
  merger with UCSF created distractions,            modulation. During the past several               that brought them into their current
  financial losses, and distrust between the        years, the school’s strategic plan,               structure and function. For example,
  faculty in basic and clinical departments         Translating Discoveries, has served as            with the anticipated changes in
  and between the AHC and university. To            an anchor by which to align missions              Medicare and the reduced support for
  overcome these challenges, a transparent          in education, research, and patient               biomedical research from the NIH, the
  and thoughtfully articulated plan was             care.                                             historically highly leveraged success of
  essential.                                                                                          AHCs will be increasingly compromised.
                                                  • Understanding the inherent strengths              Likely, new models will need to be
• Overcoming a major disruption such as             and distinguishing features of an                 developed to sustain core missions in
  a failed merger requires a redefinition           institution is also essential to successful       research and education as well as patient
  of the mission, goals, and objectives of          planning. When Stanford’s medical                 care. These external forces make ongoing
  both the medical school and the AHC.              school began separating its functions             institutional planning essential; without
  It requires buy-in from multiple                  and missions from its parent university,          such efforts, inadvertent damage can
  constituencies including the basic and            it lost the trust of the university faculty       easily occur. As mentioned earlier,
  clinical science faculty, students,               and became perceived as a liability               despite their formidable strengths, AHCs
  and staff. It also requires healing               rather than as an asset. Efforts to better        are also fragile, and without planning and
  among communities that had felt                   integrate the medical school with the             leadership, they can lose their focus and,
  disenfranchised or even abandoned                 missions of the university (through the           potentially, their preeminence.

872                                                                                           Academic Medicine, Vol. 83, No. 9 / September 2008
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