Regulation of Neural Stem Cells in the Human SVZ by Trophic and Morphogenic Factors

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Regulation of Neural Stem Cells in the Human SVZ by Trophic and Morphogenic Factors
Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 2011, 6, 000-000                                      1

Regulation of Neural Stem Cells in the Human SVZ by Trophic and
Morphogenic Factors

Lucia E. Álvarez-Palazuelos1, Martha S. Robles-Cervantes2, Gabriel Castillo-Velázquez3,
Mario Rivas-Souza2, Jorge Guzman-Muniz4, Norma Moy-Lopez4, Rocío E. González-Castañeda1,
Sonia Luquín1 and Oscar Gonzalez-Perez1,4,*

 Department of Neuroscience, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara; 2Forensic
medicine. Instituto Jalisciense de Ciencias Forenses, Guadalajara, Jalisco; 3Department of Neurosurgery. Instituto Na-
cional de Neurología y Neurocirugía “Manuel Velasco Suárez” México, DF; 4Laboratory of Neuroscience, Facultad de
Psicología, Universidad de Colima, Colima, Col, México

             Abstract: The subventricular zone (SVZ), lining the lateral ventricular system, is the largest germinal region in mammals.
             In there, neural stem cells express markers related to astroglial lineage that give rise to new neurons and oligodendrocytes
             in vivo. In the adult human brain, in vitro evidence has also shown that astrocytic cells isolated from the SVZ can generate
             new neurons and oligodendrocytes. These proliferative cells are strongly controlled by a number of signals and molecules
             that modulate, activate or repress the cell division, renewal, proliferation and fate of neural stem cells. In this review, we
             summarize the cellular composition of the adult human SVZ (hSVZ) and discuss the increasing evidence showing that
             some trophic modulators strongly control the function of neural stem cells in the SVZ.
Keywords: Subventricular zone, neural stem cell, human, neurodegenerative, astrocyte.

INTRODUCTION                                                                    NEURAL STEM CELLS
    In the 20 century, new neurons generation was first sug-
                                                                                    Adult NSCs are precursor cells within the central nervous
gested in the sixties when [3H]-thymidine-labeled neurons                       system (CNS) that can self-renew and give rise to neurons
were described along of the ventricular walls [1]. Then, on-                    and glia [18]. In addition, NSCs appear to be able to repair
going neurogenesis was demonstrated in many vertebrates                         brain tissue [19, 20] and it has been suggested that these
including song-birds [2] lizards [3], rodents [4], rabbits [5],                 characteristics last long-life [21]. The presence of NSCs in
dogs [6], piglets [7] monkeys [8] and humans [9-11]. In the                     the CNS was indirectly shown in non-adherent cell cultures,
adult brain, there are two germinal regions: the subventricu-                   where they produced cell clusters called neurospheres [22,
lar zone (SVZ) lining the lateral ventricles and the subgranu-                  23]. To date, it is well-accepted that NSCs remain in specific
lar zone (SGZ) in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus [12]. In                     niches into the brain: the SVZ the SGZ [24, 25]. In humans,
these regions, there exists a population of multipotent cells,                  isolated cells from the lateral wall of the ventricles can
known as neural stem cells (NSCs), that self renew and give                     form neurospheres. However, the precise location of NSCs
rise to neurons and oligodendrocytes in vivo [13].                              germinal niches along the lateral ventricles is not well-
    The SVZ is the largest germinal region and source of                        known [25-28].
NSCs in the adult brain. In rodents and non-human primates,                         NSCs in the SVZ are known as Type-B cells that origin
it has been demonstrated that NSCs in the SVZ generate new                      to intermediate transit-amplifying progenitors (Type-C cells)
neurons that migrate to the olfactory bulb where they be-                       [29]. Type-C cells in turn give rise migrating neuroblasts,
come into functional interneurons [14, 15]. An equivalent                       named Type-A cells, which differentiate in mature interneu-
migrating route in humans have been suggested [16], but this                    rons in the olfactory bulb (Fig. 1) [29, 30]. Type B-cells in
evidence is still controversial [17]. The organization of these                 the SVZ are also an important source of oligodendroglial
germinal regions and the pattern of division and migration of                   cells that migrate to the white matter at the corpus callosum
neural stem cells are still not well-known, raising questions                   and fimbria fornix [31-33]. Type-B cells display ultrastruc-
about the mechanism that controls adult neurogenesis.                           tural and morphological characteristics of astrocytes and
    Understanding molecular mechanisms that control self-                       have a primary cilium that contacts the cerebrospinal fluid
renewal, growth, proliferation and migration of adult NSCs                      [34]. NSCs share some molecular markers with radial glia
is the first step to eventually design cell-based therapies to                  cells the NSCs in developing brain, but specific markers for
the repair of brain damage. Here, we summarize the cellular                     characterizing NSCs remain elusive [35]. Thus, the combina-
composition of the human SVZ (hSVZ) and some of the                             tion of cell culture features and immunoreactivity is an
molecular signals involved in the control of NSCs.                              acceptable approach to identify NSCs [36, 37].
                                                                                    NSCs express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), the
*Address correspondence to this author at the Facultad de Psicología, Univer-   glutamate transporter GLAST [38, 39], vimentin and nestin
sidad de Colima, Av. Universidad 333, Colima, Col, 28040, México;               [40-42]. A transcriptomic analysis established that GFAP-
Tel: +52 (312) 316-1091; Fax: +52 (312) 316-1091;                               positive NSCs express prominin1 (CD133 in humans) [43,
E-mail: and/or

                                                  1574-3624/11 $58.00+.00        ©2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Regulation of Neural Stem Cells in the Human SVZ by Trophic and Morphogenic Factors
2 Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 2011, Vol. 6, No. 3                                                             Álvarez-Palazuelos et al.

                                                                         renewal and proliferation [49]. Lacto- and globo-series gly-
                                                                         colipids, such as SSEA-1 and SSEA-4 in SVZ cells, are
                                                                         helpful to identify a proliferative state, self-renewal and mul-
                                                                         tipotentiality [52, 53]. In summary, identifying NSCs in vivo
                                                                         is a challenge because, to date, there are not specific markers
                                                                         to fully identify them.
                                                                         ADULT SUBVENTRICULAR ZONE IN THE HUMAN
                                                                             A persistent proliferation has been found in the young,
                                                                         adult and senescent hSVZ [54, 55]. Increasing evidence
                                                                         indicates that hSVZ harbors multipotent neural stem cells
                                                                         (Fig. 2), as demonstrated in cell culture assays using intraop-
                                                                         erative and postmortem brain samples [11, 28, 56, 57]. These
                                                                         NSCs were identified when cultured in enriched and non-
                                                                         enriched media with growth factors [26, 58]. The cell-of-
                                                                         origin of human neurospheres is GFAP-expressing cells,
                                                                         which also have the morphological and ultrastructural char-
                                                                         acteristics of astrocytes [59]. Thus, a subpopulation of
                                                                         GFAP-expressing astrocytes in the SVZ behaves as putative
                                                                         NSCs in the adult human brain [10].
Fig. (1). Schematic drawing of aNSCs. Multipotent NSCs (Type-B
cells) originate Type-C cells, also called transit-amplifying precur-        The anatomical subdivision of lateral ventricular system
sors. In vitro and in vivo evidence indicates that SVZ NSCs give         in humans [60] is shown in Fig. (3). The human SVZ, lining
rise to oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, neurons. Red short arrows          the lateral wall of the ventricles, has unique features as com-
represent the self-renewal capacity of the cell.                         pared to other mammals [10, 11, 28]. It possesses four lay-
                                                                         ers, starting from the inside layer of lateral ventricle towards
                                                                         basal structures (Fig. 4). The first layer contacts the ventricu-
44]. Recently a GFAP isoform (GFAP-delta) has been pro-
                                                                         lar cavity and cerebrospinal fluid and comprises a monolayer
posed as a marker of NSCs, because it stains a subpopulation
                                                                         of ependymal cells. The second layer, also known as
of SVZ astrocytes in rodents and humans [45-47]. GFAP-
                                                                         hypocellular gap, contains an important amount of GFAP+
delta differs from the GFAP-alpha isoform in the carboxy-
                                                                         and doublecortin+ processes but scarce cell somas. The third
terminus tail, resulting in a unique 41-aminoacid sequence
                                                                         layer is replenished by cells with GFAP-expressing astro-
                                                                         cytes, organized in a ribbon. The last layer is a stratum of
    Intracellular and membrane compounds are also useful                 myelinated axons bordering deep subcortical white and gray
NSCs biomarkers. The RNA-binding protein musashi 1 has                   matter [11]. No rostral migratory stream, as that found in
been identified as a marker of asymmetric cell division that             rodents, has been fully demonstrated in the adult brain [10].
stops cell-cycle rogression and mantains the “stemness”                  Yet, a later study described neuroblasts-like cells that appear
stage [41, 48]. Transcription factors Oct4 and Sox2 are found            to reach the adult olfactory bulb [16, 61]. Interestingly, in the
in NSCs and co-regulate each other [49, 50]. Oct 4 is impli-             human fetal brain, a rostral extension of the ventricle and
cated in pluripotency and fate determination [50]. This tran-            chains of migratory neuroblasts have been recently described
scription factor was first described in embryonic NSCs [51],             [62]. Therefore, it still unclear whether the rostral migratory
but there is evidence in adult human NSCs that challenges                stream persists in the adult brain or it is only a remnant of
these data [49]. Sox2 expression in NSCs promotes self-                  the fetal ventricle.

Fig. (2). NSCs reside in the SVZ along the walls of lateral ventricles. The SVZ contains multipotent Type-B cells that originate Type-C cells,
which give rise to migrating neuroblasts (Type-A cells). In several species, new neurons derived from the SVZ migrate to the olfactory bulb
via the rostral migratory stream. Nevertheless, in the adult human brain such migratory route has not been confirmed, yet.
Regulation of Neural Stem Cells in the Human SVZ by Trophic and Morphogenic Factors
Neurochemical Control of Subventricular Zone Progenitors                              Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 2011, Vol. 6, No. 3   3

Fig. (3). Schematic representation of the lateral ventricular system in adult human brain. Coronal sections represent the division of regions
suggested by Rothon [60]: the anterior horn (red), the body of the ventricle (yellow), the occipital horn (green) and the temporal horn (blue).
Each region has been subdivided in dorsal, intermediate and ventral parts.

Fig. (4). Schematic drawing of the cytoarchitecture of the human SVZ. The human SVZ displays unique characteristics in the layer II and
layer III. In the hypocellular gap (Layer II), there are some doublecortin-positive filaments and several clusters of 3 or 4 displaced ependymal
cells. Layer III shows an organization in ribbon formed by stellate GFAP+ cells.

CELL SIGNALS THAT CONTROL ADULT NSCS                                      (GFs) regulate some of the properties of NSCs via tyrosine
                                                                          kinase (RTK) or cytokine receptors [35, 63, 71] (Table 1).
    NSCs in the SVZ are responsive to a number of mole-
                                                                          These factors include: epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic
cules of their microenvironment, such as: cytokines [63],
                                                                          fibroblast growth factor (bFGF or FGF-2), platelet-derived
growth factors [64, 65], neurotransmitters [35], hormones
                                                                          growth factor (PDGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor
[66-68] drugs and other molecules [69, 70]. All these chemi-
                                                                          (BDNF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and
cal signals can modify the proliferation, migration, survival
                                                                          nerve growth factor (NGF). In general, GFs affect cell gen-
and differentiation of NSCs. Polypeptide growth factors
4 Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 2011, Vol. 6, No. 3                                                                           Álvarez-Palazuelos et al.

Table 1.     Chemical Mediators of Neural Stem Cells in the SVZ

 Modulator          Predominant Effect                                                               Cell Fate                           Reference

 Growth factors

 bFGF               Represses differentiation, increases number of proliferative divisions            oligodendrocyte                    [78, 79, 107, 114]

 BDNF               Induces proliferation of NSCs and migration of new born neurons                  neurons

 EGF                Increases NSCs proliferation, decreases cell migration to OB                      astrocytes, oligodendrocytes       [64, 101, 106]

 NGF                NSCs survival, clonal expansion and proliferation                                oligodendrocte                      [29, 86]

 PDGF               Stimulates NSCs division and proliferation                                       astrocytes, oligodendrocyte         [107, 108]

 VEGF               NSCs survival, proliferation and differentiation                                 neuron                              [7, 113]

 Trophic factors/cytokines

 CTNF               Clonal expansion of Type-C cells, self-renewal and differentiation of NSCs       astrocytes                          [63, 87]

 IL-4               NSCs differentiation                                                             neurons and oligodendrocytes        [112]

 IL-6               Promotes NSCs proliferation and commitment                                       astroglial                          [63, 109]

 LIF                Self renewal and proliferation of NSCs                                                                               [88, 90]


 BMPs               Exit of cell cycle and cell differentiation. Inhibition of neuronal genesis      astrocyte                           [110]

 Ephrin             Induces NSCs differentiation                                                     neuron                              [95]

 Noggin             Antagonist of BMPs, inhibits differentiation to glial lineage                    neuron

 Notch              Induces NSCs self-renewal and differentiation, reduces NSC proliferation          astroglia                          [101, 102, 111]

 Shh                Promotes NSC self-renewal, and expands B and C cell population.                  neuron, oligodendrocytes            [98-100]
                    Chemoattractant of migrating neuroblasts

 Wnt                Self renewal and proliferation of B cells                                         neuron                             [96]

 Other signals

 Emx2               Clonal expansion of Type-C cells                                                                                     [103]

 Pten               Mantains B and C cell population, promotes migration of neuroblasts to OB                                            [104]

 FOXO3              NSCs survival and self-renewal, preventing differentiation                                                           [105]

eration and differentiation processes in NSCs [64, 72-76].                          growth and migratory capacity of NSCs [85]. NGF not only
IL-6 and TGF-1 cause a negative effect on NSCs from                                controls growth, differentiation and survival of NSCs in the
SVZ, producing a decrease on proliferation and differentia-                         SVZ, but also downregulates pro-inflammatory that, in turn,
tion of multipotential cells [76]. BDNF has been implicated                         induce NSCs survival, clonal expansion and proliferation
in NSCs’ survival and differentiation [77]. bFGF induces                            [29, 86].
proliferation of SVZ cells when administered in vivo and the                            Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) [87], leukemia in-
SVZ cells after bFGF stimulation have multipotent proper-                           hibitory factor (LIF), interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-6 and B cell
ties [78, 79].                                                                      stimulating factor 3 (BSF3) belong to a family of structurally
    Type-B SVZ cells highly express receptors for PDGF                              related cytokines that signal through gp130. This transmem-
and bFGF, while Type-C cells predominantly express EGFR                             brane glicoprotein interacts with the JAK-STAT pathway to
[65, 80]. Excessive stimulation with PDGF-AA induces                                convey survival signals into the nucleus and promote mul-
NSCs expansion in the hallmarks of glioma [73]. Signaling                           tipotentiality of NSCs [12, 63, 88]. These cytokines have
through the EGF receptor promotes the expansion of Type-C                           shown synergistic effects on differentiation of NSCs [89].
cells [65], which behave as multipotent NSCs, evidencing                            CNTF induces proliferation of SVZ cells by prolonging the
they are not fully committed cells [81]. EGF reduces the                            S-phase [87]. CNTF also promotes differentiation of Type-C
pool of neuronal precursors and increases oligodendrogene-                          cells into astrocyte lineage [88]. LIF promotes asymmetrical
sis in vitro and in vivo [64, 82]. VEGF is a mitogen that af-                       divisions of NSCs by phosphorylating Stat-3; in conse-
fects cell fate and migration of NSCs in the SVZ [83]. VEGF                         quence, it increases the number of undifferentiated neural
inhibits caspase-3 activity in SVZ [84] and promotes the                            progenitors [90, 91].
Neurochemical Control of Subventricular Zone Progenitors                                 Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 2011, Vol. 6, No. 3        5

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Received: January 20, 2010   Revised: June 07, 2010    Accepted: August 02, 2010
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