Review Article Treatment of multiple system atrophy - the past, present and future - the past, present ...

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Am J Clin Exp Immunol 2018;7(5):88-94 /ISSN:2164-7712/AJCEI0083748

Review Article
Treatment of multiple system
atrophy - the past, present and future
Haiyan Yu1*, Xiaoling Yuan1*, Lifeng Liu1, Tian Wang2, Dianrong Gong1
 Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People’s Hospital, Liaocheng Clinical School, Taishan Medical University,
Liaocheng, PR China; 2Taishan Medical University, Liaocheng, PR China. *Equal contributors.
Received August 8, 2018; Accepted August 12, 2018; Epub October 5, 2018; Published October 15, 2018

Abstract: Multiple system atrophy is a sporadic progressive degenerative disease which is characterized by multiple
central nervous systems involved. So far, there is no effective medicine to cure MSA. The main research direction
of treatment includes immunization transplantation and cytotherapy. Human umbilical cord blood is the residue
of blood in the placenta and umbilical cord after fetal delivery. It is the most abundant cell bank and its usage is
not limited to treat hematological diseases. The researches about hUCB-MNC treatment on MSA are increasing
gradually. The potential of other MSC is also discussed. Lateral atlanto-occipital space puncture is an ingenious way
created by Professor Dianrong Gong. More than 30 cases of MSA have been treated by this method with fine clini-
cal effect and without serious complications. It indicates that stem cells treatment is a valid method for refractory
nerve system diseases.

Keywords: Multiple system atrophy, lateral atlanto-occipital space puncture, stem cells, human umbilical cord
blood-mononuclear cell

Multiple system atrophy (MSA), also named                      types can combine with autonomic nervous
Parkinsonism plus syndrome in the past, is a                   dysfunction [4]. The 2008 second consensus
sporadic progressive degenerative disease                      statement established by Gilman etc defined
which is characterized by multiple central                     MSA as sporadic, progressive and adult-onset
nervous systems involved [1]. Epidemiologic                    (>30 year old) neurodegenerative disease, and
data showed the MSA morbidity is 0.60-                         included imaging characteristics such as atro-
3.00/100,000 per year, and the prevalence                      phy of putamen, middle cerebellar peduncle,
rate is 1.90-4.90/100,000 per year [2, 3].                     pons and cerebellum in MRI and hypometabo-
Once the onset, the condition of MSA progress-                 lism of putamen, brain stem and cerebellum in
es continuously, then leads to death or dis-                   FDG-PET.
abled, and the mean survival time is about 7-9
years. Based on the pathogenesis and patho-                    Pathology features and pathogenesis
logical features, we reviewed the treatment and
                                                               In 1989, Papp et al [5] found inclusion bodies in
research highlights of MSA as follows.
                                                               Oligodendrocyte are typical pathological chang-
Diagnostic criteria                                            es in MSA patients. In 1998, Wakabayashi et al
                                                               [6] found α-synuclein is the main ingredient of
The previous diagnostic criteria was according                 inclusion bodies in Oligodendrocyte. And inclu-
to symptoms and signs. The clinical symptoms                   sion bodies with α-synuclein inside were also
include the different combination about stria-                 found in the neurons of Parkinson disease,
tum nigra degeneration, olivopontocerebellar                   Alzheimer’s disease, and Huntington dementia
atrophy and Shy-Drager syndrome. It can be                     patients, which indicates that there is a same
derived into MSA-P type which is manifested                    pathogenesis in these diseases and MSA,
with Parkinsonian symptoms and dopamine                        and they are called α-synuclein disease. The
poor outcome, and MSA-C type which has main                    α-synuclein is in inferior olivary nucleus, pon-
manifestations of cerebellar ataxia. Both of two               tine nucleus, cerebellum, substantia nigra,
Treatment of multiple system atrophy

locus coeruleus, putamen, pallidum, subtha-        In recent years, many kinds of stem cells have
lamic nucleus and intermediolateral column of      been found by researchers and they are trying
thoracic spinal cord, lower motor neuron and       to treat MSA and other degenerative diseases
cortical cone neurons [7], and the distribution    which hope to relieve the degeneration of
density is positively correlated with degree of    neurons.
neuropathy. According to the studies, research-
ers found the possible pathogenesis of MSA is      Stem cells
because of abnormally gathering of hyperphos-
                                                   Stem cell as “universal cell” has significant
phorylation of α-synuclein which leading to
                                                   superiority in treatment of neurodegenerative
degeneration of Oligodendrocyte, and inducing
                                                   diseases because of its particular biological
degeneration and loss of myelin, activating
                                                   characteristic. In recent years, researches
microglia, causing oxidative stress and inflam-
                                                   about stem cells increase quickly both in basic
matory reaction, and leading to degeneration
                                                   and clinical trials. In 2010, FDA approved the
and death of neurons [8-10]. Besides, immuno-
                                                   global first case of Oligodendrocyte precursor
inflammatory response is also found in the
                                                   cell in human embryonic stem cells for treat-
pathogenesis of MSA [11, 12]. Additionally, the
                                                   ment of acute spinal cord injury in human test-
intravenous injection of immunoglobulin can
                                                   ing. Soon afterwards, stem cell was approved
relieve the symptoms of MSA patients in clinical
                                                   in clinical trials in many countries such as
study [13], which indicates that the immune-
                                                   England, Swiss, Korea and China, and in last
mediated mechanism may also involve in the
                                                   year, umbilical cord blood cell was also
pathogenesis of MSA.
                                                   approved in enlarging clinical treatment by
Treatment in current situation                     FDA. In China, since 2016, 114 stem cell
                                                   clinical research record organizations were
Now there is no effective medicine to cure MSA,    supported of clinical application transforma-
most part of methods are symptomatic treat-        tion by Chinese National Health and Family
ment and enhanced care. The main research          Planning Commission and the Food and Drug
direction of treatment includes immunization       Administration.
transplantation and cytotherapy.
                                                   Stem cells are derided into embryo stem cells
1. Parkinsonism: Levodopa, monoamine oxi-          and adult stem cells according to their sources.
dase inhibitor, or combination of them, but has    The later one includes neural stem cells, mes-
no apparent results [14].                          enchymal stem cells, induced pluripotent stem
                                                   cells [18] and umbilical cord blood mononucle-
2. Orthostatic hypotension: Midodrine Hydro-       ar cells. Otherwise, embryo stem cells were
chloride or Pyridostigmine Bromide can reduce      restricted in basic researches because of its
the difference of blood pressure between erect     ethical issues and induced teratomas [19].
posiont and supine positon [15].                   Adult stem cells are approved to use in both
                                                   preclinical and clinical trials.
3. Urinary and bowel disorders: Antidiuretic
hormone analogues or Trospium Chloride is for      Neural stem cells
urinary incontinence, but with caution because
of its central nervous system side effect.         Neural stem cells exist in cerebral ventricles,
Catheterization is for much residual urine, and    hippocampus and striatum of brain tissues,
Laxative is for astriction [16].                   and they have self-renewing ability and differ-
4. Cerebellum ataxia: Cholinergic agents are       entiation potentiality [20]. In vitro and in vivo
advised for a try by some studies, which could     trials it has shown that they can differentiate
increase cholinergic transmitter in the brain      into neurons and gliocytes. The researchers
[17] and improve the symptoms, but there is no     found that in mice models of neurodegenera-
any effect to confirm it.                          tive diseases, the stem cells can migrate into
                                                   the lesions of the brain (cortex, hippocampus
5. Change the life style and increase the          and striatum) to proliferate and differentiate
rehabilitation and exercises: Stretch socks,       into three kinds of nerve cells including neu-
avoiding hot environment, changing the posi-       rons [21, 22]. Neural stem cells are ideal
tion slowly, balance exercises and other reha-     donors for MSA by replacement treatment.
bilitation methods.                                Nonetheless, it is difficult to obtain the neural

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Treatment of multiple system atrophy

stem cells because they are in the central nerve     lar endothelial growth factor (VEGF), brain-
system. Moreover, it is restricted by ethics         derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), IL-6, Glial
problems if taking them from the brain of the        cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)
aborted fortus and using the embryonic stem          and so on. These secretion substances were
cells.                                               injected into substantia nigra and striatum of
                                                     the animal mode, the dopaminergic neurons
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)                        increased and the motor behavior got improved
                                                     in the animal mode [41]. It indicates that MSCs
MSCs mainly include bone marrow MSCs,                not only can differentiate into and replace the
umbilical cord MSCs, adipose tissue-derived          damaged nerve cells, but have secretion and
MSCs and gingiva-derived MSCs [23-31]. The           secretagogue function. We speculate MSCs
MSCs are widely used because they are easy to        secret neuroprotective substances which can
obtain, and they have powerful self-renewing         change the microenvironment of the lesions of
and differentiation ability, quick ex-vivo expan-    MSA patients, regulate immunity, inhibit inflam-
sion, easy mediated gene transfer and other          matory reaction, protect nerve cells, and pro-
advantages, and they have very little possibility    mote the endogenous neural stem cells to gain
of oncogenicity [32-34]. In a mice trial, the bone   the differentiation and secretion functions,
marrow MSCs were transplanted into the MSA-          which contributes to treat and improve the
P type mice, the Parkinsonism symptoms got           symptoms of MSA.
improved because of the neuroprotective and
immune-regulation effects [35]. Some similar         Human umbilical cord blood-mononuclear cell
animal experiments have verified that MSCs           (hUCB-MNC)
could decrease cytokines of TNF-α and IL-1
releasing, inhibit immuno-inflammatory reac-         Human umbilical cord blood is the residue of
tions, and reduce the activation of astrocytes       blood in the placenta and umbilical cord after
and gliocytes in the brain of MSA animal mode.       fetal delivery. It is the most abundant cell bank
It has been confirmed that the proliferation of      and its usage is not limited to treat hemato-
astrocytes and gliocytes is negatively correlat-     logical diseases. In October 2017, a compre-
ed with survival levels of the neurons [36, 37].     hensive clinical research of umbilical cord
                                                     blood cells was developed at Duke University
In a recent study, the MSCs were injected into       School of Medicine, which included patients
the internal carotid artery of MSA animal mode       with autism, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, lan-
to observe the security and effectivity, and the     guage disorders and cerebral ischemia. They
results were that there was no ischemic chang-       found the most important cells in the umbilical
es in brain MRI, and in the treatment group, the     cord blood are mononuclear cells which had
survival amount of neurons in striatum and           nerve regeneration function [42]. Besides of
substantia nigra increased significantly and         the proliferation and differentiation functions,
dyskinesia symptoms relieved obviously, which        hUCB-MNC also has many advantages such as
indicates that this method could be safe and         simple and convenient collection and separa-
effective [38]. Lee [39] found that after 1 year     tion, noninvasive, no ethics controversy, low
follow-up, in the treatment group of 33 MSA          antigenicity and longer survival time [43, 44].
patients, the UMSARS and cognitive ability are       The researches about hUCB-MNC treatment
better than the control group, and the glucose       on α-synucleinisopathies diseases such as
metabolism rate and grey matter concentration        Parkinson disease, dementia and MSA, or on
in cerebellum and cerebral cortex were higher        neuron motor disease increased gradually.
than in the control group. He also found there
was no any serious side effects correlating with     HUCB-MNC is a mixed cell group. Besides some
MSCs during treatment and follow-up period.          kinds of stem cells and ancestral cells such as
                                                     hematopoietic stem cells, MSCs and endothe-
The basic research found that MSCs also have         lial progenitor cells, it also includes regulatory T
secretion ability [40]. Some proteomic analysis      cells, natural killer cells, T lymphocytes and
was made about the substances secreted by            dendritic cells, and these cells have protective
MSCs. The researchers found that there were          functions in generating and developing process
many important neuromodulators including             of neurodegenerative diseases [45]. Human
cystatin C, glia-derived nexin, galectin-1, vascu-   umbilical cord blood cells have high level of

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Treatment of multiple system atrophy

CD34+ and CD105+ cytological markers, which           than 20 years. In 2011, Professor Gong trans-
means they have high regenerative potentiality        planted stem cells into the brain by lateral
[46]. This was also found in many in vitro stud-      atlanto-occipital space puncture. The needle is
ies, and it even has higher directional differen-     inserted through lateral atlanto-occipital space
tiation functions. It can differentiate into nerve    behind the ear, and hUCB-MNC is injected into
cells and replace the degenerative ones in            cisterna magna. More than 200 kinds of refrac-
special environment [47-49]. In animal experi-        tory nerve system diseases have been treated
ments, after hUCB-MNC was transplanted into           by this method, which included more than 30
the brain, it could not only secret nerve growth      cases of MSA with fine clinical effect and with-
factors [50-52], but promote endogenous neu-          out serious complications. It indicates that
rotrophic factors to release [53], to protect neu-    stem cells treatment may be valid for refractory
rons and repair the damaged cells, and rebuild        nerve system diseases.
the regeneration microenvironment. Professor
Gong [54, 55] and her colleagues found the            Conclusions
clinical scores of MSA improved significantly,
their daily life skills enhanced obviously. The       MSA is a neurodegenerative disease with
conditions of 3 cases got significantly improve-      extensive lesions, gradual progress and poor
ment in 3 days, and it was impossible for the         prognosis. Some common methods used in
stem cells to differentiate into nerve cells, so it   clinic could only improve few symptoms of
was probably because hUCB-MNC changed the             patients but it could not cure it radically and
pathogenic micro-environment. Other studies           improve the outcomes. Stem cell has many
also indicated that hUCB-MNC has positive             characteristics such as self-replication, self-
effect in nerve system diseases treatment by          renewal, differentiation and secreting neuro-
regulating immunity [56-58]. In recent years,         trophic factors, and it can serve as a more
some researches showed that inflammatory              effective intervention method for MSA and
and immune mechanisms were involved in the            other refractory neurological diseases. Though
pathogenesis of MSA. So hUCB-MNC may play             the basic experiments and clinical researches
roles by many aspects including differentiation,      of stem cell are increasing gradually, we should
replacement, secretion, changing micro-envi-          concern about its safety and validity, if it can
ronment, inhibiting inflammation and regulating       survive after transplantation into human body,
immunity and so on.                                   how it can integrate well with host, how it can
                                                      play therapeutic effect. Furthermore, there is
It is important to choose the appropriate way of      no standardization about choice of stem cell
stem cell transplantation treatment for MSA.          types, stem cell amounts, choice of treatment
The effective treatment not only depends on           method and so on. In spite of many difficulties
the characteristics of the donor cells, but relies    of treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
on if the stem cells can migrate to central nerve     such as MSA, stem cell treatment would be a
system and integrate into the lesion tissues.         prospective method in the future.
Some researchers found stem cells which were
transplanted by intravenous injection partly          Disclosure of conflict of interest
passed through blood-brain barrier, and the
ones transplanted by carotid artery led to minor      None.
cerebral embolism [59]. The lateral ventricle
                                                      Address correspondence to: Dianrong Gong, De-
puncture would damage the brain and may
                                                      partment of Neurology, Liaocheng People’s Hos-
have complications such as intracerebral infec-
                                                      pital, Liaocheng Clinical School, Taishan Medical
tion and cerebrospinal fluid fistula. The stereo-
                                                      University, No. 67, Dongchang West Road, Liaocheng
tactic technique usually used in the neurosur-
                                                      252000, PR China. E-mail: 13346256059@163.
gery operation is chosen for limited lesions, but
it is difficult to use in MSA patients because
of the wide lesions. Lateral atlanto-occipital        References
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been used safely and reliably in clinic for more            Klockgether T, Lees A, Poewe W, Quinn N,

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