A Stem Cell-Specific Silencer in the Primer-Binding Site of a Retrovirus

Page created by Christian Patel
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Mar. 1991, p. 1214-1221                                                                    Vol. 11, No. 3
Copyright 0 1991, American Society for Microbiology

                  A Stem Cell-Specific Silencer in the Primer-Binding
                                 Site of a Retrovirus
           Vollum Institute for Advanced Biomedical Research and Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
                                 Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon 97201
                                     Received 13 September 1990/Accepted 29 November 1990

              Retrovirus expression in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells is blocked at a postintegration stage of the viral life
           cycle, in part because of the inadequate function of the viral long terminal repeat promoter in this cell type.

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           However, selection for retrovirus expression in EC cells has identified mutations in Moloney murine leukemia
           virus (M-MuLV) located in the tRNA primer-binding site (PBS) region which relieve the EC cell-specific
           repression. We have found that exchanging the M-MuLV proline PBS for a glutamine one in a recombinant
           virus permits expression in EC cells. By using the recombinant virus as a backbone, the EC cell-specific
           repressor-binding site (RBS) element has been mapped to M-MuLV nucleotides 147 to 174. The RBS does not
           require precise positioning downstream of the M-MuLV promoter and can function in either orientation and
           in an intron, indicating that the regulatory effect is probably at the DNA, rather than RNA, level. We also show
           that the RBS element can repress heterologous promoters from an upstream position. Our results indicate that
           the RBS acts as a silencer that its inhibitory effect is mediated by a trans-acting factor, and that the mechanism
           of action is probably at the level of transcription. Through in vitro binding assays we have identified a binding
           factor which specifically recognizes the wild-type RBS sequence (binding factor A). The binding characteristics
           of factor A suggest that it is a stem cell repressor which acts at the M-MuLV RBS. Our DNA-binding assays
           also have identified a unique binding factor (binding factor Hp) which specifically recognizes a hemimethylated
           form of the wild-type RBS. This factor may play a role in methylation mediated control of retrovirus expres-
           sion in EC cells.

  Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells derive from spontaneous                  elements (11), one in the LTR U3 region (13) and one in the
gonadal tumors or from tumors induced by ectopic place-                   vicinity of the primer-binding site (PBS) (5, 21, 22). These
ment of preimplantation embryos and are the earliest cultur-              elements inhibit virus expression specifically in undifferen-
able stem cells in mammalian organisms (6, 34). Spontane-                 tiated cells. The PBS region, which binds a cellular tRNA to
ous lines develop from malignant stem cells present in                    primer first-strand synthesis during reverse transcription,
teratocarcinomas and display morphological, biochemical,                  appears to have a second function in mediating stem cell
and biological properties of pluripotent cells of the early               transcriptional repression. Loh et al. (22) have shown that
embryo (6, 10). A number of differentiated cell functions are             the PBS-mediated EC cell-specific repression can be com-
repressed in EC cells. The inactivity of a variety of promot-             pletely outcompeted in DNA transfection experiments. Mu-
ers in undifferentiated EC cells demonstrates that, at least              tations in the PBS region have been shown to relieve
partially, this regulation occurs at the level of transcription,          repression in transfections as well as infections (5, 38), again
although it is clear that inactive transcriptional units ulti-            indicating that the effect is not at the level of viral integra-
mately become repressed by DNA methylation (28, 35).                      tion. These results suggest that the tRNA PBS function
   One characteristic common to EC cells and preimplanta-                 during reverse transcription and the repressor-binding site
tion embryos is that they are nonpermissive for the expres-               (RBS) function, which inhibits viral expression specifically
sion of viral genomes, including the Moloney murine leuke-                in EC cells, are independent phenomena mediated by the
mia virus (M-MuLV) genome (15, 28, 35, 36). Retroviral                    same or partially overlapping sequences.
integration is unimpaired in EC cells, but viral RNA accu-                   To date, the smallest sequence change to abolish the RBS
mulation is blocked (12, 35). The restriction of retrovirus               effect is the B2 mutation (5), a single-base-pair change (G to
expression in undifferentiated EC cells appears to be primar-             A) at M-MuLV nucleotide (nt) 160. However, owing to the
ily at the level of transcription (12, 20), although posttran-            mechanism of retroviral replication, the B2 mutation reverts
scriptional mechanisms have also been proposed (35). The                  at high frequency and cannot be used to map the RBS region
promoter in the retroviral long terminal repeat (LTR) func-               in infection assays. To circumvent this problem, we have
tions inadequately in EC cells and is at least partly respon-             generated a recombinant retrovirus, PBS-glutamine (PBSQ).
sible for the low level of virus-specific RNA detected (13,               In PBSQ, the wild-type (wt) M-MuLV proline PBS has been
20). It is not clear whether the enhancer is inactive because             exchanged for a homologous glutamine PBS from an endog-
of the presence of an enhancer-specific repressor, the ab-                enous provirus (7). Because PBSQ contains five single-base-
sence of specific enhancer-binding factors in EC cells, or                pair changes from the wt M-MuLV sequence (including the
both.                                                                     B2 G-to-A mutation) and is entirely homologous to a murine
   In addition to the enhancer element, the M-MuLV provi-                 tRNAGln, it is expressed in EC cells and does not revert at
rus contains at least two cis-acting negative regulatory                  high frequency. We have used M-MuLV retroviral con-
                                                                          structs containing PBSQ to test the effect of wt and mutant
                                                                          repressor fragments on viral expression in transfections and
      Corresponding author.                                               infections of EC cells. Our results substantiate the view that
VOL.   11, 1991                                                                     STEM CELL-SPECIFIC SILENCER               1215

the inhibitory effect of this cis-acting element is due to the    Thornell et al. (37). Specific double-stranded competitors
binding of a trans-acting regulatory factor to the RBS, which     were prepared by annealing single-stranded oligonucleotides
probably limits viral expression by blocking transcription.       as described by Speck and Baltimore (33). Probes were made
                                                                  by kinase labeling of single-stranded oligonucleotides, an-
               MATERIALS AND METHODS                              nealing to the complementary strand, and gel purification of
                                                                  double-stranded forms (33, 37).
   Recombinant plasmids and DNA methodology. Unless oth-            Methylated probes were prepared by incubating more than
erwise noted, all cloning methods used were essentially as        106 cpm (approximately 10 ng) of wt 28-bp probe in 10 to 20
described by Maniatis et al. (24). All M-MuLV designations        U of bacterial HpaII or MspI methylase overnight at 37°C (as
refer to the M-MuLV genomic RNA as described by Shin-             described in the technical data from New England Biolabs).
nick et al. (32). MP10 is a 4,670-bp provirus or a 9,200-bp       The wt 28-bp RBS of M-MuLV contains a 5'-CCGG-3'
plasmid and has been described by Barklis et al. (5). PBSQ        sequence which is methylated by these two methylases;
is identical to MP10 except that the PBS sequences have           HpaII methylase attaches a methyl group to the internal C,
been exchanged for homologous sequences from an endog-            whereas MspI methylase attaches a methyl group to the
enous mouse retrovirus originally isolated by Colicelli and       external C. Following phenol-chloroform purification and

                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on April 14, 2021 by guest
Goff (7). The substitution of sequences from M-MuLV nt 32         ethanol precipitation, the quality of methylation was
to 212 changes to tRNA PBS from PBS-proline in MP10 to            checked by restriction digest with methylation-sensitive
PBS-glutamine in PBSQ. The various PBSQ constructs                restriction enzymes and analyzed by electrophoresis on 10%
contain either the 47-bp (M-MuLV nt 139 to 185) or the 28-bp      native acrylamide gels. The hemimethylated forms of the wt
(M-MuLV nt 147 to 174) wt or B2 mutant (single-base-pair          probes were prepared from the completely methylated
G-to-A mutations at M-MuLV nt 160) (5) PBS sequences              forms. Following denaturation by heating, a 10-fold molar
inserted into the unique BamHI site of PBSQ after being           excess of the single-stranded oligonucleotide complemen-
subcloned into identical Bluescript vectors (Stratagene).         tary to the strand which was labeled in the preparation of the
LJ-P and LJ-Q are similar to the previously described vector      original probe was added to the mixture and allowed to
DOL (18), except that portions of the 5' LTRs through the         anneal by incubation at 50°C for 30 min, followed by a
BamHI site derive from MP10 and PBSQ, respectively.               30-min incubation at room temperature. The resulting
LJ-PEnh- and LJ-QEnh- are variants of LJ-P and LJ-Q               probes, with one strand end labeled with _y32P and methyl-
with 3' LTR enhancer deletions (8) corresponding to               ated at the described nucleotide, and the other strand neither
M-MuLV nt 7938 to 8114. LJ-PAdMLPEnh- and LJ-QAd                  labeled nor methylated, were gel purified.
MLPEnh- are identical to LJ-PEnh- and LJ-QEnh-, except
that they use the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP,                                     RESULTS
nt -248 to +34) as their internal promoter.
   Cell culture and RNA analysis. EC cell lines F9 and PCC4          EC cell restriction maps to an RBS at M-MuLV nt 147 to
(6), NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, and Psi2 (25) and PA317 (27)            174. To analyze the mechanism by which retrovirus mutants
packaging cell lines were grown as described previously (5).      permit EC cell expression, we have constructed a M-MuLV
Psi2 packaging cell populations expressing most proviruses        recombinant, PBSQ. PBSQ is similar to its wt parent, MP10,
were generated by the transfection-infection protocol de-         in that its neomycin (neo) gene is expressed from the
scribed by Jones et al. (17), and G418 selections were as         M-MuLV LTR promoter and is positioned downstream from
described previously (5). Transfections were performed by         a small intron which contains a unique BamHI cloning site
the procedure of Graham and Van der Eb (14) as modified by        (Fig. 1). However, PBSQ differs from MP10 in that wt
Parker and Stark (29), and direct-transfection protocols were     M-MuLV nt 32 to 212 have been exchanged for homologous
used for generation of Psi2 populations expressing enhancer       sequences from an endogenous mouse retrovirus (7). This
deletion constructs. Virus infection and titering, as well as     switch of 5 bp changes the PBSQ PBS from proline to
RNA isolation, blotting, and hybridizations, were performed       glutamine and includes the B2 G-to-A host range mutation
as described previously (4, 5, 38).                               (5). PBSQ and MP10 are expressed very differently in EC
   Protein extracts and gel shift assays. Nuclear extracts were   cells relative to differentiated cells such as NIH 3T3 fibro-
prepared from tissue culture cells essentially as described by    blasts (Table 1). With MP10, the EC cell restriction index,
Dignam et al. (9) with the modifications of Baeuerle and          defined as the ratio of NIH 3T3 to EC cell titers, is greater
Baltimore (2, 3), which permit the fractionation of nuclear,      than 2,000, indicating a high level of restriction. In contrast,
cytosolic, and postnuclear protein extracts. All extracts         PBSQ demonstrates a 50- to 100-fold-lower ratio, indicating
were dialyzed against Dignam buffer D (20 mM N-2-hydroxy-         that repression has been alleviated. It should be noted that
ethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid [HEPES; pH 7.9],         we have included the results from two different PBSQ viral
100 mM KCl, 20% [vol/vol] glycerol, 0.2 mM EDTA, 0.5 mM           supernatants to reconfirm our previous results (5, 38) that
phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol). The        absolute titers (as defined by NIH 3T3 titers) may vary as a
preparation of radioactive probes and the gel shift procedure     result of factors such as the time of supernatant collection
were essentially those of Thornell et al. (37), with the          and density of virus-producing cells, but the EC restriction
following exceptions. The binding reactions were carried out      index is relatively invariant. An additional point is that
in a total reaction volume of 20 ,ul containing 5 mM NaCl and     despite its relatively high level of expression in EC cells,
15 to 20 mM KCl in addition to the standard Thornell binding      PBSQ expression is reduced in this cell type relative to NIH
buffer (25 mM HEPES [pH 7.9], 1 mM EDTA, 10% [vol/vol]            3T3 cells. We assume that this reduction reflects the fact that
glycerol, 5 mM dithiothreitol, 0.5 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl        in addition to possessing a transcriptional repressor, stem
fluoride), 20,000 cpm of probe (approximately 0.2 ng), and        cells lack positive-acting factors necessary for full activity of
100 ng of poly(dI-dC), with a final protein concentration of      the M-MuLV LTR promoter (20).
approximately 250 ,ug/ml. Binding reactions were incubated           With the parental vector PBSQ, we have found it possible
for 15 to 30 min at room temperature. The electrophoresis         to distinguish the M-MuLV leader sequence PBS function
system used was the Tris-glycine system as described by           from its stem cell RBS function. To map the RBS sequences
1216     PETERSEN ET AL.                                                                                                   MOL. CELL. BIOL.

                                                                                                                               1000 bp

           LTR sd s               NEO                  LTR                                         BamH Hindil
 MP1O      I-1 I         II                I                             L-P
                     Bamrn                                                                   LTR       SV40          NEO          LTR
                                                                                                   BamH   HidiI
 PBSQ      I   X         Ii                l                 m           LJ-
                                                                                             LTR       SV40          NEO          LTR
                                                                                                   BamH H     tdll
                1                                I      1                LJ-PEnh-
                                                                                             LTR       SV40          NEO

                                                                                                                                              Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on April 14, 2021 by guest
 PBSO-wt47+                                      PBSO-wt28+                                        BamHi Hidil
 PBSO-wt47- 4-                          *- PBSQ-wt28-                     LJ-QEnh-
                                                                                             LTR       SV40          NEO          LTR
 PBSQ-m47+                    *          _.o..   PBSQ-m28+                                         BamH Hrmdll
 PBSO-m47-       4                      +4E~ PBSQ-m28-                    LJ-PAdMLPEnh-
                                                                                             LTR       AMUL NEO                   LTR
       M28+ :5'7GG7CT1 TcCGGATCGOAGACCCC 3'                                                        BamI Hfidil
                                                                                                LTR     AdMLP NEO                 LTR
  FIG. 1. Recombinant viral constructs. The previously described (5) MP10 retroviral vector expresses the neomycin (neo) gene from the
M-MuLV LTR promoter. The neo gene in this vector is positioned downstream from a small intron (indicated by sd [splice donor] and sa
[splice acceptor] which contains a unique BamHI cloning site. PBSQ is identical to MP10, except that RBS region sequences have been
exchanged for homologous sequences from an endogenous mouse retrovirus (7), indicated in black on the PBSQ map. Substitution of
sequences from M-MuLV nt 32 to 212 changes the tRNA PBS from PBS-proline to PBS-glutamine (PBSQ). PBSQ-wt47+, PBSQ-wt47-,
PBSQ-wt28+, PBSQ-wt28-, PBSQ-m47+, PBSQ-m47-, PBSQ-m28+, and PBSQ-m28- all derive from PBSQ but contain wt or mutant m RBS
fragments in either the sense (+) or antisense (-) orientation cloned into the PBSQ BamHI site. The wt 47-bp fragment contains M-MuLV
DNA from nt 139 to 185; the wt 28-mer contains M-MuLV DNA from nt 147 to 174. Mutant 47- and 28-bp fragments are identical to the wt
fragments except that they contain the G-to-A mutation (originally called B2 [5]) at nt 160. Sense strands of wt and mutant 28-bp fragments
are as shown. LJ-P and LJ-Q are identical to the previously described vector DOL (18), except that portions from the 5' LTRs through the
BamHI sites derive from MP10 and PBSQ, respectively. In these vectors, the neo genes are located immediately downstream from the
internal SV40 promoters (SV40 nt 208 to 5107) ( El ) LJ-PEnh- and LJ-QEnh- are variants of LJ-P and LJ-Q with 3' enhancer deletions
(M-MuLV nt 7938 to 8114), which self-inactivate 5' and 3' LTR promoters on viral replication and proviral insertion (8) so that neo
transcription is predominantly or completely from the internal SV40 promoters. LJ-PAdMLPEnh- and LJ-QAdMLPEnh- are identical to
LJ-PEnh- ad LJ-QEnh- except that they use the AdMLP (nt -248 to +34) (11111) as their internal promoter.

responsible for EC cell repression, we constructed various             activity is independent of viral proteins has been shown by
PBSQ vectors which contain either 47-bp (M-MuLV nt 139                 repression in direct transfections of EC cells with MP10
to 185) or 28-bp (M-MuLV nt 147 to 174) inserts, derived               versus the B2 mutant (5) and with the constructs (Fig. 1)
from either the wt or B2 mutant RBS regions, at the unique             PBSQ-wt28- versus PBSQ-m28- (data not shown).
BamHI site. neo titers, expressed as G418-resistant CFU per               RBS repression of heterologous promoters. To further
milliliter of viral supernatant, indicate the level of expression      characterize the EC cell restriction properties of the
of these retroviral constructs in EC and NIH 3T3 cells (Table          M-MuLV RBS, we studied the effects of wt and PBSQ RBS
1). The EC cell restriction (NIH 3T3 to EC titer) for each of          sequences on the simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter and
the constructs shows that the wt 47- and 28-bp sequences               adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP). In these experi-
restrict expression in EC cells when inserted in either                ments, viral vectors expressing the neo gene from the
orientation into the BamHI site of PBSQ, as indicated by               internal SV40 early promoter or AdMLP, with either wt or
ratios of greater than 3,500. However, the ratio of NIH 3T3            PBSQ RBS sequences in an upstream position, were com-
to EC titers observed for the PBSQ constructs containing the           pared (Fig. 1; Table 1). The LJ constructs, LJ-P and LJ-Q,
mutant 47- and 28-bp inserts were 50- to 100-fold lower.               are derived from the DOL vector described by Korman et al.
Thus, the difference in EC cell restriction between PBSQ wt            (18). The neo gene is driven by the SV40 early promoter in
and mutant insert constructs is similar to the difference              these constructs, and they are identical except that LJ-P has
between MP10 and PBSQ itself.                                          a wt RBS region whereas LJ-Q has a PBSQ-like RBS region.
   These results allow us to define a stem cell cis-acting RBS         The high NIH 3T3/EC ratio observed for LJ-P (Table 1; NIH
element which maps to M-MuLV nt 147 to 174. EC cell                    3T3/EC ratio, 6,651) indicates that the wt RBS sequence
repression occurs when the RBS is inserted in either orien-            repressed neo expression from the SV40 promoter in EC
tation and in an intron downstream of the M-MuLV LTR                   cells relative to NIH 3T3 cells, when in an upstream posi-
promoter, suggesting that the repression occurs at the DNA,            tion. The PBSQ variant, LJ-Q, showed a relatively low NIH
rather than the RNA, level. The position of the RBS down-              3T3/EC ratio (Table 1; NIH 3T3/EC ratio, 80), indicating that
stream of the viral LTR promoter in our constructs indicates           its RBS region did not mediate repression of the SV40 early
that this activity can work at a distance. That this repressor         promoter.
VOL . 1 l, 1991                                                                                       STEM CELL-SPECIFIC SILENCER                  1217

                          TABLE 1. Viral titers                                                             A     B    C    D      E    F
                                 Neomycin titers' in:             Ratio of NIH
                             NIH 3T3 cells        EC cells         T/Cttr
                                                                  3T3/EC titers               MuLV -*
MP1O                             22,000                10              2,200                  SV40 -b
PBSQ (expt 1)                    12,000               660                 18
PBSQ (expt 2)                   550,000            15,000                 37                                s:   WI              -
                                                                                       FIG. 2. neo transcripts from M-MuLV and SV40 promoters in
PBSQ-wt47+                      625,000                 80            7,812         infected cells. Total cellular RNA from infected G418-resistant NIH
PBSQ-wt47-                      375,000                100            3,750         3T3 (lanes A to D) or EC (F9) (lanes E and F) cells was fractionated
PBSQ-m47+                       175,000              2,000               88         by denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis and blotted onto nitrocel-
PBSQ-m47-                       250,000            20,000                13         lulose as described in Materials and Methods. Proviral neomycin
PBSQ-wt28+                       68,000                   3          22,667         (neo) transcripts were detected by autoradiography after hybridiza-
PBSQ-wt28-                       52,000                   4          13,000         tion with a radiolabeled neo probe. Lanes: A, 7 ,ug of RNA from
PBSQ-m28+                        80,000                 321             249         NIH 3T3 cells infected with LJ-P; B, 8.5 jig of RNA from NIH 3T3

                                                                                                                                                           Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on April 14, 2021 by guest
PBSQ-m28-                        82,000                 675              121        cells infected with LJ-Q; C, 10.5 ,ug of RNA from NIH 3T3 cells
                                                                                    infected with LJ-PEnh-; D, 14.0 ,ug of RNA from NIH 3T3 cells
LJ-P                            286,000                 43             6,651        infected with LJ-QEnh-; E, 14.0 ,ug of RNA from EC cells infected
LJ-Q                            272,000              3,400                80        with LJ-Q; F, 26 jig of RNA from EC cells infected with LJ-QEnh-.
LJ-PEnh-                         62,500                 220              284        Constructs are as described in the legend to Fig. 1. Transcripts
LJ-QEnh-                         50,000              2,650                19        initiated by M-MuLV LTR and SV40 early promoters are as indi-
LJ-PAdMLPEnh-                     7,800                 20               390        cated. Note that no neo signal is detected with RNA from uninfected
LJ-QAdMLPEnh-                    18,500              2,050                 9        NIH 3T3 or EC cells (data not shown). All lanes were fractionated on
                                                                                    the same gel and hybridized on the same filter, but lanes E and F
     Constructs are as described in the legend to Fig. 1.                           represent threefold-longer exposures than lanes A to D.
   b Titers in NIH 3T3 and EC cells for a given viral supernatant were
determined at the same time. neo titers are expressed as G418-resistant CFU
per milliliter of viral supernatant. For this table, the EC cells used were F9
cells, although similar results have been obtained with PCC4 cells. The ratio
of NIH 3T3 to EC titers is given as an indicator of the EC cell restriction of      cells possess at least five factors which bind to the wt 28-bp
a particular viral construct: higher values are indicative of greater restriction   RBS probe (Fig. 3, lane 2, bands A, B, C, D, and E versus
in EC cells. Note that results with two different PBSQ viral supernatants are       the free probe, band F). Of these bands, only band A appears
shown to indicate that absolute titers (as defined by NIH 3T3 titers) may vary      to be specific for the wt RBS probe and is absent when the
as a result of factors such as time of supematant collection or density of
virus-producing cells, but the EC restriction value (NIH 3T3/EC) is relatively      mutant probe is used. The cellular factor responsible for
invariant (18 versus 37).                                                           band shift A was also present in cytoplasmic fractions of
                                                                                    PCC4 cells (lane 6 [wt] versus lane 15 [mutant]), as well as
                                                                                    nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of extracts from undiffer-
                                                                                    entiated F9 EC cells (data not shown).
   It could be argued that LJ-P and LJ-Q expression levels                             To examine the specificity of binding for factor A, we
are influenced by their wt M-MuLV LTR promoters. To                                 performed competition experiments by using unlabeled com-
address this concern, we performed additional experiments                           petitor fragments in our DNA-binding reactions (Fig. 3 and
with the M-MuLV enhancer-deleted constructs LJ-PEnh-                                4). The addition of 4 ng or more of unlabeled double-
and LJ-QEnh- (Fig. 1). These enhancer deletions signifi-                            stranded wt fragment effectively competed for the binding of
cantly reduced the level of M-MuLV LTR-driven transcripts                           factor A (Fig. 3, lanes 5 and 9; Fig. 4, lanes 2 and 8), whereas
in NIH 3T3 cells (Fig. 2, lanes C and D versus A and B) and                         the addition of unlabeled double-stranded mutant fragment
eliminated the already low levels of LTR-driven transcripts                         did not compete for this binding (Fig. 4, lanes 3 and 9). The
in EC cells (lane F versus lane E). When LJ-PEnh- and                               addition of several different unlabeled single-stranded com-
LJ-QEnh- were assayed and the NIH 3T3/EC ratios were                                petitor DNAs (ssDNA) to the binding reactions did not
analyzed, we still observed a 15-fold difference in EC cell                         interfere with factor A binding (Fig. 3, lanes 3, 4, 7, and 8;
restriction between the two. The AdMLP constructs, U-                               Fig. 4, lanes 4 to 6 and 10 to 12). As a control, it is clear that
PAdMLPEnh- (Table 1; NIH 3T3/EC ratio, 390) and U-                                  ssDNA did compete for binding of other factors in Fig. 3 and
QAdMLPEnh- (Table 1; NIH 3T3/EC ratio, 9), showed a                                 4 (see bands B and C).
similar RBS effect. The EC cell repression observed for                                Methylation and hemimethylation studies. Factor A binding
these constructs was more than 40-fold greater in the wt                            is very sensitive to changes in a variety of binding condi-
construct than in the PBSQ construct. These findings sug-                           tions. Because of this, we have not found it possible to
gest that the inhibitory effect on the M-MuLV LTR promoter                          isolate enough factor A complex to perform convincing
attributed to the RBS, when in a downstream position, can                           DNase I protection or standard methylation interference
be expanded to include the heterologous SV40 early pro-                             assays, even when the reaction volumes were increased 5- to
moter and AdMLP when in an upstream position.                                       20-fold. To circumvent this problem, we are attempting the
   Specific binding of a cellular factor to the M-MuLV RBS.                         partial purification of factor A for eventual use in such
The results described above suggest that RBS-mediated                               studies. However, we also have identified specific binding
repression occurs at the DNA level and that undifferentiated                        contacts by use of bacterial methylases. In these experi-
EC cells possess a trans-acting DNA-binding factor which                            ments we methylated our wt 28-bp RBS probe in vitro with
binds to the M-MuLV RBS to repress gene expression. To                              dam, HpaII, and MspI methylases. Factor A binding was
identify such a factor, we have used the gel electrophoresis                        not affected by dam methylation of the A residues in GATC
DNA-binding assay (band shift or gel retardation assay [33,                         sequences on both strands of the wt 28-bp probe (data not
37]) with our wt and single-base-pair (B2) mutant 28-bp RBS                         shown). In contrast, factor A binding was abolished when
sequences as probes.                                                                the wt probe was methylated at the internal or external
  Nuclear extracts prepared from undifferentiated PCC4                              cytosines of the sequence CCGG by HpaII and MspI meth-
1218      PETERSEN ET AL.                                                                                                                                   MOL. CELL. BIOL.

               2_ 3 4 5 61                          9 1 1½
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  FIG. 3. M-MuLV RBS binding factors. The double-stranded (ds)
wt or mutant (m) 28-bp probes below were labeled and isolated as
described in Materials and Methods.                                          FIG. 4. Binding-factor competition studies. Wt probe, prepared
                                                                          as  described in the legend to Fig. 3, was incubated under standard
        wt5'GGGGG CTCGT CCGGG ATCGG GAGCA CCC3'                           conditions with 50 ,ug of PCC4EC cell extract per ml. In lanes 2 to
        3' CCCCC GAGCA GGCCC TAGCC CTCGT GGG 5'                           6, 4 ng of unlabeled competitor DNA was added; in lanes 8 to 12, 10
        m 5' GGGGG CTCGT CCGaG ATCGG GAGCA CCC 3'                         ng of competitor DNA was added. Competitor DNAs were as
        3' CCCCC GAGCA GGCtC TAGCC CTCGT GGG5'                            follows: wt dsDNA probe, lanes 2 and 8; mutant dsDNA, lanes 3
                                                                          and 9; wt sense strand ssDNA, lanes 4 and 10; wt antisense strand
   We used 20,000 cpm of wt (lanes 1 to 9) or mutant (lanes 10 to 15)     ssDNA, lanes 5 and 11; M13 ssDNA, lanes 6 and 12. Bands A and
probe in each binding assay. The probes were incubated in 20 ,ul          C correspond to bands A and C in Fig. 3. Free probe is indicated (F)
reactions with no extract (lanes 1 and 10), with 50 ,ug of PCC4 EC        at the bottom of the gel.
cell nuclear extract per ml (lanes 2 to 5 and 11 to 14) or with 250 ,ug
of PCC4EC cell cytoplasmic extract per ml (lanes 6 to 9 and 15). In
the following lanes, 4 ng of unlabeled competitor DNA was added:
M13 ssDNA, lanes 3, 7, and 12; ssDNA wt probe, lanes 4, 8, and 13;          To identify specific nucleotides involved in binding, we
dsDNA wt probe, lanes 5, 9, and 14. Incubations of 15 min at 25°C         also performed band shift assays with hemimethylated forms
were performed by using standard binding conditions (37) plus 100         of the wt probe. For these experiments, labeled wt probes
ng of dI-dC, 5 mM KCI, and 5 mM NaCl. Reactions were terminated           were methylated; denatured; renatured with an excess of
by addition of loading dye, and free and complexed probes were            unmethylated, unlabeled complementary strand; and reiso-
separated by electrophoresis on a 6% acrylamide-Tris-glycine gel.         lated. Factor A binding was unaffected when the sense
Bands visualized after autoradiography with intensifying screes are
complexes A, B, C, D, and E, as well as free probe, F. Band A is          strand was methylated with HpaII (Fig. 5, lane 10) or MspI
specifically detected with the wt but not the mutant probe. Similar       (lane 11) methylases, but was drastically diminished when
results are obtained when probes are labeled on the opposite strand.      the antisense strand was methylated with HpaII (lane 12) or
Note that band B is variable in our hands and is not detected in all      MspI (lane 13) methylases. (Note that the reduction of factor
gels.                                                                     A complex with hemimethylated probes in lanes 12 and 13
                                                                          was comparable to the effect of total methylation in lanes 4,
                                                                          5, 7, and 8.) Surprisingly, formation of the factor Hp
ylases, respectively (Fig. 5, lanes 4 and 7 [HpaII] and 5 and             complex, which requires CpG methylation (lanes 4 and 7),
8 [MspI] versus lanes 2 and 3 [unmethylated] and 6 and 9                  was dependent on methylation on the wt probe sense strand
[mock methylated]). Interestingly, although methylation in-               (lane 10) and did not occur when only the antisense CpG was
terfered with factor A binding, we also observed a new                    cytosine methylated (lane 12). Thus, both Hp and A factors
DNA-binding factor (designated Hp) that is detected with                  bind to the sense strand hemimethylated probes, but neither
the HpaII methylated probe (Fig. 5, lanes 4 and 7).                       bind probe which is antisense hemimethylated. To verify
VOL . 1 l, 1991                                                                                                         STEM CELL-SPECIFIC SILENCER              1219

                                                                                                       (20). Also, at least two cis-acting negative regulatory ele-
                                                                                                       ments participate in the EC repression phenomena, one of
                                                                                                       which is in the vicinity of the primer-binding site (5, 11, 13,
                                                                                                       21, 22, 38).
                                                                                                          Some retroviral integrants are able to circumvent the EC
                                                                                                       cell restriction by inserting downstream of strong cellular
                                                                                                       promoters (5, 30), whereas others do so by mutation of one
                                                                                                       of the cis-acting negative regulatory domains (5, 38). Our
                                                                                                       evidence, and the evidence of others (21, 22), suggests that
    H p                                                                                                the M-MuLV RBS element mediates stem cell viral restric-
                                                                                                       tion by binding to an EC cell-specific trans-acting factor
                                                                                                       which interferes with expression. PBSQ, a recombinant
                                                                                                       retroviral construct containing mutations in the RBS region,
                                                                                                       is expressed at 100-fold-higher levels in undifferentiated EC
                                                                                                       cells than in wt M-MuLV constructs such as MP10, indicat-

                                                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on April 14, 2021 by guest
                                                                                                       ing that repression is not simply a consequence of perfect
                                                                                                       PBS matching to a cellular tRNA. We have inserted wt and
                                                                                                       B2 host range mutant RBS sequences downstream of the
           M               WT     Hp    'Ms     'VWT       HP'   Ms's   WTfHp-'    Ms'   Hp'-   Ms'-
                                                                                                       viral LTR promoter in recombinant PBSQ constructs. Our
                                                                                                       results indicate that this 28-bp sequence can mediate repres-
  FIG.     5.    Factor         binding        to      methylated        and    hemimethylated         sion from the LTR promoter when placed in an intron in
probes. Probes          were      labeled     as    described in Materials and Methods                 either orientation (Fig. 1; Table 1).
and incubated,          as           legend to Fig. 3, with 175 p.g of
                             described in the                                                             To analyze the effect of the RBS on heterologous promot-
PCC4 extract per ml prior to      electrophoretic separation. Probes                                   ers, we placed our wt and mutant RBS elements upstream of
were as follows:    lane 1, mutant probe; lane 2, wt sense strand                                      the SV40 early promoter or the AdMLP driving neo expres-
labeled; lane 3, wt antisense strand labeled; lane 4, wt fully HpaII                                   sion. In the constructs LJ-P, LJ-PEnh-, and LJ-PAdML
methylated, sense strand labeled; lane 5, wt fully Mspl methylated,
sense strand labeled; lane 6, wt mock methylated, sense strand
                                                                                                       PEnh- (Fig. 1), the wt M-MuLV RBS sequence repressed
labeled; lane 7, wt fully Hpall methylated, antisense strand labeled;
                                                                                                       EC cell expression from the SV40 early promoter and
lane 8, wt fully MspI methylated, antisense strand labeled; lane 9, wt
                                                                                                       AdMLP (Table 1). In contrast, the variant RBS in LJ-Q,
mock methylated, antisense strand labeled; lanes 10 to 13, wt probes                                   LJ-QEnh-, and LJ-QAdMLPEnh- did not repress expres-
labeled    on   the    sense (lanes 10 and 11) or antisense (lanes 12 and 13)                          sion in EC cells. The enhancer-deleted constructs showed
strands and          hemimethylated on the lowercase nucleotide as shown                               little or no neo expression from the viral LTR promoter as
below:                                                                                                 assayed by Northern (RNA) blot analysis (Fig. 2). There-
lane 10,   sense       strand     Hpall       hemimethylated:                                          fore, we can conclude that the RBS effect observed for these
          5' GGGGG              CTCGT     CcGGG            ATCGG        GAGAC     CCC 3'
                                                                                                       constructs is on the SV40 early promoter and the AdMLP.
           3' CCCCC             GAGCA     GGCCC            TAGCC        CTCTG    GGG 5'                   Because we (5) and others (21) have observed RBS-
                                                                                                       mediated EC cell-specific restriction of gene expression in
lanell,    sense      strand      Mspl    hemimethylated:                                              transfections and have shown that such repression involves
           5' GGGGG             CTCGT     cCGGG            ATCGG
                                                                                  CCC 3'
                                                                                 GGG 5'
                                                                                                       the regulation of RNA levels (22, 38), our evidence suggests
           3' CCCCC             GAGCA     GGCCC
                                                                                                       that repression is mediated by an EC cell-specific regulatory
lane 12, antisense strand               Hpall       hemimethylated:                                    factor which binds to the RBS at the DNA level. Our band
           5' GGGGG             CTCGT     CCGGG            ATCGG        GAGAC     CCCY3                shift studies have identified a DNA-binding factor, factor A,
           3' CCCCC             GACCA     GGcCC            TAGCC        CTCTG    GGG 5'                which specifically binds to the wt RBS sequence and not to
lane 13, antisense strand MspI                      hemimethylated:
                                                                                                       the single-base-pair mutant sequence (Fig. 3 to 5). Loh et al.
          5' GGGGG              CTCGT     CCGGG            ATCGG        GAGAC     CCCY3                (23) also have reported the identification, by exonuclease III
           3'COCCOC             GAGCA     GGCcC            TAGCCO       CTCTG    GGG 5'                protection analysis, of a factor which specifically binds to
                                                                                                       the wt RBS sequence. The extreme sensitivity of factor A
Methylation          was     checked      as    described in Materials and Methods.
                                                                                                       has precluded ready complex isolation for standard DNase I
Band A indicates           binding factor A, and Hp designates the factor
which binds to         the HpaII methylated wt probe. Only a portion of the
                                                                                                       protection and methylation interference assays: it is hoped
gel is shown.
                                                                                                       that partial purification of the factor will facilitate such
                                                                                                        studies. Nevertheless, our analyses with methylated probes
                                                                                                       (Fig. 5) indicate several contact sites of factor A with the wt
                                                                                                       RBS. dam methylation at adenine nucleotides (M-MuLV
this,   we                         possibility that our an-
                have excluded the trivial
                                                                                                        sense nt 162 and antisense nt 163) did not impair factor
tisense     HpalI probe        nonspecific inhibitors of Hp
                                                                                                       binding (data not shown), nor did cytosine methylation on
and A binding by performing a gel shift assay with combi-
                                                                                                        sense strand nt 157 and 158 (Fig. 5). However, cytosine C-5
nations of mixed probes (data not shown).
                                                                                                       methylation on the M-MuLV antisense strand at nt 159 and
                                                                                                        160 drastically reduced complex A formation (Fig. 5). This
                                         DISCUSSION                                                    result implies that factor A binding involves major groove
                                                                                                       contacts at these nucleotides. That factor A might mediate
   M-MuLV        expression is restricted in EC cells. Although                                        RBS repression is supported by the fact that MspI interfer-
virus    integration occurs at normal levels (12, 35) steady-state                                     ence and RBS mutant studies indicate the importance of
levels of RNA                   are    decreased up to 100-fold in EC cells                             M-MuLV nt 160 in their effects.
relative        to       cell types. The retrovirus LTR
                      differentiated                                                                      Although the binding characteristics of factor A suggest
promoter functions poorly in EC cells, at least partly be-                                              that it may be the RBS repressor, several observations are
cause     EC cells appear to lack                      a   positive trans-acting factor(s)             problematic. We observe factor A binding in both nuclear
1220     PETERSEN ET AL.                                                                                             MOL. CELL. BIOL.

and cytoplasmic extracts from undifferentiated EC cells,            leukemia virus, it is possible that the M-MuLV RBS plays a
which may be the result of nuclear contamination of our             role in the regulation of the virus gene expression during
cytoplasmic extracts or may reflect the natural distribution        T-cell differentiation. We are studying the expression of the
of this factor. Although there is precedent for localization of     wt and m viral constructs in immature and mature T cells to
transcriptional factors in the cytoplasm (2, 3, 19), our            ascertain the functional significance of this homology.
observations are complicated by the fact that the half-life of
binding factor A is 15 min in nuclear extracts but more than                              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
60 min in cytoplasmic extracts. Another observation which             We are indebted to Nancy Speck and Nancy Manley for advice
requires explanation is the identification of binding factor A      and assistance concerning protocols and procedures. We thank
activity in differentiated NIH 3T3 cells (data not shown).          Richard Scott for the communication of unpublished results. Thanks
Because the RBS effect is not observed in NIH 3T3 cells, our        also to Scott Landfear, Jorge Crosa, and David Kabat for helpful
results with factor A are not compatible with a simple              and informative discussions.
explanatory model. One possibility is that RBS repression             This work was supported by grant MV416A from the American
does not involve factor A at all. However, it should be noted       Cancer Society (National Chapter).

                                                                                                                                            Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on April 14, 2021 by guest
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