Socialist Standard February 2019
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Editorial Resistance is not enough One thing you can be sure about within British workers successfully forced the interests. Many gains have been achieved capitalism is that the antagonism between government to concede the reduction in by collective action, but they do not alter those who own and control our society the working day to 10 hours and later on the position of workers as an exploited and the majority of us who don’t, will not to 8 hours. The historic examples were the class within capitalism. Trade union and go away. The ongoing industrial disputes East End matchmakers’ strike of 1888, the other collective activity cannot eradicate by rail workers are a high-profile example London dock workers’ strike of 1889 and the problems of poverty, unemployment of this and currently university staff are the UK General Strike of 1926. In more and homelessness. Moreover, gains may being balloted in a pay dispute based recent decades there were notable strikes be reversed over time; in the 1960s, British on their claim that their real pay (taking by the UK coalminers in the 1970s and banking unions successfully secured the inflation into account) has fallen by over 1980s and currently we also have the Gilet ending of Saturday working, only to find it 20 percent since 2009. Jaunes movement in France that has been being reintroduced years later. The capitalists who own the means of making the headlines. For workers to end their exploitation living in society derive their wealth from With the increasing application of and secure real freedom, they need the unpaid labour of the working class, technology to production, capitalists have to take the next step and organise that is, the amount of labour produced been able to increase the productivity for socialism, a worldwide society of over and above the labour time that they of workers and extract more surplus common ownership where there are no pay for in workers’ wages and salaries. value without extending the working day. employers or employees and everyone Thus it is in their interests to extract the Although the workers work shorter hours can participate equally with free access to maximum amount of this surplus labour. In on average and have seen improvements what they need. the early days, they attempted to achieve in their living standards, they still, in this by lowering wages to the lowest level many ways, come into conflict with their they could get away with and extending employers over pay and conditions. the working day for as long as possible. Public sector workers have also organised Women and children were drawn into the strikes against their employers, the production process and were exploited state. We have also seen the struggles ruthlessly. To resist this encroachment of more marginalised workers – women, of capital, workers combined to form ethnic minorities and gays – against trade unions. Strike action and collective discrimination and for greater equality. agitation were their weapons. In Socialists support workers being the nineteenth century, agitation by organised in trade unions to defend their Introducing the Socialist Party The Socialist Party advocates a society why actions to prevent the depredation of unattractive -- meaning: state ownership where production is freed from the the natural world can have limited effect and control. As the Socialist Standard artificial constraints of profit and and run counter to the nature of capitalism pointed out before both courses were organised for the benefit of all on the itself. followed, the results would more properly basis of material abundance. It does not Gradualist reformers like the Labour be called state capitalism. have policies to ameliorate aspects of the Party believed that capitalism could be The Socialist Party and the World existing social system. It is opposed to all Socialist Movement affirm that capitalism war. is incapable of meaningful change in The Socialist Standard is the combative the interests of the majority; that the monthly journal of the Socialist Party, basis of exploitation is the wages/money published without interruption since system. The Socialist Standard is proud 1904. In the 1930s the Socialist Standard to have kept alive the original idea of explained why capitalism would not what socialism is -- a classless, stateless, collapse of its own accord, in response to wageless, moneyless society or, defined widespread claims to the contrary, and positively, a democracy in which free and continues to hold this view in face of the equal men and women co-operate to notion’s recent popularity. Beveridge’s produce the things they need to live and welfare measures of the 1940s were transformed through a series of social enjoy life, to which they have free access viewed as a reorganisation of poverty and measures, but have merely become in accordance with the principle ‘from a necessary ‘expense’ of production, and routine managers of the system. The each according to their abilities, to each Keynesian policies designed to overcome Bolsheviks had to be content with according to their needs’ slumps an illusion. Today, the journal developing Russian capitalism under a All original material is available under the Creative exposes as false the view that banks one-party dictatorship. Both failures have Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales create money out of thin air, and explains given socialism a quite different -- and (CC BY-ND 2.0 UK) licence. 2 Socialist Standard February 2019 Socialist Standard February 2019 3
Which way for British capitalism? Interviewed on BBC Radio 4 on 17 January Tony Blair integration that has happened so far. The trouble is that this is explained the dilemma the UK capitalist class face. He pointed likely to split their main party, the Tories, as the Tories like to out that for the past 40 or so years their governments (even remind themselves happened to them in the mid-1840s when under Thatcher) had pursued the policy of becoming part Sir Robert Peel embraced Free Trade and repealed the Corn The Far Side of a Europe-wide single market (i.e. a market with common Laws. Last month saw a lot of coverage of after all. But there are certainly bigger revolution for common ownership we From the point of view of pure democratic theory, there regulations and standards and not just a tariff-free trading China’s ‘far-side’ moon landing, which in priorities right now. Instead of inventing could invite people to put on a VR headset area) and that they were now completely integrated into it is nothing wrong with holding a second referendum. One a technical first gave us close-up views of things that people don’t need, didn’t ask and ‘see’ socialism in action. A friend’s in terms of export markets and supply chains. They could referendum result can be overturned by another referendum. what’s possibly the most boring landscape for and mostly can’t afford anyway, why comment in response to this idea was don’t the tech boffins think about what ‘You mean you’d put on the headset and withdraw but this would cause disruption and would be In this particular case — which is about the trading in the solar system. While various scientific objectives were advanced by pundits to people really do need? all the beggars and rough sleepers would giving up a secure market they already had. A referendum arrangements of the UK capitalist class — the issue is not justify this extravagant operation, some Well the short answer is that invention disappear off the streets?’ Er, yeah, we had voted in favour of withdrawal but this could be one that concerns those who want socialism. It would be an of them even possibly valid, nobody was in capitalism isn’t driven by necessity so guess so, among other things, although in interpreted in various ways, including just withdrawing from even greater festival of xenophobia than the first. And those in any doubt about the real reason. The much as buying power. The nerds are that case you’d better watch where you the EU’s political institutions. He said that this (now called favouring it might not get the result they expect, which is why Chinese state did it just to show off. It trying to produce things that people who put your feet. Norway Plus) would avoid the economic damage but would the UK capitalist class might settle for Norway Plus as less would of course be churlish to suggest already have too much stuff and money leave the UK in the position of a rule-taker, as the extreme risky politically. But they don’t act directly. They leave that to they could have spent the money on will be willing to spend that money on. Nature 3/10 Must Try Harder Brexiteers pointed out, as it would have no say in drawing up their political representatives, the MPs, who have their own something more useful, such as helping So the rich are targeted with ever more Contrary to what creationists seem to the single market’s regulations. In that case it would be better agendas like keeping or obtaining office or being re-elected the estimated 30 million Chinese living techno-tat while the poor remain ignored. think, if evolution was really driven by for the UK capitalist class if the UK stayed in the EU. at the next election or keeping their party together and who below the poverty a conscious designer, that This is politically impossible, at least not without another might screw things up. line. Shame though designer would get the referendum. But if the UK gives up its frictionless access to The Labour Party leaders want a general election. This that they didn’t plant sack for negligence and makes sense from their point of view since, if they don’t get the single market this would have to be the first time in the their probe in the Sea incompetence. No engineer one now, they won’t get another chance until 2022. Some history of capitalism that a capitalist state has voluntarily of Tranquillity right – much less an omnipotent opted for less favourable access to a market it already has. In Labour supporters imagine that this is the most important next to the Apollo 11 being – would design the mammalian eye with blind proposing this, even via a no-deal, the extreme Brexiteers are issue today as a Labour government will end austerity and lander, just to prove the Americans really went spots, or send the giraffe’s in effect arguing that two birds in the bush are worth more usher in a period of prosperity for the many whether the UK there in 1969, which laryngeal nerve on a long than one bird in the hand. is in the EU or not. But they are as deluded as those workers might finally shut up the and pointless route from the If there is no second referendum and no-deal is ruled out, who believe the toffs who tell them that Brexit will bring them Moon Hoax conspiracy brain all the way down its the only deal that would probably make sense from the point sunny uplands and a golden future. Neither will for the simple nuts. Indeed that’s neck and around the heart of view of the majority of the UK capitalist class would be reason that capitalism does not work, and cannot be made to exactly what the head before looping back up to Norway Plus, as that would at least ensure the status quo work, in the interests of the majority. It is a system driven by of Russia’s space agency the larynx. Similarly, why of frictionless exports and imports and would avoid having profit-making that can only work in the interest of the profit- proposed to do recently design plant photosynthesis to turn the clock back by unravelling the single market takers. ‘to verify whether to be only 2 or 3 percent they’ve been there or energy efficient, when not’ (Independent, 24 we can already do better November). Not that than that with today’s this really would shut photovoltaic cells? Well up the conspiracy bores now a team has figured anyway. They would just out how to tweak plant claim that the Russians chemistry to increase its had faked their trip too. As for the long answer, well technology energy conversion rate, and first results There is in the contemplation of certain won’t give us what we need anyway, have shown a 40 percent increase in crop technological feats a strange sense because what we really need is a change biomass (New Scientist, 12 January). Now of detachment from Earthly realities. in society and the abolition of class that’s what we call useful technology, Instead of ‘how?’ you find yourself asking inequality, and you can’t knock that up in although there is bound to be a backlash ‘why?’ Take the annual CES technology a laboratory or a garden shed. from anti-GM protestors who will insist show recently displaying the latest in One controversy at CES was the banning that what is ‘natural’ is good and what allegedly must-have gadgets in Las Vegas. of an award-winning innovation, which is artificial is therefore bad. The fears of Who for instance is ever likely to need was a women’s robotic sex toy. Quite such protestors have not been borne out an indestructible notepad that works why this was banned was unclear. The by experience over the decades GM has underwater, a digital plank of wood, a organisers claimed it was ‘inappropriate’ been used in America, China and South- robot pet or one that draws doodles on although they didn’t see anything East Asia. The world has not after all been your walls, a skin printer that covers up inappropriate about the Virtual Reality overrun by invincible killer GM weeds facial lines, an automated laundry folder Porn room next door to the expo, which or new killer pests. If socialism were the size of a wardrobe, an advent calendar saw over a thousand visitors on the very established that defeats ‘smell fatigue’, a walking car, first day. Many of the visitors described tomorrow or a light sabre you can really hit people the experience as ‘awesome’, or words to and food with? It all makes bendy phones and wall- that effect, and appeared to appreciate production size TVs seem positively conservative. No it far more than the debut appearance needed to be wonder one visitor expressed his feelings of the creepy AI sex robot that swivels ramped up thus: ‘I feel my sanity draining away’ its head, blinks its eyes and talks as if quickly, GM (BBC Online, 11 January). In a socialist it has had its jaw wired. While the CES technology society that’s solved the most pressing organisers contend with an ongoing image continues to social issues already, such as hunger and of male bias and prejudice, the idea of look like a good homelessness, you might certainly argue virtual reality porn suggests a further bet. that there’s a place for weird and wacky inspiring notion: virtual reality socialism. PJS inventions. Nobody wants to be a killjoy, Maybe in the absence of a real global 4 Socialist Standard February 2019 Socialist Standard February 2019 5
Dear Theresa Thank you for your recent letter. I’m sorry to hear that you are still being tormented by Brexit. You can blame that nincompoop predecessor of yours for that! I’m sorry, as well, to hear that you received short shrift following your overtures to Len McCluskey and the other trade union lads. You should have asked me to make the approach for you. It might have Constructing Division been better coming from a socialist than from someone who has participated in the wholesale destruction of trades union Donald Trump and his supporters invasion (whose army could have, is an uncomfortable reminder of their rights and of their members’ living standards in recent decades. Not that I want to get involved in anything to do with probably think of themselves as political presumably, used boats to circumvent it) it predecessors’ own incarceration behind Brexit. In fact that’s why I’m taking the opportunity to write to you today – whilst the pantomime of the Brexit vote unfolds innovators finding solutions to capitalism’s did at least end the casual raids of plunder a wall in the Warsaw ghetto built by the in the hallowed chambers of Westminster – to avoid even a glimpse of that dismal spectacle. intractable problems with ‘Trump’s by the Pictish tribes. It also represented Nazis in the 1940s. Our last example of And while I remember, Happy New Year! How are you generally? All pigged out on the Christmas food and all maxed out Wall’ being an example of dealing with the ‘limits’ of the Roman Empire in the a political wall is much less notorious on on the credit cards? You’ll be joining the growing number of poor if you’re not careful. Ha, ha! There seems to be a lot more the perceived Gordian Knot of ‘border northwest together with the Black Sea in the world stage but was a contemporary poverty around nowadays. It’s a burgeoning industry so to speak, with 120,000 social murders attributed to austerity since security’. Part of the populist mandate the east, the river Danube in the north of the Warsaw wall and was to be found it began in 2010; including 3,000 deaths from hypothermia and 600 deaths of rough sleepers each year, with four million is to respond to capitalism’s periodic and the Sahara in the south. Although in a small town called Cutteslowe in people resorting to food banks. Given that the UK is one of the richest countries in the world and the fifth largest economy crises by blaming foreigners for economic the preceding examples are located in Oxfordshire, England. Nine feet tall and this is a staggering achievement by your government. hardships. For this reason immigration is what is called ‘the ancient world’ the topped with spikes two walls were built I suppose one shouldn’t underestimate the important contribution which poverty makes to our national economy. a convenient scapegoat and sometimes implication to some minds that the world to separate a private housing estate promises made during elections have to has always been divided by borders must from the nearby council dwellings. An Without those huge corporate charities our GDP would be significantly lower, unemployment would be up and the valuable be seen as being acted upon once power be corrected by historical perspective; embarrassment to a country supposedly opportunity to demonstrate our compassionate national character would be considerably diminished, as pointed out is achieved; not that the more astute our species has existed for some 250,000 fighting for freedom and justice one of recently by the Keeper of the National Conscience, Jacob Rees-Mogg. Some liberal-minded MPs are even calling for the members of the political establishment years and the construction of defensive them was ‘accidently’ demolished by a appointment of a Minister for Hunger. How progressive of them. We in the Socialist Party have what some might regard as a rather quirky approach to poverty. There won’t be any. Under capitalism poverty is an inevitable, indeed an essential, component, arising out of the very essence of the way in which the wealth created by the working class is appropriated by a ruling elite, leaving the rest of us to scramble around for the crumbs. Socialism would end this modern day form of chattel slavery by ensuring that wealth is shared according to need and would benefit everyone, not just the 1%; thus rendering poverty an anachronism to be pondered over by bemused schoolchildren exploring the history of a bygone era. Anyway, that’s all for now! I’ll drop you a line again next month. In the meantime, if you change your address please let me know, Sincerely, Tim Hart believe necessarily in the effectiveness barriers is only found, at first in cities, tank during war exercises – it was rebuilt of any of their manifesto policies but in very restricted parts of the world only to be brought down, this time not to implement at least some of them some 10,000 years ago. The ‘Neolithic officially, in 1959. would injure the public image so carefully revolution’ enabled an agricultural surplus Walls and the borders they guard are countries.’ their employer. created by their PR department. Donald’s to be created which in turn needed to be only made possible by the illusion of a Aldrick seems to be accepting, as Marx was aware that some employers affection for his wall seems to be an protected from raiding nomads by the divided world. Some of them pretend taught in economics textbooks, that both paid wages that were less than the value example of this – together with the tax new ruling classes who owned it – hence to be mere extensions of the natural capitalists (called ‘entrepreneurs’) and of their workers’ labour power, but this cuts for the super-rich this is another fortification. barriers that have given rise to the workers contribute to the ‘economic pie’ could not last as, if the workers couldn’t Extracting profits populist policy that his ego demands What do the walls of the modern era multiplicity of human cultures; this is one and normally get their fair share, as profits fully restore their labour power, then ‘Tide has turned against capitalism, but must be seen to be implemented. That it represent? The two most depressing of the great lies of nationalism which and wages respectively, in accordance their health and so the quality of their socialism is a failed alternative’ read the represents any kind of political innovation examples are the Berlin Wall and the masks the real economic motives of with their contribution. Things have gone work – and their employers’ profits – headline of an article in the Times (4 is found to be, as with most reactionary present wall in Gaza. After the Second ruling classes and the political ignorance wrong, according to him, as profits have would suffer. Marx explained that this December) by its economics editor Philip answers to practical political questions, World War Germany was divided by the of those who actually construct them. begun to eat into the workers’ share, a was the capitalist rationale behind the Aldrick. Of course socialism hasn’t failed historically without foundation. victorious allies into two zones of east The great paradox is that we live in an view he attributes to Marx. Factory Acts. Employers don’t have as it’s never been tried; the examples One of the earliest examples of such and west. The Russians took the eastern integrated world economy which makes This implies that profits are not normally an interest in doing this and it is only he gave of Russia, China and Venezuela a political edifice is, of course, known as sector but agreed to western access to the nation state an anachronism that is made by exploiting wage-labour. Marx’s done these days by small hole-in-the- were state capitalism not socialism. But ‘The Great Wall of China’. Started in 220 the capital of Berlin. This proved to be only sustained by the propaganda of those view was that all profits arise from the corner capitalists employing the most he also had something to say about BCE during the reign of the first emperor a centre for those wishing to escape to who need the excuse of the ‘foreign’ surplus value produced by wage workers unskilled labour. As Terry Woolmer, of Marx: of China this famous structure was rebuilt the west and in response Stalin built threat when capitalism experiences one over and above what they are paid as the engineering employers’ federation, ‘Marxists believe that their ideological time and again until 1644 CE. At its a fortified border that included the of its inevitable economic cataclysms. wages. It does not come from reducing put it, ‘it has long been recognised that a father was right, that capitalism would apogee the 20 ft. high wall stretched for infamous wall in Berlin. When the Russian That elements within ruling classes are wages (even if this is a way of increasing healthy workforce is a more productive destroy itself once growth was exhausted an amazing 5,500 miles. Built as a defence empire fell the destruction of the wall also trapped in their own nationalistic profits). In fact profits are extracted from workforce’ (Times, 26 November). and profits could be accumulated only by against the marauding steppe tribes it also became a symbol of ‘freedom’ for those ideology is very evident in the Brexit wage workers even if wages are rising. Wages have stagnated or fallen over appropriating the wages of labour.’ served as a border control that regulated oppressed by the one-party state of East fiasco. The unintended threat that leaving For Marxian economics, wages are the past decade, not because employers After bemoaning that an increasing taxation from those who traded on both Germany. Completed in 1996 the wall the EU poses to one of England’s last the price of what workers sell to their have started to exploit workers (they do number of workers had no stake in sides of the wall. As such it represented that separates the Palestinian Gaza Strip colonies (Northern Ireland) in terms of employer – their mental and physical that all the time), but because that is capitalism as they couldn’t afford to buy a statement of power for the empire from Israel is also an echo of the Second its border with the rest of the island is energies, their working skills, what Marx what happens in a slump. The reduced a house and to point out that inequality combined with a flourishing source of World War and what happened to the yet another example of how little some called ‘labour power’. Like all prices this is demand for products means a reduced had increased since 2006, he went on: income for the emperor. The same was Jews. After that war a militant group of of the propagandists of the ruling class determined by what it costs to reproduce, demand also for what workers have to ‘For Marxists, there are other signs true, on a much more modest scale, of Zionists agitated and fought for a Jewish understand the political reality of the in this case the cost of what workers have sell, so, in accordance with the law of that their time is coming. At a global the wall attributed to the Roman Emperor state to be set up in what they claimed twenty-first century. As fast as capitalism to consume to restore the mental and supply and demand, its price falls. If this level, capital has been eating into Hadrian in England. Begun in 122 AD its as their ancient biblical homeland. Not is integrating the world economically it is physical energies used up in the course of helps turn the tide of workers’ opinion labour’s share of the economic pie, proof walls were clad in a white plaster that surprisingly those Palestinians who had tearing it apart politically – a contradiction their work. Normally they receive the full against capitalism, that’s all to the good. that profits are being extracted from made it prominent for miles and it too been there for hundreds of years objected that can only be resolved by global price but are still economically exploited wages. According to McKinsey, incomes represented both a statement of power to the confiscation of their homes and socialism. as, while working for a capitalist employer, were flat or falling between 2005 and combined with the facility of border have fought a guerrilla war with the WEZ they produce more value than that of 2014 for two thirds of households in 25 taxation. Not conceived of as primarily an Israelis ever since. The wall represents this their wages and which is appropriated by absolute defence against any concerted unresolved conflict and for some Israelis 6 Socialist Standard February 2019 Socialist Standard February 2019 7
Contact details website: email: UK BRANCHES & CONTACTS East Anglia. Contact: David Porter, Eastholme, INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS Bush Drive, Eccleson-on-Sea, NR12 0SF. 01692 LONDON 582533. Richard Headicar, 42 Woodcote, Firs Latin America North London branch. Meets 3rd Thurs. 8pm at Rd, Hethersett, NR9 3JD. 01603 814343. Contact: J.M. Morel, Calle 7 edif 45 apto 102, Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Ave, NW5 Essex. Contact: Pat Deutz, 11 The Links, Billeri- Multis nuevo La loteria, La Vega, Rep. Domini- 2RX. Contact: Chris Dufton 020 7609 0983 nlb. cay, CM12 0EX. cana. Cambridge. Contact: Andrew Westley, South London branch. Meets last Saturday in 07890343044. AFRICA month, 2.30pm. Head Office, 52 Clapham High Kenya. Contact: Patrick Ndege, PO Box 13627- St, SW4 7UN. Contact: 020 7622 3811. IRELAND 00100, GPO, Nairobi Trump: Not Happy with his West London branch. Meets 1st & 3rd Tues. 8pm. Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace Cork. Contact: Kevin Cronin, 5 Curragh Woods, Frankfield, Cork. 021 4896427. Zambia. Contact: Kephas Mulenga, PO Box 280168, Kitwe. Lot as World Policeman? (corner Sutton Court Rd), W4. Corres: 51 Gay- ford Road, London W12 9BY. Contact: 020 8740 Newtownabbey. Contact: Nigel McCullough. ASIA America may have entered upon a new deception. the United States is an illusion, without 6677. 028 90852062. Japan. Contact: Michael. japan.wsm@gmail. relationship with the rest of the world if An article in the Socialist Standard in any connection to political and economic com May 2007 drew attention to the argument reality. MIDLANDS SCOTLAND we are to believe its president, Donald West Midlands regional branch. Meets last Edinburgh branch. Meets 1st Thurs. 7-9pm. AUSTRALIA Trump. that an anti-war position was not only the Whether they call their wars Sun. 3pm (check before attending). Contact: The Quaker Hall, Victoria Terrace (above Vic- Contact: Trevor Clarke, In a speech to American troops in Iraq preserve of the liberals and progressives humanitarian and defensive, waged for Stephen Shapton. 01543 821180. Email: toria Street), Edinburgh. Contact: J. Moir. 0131 au on Boxing Day he announced a military but there was a strong current on the right democracy and freedom, the true purpose 440 0995. Branch who opposed foreign military ventures. is to control the resources of the world website: EUROPE withdrawal from Syria and declared that NORTH branch/ Denmark. Contact: Graham Taylor, Kjaerslund the USA would no longer ‘…continue to be ‘...The logic goes something like this: for various sections of the capitalist class. North East Regional branch. Contact: P. Kilgal- Glasgow branch. Meets 3rd Weds. at 7pm in 9, Floor 2 (middle), DK-8260 Viby J. the policeman of the world,’ warning that Free-market capitalism on its own would Trump will persist with his fake criticism lon, c/o Head Office, 52 Clapham High Street, Community Central Halls, 304 Maryhill Road, Germany. Contact: Norbert. weltsozialismus@ he was committed to withdrawing naturally lead to a world of personal of unprofitable wars but will maintain SW4 7UN. Glasgow. Contact: Peter Hendrie, 75 Lairhills Uncle Sam’s military domination Lancaster branch. Meets 2nd Sun (Jan 3rd Sun), Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 0LH. 01355 Norway. Contact: Robert Stafford.hallblithe@ troops from foreign wars. 3pm, Friends Meeting House, Meeting House 903105. peter.anna.hendrie@blueyonder. ‘We’re no longer the suckers, because he stands for the Lane. Ring to confirm: P. Shannon, 07510 412 Italy. Contact: Gian Maria Freddi, Via Poiano n. folks.’ retention of capitalism. The 261, Dundee. Contact: Ian Ratcliffe, 12 Finlow Ter- 137, 37142 Verona. Trump’s removal of American thought that the United States Manchester branch. Contact: Paul Bennett, 6 race, Dundee, DD4 9NA. 01382 698297. Spain. Contact: Alberto Gordillo, Avenida del Burleigh Mews, Hardy Lane, M21 7LB. 0161 Ayrshire. Contact: Paul Edwards 01563 541138. Parque. 2/2/3 Puerta A, 13200 Manzanares. soldiers from Syria can be seen can remain ‘isolated’ from any 860 7189. as belatedly rectifying the crime vital conflict is absurd, regardless Bolton. Contact: H. McLaughlin. 01204 844589. Lothian Socialist Discussion @Autonomous COMPANION PARTIES OVERSEAS of Obama in placing them there of the president at its helm. Cumbria. Contact: Brendan Cummings, 19 Centre Edinburgh, ACE, 17 West Montgomery in the first place. The Socialist Party attitude to Queen St, Millom, Cumbria LA18 4BG. Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA. Meets 4th Weds. Socialist Party of Canada/Parti Socialiste Doncaster. Contact: Fredi Edwards, fredi. 7-9pm. Contact: F. Anderson 07724 082753. du Canada. Box 31024, Victoria B.C. V8N 6J3 The ‘policeman of the world’, war is that no matter what side Canada. a mantle taken over from prevails, a war still leaves the real WALES the British Empire and other problem – capitalism – unsolved SOUTH/SOUTHEAST/SOUTHWEST South Wales Branch (Swansea) World Socialist Party (India) 257 Baghajatin ‘E’ colonial powers, is a benign and by creating more national Kent and Sussex regional branch. Meets 2nd Meets 2nd Mon, 7.30pm (except January, Block (East), Kolkata - 700086, 033- 2425-0208. Sun. 2pm at The Muggleton Inn, High Street, April, July and October), Unitarian Church, High description of being able to hatred, it makes the socialist Maidstone ME14 1HJ. Contact: spgb.ksrb@ Street, SA1 1NZ. Contact: Geoffrey Williams, 19 deploy armed forces to any solution even more difficult than 07973 142701. Baptist Well Street, Waun Wen, Swansea SA1 World Socialist Party (New Zealand) P.O. Box spot in the world to protect ever to achieve. Brighton. Contact: Anton Pruden, anton@ 6FB. 01792 643624. 1929, Auckland, NI, New Zealand. national interests wherever ‘Isolationism’ in foreign South Wales Branch (Cardiff) Canterbury. Contact: Rob Cox, 4 Stanhope Meets 2nd Saturday 12 noon (January, April, World Socialist Party of the United States. P.O. they are threatened. Trump affairs was once seen as a rare Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 6AB. July and October) Cafe Nero, Capitol Shopping Box 440247, Boston, MA 02144 USA. boston@ is not the first president to phenomenon yet now the Luton. Contact: Nick White, 59 Heywood Drive, Centre, Queens Street, Cardiff. advocate an isolationist foreign ‘isolationist’ sentiment seems LU2 7LP. Contact: Richard Botterill, 21 Pen-Y-Bryn Rd, policy and we doubt he will to be flourishing. Many working Redruth. Contact: Harry Sowden, 5 Clarence Gabalfa, Cardiff, CF14 3LG. 02920-615826. Villas, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 1PB. 01209 be the last. But saying one people think the tragedies in 219293. thing does not necessarily other parts of the world are mean it can be accomplished. none of their business. Their own Nevertheless, Trump has problems and issues as workers Socialist Party already cancelled agreements leave them feeling indifferent, an attitude of ‘isolationism’ harmful Publications and broken international treaties which he has deemed to the very people who practise to be against his ‘America it. The workers of one nation PAMPHLETS (£2.50 each unless stated otherwise) First’ stance. Trump’s policies have a common cause and a BOOKS Strange Meeting: Socialism and World War One: £4.50............ in the White House certainly shared sympathy with the fellow- What’s Wrong With Using Parliament? (£1.00).................................. P Are We Prisoners Of Our Genes? £4.75.................................... show that he is not out of step workers of every other country. 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For six or more of any It should not be thought that his fine way to drive back the power of the state The Right to be Lazy by Paul Lafargue.............................................. publication, reduce the price by one third. rhetoric demonstrates a principled which is standing in the way of a better Socialist Principles Explained............................................................. Return this form along with your cheque or money order to: commitment. Trump has not expressed life… The state and the wars it wages The State and the Socialist Revolution by Julius Martov................... The Socialist Party, FREEPOST, London, SW4 7BR. (No any intention of following up on any may seem a complete waste of taxpayer postage fee required if mailed within the UK). ‘peace’ dividend by cutting the military money to the individual capitalist…’ All the above pamphlets (25% discount): £25.00................................. budget. Nor does he intend to stop the Against such isolationist views, NAME....................................................................................................ADDRESS.............................................................................. lucrative American arms trade. The the transnational corporations and exercise of might will always be part international capitalists (now derided .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. of his outlook. America, after all, is the by populists as ‘globalists’) cannot allow ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. caretaker of world capitalism. The concept narrow national fragmentation to succeed. ...............................................................................................................................POSTCODE........................................................... of American isolationism is a myth and a The belief that isolationism is possible for 8 Socialist Standard February 2019 Socialist Standard February 2019 9
STRIKING BACK O n the morning of 19 July Trade unions Ireland exported more to South Africa than it imported and meaningful compromise and insisting to the end that workers The origins of the strike are South Africa had invested in some industrial plants in Ireland. in his stores ‘do as they were told’ without any question or 1984, a large number of interesting and explain many of The government was afraid of retaliatory action from Pretoria debate. He claimed it was management’s sole right to decide shopworkers at the Henry the difficulties that the strikers if they became involved and the harm the loss of trade with what the store did or didn’t stock and made it a principle not Street branch of Dunnes Stores experienced. The retail workers were South Africa would do to an already fragile economy here. to yield to the workers’ ethical reservations. At the time, the in Dublin refused to register the members of the IDATU trade union So Labour ended up being sympathetic to the strike while other supermarket shops and outlets in Ireland also stocked sale of South African fruit. They (which has subsequently become part of simultaneously being embarrassed by it because of their South African produce but usually the issue was finessed at a were immediately suspended by the MANDATE trade union). Historically inaction. It’s another small example of how reformist parties local level by allowing staff not to handle the goods if they had the management and so walked it was very much one of those small ‘bread find it difficult to deliver even minor actions when in a moral scruples about it. The strike formally ended towards the out and took up positions outside and butter issues’ organisations solely capitalist government. end of 1986 in a rather messy fashion though with the strikers the main entrance. However during focussing on the day to day employment ultimately vindicated. Embarrassed by the international the day, with the realisation that their actions might lead to the loss of their of its members without any real interest in Catholic church publicity and support the strike was garnering, the Irish the broader interests of the working class in The striking women also sought the support of the Catholic government finally stepped in and banned the importation jobs, many drifted back to work so by the society. Then a young, radical individual, John Church, still a powerful institution at that time, in their quest and sale of all South African goods from 1987 onwards (one of evening only nine remained; eight women Mitchell, who had been involved in the Irish to obtain a successful outcome to their struggle. They wrote the first countries to do so). In principle the strikers were free and one man. So began an industrial action Anti-Apartheid Movement, became General to Bishop Eamonn Casey who by the standards of the time to return to work at Dunnes Stores. Clearly the company didn’t that would last for over two years, become Secretary and persuaded the union to endorse was regarded as a liberal, people-oriented, member of the want them back, considering them as troublemakers but they a cause celebre amongst the Irish Left (I can resolutions condemning apartheid and specifically Catholic hierarchy with a particular interest (and to be fair were legally obliged to take them. Some of the strikers did personally recall the pickets and solidarity directing its members not to handle South African a decent track record) in issues of overseas justice. His not go back knowing full well the poisonous atmosphere demonstrations outside the store) and garner products in their places of employment. His fellow (private) response proved a particular disappointment that would await. Some did, including Mary herself, but the much international recognition and sympathy. members of the union Executive went along with where he described their request for his support as company resorted to underhand low-level intimidation From a socialist perspective it revealed the this, content that this support was meant to be solely ‘impertinent’ and their actions as potentially damaging in a bid to force them to resign. Within a year Mary felt aggressive and uncompromising nature of certain rhetorical and probably in their minds indulging his to black South Africans. Probably the main reason she had to leave and feeling that her prospects in Dublin individual capitalists to maximise profit and the weak whimsies. Once the strike started and then continued for his dismissal of their cause was that while the would be very limited due to her profile as an ‘agitator’ and ineffectual response of government; torn between for such a prolonged period, they became more reluctant Church liked to be involved with progressive issues, she decided to emigrate to Australia for a number of wanting to do what was ‘right’ and indeed popular with to authorise the £21 per week strike pay. To be fair, it was only when they were in control and when the years. the public and the hard-nosed need not to disrupt the they were probably more representative of the wider Church itself would be the ultimate beneficiary of As an epilogue, the strikers finally managed to operation of capitalism. This story is told in a memoir, any campaigning action. Most curiously the book collectively visit South Africa in 2013 for Nelson Striking Back, published last year by one of the leading membership of the union. The book discusses how in fact only a small number of the union members in the particular also highlights the ambivalent attitude of the Irish Mandela’s official funeral which on a personal strike members, Mary Manning. shop on Henry Street went out on strike in line with official Anti-Apartheid Movement itself to the strike. level was a thrilling emotional experience, though The strike took place in an Ireland that was quite Initially they gave it their full support but then Mary is realistic enough to comment that for different from that of today. It would be hard to union policy and none of the union members in all the other their leader Kadar Asmal (later a minister many South Africans living in the townships underestimate the political power that the Dunnes Stores stores throughout Ireland joined them until near the very in the first post-apartheid government) very little substantial change has taken place organisation, headed up by the pugnacious Ben Dunne, end. Understandably for many of them, the issues in South privately withdrew his support for reasons since the fall of apartheid. Overall this is an wielded at the time. They were by far the dominant retail Africa must have appeared remote and the personal costs of not clarified in the book. It is suggested interesting account of genuine working- organisation in the country facing little real competition from striking disproportionate to any small improvements that that the Movement was becoming alarmed class history conveying the complexity any major rival (this was long before Lidl, Aldi, Tesco etc. might have resulted to the lives of black South Africans. In fact at the radical nature of the protest and that is involved when individuals become entered the Irish market in a serious way). The Dunne family not only were many Dunnes workers indifferent to the cause how they were afraid it might damage politicised while simultaneously dealing cultivated strong links with the upper echelons of both centre- of the strikers, but as Mary discusses candidly, what she found their coalition-building efforts with with the threads of family life, personal right parties in Ireland, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael. Subsequent upsetting was the hostility they experienced from some of more mainstream politicians and relationships and hopes for the future. tribunals of enquiry (prompted by other public matters) their fellow workers who remained inside. governments against apartheid. The The book highlights the heavy price that revealed how nakedly and directly this influence was wielded In addition to the union, the strike proved something strikers did received wholehearted workers can pay when taking political in terms of payments to parties and politicians in return of a quandary for the Irish Labour Party. As with many support from Bishop Desmond Tutu action against powerful interests. It for favours or ‘considerations’. For workers, Dunnes had a organisations that identified with the ‘Left’ they claimed who invited them to South Africa to also demonstrates the relatively weak well-deserved reputation for being an extremely hierarchical, to abhor apartheid and indeed the vast majority of their witness the plight of the population position of a small group of people top-down organisation where successful shop managers members surely did. The party formed part of the Irish taking political action without were judged by higher management as to how efficiently they government at the time and so theoretically at least could first hand although when their broad support showing that real worked those at the shop floor. Furthermore Ireland was a have aided the strikers in a meaningful fashion. Some of plane arrived at Johannesburg, and substantial changes do need much poorer country then than it is now and full-time jobs the senior Labour figures holding full cabinet positions they were refused entry and the committed involvement of the were very scarce so employment in any large company, even were outspoken in their opposition to apartheid. However, after a short detention sent majority of the population. in a firm with a reputation of Dunnes Stores, would have been their party was the junior partner with the much larger and home. KEVIN CRONIN very desirable. It took tremendous courage for Mary and her more conservative Fine Gael party. Government ministers of The strike at the store colleagues to go out on strike and then to persevere for so that party felt they could not intervene in the action. Their lasted for over two years long. As she says, they were all working class women with opposition to intervention was either for the ideological primarily down to the no higher education qualifications and limited employment reasons of not interfering in the operation of the ‘free market’ stubbornness of Ben Dunne possibilities. or for more pragmatic reasons of trade and employment. in refusing any sort of 10 Socialist Standard February 2019 Socialist Standard February 2019 11
more recently attention has shifted to Spain which, according to increase output it also leads to falling prices through to a Reuters report, is emerging as a ‘new weak link’ in increased productivity which then undermines the ability of Fortress Europe’s efforts to stem the inflow of migrants these small operators to pay off their loans. (July 7, 2018). The numbers of asylum applicants arriving in According to the aforementioned NPSCER report, operating Spain is currently rising sharply. This graphically illustrates costs can be between 30 and 40k euros per hectare, leaving how interconnected the world has become and subject to many struggling to break even in stark contrast to the big the dynamics of global capitalism. The economic forces that supermarkets that bulk buy their produce. Such is the precipitate civil wars over mineral wealth in some distant contradictory nature of the system we live under that plenty African state are the self-same forces that condemn those who should come to be considered an economic curse. flee to a miserable existence in Almeria’s plastic hell. The squeeze on profit margins, exacerbated by the small- Many of these are undocumented illegals; their very illegal scale nature of the greenhouse operators themselves has Part Two: Environmental Impacts same would be true of the high transportation costs of shifting status enabling employers to depress their wages to a bare a further consequence – namely, that it is likely to increase W hile Almeria has an annual rainfall of just over 200 agricultural products by truck to Northern Europe); there is minimum. Even those with legal contracts are little better pressure on them to seek ways to reduce or externalise mm, greenhouse production requires something also the problem of how to dispose of all that plastic once it off. Ironically, the ability of employers to hire large numbers their costs of production. Certainly, as far as labour costs equivalent to 800-1,000 mm of water. The shortfall has been used. of illegal workers, often with the collusion of the authorities, are concerned, the growing oversupply in relation to in water supply has traditionally been overcome by sinking Plastic tarps have a relatively short lifespan under the means that workers applying for a legal contract, supposedly demand fuelled by the migrant crisis and augmented by the wells and tapping the water trapped in the local aquifer. blazing sun of Southern Spain. Though in recent years the granting them certain basic rights, have to pay a steep price haemorrhage of jobs in construction following the 2008 Hundreds have been sunk – many illegally – causing the water authorities have set up collection points for used plastic, for it. According to one source this can amount to several property market crash, means the prospects of any real table to drop. Not only has this adversely impacted on the a lot of it – not just tarps but containers of all sorts – ends thousand euros (Network for the Promotion of Sustainable improvement in the circumstances of the greenhouse workers wider region but ‘aquifer drawdown’ also tends to create a up being dumped along roadsides or in gullies or even Consumption in European regions). Even then, there are ways themselves seem bleak. vacuum underground which is then filled by another water burnt – presumably because it is more convenient or less and means for employers to get round legal requirements – for The same might be said of the environmental costs of source nearby – the Mediterranean. costly than transporting it to the collection points where it instance, registering workers for social insurance – simply by greenhouse production. Despite efforts by the industry to Sea water is, of course, saline (and the level of salinity in the has to be sorted. In 2018, the group, Ecologistas en Accion, hiring them for less than the statutory minimum of 180 days clean up its act, notably with the adoption of IPM technology, Mediterranean itself is comparatively high) so the ingress of released dramatic video footage of a local river, normally a per year. All the odds are stacked in favour of the employers to an extent this is just another example of ‘greenwashing’ to seawater underground, and then into the irrigation system dry barranco, absolutely choked with plastic detritus after and against the workers. allay the concerns of increasingly health conscious customers itself, results in salinisation and, hence, the destruction of a storm. Such rubbish makes its way to the sea where it can The wages these workers receive fall significantly below in Northern Europe. It distracts from the more fundamental crops. This has led to some greenhouses falling into disuse harm or kill marine life, including even sperm whales, or else even the legal minimum. The norm is between 33 and 36 issues affecting the region – above all, that of falling water with new ones being erected elsewhere, along with the sinking breaks down over time into micro-plastic particles that enter euros per day, though there have been cases reported of tables and future water supplies in the context of global of new wells, to get round this problem, thus increasing the the food chain. daily earnings falling well below even this derisory level – of climate change. Rainfall in the region has decreased by 18 area under plastic in a way that mimics the pathology of a 20 euros per day according to one report in the Guardian (7 percent since the 1960s and water shortages are projected to spreading cancer. Migrant Labour February, 2011). grow. Technical fixes have been advanced to tackle this problem, The so-called ‘economic miracle’ that is Almeria’s greenhouses There are an estimated 100,000 migrants working and A final irony is that the very success that the Almeria including the establishment of several water de-salinisation would not be possible but for the harsh exploitation of living in the greenhouses. Work conditions are atrocious. greenhouse complex had achieved as an exemplar of high-tech plants but the water provided is 1.5–4 times more costly cheap labour. This is yet another externality, along with the Temperatures in the greenhouses can rise to above 45 degrees commercialised agriculture has encouraged others to copy it. in energy terms than pumped water. Relying on the environmental costs of production that tends to be left off the Celsius, the toil is back-breaking and Health and Safety Though its energy costs are markedly less than in Northern Mediterranean is just exchanging one finite resource for capitalist equation: the social costs of production. For Marx, standards are poor. There is little protection against the Europe where greenhouses have to be heated, this advantage another (Melissa Cate Christ, The Scapegoat Journal, 2013). these things were vitally interconnected: chemicals the workers come into contact with or breathe in. falls away in other parts of the Mediterranean basin such Other technical fixes include water re-use (though this is not ‘All progress in capitalistic agriculture is a progress in the Given their abysmally low income, they cannot afford even as Turkey or Morocco. Here the same model of greenhouse very suitable for young plants) and the development of soilless art, not only of robbing the labourer, but of robbing the soil; a minimally acceptable level of accommodation. Some live in production is being aggressively pushed and labour costs or hydroponic systems of growing crops, using a substrate all progress in increasing the fertility of the soil for a given barrack-like squalor in semi-derelict cortijos with hazardous are, if anything, even lower. With international competition like perlite, and computerised drip technology which also time, is a progress towards ruining the lasting sources of that electrical connections and poor sanitary facilities for what is heating up, this will likely add to the already relentless delivers chemical fertilisers to the plants. ‘Fertigation’, fertility’ (Capital, Vol 1). often, under the circumstances, an extortionate rent; others pressure to reduce or further externalise costs. however, presents a problem with what to do with all the When Almeria’s greenhouse sector began to develop back create constructions for themselves called chabolas made In so many ways, this little corner of the world represents vegetable waste – over 700,000 tonnes per year (ibid) – much in the 1960s it relied mostly on family labour supplemented out of old pallets, plastic and cardboard erected amongst the a microcosm of global capitalism, a mirror on the of which is just dumped, rather than recycled or composted, by locally-based seasonal labour. In the 1970s immigrant greenhouses themselves. There tends to be a rigid segregation environmentally and socially destructive forces the system contributing to contamination of the environment. While such workers, chiefly from Morocco, began to arrive. Entire families between migrants and locals (who live in agro-towns unleashes in its pursuit of profit at any price. technologies have certainly improved the efficiency of water would come to do the harvesting and then return to Morocco. completely surrounded by the greenhouses) which creates a (concluded) usage they have not really overcome the growing problem of Being paid less than the local workforce they soon replaced breeding ground for racism. Simmering tensions have in the ROBIN COX falling water tables or, indeed, the leaching of chemicals into the latter as a source of seasonal labour. past broken out into race riots as happened in the town of El the environment. In the 1980s, Moroccan labour was supplemented by Ejido in 2000. Moreover, the close proximity of thousands of greenhouses workers from Sub-Saharan Africa which also signalled a creates ideal conditions for the spread of pests and diseases. shift from the organised annual to-ing and fro-ing between Contradictions of greenhouse production The traditional response has been to blitz crops with chemical countries that had characterised the earlier migrations. Ironically, those who harbour such racist sentiments are pesticides – although, interestingly, Almeria itself has become Increasingly migrants tended to remain in the area, post- sometimes the very people who have prospered on the backs a world leader in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) involving harvest, because of the greater logistical problems of of the migrants. The direct employers, as stated, are largely more environmentally-friendly methods of pest control. This migration in their case. Still later, from the 1990s onwards, small-scale family-based operators -- an estimated 13,500 of came about as a result of a 2006 Greenpeace report revealing this pool of migrant labour was joined by others – from Latin them – who, over the course of several decades, have come high levels of pesticide residues in produce from the region. America and Eastern Europe (following the enlargement to forge close dependent ties with an array of large-scale The bad publicity caused a drastic drop in sales and the of the EU). Some of this labour, as in the case of Eastern intermediaries such as banks, agribusinesses (providing chemical in question was blacklisted. Nevertheless, pesticides Europe, was officially recruited in the country of origin but seeds, irrigation technology, plastic sheeting etc.) and the continue to be used with adverse health consequences for increasing use was made of illegal undocumented migrant supermarket chains. All of these want their slice of the pie and those working within the relatively closed environment of the labour, particularly from Africa. Recent developments in that all have an interest in enlarging the size of that pie. greenhouses. continent (and elsewhere) have ensured a steady growth in The result is that there is strong pressure on farmers to Another environmental problem is the industry’s ubiquitous this supply. embrace technological innovations that enhance productivity. use of plastic itself. Not only does the manufacture of plastic While Europe’s so-called refugee crises, peaking in 2015, Output per hectare has indeed risen but at the cost of rising sheeting add to the industry’s environmental footprint in initially focussed on refugees from the Middle East and their indebtedness to the banks to finance this technology. And terms of the consumption of fossil fuels this requires (the impact on point-of-entry countries like Italy and Greece, therein lies the rub. For while innovation enables the operator 12 Socialist Standard February 2019 Socialist Standard February 2019 13
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