Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT

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Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Smart Otaniemi-

Novel technologies
for improved
operational reliability

Hosted by VTT
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT

        Sami Kazi(Host)        Helena Kortelainen           Juha Asunmaa                  Sami Suominen
      Research Team Leader      Principal Scientist       Business Unit Director         Director, AI Works

11/11/2019                                                                                                       2
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Practicalities of the webinar
                                 All attendees join muted
                                 Please ask questions via the control panel
                                 • Moderator will address the questions to presenters in Q&A
                                 • Short final survey will appear to your screen right after the webinar has

                                 Having problems with audio?
                                 • Please use high-speed internet connectivity
                                 • Please use a headset to optimise your listening experience
                                 • Make a phone call: Toll dial-in numbers in the invitation (standard long-
                                   distance charges)

                                 Presentation material and handouts
                                 • A follow-up email will be sent with presentation material included

11/11/2019                                                                                                     3
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
             1   Intro
             2   Smart Otaniemi - Operational reliability pilot – addressing the value
                 of novel solutions
             3   Smart Remote Support Solution - Softability

             4   Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Context - Vincit

             4   Key takeaways

             5   Q&A

11/11/2019                                                                               4
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Otaniemi -
Ecosystem on
Smart Energy

Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Smart Otaniemi innovation ecosystem today
     •       Make energy smarter.
              Currently 70 partners: ICT and energy utilities, service
               providers, technology vendors and real estate owners.
              Research and development organizations and
               universities have a significant role.
              Companies varies from startups to big corporations.
     •       We turn bold ideas into action through piloting.
     •       We experiment and create smart solutions of the future       COMMON
             in a living-lab setting with the customers.                   VISION

     •       We invite companies and organizations from all
             sectors looking for new opportunities in the future
             energy business to join us.

11/11/2019                                                                          6
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Smart Otaniemi vision and roadmap
        Connectivity             Peer-to-peer                New market
         technologies              markets                      models
        Advanced data            Cybersecurity               Data operator
         analytics                AI solutions                 business
        Data sharing                                          Regulative
         and value                                              sandbox

       Smart                                                                                     Future
      Otaniemi                                                                                   energy
      platform                                                                                   solutions
                                         Energy communities                  Control hub
                                         Local flexibility                   District-level
       Aggregator models                 markets                              optimization
       Building interfaces              District heating and                Energy storages
       EV charging interfaces            cooling
11/11/2019                                                                                                   7
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
             1   Intro
             2   Smart Otaniemi - Operational reliability pilot – addressing the value
                 of novel solutions
             3   Smart Remote Support Solution - Softability

             4   Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Context - Vincit

             4   Key takeaways

             5   Q&A

11/11/2019                                                                               8
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Otaniemi -
Operational reliability pilot – addressing
the value of novel solutions

Helena Kortelainen & Pasi Valkokari
Webinar 7.11.2019
Smart Otaniemi-webinar - Novel technologies for improved operational reliability Hosted by VTT
Operational reliability in smart energy systems
– the pilot

Pilot challenge
• Interconnected society is setting new requirements to
  the life cycle management of energy systems.
• Smart Grid applies e.g. advanced IT technology,
  sensors and cloud solutions
• For wide-scale implementation, we need to asses
     the impact of novel solutions on the operational
        reliability of the energy system and
     the value of such solutions
• Impacts and value emerge across the ecosystem
     we need collaboration and co-creation with all
        actors in the value chain

Operational reliability in smart energy
systems – addressing impact and value

 Physical                                 Value for
asset and    Technology     Modelling
              or service    costs and        the
   use                       benefits     customer

Operational reliability in smart energy systems
– the goal and partners

The goal and means
• Main goal is to ensure reliable operation of smart energy
  systems by enhancing lifecycle management with novel
• We will do this by
     identifying potential technologies that improve
      operational reliability,
     developing business driven use cases, and by
     applying Life Cycle Cost assessments for feasibility

Pilot partners
• Elenia, Arisense, Agiler,

             1   Intro
             2   Smart Otaniemi - Operational reliability pilot – addressing the value
                 of novel solutions
             3   Smart Remote Support Solution - Softability

             4   Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Context - Vincit

             4   Wrap up and conclusions

             5   Q&A

11/11/2019                                                                               13
Smart Otaniemi webinar 7.11.2019

       Smart Remote Support Solution

                         Juha Asunmaa

Softability is an innovative
      and growing Finnish
    software development
Softability Oy

                         Innovative, growing and profitable
                            Finnish software company.

                            •   Established 2002, privately owned
                                                                    • Microsoft Gold Application
                            •   Located at Vantaa                     Development Partner
                            •   International customers             • Microsoft Silver (soon Gold)
                                                                      Cloud Platform Partner

                          Revenues 2019 (e)

                              5,9 MEUR


Our Customers

Our Services

                                                              X-REALITY SOLUTIONS
                                                              XR Studio develops Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
                                                              applications for medical and industrial device manufacturers as
                                                              well as for other businesses.

                         SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT
We design and implement applications for web, mobile, cloud
     and desktop – also combined with embedded systems

                                                              QUALITY ASSURANCE
                                                              We offer our customers versatile testing services from
                                                              manual testing to test automation – on a need basis.
Augmented Reality


 Quickly empowering a
 remote worker to get
 the information they
need, when they need it

What is most important in a Remote
Support solution?

 Ease of use
 Realiability (3/4G not available in all locations)
 Integration with existing systems
What is VIESTI Remote Support?
                                      • Support through online video call, where the expert can see
                                        all what the field technician sees
                                      • Making annotations and guidance on top of the video call
                                      • Sharing step by step instructions, documents, video and
                                        audio between a technician and an expert
                                      • Storing interactive data for knowledge sharing and later use

• VIESTI is a platform for iOS/Android/smart glasses to
  offer customized versions for companies with Expert
  portal on web.

What is Viesti remote support?

          VIESTI Benefits for
          customers include:

•   Saving costs
      •   Travel costs
      •   Utilization percentage
      •   Labour costs
      •   Reduced errors

• Better productivity
• Higher utilization
      • Workforce
      • Investements

•   Ergonomics
      • Reducing distractions and time in motion

•   Work Safety
•   Flexibility
      • Better cross utilization of workforce

•   Enables better competence transfer success
•   Better customer experience
Smart glasses

Smart glasses allow us to work hands free while
receiving instructions from the expert if the local
work instructions are not enough to solve the
Contact us for more information

    Juha Asunmaa
    Business Unit Director
    +358 40 523 5940

                             @        LinkedIn        Facebook   Twitter

                              Visit Softability at our office:
                              Jaakonkatu 2, 01620 Vantaa
             1   Intro
             2   Smart Otaniemi - Operational reliability pilot – addressing the value of novel

             3   Smart Remote Support Solution - Softability

             4   Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Context - Vincit

             5   Key takeaways

             6   Q&A

11/11/2019                                                                                        26
Artificial Intelligence in
Industrial Context
Smart Otaniemi webinar: Novel technologies for improved operational reliability

Sami Suominen
Artificial Intelligence Reality

                      Let’s start with disappointment
           Basically artificial intelligence doesn’t exists today

                               But there is..

   Machine learning
                                 Cloud computing

             Deap learning                         Vast amount of storage

                                   APIs and more open systems
For your inspiration
Predict Next Maintenance Date                                                                Predictive analytics

In usage-based maintenance. For example work hours, work load, distance, start-stop cycles etc.


        Time series                   Calendar                           Planned future
        History and                   Seasonality, weekdays,             Production plans, planned
        development since last        holiday seasons...                 maintenance

     Keep in mind

        Set target                    Easy math                          Starting point
        How far prediction is         In these cases math shines         Logical first step in AI
        needed                                                           journey
Failure Prediction                                                                       Predictive analytics

Scheduled maintenance.


       Previous failures            Path to failure                  Conditions
       Happened in the last         Changes, trends or               All other impacting data
       episode                      indications which lead to        (usage, environment etc.)
                                    the failure

     Keep in mind

        Confidental interval        Gain insight                     Evaluate schedule
        Prediction is probability   Path and conditions offer new    Possibility to rethink
        and estimate has            insight about failure reasons.   schedule
        confidental interval
Inventory Management                                                            Intelligent control

From static reorder points to dynamic control

     Based on                                   Spice up

      Maintenance prediction                    Delivery time, size and costs
      Failure prediction                        Inventory costs
                                                Impact to production

              Service level                       Inventory level
Resource Optimization                                                   Optimise operations

Orchestrate maintenance operations

     We have

          Personnel                  Tools and devices   Sites

      In framework

          Predicted future           Planned future      Known future


          Right skills               Right time          Right place
Maybe something else


        Maintenance system is full of free text about
           ● Failures
           ● Diagnoses
           ● Repairs
           ● Comments

        Impossible to search or analyze


       Text analytics / NLP
          ●  Search similarities (more sofisticated than keywprd or phrases)
          ●  Automatic classification
          ●  Metadata, tags
Thank you!

                  Sami Suominen
        Director, AI Works. Vincit
             1   Intro

             2   Smart Otaniemi - Operational reliability pilot – addressing the value of
                 novel solutions
             3   Smart Remote Support Solution - Softability

             4   Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Context - Vincit

             5   Key takeaways

             6   Q&A

11/11/2019                                                                                  36
Key takeaways
             • Demand for more sustainable energy production and
               the emerging smart grid sets challenges and opens
             • Work processes on the field could be enhanced by
                • Quickly empowering a remote worker to get the
                   information they need, when they need it
             • Decision making on all levels could profit from the
               advanced methods and tools for effective use of data
                • Search similarities, Automatic classification,
                   Metadata, tags
             • Reliability is in the core but the solutions designed to
               improve the reliability have to be affordable, thus
                • we need to assess the impact and the value of
                   such solutions
11/11/2019                                                                37
Questions & Answers

Contact information:

          Sanna Öörni
                               Helena Kortelainen           Juha Asunmaa                  Sami Suominen
       Co-creation Manager
                                Principal Scientist       Business Unit Director         Director, AI Works
         Smart Otaniemi

Innovation Ecosystem on Smart Energy
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