SKYROCKETING GAS PRICES - What does this mean for restaurants? TECHNOMIC'S TAKE - Winsight

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SKYROCKETING GAS PRICES - What does this mean for restaurants? TECHNOMIC'S TAKE - Winsight

           GAS PRICES
          What does this mean
          for restaurants?
          By Joe Pawlak, Managing Principal
          March 17, 2022

Image Source:                ©2022 Technomic, Inc.
SKYROCKETING GAS PRICES - What does this mean for restaurants? TECHNOMIC'S TAKE - Winsight

Starting last spring, prices across               plus per gallon, has an impact on
the board began to rise as sharp                  consumer restaurant spending.                     Every 50-cent
increases in demand for goods                     To understand the current
and labor intertwined with supply                 conditions, Technomic conducted
                                                                                                    increase in gas
chain disruptions. No particular                  an overnight survey on March 10,                  price has a $68
industry, product or service has                  2022, with 475 consumers ages
been spared by rising costs                       18 and older nationally who drive                 billion impact on
which have been passed along to                   gas-powered vehicles.                             consumer spending.
consumers. The rate of consumer
inflation continued to rise to a 7.9%
annual increase in February, the                  Consumer Pain                                     has lower discretionary income.
largest jump since 1982, according                Based on our survey, a whopping                   Not surprising, those with an
to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.                86% of consumers say that                         income of $150,000 or more
Foodservice menu prices have                      rising gas prices are having an                   annually are least impacted.
also been skyrocketing in this                    effect on their spending on other
environment, driven by higher raw                 goods and services, and half
material and labor costs. Despite                 say that gas prices are having a                  Spending Cuts
this, consumers have continued                    significant impact.                                      Americans use about 135 billion
to accelerate foodservice                                                                                  gallons of gas per year.* As
spending since the nadir of the                                                                            such, every 50-cent increase
pandemic, propelled by pent-up                                                                             results in a $68 billion impact on
demand and economic recovery.                     Impact of Rising                                         consumer spending. For many
In addition, grocery price                        Gas Prices                                               consumers, cutting back on
proliferation has provided no                                                                              driving is a nonstarter. Using cars
                                               On Spending on Other
relief nor reason for consumers                                                                            is a necessity to get to and from
                                               Goods and Services
to shift to the at-home channel.       Impact of Rising Gas Prices on Spending on Other Items and Services work or school, run errands and

Gas prices have been elevated as                                                                           conduct their normal mandatory
                                                                No                                         activities throughout the day.
the pandemic waned, however,                                    Impact
until recently, they have not been                              14%                                        Therefore, spending cuts are
particularly problematic. Price has                                         Significant
                                                                                                           made in other areas to adjust for
ranged from the low- to mid-$3 per                        Some
                                                                            Impact                         higher prices.
gallon over the past 12 months.                           Impact
                                                                                                           Restaurants and other leisure
However, the incursion into                                                                                activities are the main areas
Ukraine has precipitated a major                                                                           where consumers say they are
spike in oil prices, driving up gas at                                                                     cutting back due to high gas
the pump to much more than $4                  Base: 475 consumers who drive gas-powered                   prices. This is not surprising
per gallon on average nationally,              vehicles
                                                                                                           as these are typical spending
                                               Source: Technomic
up $1.40 over the same period last                                                                         areas where consumers
year and over 70 cents over the                                                                            indicate that they cut back
past few weeks alone.*                                                                                     on when their own financial
                                               The    data   show     that   the  youngest                 prospects become tenuous,
Historical experience has shown
                                               Americans—18-           to  24-year-olds—                   including periods of recession
that a spike in gas prices,
                                               are   most    impacted       as  this  group                or other economic uncertainty.
especially those that result in $4-

 *US Energy Information Administration
                                                                                                                        ©2022 Technomic, Inc.

Spending                             Limited-service restaurant                                     49%

Cutback Areas                            Full-service restaurant
Multiple mentions                                 Leisure travel                                   44%
accepted                              Delay of large purchases                             36%
                                                       Clothing                          36%
                                                      Groceries                       29%
                                             Household goods                    20%
                                           Streaming services                   20%
Base: 408 consumers impacted by
                                           Household services                  17%
higher gas prices
Source: Technomic                 I’m not cutting back spending          8%

Gas Price Spike
Impact                                               Real Segment
Although an almost equal                             Growth Rate
number of consumers say they
will cut back on limited service                     2008: May-July
and full service, history has
shown that full service is more                        LSR         FSR

affected. The last time when
gas prices averaged more than                        -0.4%
$4 per gallon nationally for an                                                   $4.02*
extended period was in May
through July 2008.                                            -2.1%
Looking at this period compared
to the same period in 2007,                          2007: May-July
there is certainly a drawback
in LSR and FSR sales. But                                       2.3%
the change is more drastic                            1.8%
within full-service restaurants
compared to limited service,                                                      $3.09*
which were down 4.3 points and
2.2 points in 2008 on inflation
                                                       LSR         FSR
adjusted bases, respectively.                                                                             Image courtesy of Alex Haney on Unsplash

                                                     Source: US Energy Information
                                                     Administration; Bureau of Labor Statistics;            Restaurant and other leisure
                                                     *Note: Average weekly retail gas price
                                                                                                            activities are the main areas
                                                     Fuel icons created by Freepik                           where consumer say they
                                                                                                            are cutting back due to high
                                                                                                                      gas prices

                                                                                                                                    ©2022 Technomic, Inc.

Final Words:
Technomic’s Take                        When consumers feel financially
Prior events and data support           challenged, they don’t typically trade
Technomic’s view that when              out of foodservice but rather, they
consumers feel financially
challenged, they don’t typically        trade down.
trade out of foodservice but
rather, they trade down. Instead
of frequenting a higher-end            have fewer dollars in their            almost a year, and pump sticker
restaurant, a consumer may             pockets, they still require the        shock could be less dramatic
opt for a less-expensive casual-       benefits offered by restaurants        as consumers are accustomed
dining or fast-casual experience.      and other foodservice                  to seeing higher prices across
Or, instead of visiting a sit-         establishments. Consumers still        the board.
down casual-dining restaurant,         need convenience, experience,          One thing that the pandemic has
they move to a QSR. This               time-savings, relaxation and           taught us is that using restaurants
sliding down on the price scale        socialization—all things that          and foodservice is a deep-
occurs, rather than a wholesale        restaurants offer. And, despite        rooted habit for Americans—and
shift to more at-home meals.           reports to the contrary, many still    Americans will continue to find
Consumers also economize               don’t want or have time to cook.       ways to enjoy its perks despite
when eating out by foregoing           The current surge in fuel prices       any external challenges.
extras such as add-on desserts,        could also have a different
appetizers and beverages.              impact than in the past,
Even though costs may be               however. Consumers have been
going up and consumers may             experiencing high inflation for

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                                                                                              ©2022 Technomic, Inc.
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