Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015

Page created by Armando Norman
Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
Sir Winston Churchill Bust
    Unveiling Ceremony

        The Pentagon
         May 6, 2015
Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
                                                                                 Hon. Robert Work, General Sir Nicholas Houghton and Bust
                                                               British Chiefs Present
                                                             Churchill Bust to Pentagon
          THE UNITED STATES                                                 By Jim Garamone
                                                                       DoD News, Defense Media Activity
                                                 WASHINGTON, May 7, 2015                     Department of Defense. DoD
                                                 — If one man can sum up the                 photo by Air Force Master Sgt.
       THE HONORABLE ROBERT WORK                 depth and closeness of U.S.-British         Adrian Cadiz
         Deputy Secretary of Defense             friendship and cooperation, then
                United States                    that one man would be Sir Winston           And now Churchill has a place
                                                 S. Churchill, the indomitable British       in the Pentagon, after British
                                                 Prime Minister who governed the             and American officials unveiled
               MR. LEE POLLOCK
                                                 United Kingdom during World War             a bust of the wartime leader
    Executive Director of the Churchill Centre
                                                 II.                                         in a ceremony yesterday at the
                                                                                             conclusion of the U.S.-U.K.
   GENERAL SIR NICHOLAS HOUGHTON                 Deputy Defense Secretary Bob                Combined Chiefs of Staff meeting.
         Chief of the Defence Staff              Work and United Kingdom Chief
             United Kingdom                      of Defense Gen. Nick Houghton               Deputy Defense Secretary Bob
                                                 unveil a bust of Sir Winston S.             Work and British Army Gen. Sir
                                                 Churchill during a ceremony                 Nicholas Houghton presided at the
              BUST UNVEILING                                                                 ceremony in the Pentagon’s Hall of
                                                 at the Pentagon, May 6, 2015.
                                                 The United Kingdom defense                  Heroes.
                 RECEPTION                       ministry presented the bust to the

Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
Work thanked the British chiefs and          assume responsibility for security
the British people for the bust.             challenges around the world, he
“It’s a most appropriate time to
celebrate the legacy of Winston              “The United Kingdom is definitely
Churchill as this Friday marks the           one of those allies,” Work said.
70th anniversary of Victory in               “When we are in a fight, the ones
Europe Day,” Work said. “Churchill           we want on our right and left are
did so much to make that victory             service men and women from the
possible, along with the entire              United Kingdom.”
British people. They truly gave their
blood, sweat and tears during that           Work thanked the British for their
titanic struggle.”                           service in Afghanistan and said
                                             America mourns with them for the
Inspirational Leader                         453 British service members who
Churchill was an inspirational               gave the last full measure.
leader, the deputy secretary said.
He steeled the entire alliance for the       Close American-British
tasks ahead and he demanded, and             Relationship
got, the best possible effort from his       Houghton said having the bust in
countrymen and allies, Work said.            the Pentagon is entirely appropriate
In a measure of the esteem that              given the closeness of the British
Americans hold for Churchill, the            and American militaries.
U.S. Navy named an Arleigh Burke-
class destroyer after him in 1999.           “How delighted Churchill himself
                                             would be to see we are following the
Britain and the United States                final piece of advice that he ever
share values, the deputy secretary           gave to his ministers upon leaving
said. “The United Kingdom goes               Downing Street for the final time in
                                                                                        Pentagon Ceremony
wherever we go. If not with forces,          1955 -- ‘Never be separated from
then with spirit and support,” Work          the Americans,’” Houghton said.
said. “The U.K. is the first ally
whom we seek support from, and               The alliance between the United
guidance.”                                   States and Britain is more than
                                             just shared national interests, “it
The United States appreciates                is shared human ideals and a
allies that demonstrate the will,            profound trust in democracy,” he
capabilities and experience to               said.

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Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
of the Churchill family and the         And as First Lord of the Admiralty,               it is altogether fitting that this
                                                  sculptor Vivien Mallock. They           he was the civilian head of the                   bust is unveiled here today, in the
                                                  are delighted that this bust is being   world’s greatest navy at the start of             headquarters of America’s armed
                                                  installed in such a perfect location.   both of the emblematic conflicts of               forces. It joins another we recently
                                                                                          the 20th century.                                 presented to the United States
                                                  Earlier today, I spoke to Randolph                                                        Capitol and a third displayed at the
                                                  Churchill in London. Randolph           Churchill was sometimes accused                   White House since 1965.
                                                  is the great-grandson of Sir            - unfairly - of liking war too much.
                                                  Winston, a Trustee of the Churchill     The truth was that while it excited               And to ensure that Washington
                                                  Memorial Trust and, as he often         him, he recognized its terrible costs             remains a center of Churchill
                                                  reminds me, a retired Royal Navy        and consequences.                                 scholarship, we are pleased that
                                                  officer. Randolph has asked me                                                            next year will mark the opening of
                                                  to tell you how deeply he and his       And his quotes about war are                      our new National Churchill Library
                                                  family appreciate the honor being       famous.                                           and Center at George Washington
                                                  accorded today.                                                                           University.
                                                                                          For example:
                                                  Winston Churchill was many things                                                         So, on behalf of the Churchill
                       Lee Pollock and Bust                                               Nothing in life is quite so exhilarating as
                                                  in his life: politician, statesman,                                                       family, The Churchill Centre
                                                  writer, artist, bricklayer, winner of   to be shot at without result.                     and Churchillians around the
Presentation of the                               the Nobel Prize. But before any
                                                                                          Or, more seriously,
                                                                                                                                            world, thank you to the Ministry
                                                  of those was his first profession:                                                        of Defence for making this bust
 Bust of Winston                                  that of a soldier. He graduated                                                           possible, to our Department of
                                                                                          Much as war attracts me and fascinates
    Churchill                                     from Sandhurst and saw combat
                                                  in places around the world still        my mind, I feel more deeply every year
                                                                                                                                            Defense for providing a perfect
                                                                                                                                            home for it and to donors Alan
                                                                                          what vile and wicked folly it is.
                                                  familiar to us, in his first posting,                                                     Spence, John Michaelson and Fred
     Remarks by Lee Pollock
Executive Director, The Churchill Centre          fighting rebel tribesmen on the                                                           Roggero. Perhaps in years to come,
                                                                                          And in the last years of his life, he
                                                  Northwest Frontier of India.                                                              as challenges confront America,
                                                                                                                                            Britain and other freedom loving
THE PENTAGON, May 6,                              If Churchill heard us describe                                                            nations, you’ll pause for a moment
2015 ­— I have the good fortune                                                           Jaw to jaw is better than war.
                                                  the Taliban today, he’d probably                                                          as you walk through this corridor
to be Executive Director of The                   say, “Sounds just like the ones I       Today, Winston Churchill and his                  and think of Winston Churchill.
Churchill Centre, a worldwide                     remember.” He participated in           ally Franklin Roosevelt stand as                  He still has much to say to us today,
organization dedicated to                         one of the last cavalry charges of      icons of modern history. Working                  civilian and military alike.
preserving the legacy of one of                   the British Empire in 1898 - yet
history’s greatest statesmen.                                                             with great leaders such as George
                                                  when he retired as Prime Minister                                                         Thank you.
                                                                                          Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower,
                                                  in 1955, Britain had the hydrogen
It’s my pleasure to participate in                                                        they saved freedom for the world
today’s presentation, on behalf                                                           in its hour of greatest peril; thus

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Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
pleasure to accept his bust on             even when the military situation
                                                                                     behalf of the Department of                appeared the most bleak. The
                                                                                     Defense and to thank the British           eminently quotable Churchill
                                                                                     people for this thoughtful and             constantly steeled the British
                                                                                     wonderful gift.                            people for the mighty task that lay
                                                                                                                                ahead. In a speech to the House
                                                                                     It is a most appropriate time to           of Commons, just after being
                                                                                     celebrate the legacy of Winston            appointed prime minister in 1940,
                                                                                     Churchill as this Friday we mark           as Hitler’s armies were pouring
                                                                                     the 70th anniversary of VE-Day –           across France. He said: “You ask,
                                                                                     Victory in Europe day. Churchill           what is our aim? I can answer in
                                                                  Hon. Robert Work
                                                                                     did so much to make that victory           one word. It is victory. Victory at
                                                                                     possible – along with the British          all costs.”
   Winston Churchill Bust Presentation                                               people, who truly gave their blood,
                                                                                     sweat, and tears during that titanic       As British Air Marshall Sir Charles
                            Hon. Robert Work                                         struggle of the 20th century.              Portal recalled, Churchill’s arrival
                          Deputy Secretary of Defense                                                                           at No. 10 Downing Street had an
                                                                                     Churchill was an incredibly                immediate impact on the war effort.
                                                                                     inspirational leader – able to             “He put a bomb under Whitehall,”
THE PENTAGON, Wednesday,                   morning – along with the many
                                                                                     motivate and inspire by his mere           Portal said. “From then till the
May 06, 2015 — On behalf of                senior leaders from the Department
                                                                                     presence. The famous declaration           end of the war he was constantly
Secretary Carter, I want to welcome        of Defense who are here as well.
                                                                                     “Winston is back!” was telegraphed         urging, driving, probing, restless in
the many distinguished guests who
                                                                                     to all ships of the Royal Navy             his search for new ways for getting
have joined us here today. I want          I know Chairman Dempsey very
                                                                                     in September 1939, as Winston              at the enemy.”
to especially recognize General            much wanted to be here this
                                                                                     returned as First Lord of the
Sir Nicholas Houghton, British             morning but he’s accompanying
                                                                                     Admiralty. The message electrified         As a wartime leader Churchill was
Army, Chief of the Defense Staff           Secretary Carter on Capitol Hill
                                                                                     ship’s crews, and also served as           full of ideas, including more than
(CDS), and his wife Lady Margaret          where they are making our case for
                                                                                     warning to ship’s captains that            a few wild battlefield inventions
Houghton. Nick, Maggie, it’s               this year’s defense budget before 20
                                                                                     an exacting leader had returned            – some turned out to be quite
great to see you both here today.          of their best friends in the SAC-D.
                                                                                     who would be relentless in his             effective, others not so much. He
And I also want to extend a warm
                                           So it’s a real honor for me to be         demand of nothing but the highest          came up with the idea for the
welcome to all the British Defense
                                           here in his absence and participate       performance.                               Mulberry Harbors employed during
Chiefs – thank you for joining us
                                           in this ceremony that celebrates                                                     the Normandy landings. Although
and also for your strong partnership                                                  Of course it was as wartime
                                           the legacy of such a larger than                                                     thankfully his idea for giant
and friendship.                                                                      Prime Minister that Churchill
                                           life historical figure who was a                                                     aircraft carriers made of ice never
                                                                                     demonstrated such an astounding            materialized. But as strong as his
I want to thank our own Chiefs             personal hero of mine – Winston
                                                                                     capacity to lead and inspire –             opinions might have been, and they
of Staff for joining us here this          S. Churchill. And it is a particular

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Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
were strong, he always yearned for          our destroyers USS WINSTON                and want to share it. The United             a combined approach to addressing
advice and expert opinion. As Air           CHURCHILL. An honor bestowed              States is looking for allies with the        the crisis. The UK has been a steady
Marshall Portal said: “He wanted            on an incredibly small number             will, capability, and experience to          and significant partner in operations
good hard stones on which to                of foreign leaders. And in the            assume greater responsibility for            against ISIL from the beginning.
sharpen the knife of his ideas.”            continuing closeness of the U.S. -        security challenges around the               On behalf of Secretary Carter and
                                            UK relationship, it is the only U.S.      world.                                       the American people I would like to
For our part, the United States             Navy vessel with a Royal Navy                                                          extend our country’s thanks to the
could not have asked for a more             officer permanently assigned to the       You are one of those allies. Your            UK for their many contributions.
inspirational, tough-minded,                ship’s company.                           leadership role on the global stage,
and relentless partner in a war                                                       backed by a capable military, is             In closing, let me say that Churchill
that would decide the fate of so            Winston Churchill, whose mother           important to the United States.              understood the value of the UK’s
many. As Dwight Eisenhower                  was American, truly embodied                                                           strong alliance with the United States.
said of Churchill: “[His] rugged            the closeness of the U.S. – UK             The U.S. military is always glad to         On this occasion, I want to affirm
determination, his fighting spirit,         relationship. An honorary citizen         have the British military alongside          that the United States understands
and his singleness of purpose,              of the United States, Churchill said,     us in the fight. I would like to             the importance of its alliance with the
were always a spur to action.               “To have the United States at our         express my personal thanks and the           United Kingdom – and deeply values
Never once did he give less than            side was to me the greatest joy.”         nation’s sincere gratitude for the           it.
full cooperation in any endeavor                                                      British troops who have served, and
necessary to our military objectives,       Well at this point in time, let me say,   continue to serve, alongside our             I want to once again thank the British
and never did he hesitate to use his        “To have the United Kingdom at            sons and daughters in Afghanistan.           Chiefs for being here with us today
magnetic and powerful personality           our side is the greatest joy.” When       The UK military has been with us             and thank the British people for this
to win cheerful acceptance from his         we look out onto this world, you are      through all phases of the NATO               most thoughtful gift.
countrymen of the great demands             the country with whom we share            mission in Afghanistan. And we
he was forced to make upon them.”           the most similar values and global        mourn with you the loss of 453 UK            I’d like to now turn it over to Mr.
                                            view.                                     service members in Afghanistan.              Lee Pollock, who is the Executive
And while the British and American                                                    They have courageously followed in           Director of the Churchill Center.
chiefs disagreed at times over              That means whenever we are                the footsteps of generations of UK           He has been kind enough to ask
the exact tactics of that war, our          thinking of using our military to         service men and women who have               Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston’s
two nation’s remained unified               resolve some security situation, the      given the ultimate sacrifice and who         great-grandson, who is the Trustee
in purpose throughout, fighting             first ally whose support we seek is       fought side-by-side with the United          of the Winston Churchill Memorial
together in some of history’s               the United Kingdom. And often,            States to provide others with a              Trust and of Churchill Heritage
bloodiest battles in both the               you’ve already been telling us about      better future.                               Ltd., to provide a short message of
European and the Pacific theaters.          the problem and how we should be                                                       appreciation from the family. Thank
And the end result was indeed, as           engaging. There aren’t many allies        And as the humanitarian crisis in            you.
Churchill predicted: victory.               who do that. That’s incredibly            northern Iraq emerged last summer,
                                            valuable when we feel the weight          UK MOD and DoD leaders at
It was thus with our greatest               of global security responsibilities--     multiple levels worked together on
respect, that we named one of

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Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
embodied the relationship between        and duty to guard the homes of the
                                                                                        our countries.                           common people form the horrors
                                                                                                                                 and misery of another war.
                                                                                        He was, more than any other
                                                                                        individual, complicit in persuading      And he would no doubt have
                                                                                        the United States of America             steeled the Combined Chiefs to the
                                                                                        to commit to war with Nazi               need to tackle the challenges head
                                                                                        Germany. But he knew he was              on. Again to quote him: “Our
                                                                                        persuading a willing ally, because       difficulties and dangers will not be
                                                                                        he fundamentally believed that           removed by closing our eyes to them.
                                                                                        what binds the United States and         They will not be removed by mere
                                                                                        the United Kingdom together is           waiting to see what happens; nor
                                                        General Sir Nicholas Houghton   not simply shared national interest;     will they be removed by a policy of
                                                                                        it is shared human ideals; and a         appeasement.”
   Winston Churchill Bust Presentation                                                  profound trust in democracy.
                                                                                                                                 So I think that there is much of the
                                                                                        To quote the great man: “We must         Churchill spirit and counsel that
                     General Sir Nicholas Houghton
                                                                                        never cease to proclaim in fearless      remains relevant to current times;
                                                                                        tones the great principles of freedom    not least the requirement to retain
Deputy Secretary, distinguished          How fitting that it is this day, of
                                                                                        and the rights of man which are          and sustain a strategic partnership
guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. I can      this week, of this year, that the bust
                                                                                        the joint inheritance of the English     that has weathered the last 200
think of few greater privileges than     arrives at what is intended as its final
                                                                                        Speaking World and which through         years – exactly the period of time
to have this opportunity to formally     resting place. In the year of the
                                                                                        Magna Carta; the Bill of Rights;         that has elapsed since the Battle of
present this bust of Churchill to        fiftieth anniversary of Churchill’s
                                                                                        Habeas Corpus; trial by jury;            New Orleans – the last, and from a
the American Government and              death; in the week of the 70th
                                                                                        and the English Common Law;              British perspective somewhat foolish,
especially its Defence Community.        anniversary of Victory in Europe;
                                                                                        find their most famous expression        occasion on which we chose to be on
                                         and on the day that concludes the
It was originally the inspiration                                                       in the American Declaration of           opposing sides.
                                         most recent meeting of the United
of a British Defence Attaché,                                                           Independence.”
                                         States and British Combined Chiefs                                                      So, Deputy Secretary, I close simply
Mike Harwood, to commission a            of Staff.                                      Had Churchill borne witness to           by hoping that you will accept this
bust of Churchill, that the British
                                                                                        the discussions that the Combined        bust as an enduring symbol of
Government might present to the          How delighted Churchill himself
                                                                                        Chiefs have had over the last couple     Churchill’s memory and our two
American Government as a symbol          would be to see that we are following
                                                                                        of days he would have found an           nation’s relationship. And that you
of our enduring relationship and the     the final piece of advice that he gave
                                                                                        eerie resonance with his own times.      accept it in the sure knowledge
part that Churchill played in that       his ministers on leaving Downing
                                                                                        As we discussed the threats of Russia    that enhancing our liberty and
relationship.                            Street for the final time in 1955:
                                                                                        and ISIS one might recall the words      strengthening our democracy
                                         “Never be separated from the
Beautifully crafted by the British                                                      of his famous speech at Fulton, the      remains a common goal of both
sculptor Vivien Mallock, it was made                                                    Iron Curtain speech, when he said        our nations. And that to persist in
possible through the sponsorship of      I do not need to tell this informed            our countries must tackle the two        pursuit of that goal is the best way
Newsdesk Media and the support of        audience the degree to which, like             giant marauders: war and tyranny.        to honour this great man’s legacy.
their then CEO, Alan Spence.             no other, Churchill epitomised and             He declared it our supreme task

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Sir Winston Churchill Bust Unveiling Ceremony - The Pentagon May 6, 2015
6 May 2015

Dear Secretary Work,

On behalf of the entire Churchill family I would like to extend my sincere
thanks to the Department of Defense for the great honour today being
accorded the memory of my great-grandfather, Sir Winston Churchill, by
the placement of his bust in the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon. We are
deeply grateful to the Department, to the UK Ministry of Defence and to
Alan Spence for making possible this singular recognition.
                                                                                                                                                  Vivien Mallock
Churchill’s first profession was that of a soldier. He fought in places still
familiar to us today, ranging from the North West Frontier of India to the
Sudan. During the Second World War he worked closely and productively                    Bust of Sir Winston Churchill
with some of the greatest figures in American military history, from
George C. Marshall to Dwight D. Eisenhower. In the crucible of the
greatest conflict the world has ever known, deep and lasting friendships
were forged which he cherished throughout his life.                             The Bust                                 great democracies stood side-by-
                                                                                                                         side to defeat Nazi Germany and
I am sorry not to be able to join you at today’s ceremony but I am pleased      The dramatic bust of Sir Winston         Imperial Japan between 1941 and
that our family and Churchillians around the world are represented by Lee       Churchill that stands between the        1945.
Pollock, the Executive Director of The Churchill Centre.                        D-Day and World War II corridors
                                                                                in the Pentagon originated in            The commissioning of the bust
Thank you again for this honour. I can only add how pleased and proud           a proposal made by Royal Air             was supported by two sponsors,
my great-grandfather would have been to know that his likeness will stand       Force Air Vice Marshall Michael          British businessman Alan Spence
in perpetuity alongside so many important citizens of what he admiringly        Harwood during his time as               and his American counterpart John
called “the Great Republic”.                                                    Defence Attaché in the British           Michaelson, of Newsdesk Media.
                                                                                Embassy in Washington. His               Vivien Mallock, a prominent British
                                                                                envisioned a bust of Churchill           sculptor noted for her portrayal
Randolph Churchill                                                              in a prominent position in the           of military themes, was selected
                                                                                headquarters of America’s armed          to create the image which took
                                                                                forces as a permanent tribute to the     approximately two years. Following
                                                                                Special Relationship between the         Harwood’s retirement, the project
Hon. Robert 0. Work,                                                            United States and Great Britain          was carried forward by Maj. Gen.
Deputy Secretary of Defense,                                                    forged by Winston Churchill and          Francis H. R. Howes and his staff at
1010 Defense Pentagon,                                                          Franklin Roosevelt, as these two
Washington, DC 20301-1010,
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the Embassy, in coordination with         Gen. Raymond Odierno, Chief of              The Location                               than the 11th century Bayeux
the U.S. Department of Defense.           Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan                                                         Tapestry, which depicts the Norman
                                          Greenert, Air Force Chief of Staff          The Churchill Bust is located              Conquest. The Overlord tapestry
After completion in December              Gen. Mark Welsh and Marine                  between The World War                      was completed for the D-Day
2013, the work was presented by           Corps Commandant Gen. Joseph                II Operation Overlord and                  Museum’s grand opening in 1984.
the sponsors to the British Chief         Dunford.                                    Department of Defense Historical
of Defence Staff, Sir Nicholas                                                        Corridor Exhibits on the first floor       The Overlord paintings were given
Houghton, at a special unveiling          The Churchill family and the artist         of the Pentagon. This location was         to the U.S. Department of Defense
ceremony at the Royal United              were represented by Churchill               selected because of Churchill’s            during the 1994 50th anniversary
Services Institute, Britain’s oldest      Centre Executive Director Lee               critical involvement with Overlord         commemoration of D-Day in
military think tank, in London.           Pollock and Trustees Elliot Berke           and the 1943 Tehran Conference             Portsmouth.
The bust remained on exhibition           and Paul Brubaker.                          with Roosevelt and Stalin, depicted
in London until 2014 when it                                                          centrally in the Historical Corridor       The Tehran Conference was a
was brought by an RAF Hercules            The bust is 1-1/2 times life size and       Exhibit “WWII Major Events                 strategic meeting of Winston
aircraft to Washington, DC for            cast in bronze. It stands on a full-        Timeline Mural.”                           Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
display at the British Embassy.           height wooden plinth accentuated                                                       and Joseph Stalin, from November
                                          with a bronze tablet quoting from           The paintings displayed in the             28 to December 1, 1943 and was
On May 6, 2015, the bust was              the concluding words of Churchill’s         Overlord Corridor were originally          the first of two conferences held
officially installed in its permanent     famous address to a Joint Session of        commissioned by Lord Dulverton             between these “Big Three” Allied
location in the Pentagon during           Congress, December 26, 1941:                from British artist Sandra Lawrence        leaders. The focus of the meeting
the annual meeting of Chiefs of                                                       and were used as templates for the         was the opening of a second front
Staff of the American and British         I avow my hope and faith                    famed Overlord Embroidery. The             by Western Allies against Nazi
Armed Forces. The ceremony                Sure and inviolate                          template paintings depict a timeline       Germany and the envisaged post-
coincided almost to the day with          That in the days to come                    of the June 6, 1944 Allied Invasion        war settlement after the cessation of
the 75th anniversary of Winston           The British and American peoples            of Normandy, and consist of 34             hostilities.
Churchill becoming Prime Minister         Will for their own safety                   panels, each eight feet long.
and the 70th anniversary of V-E           And for the good of all                                                                -Lee Pollock
Day. Among the attendees were             Walk together side by side                  The paintings were transferred to
Deputy Secretary of Defense               In majesty, in justice and in peace         the Royal School of Needlework
Robert Work, Chief of Defence                                                         and four years were required for
Staff Gen. Sir Nicholas Houghton,         Additional information on the sculptor is   25 highly skilled needlewomen to
First Sea Lord Adm. Sir George            available at        complete a magnificent tapestry,
Zambellas, Chief of Air Staff                                                         now located at the D-Day Museum
Genl. Sir Nicholas Carter and                                                         in Portsmouth, England. It is the
Gen. Sir Richard Barrons. Also                                                        largest work of its kind in the world,
present were Army Chief of Staff                                                      272 feet in length -- 33 feet longer

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Pentagon Ceremony   Hon. Robert Work, General Sir Nicholas Houghton and Bust

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Published by The Churchill Centre

 For more information about the Centre and the life of
Winston Churchill contact Lee Pollock, Executive Director,
You can also read