Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020

Page created by Glenn Weber
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Single Pair Ethernet
  Choosing the right connectivity
      for your application

Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Strong partners for the next generation of Ethernet - SPE
                           Phoenix Contact                                                         Weidmüller
A world market leader in     Two wires – unlimited                       We are your experts for   Smart connections
industrial connection                                                    the best connections in
technology and               opportunities                               Industrial Connectivity   from the sensor to the future
automation.                                                              Let's connect
                             Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) is one of the                              In the factory of the future, machines and
                             megatrends in industrial data                                         systems will be connected via a digital
                             transmission. SPE deliberately does not                               infrastructure. The result are cyberphysical
                             define new transmission speeds and                                    systems that communicate in real time as
                             distances, but forms the normative                                    independent actors in the Industrial
                             framework for reduced cabling in line                                 Internet of Things (IIoT) and control
                             with the application. Together with other                             production processes. In order to achieve
                             new technologies such as TSN, OPC-UA                                  this, a future-proof combination of two
                             or 5G, SPE enables both continuous IP                                 disciplines is required: automation and
Verena Neuhaus               communication between the server and        Simon Seereiner           digitalization. Weidmüller believes that
                             the cloud, as well as the power supply in                             Single Pair Ethernet is the Backbone
Product Management           complex IIoT solutions.                     Head of Product           Infrastructure of these two disciplines.
Field Device Connectors                                                  Management IE & SAI
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
The SPE product range for the market launch Q4 2020

IEC 63171-2                            IEC 63171-5
      IP 20 connector   IP 20 socket        IP 67 M8 connector   IP 67 M8 socket
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Market requirements for SPE connection technology (FA / BA)
Analysis of the market requirements profile

                 ▪ Small installation space for the connection                          Industrial
                                                                      Miniaturization    reliability
                   technology in the devices

                 ▪ Industrial contact and locking system

  Market         ▪ Consistency of the mating face from IP20 to IP67
 research        ▪ Flexibility and variance of existing cabling
                   systems is the benchmark

                 ▪ Future-proof transfer rates
                                                                       Future proof     Simplicity
                 ▪ One mating face, no parallel systems
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Benefit argumentation SPE connector system


    Simplicity                               Future proof
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020

      Most compact
1     industrial SPE Interface

      High packing density
2     50% of the installation
      space of standard RJ45

      Integration in standard
3     M8 housing and
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Benefit argumentation
    Miniaturization: most compact mating face

       Most compact               o Smallest mating face
1      industrial SPE Interface
                                    compared to all other
                                    industrial versions
                                    standardized in IEC 63171
                                  o Approx. 38% more compact
       High packing density         compared to IEC 63171-6
2      50% of the installation
       space of standard RJ45       IP 20 design (Harting)

       Integration in standard
3      M8 housing and
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Benefit argumentation
    Miniaturization: High packing density

       Most compact               o Double the packing          ~ 60 mm   ~ 28 mm
1      industrial SPE Interface
                                    density compared to RJ45
                                  o Doubling the number of
                                    interfaces while
                                    maintaining the housing
       High packing density         contour
2      50% of the installation
       space of standard RJ45     o Requires minimum
                                    installation space in the
                                    device. Only 20% of the
                                    volume of an RJ45 jack
       Integration in standard
3      M8 housing and
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Benefit argumentation
    Miniaturization: High packing density

       Most compact               o Double the packing
1      industrial SPE Interface
                                    density compared to RJ45
                                  o Doubling the number of
                                    interfaces while
                                    maintaining the housing
       High packing density         contour
2      50% of the installation
       space of standard RJ45     o Requires minimum
                                    installation space in the
                                    device. Only 20% of the
                                    volume of an RJ45 jack
       Integration in standard
3      M8 housing and
Single Pair Ethernet Choosing the right connectivity for your application - Single Pair Ethernet Technology Days 2020
Benefit argumentation
    Miniaturization: Integration in standard M8

       Most compact
1      industrial SPE Interface                                   I/O Link
                                  o Pre-assembled patch
                                    cables and field attachable   PROFINET
                                                                  100 MBit/s
                                    M8 connectors
       High packing density
2      50% of the installation    o Standard M8 cabling as for
       space of standard RJ45       I/O Link or PROFINET          SPE
                                                                  1 Gbit/s
                                  o Wide variety of sockets
                                    with male and female                               Plug – Connector (free)          Devce Connector (fixed)

       Integration in standard      contacts                                        Inner - thread   Outer - thread   Inner - thread   Outer - thread

       M8 housing and                                                                    ✓                ✓                ✓                ✓
                                                                   Plug Contact
                                                                                         ✓                ✓                ✓                ✓
                                                                   Socket Contact
Benefit argumentation
    Miniaturization: Integration in standard M8

       Most compact mating       o Connectors with male and
1      face of the IEC 63171
                                   female contacts
                                 o Front and rear wall
                                   mounting possible with
                                   male and female contacts
       High packing density
2      50% of the installation   o Easy M8 Sensor
       space of standard RJ45      integration
                                 o Inverse M8 System
                                   possible (PoDL coding)
       Integration in standard
3      M8 housing and
Benefit argumentation
    Miniaturization: Integration in standard M8

       Most compact mating       o Connectors with male and
1      face of the IEC 63171
                                   female contacts
                                 o Front and rear wall
                                   mounting possible with
                                   male and female contacts
       High packing density
2      50% of the installation   o Easy M8 Sensor
       space of standard RJ45      integration
                                 o Inverse M8 System
                                   possible (PoDL coding)
       Integration in standard
3      M8 housing and
Benefit argumentation SPE connector system


    Simplicity                               Future proof
Industrial reliability
      Mechanical robustness    Großes schickes Bild / Piktogramm
1                                     Tosha Bild

                                      Ideen fürs Bild werden gerne genommen
      Vibration safety

      EMC compatibility

      Industrial environment
Benefit argumentation
    Industrial reliability : Mechanical robustness

       Mechanical robustness
1                               o Flexion test according to
                                  IEC 60998-2-2
                                  (20 N 150 rpm no contact
       Vibration safety
                                  break)(4.50 lbf)
                                o Lateral force protection
                                                              Lateral forces to connector   pulling under load
                                  transverse to the plug-in
       EMC compatibility          axis (latching holds)
                                o Locking > 50N (11.25 lbf)
                                o 750 mating cycles
       Industrial environment     according to
4                                 IEC 60512-9-1
                                                                mismating protection        750 mating cycles
Benefit argumentation
    Industrial reliability: vibration safety

       Mechanical robustness    o Shock IEC 60068-2-27
1                                  (40G 11ms 3 axes)
                                o Vibration IEC 60068-2-6
       Vibration safety            (5G 10-500 Hz 3 axes)
2                               o Same IEC Vibration
                                  standards as for
                                  RJ45 and M8 or M12
       EMC compatibility
3                               o Rail and GL tests in

       Industrial environment
Benefit argumentation
    Industrial reliability: EMC compatibility

       Mechanical robustness    o Compliance of IP 20         Coupling attenuation   Channel-Test
1                                 connector with coupling
                                  attenuation according to
                                  MICE E1 at 600 MHz.
       Vibration safety
                                  (802.3 bp / GigaBit)
                                o Additional burst test
                                  according to
       EMC compatibility          IEC 61000-6-2
                                o Optimal shield connection
                                  on the guide plate due to
       Industrial environment     4 symmetrical legs
Benefit argumentation
    Industrial reliability: Industrial environment

       Mechanical robustness    o PCB connectors suitable
1                                 for pollution degree 2
                                o Overvoltage according
       Vibration safety           IEEE 802.3cr = 2.25 kV
2                               o Not susceptible to failure
                                  due to optimum TCL
       EMC compatibility
3                               o Optimal 100 Ohm System
                                  per Design
       Industrial environment
Benefit argumentation SPE connector system


    Simplicity                               Future proof

     Snap-in hook lock         Großes schickes Bild / Piktogramm

1                                    Tosha Bild

                                     Ideen fürs Bild werden gerne
     Tool-less IDC
2    Connection in the field

     Same mating face for
3    IP 20 and IP 67
Benefit argumentation
    Simplicity: Locking mechanism

       Snap-in hook lock         o Industrial design metal
1                                  snap-in hook locking
                                   mechanism plug and
                                 o Same locking and
       Tool-less IDC
       Connection in the field     unlocking haptics as
                                   standard RJ45
                                 o Min. locking force > 50N
                                 o Unlocks at certain force to
       Same mating face for        protect the socket
3      IP 20 and IP 67
Benefit argumentation
    Simplicity: Tool-free IDC connection
       Snap-in hook lock
                                 o Simple IDC connection
                                 o Simple assembly ->
                                   Plug consists of 2 parts
       Tool-less IDC             o Interchange of cables
2      Connection in the field
                                   impossible -> color code
                                 o Robust metal housing with
                                   metal snap-in hooks
       Same mating face for      o Cores from AWG 26-22
3      IP 20 and IP 67
                                 o Cable Ø 4.5 - 7.5 mm
                                   (0.17-0.29 in)
Benefit argumentation
    Simplicity: Same mating face

       Snap-in hook lock
                                 o Compatibility between
                                   IEC 63171-2 (IP 20) and
                                   IEC 63171-5 (IP67)
       Tool-less IDC
       Connection in the field
                                 o IP 20 connector can be
                                   used as service connector
                                   for IP67
                                 o Cost minimization due to
       Same mating face for        use of identical parts for
3      IP 20 and IP 67             the mating face
Benefit argumentation SPE connector system


    Simplicity                               Future proof
Future proof

      Broad support from
1     numerous connector

      One mating face for
2     low to high               Großes schickes Bild / Piktogramm
      transmission rates

      4 chamber system for
3     further miniaturization
      in M12 systems
Benefit argumentation
    Future proof: broad support

       Broad support from        o Product family is tooled by
1      numerous connector
                                   4 connector
                                 o Broad technology
                                   competence through
       One mating face for
       low to high                 leading technology
       transmission rates          companies from different
                                   markets and applications
                                 o Regular meetings to
       4 chamber system for        exchange know-how and
3      further miniaturization     create Use cases
       in M12 systems
Benefit argumentation
    Future proof: One mating face for all
       Broad support from        o One small standardized
1      numerous connector
                                   interface to connect the
                                   sensor via the Datacenter
                                   to the Cloud.
                                 o Various Ethernet
       One mating face for
       low to high                 applications can be
       transmission rates          transmitted with interface
                                   (10 Mbit to 1Gbit)
                                 o Simulations indicate
       4 chamber system for        Bandwidth up to 2,5 GHz
3      further miniaturization     (ready for IEEE 802.3 ch)
       in M12 systems
Benefit argumentation
    Future proof: 4 chamber system

       Broad support from
       numerous connector
                                 o 4 chamber system enables
1                                  to quadruple port density
                                   IP20 / IP67
                                 o Can be integrated in
       One mating face for         standard M12 size
2      low to high               o Allows design of extreme
       transmission rates
                                   compact IIoT Devices with
                                   32 ports in existing
                                   housing structures.
       4 chamber system for
3      further miniaturization
       in M12 systems
Benefit argumentation SPE connector system


    Simplicity                               Future proof
Cost benefits of SPE Connectors


                2022                       Marketprice
                                   1 m RJ45 Patchcable

                                   1 m SPE Patchcable

        Today                         Future / Volume
The SPE portfolio outlook IP20

IEC 63171-2
        IP20 connector                  IP20 socket   IP20 bulkhead   IP 20 4 chamber system

   New length and cable type variants
The SPE portfolio outlook M8/M12

IEC 63171-5
M8 Patchcable   M8 connector   M8 socket   M12     M12 hybrid

                                                 M12 (4 chamber)
IEC 63171: Concept comparison

 Why do we think we have the better concept?

 1.   More compact mating face
      Advantages for the device manufacturer to save space on the
      PCB and to realize smaller devices

 2.   Continuity in the mating face
      IP20 and M8 connectors can be plugged together
      No adapter required for servicing

 3.   Portfolio range
      Customers can project existing cabling solutions on SPE ( e.g.
      flying leads, Bulkheads, 4 Chamber System)

 4.   Cost advantage Design-to-cost
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