SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2

Page created by Joanne Cooper
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
Established October 1895            Barbadian young leader
                                                                                                                           among finalists
                                                                                                                         for Commonwealth
                                                                                                                         Youth Awards 2021
                                                                                                                                        PAGE 5

Thursday January 28, 2021                                                                                                                                $1 VAT Inclusive

A CALL made by Prime
Minister Mia Amor Mottley
                                 With the second lockdown
                                 looming as we roll
                                                                   as there was enough food
                                                                   and enough time to get
                                                                                                      national pause, which would
                                                                                                      see activity across the island
                                                                                                                                        see contracted working hours
                                                                                                                                        for supermarkets between
for members of the public        i n t o Fe b r u a r y, m a n y   their affairs in order.            brought to a bare minimum in      8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday to
to not panic and rush to         Barbadians failed to                Addressing locals and            a bid to curb the spread of the   Friday with them remaining
supermarkets ahead of            take heed of the Prime            visitors this past Tuesday         COVID-19 pandemic. Set to         closed on weekends.
next week’s national pause       Minister’s appeal to not          evening, Prime Minister            kick in on February 3 and run
fell on somewhat deaf ears.      bombard shopping centres          Mottley revealed plans for the     for two weeks, the pause will                  RUSH on Page 3

Mere hours after Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley announced tougher measures to combat COVID-19, Barbadians rushed to supermarkets to stock up on items
ahead of the lockdown, which comes into effect from Wednesday, February 3. Long lines were the order of the early morning hours and Massy Warrens was no

Central Bank governor: A difficult 2020
AT the beginning of 2020,        triggered global recessionary     vulnerabilities of the island.     recovery efforts,” said Haynes.   virus in the key tourism source
the Central Bank of Barbados     conditions and curtailed            “However, the progress                                             markets of the island. The IMF,
expected the economy to          international travel. Haynes      made since the start of the        Recovery uncertain                in its most recent forecast,
expand slightly by 1.75 per      also highlighted that depressed   four-year economic adjust-         The governor continued by         has raised slightly its global
cent, but due to COVID-19,       tourism activity, a dampening     ment programme with the            explaining that despite the       forecast for 2021 and a rebound
there was a contraction of the   of consumption and delayed        International Monetary Fund        significant impact on the         of growth in the major
real economy by 18 per cent.     investment projects led to a      (IMF) enabled us to adapt          economy last year, the Bank       source markets of Barbados
  During the 2020 Economic       sharp contraction in economic     economic policy, quickly           was hoping for a strong partial   is anticipated. The new
Review yesterday, Governor of    activity, elevated the level      mobilise external funding, build   recovery in 2021. However, that   challenges faced include the
the Central Bank of Barbados,    of unemployment, subdued          unprecedented reserve buffers      hope has been muted by the        re-emergence of lockdowns
Cleviston Haynes, explained      government revenue and            and close the financing gap that   heightened uncertainty caused
that the pandemic had            amplified the economic            might otherwise derail our         by the ongoing effects of the                REVIEW on Page 4
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
2 • Thursday January 28, 2021                                                                                                                     The Barbados Advocate

COVID-19 update: One death, 16 positives, 22 discharged
ANOTHER Barbadian            11.                            Barbadian nationality       Isolation Facility for as-    staff members and 259       1,079 persons have
has passed away from           The 761 tests carried        and one of unknown na-      sessment.                     male inmates.               recovered.
COVID-19. The 51-year-       out by the Best-dos            tionality. One of the new     The total number of           To date, Barbados           The public health
old woman, who had an        Santos Public Health           cases is someone who        cases at Her Majesty’s        has recorded 1,443          laboratory has so far
underlying illness, died     Laboratory on Tuesday,         was previously sent to      Prisons Dodds remains         confirmed cases – 580       completed    100,890
on Tuesday, January 26.      also identified 16 new         the Harrison Point          at 361, consisting of 102     females, 863 males – and    tests.
  The Ministry of Health     COVID-19       positive
and Wellness, and by ex-     cases, while 22 people
tension the Government       recovered from the viral
of Barbados, extend          illness and were dis-
sincere condolences to       charged from isolation.
the family and friends of      As a result, there are
the deceased. Her pass-      now 353 active cases on
ing brings the number        the island.
of COVID-19 related            The 16 new positives
deaths in Barbados to        comprise 14 persons of

House fire in St. James
ABOUT 11:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, January 26,         Brief facts
2021, a fire of unknown      It was reported that
origin destroyed a           smoke was coming from
two-bedroom abandoned        the abandoned house.
wooden house owned by        When neighbours investi-
Peter Hinds of Upper         gated, the fire had already
Carlton, Saint James.        burnt the mentioned
  It also extensively dam-   abandoned house and had
aged a wall-constructed      started to burn the houses
upstairs and downstairs      of Peter Hinds and Mark
house occupied and owned     Cadogan.
by the said Peter Hinds. A     Three tenders and
third house constructed of   10 personnel from the
wall and board belonging     Barbados Fire Service re-
to Mark Cadogan of           sponded and extinguished
Upper Carlton, Saint         the fire. Investigations are
James was also destroyed.    ongoing.
                                                                                        The 16 new positives comprise 14 persons of Barbadian nationality and one of
                                                                                        unknown nationality.

                                                                                        Public in favour of
                                                                                        mask-wearing being
                                                                                        made mandatory
                                                                                        GOVERNMENT’S deci-            tecting themselves and      colleagues, etc.”
                                                                                        sion to make the wear-        their families and every-      Jenny Taitt was also
                                                                                        ing of masks in public        one else”.                  in agreement with the
                                                                                        spaces mandatory                Echoing similar senti-    measure. However, she
                                                                                        from next Wednesday           ment, Samantha Pilgrim      said it should be effective
                                                                                        has received support          said she saw it as a        immediately rather than
                                                                                        from members of the           positive move made by       from February 3.
                                                                                        public.                       Government. However,           “I think they should be
                                                                                          Speaking to The             she stated it should have   forced to wear it immedi-
                                                                                        Barbados Advocate yes-        been mandatory in all       ately and yes, I believe
                                                                                        terday, persons said they     public spaces rather than   there should be a penalty
                                                                                        were in agreement with        being only mandatory on     for not wearing it in pub-
                                                                                        Tuesday’s announcement        public transport and in     lic places because the way
                                                                                        made by Prime Minster         public buildings from the   I see it is if you go in and
                                                                                        Mia Amor Mottley as she       beginning of the year.      you cough in a space,
                                                                                        gave a COVID-19 update.         “Kudos to the powers      somebody could very well
                                                                                          Giving his name as          that be who finally made    end up with it who de-
                                                                                        Kevin, this gentleman         the important decision to   cided that they don’t need
                                                                                        told this paper he is “glad   mandate the wearing of      to wear a mask as well
                                                                                        that they implemented         masks, not only in public   and carry it home to their
                                                                                        that because what you         buildings but in public     families or friends. So I
                                                                                        would find was that           spaces... Because in my     believe it is a reasonable
                                                                                        people were not wearing       opinion, it not only pro-   measure under the cir-
                                                                                        their masks appropri-         tects those who are wear-   cumstance. The only
                                                                                        ately and thereby endan-      ing the masks, but also     thing that I think is that
                                                                                        gering others. So maybe       protects those who are      it could have been [imple-
                                                                                        now that it is an offence     around them, especially     mented] immediately; all
                                                                                        to not wear your mask,        when you go back home       the other things could
                                                                                        people will now take          to your household, your     have fallen into place at
                                                                                        mask-wearing a bit more       family, your friends and    the time recommended.”
                                                                                        seriously and hereby pro-     by extension your work         (MG)
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                    Thursday January 28, 2021 • 3

                                                                                                                                    PRESIDENT of the Democratic
                                                                                                                                    Labour Party (DLP), Verla De
                                                                                                                                    Pe i z a , i s r e l i e v e d t h a t t h e
                                                                                                                                    Government has finally taken the
                                                                                                                                    step to implement a lockdown, to
                                                                                                                                    assist in the fight against the
                                                                                                                                    highly contagious and potentially
                                                                                                                                    deadly COVID-19 virus.
                                                                                                                                      In a statement released yesterday,
                                                                                                                                    De Peiza, as she reflected on the meas-
                                                                                                                                    ures announced Tuesday by Prime
                                                                                                                                    Minister Mia Amor Mottley, that are to
                                                                                                                                    be put in place from February 3 to 17,
                                                                                                                                    in an effort to help curb the spread of
                                                                                                                                    the COVID-19 virus in this country,
                                                                                                                                    said that her Party has since last year
                                                                                                                                    been calling on Government to hit
                                                                                                                                    reset in the best interest of the coun-
                                                                                                                                    try. Her comments came as she con-
                                                                                                                                    firmed that the DLP did participate
                                                                                                                                    in the multi-sectoral meeting held
                                                                                                                                    by the Government on Tuesday. The
Things at Cost-U-Less had eased up considerably by mid-morning.                                                                     political leader indicated that this is
                                                                                                                                    not a new development, contending
                                                                                                                                    that it is in keeping with any national
Long lines at                                                                                                                       crisis in Barbados, as she added that
                                                                                                                                    the DLP has always played its part in
                                                                                                                                    the democratic process.

supermarkets                                                                                                                          “Having gone on record consistently
                                                                                                                                    since December of 2020 with our rec-
                                                                                                                                    ommendation for a reset in relation to
RUSH from Page 1                                                                                                                    both the protocols and the need for a
                                                                                                                                    short lockdown, we are relieved that
  When The Barbados Advocate made                                                                                                   the Government has seen the wisdom
the rounds at mid-morning, the lines on                                                                                             of moving in that direction. We were
the outside were somewhat consistent                                                                                                not coping well. We truly needed to
with what they usually are at this time                                                                                             stop to catch ourselves. We know it will
of the month. Visits to Popular Discounts                                                                                           not be easy financially or mentally.
in Spooner’s Hill, PriceSmart, Massy                                                                                                But that is the position we have found
Stores Warrens and Cost-U-Less saw                                                                                                  ourselves in today,” she added.
manageable lines with no crowding or                                                                                                  While pleased with the decision
need for police intervention. However, re-                                                                                          to shut down temporarily, De Peiza
ports state that earlier in the morning,                                                                                            voiced concern that village shops are to
there were extended lines which started                                                                                             be excluded from the list of businesses
as early as 6 a.m. and wrapped around                                                                                               allowed to operate during the pending
the buildings in some instances.             The line at Popular Discounts stretched for some distance at their Spooner’s Hill      lockdown. She alluded to the negative
  Popular Discounts at Kendal Hill was       complex.                                                                               impact that such closures will have
also reported to have long lines, with                                                                                              on some people in our country, and
video circulating on social media showing    Cherish Cosmetique, another popular         location, onto Prince William Henry        expressed hope that it will be re-
a level of unrest as customers tried to      store in Bridgetown, was reported to have   Street, James Street and Roebuck Street.   viewed.
gain access to their Spry Street store.      a line that moved along its Swan Street       (MP)                                       “It is hoped though that the decision
                                                                                                                                    in relation to small village shops,
                                                                                                                                    which sustained us during the last
                                                                                                                                    lockdown, will be revisited. It is one
                                                                                                                                    area we had wished addressed. It must
                                                                                                                                    be remembered that for some, the
                                                                                                                                    village shop is their only shopping
                                                                                                                                    option and that $7.00 to get to the su-
                                                                                                                                    permarket represents a large chunk
                                                                                                                                    of their budget,” she stated.
                                                                                                                                      De Peiza went on to express heartfelt
                                                                                                                                    condolences to the families of those
                                                                                                                                    who have died as a result of the virus.
                                                                                                                                      “To those who are ill we say to you:
                                                                                                                                    You are in the hands of some of the
                                                                                                                                    most accomplished medical profession-
                                                                                                                                    als in the region. You must have the
                                                                                                                                    faith and confidence that you will get
                                                                                                                                    through this,” she stated.
                                                                                                                                      Moreover, she called on Barbadians
                                                                                                                                    to recognise the need to protect them-
                                                                                                                                    selves and their loved ones by follow-
                                                                                                                                    ing the protocols, staying home as
                                                                                                                                    much as possible, and getting back to
                                                                                                                                    our roots.
                                                                                                                                      “It doesn’t only take a village to raise
                                                                                                                                    a child, but the village must look out
                                                                                                                                    for the vulnerable amongst us. Know
                                                                                                                                    your neighbour, help your neighbour.
                                                                                                                                    Together we can come out on the other
                                                                                                                                    side better than we were before,” she
PriceSmart had a line that wrapped around their building.                                                                           added.
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
4• Thursday January 28, 2021                                                                                                                            The Barbados Advocate

Growth forecast revised downwards
REVIEW from Page 1           travellers, which will slow   cines is expected to slow
                             the recovery of global        the spread of the virus and
and travel bans as well as   tourism that Barbados is      facilitate a gradual return
the tightening of quaran-    heavily dependent on.         to more normal levels of
tining requirements for        “The availability of vac-   global economic activity.
                                                           However, the rollout across
                                                           markets needs to acceler-
                                                           ate, so as to create condi-
                                                           tions for the return to a
                                                           growth-oriented adjust-
                                                           ment path,” he said.
                                                             The Bank has not yet
                                                           taken into account any          Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados, Cleviston Haynes.
                                                           potential effects of the re-
                                                           cently announced planned        tinue to adapt to the eco-     activity on revenues and      important during this
                                                           domestic shutdown by the        nomic circumstances and        the likely need for the       difficult period to provide
                                                           Government on Tuesday           the front-loaded accumu-       Government to continue to     support for tourism-
                                                           evening, but has revised        lation of reserves in 2020     address the health and        related businesses as it
                                                           downwards its growth            will allow Barbados to con-    socio-economic issues gen-    is critical that the sector,
                                                           forecast from the range of      tinue to meet its external     erated by the pandemic        comprising businesses and
                                                           7 to 10 per cent to below       obligations on time.           will force the Government     employees, is able to re-
                                                           5 per cent.                       Unlike in the rest of the    to keep its fiscal targets,   spond nimbly as conditions
                                                             “The forecast is sensitive    economy, agricultural out-     including for the primary     improve.
                                                           to the demand for tourism       put was 1.9 per cent higher    balance and debt, under          The interest rate envi-
                                                           and, given the uncertainty      than a year ago.               constant review.              ronment is expected to
                                                           and the omnipresent               The main source of the                                     stay low in the midst of the
                                                           downside risks in this          growth was higher food         Recommendations               high level of excess liquid-
                                                           environment, the Bank           crop production. Chicken       One of the recommenda-        ity. Financial institutions
                                                           stands ready to review and      production contracted as       tions given by the Bank       will need to continue to
                                                           revise its forecast as events   tourism and local demand       was the acceleration of the   work with their clients on
                                                           unfold,” Haynes said.           were depressed while milk      capital works programme       a case by case basis, includ-
                                                             The governor expanded         production suffered from       of the Government and         ing providing new funding,
                                                           further by stating that the     heat-related stress and a      also for putting in place     where appropriate, to min-
                                                           5 per cent growth was an        deterioration in grazing       the infrastructure to         imise the risk of default
                                                           optimistic expectation and      pasture conditions.            secure growth over the        and help borrowers to
                                                           the number could be lower.        The unfavourable im-         medium term. Haynes           navigate these difficult
                                                           Economic policy will con-       pact of weak economic          noted that it was equally     circumstances.

                                                           Why leave out the shops?
                                                           A FORMER Attorney               St. John. The small farm-      say to the workers that       massive error in judge-
                                                           General        of      this     ers are already asking, ‘So    the shops employ, come let    ment. He maintained that
                                                           country is asking the           where are we going to go?’     me give you some money?       when the United States
                                                           Government to ex-               Because these are not fel-     Why the supermarkets          took the decision to close
                                                           plain its rationale not         las that can go to Roberts     and not these small           the borders to the United
                                                           to allow community              and buy six and seven and      shops?” he queried.           Kingdom,        Barbados
                                                           shops to open during            eight bags at a time, not to     Brathwaite said a legit-    should have followed suit.
                                                           the upcoming lock-              mention the fact that she      imate question to be posed      “If Europe as a whole
                                                           down period.                    employs people. I am sure      to the Government is          said we are closing our
                                                             Attorney-at-law and           that there are other           whether big business is       borders to arrivals from
                                                           former Member of                so-called village shops        more important than the       the UK and they had a
                                                           Parliament,         Adriel      around Barbados or com-        small operators.              better capacity to manage
                                                           Brathwaite, said while          munity shops around              “A reasonable inference     COVID-19 than small
                                                           he understood that the          Barbados that are in a         that one can draw is,         Barbados, who are we to
                                                           Government was perhaps          similar position, and you      were you afraid of the big    say you are welcome? So
                                                           concerned about people          cannot describe them as a      businesses who actually       don’t take a decision like
                                                           congregating at those vil-      place that people congre-      said that they don’t          that and then you end up
                                                           lage and community shops        gate and are thereby ex-       support the shutdown,         with the same strain out
                                                           and possibly helping to         posing themselves and the      but they would support        of Britain and say there
                                                           spread the virus, they          community unnecessarily        Government because            is shared responsibility,
                                                           needed to strike the right      to COVID,” he told The         Government has taken a        because it wasn’t shared
                                                           balance as the negative         Barbados Advocate.             position? So it appears       responsibility when you
                                                           impact of closing those           Brathwaite said during       you have taken a halfway      took the decision. Because
                                                           establishments would be         the initial lockdown in        measure to try to appease     if you asked most
                                                           far-reaching.                   2020, the community            them by allowing them to      Barbadians, they would
                                                             He said while the sug-        shops remained opera-          open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.,   have said shut the borders
                                                           gestion may be that the         tional and he is therefore     but to the voiceless, which   because it is quite obvious
                                                           village shop is where per-      curious now why that           is the small businesses,      that it would come at a
                                                           sons hang out, drink, play      position has changed.          you say you must close for    cost,” the former Attorney
                                                           dominoes and lime, that’s         “I want to know why is       two weeks and that’s it,”     General said.
                                                           not true of all. He said        Government taking a po-        he lamented.                    He made the point while
                                                           many of those shops pro-        sition to bring further un-      He expressed concern        stating that the country
                                                           vide food for the commu-        employment to small busi-      too that vendors were dis-    was doing relatively well
                                                           nity and a service to small     nesses, who are already        advantaged, and main-         in the management of
                                                           farmers.                        struggling, and who when       tained that supermarkets      COVID until the tourists
                                                             “What is the definition       they send home their peo-      were not any safer than a     started to come in larger
                                                           of a village shop? For ex-      ple come February 3rd for      vendor selling fruits and     numbers. Brathwaite
                                                           ample, there is a shop here     two weeks, do not have the     vegetables to the public.     said that sadly, the
                                                           in St. John I go by quite       resources to pay them to         Brathwaite’s comments       Government’s economic
                                                           often, a large part of her      be home. Is Government         came as he charged that       decision has put the
                                                           business is the selling of      going to help the shop-        Government’s failure to       health of the country at
                                                           feed to small farmers in        keepers, are they going to     close the borders was a       risk.
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                          Thursday January 28, 2021 • 5

B’dian young leader among finalists                                                                                       Focused on compliance
                                                                                                                          EVEN as Government             Wednesday, the wearing
for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021                                                                                        seeks to put some activi-
                                                                                                                          ties in the country on
                                                                                                                          pause for at least two
                                                                                                                                                         of masks will be manda-
                                                                                                                                                         tory in public places, but
                                                                                                                                                         she indicated that excep-
BARBADIAN young             winners, one outstanding                                                                      weeks to get COVID-19          tions would be made for
leader Taahir Bulbulia      young person will become                                                                      under control, great           persons who are exercis-
is among 20 extraordi-      the      Commonwealth                                                                         thought has been given to      ing or who have medical
nary young individu-        Young Person of the Year                                                                      ensuring that there is         conditions which prevent
als from 18 countries       2021.                                                                                         compliance of the proto-       them from doing so.
who have been an-              All 20 finalists will                                                                      cols during the lockdown          “If you cannot wear the
nounced as finalists        each receive a trophy, cer-                                                                   period among those who         mask or face covering, by
for     this      year’s    tificate and £1,000 to ex-                                                                    are deemed essential serv-     reason of medical, physi-
Commonwealth Youth          pand the impact of their                                                                      ices, and then when the        cal or mental illness or
Awards.                     projects. Each regional                                                                       country is expected to         disability, we will under-
  The awards recognise      winner will receive                                                                           reopen around mid-             stand that; if you’re eat-
outstanding Common-         £3,000 and the overall                                                                        February.                      ing or drinking or taking
wealth young people         pan-Commonwealth win-                                                                           During an address to         medication or speaking as
whose projects are          ner will take home a total                                                                    the nation on Tuesday          I said, we will understand
transforming        lives   of £5,000.                                                                                    night, Prime Minister          that. But let us try to do
in their communities           Speaking ahead of                                                                          Mia Amor Mottley as she        the right thing, and that is
and helping to achieve      the      announcement,                                                                        outlined a plan to intro-      do it because one, you are
the        Sustainable      the      Commonwealth                                                                         duce a new curfew and the      protecting first and fore-
Development        Goals    Secretary-General                                                                             closure of most businesses     most yourself; secondly,
(SDGs).                     Patricia Scotland said:                                                                       from February 3 to 17,         the ones that you love;
  More than 1,000              “Every day, in all parts                                                                   revealed       that     the    thirdly, the ones that you
entries      from      43   of the Commonwealth,                                                                          Government has agreed to       work with; and fourthly,
Commonwealth coun-          young people are deliver-                                                                     establish posts classified     all other Bajans that
tries were received last    ing a vast range of im-                                                                       as chief compliance offi-      you’re interacting with.”
year. The finalists were    pressive innovations.                                                                         cers. Their jobs, she said,       She added, “We also are
selected across each of     Much of what they do                                                                          will be to make sure that      asking you immediately to
the award’s regional        may go unnoticed or be                                                                        in large government de-        get back to arming your-
categories following a      taken for granted.                                                                            partments in particular,       selves with the hand san-
rigorous judging process.      “Yet, often it is what                                                                     such as the healthcare         itizers as a way of life...
  This year, the awards     young people do which                                                                         facilities, the protective     I am saying to all the
have expanded to include    makes all the difference,                                                                     services, ports of entry       women out there, when
five regional categories:   especially now at a time                                                                      and markets that persons       you pick up your handbag,
Africa,     Asia,     the   of unimaginable human                                                                         are complying with all of      pick up your hand sani-
Caribbean, Europe and       suffering inflicted by the     Taahir Bulbulia                                                the protocols.                 tizer. I’m saying to the
Canada, and the Pacific.    pandemic and economic                                                                           “I’ll be fair, for the       men, when you pick up
  The top finalist from     crisis.                        bringing innovative ideas     development experts              most part, businesses in       your cell phone, pick up
each region will be an-        “The finalists remind       and creative solutions to     and youth leaders                Barbados have literally        your hand sanitizer. Let
nounced as the regional     us that there is no lack       support, lead and deliver     from      across     the         been complying with the        the cell phone and the
winner at the official      of ideas or talent, but of     a future of peace, pros-      Commonwealth.                    protocols. Where we have       hand sanitizer become a
awards ceremony on 10       support mechanisms             perity and progress.”           This year’s ceremony           dropped our guard as the       Siamese twin. Wash your
March 2021. The cere-       necessary for young in-          The call for nomina-        will also recognise a se-        Minister of Health has         hands and your face as
mony will be held vir-      novators.                      tions was announced on        lect number of young peo-        told us repeatedly, has        often as possible.”
tually for the first time      “So, our initiatives such   International Youth Day       ple who have successfully        been in the communities,
due to the COVID-19         as the Youth Awards put        on 12 August 2020. The        addressed the challenges         on the ground, in the          Exercise responsibility
pandemic.                   a spotlight on outstand-       judging panel included        posed by the pandemic in         shops and the blocks, all of   The Prime Minister fur-
  Of these five regional    ing young people who are       high commissioners,           their communities.               those areas and we will        ther stated that even
                                                                                                                          make sure that we aggres-      when visiting family or
                                                                                                                          sively enforce going for-      friends, masks should be

PM Mottley announces travel changes                                                                                       ward, because the chances
                                                                                                                          of persons getting ill when
                                                                                                                          we don’t enforce are sim-
                                                                                                                                                         worn. While acknowledg-
                                                                                                                                                         ing that the Government
                                                                                                                                                         cannot enforce such a
                                                                                                                          ply too great,” she con-       measure in the home, she
Minimum five-day quarantine, mandatory antigen test on arrival                                                            tended.                        urged persons to do it for
                                                                                                                                                         their own safety and that
PRIME Minister Mia          welcome you. And the           that way we know that         five nights before a PCR         Barbadians must give           of their loved ones.
Amor Mottley has an-        truth be told, we need you     you fall within the 72-hour   swab is then taken to de-        their help and support            “In a sense, this talk this
nounced changes to proto-   here. We really do. But we     category.”                    termine whether you are          With that in mind, the         evening is as much about
cols for persons entering   also want you to respect         The prime minister also     suitable for safe exit from      Prime Minister reminded        the adoption of personal
the island.                 and adhere to our proto-       announced the introduc-       that facility.                   Barbadians tuning in to        responsibility as anything
  In an address to the      cols and other regula-         tion of a mandatory rapid        “If you are positive with     the televised address, that    else...When we became in-
nation on Tuesday night,    tions.”                        antigen test on arrival.      the rapid antigen test,          even with aggressive en-       dependent, we did a won-
Prime Minister Mottley         As such Prime Minister      “Because those tests pick     then you must go immedi-         forcement, they have a         derful job of telling people
declared war on COVID-      Mottley said, “Effective       up persons who are posi-      ately to Harrison’s Point        part to play as well, and      about our rights, but we
19 and revealed a suite     February 3rd, all persons      tive and who can be pulled    for assessment, because          must be willing to give        didn’t do as good a job of
of changes coming not       desirous of visiting           out immediately for any       obviously you have, as oth-      their help and support to      reinforcing what our re-
only to everyday life of    Barbados shall be permit-      further action. And that      ers who have tested posi-        ensure the fight against       sponsibilities are. And as
Barbadians, but for per-    ted to board a plane only      takes care of the period of   tive, to be assessed by the      COVID can be a success.        I’ve said on so many occa-
sons making their way       if, as has happened before,    time of additional risk be-   doctors to ensure that           She suggested that once        sions, if we left a house un-
into the country during     they are in a possession of    tween when taking the         they can appropriately           the protocols are followed,    attended to, then it would
the pandemic.               a negative PCR test, but I     test between then and the     categorise where you are.        there is at least an 80 per    start to fall apart on its
  During the broadcast,     want you to listen to me       point of arrival.             And I say so because there       cent chance of fighting        own because we’re not
Prime Minister Mottley      carefully – the test taken       “We are then saying,        is a view that a PCR or          COVID-19, which she de-        maintaining it. Similarly,
said, “Persons visiting     no more than three days        once you have a negative      antigen test is just a sim-      scribed as an “invisible       if we don’t exercise re-
Barbados as Barbadians      prior to departure. And        test, you will then go to a   ple issue. It is not. The doc-   enemy”.                        sponsibility first to our-
coming       home,     as   I’m making this clear be-      Government-authorised         tors have insisted on as-          Her comments came as         selves, our bodies, to our
Barbadian residents, as     cause in some instances        quarantine centre where       sessment of patients when        she urged Barbadians to        families, to everyone in
persons who are long-stay   people have been coming        you will then spend – and     they have tested positive,       ensure they wear their         our immediate environ-
residents      but    not   with a test result dated       whether that is a free        so they may appropriately        masks correctly and            ment, our work col-
Barbadian, as Welcome       three days before. We          one or whether that is one    determine the type of care       sanitise their hands on a      leagues, then we put them
Stampers, as visitors,      want the tests to be done      where you pay, you will       and the type of facility         regular basis to keep the      all at risk,” the country’s
tourists. We love you. We   three days before, because     then spend a minimum of       that is needed.” (JH)            virus at bay. From next        leader contended. (JRT)
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
6 • Thursday January 28, 2021                                                                                                     The Barbados Advocate

                                Education sector members urged
                                to dedicate time for prayer
                                    iPRAY Caribbean programme’s 24-hr prayer
                                initiative to take place between January 30 and 31
                                IF there was ever a             guidance in education, all        including teachers, stu-        and others – whether in
                                time for prayer within          of our lives, the lives of oth-   dents, parents and              person, on telephones or
                                the education sector,           ers, other sectors and insti-     guardians and said per-         virtually,” he continued.
                                it is now.                      tutions, our economy, our         sons could seek out God’s         He sent out a special call
                                   Founder        of     the    country, our Caribbean re-        wisdom in the solutions.        for prayer for those “who
                                FreeMind Institute Errol        gion, and even the world.           Urging persons to regis-      do not believe in God or
                                Griffith is therefore urg-      Let us ask God to lead us         ter     at    www.ipray-        not absolutely sure that
                                ing all persons to take the     in the reshaping and     for neces-        God is real, asking God
                                time to pray during a           rebuilding of our lives,          sary details, Griffith stated   to reveal himself to
                                24-hour period between          our country and the               persons are asked to indi-      them that they would
                                January 30 and 31               Caribbean, and in making          cate their intention to join    forever know that He is
                                through the iPRAY               them the best that they           in the time of prayer.          real.”
                                Caribbean programme.            can possibly be. What do            “Persons are asked to           “iPRAY CARIBBEAN
                                   “iPRAY CARIBBEAN             we have to lose in doing          pray as led, and pray any       asks that you and all
                                proposes that this is a         this?” he said.                   and everywhere and for          associated with your insti-
                                time, if there was ever one,       Griffith, a Personal           whatever length of time         tution – teachers, staff,
                                for all in the education sec-   Development Specialist            during the 24 hours.            students, parents, alumni
                                tor to dedicate time to         pointed out that this             Persons can choose to pray      and others – be encour-
                                prayer as one. Let us ask       pandemic time was a               alone privately, as families,   aged to join in this time of
                                God for His wisdom and          traumatic one for many            with friends, colleagues        prayer,” Griffith stated.

                                2021 dedicated to Creative Economy
                                THIS year has been              innovation and problem-
                                dedicated to the creative       solving to imagine
                                economy and its critical        ourselves out of the
                                role     in     promoting       challenges of inequality
                                sustainable development,        and vulnerability that we
                                especially in a post-coron-     face daily. The creative
                                avirus world.                   industries, the lifeblood of
                                  Deputy Secretary-             the creative economy, are
                                General of the United           well placed to help.”
                                Nations Conference on             The resolution recog-
                                Trade and Development           nises that the creative
                                (UNCTAD)           Isabelle     economy has the potential
                                Durant said that the reso-      to support developing
                                lution by the United            countries and countries
                                Nations (UN) to declare         with economies in
                                2021 “International Year        transition in diversifying
                                of Creative Economy for         production and exports
                                Sustainable Development”        and to deliver sustainable
                                was timely.                     development in an
                                  “The creative industries      inclusive and equitable
                                are critical to the sustain-    manner.
                                able development agenda.
                                They stimulate innovation       Creative industries
                                and diversification, are an     badly hit by pandemic
                                important factor in the         COVID-19 has dealt a
                                burgeoning services sector,     terrible blow to the
                                support entrepreneurship,       creative industries, which
                                and contribute to cultural      employ more than 30 mil-
                                diversity,” she said.           lion people globally, mostly
                                  The creative and cul-         young people. In 2020,
                                tural industries have also      estimates say the cancella-
                                played a major role in          tion of public perform-
                                mediating the digital           ances alone has cost
                                transformation happening        authors roughly 30% of
                                globally, and more so since     global royalties, while the
                                COVID-19 pushed us              global film industry has
                                online in unprecedented         lost $7 billion in revenues.
                                numbers.                           UNCTAD has tracked
                                  “When the resolution          trade in creative goods and       Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
                                was being negotiated and        services for close to             Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
                                approved, no one could          20 years, during which the        Isabelle Durant.
                                have anticipated what the       growth rate of creative
                                intervening year would          economy exports has often         look bleak,” Henderson          Goals (SDGs),” she added.
                                hold: a status quo-shatter-     outpaced that of other            indicated, “Hence the             “Without them, the
                                ing pandemic,” said             industries.                       urgent need to both             economic development,
                                Marisa Henderson, Head             “No new estimates are          promote and protect the         women’s empowerment,
                                of UNCTAD’s Creative            available for the creative        creative industries espe-       and cultural and poverty
                                Economy Programme.              economy in 2020 yet but,          cially in the decade we         alleviation targets within
                                  “But more than ever, we       due to the COVID-19               have left to achieve the        the SDGs are unlikely
                                need creative thinking,         pandemic, the prospects           Sustainable Development         to be met.”
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                              Thursday January 28, 2021 • 7

China urges less travel during upcoming holiday
CHINA has rolled out a se-     high risk of COVID-19 shall     and the State Council.         travelling unless necessary,    manded smooth logistics        that those who work during
ries of guidelines to ensure   stay at their current resid-      Travel from medium-risk      the circular said.              and transport services to      the holiday enjoy due over-
the well-being of people       ing localities to prevent       areas will need permission        According to the circular,   meet the needs for shop-       time payments and rest
who had been asked to          spreading the epidemic,         from        the      local     all localities, especially      ping, recreation, and enter-   under the relevant laws.
avoid travelling during the    said a recent circular re-      epidemic prevention and        large and medium-sized          tainment of people who           The Spring Festival, or
upcoming Spring Festival       leased by the general offices   control authorities. Those     cities, are asked to guaran-    stay where they work dur-      the Chinese Lunar New
holiday.                       of the Communist Party of       living in low-risk areas       tee stable supplies of neces-   ing the holiday.               Year, falls on Feb. 12 this
  All residents in areas at    China Central Committee         shall be advised to avoid      sities and energy. It de-         Efforts should ensure        year.

                                                                                                                              China vows
                                                                                                                              to root out
                                                                                                                              CHINA’S top discipli-          smooth implementation of
                                                                                                                              nary body on Sunday            the 14th Five-Year Plan
                                                                                                                              adopted a commu-               with strong political over-
                                                                                                                              niqué, vowing unremit-         sight;
                                                                                                                              ting efforts to improve           -- Deepen the anti-cor-
                                                                                                                              Party conduct, build a         ruption campaign and ad-
                                                                                                                              clean government and           vance the system under
                                                                                                                              fight corruption to en-        which officials “don’t dare
                                                                                                                              sure the implementa-           to, are unable to and have
                                                                                                                              tion of the targets and        no desire to commit acts of
                                                                                                                              tasks set for the 14th         corruption” as a whole; in-
                                                                                                                              Five-Year Plan period          vestigate corruption cases
                                                                                                                              (2021-2025).                   in which political and eco-
                                                                                                                                The communique was           nomic issues are inter-
                                                                                                                              adopted at the fifth ple-      twined;
                                                                                                                              nary session of the 19th          -- Beef up the fight
                                                                                                                              Central Commission for         against deep-rooted prac-
                                                                                                                              Discipline Inspection          tices of formalities for for-
                                                                                                                              (CCDI) of the Communist        malities’ sake and bureau-
A worker at the Sonam Dargye protection station in the Hoh Xil National Reserve in Qinghai Province,                          Party of China (CPC),          cratism; curb behaviours
northwest China, feeds Tibetan antelope calves on December 7, 2020.                                                           which was held in Beijing      related to hedonism and
                                                                                                                              from Friday to Sunday.         extravagance; supervise

Conservation efforts have revived                                                                                               Xi Jinping, general sec-
                                                                                                                              retary of the CPC Central
                                                                                                                              Committee, Chinese pres-
                                                                                                                                                             the implementation of reg-
                                                                                                                                                             ulations related to doing
                                                                                                                                                             business by leading offi-
                                                                                                                              ident and chairman of the      cials’ spouses, children,
population of endangered species                                                                                              Central Military Com-
                                                                                                                              mission, attended and ad-
                                                                                                                                                             and their children’s
AT the Sonam Dargye pro-       pointing to a 5-month-old.      he said.                       adopted to revive them.         dressed the session. Other        -- Address corruption
tection station in the Hoh     “It was injured in a traffic      Established in 1997, the     Statistics from the NFGA        Party and state leaders, in-   and misconduct that occur
Xil National Reserve in        accident.When I rushed to       station has saved over 300     show that the artificially      cluding Li Keqiang, Li         on the people’s doorsteps
Qinghai Province, north-       the site, it seemed to be       Tibetan antelopes. The         bred population of over 300     Zhanshu, Wang Yang,            to promote social fairness
west China, the staff has      dying. The volunteers at        number of the animals in       endangered wild animal          Wang Huning, Zhao Leji         and justice as well as safe-
been babysitting an un-        the station operated on it      Hoh Xil has increased          species has been stabilised     and Han Zheng, also at-        guard the legitimate
usual group of kids for        and saved its life.”            from fewer than 20,000 in      in the past five years. The     tended the meeting.            rights and interests of the
more than five months.           Caisuojia told China          the 1980s to over 70,000.      number of artificially bred       The session reviewed         people;
These are baby Tibetan         News Service he is respon-        Thanks to the protection     and wild Crested Ibis, a        the CCDI’s progress in            -- Improve coordination
antelopes that have been       sible for feeding the calves,   efforts, China has more        bird known as the oriental      2020, laid out its tasks for   in disciplinary inspections
rescued from injuries and      cleaning their pens and ex-     than 300,000 wild Tibetan      gem, has surpassed 4,000;       2021 and passed a work         at different levels, giving
other mishaps.                 amining them.The station        antelopes at present, ac-      and that of wild Asian ele-     report delivered by Zhao       full play to intraparty su-
  The lake at Hoh Xil has      has 13 caretakers. Every        cording to data released by    phants has increased to         on behalf of the Standing      pervision and public over-
been dubbed the delivery       morning, they prepare           the National Forestry and      300.                            Committee of the CCDI,         sight;
room of Tibetan antelopes.     milk for the antelopes.         Grassland Administration          Some artificially bred       according to the commu-           -- Integrate various
Every year from May to         “Every milk bottle has to       (NFGA) on January 4.           endangered animals have         nique.                         forms of supervision and
July, pregnant females         be disinfected with hot           The population of other      been released in the wild.        A speech made by Xi at       improve the effectiveness
from the Sanjiangyuan re-      water and dried. We have        endangered wild species        In November 2020, a batch       the session was studied,       of supervision and gover-
gion in Qinghai, Xinjiang      to first test the tempera-      has also seen stable           of 25 milu deer, also known     and it was agreed that         nance, including strength-
Uygur       Autonomous         ture of the milk by squeez-     growth in the past five        as Pere David’s deer, were      the speech provides impor-     ening oversight on leading
Region, also in the north-     ing a few drops on the back     years, according to the ad-    released in the Dafeng          tant guidance to further       bodies and their heads;
west, and Tibet Autono-        of our hands,” he said.         ministration. Nature re-       Milu Deer National              enforce full, rigorous            -- Deepen the reform of
mous Region in southwest         After the eight antelopes     serves have been set up to     Nature Reserve in Dafeng,       self-discipline within the     discipline inspection and
China make the long jour-      turn 2 years old, they will     protect endangered wild        Jiangsu Province in east        Party.                         supervision systems and
ney there to give birth.       be trained to live in the       species. Today, nature re-     China.This was the eighth         An eight-point list of re-   promote intraparty and
When they return with the      wild and finally returned       serves cover 18 percent of     time the reserve had re-        quirements was put for-        state supervision across
calves, some of the babies     to nature.                      China’s land area and pro-     leased the milu into the        ward by the session:           the board;
fall behind and get sepa-        “Every year when we re-       tect 90 percent of flora       wild.                             -- Uphold Xi’s position as      -- Conduct strict self-su-
rated from the herd. This      lease them, we feel very        species and 85 percent of         The deer, with a horse’s     the core of the CPC            pervision and self-disci-
year, the rangers at the       sad, especially when they       protected wildlife species.    face, a donkey’s tail, cow’s    Central Committee and          pline and build an iron
station saved eight such       turn around to look at us.        Milu revival                 hooves and stag’s antlers,      the whole Party, as well as    anti-graft team that is
abandoned calves.              However we tell ourselves         In addition to protecting    is native to China.             the authority of the CPC       loyal, clean, professional
  “We saved this one in        that since the kids have        endangered species in          However, overhunting and        Central Committee and its      and with a strong sense of
July,” said Caisuojia, a       grown up, we the parents        their natural habitat, arti-   habitat loss led to its near    centralized, unified lead-     political integrity and re-
worker at the station,         have to bid them goodbye,”      ficial breeding is also        extinction.                     ership to ensure the           sponsibility.
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
8 • Thursday January 28, 2021                                                                                                                                        The Barbados Advocate

    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

                Editorial                                              US terrorism alert warns of
 In a fight for                                                       politically motivated violence
                                                         WASHINGTON – The                  dential transition, as well        and advisories about the               2020 election results or
                                                         Department of Homeland            as other perceived griev-          prospect for violence tied             police use of force. It also
 our lives                                               Security issued a national
                                                         terrorism bulletin yester-
                                                         day warning of the
                                                                                           ances fueled by false
                                                                                           narratives, could continue
                                                                                           to mobilise to incite or
                                                                                                                              to a particular date or
                                                                                                                              event, such as July 4.
                                                                                                                                 However this particular
                                                                                                                                                                     singles out racially moti-
                                                                                                                                                                     vated acts of violence such
                                                                                                                                                                     as the 2019 rampage tar-
 EARLIER this week Prime Minister Mia Amor               potential for lingering           commit violence? the bul-          bulletin, issued through               geting Hispanics in Texas,
 Mottley announced her Government’s intention to         violence from people moti-        letin said.                        the the department’s                   as well as the threat posed
 impose a two-week “national pause”, to help the         vated by anti-government            It did not mention any           National        Terrorism              by extremists motivated
 country to get a handle on the COVID-19 cases,          sentiment after President         ideological or political affil-    Advisory System, is no-                by foreign terrorist
 which have skyrocketed since the end of last            Joe Biden’s election, sug-        iation, instead warning            table because it effectively           organisations.
 year – this is to be commended.                         gesting the January 6 riot        more broadly about “indi-          places the Biden adminis-                The alert comes at a
    No one can deny that we need to stop, take stock     at the Capitol may                viduals frustrated with the        tration into the politically           tense time after the riot at
 of where we are and take firm and decisive steps to     embolden extremists and           exercise of governmental           charged debate over how                the Capitol by supporters
 ensure that the number of cases do not continue to      set the stage for additional      authority and the presi-           to describe or characterise            of then-President Donald
 rise. Now, while Government says that it has the        attacks.                          dential transition, as well        acts motivated by political            Trump who were seeking
 capacity in the healthcare facilities that is needed      The department did not          as other perceived griev-          ideology and suggests that             to overturn the presiden-
 to deal with the situation, the nature of this virus,   cite a specific threat, but       ances and ideological              it sees violence aimed at              tial election. DHS also
 and the fact that we have also discovered that the      pointed to “a heightened          causes fueled by false             overturning the election as            notes violent riots in
 British variant is present on the island – a variant    threat environment across         narratives.”                       akin to terrorism.                     “recent days,” an apparent
 that is said to spread faster, and could be as much     the United States” that it          These individuals, DHS              The wording of the                  reference to events in
 as 30 percent more lethal than earlier versions,        believes “will persist”           said, “could continue to           single-page document                   Portland, Oregon, linked to
 is definitely cause for concern.                        since Biden took office on        mobilize a broad range             suggests that national                 anarchist groups.
    Sadly, it would seem that 2021 is shaping up to be   January 20.                       of ideologically-motivated         security officials see a                 The alert was issued by
 an even worse year than 2020, if that is even             “Information suggests           actors to incite or commit         connective thread between              acting Homeland Security
 possible. COVID has not only decimated our tourism      that some ideologically-          violence.                          recent violence over the               Secretary David Pekoske.
 industry, but has put our healthcare system under       motivated violent extrem-           It is not uncommon for           last year motivated by                 Biden’s nominee for the
 tremendous pressure. As of January 26, we had a         ists with objections to the       the federal government to          anti-government griev-                 Cabinet post, Alejandro
 total of 1 443 cases, of which 353 were active          exercise of governmental          warn local law enforce-            ances, whether over                    Mayorkas, has not been
 and yesterday we recorded our 11th death from           authority and the presi-          ment through bulletins             COVID-19 restrictions, the             confirmed by the Senate.
 COVID, and the fourth for the month of January.
 These are alarming figures, and while it is hoped
 that the two-week shutdown should help to get a
 handle on the situation, unless the people in this
 country are willing to play their part, then the
                                                          Fed on hold as officials weigh pandemic
 shutdown will be all for naught.
    The truth is that the country’s economy really
 cannot afford a shutdown at this time, but we can-
                                                              against vaccines, fiscal support
 not afford not to shut down, and then have an even      WASHINGTON – The                  cause them to waver on the         pre-pandemic         level,               That’s designed to help
 greater outbreak of the virus and more deaths. So       Federal Reserve is ex-            promise of continued loose         Bostjancic wrote.                      push the economy onto
 we all have to do our part – wear our masks             pected to keep US mone-           monetary policy.                      Since approval of the               a path of both higher
 when in public places, on public transport and even     tary policy locked in crisis-       Like many economists,            first coronavirus vaccines             employment and one that
 when around family and friends who do not live          fighting mode at its meet-        Oxford Economics Chief             in December, Fed officials             meets, after years of
 in the same household as us.                            ing ending yesterday as           U.S. Financial Economist           have shared a general                  misses, the Fed’s 2% infla-
    We also have to sanitise our hands and in that       policymakers assess an            Kathy Bostjancic said she          view that the US economy               tion goal.
 vein, we think it is imperative that the COVID-19       economy still struggling          anticipates a “mini-boom”          was likely entering what                  Investors appear to have
 Monitoring Unit ensures that those establishments       through the shock of a pan-       beginning in the spring as         one called the “endgame”               taken the Fed’s higher in-
 that will remain open during the lockdown period        demic but looking forward         more of the population is          of the pandemic, with                  flation talk seriously. The
 are following the protocols, and that includes          to relief from ongoing            vaccinated, people feel            short-term risks but                   expected inflation rate
 ensuring, for example, that the hand sanitising         vaccinations and new              freer to travel and spend,         a likely buoyant second                over the longer term as
 stations at supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations      government spending               and the Biden administra-          half of this year.                     measured by Treasury
 and the like, are actually emitting an adequate         plans.                            tion’s own spending plans             However they’ve also                securities indexed for
 amount of sanitiser, as we have had reports that           Over its last few meet-        moved forward.                     noted the large hole left in           inflation has moved above
 there are some which do not.                            ings the Fed has rolled out         About 25 million people          the economy, particularly              2%. Fed officials them-
    But sadly, COVID is not the only virus that we       significant changes to US         had received at least one of       the job market, after a year           selves have begun laying
 have to contend with at this time. For a few months     policy, linking any future        the required two vaccine           that saw activity crash                the foundation to ignore
 now we have been hearing about a rise in                increase in interest rates        doses as of Sunday, and            spectacularly last spring              what’s expected to be a
 dengue cases and deaths across the Caribbean            to a persistent rise in infla-    Biden hopes to boost the           and come back only                     spike in prices this spring
 region.                                                 tion, and tying any change        pace of daily shots to             partially so far due to the            and summer, spurred by
    From 2019, the Caribbean Public Health Agency        in its $120 billion in            1.5 million. He has                ongoing health crisis.                 faster economic activity
 has been warning about the likelihood for an out-       monthly bond purchases            requested an additional            The United States actually             but also distorted by
 break of the mosquito-borne viral illness and it        to “substantial further           $1.9 trillion in government        lost jobs in December.                 comparison to weak prices
 seems now to be upon us. And while here in              progress” on its employ-          spending to speed vaccina-            Many of the steps that              last year.
 Barbados, the Ministry of Health has been trying to     ment and inflation                tions and expand benefits          the Fed took last spring in               “The rebound in market-
 educate persons about the signs of severe dengue,       targets.                          available for households           response to the onset                  based inflation compensa-
 a lot of that information is lost in the COVID noise.      If anything, economic          and businesses.                    of recession, including                tion measures will not
 Many people are not taking heed to the messages to      data since the Fed met in           Though that could fuel           slashing interest rates to             alarm the Fed,” said
 keep their surroundings free of stagnant water,         December has disap-               faster economic growth,            zero, are now expected                 Paul Ashworth, chief US
 perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes, and            pointed, and analysts say         “Powell will maintain his          to remain in place for a               economist for Capital
 because the focus is on COVID, not much is said of      central bank policymakers         dovish tone for now,” by           potentially extended pe-               Economics. “Instead, Fed
 the dengue cases until they take a turn for the         will likely fend off any          noting that inflation              riod of time - with policy-            officials are more likely to
 worse.                                                  suggestion that the               remains below the Fed’s            makers not anticipating                view the rise as a welcome
    As it stands, we have had three dengue-related       economic boost from vac-          2% annual target and the           the need to raise interest             vindication of the tweaks
 deaths so far and if we are to ensure that              cines or a possible surge         level of jobs is still about       rates for perhaps three                they made to the policy
 no more occur, then Barbadians also need                in prices this spring will        ten million short of its           years.                                 framework.”
 to be vigilant as it relates to mosquitoes. Certainly
 we know that persons are perhaps feeling                                         Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000         News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes

 overwhelmed by all this sickness, but we must have                               E-mail Address:      Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite
                                                                                                                                 Sports Editor: Corey Greaves
                                                                                                                                                                      General Manager: Sandra Clarke
                                                                                                                                                                      Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
 faith and remember that prevention is better than                                Website:
                                                                                                                                                                      Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
                                                               @The Barbados Advocate          @barbadosadvocate
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                           Thursday January 28, 2021 • 9

Dow, S&P 500 sink 1% on Boeing results
THE Dow and the S&P             are just getting pum-         pected to keep monetary         the top drags on the Dow        In a week packed with       jors have recently come
500 slid more than 1%           meled,” said Sean O’Hara,     policy locked in crisis-        Jones Industrial Average      quarterly earnings from       back into favor after
on Wednesday as                 president of Pacer ETF        fighting mode, with in-         after the planemaker          mega-cap companies,           blowout results from
Boeing slumped on               Distributors in Malvern,      vestors also looking for-       took a hefty $6.5 billion     Microsoft Corp rose 1.9%      streaming giant Netflix
posting a record an-            Pennsylvania.                 ward to relief from ongo-       charge on its all-new         after its results as the      Inc, and as investors
nual loss, while de-              Focus later in the day      ing vaccination programs        777X jetliner due to the      software maker continues      dumped economy-linked
clines were exacer-             will be on the Federal        and new fiscal spending         COVID-19 pandemic and         to benefit from remote        banks, energy and small-
bated by hedge funds            Reserve’s statement after     plans.                          the aftermath of a two-       working and learning          cap stocks.
selling off long posi-          a two-day policy meeting.       Meanwhile, Boeing Co          year safety crisis over its   trends globally.                However, concerns
tions to cover a short          The central bank is ex-       fell 3.1% and was among         737 MAX.                        Microsoft’s results set a   about heightened stock
squeeze sparked by a                                                                                                        positive precedent for        market valuations, raging
sharp        rally      in                                                                                                  other technology-related      coronavirus cases and
GameStop and AMC.                                                                                                           companies including           any potential disruption
  Shares of videogame re-                                                                                                   Apple Inc, Tesla Inc and      to vaccine rollouts have
tailer GameStop Corp                                                                                                        Facebook Inc, which are       spooked investors about
and movie theater opera-                                                                                                    set to report quarterly       a pullback and increase
tor AMC Entertainment                                                                                                       numbers later in the day.     in volatility in the near-
Holdings Inc each more                                                                                                        These heavyweight ma-       term.
than       doubled     on
Wednesday as amateur
investors again piled into
the stocks, forcing short-
sellers such as Citron to
abandon their losing bets.
  “As weird as that may
sound, what is partially
responsible for what’s
going on today in the
market is that there’s a
lot of selling going on to
raise cash to cover some
of these big shorts that        Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York.

Wall Street expects near-record iPhone
sales despite delay, shut Apple stores
DURING the last three           the installed base getting    we struggle to see case for     ment or migration to a
months of 2020, Apple Inc       older, but people were not    material outperformance         bundled hardware sub-
delivered its flagship          refreshing. I think (Apple)   in (Apple), absent a sur-       scription model,” he wrote
iPhone 12 model weeks           knew it would be heavy re-    prise product announce-         in a note to clients.
later than normal iPhone        fresh cycle.”
debuts and shuttered               Analyst also expect
some of its stores due to       strong Mac sales of $8.69                     BANK RATES
the pandemic.                   billion, according to          Commercial bank rates to the public at the close of
   But Wall Street is still     Refinitiv data from Jan.       business yesterday by the Central Bank of Barbados.
expecting a near-record         26, thanks in part to the
sales quarter for the           introduction of models                        Valid for January 28, 2021
Cupertino, California com-      with the first central         Notes:
pany’s signature device         processor chip for its lap-    Currency                  Buying            Selling
when it reports fiscal first-   tops and desktop that          Belizean Dollar           1.00000           1.00000
quarter earnings on             Apple designed itself.         Canadian Dollar           1.54786           1.59365
Wednesday, with esti-           Overall, analysts expect       East Caribbean $          0.73704           0.74445
mates of $59.8 billion, ac-     $103.28 billion in sales       Euro                      2.37245           2.47235
cording to IBES data from       and earnings per share of      Pound Sterling            2.68634           2.79946
Refinitiv as of Jan. 26. If     $1.41 for Apple’s fiscal       United States Dollar      1.98000           2.02857
Apple beats the number,         first quarter.                 Demand/Sight:
it could eclipse its all-time      A “super cycle” of booms    Currency                  Buying            Selling
                                                               Belizean Dollar           0.99688           1.00313
record of $61.58 billion in     in iPhone sales after sev-     Canadian Dollar           1.55668           1.59225
iPhone sales for the first      eral more modest years         East Caribbean Dollar     0.73843           0.74306
quarter of fiscal 2018.         are not new to Apple - the     Euro                      2.40726           2.45701
   Analyst largely attrib-      company’s previous high        Guyana Dollar             0.00943           0.00949
ute the boost to the timing     came after it announced        Pound Sterling            2.72576           2.78208
of the iPhone 12 lineup,        the iPhone X, with a new       United States Dollar      1.99000           2.02768
which had a new look, 5G        design. During previous        Telegraphic Transfer
cellular data connectivity      cycles, Apple’s shares         Currency                  Buying            Selling
and new models at the top       often traded at lower          Belizean Dollar           0.99688           1.00313
and bottom of the sizing        price-to-earnings ratios       Canadian Dollar           1.55963           1.59225
                                                               East Caribbean Dollar     0.73843           0.74306
range.                          than its rivals due to         Euro                      2.41179           2.45701
   “They have an ex-            Apple’s dependence on the      Guyana Dollar             0.00943           0.00949
tremely good understand-        iPhone.                        Pound Sterling            2.73089           2.78208
ing of what their refresh          But those ratios have       United States Dollar      1.99375           2.02768
cycle looks like and when       risen over the past year,
waves are possible and          and      analyst       Toni       INDICATIVE RATES FOR SOME REGIONAL
whey they are not,” said        Sacconaghi of Bernstein                CURRENCIES AS ADVISED BY THE
Ben Bajarin, head of con-       wondered how much fur-                  RESPECTIVE CENTRAL BANKS
sumer technologies at           ther they can go.                N.B.: These rates are not meant to be used for trading.
Creative Strategies.               “At 33x consensus (fis-                               BDS$
                                                               Guyana Dollar             0.00946
“Every bit of data across       cal year 2021 earnings per     Jamaica Dollar            0.01361
China and Europe has            share), and buyside expec-     T & T Dollar              0.29560
shown that not only was         tations above the Street’s,
SHOPPING RUSH Barbadian young leader among finalists for Commonwealth Youth Awards 2021 - UFDC Image Array 2
10 • Thursday January 28, 2021                                                                                                                             The Barbados Advocate

Grenada extends nightly curfew for at least two more weeks
THE nightly curfew in Grenada,        COVID-19.                           tem, weaknesses still exist, as       hours. We would love to be able       people would like to hear, as
implemented to help curb the            According to Minister Steele,     is the case in every other coun-      to find comfort in that to say, let   they were looking forward to the
potential spread of COVID-19          “The threat of COVID-19 has         try around the world. He noted        us relax, but we also have to look    further easement, but at this
through social activities, will re-   never been greater from outside     too that the virus is getting         at everything else that is going      point, we cannot find a way to
main in place, at least for the       of Grenada.”Reference was           stronger and claiming more and        on.”                                  accommodate a curfew going
next two weeks.                       made to the increasing number       more victims.                            He likewise noted that while       later, that is, allowing more so-
  During Tuesday’s Post-              of cases in both Barbados and         The Health Minister said, “I        the government wants to find          cial activity, with the risks
Cabinet Press Briefing, Minister      St. Vincent and the Grenadines,     do understand and hear the            the balance between lives and         where they are right now.”
of Health, Honourable Nickolas        two of Grenada’s closest neigh-     calls from individuals who are        livelihoods, what is happening          Minister Steele encouraged
Steele confirmed that the             bours.                              saying that there is no cluster or    throughout the region and the         Grenadians and visitors alike to
Cabinet agreed to keep the              Minister Steele said despite      community spread in Grenada           changes seen with this virus,         maintain compliance with the
10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. curfew in     tremendous improvements             and all active cases are travel re-   they prefer to err on the side of     COVID-19 protocols, to wear
place, although the country cur-      made in both the health care        lated. In fact, we have not picked    caution.                              their masks in public spaces and
rently has only 11 active cases of    system and border control sys-      up one of those in the last 24-          “I know that is not what many      to respect the curfew.

Jamaica police
make early
breakthrough in
homeless killings
KINGSTON – Jamaican po-               tern of similar attacks, killed
lice said on Tuesday they             while they were sleeping, said
had detained a person of in-          Dennis Brooks, a spokesman for
terest as part of their inves-        the Jamaica Constabulary
tigation into an attack over          Force.
the weekend on six homeless             “We will spare no effort in in-
men in Kingston in which              vestigating the heinous and bar-
four were hacked to death             baric murders of these men who
and two critically injured.           are among our society’s most
  While Jamaica has one of the        vulnerable,” Jamaican Prime
highest homicide rates in the         Minister Andrew Holness said.
world, the attack was particu-          Minister of Local Government
larly grisly. All suffered chop       Desmond McKenzie said the in-       A resident of central kingston throws sawdust on blood-soaked cardboard that was used for
wounds to the head and the two        cident was a reminder “to en-       sleeping by a homeless man who was chopped to death at the Intersection of Sutton and Hanover
who survived were in a critical       sure that the vulnerable among      streets on Monday, January 25. Three homeless men were slain in downtown Kingston and a
state, police said.                   us are never seen or treated as     fourth further west near Bumper Hall.
  More worrying still to the local    expendable,” urging the home-
homeless population, this was         less population to stay in shel-      Lying on some cardboard on a        ways a level of fear from living      dered last year in Jamaica, with
not the first such occurrence and     ters.                               city sidewalk, flanked by two         on the streets of Kingston.           gang violence to blame for much
could be the work of a serial           Some were defiant, though,        shopping bags full of posses-           “But if anybody goes for me         of the violence, and several com-
killer.                               and preferred the relative free-    sions, Zenas Gayle, 55, said he       (attacks me), I will go back,” he     munities remain under a state
  Several years ago, homeless         dom of the streets over the con-    would not consider going to a         said.                                 of emergency, under constant
men were the victims of a pat-        straints of shelters.               shelter although there was al-          Over 1,300 people were mur-         watch by security forces.

US Customs seizes US$500 000 in vessel headed to Bahamas
MIAMI – The United States                                                                                                                             ronments,” said Tony Arevalo,
Customs and Border Protection                                                                                                                         Director, Air and Marine
(CBP) agency said Tuesday                                                                                                                             Operation, Miami Air and
that agents from its Air and                                                                                                                          Marine Branch. “Nefarious ac-
Marine Operations (AMO) and                                                                                                                           tors often seek to conceal and
US federal partners, seized                                                                                                                           move currency from their ac-
about US$500 000 in unde-                                                                                                                             tivities.”
clared currency after stopping a                                                                                                                         CBP said Air and Marine
vessel heading to the Bahamas,                                                                                                                        Operations “safeguards our na-
for an outbound inspection near                                                                                                                       tion by anticipating and con-
Fort Lauderdale, Florida.                                                                                                                             fronting security threats
  CBP said the Fort Lauder-                                                                                                                           through our aviation and mar-
dale Marine Unit, Miami                                                                                                                               itime law enforcement expert-
Marine Unit and Miami Air                                                                                                                             ise, innovative capabilities, and
and Marine Branch Multi-Role                                                                                                                          partnerships at the border and
Enforcement Aircraft crew                                                                                                                             beyond.
stopped the vessel and coordi-                                                                                                                           In 2020, CBP said AMO en-
nated with US Homeland                                                                                                                                forcement actions resulted in
Security Investigations and the                                                                                                                       the seizure or disruption of
Drug Enforcement Adminis-                                                                                                                             194,220 pounds of cocaine,
tration during the vessel in-                                                                                                                         278,492 pounds of marijuana,
spection.                                                                                                                                             15,985 pounds of methamphet-
  Agents discovered the cur-          The undeclared currency was discovered in the lining of a cooler and laundry detergent boxes.                   amine, 952 weapons and
rency in the lining of a cooler                                                                                                                       US$51.5 million, 1,066 arrests,
and laundry detergent boxes,          9.                                  work closely with law enforce-        paralleled domain awareness           47,872 apprehensions of illegal
after being alerted to it by a K-          “Air and Marine Operations     ment partners to provide un-          in the air and maritime envi-         migrants.
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