Page created by Douglas Dunn
HUB 2020

       Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Imagine 2020…

Technological advances
Material advances
Space constraints
Time Constraints
The Sustainability Imperative, ecological and social
Consumer culture demands
Increasing technology demands

                                                       Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
What might we need from our furniture?

Flexible space and space optimisation
Multipurpose facilities and objects
Sustainable materials
Considered energy life-cycles
The ability to recycle and re-use
Integrated technology
Customisation and personalisation
Promoting ownership of generic space

                                          Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
How can a door help?

      Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Tizio lamp
Lava lamp 
Wacom tablet
Green Wall
School desk

                                                   Into one customisable solution?
Gascoigne artwork
Louvre & Blind
Solar panel
Clothes horse
Folding chair
Bike Rack 
                                                                    Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Where can we use the hub?
                  •       The classroom
                  •       Libraries
                  •       Public spaces
                  •       Performance venues
                  •       Retail and restaurants
                  •       Laboratories
                  •       In the home
                  •       Commercial fitouts
                  •       To improve flexibility
                          in small apartments
                  •       As an alternative to
                          contemporary cladding
                  •       ……

Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
•   Let’s not reinvent the wheel. Let’s build on available
    technology and hypothesise about some
    improvements the next decade might bring.
•   View the door itself as a skeletal structure. A gridded
    structure. A structure that can supply nutrients (power,
    water, data) to other things.
•   These nutrients are supplied by an umbilical cord, a
    life-giving plug connected to the mothership (the
    house, office, factory, shop).
•   Nutrients flow on the symplastic path – the path by
    which nutrients move from the source to the object in
    natural systems via an interconnected cellular web

                                                               How does it work?
                                                                 Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
•   Take the idea of a moveable wall – an integrated
    pivot and slider system. Common, tested,
    proven technology. Anticipate lighter, smoother
    operation with a decade of progress.
•   Integrate the umbilical cord with the pivot
    mechanism so that it can be locked in and
    switched on by the user during pivot motion, or
    unlocked and powered down to slide away
•   The door acts as a powered hub, drawing supply
    from concealed outlets in the ceiling cavity.

           Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Nutrient supply

Docking station

Umbilical exposed

Integrated pivot and slide mechanism


Umbilical extended

Umbilical retracted

                                       Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Door Operation

                                    Umbilical                                                                  Umbilical
                                    retracted                                                                  Engaged

                                 Power off                                                                  Power on
                                 Unlocked                                                                   Locked

                                 Locking lugs                                                               Locking lugs
                                 retracted                                                                  extended

Ready to pivot and slide                        Closed and locked

                                                       Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Locked, Powered

•   This is the all singing, all dancing model. Smaller systems can be the size of a
    single door, operating on a fixed pivot, track slide or bi-fold system.
•   Operation can be manual, partially automated or completely autonomous.
•   This skeleton is in for the long haul. We invest our precious resources                                 Unlocked, pivot, still powered
    wisely, and ensure the structural integrity of the skeleton for years of
    change, manipulation and customisation.
•   The bits we clip on – the technology, the customised components, the
    furniture, the lighting – we make from recycled components with the object
    of eventual re-use, a much shorter timeframe than the skeleton itself.
•   What can we clip on? What limits the imagination?
•   We start with a grid – a division of standard material components. We can
    add components that fit multiples of the grid, or components can sit in front
    of the cellular skeleton and fit as an applied skin.                                                    Full pivot, power off

•   We hold future competitions to design component parts,
    options, things that haven’t been thought of yet, or that we
    don’t know we need yet.

                                                                                                            Fully retracted
                                                                                       Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
•    The business case looks good. We have a supply of willing designers. We have a supply of willing
     consumers. We have a multipurpose skeleton with longevity on its side.
•    We have a consumer culture that adores the next new thing and loves to customise space. Small, well
     designed, easily customisable components mean relatively small and justifiable costs.
•    After the initial investment in the skeleton, owners and occupiers can buy, sell, swap, barter, recycle
     and re-use components to make unique objects that fit their own need and their own lifestyles.

    Rail           Umbilical                    Cellular    Skeleton
                   +runners                     structure

      Handle + Controls        Clip-on panels                             Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Let’s go shopping
            Choose the skeleton
•   Choose a skeleton that suits the application
      –    Internal
      –    External
           Fire Rated
           Acoustically sealed
                                                                                                Choose the size
      –    Thermally enhanced                                                      •       Widths and heights are multiples of 600
      –    Powered by umbilical                                                    •       The size of cellular structure is modified
      –    Watered by umbilical                                                            to suit the required multiple
      –    Basic – no umbilical
•   Choose the skeleton shape and finish that suits
    the application, anticipated technology and
    required aesthetic, for example
      –    Recycled brushed alloy
      –    Plantation timber
      –    Recycled plastic
      –    Translucent sustainable resins, exposing
           the nervous system of the skeleton         Choose the operating
      –    Future sustainable, synthetic and
           natural materials                          method
                                                      •   Fixed end pivot
                                                      •   Fixed central pivot
                                                      •   Track slide
                                                      •   Central pivot and slide for a full movable wall capability
                                                      •   Choose the level of automation

                                                                                   Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Choose Detachable Components

•   Digital displays
•   Interactive components
•   Electronic whiteboards and graphics tablets
•   Cellular green walls
•   Eco-aspirators
•   Folding furniture – desks, chairs, beds, benches
•   Small plumbing and sanitary devices – sinks, drinking fountains
•   Cupboards and shelves
•   Interactive screens
•   Solar panels
•   Audio and acoustic devices
•   Operable windows
•   Fixed glazing systems
•   Lamps and lighting
•   Sun control and shading devices
•   Panelised cladding systems
•   Retail displays
•   Bike racks
•   Device Rechargers
•   Artwork
•   Customisable wall finishes
•   None – use the skeleton as a screen
•   How many more can we think of?

                                                                      Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Integrated desks and chairs

Basic skeleton            Artwork + Customisation   Timber partitions

                                                                                                          Operable windows

                                                                                                          Extra bedding, storage and lighting

                                                                                                                       COMPONENT OPTIONS
Recycled metal cladding   Green Wall                  Basic panelled system

                                                                                                                                           As a diagrammatic grid
 Lighting solutions       Digital wall                Vertical Farming
                                                                    Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
PANEL LAYOUT – Complex cells

                               Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008

•   What if… advances in materials
    and technology by 2020 lead to
    the ability for intelligent
    components, components that
    react and adapt?
•   Memory fabrics, magnetic
    mechanics, metabolic networks,
    nano-actuators, digital sensors
    and stimuli…
•   Let’s attach an intelligent screen
    to our hub
•   It has the power it needs, and is a
    living component connected back
    to the management and data
    systems of the mothership
•   It reacts to the surrounds, the
    environment, the mood and
    habits of inhabitants
•   Shading, screening, growing,
    shrinking, adapting, opening,
    closing, sculpting, morphing into
    new usable objects

                                   A PARADIGM SHIFT FOR ‘DOOR FURNITURE’?
                                                                  Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008

         Shaun Purcell__QUT__Lockwood 2020 Design Competition__August 2008
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