Shaping Italian PPA Market - Virginia Canazza
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PPA Committee main goals o Review PPA perception and experiences from participants o Understand the risks and opportunities offered by the contractual instrument for the different market players o Identify a range of best practices to refer to or to meet counterparties' expectations o Identify Italian market possible barriers for PPA diffusion o Review possible actions to remove possible barriers o Make proposals shared by the Committee itself The PPA Committee has verified the existence of a community of interests and a widespread consensus around PPA as a market tool for the development of renewable capacity 3
Operators' expectations of the use of PPA in the short and long term Questionnaire Target % of electricity volumes to be covered by PPA for different market players Consumatore Consumer The prevailing trend Integrated operator Operatore integrato identifies as more effective the Corporate PPA or in any case a PPA of a physical Produttori Producer nature in which there is an off-taker aggregator of end 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% consumers (trader or utility) Quale è il valore 2030 PPA target obiettivo al 2030 Quale Next 3è year il valore di obiettivo PPA nei prossimi 3 anni PPA target 4
About 500 MW of PPA signed (July 2019) in Italy, about 4% of PPA in the world Evolution ofdella Evoluzione the contracted power through PPA potenza contrattualizzata in ItalyPPA in Italia tramite (MW) 600 500 1.3% 1.3%delle nuove of new RESFER necessarie per 400 needed to reach raggiungere target 300 PNIEC 2030 PNIEC targets 2030 200 100 0 mag-18 mag-19 ott-18 ago-18 feb-19 set-18 feb-18 apr-18 apr-19 nov-18 giu-18 giu-19 lug-18 gen-19 gen-18 dic-18 mar-18 mar-19 Apr-18 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Fonte: elaborazioni REF-E Source: REF-E elaborations 5
Offer: PNIEC 2030 +71 TWh vs 2018, 100 TWh renewable energy on the market Hydro not included by by triple Incentivized Refurbishment New power plants double Giro di affari potenziale per i nuovi investimenti Potential turnover for new investments without including the refurbishment of existing installations and the development of network 10 Mld € hydro wind PV geothermal bioenergy infrastructure and storage Fonte: Elaborazioni Source: REF-E based REF-E elaborations su dati onPNIEC, GSE. data from Producibilità PNIEC, annua normalizzata GSE. Normalized Yearly producibility 19 Mld € Wind Solar 6 Eolico Solare estimate Stima based basata on medi su capex average capex as at 2019 al 2019
Market conditions are in place for the development of PPA as a model for energy trading and growth of RES CAPTURED PRICES SCENARIO REFERENCE E RANGE LCOE SOLARE • Market parity under consolidation for (€/MWh) 80 Range LCOE Solare NORD CENTRO NORD CENTRO SUD PV and wind power SUD SICILIA SARDEGNA LCOE Caso Studio 75 70 • Potential interest of end users in 65 subscribing to PPAs against the 60 expected rising electricity price in the 55 long term 50 45 40 2019 2023 2027 2031 2035 2039 Fonte: Source:Previsioni REF-E REF-E forecasts CAPTURED PRICES SCENARIO REFERENCE E RANGE LCOE EOLICO (€/MWh) 90 Range LCOE Eolico NORD CENTRO NORD CENTRO SUD Potential countereffects: 85 SUD SICILIA SARDEGNA LCOE Caso Studio • “cannibalization” effect 80 75 • Commodity trends, 70 particularly in the ETS 65 60 • Transmission capacity cost 55 risk 50 7 Fonte: 2019 Previsioni REF-E 2023 2027 2031 2035 2039 • imbalance charges Source: REF-E forecasts
Bearish effects on the market could limit the development of new capacity EVOLUTION OF SOLAR AND WIND INSTALLED CAPACITY AS A FUNCTION OF THE LEVEL OF CAPTURED PRICES The values shown in the graph express the % of achievement of the PNIEC objective Evoluzione Italian windinstallato eolico evolution installed capacity Italia al 2030 by 2030 Evoluzione Italian solar installato solareevolution installed capacity Italia al 2030 by 2030 GW GW 50 • With reference 20 94% 90% trends, 35 GW are 90% 45 94% 94% developed at 2030 83% compared to the 40 15 75% 72% 40 75% GW required for the 76% 83% 72% PNIEC targets. 10 35 CP_Ref -1 €/MWh CP_Ref -2 €/MWh CP_Ref -3 €/MWh CP_Ref -4 €/MWh CP_Ref -5 €/MWh CP_Ref • With a lower trend of CP_Ref -3 €/MWh CP_Ref -4 €/MWh CP_Ref -5 €/MWh CP_Ref -1 €/MWh CP_Ref -2 €/MWh CP_Ref 5€/MWh 20 GW are developed Font e: elaborazioni REF-E Font e: elaborazioni REF-E Source: REF-E elaborations Source: REF-E elaborations Average PUN 2019-2030 baseline scenario: 61.7 €/MWh (real terms) 8
Theoretical demand 2030: 70-110 TWh - enabling role of consortia to limit exposure to competition and counterparty risk Corporate: 75% of free market sales are for Utilities/traders • 55% energy intensive: consumers < 100GWh • have adequate expertise exposure to and portfolios for risk competition mitigated 36% management 46% through consortia • End customers in LV with • 15% trade: large right of withdrawal but consumers on high low exposure to the number of connection energy component 18% points, aggregated by utilities/traders Public demand potentially • 30% communications subject to public procurement Fonte: Elaborazioni Source: REF-E REF-E elaborations and transport: (also through CONSIP): concentration in a few • 4.5 TWh PA • Mainly highly fragmented non- companies with limited • 6 TWh Public Lighting core manufacturing industry risk on the final price energy, potential off- takers 9
Lesson learned from international experience: favourable context elements stimulate the meeting of stakeholders ✓ Increasing cost competitiveness of renewables in relation to market prices ✓ Adequate availability of renewable projects in substantial market parity ✓ Ambitiousness of environmental and decarbonisation objectives at corporate level and imposed at public level ✓ Level of pressure from institutions and stakeholders about these objectives ✓ Motivation of final consumers ✓ Proactivity and support of governmental/institutional bodies ✓ Stability and transparency of the regulatory environment ✓ Availability of tools to mitigate risks of various kinds ✓ Phase out incentives ✓ Tax credit ✓ Last resort buyer 10
Questionnaire Despite favourable fundamentals, barriers and risks persist Main barriers identified by operators Barriers related Cumulated score to authorization + processes for Regulation RES not Contract Demand Regulation Market compatible Market with the needs of a Risks Low Difficulties in Risk of Lack of clarity Coverage not competitive associated propensity of forecasting litigation on the future possible in the market with changes consumers to commodity between the of RES support long term in regulation bind in the costs in the parties mechanisms long term long term 11
Uncertainty of the future scenario: complexity of opposing factors • Hard coal phase out • Electrification consumption Volatility range • Reduction in imports (energy policies in other countries) • Bidding strategies Recent bullish dynamics ? related to contingency and commodity markets • Macroeconomic drivers and demand • Commodities trends • Renewable Variability • Accident and contingent phenomena • Impact of regulatory reforms • Energy efficiency • Technology development (accumulation) Historical trend of decreasing • Network development prices 2030 Source:elaborazioni Fonte: REF-E elaborations REF-E suondati GME data GME 12
The use of flexible pricing formulas and best contractual practices allows for an optimal allocation of market risk between counterparties and agreement endurance • Adequate only on short deadlines (up to about 5 years) • Probability that the PPA will Fixed price go out of the money during • On longer contractual deadlines (10 years and the validity period more) the fixed price is risky also in consideration of the impossibility of implementing adequate hedging instruments available on the markets • Risk of leakage, triggering greater possibilities of default and compromising bankability requirements • They can allow for a dynamic rebalancing of opportunities and risks between counterparties in Flexible price relation to the dynamics that take place in the markets 13
Questionnaire PPA as a private instrument The main orientation is to exclude Should the PPA be an exclusively private instrument, in which there is public intervention to support PPA no intervention by the public sphere? Cumulated score • Subscribeable PPA volumes depend on market variables and parties' expectations in the LT • Option to develop renewable capacity in line with national policy but cannot in itself guarantee the achievement of the objectives of the PNIEC Not at all agreeable Totally agree 14
Shared position within the PPA Committee Market conditions for the PRIORITY development of PPA are met FIRST STEP: Strengthening of authorisation and market mechanisms • Presence of market parity • efficient and timely authorisation processes conditions for renewables • completion of dispatching market reforms, including by fostering storage • Quantitatively more and more • acceleration in completing network reinforcements challenging and unsustainable Field experience RES objectives with public EVENTUAL SECOND PHASE: Public intervention in intervention support of PPA • Demand incentive 15
PPA Committee: not an end, but a new starting point! Analysis of new demand • Italian companies are ready to establish themselves drivers: finance and as conscious protagonists in the transition process climate Art.2 Paris Agreement • PPA, a model for energy trading and growth of RES in the absence of incentives, are now the most appropriate response • Decision-makers and policy makers can (and must) contribute by ensuring a robust market organisation PPA Pilot and efficient authorisation processes Market evolution • In a context of certain rules, the market will be able monitoring vs. to find contractual forms that establish themselves auctions as best practices, allowing the appropriate distribution of risks and the spread of PPA Focus on authorization processes 16
Thank you for your attention! Q&A 17
REF-E: excellence in energy market Sector REF-E SERVICES REF-E operates in energy markets and provides • research and customised consulting services In-depth understanding of all energy • independent market observatories sectors enables REF-E researchers to • training ELECTRICITY RENEWABLE NATURAL offer a wide range of services and SOURCE GAS products. It supports companies, institutions, government bodies in their decision making processes • REF-E Products to solve operational and strategic problems are Corporate customised to meet client strategies requirements. FOUR WORDS FOR REF-E • REF-E Publications to provide full and for economics: independent analysis, Network constantly up-to-date technical underpinned by solid understanding of the Public Policies regulation knowledge, available to everybody fundamentals • REF-E Modeling Tools, the result of our for engineering: technical expertise, to advanced modeling skills acquired handle complex modelling COMPETENCES and employed over the years by REF- for energy: specialist expertise and up-to-date E professionals, are released on a information on prices, forecast scenarios, Antitrust standard or tailor-made basis. Market and regulations and competition for a sector that is policies and incentive design • REF-E Databases allow advanced constantly changing litigations access to many complex data for the environment: policies, products and gathered in the years and constantly services that are always compliant with the updated. latest regulatory developments, to meet the Surveys challenges of the future 18
PUBLICATIONS FORECASTING MODELS • Energy Observatory Newsletter, a monthly in-depth focus on regulatory changes, tariff and price trends, corporate strategies. • Energy Outlook, a four-monthly forecasting periodical for the electricity WE HAVE WORKED FOR … and the gas market, based on the Elfo++ model. • Energy Report, an annual report which provides in-depth information on trends and outlooks for electricity, natural gas and renewable power generation sectors. EU • Working Papers, in depth studies which address current issues in the Italian energy sector, based on the theoretical literature. …and many others! 19
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