T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share

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T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share

                 T-Mobile 5G strategy: an
                 opportunity to innovate and
                 grow market share

                 Roberto Kompany
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                                                2

Overview of T-Mobile USA: an end-to-end nationwide 5G deployment will be critical
for continued success, but lack of c-band spectrum will affect customer experience

            STATE OF THE BUSINESS 1                                      FOCUS OF THIS EFFORT                                 PROJECT APPROACH

       40.6                              5.7                         3.5                                                                 31              264
                          8.3                                                       2020             NSA                 2
       billion                          million                     billion                                                              MHz              MHz

    Total revenue     Year-on-year       Total net               Nokia 5G deal Nationwide 5G 5G architecture         Number of       Spectrum in     Spectrum in
        (USD)          growth (%)        customer                    (USD)     coverage target to be deployed        major RAN      600MHz band      28GHz band
                                         additions                                  date                              vendors

              BUSINESS DRIVERS                                                  STRATEGY                                            ANALYSIS
    ▪ To continue growth of next-generation                      ▪ T-Mobile entered into a USD3.5 billion          ▪ T-Mobile has engaged Mavenir and
      mobile market share, following a 22                          contract with Nokia to deploy a complete          Samsung, but no major RAN deals have
      consecutive quarter run of over 1 million net                end-to-end 5G network.                            been announced beyond those with Nokia
      additions.                                                                                                     and Ericsson.
                                                                 ▪ T-Mobile plans to have a commercial
    ▪ To drive customer satisfaction through                       nationwide 5G network in 2020.                  ▪ T-Mobile owns 31MHz in the 600MHz band,
      continuous LTE network improvements and                                                                        which is good for coverage, but is unlikely to
      5G investments.                                            ▪ T-Mobile plans to launch 5G services using        deliver a major 5G speed boost.
                                                                   non-standalone (NSA) architecture.
    ▪ To drive synergies. T-Mobile announced a                                                                     ▪ Spectrum in the 28GHz band will serve for
      second attempt to merge with Sprint                                                                            hotspots or fixed–wireless (FWA) service,
      following a failed attempt in 2014.                                                                            but not coverage.

        5G will deliver superior network performance             Use 600MHz spectrum to deliver nationwide 5G   Continue to grow market share as market disruptor
                                                                             coverage in 2020
                                                                                                                                                 Source: Analysys Mason
1   T-Mobile USA, 2017 annual report
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                         3

Business challenges and key drivers of T-Mobile 5G deployment project

T-Mobile is committed to delivering a high quality network to its        Figure 1: Business factors that are driving the network
customers and it is investing in the latest LTE technology               enhancement project
upgrades, while laying the ground works for 5G.
T-Mobile announced its 3Q 2018 results in October where it                                                                     NEW
announced 22 quarters of over 1 million net additions. T-Mobile               EFFICIENCY               AGILITY               SERVICES
disrupted the US market when it announced its ‘Un-carrier’
strategy in 2013 and eliminated the two year contract model and
                                                                                40%                   30%                    30%
removed handset subsidies. The strategy had advantages for both
T-Mobile’s finances and customers who wanted flexibility to
migrate to another MNO without being locked-in for the full two
The larger MNOs, AT&T and Verizon, soon followed, however, T-
Mobile also engaged in aggressive price competition and tariff
simplification. T-Mobile has successfully grown its market share at
                                                                                                Continue to gain
the expense of revenue per subscriber.                                    Continue to improve
                                                                                                subscriber net
                                                                                                                      Start with eMBB and
                                                                          data throughput                             FWA
T-Mobile re-introduced unlimited data bundles in 2017, which
allow subscribers to stream high-definition (HD) video to their
handsets. This strategy increased customer satisfaction and                Improve network
                                                                                                 Reduce churn
                                                                                                                       Create a platform for
network traffic. To meet this challenge, T-Mobile continuously             capacity                                    new services
invests in its LTE network to increase quality and capacity.
T-Mobile has rolled out multiple LTE technology enhancements,                                    Encourage in-house
                                                                           Lower cost per bit
such as 4x4 MIMO antennas and carrier-aggregation techniques.                                    innovation
The MNO, however, must take steps to future-proof its network
and effectively compete with AT&T and Verizon. Its 5G                                                                     Source: Analysys Mason
investments are a natural evolution of its LTE strategy.
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                              4

Analysis – T-Mobile US is committed to nationwide 5G coverage in 2020, but lack of
mid-band spectrum will challenge customer experience in the short term
T-Mobile will launch 5G services, but unless the FCC releases            Figure 2: Mid-band spectrum landscape by market
more spectrum in the mid-band, services will be limited.
Verizon launched its FWA service in October, followed by AT&T in
December placing the US amongst the first countries to launch
5G services. Both AT&T and Verizon have fixed networks and have
announced intentions to augment these with FWA services. T-
Mobile, however, will continue to focus on mobile-only services in
the short term.
T-Mobile plans 5G nationwide coverage in 2020 using its recently
acquired 600MHz spectrum, but the lack of 3.5GHz will restrict
deployment of massive-MIMO antennas for macro-level 5G                                                                     = Released
The US currently lags other advanced global regions, such as Asia                                                          = Planned
and Europe, where the 3.5GHz spectrum auctions are underway.
This band is considered a key building block for 5G services
thanks to its unique abilities to both travel far and offer high
capacity for mobile traffic. While the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) will make 150MHz of spectrum available using
the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) from 2019, not all
of this will be available to MNOs.
T-Mobile also aims to acquire more mmWave spectrum in the
28GHz and 24GHz bands during auctions in November and                                         Network capacity
December, to supplement its current holdings. These bands will                  3.4     3.8    4.2     4.6      5.0
be used for high-speed hotspots, rather than nationwide
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                              5

Key benefits

                            1                                                    2                                         3
       5G will deliver superior network                              Use 600MHz spectrum to                 Continue to grow market share
                 performance                                      deliver nationwide 5G coverage                 as market disruptor
                                                                              in 2020

      5G network will enable T-Mobile to                         T-Mobile will use its 600MHz spectrum     T-Mobile will build on its current LTE
      deliver mobile traffic at a lower cost per                 asset to deliver nationwide 5G coverage   network speed leadership1 success,
      bit and improve customer satisfaction.                     in 2020. T-Mobile is the only North       leverage its upcoming 5G launch and
      The long-term partnership with Nokia                       American MNO with dedicated sub-          continue network innovations together
      will support T-Mobile’s efforts to focus                   1GHz 5G spectrum assets, which are        with its partners, to continue the
      on network improvements, and deploy                        perfect for wide-area coverage            industry disruptor strategy and grow
      5G hardware, allowing it to successfully                   compared to the mid-band or mmWave        market share.
      compete with its larger competitors.                       spectrum. It has aggressively deployed
                                                                 this band in over 1500 cities and town
                                                                 in 37 states and Puerto Rico

1   T-Mobile US reports Third Quarter 2018 Results
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share

                   FURTHER INFORMATION
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                              7

Solution approach: The NSA option 3x architecture will enable T-Mobile to deploy
5GNR quickly, leveraging existing LTE network
To reduce deployment time and costs, T-Mobile will use NSA               Figure 3: NSA architecture scenarios
option 3x architecture leveraging dual-connectivity to create a
smooth experience.
T-Mobile will initially deploy its 5G network using NSA option 3x
architecture where the 4G core, i.e. evolved packet core (EPC) is
used instead of the 5G core. There are three possible                       Option 3                                Option 3a           Option 3x
configurations within option 3, shown in Figure 3.
The advantages of NSA architecture are the reduced complexity            EPC                              EPC                     EPC
and rapid time-to-market, which allows MNOs to deploy 5GNR
alongside existing LTE infrastructure, without the need to deploy
                                                                                                                        S1-U              S1-U
the more complex 5G core. Given the dual connectivity scenario,
there will be virtually no delay in moving from one radio access
technology (RAT) to another, unlike the ‘interRAT’ procedure used               X2                                                       X2
during handover between 3G and 4G radio technologies that                LTE           5GNR                   LTE          5GNR   LTE            5GNR
created delay and on occasion, dropped call.
Contrary to option 3 and 3a, option 3x allows 5G new radio (NR)
to be connected simultaneously to both the EPC and the LTE cell
via the traffic plane S1-U and the X2 interfaces, respectively. This
serves to reduce the need for backhaul and 4G hardware capacity
upgrade. The control plane always terminates at the LTE cell.
In option 3, the LTE site must carry all the 5GNR traffic and            Key:
therefore a hardware upgrade to the site and the backhaul would                               Traffic plane
be required. Option 3a splits the traffic flow at the EPC and                                 Control plane
therefor no capacity processing is required at the LTE site.
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                                     8

Further reading

 Type                   Title                                                       Author(s)          Link

                        5G new radio delivers mechanisms to permit use cases                           http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Co
 Comment                                                                            Roberto Kompany
                        that require ultra reliability and low latency                                 mments/5g-new-radio-rma18/

                        Three critical enablers of 5G: adoption patterns in small   Caroline Gabriel   http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Rep
 Strategy report
                        cells, cloud-RAN and SONs                                   Roberto Kompany    orts/5G-technology-enablers-RMA18/

 Strategy report        5G transport network: x-haul architecture is needed to                         http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Sho
                                                                                    Roberto Kompany
                        meet future mobile traffic challenges                                          rt-reports/5G-xhaul-architecture-rma18-rma07/

 Forecast report        Next-generation wireless: vEPC forecast 2017–2021           Roberto Kompany

                        The US broadband market is underserved; Verizon’s 5G                           http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Co
 Comment                                                                            Roberto Kompany
                        FWA launch should trigger increased competition                                mments/Verizon-5G-FWA-RMA18/

                        MulteFire: vendors have an opportunity to accelerate                           www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Short-
 Strategy report                                                                    Roberto Kompany
                        small-cell deployment in unlicensed spectrum                                   reports/MulteFire-small-cells-RMA18/

 Strategy report        Massive MIMO antennas: gigabit LTE and 5G will drive        Roberto Kompany    http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Sho
                        market expansion, but MNOs must tread with care                                rt-reports/massive-MIMO-antennas-RMA18/
 Strategy report        Next-generation wireless network investment: LTE will       Roberto Kompany    http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Rep
                        fill the 5G gap for operators and vendors                                      orts/5G-gap-LTE-RMA18/
 Case study             Telefónica: a new approach to rural network                 Roberto Kompany    http://www.analysysmason.com/Research/Content/Cas
                        transformation                                                                 e-studies/telefonica-rural-connectivity-rma18/
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                                                   9

About the author

                        Roberto Kompany (Senior Analyst) is a member of Analysys Mason’s Telecoms Software and Networks research team and is the lead analyst
                        for the Next-Generation Wireless Networks research programme focusing on strategy and market research. He is also a Cambridge Wireless
                        Special Interest Group (SIG) mobile broadband (MBB) champion and a regular speaker at industry events. Prior to joining Analysys Mason,
                        Roberto worked for Dixons Carphone, where he analysed the effect on the business of shifts in the telecoms market – for example, in terms of
                        mergers, operator KPIs and technology – in Europe and the UK. Previous positions included consultancy, where he helped a variety of clients
                        worldwide with mobile-related projects, such as a capex reduction and developing a 5-year strategy for an incumbent’s wireless infrastructure.
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share                                                                        10

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Analysys Mason’s consulting services and research portfolio              Consulting
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                                                                         Our sector specialists understand the distinct local challenges
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T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share   11

Research from Analysys Mason
T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share   12

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T-Mobile 5G strategy: an opportunity to innovate and grow market share

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