Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds

Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Service Unit
 Product Manager Guide
2021 Fall Product Program

Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Volunteer and
                                                                       Parent Resources
          Table of Contents
                                                                        The Product Program Team
  Important Dates and Deadlines............3            | 800-632-6894
  SUPM Responsibilities ...........................4
                                                                Heather Bounds
  Troop Level Responsibilities..................5               Product Program Director | Ext. 3115
  Girl and Parent Responsibilities.............7                3434 One Place, Jonesboro, AR 72404
  IRG Program Participation.....................8
  Program partners and Products............9                    Leigh Ann Ritchey
                                                                Product Program Specialist | Ext. 5840
                                                                1200 W. Walnut St. Ste. 1300. Rogers, AR 72756
  Operation Gratitude...............................11
  M2OS Dashboard Overview..................12                   Product Program Specialist | Ext. 6241
  Financial Info and Best Practices.........14                  11311 Arcade Drive , Little Rock, AR 72212

                                                                Call or email us! General email response time is
                                                                24-48 hours. During high volume times, response
                                                                time may be longer.

                                          Fall Product Resources
                                                                Girl Scouts - Diamonds Website
                                                                • Cookies+ Page
                                                                • Volunteer Essentials
                                                                • Safety Activity Check Points

                                                                • Girl Scouts – Diamonds Product Swap
                                                                • Girl Scouts – Diamonds Facebook Page
M2 Media Group
• Fall Product Program Troop Training                           Paper Materials                        • Girl Sales Order Card
                                                                • Start Up Flyer
                                                                • Troop Information Envelope
                                                                • Receipt Booklet
Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Important Dates & Deadlines
Aug. 19, 2021          SUPM training
Sept. 17, 2021         Volunteer access to M2OS
Sept. 24, 2021         In-person and online sales begin – parent access to M2OS
Oct. 8, 2021           Deadline to enter troop bank account info and delivery station address
Oct. 22, 2021          Troop penny draft

Oct. 24, 2021          In-person order taking ends
                       Girl/Parent nut and reward order entries due in M2OS by 11:59pm CST
Oct. 25, 2021          Troop and SUPM access to enter girl orders in M2OS opens

Oct. 26, 2021          Troop access to enter girl orders in M2OS closes at 11:59pm CST
Oct. 28, 2021          SUPM access to enter/edit in-person orders closes at 11:59pm CST
Oct. 28, 2021          Online girl-delivered order taking ends
Oct. 29, 2021          Council order submission - no adjustments after this date

Nov. 15, 2021          SU deliveries begin – girls begin delivering to customers
Nov. 20, 2021          SU deliveries end
Nov. 29, 2021          Online direct-ship sales end
Dec. 1, 2021           Girl reward selection due by 11:59pm CST
Dec. 5, 2021           Final day for girl delivery to customers
                       Final money due to troop
Dec. 7, 2021           Parent debt forms due to council

Dec. 17, 2021          Troop draft
January 2022           Reward shipments to service units
                       SUPM distributes rewards to troops in a timely manner

                                Benefits of Participation
New Girl Scouts                                         Troop Leaders
⚬ Establish a customer base for cookies                 ⚬ Get girls registered earlier in the year
		 ★ First year Girl Scouts have lower average          ⚬ Fall Product is easy and lower stress than cookies
		 cookie sales                                         ⚬ Additional troop funds to start up the year
⚬ Become familiar with order taking                     		 ★ Traditional proceeds: 11% on every item
⚬ Parents become familiar with Troop Product            		 ★ Opt-out* Proceeds (no rewards): 13% on every item
 Manager                                                		 *Opt-out is only available for Cadette, Senior and
                                                              Ambassador levels.
Returning Girl Scouts
⚬ Additional money earning activity                     Service units
⚬ Free week of camp at lower gross sales                ⚬ Service Unit growth bonus of $200 with 10% sales growth
 value than cookies                                      from 2020 program
                                                        ⚬ Early knowledge of returning girls for recruitment goals
Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
SUPM Responsibilities for Fall Product
Train and Support Troop Product                                Coordinate Product Delivery and
Managers:                                                      Rewards Distribution
   ⚬ Review the No Sell List prior to distributing                ⚬ Plan and coordinate troop pickup schedule and
   sales materials to volunteers. Notify leaders of               process. Inform Troop Product Managers.
   any parents within the SU who are ineligible to                ⚬ Recruit volunteers to help sort troop orders.
   participate in Product Programs. Materials should
                                                                  ⚬ Be available to coordinate nut/candy delivery
   not be given to anyone on the No Sell list.
                                                                  day. This includes receiving nut/candy delivery.
   ⚬ Host an informative and engaging Troop Leader/               Count and verify amounts are correct. Items
   Troop Product Manager Training. Consider                       received should match delivery ticket. Do not
   recording the training for those who cannot attend             accept more product than what is on the delivery
   at the scheduled time.                                         ticket. Make notations with delivery driver if there
   ⚬ Be enthusiastic about the program. Encourage                 are missing/damaged products. Sign delivery
   troops and girls to participate and then help keep             ticket.
   them motivated.                                                ⚬ Distribute troop orders to Troop Product
   ⚬ Collect signed Troop Product Manager                         Managers. Orders should be counted and
   Agreements prior to distributing materials.                    confirmed together. Receipt the transfer of
   ⚬ If applicable, train IRG parents and collect signed          product from SU to troop. Both parties must sign
   Parent Permission Forms prior to distributing girl             receipt.
   sales materials.                                               ⚬ Receive rewards for the service unit. Sort and
   ⚬ Distribute sales materials to troops: girl sales             distribute to troops in a timely manner
   packets, money envelopes, troop information                    ⚬ Demonstrate and enforce the writing of receipts
   envelope, and receipt booklets. If you do not have             whenever products, money, and rewards exchange
   enough materials, contact                                      hands to all volunteers and parents.
   ⚬ Act as the first point of contact for Troop               Be proficient in M2OS (Online Fall
   Leaders/Troop Product Managers when they                    Product Management System)
   have questions or concerns. Maintain open
   communication between leaders and Product                      ⚬ Volunteer access begins September 17, 2021.
   Program Staff.                                                 You will receive an email invitation to setup your
                                                                  account. Returning users should verify their
   ⚬ Keep leaders apprised of any changes and
                                                                  contact information and update, if necessary.
   deadlines through the program.
                                                                  ⚬ Create your Me2 avatar! With service unit sales,
   ⚬ Secure a delivery location for the nut/candy
                                                                  you will earn your very own personalized Me2
   delivery for the whole service unit. Product
   Program staff will send out the final delivery
   schedule closer to time.                                       ⚬ Enter address for product delivery by the
                                                                  designated deadline. This is a physical location
                                                                  that our warehouse agent will deliver all the
                                                                  service units nuts/candy product to. Someone
                                                                  must be available to accept and sign for products
                                                                  at time of delivery.                      (continued)
Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
⚬ Enter shipping address for rewards delivery              Act as a liaison between the council and
by the designated deadline. Must be a physical             troops
address, no P.O. boxes.
                                                              ⚬ Read all communications sent by Product
⚬ Review troop rosters for accuracy. Contact
                                                              Program staff to be aware of any changes,
Product Program Staff if there are troops or users
                                                              deadlines and promotions throughout the program.
                                                              ⚬ Adhere to all program dates and deadlines.
⚬ Monitor that troops input their banking
information in M2OS by the designated deadline.               ⚬ Review troop Fall Product finances and work
                                                              with the Service Unit Treasurer on ensuring all
⚬ Review troop and girl nut orders and rewards
                                                              money is deposited into accounts in time for the
orders prior to the submission deadline. Be
                                                              Fall Product Draft. If an issue on fund availability
available to make edits or enter orders/reward
                                                              arises, contact Product Program staff immediately.
selections if it is past troop lockout prior to SUPM
⚬ Utilize the M2OS’s reports to verify that all
products and rewards received is correct.

Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Troop Level Requirements and Responsibilities

Troop Product Manager Responsibilities                                  Troop Participation Eligibility
⚬ Host an informative and engaging Girl/Parent Training                        Requirements
  to collect Parent Permission and Responsibility forms
                                                                  ⚬ Troops must have at least two registered
  prior to distributing girl sales materials. Check out the
                                                                    (unrelated) and approved leaders.
  Troop Meeting Guide and Program Activity Guide on
                                                                  ⚬ Troops must have a current bank account and
  our website.
                                                                    financial report on file at the council.
⚬ Monitor that sales material are not given to a girl
                                                                  ⚬ Troop Fall Product Program Managers must be:
  whose parent/caregiver is on the No Sell List or who
                                                                         ⚬ Registered
  has not signed the permission form.
                                                                         ⚬ Background checked
⚬ Be enthusiastic about the program to girls and
                                                                         ⚬ Sign Troop Fall Product Manager
  parents. Reminder! Product Program participation
                                                                           Agreement form
  is girl-led. It is not up to a troop leader to opt out of
                                                                  ⚬ Troop Leaders/Troop Product Managers must
  participation. Troop leaders must support the product
                                                                    be debt-free from the council and without any
  program experience for any girls interested.
                                                                    restrictions in order to coordinate any Product
⚬ Log in and verify contact information is correct
                                                                    Program for their troop. Service Unit Product
  in M2OS. Enter troop banking information by the
                                                                       Manager provide troop leaders with the No
  designated deadline.
                                                                            Sell List of adults with selling
⚬ Have open communication with parents throughout                                       restrictions.
  the program. Send encouraging messages and
  deadline reminders.
⚬ Read all communications sent by Product Program
  staff to be aware of any updates, deadlines, and promotions throughout the program.
⚬ Review or enter girl nut orders and rewards in M2OS by the troop deadline.
⚬ Use the M2OS’s reports to verify that all products and rewards received is correct.
⚬ Pick up the troop’s nut/candy order based on the SUPM instructions. Count products prior to loading, verify
  accuracy and sign receipt.
⚬ Distribute girl nut/candy orders to girl/parent.
⚬ Collect money from girls/parents throughout the program. Money for donation items is due at time of order
  submission. All other money is due at time of delivery to customer.
⚬ Write receipts every time products, money and rewards exchange hands. Both parties, distributing and receiving,
  sign receipts. Provide copy to other party.
⚬ Deposit money frequently into the troop account. Do not hold onto money for an extended time. Checks must be
  deposited within a month of the date written. All money should be deposited at least a week prior to the draft
  date to catch any potential hot checks.
⚬ Report any outstanding balances due by parents/caregivers. Complete the Parent Debt Form, include all required
  attachments, and submit to council staff by the deadline.
⚬ Sort and distribute girl rewards. Notify Product Program staff of any missing or damaged items.
⚬ Adhere to all program dates and deadlines.
Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Girl and Parent Requirements & Responsibilities

Girl Participation Eligibility                                 Girl Scout Family Responsibilities
                                                               ⚬ Follow all Safety Activity Checkpoints during in-
• Girls must be registered for the 2022 Girl Scout             person and online sales.
Membership Year.                                               ⚬ Be responsible for all nut/candy items receipted and
• Parent/Caregiver must be debt-free from the council          received from the Troop Product Manager. No returns.
and without any participation restrictions in order for        ⚬ Adhere to all program dates and deadlines.
their daughter to participate. Service Unit Fall Product
                                                               ⚬ Enter in-person orders and select girl rewards
Managers will notify all Troop Product Mangers of
                                                               preferences into M2OS by the deadline.
families that are ineligible to participate.
                                                               ⚬ Pickup nut/candy order from troop per Troop
• Parents/Caregivers are responsible for product
                                                               Product Manager’s instructions.
they have ordered and signed for. Products cannot be
returned.                                                      ⚬ Deliver customer orders in a timely manner. This
                                                               includes girl delivery orders made online.
                                                               ⚬ Be financially responsible for all monies collected
                                                               from in-person orders.
                                                               ⚬ Turn in money frequently to troop. Do not hold onto
                                                               checks or large amounts of money for long periods of
                                                               time. Checks must be deposited within a month of the
                                                               date written. Girl Scouts - Diamonds recommends that
                                                               checks over $20 not be accepted.
                                                               ⚬ Collect customer information for all checks (current
                                                               physical address, two phone numbers, date of birth,
                                                               driver’s license number). Parents should verify that
                                                               the name on the check matches the person writing the
                                                               ⚬ Count all money turned into the troop with the Troop
                                                               Product Manager at the time of exchange. Both parties
                                                               should agree upon the amount and sign a receipt.
                                                               ⚬ Obtain a receipt any time products, money and
                                                               rewards exchange hands. Both parties should sign the
                                                               receipt. Ask for a receipt if it is not automatically given.

Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Independently Registered Girl Scout
                    (IRG) Program Participation
What is an IRG and How Do They Participate?                                       IRG Program Credit Chart

An IRG (Individually Registered Girl Scout), sometimes called a Juliette, is     Items         Program       Program Credits
                                                                                 Sold *        Credits       Opt-out Option**
a registered Girl Scout who chooses to participate in Girl Scouting outside
                                                                                 1-9           $0            $0
of the troop experience. An IRG has the same opportunity as any other
Girl Scout to participate in Product Programs. Instead of a troop leader         10-19         $10           $20
coordinating the program for them, it is the responsibility of the SUPM to       20-29         $15           $25
coordinate and manage the program for all IRGs within their service area.
                                                                                 30-39         $20           $30
If a SUPM is unsure if there are IRGs in your service unit, please connect
with your Council Placement Specialist to receive a roster.                      40-49         $25           $35
                                                                                 50-59         $30           $40
As a SUPM, you are the main contact for an IRG and her parent during the         60-69         $35           $45
Product Program. A SUPM responsibilities to a managing an IRG and her
                                                                                 70-79         $40           $50
parent are as follows:
⚬ Provides training on program and communicates dates and deadlines.             80-89         $45           $55
  Provide parent the IRG Participation Information flyer, found on council       90-99         $50           $60
  website, for their reference.
                                                                                 100-109       $55           $65
⚬ Collects Parent Permission Form, then distributes sales materials.
                                                                                 110-119       $60           $70
⚬ Is available for questions and concerns regarding the program.
⚬ Receives the girl nut and reward order and either reviews or enters it in      120-129       $65           $75
  M2OS by the deadline.                                                          130-139       $70           $80
⚬ Receives money from parent for in-person sales.                                140-149       $75           $85
⚬ Works with the SUT on depositing money into the SU bank account.
                                                                                 150-159       $80           $90
⚬ Writes up and submits a Parent Debt Form on any parents who are
  delinquent on turning in money.                                                160-169       $85           $95

⚬ Distributes rewards at end of program.                                         170-179       $90           $100
                                                                                 180-189       $95           $105

Additional Things to know About IRGs:                                            190-199       $100          $120
1. IRGs are assigned to a unique group/troop number within the SU in the         200-209       $105          $115
   Diamonds membership system. This number will correlate to where they
                                                                                 210-219       $110          $120
   will be in M2OS.
2. Even though all IRGs within a service unit are collective in a group/         210-229       $115          $125

   troop number, they do not earn troop proceeds. In compliance with             230-239       $120          $130
   GSUSA’s policies, all girls who are not in the troop pathway will not         240-249       $125          $135
   receive individual proceeds.
                                                                                 250-259       $130          $140
3. The council will draft the service unit bank account for the IRG’s total
   sales amount. No proceeds will be left in the account.                        260-269       $135          $145
4. IRGs earn program credits in lieu of proceeds. These credits are awarded      270-279       $140          $150
   to a girl based on a sliding scale. See IRG Program Credits Chart for
                                                                                 280-289       $145          $155
   details. All program credits will be loaded onto a Traditional Diamonds
   Dollar card. Use of those credits will be in alignment with how               290-299       $150          $160

   Traditional Diamonds Dollars can be redeemed.                               Sales past 300 items will continue to earn Program
5. IRG sales do contribute to SU participation goals and the sales growth      Credits based on the sliding scale increments.
                                                                               *Includes nut/candy items and mags sold traditionally
                                                                               and online from September 24 - November 29.
                                                                               **Available to Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador levels.

Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds
Program Partners and Products

• Nuts
• Chocolates
• 16 items offered on the order card
• More items offered online!
         • Mocha Cups
         • Holiday Tins filled with chocolate
         • Caramel apples
         • Ruby Medley
         • And more!

• Top magazine subscription agency
• All printed magazines ship directly to the customer
• Option for digital subscriptions
• No additional fees!

                                                Create a Me2 Avatar that looks just like you!
                                                • Choose from over 3 billion feature combinations
                                                • Add a personalized voice recording to your avatar
                                                • Visit your avatar’s room and earn virtual rewards

Service Unit Product Manager Guide 2021 Fall Product Program - Girl Scouts Diamonds

Girl Recognitions
Girls can earn these two special
patches with their name and avatar
on them!
⚬ Fall Personalized patch
  ⚬ Create Me2 avatar
  ⚬ Send 15+ emails
  ⚬ Sell $350+ in total Fall Sales

⚬ Cookie Crossover Patch
  ⚬ Earn the Fall Personalized Patch
  ⚬ Sell 350+ packages during the
    2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program

Volunteer Recognitions
Earn the Me2 Volunteer Patch!
⚬ Troop leader earns patch with $1300
  in total troop sales
⚬ SUPM earns patch with SU participation

Operation Gratitude

Operation Gratitude is a service project benefiting military personnel.

The mission of Operation Gratitude is to forge strong
bonds between Americans and their military and first
responder heroes through volunteer service projects,
acts of gratitude, and meaningful engagements in
communities nationwide.

To support this effort, a Girl Scout’s customer has the
option to purchase nuts for $6. The nuts will be added
to care packages for our military troops through
Operation Gratitude! Girls selling 5 or more donation
items will receive a Share patch!

Learn more at

M2OS Service Unit Dashboard Overview

Service Unit Dashboard
⚬ CAMPAIGN METRICS - An overview of
the Service Unit’s campaign broken down
into categories. Note: after the initial login
the campaign metrics will be hidden and
users will have to select the “Hide/View
Campaign Metrics” button to view.

⚬ EDIT AVATAR - Create a personalized
avatar that looks just like you! This is the
avatar that will be on the personalized
patch that you may earn.

⚬ YOUR PATCH - A mockup of your Me2 personalized patch plus the location that the patch will be
mailed to once earned. SUPMs earn the personalized patch with service unit participation in the Fall
Product Program.

⚬ CHANGE ROLE - Since all dashboards are accessible from one email address, a user has the ability
to switch between Dashboards. If the user has more than one service unit or troop, they can change
between service units and troops on the Choose Campaign page.

Troop Training Video -View the Troop Training Video that troop leaders are required to watch before
accessing the M2OS.

⚬ Send Messages - Email one or more troops within the service unit. Can be narrowed down to specific
categories based on actions troop have or have not taken.

⚬ Manage Service Unit, Troops and Girl Scouts - Where Service Unit user can view and manage the
Service Unit delivery details for products and rewards, and review troops and girl rosters. User can also
manage extra product, view Sales Reports, Payments, and girls’ personalized avatars from these tabs by
clicking the +.

⚬ Manage Admin Users - service unit user can view and manage all Troop and Admin Level users in the
service unit, see if the Troop Training video has been watched, and the user’s last login date. User can
also reset volunteer passwords by clicking the +.

⚬ Banking and Payments - Financial transactions for troops are visible here. View girls and manage their

⚬ Reports - Service unit users can view, print, email and save reports for all troops and girls in the service
unit (see reports section for more details).

⚬ Troop Summary/Amount Due Report- Navigates the service unit user directly to the Troop Summary
Report tab.

⚬ Delivery Tickets - After orders are submitted, view and print delivery tickets for products and rewards
for troops and girls. Delivery tickets can act as receipts when product or rewards exchange hands.

⚬ Paper Order Entry - Add/edit orders girls receive in person on their order cards for each troop/girl
within the service unit. Direct shipped items and girl delivered items are automatically added to each
girl’s order.

⚬ Manage Extra Products - Service unit user can order additional product for the service unit. Extra
product can be ordered for specific troops by going to the “Manage Troops” tab, clicking the + next to the
troop number, and selecting “Manage Extra Product”.

⚬ Personalized Patches - Service unit user can view and manage girls who earn personalized patches in
the service unit. Edit shipping information and view the production status of personalized patches.

Delivery Tickets
Delivery tickets will be available after the council submits
the final nut/candy order and rewards order.

Service unit users can pull and print these tickets to assist
with product sorting and distribution to troops and girls.
There is also the option to include financials with product
totals notify troops or girls of their financial obligations.

Delivery tickets can be used as receipts to document the
movement of product from one person’s responsibility to
another. Both parties should receive a copy of the signed
delivery ticket if used for receipting.

Receipt Booklets
In addition to delivery tickets, volunteers have the option
of using receipt booklets to document the movement of
product and/or money. These receipt booklets are provided
in the shipment of sales materials to Service Unit Product
Managers to distribute to troops. Booklets are two-ply
so it is easy to distribute copies of signed receipts to the
receiving party for their records.

You can find the Troop view and Girl view details in our
resources on our website
Financial Info and Best Practices

General Financial Information:

⚬ It’s very important to adhere to all deadlines.

⚬ The person(s) signing the Parent Permission and Responsibility form is financially responsible for all girl monies
collected until it is transferred and receipted to the troop. If a girl is in a split household where both parents want to
support and guide their Girl Scout in the program, both parents should complete a form.

⚬ The person(s) signing the Troop Product Manager Agreement form is financially responsible for all monies
collected until deposited into the troop account. If multiple people are acting as Troop Product Manager, multiple
agreements should be completed.

⚬ It is recommended that parents turn in money to the troop weekly, or as often as needed, to prevent holding onto
large amounts of money.

⚬ Volunteers should deposit collected girl money into the troop/service unit account weekly, or more often if
needed, to prevent holding onto large amounts of money.

⚬ Volunteers need to have final monies deposited into the troop/service unit account at the minimum one week
prior to the draft date. This will allow all funds to clear through the bank preventing draft bounce backs.

⚬ Parents/Volunteers should not store money in vehicles or homes. Lost or stolen money remains their

⚬ Product equals money. All missing product is the financial responsibility of the person who signed for the
product last.

⚬ Never allow someone to store your product without signing it over to them with a receipt.

⚬ Always give a receipt when accepting money or product and always get a receipt when depositing money. Having
two adults to help with counting money, completing deposit slips, and writing receipts for money collected will act
as check and balance for accurate deposits.

⚬ Keep all receipts and other documentation from the Product Program. This is needed to complete the Product
Program, for financials, and in case a debt form should be written.

Financial Info and Best Practices (continued)

Written Checks - Important Information and Best Practices:

⚬ All checks must be deposited within 30 days of receipt.

⚬ Person accepting the check should always verify that the person writing the check is the person who owns the
check. It is recommended that checks not be accepted for over $20.

⚬ When accepting checks, the below information should be obtained and written onto the check:

    ⚬ Current physical address (not PO Box)
    ⚬ Phone number
    ⚬ Driver’s License Number
    ⚬ Date of Birth

⚬ To ensure all checks have successfully cleared and posted to the troop or service unit bank account, deposited at
the minimum one week prior to the drafting date.

⚬ CheckAlert handles “hot checks” for troops and service units. If a troop is new, ensure a CheckAlert form is on file
with CheckAlert prior to accepting checks. Returning troops only need to resubmit a form if contact information,
email address, street address, bank account, or account signers change.

Parent Debt - Important Information and Best Practices:

⚬ Parent Debt Forms should be submitted for any parent who has an outstanding balance due to troop by December
7, 2021. Doing so prevents financial responsibility falling onto the Troop Product Manager.

⚬ When submitting a debt form be sure to include mandatory supporting documents - Parent Permission and
Responsibility Form and all product/money receipts. Forms submitted without supporting documents will be
rejected and the troop draft will not be adjusted.

⚬ Submit form and supporting documents to Product Program staff by December 7, 2021. Forms must be received
and reviewed by staff by a designated date so that troop drafts can be adjusted. See first page of Parent Debt Form
for detailed instructions.

You can also read