Page created by Nathaniel Frank




                 WITHIN THE
                    AREA       1
GROWING TOGETHER                                                     GROWING TOGETHER
Growing Together is a community education guide for
parents/caregivers, families, children and youth listing
courses, groups and workshops available in Hamilton from
September to December 2022.                                          WORKSHOPS AND
                                                                     COURSES FOR:
Offered by a variety of local community agencies, the
programs and services published in this guide are
designed to help parents, children, youth and others learn           1    Expectant Parents:
                                                                          Prenatal Courses
new skills to better meet the challenges facing today’s

families. Please direct any questions about a particular                  ATELIERS, CLASSES et
listing to the listing contact in the program description.                CENTRES de JEUX
                                                                          disponsibles en Francais

                                                                     3    Parents/Caregivers of
                                                                          Children 0-12 Years

                                                                     7    Parents/Caregivers of
                                                                          Children and Teens

                                                                     13   Children and Teens

                                                                     18   Adults

         This star means the course is an “evidence-
         based intervention”. That means the course
         has been developed by professionals, uses a
         manual to provide consistent learning, and has
         been evaluated for effectiveness.

 DISCLAIMER: Courses in this guide are offered by a variety
 of agencies and services across our community. If you have a
 question about one of these courses, please call the number
 listed in the course offering. Inclusion of a group or program                   For a
 in this guide does not imply endorsement by the Ron Joyce                  list of courses
 Children’s Health Centre and McMaster Children’s Hospital.                 please refer to
 Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of                       the Index
 information in this guide, the Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre            on page 22
 and McMaster Children’s Hospital are not responsible for errors
 or omissions.
Welcome Baby                              Breastfeeding Support                     Right From the Start
Compass Community Health                  Services                                  Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
Until further notice as of December       City of Hamilton                          In this 8 session workshop for moms
2021 - Although there is no group         Healthy & Safe Communities Dept.          and dads of babies under 24 months,
program on site during the Covid 19       Public Health Services                    parents watch video clips, learn
           pandemic, programming          Healthy Families Division                 strategies to figure out what babies are
           benefits, incentives, and      Breastfeeding information, advice, help   “saying” and how to respond in order
           virtual programming still      - prenatal to weaning. (Milk supply,      to foster infant attachment security,
happening to support you and your         pain, latch issues, infant behaviour      prevent future behaviour problems,
family during your pregnancy! Register    at breast, weight concerns, twins/        improve outcomes, and dicuss these
today!                                    premature, weaning/return to work,        issues with leaders and other parents.
Are you Pregnant?                         medications while breastfeeding, etc).    DATES: 8 weekly sessions, starting
                                          Virtual or phone support available.       Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Join a free weekly group for people
                                                                                    Tuesday, October 4, 2022
during their pregnancy and until your     For more information:                     Tuesday, October 11, 2022
babies are 6 months of age to learn       Call Health Connections 905-546-3550      Tuesday, October 18, 2022
about healthy eating, prenatal care,      Or connect via Facebook: “Healthy         Tuesday, October 25, 2022
chest-feeding/breastfeeding and caring    Families Hamilton”                        Tuesday, November 1, 2022
for your baby with a Registered Nurse     Website:                                  Tuesday, November 8, 2022
and Registered Dietitian. Prepare and      Tuesday, November 15, 2022
enjoy a healthy snack and meet other      Email:
pregnant people!                
                                                                                    TIME: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Grocery gift cards and bus tickets
provided. Free childcare during the
                                                                                    LOCATION: Ron Joyce Children’s
program is available for children under   Health Connections                        Health Centre, 325 Wellington Street
the age of six.                           Information Line                          North, Hamilton ON, L8L 0A4
To register:                              City of Hamilton Healthy & Safe           To register:
Call Cory Ma, RD, CDE                     Communities Dept.                         Please contact Julie Ellis at
905-523-6611, ext 3047                    Public Health Services                    905-521-2100 ext. 77406 or
                                          Healthy Families Division       
                                          Health Connections information line.
Online Prenatal                           Connect with us to learn about:
City of Hamilton - Healthy & Safe
                                          - Breastfeeding
Communities Dept. - Public Health
                                          - Child safety
Services - Healthy Families Division
This free online prenatal program
                                          - Growth and development
                                          - Healthy eating
                                                                                    Each day of our lives we
covers pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding
and newborn care. The program
                                          - Positive parenting
                                          - Postpartum depression and anxiety
                                                                                         make deposits
includes interactive learning, videos,
and links to resources.
                                          - Preparing for a healthy pregnancy
                                          - Healthy Babies visiting program
                                                                                     in the memory banks
For more information:
                                          For more information:                          of our children.
                                          Call Health Connections at
                                          905-546-3550                                          
                                                                                             Charles R. Swindoll

Cours post-natal en yoga                Programme de soutien                       Programme Bon début
Centre de Santé Communataire            parental                                   Centre de Santé Communataire
Hamilton Niagara                                                                   Hamilton Niagara
                                        Centre de Santé Communataire
Ce cours enseigne la relaxation de la   Hamilton Niagara                           Cette série d’ateliers porte sur les
mère et de son bébé – augmente les                                                 habiletés parentales, l’éducation, la
                                        Le CSCHN offre des activités de groupe
expériences sensoriels du bébé et                                                  sécurité et l’alimentation saine des
                                        et des consultations individuelles
améliore le développement du système                                               enfants.
                                        destinés à la famille ou aux tuteurs
nerveux du nourrisson.                  d’enfants. Ces activités ont pour but      - La dépression postpartum
Les nouvelles mamans et leur bébé âgé   de soutenir le parent, et d’acquérir       - L’attachement parent/enfant
de moins de 12 mois peuvent suivre le   des compétences parentales. Nos
cours.                                  interventions permettent à la famille      - Les brûlures
                                        de mieux comprendre et de s’occuper        - La noyade
Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez
                                        des problèmes de comportements et
communiquer avec nous au                                                           - L’empoisonnement
                                        de la santé mentale d’un enfant ou d’un
905-528-0163 poste 3230.                                                           - La sécurité alimentaire
                                        Les services du programme de soutien       - L’alimentation saine de la mère et les
                                        parental sont conçus pour améliorer        nourrissons
                                        l’aptitude des enfants et des jeunes à     - La sensibilisation sur les maladie
Programme Canadien de                   fonctionner grâce à:                       chroniques consécutives à l’obésité
Nutrition Prénatale (PCNP)              - une amélioration de la sensibilisation   Les ateliers s’adressent aux nouvelles
Centre de Santé Communataire            et de la compréhension du problème         mamans et leur jeune enfant âgé de 0
Hamilton Niagara                        - la promotion de dépistage précoce        à 6 ans.
Ce programme vise à éduquer les         - une intervention précoce efficace, en    Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez
nouvelles mamans sur une saine          temps opportun                             communiquer avec nous au
interaction mères/enfants et comporte                                              905-528-0163 poste 3230.
                                        - la réduction du besoin d’une
des cours prénataux, des suivis
                                        intervention plus intensive et
nutritionnels ainsi que des visites à
domicile postnatales. Le programme                                                 Parlons de nos nourrissons
comprend:                               - l’acquisition de compétences des
                                        parents ou des fournisseurs de soins.      Centre de Santé Communataire
-La promotion d’un comportement sain                                               Hamilton Niagara
durant la grossesse                     Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez
                                        communiquer avec nous:                     Cette série d’ateliers pour les mamans
- La préparation à l’accouchement                                                  et leur bébé comprend les thèmes
- L’allaitement maternel                                                           suivants:
- La sensibilisation à la dépression                                               - La sécurité de nos petits
                                                                                  - L’introduction des solides
- Les soins de la mère et du bébé                                                  - Les premiers soins
suivant la naissance                    Crois que tu le peux et tu                 - La dépression postpartum
Le programme est désigné aux futures
mamans et leur bébé jusqu’à 1 an et à   es à la moitié du chemin.                  Les ateliers s’adressent aux nouvelles
                                                                                   mamans et leur bébé âgé de 0 à 12
leur partenaire.
Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez
                                                                                  mois.
                                                                                   Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez
communiquer avec nous au                         Theodore Roosevelt                communiquer avec nous au
905-528-0163 poste 3230.
                                                                                   905-528-0163 poste 3230.

The ABC’s of CSB (Online)                   Circle of Security Parenting              COPEing with Toddler
THRIVE Child and Youth Trauma               Group                                     Behaviour
Services                                    Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre        Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
The ABC’s of CSB (Concerning                In this 8 session workshop for moms       In this 8 session workshop for moms
Sexualized Behaviours) is a two-part        and dads of children 6 months to 6        and dads of toddlers 12-36 months
online educational course for parents/      yers, participants watch video clips,     old, parents watch video clips, learn
caregivers of children (ages 11 and         learn strategies to enhance the parent-   strategies to prevent and respond to
under) with concerning sexualized           child attachment relationship and         challenging behaviour, and discuss
behaviours.                                 improve child behaviour, and discuss      these issues with the leaders and other
Participants will benefit from having the   these issues with leaders and other       parents.
opportunity to increase their knowledge     parents.                                  DATES: 8 weekly sessions, starting
about child sexual development and          DATES: 8 weekly sessions, starting
how to support and respond to a child                                                 Saturday, September 17, 2022
                                            Wednesday, October 12, 2022
who is exhibiting concerning sexualized     Wednesday, October 19, 2022               Saturday, September 24, 2022
behaviours.                                 Wednesday, October 26, 2022               Saturday, October 1, 2022
For more information:                       Wednesday, November 9, 2022
                                                                                      Saturday, October 15, 2022
Please visit Thrive’s website at            Wednesday, November 16, 2022 to review        Wednesday, November 23, 2022              Saturday, October 22, 2022
eligibility criteria.                       Wednesday, November 30, 2022              Saturday, October 29, 2022
                                            Wednesday, December 7, 2022
If eligible, please email                                                             Saturday, November 5, 2022 or      TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm                     Saturday, November 12, 2022
call (905) 523-1020 ext. 212.
                                            LOCATION: Ron Joyce Children’s            TIME: 9:30am - 11:30am
                                            Health Centre, 325 Wellington Street
Practical Parenting                         North, Hamilton ON, L8L 0A4               LOCATION: Ron Joyce Children’s
Solutions (Online)                          To register:                              Health Centre, 325 Wellington Street
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre          Visit the Community Education             North, Hamilton ON, L8L 0A4
This is a virtual educational session for   Registration Link                         To register:
parents and caregivers. Our focus will      or contact Julie Ellis at                 Visit the Community Education
be on introducing effective everyday        905-521-2100 ext. 77406                   Registration Link
practical parenting solutions. These
strategies are well known to reduce                                                   or contact Julie Ellis at
conflict, gain compliance and increase                                                905-521-2100 ext. 77406
your parenting confidence.                  Dealing with Challenging        

Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before      Behaviours Triple P
start date. Please check your junk/spam     Discussion Group Ages 2-6                 Group Triple P Ages 2-6
folders.                                    City of Hamilton                          City of Hamilton
DATE/TIME:                                  Healthy & Safe Communities Dept.          Healthy & Safe Communities Dept.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at            Public Health Services                    Public Health Services
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm                           Healthy Families Division                 Healthy Families Division
OR                                                                                    Are you having trouble with your child’s
                                            Triple P Discussion Groups are 2-hour     behaviour? Triple P Positive Parenting
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at              workshops for parents who are
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm                                                                    Program is a 9 week program for
                                            experiencing challenges in a specific     parents interested in learning ways
To register:                                area.                                     to build a positive relationship with
Visit the Community Education               Program is currently ON HOLD -            their child and strategies to respond to
Registration Link                           Relaunching in 2023.                      challenging behaviours.
Questions?                                  For more information:                     For more information:
                                                                                      Call Health Connections at
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email           Call Health Connections at
                                                                                      905-546-3550 for upcoming dates/                905-546-3550.
                                                                                      times and to register.

Toileting Readiness and                    Children’s Sleep Problems                  Understanding the
Skill Enhancement                          and Developing Healthy                     Mysteries of Children’s
Workshop (Online)                          Habits Workshop (Online)                   Behaviour Workshop
                                           Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre-        (Online)
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre-        Specialized Development and
Specialized Development and                                                           Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre-
                                           Behaviour Services Team                    Specialized Development and
Behaviour Services Team
                                           A good night’s sleep is important to       Behaviour Services Team
Intended for parents who are thinking      healthy growth and development of
about beginning to toilet train their                                                 Learn how to identify and understand
                                           young children. This workshop will         what your child is trying to
young children. Prepare your family        help review how you can ensure your
for success by establishing your                                                      communicate to you thorough their
                                           family is getting the rest they need.      behaviour. Families will learn how to
child’s readiness skills, collecting       Helping you establish a good bedtime
data, and creating a plan. Focusing                                                   identify the function of your child’s
                                           routine, understanding sleep hygiene       negative behaviour and teach practical
on motivation and reinforcement            and how to create healthy sleep habits
to help support successful learning                                                   strategies to help you and your child
                                           in your home. We will help identify        prepare for, plan, and teach new skills
opportunities. Additional strategies       where your child’s sleep problems may
and recommendations to help support                                                   to increase positive behaviour.. You will
                                           be occurring within the routine and        learn positive parenting strategies, to
children with speech and language or       provide practical strategies to help.
developmental delays.                                                                 help establishing boundaries, routines
                                           DATES/TIMES:                               and clear expectations to set both you
DATES/TIMES:                                                                          and your child up for success.
                                           September 21, 2022 at 9:30am or;
October 12, 2022 at 9:30am or;                                                        DATES/TIMES:
December 6, 2022 at 1:30pm                 November 24, 2022 at 1:30pm
                                                                                      September 13, 2022 at 9:30am or;
To register:                               To register:
                                                                                      November 8, 2022 at 1:30pm
Please email Leave           Please email Leave
the name of the workshop you want          the name of the workshop you want          To register:
to register for, your name, your           to register for, your name, your           Please email
child’s first and last name, birth date,   child’s first and last name, birth date,   Leave the name of the workshop you
telephone number and email address to      telephone number and email address to      want to register for, your name, your
contact you.                               contact you.                               child’s first and last name, birth date,
                                                                                      telephone number and email address to
Picky Eating When                                                                     contact you.
Children Won’t Eat and
How to Help (Online)                       Hamilton FASD Resource
                                           Team                                       Children’s Breakfast Club
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre-                                                   Compass Community Health
Specialized Development and                Hamilton FASD Collaborative
                                                                                      Open to children, parents and families
Behaviour Services Team                    The Hamilton FASD Resource Team            every school day from 7:45am to
                                           provides Community Education               9:15am at Compass Community
Early Childhood Specialists and
                                           Training: (Part 1 FASD: Foundations        Health (438 Hughson St. N). This is a
Occupational Therapists will provide
                                           and Part 2 FASD: Next Steps),              supervised space for children to spend
a 2 hour virtual workshop to help you
                                           Inservices and Case Conferences.           time before school and a nutritious, hot
understand: how complicated feeding/
                                           The team focuses on promoting best         breakfast is provided for children.
eating is, why children may struggle
                                           practices for individuals with Fetal
to eat, and how to help children to eat                                               To register:
                                           Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
better!                                                                               Contact: Leah Janzen 905-523-6611
                                           To register:                               ext. 3006,
                                           Call 905-570-8888,                         OR Mariko Bown-Kai 905-523-6611
October 6, 2022 at 1:30pm                  email, social         ext. 2084,
To register:                               media @fasdhamiltonca, or visit
Please email Leave 
the name of the workshop you want
to register for, your name, your
child’s first and last name, birth date,
telephone number and email address.
SNAP Program                               Temper Tantrums vs.                         Why Little Kids Worry
Banyan Community Services                  Meltdowns - Is There                        (Online)
The SNAP program is for children           Really a Difference?                        Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
between the ages of 6 to 11 years who
are experiencing behavioural problems      (Online)                                    An educational session for caregivers
at home, school, or in the community.      Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre          to begin to identify what causes anxiety
Through both individual and group                                                      in their young child, and how it affects
                                           This is a virtual educational session for   their child’s daily life. Caregivers are
work, children & their families learn      parents and caregivers. After the age
and practice self-control and problem                                                  introduced to some basic child coping
                                           of two we expect our children to stop       strategies for anxiety.
solving.                                   having temper tantrums. You may have
For more information:                      a child that is well beyond toddler years   Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
To register please call 905-544-7778.      who still has a hard time controlling       start date. Please check your junk/spam
A Child and Family Worker will return      their emotions. In this workshop we         folders.
your call and complete a screening for     will explore the difference between         DATE: Monday, September 12, 2022
the program.                               tantrums and meltdowns and identify         TIME: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                                           some strategies for managing these
                                                                                       To register:
                                           behaviours.Zoom link will be sent 1-2
                                                                                       Visit the Community Education
Working it Out Together                    days before start date. Please check
                                                                                       Registration Link
                                           your junk/spam folders.
(Online)                                                                               Questions?
                                           DATE: Thursday, September 8, 2022
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
                                           TIME: 10:00 am - 11:00 am                   Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
This four session virtual course focuses                                     
                                           To register: Visit the Community
on collaborative problem solving to
                                           Education Registration Link
help defuse behaviours and improve
communication. Whether you are             Questions?
dealing with explosive behaviours or       Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                                                                       Why Do I Do That?
a child that shuts down it can make                Handling Impulsivity
parenting more difficult. Spirited
temperaments, understanding what
                                                                                       Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
is behind the child’s behavior, coping
strategies and two-way problem
                                           HEROs                                       This is an introductory educational
solving/communication will be              Women’s Centre of Hamilton                  workshop to help parents and
reviewed.                                  For children (ages 8-12) who’ve             caregivers learn how to identify and
                                           witnessed domestic violence, this           understand impulsive behaviour(s). We
Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
                                           group focuses on the individual gifts,      will explore strategies caregivers can
start date. Please check your junk/spam
                                           abilities and resiliency of each child,     use to support re-directing impulsive
                                           and helps build self-esteem.                behaviour.
DATES: October 18, 2022
                                           To register:                                Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
and October 25, 2022
                                           Please call 905-522-0127.                   start date. Please check your junk/spam
and November 1, 2022
and November 8, 2022
                                                                                       DATE: Thursday, October 27, 2022
TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm                    Managing Fighting and                       TIME: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
To register:                               Aggression: Triple P                        To register:
                                           Discussion Group Ages 2-6                   Visit the Community Education
Visit the Community Education
                                                                                       Registration Link
Registration Link                          City of Hamilton
Questions?                                 Triple P Discussion Groups are 2-hour
                                           workshops for parents who are               Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                           experiencing challenges in a specific
                                           area. Program is currently ON HOLD -
                                           Relaunching in 2023.
                                           Call 905-546-3550 for information.

Mornings Are Chaos:                         Parenting Your Anxious                     LEAF Group (Learning
Managing Routines                           Child (Online)                             Effective Anti-Violence in
(Online)                                    Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre         Families)
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre                                                     Mission Services/Good Shepherd
                                            This is a virtual educational 3 session
This educational session for parents        course. It will provide a brief overview   The L.E.A.F. program provides early
and caregivers will review the basics       of variety of childhood anxiety            intervention group supports for
and benefits of developing consistent       disorders, why children are anxious,       children who have witnessed women
routines and how to best manage             and how it affects them. Parents and       abuse, by offering opportunities to
bedtime, homework and everyday              caregivers will learn strategies for       share their feelings regarding the abuse
routines. Visuals, organizational skills,   coping, improving communication            and violence they have witnessed, in a
pre-planning and transitions will be        and managing anxious and sometimes         creative and supportive environment.
discussed.                                  disruptive behavior that gets in the way   Eligibility: Children, 18 years and
                                            of everyday living.                        younger, who have witnessed women
Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
start date. Please check your junk/spam                                                abuse in their homes; and mothers 16
                                            Zoom Links will be sent 1-2 days           years and older, whose children have
folders.                                    before start date. Please check your       witnessed abuse.
DATE: Monday, December 12, 2022             junk/spam folders.
TIME: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm                                                                For more information:
                                            DATES/TIME: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm on          Call Mission Services at 905-529-8149
To register:                                September 21, 2022                         ext. 108, or Good Shepherd Women’s
Visit the Community Education               and September 28, 2022                     Services at 905-523-8766 ext. 5227.
Registration Link                           and October 5, 2022
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                            DATES/TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm on           Early Words
                                            November 29, 2022                                                           For more information on upcoming
                                            and December 6, 2022
                                                                                       programs on fluency and stuttering
                                            and December 13, 2022
                                                                                       please call 905-381-2828 ext. 224 or
Baby Love                                   To register:                               email
Hamilton Ujima Project offered jointly
                                            Visit the Community Education
through various community agencies
                                            Registration Link
Baby Love is a free, evidence-based                                                    Finding Childcare (Online)
group to support young parents                                                         Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
and caregivers (ages 29 and under)          Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
understand and respond to their baby’s               Childcare can be very beneficial for you
emotional cues. They will learn the                                                    and your child, but it can take some
importance of attachment, how to                                                       work to find the right program!
understand and calm their baby, feel        Temper Tamers (Online)                     This virtual workshop reviews: types
more confident as a parent/caregiver,       Lynwood Charlton Centre                    of licensed early learning settings,
meet new friends, and have the              Does your child (7-12 years old) have      developmental benefits to children,
chance to ask development/parenting         problems with temper or anger?             steps for finding the right early learning
questions. Babies (ages 2-14 months)        This 10 week interactive virtual           setting, childcare subsidies, and
attend with their parents/caregivers.       program includes both a parent             community supports.
Light refreshments and weekly prizes.       orientation and parent-child sessions      DATES/TIMES:
                                            to help with child anger management
WHEN: Tuesdays, September 13 to             issues.                                    October 17, 2022 at 6:30 pm
October 25, 2022, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
                                            DATES: October 11, 2022 – December         December 15, 2022 at 1:30 pm
To register: Contact Kristi at 365-366-     13, 2022
4955 or
                                            TIME: 6:00pm - 8:00pm                      To register:
                                            For more information:                      Email Angela at
WHEN: Thursdays, September 15 to
                                            Contact Lynwood Charlton Centre            Please include your name, your child’s
October 27, 2022, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
                                            Community Groups Coordinator Carrie        first and last name, birth date, and your
To register: Contact Michelle at            Macartney at (905) 971-8267.               telephone number and email address.
(289) 659-5671 or
Courage to Tell Parent/                      Peaceful Practices at                       Parent Connections
Caregiver Education                          Home (Online)                               McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism
Program (Online)                             Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
                                                                                         Connect with other parents and
THRIVE Child and Youth Trauma                This is an educational opportunity for      caregivers who have a child/youth with
Services                                     parents and caregivers. Participants        autism and share similar experiences
Courage to Tell is a two-part virtual        will be introduced to a variety of simple   to you. There will be two virtual
group designed for parents/caregivers        every day techniques and strategies         sessions offered monthly on the
who are dealing with a recent                for reducing stress, clearing the mind,     same evening. Group 1 will support
disclosure of sexual abuse involving         improving focus and decision making.        facilitated group discussion for families
their child/youth.                           A big benefit is that parents and           who have received a new diagnosis
Participants will gain important             caregivers will be able to help teach       and those involved in ABA. Group
knowledge about such areas as how            their children these skills and improve     2 will include thos families who are
to support their child/youth during this     their emotional regulation.                 focusing on the development of their
emotional and challenging time, how to       Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before      child/youth’s social and life skills, and
respond to different questions and/or        start date. Please check your junk/spam     parents/caregivers who have a youth
behaviours, how to navigate their way        folders.                                    transitioning into adult services.
through the process of dealing with          DATE: Thursday, September 22, 2022          These sessions are facilitated by a
their child’s/youth’s disclosure of sexual   TIME: 10:00 am - 11:00 am                   Family Service Coordinator from the
abuse, etc.                                                                              McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism
                                             To register:
For more information:                                                                    Program in partership with a Service
                                             Visit the Community Education
Please visit Thrive’s website                                                            Navigator from Autism Ontario.
                                             Registration Link for                                                           To register: Please contact a Family
eligibility requirements. If eligible,                                                   Service Coordinator at 905-521-2100
please email Janice.floyd@                   Questions?
                                                                                         ext. 78972 or email for additional        Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email 
group information, and details.”                   Visit our website here.

Listen to Understand:                        Helping Children Bounce
The Power of Validation                      Back From Struggles
(Online)                                     (Online)
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
                                             Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
Join us for this parent and caregiver
educational workshop. Validation is a
powerful tool for parents. It helps you
                                             This educational workshop provides
                                             ideas for helping parents and caregivers
                                                                                           Have patience with all
connect with your child/teen and it can
diffuse difficult behavior. They will feel
                                             build resiliency in your child and teen.
                                             We explore potential obstacles, and
                                                                                           things, but first of all
heard and open up more. This will give
you the skills to get you started.
                                             strategies that can increase and build
                                             your child’s potential for resilience.
                                                                                               with yourself.
Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
start date. Please check your junk/spam
                                             Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before                 
                                             start date. Please check your junk/spam
folders.                                     folders.
DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2022             DATE: Wednesday, October 12, 2022                   Saint Francis de Sales
TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm                      TIME: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
To register:                                 To register:
Visit the Community Education                Visit the Community Education
Registration Link                            Registration Link
Questions?                                   Questions?
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email            Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email       
Parents for Children’s                      YourSpace Hamilton:                        Understanding ADHD and
Mental Health (PCMH)                        Online Sessions and                        ADD (Online)
Children’s Mental Health Ontario            Resources for Families                     Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
Are you feeling overwhelmed caring
for a child or youth living with mental     and Youth                                  This is an educational session for
health challenges? You are not alone!       Lynwood Charlton Centre                    parents and caregivers. We will focus
Parents for Children’s Mental Health                                                   on presenting information to help
                                            YourSpace is an online space for youth     parents gain a better understanding of
offers support and information              and families looking for mental health     ADHD and the inattentive subtype of
through informal monthly meetings,          information and supports in Hamilton,      ADHD.
an electronic newsletter or by phone or     Ontario.
email. No registration or membership                                                   Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
required.                                   YourSpace has FREE live online             start date. Please check your junk/spam
                                            sessions for youth and families,           folders.
DATES (Hamilton Chapter): Monthly           archived videos, helpful links,
meetings are held on the third Thursday                                                DATE/TIME: Tuesday, September 13,
                                            information about local resources and
of the month.                                                                          2022 at 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
TIME: 6:30pm - 8:00pm                       For more information:                      DATE/TIME: Monday, November 21,
                                            Visit to          2022 at 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
LOCATION: All meetings are currently        register for upcoming sessions or view
                                            archived recordings. Email                 To register:
being held online.
                                   or call          Visit the Community Education
To register: Contact                        905-389-1361 ext. 288                      Registration Link                                                                      Questions?
find-a-peer-support-chapter/                                                           Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                            Family Nights (Online)
                                            Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice
Family Support Program                                                                 The Courage Collection
                                            Family Nights provides an opportunity
John Howard Society                                                                    THRIVE Child and Youth Trauma
                                            for families to meet like-minded and       Services/Hamilton Public Library
An early intervention program designed      experienced people. Children, youth,
to offer parents with youth aged 12-17      and caregivers who have experienced        Provided in partnership with the
years old the opportunity to share their    the death of a family member or very       Hamilton Public Library, this is a unique
concerns, learn realistic and practical     close friend can join our Family Nights.   and specialized collection of resource
approaches for addressing challenges                                                   materials for children, youth, parents/
faced in raising adolescents today.                                                    caregivers and professionals on topics
                                            All group sessions are held from
Service is offered in individual or group                                              related to child abuse and trauma,
                                            6:30 pm to 8:30 pm on the following
formats.                                                                               self-help, healing and adult survivor of
                                            dates:                                     sexual abuse issues. Free of charge to
For more information:                       October 21, 2022                           individuals and families in Ontario.
Contact Abby Flinders at or call         November 18, 2022                          For more information:
                                            December 21, 2022                          Email Janice Floyd at
                                            To register:                               or call (905) 523-1020 ext. 212.
                                            Registration is mandatory as Family
                                            Night kits will be provided.
                                            Please visit to
                                            For any questions, please contact
                                            Kat Turco, Child and Youth Counsellor,
                                            905-387-2448 ext. 2205

Concurrent Parent and                      The ABCs on OCD (Online)                  I’m So Tired: Managing
Children/Youth Groups                      St. Joseph’s Hospital                     Burn Out (Online)
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice                       A 4 week family educational series on     Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
                                           obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)       This is a series of 3 weekly virtual
Our Concurrent Parent & Children/          in children and adolescents.
Youth Groups allow children, teens and                                               sessions for parents/caregivers to
their guardians to come together to find   Week 1: An overview of OCD                have an opportunity to regain a sense
understanding, stability and support.                                                of balance by developing self care
                                           Week 2: A review of family
Any child or teen, ages 7-17 who                                                     and self compassion strategies. We
                                           accommodation and OCD
have experienced the death of a family                                               explore techniques to help you regain
                                           Week 3: A review of medication and        a sense of calm and confidence in
member or close friend can join.
                                           cognitive behavioural therapy treatment   becoming in-control, positive parent.
Concurrent parent groups will occur at     options for OCD                           This is a personal development/
the same location.                                                                   education course. Topics include
                                           Week 4: Helpful strategies to manage
To register:                               OCD at home and school settings.          self-care, self-compassion, life wheel
Please RSVP by calling 905-387-2448                                                  balance, meditation, time and stress
                                           DATE/TIME: This education series is       management, managing moods and
ext. 2230 or emailing
                                           offered on Tuesdays from                  anger, gratitude and mindfulness. Zoom
                                           4:00 pm - 5:00 pm in October 2022.        link sent 1-2 days before start date.
                                           LOCATION: Vitual                          Please check your junk/spam folders.
Emotions in Motion                         To register for the October session:      DATE: November 30, 2022
                                           Please call (905) 522-1155 ext. 35373     and December 7, 2022
(Online)                                                                             and December 14, 2022
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre                                                   TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
An educational workshop for parents
                                           Building Friendships
                                                                                     To register: Visit the Community
and caregivers explaining the basics       (Online)                                  Education Registration Link
of emotional regulation. You will learn    Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre        Questions?
how to help your child deal with their
                                           This workshop is for parents/caregivers   Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
emotions in a helpful way. Teach your
                                           of children and youth 10-18 years
child and youth how to talk it out
                                           of age. The focus will be on helping
instead of act it out.
                                           caregivers develop an understanding of
Zoom link sent 1-2 days before start       social skill development and how they     Advocating For My Child
date. Please check your junk/spam          can assist their child/teen.
                                           DATE: Wednesday, September 21             Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
DATE: Tuesday, November 15, 2022           TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm                   Do you struggle to communicate your
TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
                                           To register: Visit the Community          child’s needs at school? It can be
To register: Visit the Community           Education Registration Link               hard to know how to work as a team
Education Registration Link                                                          with your child’s school, daycare, and
Questions?                                                                           community supports. This workshop
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email                                                   will help you to take the positive steps
                                                                                     to get you there.
                                              Tell me and I forget,                  Zoom link sent 1-2 days before start
                                                                                     date. Please check your junk/spam
                                              teach me and I may                     folders.

                                             remember, involve me                    DATE: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
                                                                                     TIME: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
                                                   and I learn.                      To register: Visit the Community
                                                                                     Education Registration Link
                                                                                    Questions?
                                                                                     Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                                     Bejamin Franklin      

Parenting Your Child with                 Young Parent Programs                     Co-Parenting Through
ADHD (Online)                             Catholic Family Services of Hamilton      Divorce & Separation
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre        The following is a list of Youth Parent   (Online)
                                          Programs that are offered:
This 3 session course for parents                                                   Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
and caregivers will review ADHD,          – Residence
                                                                                    This is an educational session for
how it affects children and teens and     – Time for Me Respite                     parents and caregivers. Co-parenting
strategies for supporting your adhd                                                 will help you redefine your working
                                          – Workshops
child/teen. We will review why they act                                             relationship with your partner when it
the way they do, how to give them the     – Outreach
                                                                                    comes to parenting your child. In this
tools they need to succeed and ways       – School Program                          session we will help you understand
to support them. Topics discussed:                                                  how you can move forward.
                                          – Get Connected
evidence based parenting strategies,
emotional regulation, executive           For more information:                     Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
functioning, and social skills.           Call 905-575-7500 between                 start date. Please check your junk/spam
                                          8:30am and 4:30pm.                        folders.
Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
start date. Please check your junk/spam                                             DATE: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
folders.                                                                            TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
                                          Family Navigator                          To register: Visit the Community
DATES: September 20th, 2022
and September 27th, 2022                  Hamilton Ujima Project offered jointly    Education Registration Link
and October 4th, 2022                     through various community agencies
TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm                   Parents, caregivers, and those
                                                                                    Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                          expecting, who are 29 years and under
To register:                                                              
                                          are partnered with a Family Navigator
Visit the Community Education             who acts as a bridge between the family
Registration Link                         and community to increase access to
Questions?                                parenting and social supports. The
                                          Family Navigator connects families to a
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
                                          wide range of individualized, strength-   Parenting with LOVE
                                          based supports and services including     City of Hamilton
                                          but not limited to mental health,         Public Health Services
                                          education and employment services,
McMaster Children’s                       health care, housing/stability, basic
                                                                                    Healthy Families Division
Hospital Autism Program                   needs, childcare, parenting resources,    Parenting with LOVE is an 8 week,
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre        and emotional support. This is a free     evidence informed, attachment based
                                          program.                                  series that is appropriate
The McMaster Children’s Hospital                                                    for all audiences including
Autism Program Service Guide is now       For more information:                     parents with limited or no
available! The guide includes both        Contact Alicia at (289) 659-3857,         access to their children. Bus
virtual and in-person services. Many or Sarah at               tickets, light snack, incentives and a
of the services are provided as part      (289) 237-4868, sellenor@cfshw.           certificate are provided.
of the Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
                                                                                    For more information:
Foundational Family Services and are
available at no cost.
                                                                                   Call Health Connections at
For more information:                           The power of                        905-546-3550 for upcoming dates/
                                                                                    times and to register.
Call 905-521-2100 ext. 78972
or email              imagination makes us
Visit our website here.
                                                         John Muir

Anxiety in Children and                     Why Won’t They Listen?                     COPEing with 3-12 year
Youth (Online)                              (Online)                                   olds (6 weekly virtual
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre          Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre         sessions)
Join us for this introductory               In this educational workshop parents       Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
educational opportunity to explore          and caregivers we will review strategies
more about childhood anxiety, triggers                                                 This evidence-based program teaches
                                            to increase your child’s cooperation and   parenting strategies to strengthen
and the effects on your child and teen.     improve listening to parental requests.
We will also introduce coping strategies                                               relationships and increase cooperation
                                            You will learn why children may be         with your children.
to help you empower your child and          acting out, and how to best support
youth.                                      them with their strong emotions.           DATES: November 10, 2022
Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before                                                 and November 17, 2022
                                            Zoom link will be sent out 1-2 days        and November 24, 2022
start date. Please check your junk/spam     before start date. Please check your
folders.                                                                               and December 1, 2022
                                            junk/spam folders.                         and December 8, 2022
DATE: Wednesday, November 2, 2022           DATE: Tuesday, October 11, 2022            and December 15, 2022
TIME: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm                    TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
To register:                                                                           TIME: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
                                            To register:
Visit the Community Education                                                          To register:
                                            Visit the Community Education
Registration Link                           Registration Link                          Visit the
                                                                                       Community Education Registration Link
Questions?                                                                             Questions?
                                            Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email                Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email                                                 

                                            Making Friends is Hard!
                                            (Online)                                   Early Literacy Specialist
I’m Shy (Online)                            Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre         Hamilton Ujima Project offered jointly
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre          This workshop is for parents/caregivers    through various community agencies
A virtual educational workshop that         of children and youth 8-14 years of        Parents/caregivers 29 years old
will introduce some of the issues or        age. Social skills are learned and some    and under wth their child(ren) 0-6
concerns with shy, anxious behaviours       children/youth struggle more than          are partnered with an Early Literacy
with your child. Strategies and             others. We are going to focus on how       Specialist to assist in completing
supports available for your child will be   social skills are developed and how        Ages and Stages child development
discussed and provided.                     you can help strengthen their social       screening, collaborative development
Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before      development.                               plans and community referrals. The
start date. Please check your junk/spam     Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before     Early Literacy Specialist also provides
folders.                                    start date. Please check your junk/spam    parenting and child development
                                            folders.                                   support and resources, one-on-one
DATE: Thursday, October 13, 2022                                                       early literacy sessions and early
TIME: 10:00 am - 11:00 am                                                              literacy group facilitation. This is a free
                                            DATE: Wednesday, September 21, 2022
To register:                                TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm                    program.
Visit the Community Education                                                          For more information:
Registration Link                           To register:                               Contact Kristi at 365-366-4955 or
Questions?                                  Visit the Community Education     or Michelle at
                                            Registration Link                          289-659-5671 or
Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email                Questions?
                                            Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email

Family Resource Centre                      Parent Self-Care: Making                      Stress Less: A Pathway
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre          Time For You! (Online)                        to Coping for Parents and
The Family Resource Centre is a full        Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre            Teens Ages 13-15 years
service lending library located on the
main floor of Ron Joyce Children’s
                                            Parenting is hard work. Add difficult         (4 weekly online sessions)
                                            behaviour, multiple children with
Health Centre.                              different needs, homework, chores and         Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
The library is available to patients,       meal prep and there is little time left for   This is a virtual educational interactive
families, staff and the community. It       you! We understand and we are here to         program. It is designed for parents/
has hundreds of books, DVDs and             support you. We will talk about how to        caregivers and their teens aged 13-
brochures on a variety of topics such       get rid of the guilt of taking care of you.   15 years to attend together. We will
as medical conditions, child and youth                                                    focus on causes of stress, managing
                                            Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before        emotions and unhelpful thoughts,
related issues and parenting.               start date. Please check your junk/spam       coping strategies managing emotions,
Books can be borrowed for 3 weeks,          folders.                                      communication and connecting with
however you can easily renew materials      DATE: Wednesday, October 19, 2022             others. We will explore strategies to
by coming into the centre, calling, or      TIME: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm                      help caregivers support their child/teen
emailing.                                                                                 with these strategies, build connection
                                            To register:
Public computer internet access is                                                        and improve their communication.
available up to one hour per visit. Staff   Visit the Community Education                 This is a 4 session course and will
at the Family Resource Centre can           Registration Link                             require parent and teen to be present,
help you to find the information and        Questions?                                    prepared and engaged with camera
resources you are looking for. They                                                       on for each session.
                                            Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
can have information packages ready                                                       Zoom link will be sent 1-2 days before
for you to pick up or emailed to you as                                                   start date. Please check your junk/spam
well.                                                                                     folders.
The Family Resource Centre provides         Healthy Babies Healthy                        DATES: October 17, 2022
the following:
                                            Children Program                              and October 24, 2022
• Lending library                                                                         and October 31, 2022
                                            Native Women’s Centre                         and November 7, 2022
• information packages based on
                                            This program aims to ensure that              TIME: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
family/clinician requests
                                            Indigenous children and families have
• four (4) public access computers          access to services and supports.              To register: Visit the Community
                                                                                          Education Registration Link
• navigation to community agencies          For more information:
and groups                                  Please call 905-664-1114.                     Please be aware Registration for this
LOCATION: Ron Joyce Children’s                                                            program closes October 3rd at 5pm.
Health Centre, 325 Wellington St N,
Hamilton ON L8L 0A4 - Level 1
                                                                                          Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
Contact Information:                                                            
Call: 905-521-2100 ext. 77243
                                               I dwell in possibility.
                                                        Emily Dickenson

Trans Femme Peer Support                  Story Time Explorers                        Youth Navigation Program
Groups (Youth ages 16-30)                 (Online)                                    The John Howard Society of Hamilton,
Compass Community Health                  Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice                        Burlington, and Area

Compass is currently running a peer       Calling all 6-9 year old who have           This ongoing program provides
support program for Trans Feminine        experienced the death of someone            1:1 and group programming for
identified folks. Many trans spaces       close to them. Join us for a story and      individuals ages 12-24, in areas such
are dominated by Trans masculine          craft. Story Time will occur virtually.     as: employment goals, legal concerns,
folks, while Trans Feminine folks have    Registration is mandatory.                  gang involvement, family dynamics,
a set of concerns unique to them. At      All kits will be available for pick up at   substance abuse, housing, ID, SMART
our meetings we discuss transition,       the hospice closer to the start date,       goals, anger management, healthy
employment opportunities, transphobia     please keep an eye out for your email       self-esteem, bulling, managing conflict,
and related issues, as well as working    with further instructions.                  social media, and healthy boundaries.
to build a community of trans sisters.    DATES/TIME: 6 weekly sessions on            To register:
Compass offers a meeting once             Wednesdays at 6:30-8:00 PM.                 Please contact Lisa Gajewicz at
monthly for youth (age 16 – 29)
                                          October 5, 2022                             905-522-4446 ext 313 / 289-439-4344
and for adults (30+), as well as an
                                          and October 12, 2022                        or
intergenerational meeting to bring them
together.                                 and October 19, 2022
                                          and October 26, 2022
To register:                              and November 2, 2022                        Kids Help Phone
Please email      and November 9, 2022                        Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7
                                          To register:                                e-mental health service offering free,
                                          Please visit            confidential support to young people in
                                          or call 905-387-2448 ext. 2230.             English and French.
                                                                                      Need Help Now?
                                                                                      Start a confidential conversation with a
                                                                                      real person you can trust.
                                          The Burger Box                              CALL: 1-800-668-6868
                                         Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice                        TEXT: 686868
                                          The burger box is a free resource           VISIT:
  Do what you can, with                   for families who have experienced
                                          the death of a family member or
  what you have, where                    close friend. It is customizable with
                                          resources specific to the loss. There is
        you are.                          also a how to book for parents written
                                          by our Supportive Care Team.
                                         Target age 3-17 years.
         Theodore Roosevelt               For more information:
                                          tools-resources/the-burger-box/ for
                                          more information or to register to
                                          receive a box.

ACHIEVES                                     All 4 One Program                         CHOICES in Anger
John Howard Society                          John Howard Society                       John Howard Society
WHAT IS ACHIEVES?                            ALL 4 ONE is an individualized program    The Choices in Anger Program is
                                             that provides intervention and support    a cognitive skills based program
ACHIEVES is a 12-week program that           for youth diagnosed with or querying
supports youth in grades 6, 7 and 8                                                    for youth 12 – 17 years who have
                                             a diagnosis of FASD (ages 12-17), and     interpersonal problems as a result
that experience barriers to their social     their caregivers.
and educational success.                                                               of their aggressive behaviour. The
                                             This program is comprised of a            program consists of eight sixty-minute
We provide a variety of opportunites for     Family Support Worker and a Youth         sessions designed to help youth
youth, such as:                              Worker, who will provide wide-            identify their personal aggression
- Life-skills programming                    ranging assistance to both youth and      patterns, explore alternatives and
- Creating pro-social relationships          caregivers, as they navigate different    develop a plan of action to improve
- Free recreational activities               systems, access community resources,      how the young person responds to
- Incentives for reaching goals              and expand their networks of support      stressful situations. The program
- Supports and skills for transitioning to   in developing the young person’s circle   is divided into the five components
high-school.                                 of care.                                  of Anger, Communication, Triggers,
                                             Note: In order to be eligible for the     Choice Points and Problem Solving.
Guardian/Parent Supports:
Guardians/parents receive supports           program, the young person must have       For more information:
in the best format for them, including;      had some form of limited police contact   Contact Mimi Vukasevic at
parent groups, telephone coaching, and       (i.e. cautions, warnings, missing or call
1:1 support.                                 persons reports).                         905-522-4446
For more information:                        Open to community referrals. Funded
Call 289-260-6905.                           by the Department of Justice Canada.
                                             For more information:
                                             Call Beth Fennell at 289-556-6171 or
                                             email or
                                             Jeff Parker at 289-442-5886 or email
CHOICES: Cognitive Skills
For Youth At Risk
John Howard Society                                                                               
Choices is an interactive eight session
program designed for both males and
                                                                                         Keep your face always
females 12-17 years of age. Choices
is offered on a weekly basis, both on
                                                                                       toward the sunshine, and
and off site, and each session is sixty-
minutes long. The goal of the program
                                                                                        shadows will fall behind
is to provide youth with practical skills
that will assist them in making better
choices at home, school and with their
For more information:                                                                              Walt Whitman
Contact Mimi Vukasevic at or call

Adapted Recreation                        kNOw Fear: Ages 8-12                      Pediatric/Youth Volunteer
City of Hamilton                          (6 weekly virtual sessions)               Visiting Program
                                          Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre        Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice
The City of Hamilton is committed to
ensuring the rights of individuals with             This is a series of 6 virtual   Working with caregiver needs,
disabilities and/or with special needs.             weekly sessions via Zoom.       the visiting volunteer can provide
Adapted recreation is available at many             The first session is a          companionship and enhanced social
centres through the use of activity       PARENT-ONLY orientation. The              supports to the caregiver, the child and/
modifications and assistive technology.   remaining 5 sessions parent and child     or sibling in the home for up to 2 hours
Equitable access will be provided to      attend together.                          per week.
support persons and individuals with
assisted devices or animals.              This is a virtual Educational program     Volunteers do not provide medical
                                          designed to reduce general anxious        or personal care and cannot be
Persons requiring assistance or           behaviour’s. We focus on targeting        responsible for any lifesaving
accommodation at a City facility          specific anxieties with weekly            monitoring.
are encouraged to complete an             exposure steps/goal setting for their
Individual Accommodations Form to                                                   To register:
                                          target anxiety. We will also focus        Contact our Coordinator of Children
communicate their needs. Forms can        on skill building, developing helpful
be obtained at your local centre.                                                   and Family Support Programs for
                                          thinking, managing emotions , body        eligibility and to apply at
For more information:                     talk awareness(physical reactions),       905-387-2448 ext. 2230.
Visit            weekly practice with coping skills
recreation/adapted-programs.              and relaxation. This group is not
                                          appropriate for children under 8 years
                                          of age or with trauma or abuse related
                                          worries and fears. Child & Parent Need
                                          to be camera ready.
Gaming Through Grief                      PARENT ONLY SESSION:
                                          Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Ages 10-13 (Online)
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice                      SESSIONS (PARENT & CHILD):
Any child or teen aged 10-13 who
                                          October 26, 2022
                                          November 2,2022
has experienced the death of a family
member or very close friend can join
                                          November 9, 2022                             Success is not final,
                                          November 16, 2022
the group. Participants will need a
computer for Zoom and either an iPad,
                                          November 23, 2022                           failure is not fatal: it is
iPhone, or Android device. New games      TIME: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
and activities each week.                 LOCATION: Virtual through Zoom
                                                                                     the courage to continue
Registration is mandatory.                To register:                                      that counts.
DATES/TIME:                               Visit the Community Education
6 weekly sessions on Mondays from         Registration Link                                      
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm                         Registration closes on Monday,
October 3, 2022                           October 3rd at 5:00pm (Limited                       Winston Churchill
and October 10, 2022                      Enrollment)
and October 17, 2022                      Zoom links and class materials for
and October 24, 2022                      download/printing are sent 1-2 days
and November 7, 2022                      before each session. Please check your
and November 14, 2022                     junk/spam folders.

To register:                              Questions?
Please visit or       Call 905-521-2100 x74147 or email
call 905-387-2448 ext. 2230.

Children’s Trauma and                      Project Youth AFFIRM                      Mental Health Quick
Abuse Counselling                          (Online)                                  Access Service
Catholic Family Services of Hamilton       University of Toronto/Planned             City of Hamilton
                                           Parenthood Toronto                        Public Health Services
A 7-week psycho-educational/
counselling group for children ages                   Project Youth AFFIRM (ages     Healthy Families Division
8-16 who have witnessed violence                      12-14; and 15-18) offered      We provide mental health assessment
in their families. The Children’s                     online with Hamilton Family    and treatment for children and youth,
Counselling program responds to the                   Health Team, Hamilton-         under 18, and their families. Our
needs of children who have witnessed       Wentworth District School Board,          services are confidential and free.
women abuse, with trauma-informed          Compass Community Health, Hamilton
                                           Catholic Children’s Aid Society (CCAS).   What do we support children, youth,
services that include assessment,                                                    and families with?
safety planning, counselling, and short-   Offers 8 FREE sessions of coping skills
term follow-up supports.                   training for LGBTQ+ youth (ages 12-14;    - Social, emotional and behavioral
                                           and 15-18).                               difficulties
Eligibility: Services are available for                                              - Self-harm
children, 18 years or younger, who         BENEFITS OF AFFIRM:
                                           An opportunity to build community and     - Suicidal thoughts
have witnessed women abuse in their                                                  - Anxiety
homes.                                     meet other LGBTQ+ youth.
                                           Learn stress coping skills to navigate    - Depression
To register:                               mental health.                            - Grief
Call 905-527-3823 ext. 257                 Compensation for survey completion.       - Gender and sexuality
or email                                                            - Family conflict, family separation
                                           AFFIRM will help you to decrease          - Trauma
                                           unhelpful thoughts, learn stress          - Fire setting
                                           coping skills to navigate mental health   - School difficulties
                                           challenges, make health-related choices
The SURE Program                           for your sexual and mental health,
                                                                                     As of September 6th 2022, children,
(Self-Understanding and                    and provide an opportunity to build
                                                                                     youth and families can walk-in for a
                                           community and meet other LGBTQ+
Emotional Regulation)                      youth.                                    single brief mental health counselling
Banyan Community Services                                                            session.
                                           (For older youth/adult AFFIRM, please
The Self-Understanding and Regulating      see listing under “Adults”)               LOCATION: 100 Main St. E, Suite 220.
Emotions (SURE) program aims to                                                      Phone: 905-546-2424 x3678
address emotional and behavioural                                                    To request longer-term counselling
                                           Offered online using Zoom video
issues among young people aged                                                       and therapy, you will need a referral
12-14 who face barriers in developing                                                from Contact Hamilton. This will help
strong emotional and social skills,        For more information:                     to ensure that you are directed to the
which can have an impact on                Website:       most appropriate services given your
relationships with family, teachers and    Contact Rachael Pascoe, AFFIRM            unique needs.
members of their peer group. SURE          Coordinator by emailing
achieves this by teaching emotional           For more information:
regulation, problem-solving, and           or call/text 416-946-0228.                Phone: 905-570-8888
assertive communication skills to the                                                Email:
young person and their parent(s)/
primary caregiver in a group setting.
For more information:
or call 905-544-7778 x3131.

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