September 2016 - FCA Group

Page created by Bernice Boyd
September 2016 - FCA Group
September 2016

Q2 2016 Results                    July 27, 2016
September 2016 - FCA Group
Safe harbor statement

This document, and in particular the section entitled               provide or arrange for adequate access to financing for the
“Financial plan targets”, contains forward-looking statements.      Group’s dealers and retail customers; the Group’s ability to
These statements may include terms such as “may”, “will”,           access funding to execute the Group’s business plan and
“expect”, “could”, “should”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”,   improve the Group’s business, financial condition and results
“remain”, “on track”, “design”, “target”, “objective”, “goal”,      of operations; various types of claims, lawsuits and other
“forecast”, “projection”, “outlook”, “prospects”, “plan”,           contingent obligations against the Group; disruptions
“intend”, or similar terms. Forward-looking statements are          arising from political, social and economic instability;
not guarantees of future performance. Rather, they are based        material operating expenditures in relation to compliance
on the Group’s current expectations and projections about           with environmental, health and safety regulation;
future events and, by their nature, are subject to inherent         developments in labor and industrial relations and
risks and uncertainties. They relate to events and depend on        developments in applicable labor laws; increases in costs,
circumstances that may or may not occur or exist in the             disruptions of supply or shortages of raw materials;
future and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on         exchange rate fluctuations, interest rate changes, credit risk
them. Actual results may differ materially from those               and other market risks; political and civil unrest;
expressed in such statements as a result of a variety of            earthquakes or other disasters and other risks and
factors, including: the Group’s ability to reach certain            uncertainties.
minimum vehicle volumes; developments in global financial           Any forward-looking statements contained in this
markets and general economic and other conditions; changes          document speak only as of the date of this document and
in demand for automotive products, which is highly cyclical;        the Company does not undertake any obligation to update
the Group’s ability to enrich the product portfolio and offer       or revise publicly forward-looking statements. Further
innovative products; the high level of competition in the           information concerning the Group and its businesses,
automotive industry; the Group’s ability to expand certain of       including factors that could materially affect the
the Group’s brands internationally; changes in the Group’s          Company’s financial results, is included in the Company’s
credit ratings; the Group’s ability to realize anticipated          reports and filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
benefits from any acquisitions, joint venture arrangements          Commission, the AFM and CONSOB.
and other strategic alliances; potential shortfalls in the
Group’s defined benefit pension plans; the Group’s ability to

                                                                                                          September 2016        2
September 2016 - FCA Group
FCA today
                       Shipments 4.7M 1                                                                                                                         Shipments 2.4M 1
                          APAC     Maserati                                                                                                                         APAC   Maserati
                         4% 0.2M   1% 32K                                                                                                                          5% 0.1M 1% 13K

                        26%                                                                                                                                    EMEA
                       1.2M                                                                                                                                     30%
                                             NAFTA                                                                                                                                      NAFTA
                                              57%                                                                                                                                        56%
                                              2.7M                                                                                                                                       1.3M
                        12%                                                                                                                                       LATAM
                        0.6M                                                                                                                                        9%

                   Net revenues €111B                                                                                                                           Net revenues €54B
                       Comp. Maserati
                                                                                                FY 2015              H1 2016                                       Comp. Maserati
                       6% €7B 2% €2B                                                                                                                              6% €3B 2% €1B
                                                                                                                                                           APAC 3%
               APAC 4%                                 Shipments 1                                4.7M                  2.4M                                 €2B

                                                                                                                                           H1 2016
FY 2015

                    EMEA                               Net Revenues 2                            €111B                  €54B                                    EMEA
                                                                                                                                                                 20%                    NAFTA
                     18%                     NAFTA
                                                                                                                                                                €11B                     64%
                    €20B                      63%
                                                       Adjusted EBIT                              €4.8B                 €3.0B
              LATAM                                                                                                                                      LATAM
              6% €6B                                   Net Industrial Debt                        €5.0B                 €5.5B
                                                                                                                                                         5% €3B
                                                       (at period end)
                   Adjusted EBIT €4.8B                                                                                                                        Adjusted EBIT €3.0B
                                                       Total Liquidity 3                         €24.6B                €24.7B                                  Comp. 7%      Maserati
                      Comp. 8% Maserati
                        €0.4B  2% €0.1B                (at period end)                                                                                           €0.2B       2% €0.1B
               APAC 1%                                                                                                                                    APAC 2%
                €0.1B                                                                                                                                      €0.1B
                                                     Note: Information for 2015 has been re-presented to exclude Ferrari consistent with              EMEA 8%
            EMEA 4%
             €0.2B                                          Ferrari’s classification as a discontinued operation for the year ended                    €0.2B
                                                            December 31, 2015
                                                     1 Including JVs
                                             NAFTA                                                                                                                                      NAFTA
                                                     2 Represents net revenues from external customers and does not include
                                              93%                                                                                                                                        86%
                                             €4.5B     intercompany amounts
                                                     3 Includes cash & cash equivalents, current securities and undrawn committed
                                                       credit facilities
          Memo:                                      Refer to Appendix for definitions of supplemental financial measures and                        Memo:
          LATAM (2)% €(0.1)B                         reconciliations to applicable IFRS metrics                                                      LATAM
September 2016 - FCA Group
FCA key strategic initiatives

                                   2014-2018 BUSINESS PLAN

           GLOBALIZE           LUXURY           VOLUME          STRENGTHEN          MARGIN
             JEEP            & PREMIUM          GROWTH             BALANCE         EXPANSION
                              STRATEGY                              SHEET
          Localized        Expand           Leverage         Strong cash       NAFTA
           production in     Maserati          broad-based       generation         capacity
           all regions       product range     brand                                realignment
                                               portfolio        Remove FCA
          Expand           Revive Alfa                         US cash ring-     Leverage Jeep
           product           Romeo            Platform and      fencing            and Fiat 500
           portfolio         distinctive       component                            family in
                             brand DNA         sharing to       Sizeable net       EMEA
                                               achieve scale     cash position
                            Use existing                        by end of plan    Pernambuco
                             EMEA                                                   new products
                             capacity                                               and tax

                                          Global OEM

              Initiatives outlined in May 2014 Business Plan remain intact

                                                                                               September 2016   4
September 2016 - FCA Group
Financial plan targets
                                                                                                2015                                                 2018E
                                         2014 *                     2015 *                                                2016E               Jan ’16 Plan Update
                                                                                              (ex. Ferrari)             Guidance **
                                                                                                                                                 (ex. Ferrari) ***

      Net Revenues                        €96B                    €113B                     €111B                      >€112B

                                                                                                                                                 €8.7 – 9.8B
      Adjusted EBIT
               Margin %
                                                                   €5.3B
                                                                                              €4.8B
                                                                                                                         >€5.5B
                                                                                                                                                  €8.3 – 9.4B
                                                                                                                                                  6.4 – 7.2%
                                                                                                                                                  6.4 – 7.2%

       Adjusted Net
              Profit                     €1.1B                     €2.0B                    €1.7B                      >€2.0B
                                                                                                                                                 €4.7 – 5.5B
                                                                                                                                                  €4.5 –5.3B

      Net Industrial
       Cash (Debt)
                                        €(7.7)B                   €(6.0)B                   €(5.0)B     
September 2016 - FCA Group
Broad-based brand portfolio
Mass-market                                                              Luxury
 SUVS                                      TRUCKS &         EXCLUSIVE              PERFORMANCE
                                                                    Exclusive performance

 SEDANS &                                  FUNCTIONAL
 MINIVAN                                   500 & TIPO

 LCVS                                      PERFORMANCE      SPORT CARS                     AND UVS

          Brand portfolios target unique market segments
         providing opportunities for global volume growth

  Designates global growth opportunities                                  September 2016        6
September 2016 - FCA Group
2015 – 2016 new product launches

                               Renegade                                                Levante                                     Giulia
                         First entry into small                                    Creates a whole                      Marks the rebirth
                                 SUV segment                                      new class of SUV    of the legendary Alfa Romeo brand
                  Empowers a new generation                          Offered with Euro 6 gas and         State-of-the-art mid-size sedan
                       of adventure seekers                                diesel engine options            with distinctive Italian styling
New Entrants

                                       500X                                        Tipo family                                     Mobi
                             Further expands                                  Sedan, station wagon                            Focused on
                                   500 family                               and hatchback versions                         urban mobility
                    Modern design, versatility                                     Targeting value                 Unites practicality and
                      and off-road capability                                  oriented consumers                    modern technology

                                        Toro                                       124 Spider                                  Fullback
                              Mid-size pickup                                            Revival of                    Metric ton pickup
                    with drivability of an SUV                                    original roadster       with standard four-wheel drive
                        Design and capability                        RWD layout with exceptional                         Meets the needs
                              of larger trucks                             dynamic performance                        of work and leisure
Next Generation

                                                             Pacifica                                                All-new C-SUV
                                                  Unsurpassed highway                                            Production to launch in
                                           fuel-economy in its segment                                   Sept ’16 in Pernambuco (Brazil),
                                                                                                                      Q4 ‘16 in China and
                                         Industry's first hybrid minivan,                                               Q1 ’17 in Mexico
                                                      available in H2 ‘16

                      Volume growth supported by multiple new product launches,
                            most of which represent white-space entrants
                                                                                                          September 2016             7
September 2016 - FCA Group
Jeep growth plans
 Sales (‘000)
                                        Jeep: +266% (+24% CAGR)                                            Jeep: +62% (+17% CAGR)
                                     UV industry: +172% (+18% CAGR)
                                                                      NAFTA    63K
                                                                      EMEA     58K
                                                                      LATAM    35K
                                                                      APAC      2K

                                                                         158                     1,238
                                                              81                       (16)
                                        233                              All      Discontinued            APAC production localization
                                                                         New         Model
                          205                    +162%                                                    B and C-SUV globalization
                                                                                                          Brand extension
                151                   +371%

  2009     Wrangler   Gr. Cherokee    Cherokee   Patriot    Compass    Renegade      Commander   2015                                      2018E

                                                           Sales Growth by Region (000s)

                                Jeep volume growth expected to continue in all regions
                                supported by new product launches and key renewals
                                                                                                                         September 2016            8
September 2016 - FCA Group
2018 global manufacturing footprint
  Belvidere Assembly                                      2018 Production (units)                                Melfi Assembly
     Belvidere, Illinois                                                                                             Melfi, Italy

                                        GLOBAL       NAFTA        LATAM         EMEA             APAC

                                       ~2,000K       ~1,100K      ~200K        ~200K             ~500K
 Cherokee                                                                                                     Renegade
   (Q2 2017)

Jefferson North Assembly
     Detroit, Michigan                                                                                        GAC FCA Joint Venture
                                                                                                                  Changsha, China

 Cherokee                                                                                                     Renegade

 Toledo North Assembly                                                                                        GAC FCA Joint Venture
       Toledo, Ohio                                                                                             Guangzhou, China
                     (Q1 2018)

  Wrangler                        Toluca Assembly                         Pernambuco Assembly
   2-door                           Toluca, Mexico                            Goiana, Brazil                   Cherokee

  Wrangler                       C-SUV                                              C-SUV                       C-SUV
   4-door                        (Q1 2017)                     Renegade       (September 2016)                  (Q4 2016)

            Jeep production expanded to all regions in 2015 supporting local volume growth by
      eliminating tariffs and high transportation costs on products previously exported from NAFTA
                                                                                                         September 2016             9
September 2016 - FCA Group
Alfa Romeo plan update

                                   COMMITMENT TO REVIVE
                                   DISTINCTIVE BRAND DNA


   Stunning Italian design                          All-new RWD/AWD architecture with near
                                                    perfect 50:50 weight distribution
   Hand crafted interior with state-of-the-art
   technology                                       Class-leading power-to-weight ratio

   All-new class-leading powertrains                Extensive use of aluminum and carbon fiber –
                                                    including active front splitter

                                                                            September 2016   10
All-new Giulia – the results
                                                    Media Reaction

                                “Alfa Romeo has made a
                                brilliant car, the Giulia is           “The Quadrifoglio sounds

    FASTEST LAP EVER                       great”                       great – snarling, angry,
                                                                        and very Alfa – proving
                               “The cars I drove at Balocco            that nobody makes a V-6
   BY A FOUR DOOR PRODUCTION     were great: dexterous,                 with more aural appeal
      SEDAN AT NÜRBURGRING        beguiling and gifted”                    than the Italians”

                                                               “It is the embodiment of
                                                               agility and aggression”

                                                           “A feast for all senses and the
                                                              stuff long-lasting goose
                                                                bumps are made of”

                                 “Drivers can easily make the
                                 vehicle dance through curves
                                 faster than and more light-
                                   footed than the Audi”
                                “The Giulia is more than just a
                                      car for Alfa fans”
                                        “The long wait
                                        was worth it”
                                                                       September 2016        11
Alfa Romeo plan update

                              Commitment to               Initial launch focus               Planned product
                               overall brand and            on EMEA and                         line-up will be
                               product strategy             NAFTA regions                       completed by
                               remains in place                                                 mid-2020

4C   4C Spider   Giulietta   Mito      Giulia   Mid-size UV     Full-size         UVs (2)         Specialty (2)      Hatchback

                                      2016         2016         |-------------------------- 2017 to 2020 -------------------------|

                                                                                               September 2016             12
Maserati brand update

   Commercial Launch Q2 ‘16

  Represents Maserati’s first ever SUV

  Launched in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC

  Over 14,000 orders received –
  vast majority are customer orders

  Reaffirms brand business plan targets

                                          September 2016   13
Products aligned with automotive technology trends

Forward Collision Warning                                                           First-of-its-kind Collaboration
Blind Spot Monitoring                                                              ~100 Uniquely Engineered and
360° View Camera                                                                    Built Pacifica Hybrid Minivans

Lane Keep Assist                                                                     Co-locate Engineering Teams

Active Braking                                                                                   Knowledge Sharing

Park Assist
                        Active Safety (ADAS)                          Autonomous Driving

                                               PROACTIVE STRATEGIES
                                                  AROUND CORE
                        Connectivity                                      Electric Vehicles

Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
Over-the-Air Radio Software Updates                                              Fiat 500e – 100% Electric Vehicle
4G LTE Services                                                                               Pacifica PHEV Minivan
Uconnect App                                                                            Lithium-ion Battery Packs
Remote Vehicle Diagnostics                                                                       Mobile Access App

                                                                                              September 2016     14
NAFTA assembly plant loading update

                                      • Shift in U.S. demand to UVs and trucks
                                        expected to be permanent
                                      • Continuation of low gas prices expected –
                                        helping to support the shift
                                      • Unmet demand for Wrangler, Ram pickups and
                                        Grand Cherokee, key high margin products
                                      • Future “white-space” products planned –
                                        Jeep Grand Wagoneer and Jeep pickup truck

                                                    ACTION PLAN

                                      • Realign installed capacity to produce more
                                        pickups and Jeeps by end of 2017 to match
                                        shift in demand
                                      • Accomplish within existing plant
                                        infrastructure – no new greenfield plants –
                                        with hourly headcount stable or higher
                                      • Solidify partnering opportunities to maintain
                                        market presence in compact and mid-size
                                        sedan segments
                                      • Regulatory compliance planned through new
                                        product technologies and architecture
                                        efficiency actions

                                                              September 2016          15
Capex spending

                                                                                                                      Capex spending for 2017 and
                                8.8                                         8.5 – 9.0                                  2018 expected to be in line with
                                                                                                                       2016 levels
                                                                                                                      Plan includes spending to
                                                                                                                       support development of
                                                                                                                       advanced technologies and
                                                                                                                       meet regulatory compliance
                                                                                                                      Spending as a percentage of
                                                                                                                       net revenues expected to
                                                                                                                       continue to decline and fall
                                                                                                                       in-line with industry average
                              2015                                            2016E
                                                                                                                      Flexibility exists to reduce or
                                   P&E/Tooling                  R&D Capitalized
                                                                                                                       retime capex and R&D
Capex spending as                                                                                                      spending if industry outlook
% of net revenues              7.9%                                          7.6% - 8.0%                               deteriorates

   Note: Information for 2015 has been re-presented to exclude Ferrari, consistent with Ferrari’s classification
   as a discontinued operation for the year ended December 31, 2015

                                                                                                                                    September 2016       16
Regional margin update

                    INDUSTRY SALES NAFTA & U.S.
                    (total vehicle sales including medium/heavy trucks)                                NAFTA ADJUSTED EBIT MARGIN
Units (M)                                                                                                                                        ~ 9%
                         21.1          21.0 – 21.5
                                                                          19.5-20.5                       6.4%
       19.9                                                                                                                 Improved
                                                                                                                             portfolio mix
                                     17.5 – 18.0                                                4.2%
                        17.8                                                                                                Cost
       16.8                                                                16.0-17.0
                                                                                                                             reductions and

      2014              2015             2016E                             2018E
Source: IHS & Group estimates                                        NAFTA              U.S.    2014      2015   H1 2016                       2018 Plan

                  INDUSTRY SALES LATAM & BRAZIL                                                        LATAM ADJUSTED EBIT MARGIN
                                 (passenger cars and LCVs)
Units (M)     5.2                                                                                                                               > 7%

                                                                      4.2 – 4.7
                                       3.6 – 4.1
                                                                                                                                Mix shift to
            3.3                                                                                                                 products
                                                                                                                  0.4%          built in
                          2.5                                         2.6 – 3.0
                                      2.0 – 2.5                                                                                 Pernambuco

       2014              2015           2016E                             2018E                 2014      2015   H1 2016                       2018 Plan
 Source: IHS & Group estimates                                      LATAM              Brazil

                                                                                                                            September 2016              17
Regional margin update

                   INDUSTRY SALES APAC & CHINA                           Units (M)
                               (passenger cars and LCVs)                                          APAC ADJUSTED EBIT MARGIN
Units (M)
                                                                                                                                            > 10%
                                                                  43.0 – 43.5             8.6%
                      39.2        39.5 – 40.0

                                                                  26.7 – 27.2
                      24.4                                                                                   2.8%         Continued
                                    24.0 – 24.5
       23.2                                                                                                               transition to
                                                                                                     1.1%                 localized Jeep
                                                                                                                          JV production
      2014            2015            2016E                        2018E
 Source: IHS & Group estimates                                    APAC            China   2014      2015    H1 2016                        2018 Plan

            INDUSTRY SALES EMEA & EU28+EFTA                                                       EMEA ADJUSTED EBIT MARGIN
                               (passenger cars and LCVs)
Units (M)
                                                                                                                                             > 4%
                                    22.7-23.2                                                                          Continued
                        22.0                                                                                            product mix
                                                                     16.7 -17.2                                         improvements
                        16.1        16.1 – 16.6                                                     1.0%                from Jeep and
            14.7                                                                                                        Fiat 500 family
                                                                                                                       Maintain focus
                                                                                                                        on cost control

        2014           2015             2016E                        2018E                -0.2%
                                                                                           2014     2015    H1 2016                        2018 Plan
Source: IHS & Group estimates                              EMEA          EU28+EFTA

                                                                                                                       September 2016               18
Maserati and Components margin update

                                 ADJUSTED EBIT MARGIN
                                                                         ~ 15%


                          4.4%        4.8%
                                                All-new Levante SUV
                                                QP and Ghibli return
                                                 to normal margins

                2014      2015       H1 2016                            2018 Plan

                                 ADJUSTED EBIT MARGIN

                                                                          > 6%

                          4.0%        4.1%
                3.3%                            Driven mainly by
                                                 Magneti Marelli
                                                Mix shift to higher
                                                 profit lines
                                                Leverage from higher

                2014      2015       H1 2016                            2018 Plan

                                                                            September 2016   19
Key actions to strengthen balance sheet
since May 2014 Business Plan


                                                                                  Net industrial debt
                                                                                   reduced by €3.8B
      2014                     2015                       2016
                                                                                     Removed FCA US
 • FCA listed on
                      • Issued $3.0B U.S.
                        unsecured notes
                                                    • Spin-off of remaining
                                                      80% of Ferrari
                                                                                 ring-fencing and certain
                                                      shareholding to FCA     restrictive payment covenants
 • Issued 100M        • Redeemed $6.0B
   shares of            FCA U.S. senior
                                                      shareholders and
                                                      MCS holders
                                                                                   on FCA US Term Loans
   common stock         secured notes due
   on NYSE              2019 and 2021               • Amended and
                                                      pre-paid $2.0B of
 • Issued $2.875B
                      • Entered €5.0B
                        revolving credit facility
                                                      FCA US Term Loan               Unified Group
   Convertible                                      • Removed FCA US              financing platform
                      • Terminated $1.3B
   Securities (MCS)                                   ring-fencing
                        FCA US revolving
                        credit facility             • Issued €1.25B senior
                                                      unsecured global
                      • Completed IPO of
                                                      medium term notes
                        10% of Ferrari shares                                     Free flow of capital
                                                                                     within Group

                                                                                 Credit Ratings Raised
                                                                                          “B1” to “Ba3”
                                                                                          “BB-” to “BB”

                                                                                          September 2016      20
Liquidity and debt update
€B                                    Liquidity
                                                                                                   With the elimination of ring-fencing and a more
             26.2                                                                                   efficient capital structure, plan to repay capital
              3.2                                              ~ 20                                 market debt as it matures until targeted liquidity
                                                                                                    level is reached
             23.0                     21.1
                                                                                                   Manageable debt maturity profile

            Dec 31                    Dec 31                 Target                                Net industrial cash position by 2018
             2014                      2015
     Cash and marketable securities      Undrawn committed revolving facilities                    Finance charges reduced from €2.4B in 2015
Note: Dec 31 2014 includes Ferrari                                                                  to ~€1.3B in 2018
Figures may not add due to rounding

€B                                                                                           €B
                        Net Industrial Cash (Debt)                                                                        Debt Maturity Profile
                                                                                                                              As of June 30, 2016
                                                                              4.0 – 5.0
                                                                                                                                     (face values)

                                                                                             Capital           13.8                      2.4
                                                                                             Market                                                                              5.0
                                                                                                                               1.7                    1.9
                                                                                             Bank +            11.2
                                                                         EBITDA growth      Other Debt
Differentiated value proposition


                      VOLUME GROWTH                                MARGIN EXPANSION                                STRENGTHENING
                                                                                                                   BALANCE SHEET
                Unique and broad-based brand portfolio     Continue to close NAFTA competitive              $4B equity raised in Q4 2014 mitigates
                 targeting specific market segments          margin gap                                        Business Plan execution risk
                Leverage Jeep's global appeal with         Localized Jeep production in EMEA (Italy),       €1.5B net industrial debt reduction from
                 increased segment coverage and              LATAM (Brazil), APAC (China)                      Ferrari IPO and spin-off
                 geographic expansion in EMEA, APAC and
  financial                                                 Continue to grow Maserati and launch Alfa        Debt restructuring removed FCA US ring-
                                                             Romeo worldwide                                   fencing in H1 2016
 trajectory     Portfolio expansion into white-space
                                                            Repurpose Italian manufacturing footprint        Significant reduction in targeted liquidity
                                                             to luxury and premium vehicles                    with elimination of FCA US ring-fencing
                Clear focus on APAC mainly through Jeep
                                                            NAFTA capacity realignment to produce            Target to have investment grade credit
                 and Alfa Romeo brands
                                                             more SUVs and trucks in response to shift         metrics by 2017
                                                             in market demand
                                                                                                              Target to have positive net industrial cash
                                                                                                               by end of 2018


  Focused                                                      Fiat and Chrysler turnarounds – brand, product and operational revitalization
 execution                                                     Integration of Fiat and Chrysler – leveraging synergies for global expansion
                                                               Spin-off of Fiat Industrial and Ferrari – unlocking value to shareholders
                                                               Decisive and flexible in reacting to market trends
                                                               Long-standing management team continuity

                                                                                                                         September 2016               22
Supplemental financial measures

FCA monitors its operations through the use of various              FCA’s supplemental financial measures are defined as follows:

supplemental financial measures that may not be comparable             Adjusted Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (“Adjusted
to other similarly titled measures of other companies.                  EBIT”) is computed as EBIT excluding: gains/(losses) on the
                                                                        disposals of investments, restructuring, impairments, asset
Accordingly,    investors     and    analysts   should   exercise       write-offs and other unusual items that are considered rare
                                                                        or discrete events that are infrequent in nature
appropriate    caution   in   comparing      these   supplemental

financial measures to similarly titled financial measures              Adjusted Net Profit is calculated as Net Profit excluding
                                                                        after-tax impacts of the same items excluded from
reported by other companies. Group management believes                  Adjusted EBIT

these supplemental financial measures provide comparable               Net Industrial Debt is computed as debt plus other
measures of its financial performance which then facilitate             financial liabilities related to Industrial Activities less (i) cash
                                                                        and cash equivalents, (ii) current securities, (iii) current
management’s ability to identify operational trends, as well as         financial receivables from Group or jointly controlled
                                                                        financial services entities and (iv) other financial assets.
make    decisions   regarding       future   spending,   resource
                                                                        Therefore, debt, cash and other financial assets/liabilities
allocations and other operational decisions.                            pertaining to Financial Services entities are excluded from
                                                                        the computation of Net Industrial Debt

                                                                                                               September 2016            24
Reconciliation of EBIT to Adjusted EBIT and
Net profit to Adjusted net profit
                                                                                                                         FY 2014                FY 2015
          EBIT to Adjusted EBIT
            EBIT – excluding Ferrari                                                                                         2,834                   2,625
              Change in estimate for future recall campaign costs                                                                -                      761
              NHTSA Consent Order and Amendment                                                                                  -                      144
              Currency devaluations – LATAM                                                                                     98                      163
              Tianjin (China) port explosion                                                                                     -                      142
              NAFTA capacity realignment                                                                                         -                      834
              Other impairments and asset write-offs                                                                           115                      118
              Other                                                                                                           315(1)                      7
            Total adjustments - excluding Ferrari                                                                              528                    2,169
            Adjusted EBIT - excluding Ferrari                                                                                 3,362                   4,794
              Adjusted EBIT – Ferrari                                                                                            404                     473
            Adjusted EBIT - including Ferrari                                                                                 3,766                   5,267

         Adjusted net profit – continuing operations (i.e. excluding Ferrari)
            Net profit from continuing operations                                                                               359                      93
              Adjustments (as above) – excluding Ferrari adjustments                                                            528                  2,169
              Tax impact of adjustments                                                                                       (115)                   (554)
            Total adjustments, net of tax – excluding Ferrari                                                                   413                  1,615
            Adjusted net profit – continuing operations                                                                         772                  1,708

         Adjusted net profit – including Ferrari
            Net profit                                                                                                         632                     377
             Adjustments (as above) - including Ferrari adjustments                                                             543                  2,203
             Tax impact on adjustments                                                                                        (115)                   (554)
            Total adjustments, net of taxes                                                                                    428                   1,649
            Adjusted net profit                                                                                              1,060                   2,026
  (1) Primarily includes the €495M charge in Q1 ‘14 recognized in connection with the UAW Memorandum of Understanding entered into by FCA US in January 2014 partly

 offset by the €223M gain on the re-measurement to fair value of the previously exercised options on ~10% of FCA US' equity interest in connection with FCA's acquisition of
 the remaining 41.5% ownership interest in FCA US that was not previously owned

                                                                                                                                                    September 2016             25
Reconciliation of EBIT to Adjusted EBIT and
Net profit to Adjusted net profit

                                              Six months ended
                                                  Jun 30 ’16
     EBIT to Adjusted EBIT
      EBIT                                         2,367
        Recall campaigns - airbag inflators         414
        NAFTA capacity realignment                  156
        Venezuela currency devaluation               19
        Restructuring costs                          67
        Gains on disposal of investments             (5)
        Other                                       (11)
      Total adjustments                             640
      Adjusted EBIT                                3,007

     Net profit to Adjusted net profit
      Net profit                                    799
        Adjustments (as above)                      640
        Tax impact on adjustments                  (202)
      Total adjustments, net of taxes               438
      Adjusted net profit                          1,237

                                                     September 2016   26
Reconciliation of Net industrial debt to Debt

                                                                                              Dec 31 ’14 1              Dec 31 ’15 1               Jun 30 ‘16
       Net industrial debt - including Ferrari                                                                               6,012
          Effect of Jan 3 ‘16 Ferrari spin-off                                                                               (963)
       Net industrial debt                                                                        7,654                      5,049                     5,474
          Net financial services debt                                                              3,195                     1,499                     1,689
       Net debt                                                                                  10,849                      6,548                     7,163
          Intercompany financial receivables/(payables), net                                         —                        (39)                        —
          Current financial receivables from jointly-controlled
                                                                                                     58                        16                        50
          financial services companies
          Other financial assets/(liabilities), net                                                (233)                      117                       (397)
          Current securities                                                                        210                       482                        414
          Cash and cash equivalents                                                               22,840                    20,662                     18,144
       Debt                                                                                      33,724                     27,786                    25,374

       (1) The assets and liabilities of Ferrari have been classified as Assets held for distribution and Liabilities held for distribution within the Consolidated

     Statement of Financial Position at December 31, 2015 and are not included in the figures presented above except as specifically noted. The assets and
     liabilities of Ferrari are included within the balances presented at December 31, 2014.

                                                                                                                                                         September 2016   27
June 7, 2016   28
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