Investor Presentation - As of August 2020 - RWE AG

Page created by Heather Ramsey
Investor Presentation - As of August 2020 - RWE AG
As of August 2020
Investor Presentation - As of August 2020 - RWE AG

This document contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the current views,
expectations, assumptions and information of the management, and are based on information currently available
to the management. Forward-looking statements shall not be construed as a promise for the materialisation of
future results and developments and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results,
performance or events may differ materially from those described in such statements due to, among other things,
changes in the general economic and competitive environment, risks associated with capital markets, currency
exchange rate fluctuations, changes in international and national laws and regulations, in particular with respect to
tax laws and regulations, affecting the Company, and other factors. Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates
assumes any obligations to update any forward-looking statements.

    August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                                          Page 2
Investor Presentation - As of August 2020 - RWE AG
Our energy for a sustainable life

We all need electricity – children as well as adults, small companies
as well as large ones. Wherever there is electricity, there is light,
warmth and communication, production,
medical care and mobility. Electricity is life.

    August 2020   Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - As of August 2020 - RWE AG
Creating value in the renewable energy world
Investment highlights

       Uniquely positioned to benefit from the energy transition

       Attractive growth opportunities in renewable energy

       Strict focus on value creation and shareholder return

       Strong commitment to sustainable development goals

       Highly motivated team incentivised to deliver strategic targets

  August 2020   Investor Presentation                                    Page 4
Business model fully aligned with our strategic focus
on the energy transition

Core                                                                                                                                                           Coal/Nuclear

     Offshore                                   Onshore                                     Hydro/Biomass/                             Supply                  • German lignite
     wind                                       wind/Solar                                  Gas                                        & Trading                 operations; mines
                                                                                                                                                                 and plants
    • Global offshore                           • Onshore and solar                        • Hydro, biomass and                        • Trading/origination   • German hard coal
      activities                                  operations in                              gas plants in                                                       plants
                                                                                                                                       • Gas & LNG
                                                  • Europe & APAC                            Germany, UK,                                                      • German nuclear
                                                                                                                                       • Commodity
                                                                                             Netherlands                                                         power plants
                                                  • Americas                                                                             solutions
                                                                                           • Kelag stake                                                       • Holding in Dutch
                                                                                                                                       • Principal
                                                                                                                                                                 EPZ (nuclear)
                                                                                                                                       • Gas storage

                                            GW                                                                                         g/kWh
                           Installed capacity1                                                                Carbon factor2                                    Share of coal in
1   Pro rata installed capacity of core business. | 2 Calculated for pro forma generation portfolio of core business. | Note: Figures for FY 2019.              Group revenues
           August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                  Page 5
Decarbonisation is an integral part of our strategy

           Target to achieve CO2 neutrality for our                           Neutral
           global generation portfolio by 2040        million

           Fully supportive of
           Paris Climate Agreement

           Proven track record of carbon
           emission reductions
                                                      2012      2019   2030   2040

  August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                Page 6
Our commitment to the UN SDGs goes beyond carbon reduction and
    RWE receives recognition in leading sustainability ratings

    Seven SDGs were defined as material in relation to our business activities

•   27% and 19%                    •   Leading operator of         •   Strong employer        •   Focus on storage        •   Strong commitment       •   Recultivation         •   Strict compliance
    women in 1st and                   wind and solar with ~           with workforce of          technologies to             to global climate           programme with            requirements with
    2nd management                     ~9 GW installed                 more than 20,000           support the energy          goals                       focus on                  RWE’s Code of
    level1                             capacity                        people                     transition              •   Target to be carbon         biodiversity              Conduct
•   Member of the                  •   Highly efficient and        •   Regional support for   •   Part of High-Tech           neutral by 2040         •   Increase in ecology   •   Member of
    2020 Bloomberg                     flexible power plant            structural change          Gründerfonds III                                        in renaturalised          Bettercoal to
    Gender Equality                    portfolio                       and energy                 since 2017                                              mining areas              promote standards
    Index (GEI)                                                        transition                                                                                                   in hard-coal supply

                                          68 out of 1002                                                  A (from AAA to CCC)                                                       C+ (from A+ to D-)

                                          B (Climate Change)                                              54 out of 100 (12th out of 30 utilitites)

    1 Below   the Executive Board of RWE AG. | 2 Sustainalytics ESG Rating.

              August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                           Page 7
H1 2020
Earnings & Operations

Successful first six months of the year
August 2020, H1 Earnings call

   August 2020   Investor Presentation
Successful first half 2020 – continuous improvement of
renewables pipeline and FY outlook confirmed

•   Adj. EBITDA for core business up ~9% to €1.5bn versus pro forma 2019, adj. EBITDA of
    RWE Group at €1.8bn
•   FY2020 outlook and dividend target of €0.85 per share confirmed. Adj. EBITDA for core
    business and Group to be at the upper end of guidance
•   Net debt at ~€7.8bn at the end of June in line with expectations. Leverage factor of 3.0x (net
    debt/core adj. EBITDA) at year end envisaged
•   Final step of transaction with E.ON closed. Full legal & HR integration completed
•   Broad market entry France: Onshore Wind/Solar development pipeline of 2.7 GW to be
    acquired from Nordex
•   German Coal Phaseout Act becomes law - clear path for RWE on how to exit coal

    August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                         Page 9
Deal to acquire Nordex’s 2.7 GW European Onshore Wind/Solar
development pipeline underpins future growth ambitions

We strengthen our European market presence in Onshore Wind/Solar

                                                            •   Market entry in France, an attractive renewables
                                                                market with ambitious build-out targets by 2030
                                                            •   Experienced team of more than 70 professionals
 ~1.8 GW Onshore and                         ~0.4
 > 0.1 GW Solar development                                     mostly based in France will join RWE upon completion
 pipeline                                                       of the transaction
 French support scheme:
 20yrs index-linked                                         •   Well balanced pipeline in France, Spain, Sweden and
 2-sided CfD                                                    Poland across different development stages –
                                                                commissioning of approx. 500 MW by 2025
                                                            •   Approx. 230 MW with secured CfDs or CR2017 tariffs
                                      ~1.9                  •   Closing expected before year end 2020 following
                                                                receipt of customary approvals
  European Markets
  with RWE Onshore            ~0.4
  Wind/Solar assets in

  GW from Nordex development pipeline
    August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                          Page 10
Adj. EBITDA of core business on the rise to €1.5bn in H1

  Core adj. EBITDA H1 2020 vs. H1 2019 pro forma, € million

                                                                     322                                  •       Excellent wind conditions in Q1 push Offshore
   Supply & Trading                  461                                                                          Wind earnings to high level in H1
                                                                     324                                  •       Capacity additions and good wind conditions
Hydro/Biomass/Gas                    221                                                                          strengthen earnings at Onshore Wind/Solar
Onshore Wind/Solar                   244                                                                  •       Increase in result at Hydro/Biomass/Gas mainly
                                                                                                                  due to GB capacity payments
       Offshore Wind                 490                             585
                                                                                                          •       Supply & Trading puts in a strong performance
                                     -39                               -7
                               H1 2019                         H1 2020
                            core adj. EBITDA                core adj. EBITDA
                               pro forma
                     Adj. EBITDA for RWE Group, incl. Coal/Nuclear amounts to €1,807 million (+18%) in H1 2020
  Note: pro forma adj. EBITDA according to new business segments and inclusion of assets acquired from E.ON for full FY2019.

          August 2020       Investor Presentation                                                                                                             Page 11
Further investment decisions for onshore and solar projects
 of ~200 MW – on track to reach >13 GW target
 Wind/Solar installed capacity increases to 8.9 GW and further 3.1 GW under construction/FID
 H1 2020
 GW pro rata
                                                                                                                                 •      FID for Hickory Park solar farm in US
                                                                                    0.9                                                 (196 MW), with co-located storage
                                                                    0.9                                                                 (40 MW). Expected COD 2021
      8.7                             8.9            1.3
                       0.2                                                                 0.9 Offshore                          •      Further FIDs for smaller Onshore/Solar/
                                                                    0.4 Onshore
                                                                                                                                        Battery projects in NL, PL, IE taken
                                                                    0.5 Solar
                                              1.2 Onshore
                                                                                                                                 •      Agreement for Lease secured for UK
                                              0.1 Solar
                                                                                                                                        Awel y Môr Offshore wind farm (300 MW)
                                                                                                                                 •      Dublin Array offshore project (300 MW) in
                                                                                                                                        Ireland fast tracked. Expected COD 2026
  Installed Changes Installed  COD    COD     COD                                              Residual         Target           •      Floating offshore demonstration project
  capacity          capacity 2020     2021    2022                                              target          2022                    of 10-12 MW in Maine, US
        2019      3031
                          2020   Projects under
     19                20       construction/FID
 Note: Additional 30 MW installed capacity from batteries as well as battery projects of 109 MW under construction/FID. | Excluding capacity addition from the Nordex development pipeline.
 Rounding differences may occur.

         August 2020         Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                            Page 12
Where are we with our major construction projects?

                                            Offshore Wind                                                             Onshore Wind                                                    Solar

Project                    Triton Knoll                Kaskasi           Clocaenog Forest              Cranell             Big Raymond              Scioto Ridge              Limondale


Capacity                      509 MW                    342 MW                  96 MW                  220 MW                   440 MW                  250 MW                  249 MW
pro rata
Expected COD                  Q1 2022                  Q4 2022                Q3 2020                  Q3 2020               Q4 2020 and               Q4 2020                  Q1 2021
                                                                             prev. Q2 2020            prev. Q2 2020           Q1 20211                                        prev. Q4 2020

Status                     Construction –          Preparation Phase     Commissioning Phase     Commissioning Phase        Construction –           Construction –       Commissioning Phase
                             on track                                                                                       slightly delayed           on track

Comments                       Offshore             Contracts signed          All turbines         Grid availability       Construction work       Construction work         Registration has
                             construction              with main           generating, final      has been achieved         progressing. All        ongoing. Turbine         been received by
                             ongoing with          suppliers; offshore     wind farm testing                                 long lead time            erection is          the grid operator
                         cables, substations       construction works       and final COD                                   balance of plant        progressing. Grid       and the hold point
                          and foundations              to start in           outstanding                                    equipment and            availability has        testing as well as
                          all progressing in           Q3 2021                                                             material is on site.    been achieved and        final commission-
                         advance of turbine                                                                                COVID-19 related         turbine commis-           ning process is
                            installation in                                                                                supply chain issue       sioning will begin         commencing
                                 2021                                                                                         on portion of              shortly
                                                                                                                             turbine supply

1   Gradual commissioning process: Raymond East, 200 MW expected COD Q4 2020, Raymond West, 240 MW expected COD Q1 2021. | Note: Construction including pre-construction/preparation works.

          August 2020      Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                          Page 13
Adj. net income of ~€0.8bn at solid level as a result of a very
good operational performance in H1 2020
Adj. net income, € million
H1 2020

               Adj. EBITDA                                                                    1,807              • Adj. EBITDA excludes non-operating result
                 H1 2020
                                                                                                                 • Adj. financial result includes E.ON dividend of €182
        Adj. depreciation                                                                      -719                million as well as losses in financial asset portfolio from
                                                                                                                   Q1 and negative mark-to-market valuation of FX
                                                                                                                   derivatives. Financial result mainly adjusted for lower
                   Adj. EBIT
                                                                                                                   discount rates of mining provisions
                                                                                                                 • Adjustments of tax refer to a general tax rate of 15%
     Adj. financial result                                                                     -140                in line with the expected mid-term tax level at RWE
                      Adj. tax                                                                 -142              • Adj. minority interest mainly for fully consolidated
                                                                                                                   wind/solar projects, adjusted for minorities stemming
Adj. minority interest                                                                            -11              from discontinued operations

         Adj. net income
                H1 2020
1   General tax rate of 15% for the planning horizon is based on a blended calculation of local tax rates, the use of loss carry forwards and low taxed dividend income, e.g. from E.ON and Amprion.

           August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                    Page 14
Adj. operating cash flow tops €2bn mainly due to
good adj. EBITDA
Reconciliation to adj. operating cash flow, € million
H1 2020

                                                                                                  2,060             •    Changes in provisions driven by legacy and
                                                                76                -24
      1,807                                                                                                              restructuring provisions among others
                                                                                                                    •    Positive effects in ‘Changes in operating working
                                                                                                                         capital’ mainly from receipt of GB capacity market
                                                                                                                         payments for the years 2018 (pro rata) and 2019
                                                                                                                         as well as reduction of gas inventories
                                                                                                                    •    Positive ‘Cash financial result’ as a result of E.ON
                                                                                                                         dividend in Q2

      Adj.  Changes in Changes                               Cash               Cash             Adj.
     EBITDA provisions/    in                              financial            taxes          operating
              (Non-)    operating                            result                            cash flow
               Cash      working
              items1     capital
1   Excludes nuclear provisions since utilisation is not net debt effective and will be refinanced via financial debt.

           August 2020         Investor Presentation                                                                                                                      Page 15
Net debt increase since fiscal 2019 due to timing effects from
hedging activities as expected
Development of net debt continuing operations, € billion
H1 2020

            6.9                                                                                                                                                 -0.1
                                         -2.1                                                        0.5

        RWE                      Adj. operating                    Net cash                      Dividend               Other changes in                   Changes in                      RWE
     continuing                    cash flow                     investments                                            net financial debt                 provisions2                   continuing
     operations                                                                                                                                                                          operations
     31 Dec 191                                                                                                                                                                          30 Jun 20

•    RWE’s dividend payment for fiscal 2019 after virtual AGM on 26 June 2020
•    Timing effects from hedging such as variation margins and CO2 provisions of ~€1bn in ‘Other changes in net financial debt’
•    Changes in provisions driven by a decrease in pension provisions and partly offsetting effect from wind provisions

1Adjustment of approx. -€0.1bn from retroactive adjustment to the initial consolidation of the renewable energy business acquired from E.ON in 2019. | 2 Includes pension and wind provisions but excludes
nuclear provisions as they are not part of adj. operating cash flow. | Note: Rounding differences may occur.

        August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                       Page 16
Outlook for fiscal year 2020

Core adj. EBITDA:                        ~€2.15 – 2.45bn

Adj. EBITDA RWE Group:                   ~€2.7 – 3.0bn

Adj. EBIT:                               ~€1.2 – 1.5bn

Adj. net income:                         ~€0.85 – 1.15bn

Dividend target:                         €0.85 per share

   August 2020   Investor Presentation
Strategy & Financial Update
March 2020

Creating value in the
renewable energy world
March 2020, Capital Market Day

   August 2020   Investor Presentation
We are ideally positioned
for the new energy world

                                                                Experienced operator
Strong wind and solar business                                  of flexible assets         Leading commercial platform

                    GW installed                                          GW in hydro,     Global commodity trading
                    wind and solar                                        biomass and      & commercial asset
                    capacity                                              gas plants       optimisation

No.      offshore                                               Thereof         GW         Global analyst platform
global player                                                   pumped storage/batteries   is key to our success

                    GW develop-                                           bcm of gas       Commodity solutions for
                    ment pipeline                                         storage                      blue chip
Note: Pro rata installed capacity. Figures as of 31 Dec 2019.

        August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                             Page 19
Powerful position in wind and solar

Installed capacity by technology1                                           Installed capacity per country1                                             Pro forma EBITDA 2019

                          Solar                                                                  ROW                                                    Onshore Wind/
                                                                                                                 Germany                                Solar Americas
                             2%                 Offshore                                            3%
                                                                                                           16%                                                                     9%
                                      28%                                                                                                                                  Offshore
                                                                               US 38%                                                               Onshore 22%            Wind
                         8.7 GW                                                                   8.7 GW                                            Wind/       €1.4 bn
                                                                                                    24% UK
                                                                                                4%                                                  Solar
                  70%                                                                                                                               Europe             69%
                                                                                            5%     3%
    Onshore                                                                                   5%                                                    & APAC
                                                                                      Italy           Netherlands
                                                                                            Spain Poland

Increasing capacity2                                                       High level of earnings stability

                              Projects under                                                                    Regulated                                                 Years weighted average
                GW            construction                                                                      or secured3                                               remaining contracted tenor4
1Pro rata, excluding storage. | 2 Excluding storage. | 3 Including Feed-in tariffs (FiTs), contracts for difference (CfDs), fixed certificates and PPAs/Tax credits.. | 4 Includes assets in operation and under construction
with CfDs/FiTs, fixed certificates, PPAs/Tax credits. | Note: Figures as of 31 Dec 2019. Rounding differences may occur.

        August 2020     Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                                       Page 20
Strategy of core business focused on expansion of green
and flexible energy

                                                                 Build-out of batteries and
Significant growth in wind & solar                               research in new technologies     Green power commercialisation

GW pro rata                                                      • Batteries: 30 MWh battery             15 year PPA for Nysäter project
                                                                   storage facility under                covering 18 TWh - one of the largest
                                                                   construction in Ireland               onshore wind PPAs globally
                                                                                                         15 year tailored PPA with Honda for
                                                                 • Thermal energy storage:               120 MW offtake from a 150 MW
                                                                   pilot project of liquid salt          wind farm in Oklahoma, US
                                                                   storage charged by wind and
                                                                                                         Commercialisation of electricity
                                                                   sun power
                                                                                                         generated by Belgian Northwester 2
                                                                 • Hydrogen: Feasibility study           wind farm
                                                                   to build 105 MW power-to-
                                                                   gas pilot project                     5 year offtake agreement for portion
                                                                                                         of Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm
           2019                            Target
                                           2022                                                          7 year supply agreement to take 3
                                                                                                         TWh of green energy
Note: Installed capacity excluding storage. As of 31 Dec 2019.

        August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                        Page 21
Offshore Wind: Attractive near-term build-out coupled
with long-term development options

Secured near-term capacity build-out                                                                                  Further projects in development, GW pro rata
GW pro rata                                                                                         4.9               Delta Nordsee                                  Pre-emption right     0.5 GW
                                                               0.2                                                    Nordsee Two&Three                              Pre-emption right     0.1 GW
         2.5                                 0.3
                                                                                                                      Rampion                                        Extension option      0.4 GW
                                                                                                                      Gwynt y Môr                                    Extension option      0.3 GW

       2019              Triton1         Kaskasi Dunkerque                      Sofia             2026 2              Greater Gabbard                                Extension option      0.3 GW
                         Knoll                                                                                        Galloper                                       Extension option      0.1 GW

Country                                                                                                               Dublin Array                                   Development project   0.3 GW
                                                                                                                      Sharco II, IV & V                              Development project   1.5 GW
                         2022              2022               2026              2026
COD                                                                                                                   Baltic II                                      Development project   0.3 GW
CfD strike                                                                                                            Södra Midsjöbanken                             Development project   1.6 GW
price (per             £74.75 3          >€46.6 4              €44           £39.65 3
MWh)                                                                                                                                                                                       5.4 GW

1   Under construction. | 2 Before asset rotation. | 3 2012 prices. | 4 €46.6 per MWh was the average strike price achieved in the auction. | Note: As of 31 Dec 2019.

           August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                             Page 22
Onshore Wind/Solar Europe & APAC: Well diversified pipeline
providing opportunities for profitable growth

Development pipeline                                               Near-term capacity build-out and development by the end of 2022
GW pro rata                                                       GW pro rata
                         0.6                                                       2.9                                                                         0.8
                                                                           Installed                       Under construction                          Near-term                             Estimated
                                                                         capacity 2019                                                              growth ambition                      installed capacity

        Selected projects                           Capacity                   COD Support scheme                                                 Support expiry                 Offtake partner
        Clocaenog Forest                              96 MW             Q1 2020           Two-sided        CfD1                                   2035                           n.a.
        Alarcos                                       45 MW             Q2 2020           PPA                                                     n.a.                           Audax Renovables
        Limondale                                    249 MW             Q3 2020           LGC2                                                    2030                           n.a.
        Eekerpolder                                   63 MW             Q4 2020           One-sided CfD1                                          2035                           Market/Government
        Zukowice                                      33 MW             Q4 2020           Two-sided CfD1                                          2035                           n.a.
        Nysäter                                       95 MW             Q4 2021           Firm hedge + Green certificates                         2036                           Energy company

1   CfD: Contract for Difference. | 2 LGC: Large Scale Generation Certificates (Green certificates for large producers in Australia). | Note: Installed capacity excluding storage. | As of 31 Dec 2019.

           August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                            Page 23
Onshore Wind/Solar Americas: Substantial 2020 wind construction
programme, with good optionality during PTC ramp-down

Development pipeline                                              Near-term capacity build-out and development by the end of 2022
GW pro rata                                                       GW pro rata
                                                                                  3.4                                                                         0.6
                   4.6 ~9.7           5.1
                                                                           Installed                       Under construction                         Near-term                 Estimated installed
                                                                         capacity 2019                                                             growth ambition                capacity 2022

        Major projects                 Capacity                    COD ISO                    Offtake product                        Offtake tenor                     Offtake partner
        Cranell                         220 MW             Q2 2020           ERCOT            Firm hedge hub                         12 years                          Undisclosed LSE1
        Peyton Creek                    151 MW             Q1 2020           ERCOT            Self-structured hedge                  10 years                          Multiple trading counterparties
        Vauxhall & Hull                  47 MW             Q2 2020           AESO             UC2 PPA node                           Mid-term3                         Consumer staples
        Big Raymond                     440 MW             Q4 2020           ERCOT            UC2 PPA + Firm hedge                   12 years                          Austin Energy + Banking sector
        Scioto Ridge                    250 MW             Q4 2020           PJM              Firm hedge hub                         Long-term4                        Service sector
        Boiling Springs                 148 MW             Q4 2020           SPP              UC2 PPA hub                            15 years                          Honda
        Cassadaga                       126 MW             Q4 2020           NYISO            Firm hedge node                        Long-term4                        Utility
1   LSE: Load serving entity. | 2 UC: Unit contingent. | 3 Mid-term: 6-10 years. | 4 Long-term: 11-20 years. | Note: PTC: Production Tax Credits. | Note: As of 31 Dec 2019.

           August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                  Page 24
Responsible phaseout of coal by 2038 at latest

                                           23.2 GW

                                                                             12.7 GW
RWE’s core business set to show solid growth into 2022

Outlook for adjusted EBITDA for RWE’s core business                                                 Offshore Wind

€ bn                                                                                                Contribution of Triton Knoll 2021/2022
                                                            ~8% p.a.
          2.7                                                                     ~2.55 – 2.85
                                                                                                    Onshore Wind/Solar
                            ~2.15 – 2.45
                                               Supply & Trading                                     Contribution from new net capacity of ~3.5 GW
                                               Hydro/Biomass/Gas                                    Hydro/Biomass/Gas

                                               Onshore Wind/Solar                                   Declining GB capacity payments expected to
                                                                                                    be partly offset by increasing generation spreads
                                               Offshore Wind
                                                                                                    Supply & Trading

      2019                       2020e                                                 2022e        Return to normalised level after exceptionally
    pro forma                                                                                       high earnings in 2019

Note: 2019 pro forma adj. EBITDA includes approx. €0.5 bn outperformance of RWE Supply & Trading.

        August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                                                                      Page 26
Significant investments to grow wind & solar capacity
to >13 GW by 2022

RWE’s core capex programme 2020 – 2022                                   Gross growth capex by region and technology

€ bn                                                                                         Offshore   Onshore    Solar &
                                        ~3-4    ~8-9
                                                         Onshore                               wind      wind      storage
                                                ~25%     Wind/Solar
                                                                         Germany                 ~10%
Value added by attractive returns in the renewables business

IRR requirements for wind/solar projects

Offshore Wind                                                      • Investment decisions based on strict hurdle rate
                                                                     approach with project IRR typically exceeding base
                                                                     renewables WACC by 100 to 300 bps
        Mature markets                     5.5%         8.5%       • Hurdle rates include risk premia depending on
                                                                     project risk profile (technology, regulatory and
             New markets                         7.0%      10.0%     remuneration risk)
Onshore Wind/Solar                                                 • Project returns do not include disposal gains, costs
                                                                     for management support and new markets scouting
                        Europe            4.5%          8.0%       • Evaluation of investment decisions include pay back
                                                                     profiles and sensitivity analysis
                               US          5.5%         8.0%       • Post completion review to monitor investment
             New markets                     6.5%         9.5%

    August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                                                 Page 28
Solid capital structure provides financial flexibility for core

• Net debt of €7.0 bn after financial ring-fencing of
                                                                                                         New definition of net debt                        31 Dec
  coal phaseout liabilities                                                                              (€ million)                                        2019

•                                  2019 leverage factor1                                                 Financial assets                                  9,098
                                                                                                         Financial liabilities                             5,179
• Targeted leverage factor                                                                               (incl. hybrid capital adjustment)
  (net debt/core adj. EBITDA) of ≤3.0x
                                                                                                         Net financial assets                              3,919
• Focus on maintaining investment grade                                                                  (incl. hybrid capital adjustment)
  rating with target of at least
                                                                                                         Provisions for pensions and similar obligations   3,293
                                                                                                         Provisions for nuclear waste management           6,723

                                                                                                         Provisions for dismantling wind farms               951

                                                                                                         Net debt of continuing operations                 7,048

1   Net debt/pro forma core adj. EBITDA; pro forma: new business segmentation and inclusion of E.ON‘s acquired assets for full fiscal year 2019.

          August 2020    Investor Presentation                                                                                                               Page 29
Commitment to financially ring-fence coal phaseout liabilities
with financial portfolio

Funding of coal phaseout liabilities

€ bn                                                                   • Provisions for mining liabilities reflecting accelerated
                                                                         coal phaseout total €4.6 bn
                                                                       • Agreement with German government includes
                                                                         compensation payment of €2.6 bn payable over
                                                          E.ON stake     15 annual instalments
                                                                       • Commitment to back amount with adequate
                                                                         financial portfolio. Financial portfolio currently
                                                                         consists of
                                                         against GER
                                               2.6       government      - Receivables against German government
                                                                         - 15% stake in E.ON (income from financial portfolio
                                                                           recognised in ‘financial result’)
     Mining                                  Financial
   provisions                                portfolio
  31 Dec 2019
       August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                                                    Page 30
RWE targets continued dividend growth in line with core
business development

Elements of dividend policy

• Management focus on total shareholder return            €/share
• Target to grow future dividends in line with earnings      0.80   1

  growth in core business
• Objective of steady growth with potential to smooth
  short-term volatility of trading business and
  weather effects
                                                                                    in line
• Dividend strategy corresponds to a payout ratio                                  with core
  between ~40% and ~60% of adjusted net income                                     business

                                                             2019       2020
1 Subject   to AGM approval. | 2 Management target.

        August 2020      Investor Presentation                                                 Page 31

 August 2020   Investor Presentation

       Offshore Wind: Earnings on the up thanks to excellent wind
       conditions in Q1
       Key financials H1 - Offshore Wind                                                                            H1 2020 vs. H1 2019 pro forma
                                                                             pro forma
           € million                                      H1 2020         H1 2019              change                   Stronger performance on the back of above
                                                                                                                        average wind speeds in Q1 2020
           Adj. EBITDA                                          585               490               +95
           t/o non-recurring items                                    -                 -                 -
           Depreciation                                        -184              -191                  +7

           Adj. EBIT                                            401               299             +102
           t/o non-recurring items                                    -                 -                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Outlook 2020
                                                                                                                    Outlook 2020 vs. FY 2019 pro forma            €900 – 1,100m
           Gross cash investments1                            -316                 n.a.              n.a.
                                                                                                                      Normalised weather conditions for the remainder
           Gross cash divestments1                              +83                n.a.              n.a.             of the year assumed versus low wind levels in 2019

       1Gross cash (di-)investments: Sum of (di-)investments in (in-)tangible and financial assets, loans to non-consolidated affiliates and capital measures. | Note: pro forma - new business segments and inclusion of
       assets acquired from E.ON for full FY2019.

               August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                           Page 33
Core                                                                                                                                                                                                                        H1

       Onshore Wind/Solar: Solid earnings in H1 on the back of
       capacity additions and better weather conditions
       Key financials H1 - Onshore Wind/Solar                                                                       H1 2020 vs. H1 2019 pro forma
                                                                             pro forma
           € million                                      H1 2020         H1 2019              change                   Increased capacity in Onshore Wind/Solar, Europe
                                                                                                                        and US
           Adj. EBITDA                                          273               244               +29
                                                                                                                        Higher earnings in Europe from above average
           t/o non-recurring items                                    -                 -                 -
                                                                                                                        weather conditions in Q1 2020
           Depreciation                                        -188              -168                 -20

           Adj. EBIT                                              85                76                +9
           t/o non-recurring items                                    -                 -                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Outlook 2020
                                                                                                                    Outlook 2020 vs. FY 2019 pro forma           €500 – 600m
           Gross cash investments1                            -545                 n.a.              n.a.
                                                                                                                      Increased capacity in Onshore Wind/Solar in Europe
           Gross cash divestments1                              +21                n.a.              n.a.             and US

                                                                                                                        Normalised weather conditions for the remainder of
                                                                                                                        the year assumed versus low wind levels in 2019

                                                                                                                        Construction delays, mainly at US assets due to
       1Gross cash (di-)investments: Sum of (di-)investments in (in-)tangible and financial assets, loans to non-consolidated affiliates and capital measures. | Note: pro forma - new business segments and inclusion of
       assets acquired from E.ON for full FY2019.

               August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                           Page 34

       Hydro/Biomass/Gas: Good H1 performance after a strong Q1

       Key financials H1 - Hydro/Biomass/Gas                                                                      H1 2020 vs. H1 2019 pro forma
                                                                            pro forma
           € million                                      H1 2020        H1 2019             change                   Income from GB capacity payments (+€74 million)2

           Adj. EBITDA                                         324              221             +103
           t/o non-recurring items                                   -                -                 -
           Depreciation                                       -169              -159                -10

           Adj. EBIT                                           155                 62              +93
           t/o non-recurring items                                   -                -                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Outlook 2020
                                                                                                                  Outlook 2020 vs. FY 2019 pro forma        €550 – 650m
           Gross cash investments1                           -177                 n.a.             n.a.
                                                                                                                    FY 2020 GB capacity payments of ~€160 million;
                                                                                                                    2019 includes one-off payment2 for 2018
                                                                                                                    of €51 million

                                                                                                                      Fire at Eemshaven power plant leading to a
                                                                                                                      temporary stoppage of biomass co-firing

       1 Gross cash (di-)investments: Sum of (di-)investments in (in-)tangible and financial assets, loans to non-consolidated affiliates and capital measures. | 2 Resumption of GB capacity payments in Q4 2019 after
       suspension. Revenues from GB capacity market amounted to €229 million in 2019 and included a one-off payment of €51 million for 2018. | Note: pro forma - new business segments. Former European Power,
       including hydro and biomass activities from innogy, excluding German hard coal activities and including 37.9% stake in Kelag.

               August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                       Page 35

       Supply & Trading: Strong and robust trading performance in
       the first six months of the year
       Key financials H1 - Supply & Trading                                                                          H1 2020 vs. H1 2019 pro forma
                                                                              pro forma
           € million                                      H1 2020          H1 2019              change                    Strong trading performance as well as good result
                                                                                                                          for gas & LNG business; however, earnings
           Adj. EBITDA                                           322               461              -139                  contribution below exceptionally high level in the
           t/o non-recurring items                                     -                 -                 -              previous year
           Depreciation                                           -22                -20                 -2

           Adj. EBIT                                             300               441              -141
           t/o non-recurring items                                     -                 -                 -
                                                                                                                                                                     Outlook 2020
                                                                                                                     Outlook 2020 vs. FY 2019 pro forma              €150 – 350m
           Gross cash investments1                               -30                n.a.              n.a.
                                                                                                                          Exceptionally high earnings contribution in 2019
                                                                                                                          due to outstanding trading performance and strong
                                                                                                                          contribution from gas and LNG

                                                                                                                      • Long-term
                                                                                                                         t          average earnings of ~€250 million,
                                                                                                                        including stable earnings contribution from gas
       1Gross cash (di-)investments: Sum of (di-)investments in (in-)tangible and financial assets, loans to non-consolidated affiliates and capital measures. |
       Note: pro forma - new business segments. Includes gas storage activities acquired from E.ON for full FY2019.

               August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                   Page 36
Coal/Nuclear: Solid earnings on the strength of a good hedge
Key financials H1 - Coal/Nuclear                                                                            H1 2020 vs. H1 2019 pro forma
                                                                     pro forma
    € million                                      H1 2020         H1 2019             change                    Higher realised generation margin for outright
    Adj. EBITDA                                         310               148             +162
    t/o non-recurring items                                    -                -                 -
                                                                                                                 Production plan updated after lignite phaseout
    Depreciation                                        -155              -171                +16

    Adj. EBIT                                           155                -23            +178
    t/o non-recurring items                                   -                 -                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Outlook 2020
    Gross cash        investments1                       -77               n.a.              n.a.           Outlook 2020 vs. FY 2019 pro forma            €500 – 600m

                                                                                                              Higher realised generation margin for outright
    Hedging outright position2                             Volume3  Hedge margin4                             position, ~+3 EUR/MWh in 2020
     2020                     >90%                         70-75 TWh ~27 €/MWh
    2021e                      >90%                        70-75 TWh            ~32 €/MWh                        Production plan updated after lignite phaseout
    2022e           >90%                                   55-60 TWh            ~32 €/MWh                        agreement
    2023e              >90%                                40-45 TWh            ~26 €/MWh
      Fully hedged           Implicit fuel hedge           Open position         %    Hedge ratio
1Gross cash (di-) investments: Sum of (di-) investments in (in-) tangible and financial assets, loans to non-consolidated affiliates and capital measures. | 2 Outright: Lignite and Nuclear. | 3 Financial hedged
volume. | 4 Hedge margin after carbon costs. CO2 position financially hedged until end of 4th compliance period (2030). | Note: pro forma - new business segments. Former division Lignite & Nuclear plus German
hard coal and nuclear minorities for full FY2019.

        August 2020        Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                          Page 37
Key sensitivities to our planning assumptions for 2020
Driver                                  Segment                                                            Type           Sensitivity                           Group impact1
    Wind levels                           Offshore Wind                                                       P&L           +/- 10% production                   +/- €150 million

                                          Onshore Wind/Solar                                                  P&L           +/- 10% production                   +/- €100 million

    Power prices                          Offshore Wind and Onshore Wind/Solar                                P&L           +/- 10%                              +/- €60 million2

    Main f/x (USD & GBP)                  RWE Group                                                           P&L           +/- 10%                              +/- €125 million

    CO2 prices                            RWE Group                                                           P&L           +/- €1/t                             Hedged until 2030

    Pension provisions                    RWE Group Germany                                                    B/S          +/- 0.1%3                            -€150/+€170 million4

                                          RWE Group abroad                                                     B/S          +/- 0.1%3                            -€90/+€100 million4

    Nuclear provisions                    RWE Group                                                            B/S          +/- 0.1%3                            -/+ €50 million

    Mining provisions                     RWE Group                                                            B/S          +/- 0.1%3                            -/+ €140 million

1 All
   figures are rounded numbers. P&L figures refer to adjusted EBITDA. | 2 Earnings impact on unhedged position. For 2020 we have already hedged a significant amount of our merchant production volumes. |
3Change in real discount rate (net effect from change in nominal discount rate and escalation rate). | 4 Gross effect of changes in present value of defined benefit obligations. No offsetting effect from
development of plan assets included. | Note: as of end of Nov 2019.
        August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                                                                                                                         Page 38
Your contacts in Investor Relations
Important Links                                                                                    Financial Calendar
• Annual and interim reports & statements                                                         • 12 November 2020                                 ADR programme available             Interim statement on the first three quarters of 2020
• Investor and analyst conferences                                                                • 16 March 2021 Further information on our homepage        Annual Report for fiscal 2020
• IR presentations & further factbooks                   RWE shares/ADR                           • 28 April 2021                                                               Annual General Meeting
• IR videos                                              Contact for ADR-holders at BNY Mellon
                                                  • 03 May 2021
                                                         +1 201 680-6255 (outside from the US)      Dividend payment
• Consensus of analysts’ estimates
                                                         1-888-269-2377 (within the US)           • 12 May 2021
                                                                                                    Interim statement on the first quarter of 2021

Contacts for Institutional Investors & Analysts

          • Thomas Denny ( Head of IR )                   • Jérôme Hördemann                                • Lenka Zikmundova
            Tel. +49 201 5179-2346                          Tel. +49 201 5179-3119                            Tel. +49 201 5179-3116

          • Martin Vahlbrock                              • Susanne Lange
            Tel.: +49 201 5179-3117                         Tel. +49 201 5179-3120
                                                                                                   Contact for Private Shareholders
          • Dr. Burkhard Pahnke                           • Dr. Holger Perlwitz                             • Charline Heßling
            Tel.: +49 201 5179-3118                         Tel. +49 201 5179-5243                            Tel. +49 201 5179-3112

     August 2020   Investor Presentation                                                                                                       Page 39
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