SensorFINT, the new European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors

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SensorFINT, the new European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors
VOL. 33 NO. 3 (2021)


SensorFINT, the new European
Network for assuring food
integrity using non-destructive
spectral sensors
Lola Pérez-Marín
Chair of SensorFINT COST Action, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Engineering (ETSIAM), University of Córdoba,
Campus Rabanales, 14071 Córdoba, Spain

The SensorFINT COST Action (CA19145)           a unique digital fingerprint of the product      and the building of real-time decision-
is a European Network for assuring food        and, therefore, a new digital labelling strat-   making systems are critical issues to be
integrity using non-destructive spectral       egy with a more complete information             considered.
sensors. SensorFINT is funded by the           about the product for consumers.                    In this Action, specific consideration has
European Cooperation in Science and               Currently, there is an increasing need        been given to those topics, challenges or
Technology (COST) organisation with            for the food industry to provide informa-        key issues in NDSS for research and inno-
the primary objective of promoting the         tion on their products in order to satisfy       vation that are still unaddressed or, at
creation of research networks in inno-         consumer demands, quality standards, to          least, only partially addressed, such as:
vative areas, facilitating the collabora-      produce more and to protect their prod-          „ The integration of several spectral
tion between academia and industry in          ucts from food fraud. Recent develop-                 sensors (NIR, fluorescence, Raman
Europe and beyond.                             ments in technology, and advances in                  etc.), especially combined with imag-
   Our main objective is to create a vibrant   big data analytics, provide the oppor-                ing systems, to solve critical issues in
and multidisciplinary network focused on       tunity for step-changes that can trans-               the agro–food sector. Therefore, the
the application of non-destructive spectral    form the role of food integrity assurance             Action tackles the scientific break-
sensors to solve the demands of indus-         from one of just strictly conformance                 throughs necessary for the fusion
try for assessment of the quality, safety,     to one that addresses a wide range of                 of NDSS so that they can be imple-
authenticity and traceability of food,         business-­c ritical concerns, including               mented in many parts of the food
combining experience in research, manu-        quality, safety and authenticity solu-                chain, regardless of the demon-
facture, training and technology transfer to   tions. Non-Destructive Spectroscopic                  strated development of each tech-
accelerate spectral sensor implementa-         Sensors (NDSS), such as near infrared                 nology separately for different food
tion throughout the food chain. Thus, the      (NIR) spectroscopy, fluorescence, Raman               applications.
Action is oriented to the use of sensors       or hyperspectral imaging, enable rapid,          „ The role of NDSS for the wide-
and technologies that allow the design of      non-destructive and environmentally-                  spread sampling of bulk products
new, intelligent quality control systems to    safe assessment of multiple parame-                   and batches, highlighting one of their
achieve the new challenges of Industry         ters in a variety of food products. Most              main advantages, which has not yet
4.0. That is, a widespread and instanta-       applications of these technologies in the             been fully exploited, the possibility
neous non-destructive inspection of food       food industry are carried out in the labo-            of reducing the sampling error and,
products to enable decisions to be taken       ratory. Nevertheless, industry requires               therefore, the total analytical error,
in real time from “field to fork”, providing   them to be deployed in situ, i.e. on-line,            providing a more precise answer.
                                               in-line, on-farm, in-field, for full process     „ The development of ready-to-use
DOI: 10.1255/sew.2021.a13                      control over the entire food chain. These             analytical systems, based on the
© 2021 The Author                              requirements introduce constraints on                 integration and combination of low-
                                               sensor design and calibration develop-                cost, portable and miniature NDSS,
Published under a Creative Commons             ment, which do not normally apply to                  and information and communication
BY licence                                     laboratory-based instruments. Long-term               technologies (ICT) for process control
                                               stability of instruments, robustness of               and voluntary labelling, to guarantee
                                               calibrations, sensor integration in produc-           the integrity and reputation of high
                                               tion environments, transferability of data            added-value products.                                                                                 SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE 15
SensorFINT, the new European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors
VOL. 33 NO. 3 (2021)


Figure 1. Kick-off meeting of SensorFINT via Zoom.

„ The potential of NDSS as non-targeted                 The SensorFINT Action will manage          This will involve different strengths and
  methods for the individual control of              these NDSS challenges for the demands         expertise, turning innovative ideas and
  a product item, providing a product                of the food industry, advancing the state-    breakthroughs into new products, solu-
  fingerprint as a valuable tool for food            of-the-art in the technologies and contrib-   tions and applications. The project is struc-
  authentication and fraud prevention.               uting to advances in NDSS applications.       tured into five Working Groups:

16 SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE                                                                        
SensorFINT, the new European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors
VOL. 33 NO. 3 (2021)

1) NDSS for innovation in process
     control and labelling in the European
     food industry.
2) Innovation related to the integration
     of multiple NDSS methods for critical
     issues in food integrity.
3) Novel mathematical algorithms and
     methods for processing NDSS in real
4) Use of ICT in building decision
     support systems for the industrial
     implementation of NDSS.
5) Dissemination and exploitation.
   Under the framework of SensorFINT,
a range of activities (conferences, work-
shops, training schools, exchanges and
other dissemination activities) will be
organised and funded to promote the
culture of NDSS, their implementation in
industry and to train future researchers
and specialists in the field.
   The SensorFINT Action is an open
network, now involving more than
30 countries and 150 researchers
from Europe and beyond, and it still
welcomes new researchers working on
spectral sensors, data processing or ICT.
Networking activities of the Action, with-
out any doubt, will promote the exchange
of information between European and
International partners, the dissemina-
tion of results and the training of young
researchers, who will convert scientific
results into a reality that matches indus-
trial needs.
   The Action started officially at the
beginning of October 2020 (Figure 1)
and will continue for four years. More
information on all the events being
                                             Figure 2. The SensorFINT website.
organised, the members of the Action,
the travel grants (STSM, Short-Term
Scientific Missions) and much more
could be found on our website, www. (Figure 2). Also, you may
follow us on social media (Twitter,                                              Dr Lola Peréz-Marín, Full-Professor in the Faculty of
Instagram, Linkedin or Facebook) and                                             Agriculture and Forestry Engineering, University of
                                                                                 Cordoba, Spain, is a worldwide-recognised expert in
be updated daily with all the information
                                                                                 the use of NIR sensors for food integrity assessment.
about SensorFINT’s activity.
                                                                                 President of the Educational Committee of ICNIRS and
   My last message, please book for our                                          Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board
First International SensorFINT Workshop                                          of the Institute for Global Food Security, Queen’s
“Smart Spectral Sensors for Agri-Food                                            University Belfast, UK. Recipient in 2014 of the inter-
Quality and Process Control” that will be                                        national ­Tomas Hirschfeld Award and in 2020 of the
held in Porto (Portugal) from 16 to 17                                           international Gerald S. Birth Award for her outstanding
September 2021: a must-attend event                                              contribution in the field of NIR spectroscopy.
for the whole NDSS community.                                             
                                                                                                                                                      SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE 17
SensorFINT, the new European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors
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