The modern digital workspace is here for you: Citrix Workspace .

Page created by Kelly Long
The modern digital workspace is here for you: Citrix Workspace .
The modern digital workspace
is here for you: Citrix Workspace .
The modern digital workspace is here for you: Citrix Workspace .
As consumers, we live in a digitally connected
world, where we have every device, app and bit
of information we need at our fingertips. The same
should be true at work. However, research shows
us that employee engagement is impeded by a
digital experience that is far from smooth.

Context switching, signing in and out of apps,
the lack of remote access, and constantly
searching for apps and information are just a
few of the impediments that erode engagement
and productivity.

Given the fact that an organization’s workforce
represents 60% of its operating expense, it’s
staggering to think that employees spend only
43% of their time concentrating on their core

Citrix Workspace can help you solve this problem.

                                                                                I just want to get something
Sources:                                                                        done today!
“Overcome the Technology Distraction That Costs You Organizational
Productivity,” featuring research from Forrester, sponsored by Citrix (2018).   A knowledge worker somewhere
Workfront “State of Work 2020” Report (October 2019)

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                          2
The modern digital workspace is here for you: Citrix Workspace .
A great employee experience                            You can’t have employee
drives better productivity &                           engagement with constant
engagement.                                            distractions.

Whether enterprise users need to use                   Technology that streamlines workflows
10 apps or 50 to do their jobs, they all will          and cuts out clutter clears the way for
appreciate the frustration-free experience             employees to stay focused and engaged in
that Citrix Workspace provides.                        their work. However, many organizations are
                                                       encumbered by tools that are complex and
It starts with single sign-on authentication,
continues with intelligence features that
simplify workflows, and brings it home —               These tools impede collaboration, create
sometimes literally — with a cloud-based               unnecessary urgencies with constant
dashboard that goes where they go.                     notifications, and divert attention away
                                                       from the work that delivers the highest
                                                       business value.

   91%                            89 %
   Of workers are
   proud of the
   work they do.
                                  Believe their
                                  role matters.          91%
                                                         Crave modern
                                                                              84 %
                                                                              Say businesses are missing
                                                         technology           opportunities by not moving
                                                         solutions.           to more modern solutions.

Workfront “State of Work 2020” Report (October 2019)

Workfront “State of Work 2020” Report (October 2019)

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                       3
Employee experience and productivity                                            Respondents
go hand-in-hand.
                                                                                rank the top five
Employees can work for days and accomplish
very little if the time is consumed with switching                              technology enablers
applications, searching for content across multiple
locations, and using countless logins with multiple
                                                                                that contribute to
passwords. When the workforce feels stymied by
the overall digital experience, it’s time for a change.
                                                                                a great employee
Engage like HR. Empower like IT.
                                                                                 • Easy access to necessary information
The modern IT leader has something in common
                                                                                 • Ability to work from anywhere
with human resources: the goal of delivering a
high-quality employee experience. The best way you                               • Ease of use
can achieve this is by implementing modern digital
workspace technology throughout your enterprise —                                • Consumer-like user experience
and Citrix Workspace is the most unified, advanced                               • Choice of devices
and user-friendly platform you’ll find.


The Experience of Work: The Role of Technology in Productivity and Engagement

An Economist Intelligence Unit Report sponsored by Citrix (June 14, 2019)

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                                     4
The most popular user features of Citrix workspace.

Explore how Citrix Workspace learns, remembers, reminds and streamlines. All Citrix Workspace features function
the same way on mobile devices and desktops, as well as on your company’s current web-based interface.

   Single sign-on                  One dashboard        Follow me             Secure remote          Universal search
   (SSO)                                                sessions              access
                                   Citrix Workspace                                                  A consumer-like
   With SSO, users can             enables employees    Users are able to     Geographically         search experience
   securely access all             to run multiple      move between          diverse employees      empowers users
   apps, desktops and              applications and     devices and           have never been        to easily locate
   files from their                desktops             automatically         better connected,      content across all
   computers or                    simultaneously.      connect to all of     whether they are       files and apps.
   devices with one                Now there is a       their sessions just   working from home,
   password. This                  taskmaster to        by signing in.        from an airport or
   function is supported           streamline it all.   They access work      from the client’s
   across all mobile,                                   seamlessly as they    office in Zurich.
   SaaS and web apps.                                   move from their
                                                        desks to the
                                                        conference room
                                                        or from mobile
                                                        devices to laptops.

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                                     5
Workspace                            Recents and                  Microapp integration       Microapp page
   intelligence                         favorites                                               builder
                                                                     This new platform
   Work is simplified with              Like the most intuitive      configuration syncs        Rather than forcing
   virtual assistance that              consumer apps, Citrix        data from systems of       employees to navigate
   guides users, organizes              Workspace saves time         record to streamline       complex, pro-level apps,
   work and automates                   by displaying employees’     functionality from         microapps are singularly
   tasks such as approvals              recently opened apps,        complex enterprise         focused to make work
   and escalations, so                  desktops and files. Citrix   applications. More         easier. As a function
   employees save time                  Workspace also offers        than 100 out-of-the-box    within the Citrix Cloud
   with fewer logins, clicks            the option of allowing       microapps are available.   console, Microapp Page
   and swipes. Users can                users to add most-used                                  Builder connects to
   also personalize how                 apps to their favorites.                                legacy, on-premises, and
   they prioritize                                                                              SaaS systems to allow
   information, whether                                                                         for easy creation of
   by date, relevance or                                                                        streamlined user
   application.                                                                                 workflows.

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                                      6
Security & performance features.

   End-to-end security                  User behavior               Performance across         Single administrative
                                        analytics                   constrained networks       console
   Enables network
   security, identity                   Detects anomalies in        Provides optimum access    Allows management of
   management, and                      user behavior and takes     to available networks,     all functions of Citrix
   web filtering thanks                 immediate action in         no matter how Citrix       Workspace, whether
   to a Secure Digital                  order to mitigate risk.     workloads are delivered    deployed on public,
   Perimeter.                                                       to users.                  private or hybrid clouds.

   Secure Citrix                        Cloud App control           Largest library of
   Workspace browser                                                supported peripherals
                                        Protects IP and increases
   Redirects risky internet             control over user actions   Includes printers, audio
   browsing activity to an              as they access SaaS         recorders, webcams,
   isolated, cloud-hosted               applications.               signature pads and more.

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                                      7
Would your workforce benefit from
Citrix Workspace?

Does your company have remote employees?

Does your company use SaaS applications?

Do any employees utilize five or more apps on a
regular basis?

Does your current technology force employees into
constant context switching?

Do your systems require quarterly password          of employees always work in
changes?                                            a location that is similar to that
                                                    of their coworkers.
Have you ever had to undo or advise against user
                                                    Source: Gallup: State of the American Workplace, 2017

Has your security perimeter outgrown your
governance capabilities?

Is your company’s technology lagging behind
consumer technology?

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                                                                       8
Choose where to begin.

Implementing Citrix Workspace in your
environment doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing
proposition. Look at your company’s most
important use case and start from there.

The bottom line is that every organization can
benefit from the right kind of modern digital
workspace technology. Discover how Citrix
Workspace improves the employee experience
and drives better productivity and engagement.

For more information about Citrix Workspace, visit or
contact your local sales representative or
business partner.

Citrix | The modern digital workspace                  9
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more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other marks are the property of their
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