Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council

Page created by Eddie James
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Seniors Week
 12–18 OCTOBER 2020
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
A social
 butterfly at
 At age 93, Nance loves her Chai Lattes, but it’s rare to see her
 sitting down to enjoy one; not because she can’t, but because
 there’s just too much to do! Her son often tells her it’s time to
 rest, but she says, “I’d rather be on the move and if I can do
                                                                     93                                       Wife.
                                                                     CBS runs 8 Social Hubs across Tasmania. Two days a week,
                                                                     Nance hops on a bus that takes her to the New Town Hub. “I
                                                                     love the ride”, Nance laughs, “I could sit on the bus all day!” At
                                                                     the Hub there is so much to do. Nance says, “it gives me some
 something useful, that’s even better!”                              time to myself, away from my duties at home”.

 Born in the Tasmanian midlands, Nance and her family moved
 to Hobart when she was twelve, and she began work in a fruit
 shop. She married the love of her life, Jack, after the war and
 together they raised four children. Jack passed away 32 years
                                                                     “The social hub
                                                                      has really
 ago and, since then, Nance has lived independently, caring for
 her middle son who has special needs.

 Four years ago, Nance was assessed by My Aged Care for a
 Level 2 Home Care Package. Nance chose Community Based
                                                                           changed my life.
 Support (CBS) to manage her Home Care Package, and since            Nance explains that she doesn’t like sitting still and is always
 then, she hasn’t looked back.                                       looking for ways to be of assistance. Over her years with CBS,
                                                                     she has set up a number of initiatives to help others including a
 Together, Nance and CBS identified the best support options         fundraising trade table; a Neo-natal knitting group; and cooking
 for her. Nance welcomed the idea of attending a CBS Social Hub      sessions to help others learn how. She is now thinking about her
 saying, “I’ve never really had the opportunity to go out, you       next project!
 see, I’ve never really had the opportunity for a social life. I’d
 always either been working or looking after someone                 Nance suffers from a bad knee, inflammation of the spine and
 at home”.                                                           has recently lost vision in one eye. But nothing will slow her
                                                                     down. Fiercely independent, she receives the support she
 Nance says, “The social hub really changed my life. By gosh it’s    needs from CBS, which includes house cleaning and help with
 given me a lot of confidence! Going out really got me out of my     shopping, as well as regularly attending the Social Hub. She is
 shell. I can now stand up and speak to people, I can laugh and      grateful to CBS who she has found to be “very good”. The Social
 dance with them, and share my thoughts and ideas, whereas           Hub has been a wonderful and life-giving experience for Nance
 before I just went to the corner”.                                  and she is so grateful it’s there for her.

 I choose Community Based
 Support because…                                                      We helped Nance.
 “they help me live                                                    Now let us help you.
 at home, and I’ve                                                     We offer these Aged Care services to benefit you:
                                                                       • Assistance to register for government-funded Aged
 never been more                                                         Care services
                                                                       • Home Care Packages
 social!” Nance, 93                                                    • Interim services (while you wait for your Home
                                                                         Care Package)
                                                                       • Domestic cleaning services
                                                                       • Social interaction and well-being services
                                                                       • 24 hour support
       A N  I AN                                                       • Multiple other personalised support services
T ASM N E D                                                            Contact our team on 1300 227 827,
    O W 1 9 88
           E                                                           email or visit our
  -S I N C                                                             website for more information.
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Handy Hints                                     Message from the Deputy Premier
This Events Guide is intended as an
information source only. While every            Welcome to the 22nd annual Seniors
effort has been made to ensure that the         Week 2020, held from 12–18 October,
information contained in this guide is
accurate and up-to-date, the information        and the 10th to be facilitated by COTA
is subject to change without notification       Tasmania – a great opportunity to
and at the sole discretion of the service       engage in activities and hobbies and
provider. COTA Tasmania, its office bearers,
staff and volunteers do not accept any          stay connected with your friends and
liability for any loss, howsoever arising,      communities, which is now more
from the use of or reliance upon the            important than ever before.
information contained in this guide.
                                                This year’s over-arching theme is
ONLINE EVENTS                                   “Who we are. What we do.”, and even
Online events are available this year for the
first time. These events are geographically     with the relevant COVID-19 safety         As part of the Tasmanian
listed as well on a dedicated page.             plans in place, it is great to see COTA   Government’s commitment to
                                                Tasmanian has helped to ensure there      supporting Tasmanians as they
OTHER EVENTS                                    is a good variety of events spread        age, fostering community spirit
In some parts of the State, Seniors Week
activities may have been planned in             across the state.                         and building a more inclusive state,
addition to those in this official Events       While Seniors Week will be quite          Tasmanian Senior Card holders will be
Guide. Check with your local council,                                                     able to ride on any Metro bus service
community groups and local newspapers           different this year, our number one
for information about events in your            priority through the coronavirus          for free during Seniors Week 2020.
community.                                      pandemic is the health, wellbeing         I congratulate COTA Tasmania for
SPECIAL ACCESS                                  and safety of Tasmanians, and             offering a range of Seniors Week
People with disabilities or requiring special   this year’s program offers plenty         events in such unprecedented times,
access should contact the event organiser       of opportunities to help keep             helping to ensure older Tasmanians
prior to attendance.
                                                communities connected and engaged         can get out and about and be
TRANSPORT FOR SENIORS                           through this time of uncertainty.         socially connected, and I thank them
Holders of a Seniors Card and Metro
                                                Indeed for the first time in Seniors      for working with the Tasmanian
Greencard can access free travel during                                                   Government with our response to the
Seniors Week on Metro services. Seniors         Week history online events will be
Card holders can get free travel on             offered, which means a more inclusive     pandemic, helping to keep people
MerseyLink services for the week.               program for many older Tasmanians         connected and bringing people back
                                                who could not previously participate      together safely.
Event organisers should have appropriate        due to social or health constraints.      I also congratulate those
insurance cover while participating in                                                    organisations and individuals who
Seniors Week including, but not limited
to, public liability insurance. While COTA                                                are participating in Seniors Week
Tasmania is responsible for coordinating                                                  2020, for seizing the chance to
and promoting Seniors Week, individual                                                    give stimulation and socialisation
event organisers are responsible for all
insurances for their own specific activity.                                               opportunities for older Tasmanians,
                                                                                          many of whom have been presented
COVID-19                                                                                  with more challenges than most
COTA Tasmania has received undertakings                                                   away from family, friends and their
from each official Seniors Week event
organiser that they will have COVID-safe                                                  communities.
plans in place for patrons of their events.
Patrons should observe all COVID-safe
warnings and advice and undertake their                                                   Jeremy Rockliff
own personal hygiene activities.
                                                                                          DEPUTY PREMIER AND MINISTER
GUIDE TO SYMBOLS                                                                          FOR COMMUNITIES
GOLD COIN DONATION =                                                                      Program produced by COTA Tasmania
Entry or participation fees may apply to all                                              ‘Westella’, 181, Elizabeth St, Hobart 7000
other events. If booking details are stated,                                              (03) 6231 3265 |
bookings are essential. Events may be                                                     Design: Kelly Eijdenberg, Poco People
cancelled if no bookings are received.                                                    Illustrations: Becski Design
                                                                                          Printing: The Mercury newspaper
                                                                                          Packaging and distribution: Mercury Walch
                                                                                          Technical partner: NBN Co

                                                                                                           Seniors Week 2020           3
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Welcome to the                             We immensely value our Seniors
                                           Week supporters, foremost the
                                                                                      Give us your
22nd annual                                Tasmanian Government, which had            feedback — tell us
                                           the vision to start this wonderful
Seniors Week!                              activities program for seniors 22          your stories
                                           years ago and which continues to
                                           support COTA Tasmania in presenting        How has Seniors Week enriched
COTA Tasmania is genuinely delighted       the annual Seniors Week program.           your life? Was it your first
to present the 22nd annual Seniors
                                           We also welcome back TasNetworks,          time? Why do you support
Week – the 10th to be organised
                                           The Senior newspaper, Metro                Seniors Week? What ongoing
by COTA on behalf of the State
                                           Tasmania, and Australia Post – the         friendships/networks have you
                                           latter massively enhancing our             gained as a result of Seniors
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic           statewide program availability and         Week? Did you participate
the decision to proceed with Seniors       distribution process. We also thank        online?
Week this year was not taken until         NBN Co for their assistance to             Tell us – we’d love to hear your
June. Despite this shortened planning      organisers with online preparations.       stories and suggestions!
time and uncertainty due to the
                                           Without these valued supporters            Send us a note or email. Or
pandemic, let alone groups ’ability
                                           COTA Tasmania simply could not             complete the official survey
to participate in Seniors Week, the
                                           facilitate this unique annual activities   form available at Seniors Week
community responded magnificently.
                                           program for older Tasmanians. So,          events, which takes less than
More than 300 events are on                you are encouraged to support              two minutes to complete.
offer around the state. We are so          these wonderful sponsors as well
impressed and very grateful for the        as the program advertisers whose           Event organisers will distribute
resilience and positivity of this year’s   participation is also appreciated and      and collect the survey form, and
event organisers.                          valued.                                    return them to COTA.
For the first time in Seniors Week,        I want to acknowledge our small but        Alternatively, you can access
online events are available. Around 50     dedicated team at COTA for their           the form from the COTA
events will be simulcast and several       commitment to making Seniors               Tasmania website:
are online-only. This major initiative     Week as varied, accessible and   
will allow many older Tasmanians who       enjoyable as possible, especially in       To help us ensure the ongoing
are unable to physically participate,      this challenging year.                     success and sustainability of
to be part of the Seniors Week                                                        Seniors Week and maintain its
                                           Some staff will be out and about
program – if only “virtually”.                                                        place as a leading Tasmanian
                                           during Seniors Week – being
This year’s over-arching theme             physically distant! – and they look        major event, we encourage
is broadly “anti-ageism” so we’ve          forward to meeting some of you.            and rely on feedback from
devised the tagline “Who we                                                           organisers and patrons.
                                           I thank the hundreds of event
are. What we do.” to represent                                                        COTA Tasmania
                                           organisers for their special efforts
this theme. We love the overall                                                       “Westella”
                                           in testing times to make this 22nd
illustrations provided by a talented                                                  181 Elizabeth Street
                                           Annual Seniors Week another varied
local artist and we are again very                                                    Hobart TAS 7000
                                           and successful week of activities for
proud of our acclaimed official                                             
                                           older Tasmanians.
Events Guide.                                                                         (03) 6231 3265
                                           Whatever you do in Seniors Week this
We hope you enjoy this guide; we
                                           year, remember to wash your hands,
have listened to your feedback and
                                           physically-distance – and enjoy the
have retained its proven, reader-
                                           activities and connections.
friendly format and again included
the popular Daily Planner, which           Cheers,
allows you to easily identify the events   Sue Leitch
that appeal to you and make your
Seniors Week activity planning a           CHIEF EXECUTIVE
breeze. There’s even a special section     COUNCIL ON THE AGEING TASMANIA
for online events.

4       Seniors Week 2020
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Join us online for our
            Seniors Week launch!
            You’re invited to join us for the official launch of Seniors Week on 1
            October – the annual International Day of Older Persons.

            This year for the first time in the 22-        The Zoom platform is free, easy to set up
            year history of Seniors Week we’re not         and is obligation-free.
            having a face-to-face event. Like over
            30 Seniors Week event organisers this          In keeping with COTA Tasmania’s 2020
            year, we are also going online for a virtual   theme to tackle ageism in our society
                                                           using the tagline: "Who we are. What
 10:30am    get-together. This way we know we can
                                                           we do."; the launch webinar will feature
            deliver a COVID-safe launch for you.
 Thursday                                                  interviews with older Tasmanians living in
            Our Zoom webinar is free and open to           and contributing to their communities in
1 October   anyone to join as a viewer – but you must      our beautiful state.
  on Zoom   register (rsvp). Simply visit the COTA
                                                           It’s also planned to have some special
            Tasmania website
            and follow the prompts on the home             musical entertainment to round out this
            page to the launch registration link. That     landmark online launch celebration, that
            will give you instructions about joining       you can enjoy from wherever suits you!
            the webinar on Thursday 1 October at           We just unfortunately can’t offer you a
            10:30am for the approximately one-hour         cuppa and biscuit this year . . . but feel
            event. If you are not sure how to do this –    free to grab one from your own kitchen.
            call the COTA office and we can assist.        For enquiries or assistance call
                                                           (03) 6231 3265 or email
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Simply show your Seniors Card
and Greencard for free travel
between 12 and 18 October 2020
            To learn more, get a Greencard, or help planning your journey,
            call 13 22 01 visit or a Greencard agent
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Don’t switch off                           Don’t switch off around electricity.
                                           Here’s what to look out for:
around electricity                         • Tingles from taps or metal fittings
                                           • Flickering lights or varying in
We all know that regular check-                 brightness
ups are important, especially as           • Appliances or power tools giving         CablePI can also help to protect your
we get older, but how often do you              electric shocks or slowing in         home from danger, but only if it’s
consider the health of your home’s              operation                             turned on. Be sure to keep your CablePI
electrical wiring?                         • Excessive noise or sparking from         plugged in and switched on at all times.
                                                switches or power points              To order a new or replacement CablePI
Although electricity can’t be seen,                                                   call 132 004 or visit our website
                                           • Disturbed earth wire or a broken
small signs like tingly taps or                                             
                                                or damaged bare copper wire or
flickering lights could be an indication
                                                green insulated wire.                 For more information or if you have
that it isn’t flowing as it should be,
which could be dangerous.                  If you see or feel any of these            an enquiry about your power supply,
                                           warning signs you should never             call TasNetworks on 1300 137 005
                                           ignore them, instead report them           (Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm) or visit
                                           to TasNetworks on 132 004.       

Australia Post is                          people they deliver to, and as a
                                           postal service, we facilitate millions
supporting mental                          of connections between Australians
                                           each year.
health and wellbeing                       Our vast network enables us to help        across Australia to stay mentally well,
                                           Beyond Blue deliver information to         while helping to build stronger and
As an organisation that connects           support mental health and wellbeing        more connected communities.
every Australian, we’re proud to be a      across Australia, so that we can better
premier partner of Beyond Blue.            reach those in need and share stories      Together with Beyond Blue, we’re
                                           of hope, recovery and resilience.          leading a positive change in the way
The Post Office is the centre point of                                                Australians talk about mental health
over 4,000 communities Australia-          We’re working to make mental health        because when we connect, we feel
wide. Our posties often go above           and wellbeing a part of everyday           better.
and beyond to watch out for the            conversations and support people

Metro — keeping                            Metro is a long-time supporter of
                                           Seniors Week, and is again offering
Tasmanians                                 free travel for Seniors Cards holders
                                           with a Greencard during Seniors
moving safely                              Week (12 to 18 October 2020).
                                                                                      Visit to get your
                                           Using a Greencard is a quick and           Or visit:
Metro is proud of the role it has          simple process – no need for correct
played in keeping Tasmanians               change, just tap and go. You can           •   the Metro Shop in the Elizabeth
moving, connecting them with               even set up an automatic top up for            Street bus mall
essential services and their jobs,         when you are running low, or add           •   a Metro depot in Hobart,
during the COVID-19 shutdown.              credit online, at a Metro shop, depot          Launceston or Burnie
At all times the safe transport of         or Greencard agent.
                                                                                      •   a Greencard agent
passengers – and the safety of our         In addition to being easier and quicker,
employees – was top of mind. This          it is cheaper, offering a 20 per cent      Or call the Metro customer service
continues to be important and              discount on fares outside of free travel   hotline on 13 22 01.
Metro’s focus.                             period during Seniors Week.

                                                                                                  Seniors Week 2020          7
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
1                     2                    3
Increase muscular strength         Reduce the risk of falls through           Alleviate the effects of chronic
                                   increased strength, better balance         conditions such as arthritis,
Increase bone density              and greater coordination.                  heart disease, type 2 diabetes
(the strength of bones).                                                      and osteoporosis.                  NO FITNESS
                                   Improve functional ability to                                                 EQUIPMENT
Increase the strength of           undertake everyday tasks, such             Prolong the ability to live
ligaments and tendons.                                                                                            NEEDED!
                                   as shopping, preparing food or             independently.
Improve cardiovascular health.     cleaning.
                                                                              Download our free booklet from
Improve overall quality of life.   Increase metabolic rate and       or contact us at
                                   improving body composition        or 03 6231 3265.
Improve posture and gait.          (increasing muscle, reducing fat).
                                   Increase self-esteem.

                                                    Doing a quick tick box
                                                exercise like the wellness
IMPROVING PERSONAL                             checklist on our brochure
                                             (available at www.cotatas.
WELLBEING                             can help you
                                           chat to your GP. It is possible
                                           to increase your wellbeing in
                                             certain areas. Government
                                            subsidised in-home support
                                                  is also available (if and
                                                        when you need it).
                                                   For more contact us at
                                                        or 03 6231 3265.
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
A few tips for eating well:

                                                                  Eat a good protein food at every meal.
CAPACITY AND TO GET BACK                                          Surround that with as many coloured veggies,
                                                                  nuts, seeds, herbs, fruits and grains as you can
TO LIFE DURING COVID-19                                           for the cell protection they offer.

                                                                  Eat foods in their most original form possible
                                                                  and cut down on processed foods to
                                                                  support your gut and your immune system.

                                                                  Do all you can to work your muscles and stay
                                                                  active during, and as we emerge from COVID
                                                                  restrictions – muscles support immune system
                                                                  and help reduce damaging chronic inflammation
                                                                  as well as move us around.

                                                         Download our free booklet from or
                                                         contact us at or 03 6231 3265.

Safety during                                  However, patrons are urged to take

Seniors Week                                   responsibility for their own COVID-safe
                                               precautions by:
                                               • Maintaining 1.5 metres distance to
Although Seniors Week is on track to             other people, even outdoors;
proceed in October with face-to-face
events, it’s of course not “business as
                                               • Using hand sanitiser or washing
usual” this year.                                hands thoroughly with soap and
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a
number of travel and gathering restrictions,
                                               • Covering coughs and sneezes;
which have required Seniors Week event         • Staying away if you are even
organisers to take actions to make their         slightly unwell; and
event environments as COVID-safe as
possible for guests.                           • Wearing a face mask if desired.

Organisers of both indoor and outdoor          The latest government information and
events will observe social distancing          advice about COVID-19 can be accessed
protocols and provide signage and              online at or
general assistance in regard to                via the COTA Tasmania website
COVID-safe procedures.               
Seniors Week 12-18 OCTOBER 2020 - Huon Valley Council
Daily Planner: Online only                                                             (Click on the
                                                                                       event to see the
                                                                                       full listing)

9:00am–5:00pm           Stories from Multicultural Seniors                                                p30
10:30am–12:00pm         E-bikes are for Everybody                                                         p31
1:00pm–2:00pm           Advance Care Planning Basics: New Tasmanian Advance Care Directive               p31
1:00pm–2:00pm           Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33
2:00pm–3:00pm           Virtual Bingo Live                                                                p32
8:00pm–9:00pm           Spanish City Park Radio Program                                                   p33

9:00am–5:00pm           Stories from Multicultural Seniors                                                p30
10:00am–11:30am         Let's Talk about Osteoporosis and Bone Health                                     p32
10:30am–12:30pm         Age Coming to a Body Near You — Things YOU Should Know                            p30
11:00am–11:30am         Virtual Senior Movement Class                                                     p33
11:00am–11:45am         Smiling to Your Friendly Colours in Your Golden Years                             p33
11:45am–12:15pm         Remake, Recreate – Wearable Sustainable Garments Ideas                            p33
1:00pm–2:00pm           Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33
7:30pm–8:30pm           Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33

9:00am–5:00pm           Stories from Multicultural Seniors                                                p30
12:00pm                 Sharing Lunch Virtual Style                                                       p30
1:00–2:00pm             Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33
1:00pm–1:40pm           Healthy Ageing Virtual Workshop by Dr. Ashley Dent                                p32
2:00pm–2:30pm           Foster Care Information Session                                                   p32
2:00pm–2:40pm           Stretching for Healthy Ageing Virtual Workshop by Dr. Samuel Crean                p32
2:00pm–3:00pm           Balancing Act: Employers and Employees Talking about the Next Life Stage          p31
5:50pm–6:15pm           Smiling to Your Friendly Colours in Your Golden Years                             p33
6:15pm–6:45pm           Remake, Recreate – Wearable Sustainable Garments Ideas                            p33
7:30pm–8:30pm           Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33

9:00am–5:00pm           Stories from Multicultural Seniors                                                p30
10:30am–12:30pm         Empowering Voices                                                                 p30
1:00pm–2:00pm           Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33
2:00pm–2:30pm           Not So Easy: Australian Design and Identity since Federation                      p30
5:30pm–6:00pm           Welcome to Wildcare Zoom Info Session                                             p32
7:30pm–8:30pm           Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                  p33

10   Seniors Week 2020 • Events that are   ONLINE ONLY
Daily Planner: Online only
9:00am–5:00pm      Stories from Multicultural Seniors                                                    p30
10:00am–11:30am    Silver Surfers During Lockdown – Older Tasmanians Share Their Knowhow                 p31
1:00pm–2:00pm      Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                      p33

9:00am–5:00pm      Stories from Multicultural Seniors                                                    p30
7:30pm–8:30pm      Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                                                      p33

                                                 The District Nurses has
                                                 been caring for Tasmanians
                                                 at home since 1896.
                                                 Our nurse lead teams provide a full range
                                                 of government funded services and Home
                                                 Care Packages that will help you stay healthy
                                                 and independent at home and within your
                                                 community including:
                                                 • Nursing                    • Social support
                                                 • Short term                 • Assistance with
                                                   restorative care             shopping and meal
                                                 • Allied health services       preparation
                                                 • Support to Veterans        • Respite
                                                 • Help with showering        • End of life care
                                                   and dressing
                                                                              All of our services can
                                                 • Assistance with            be purchased privately.
                                                   house hold tasks

                                      03 6208 0500  @thedistrictnurses
   Committed to Ca|e Since 1896                             SINCE   1896

                        Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events that are   ONLINE ONLY                11
Daily Planner: South                                                 (Click on the
                                                                     event to see the
                                                                     full listing)

8:00am–12:30pm    Spinal Screening                                          KINGSTON       p45
8:00am–6:00pm     Spinal Screening                                          HOBART         p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                     HOBART         p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                     KINGSTON       p46
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                          MOONAH         p48
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test          HOBART         p44
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test          HUONVILLE      p45
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test          KINGSTON       p47
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test          BELLERIVE      p36
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test          GLENORCHY      p41
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test          SORELL         p52
9:00am–5:00pm     Inala Jurassic Gardens                                    BRUNY ISLAND   p37
9:00am–5:00pm     Hearing Test                                              HOBART         p43
9:00am–5:00pm     Public Art Exhibition                                     HUONVILLE      p45
9:00am–5:00pm     COVID-19 Stories from Home                                NEW NORFOLK    p49
9:30am–2:30pm     Mystery Bus Tour                                          WEST MOONAH    p53
10:00am–12:00pm   Table Tennis for Fun and Fitness                          KINGSTON       p45
10:00am–12:00pm   Coffee, Cake and Computers – Computing Basics             GLENORCHY      p40
10:00am–12:00pm   Thanking the Seniors in Communities                       ROKEBY         p50
10:00am–Wed       Two Night Sail on the Lady Nelson                         HOBART         p43
10:30am–12:30pm   Weaving with Natural Fibres                               DODGES FERRY   p39
10:30am–1:00pm    Come and Try Croquet                                      SANDY BAY      p51
11:00am–12:00pm   Pacific Collection Tour                                   ROSNY          p51
11:30am–12:45pm   Introduction to Petanque                                  SANDY BAY      p51
12:00pm–12:45pm   Staying Active Move                                       KINGSTON       p47
1:00pm–2:00pm     Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                          HOBART         p44
1:00pm–2:30pm     Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                         FRANKLIN       p40
1:00pm–3:00pm     Croquet                                                   KINGSTON       p45
1:00pm–3:00pm     Come and Try Croquet                                      NEW TOWN       p49
1:30pm–2:15pm     Fitness with Music                                        KINGSTON       p47
1:30pm–3:00pm     Movie: Little Chaos                                       NEW NORFOLK    p49
2:00pm–3:00pm     Balance and Flexibility — Part One                        KINGSTON       p46
3:00pm–4:00pm     Bruny Island Quarantine Station                           KINGSTON       p46
7:00pm–8:00pm     Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                          HOBART         p44

12   Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:30pm    Spinal Screening                                              KINGSTON             p45
8:00am–6:00pm     Spinal Screening                                              HOBART               p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                         HOBART               p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                         KINGSTON             p46
9:00am–12:00pm    Build Your Own Chopping Board                                 WEST MOONAH          p53
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                              MOONAH               p48
9:00am–5:00pm     Hearing Test                                                  HOBART               p43
9:00am–5:00pm     Public Art Exhibition                                         HUONVILLE            p45
9:00am–5:00pm     COVID-19 Stories from Home                                    NEW NORFOLK          p49
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              HOBART               p44
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              HUONVILLE            p45
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              KINGSTON             p47
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              BELLERIVE            p36
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              GLENORCHY            p41
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              SORELL               p52
9:00am–5:00pm     Inala Jurassic Gardens                                        BRUNY ISLAND         p37
10:00am–11:30am   Keeping Healthy and Active                                    BRIDGEWATER          p37
10:00am–11:30am   Visit the Cricket Museum                                      BELLERIVE            p37
10:00am–12:00pm   Table Tennis for Fun and Fitness                              KINGSTON             p45
10:00am–12:00pm   Table Tennis                                                  MONTAGU BAY          p48
10:00am–12:00pm   Thanking the Seniors in Communities                           ROKEBY               p50
10:15am–11:30am   Blundstone Boot Walk                                          RISDON VALE          p50
10:30am–12:00pm   Are You Swim Ready?                                           LINDISFARNE          p48
11:00am–12:00pm   Qigong in the Library                                         HOBART               p44
11:00am–3:00pm    Channel Museum                                                MARGATE              p48
12:00pm–12:45pm   Empowering Seniors                                            KINGSTON             p46
12:00pm–1:30pm    Quizzical Community Lunch                                     WEST MOONAH          p53
12:00pm–4:00pm    Mah Jong                                                      CYGNET               p38
1:00pm–2:30pm     Visit the Cricket Museum                                      BELLERIVE            p37
1:00pm–2:30pm     Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                             FRANKLIN             p40
1:00pm–3:00pm     Care Forward Information Sessions                             ROSNY                p51
1:30pm–2:15pm     Empowering Seniors                                            KINGSTON             p47
1:30pm–3:00pm     Movie Event: A United Kingdom                                 GLENORCHY            p41
1:30pm–3:00pm     Coffee, Cake and Computers – Computing Basics                 NEW NORFOLK          p49
2:00pm–3:00pm     Protecting Yourself from Elder Abuse                          HOBART               p42
2:00pm–3:00pm     Discover Your Family History                                  ROSNY                p51
3:00pm–4:00pm     Pacific Collection Tour                                       ROSNY                p51

                                         Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH   13
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–1:30pm     Spinal Screening                                   HOBART         p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                              HOBART         p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                              KINGSTON       p46
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                   MOONAH         p48
9:00am–5:00pm     Hearing Test                                       HOBART         p43
9:00am–5:00pm     Public Art Exhibition                              HUONVILLE      p45
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   HOBART         p44
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   HUONVILLE      p45
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   KINGSTON       p47
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   BELLERIVE      p36
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   GLENORCHY      p41
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   SORELL         p52
9:00am–5:00pm     Inala Jurassic Gardens                             BRUNY ISLAND   p37
9:00am–5:00pm     COVID-19 Stories from Home                         NEW NORFOLK    p49
10:00am–11:00am   Achey Breaky Joints                                WEST MOONAH    p52
10:00am–11:00am   Tai Chi for Seniors                                DODGES FERRY   p39
10:00am–11:30am   Visit the Cricket Museum                           BELLERIVE      p37
10:00am–12:00pm   Has COVID Changed Your Life?                       GLENORCHY      p40
10:00am–12:00pm   Thanking the Seniors in Communities                ROKEBY         p50
10:00am–1:00pm    E-bike to Moonah for Coffee                        HOBART         p42
10:00am–2:00pm    Help with Digital Devices                          NUBEENA        p50
10:00am–3:00pm    Bellerive History Alliance                         BELLERIVE      p36
10:00am–3:30pm    COTA Tas IT Pop Up Stall in Oatlands               OATLANDS       p50
10:30am–11:30am   All About E-bikes with Teros                       KINGSTON       p46
10:30am–3:00pm    Walk the Pipeline Track                            FERN TREE      p39
11:00am–12:00pm   Libraries Tasmania Conservation                    HOBART         p43
11:00am–12:00pm   Pacific Collection Tour                            ROSNY          p51
12:00pm–12:45pm   Staying Active Move                                KINGSTON       p47
1:00pm–2:30pm     Visit the Cricket Museum                           BELLERIVE      p37
1:00pm–2:00pm     Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                   HOBART         p44
1:00pm–2:30pm     Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                  FRANKLIN       p40
1:00pm–3:00pm     Care Forward Information Sessions                  ROSNY          p51
1:00pm–4:00pm     Family History – Interpreting Your DNA Results     BELLERIVE      p36
1:00pm–4:00pm     Explore Your Family History                        BELLERIVE      p36
1:15pm–2:00pm     'Popular Pipes’ Organ Concert                      HOBART         p44

14   Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH
Daily Planner: South
WEDNESDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2020 (continued)
1:30pm–2:15pm   Fitness with Music                                             KINGSTON             p47
2:00pm–3:00pm   Colonial Art, Recipes and Food                                 HOBART               p41
2:00pm–4:00pm   Card Art with Caroline Amos                                    KINGSTON             p47
3:00pm–7:00pm   Spinal Screening                                               KINGSTON             p45
7:00pm–8:00pm   Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                               HOBART               p44

                                        Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH   15
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:30pm     Spinal Screening                                   KINGSTON       p45
8:30am–5:00pm      BreastScreen Tasmania                              HOBART         p43
8:30am–5:00pm      BreastScreen Tasmania                              KINGSTON       p46
9:00am–3:30pm      Free Sound Experience and Coffee                   MOONAH         p48
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   HOBART         p44
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   HUONVILLE      p45
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   KINGSTON       p47
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   BELLERIVE      p36
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   GLENORCHY      p41
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   SORELL         p52
9:00am–5:00pm      Inala Jurassic Gardens                             BRUNY ISLAND   p37
9:00am–5:00pm      Hearing Test                                       HOBART         p43
9:00am–5:00pm      Public Art Exhibition                              HUONVILLE      p45
9:00am–5:00pm      COVID-19 Stories from Home                         NEW NORFOLK    p49
9:30am–2:30pm      Op Shop Bus Tour                                   WEST MOONAH    p52
10:00am–11:30am    Visit the Cricket Museum                           BELLERIVE      p37
10:30am–1:30pm     Potted Herbs and Lunch                             DODGES FERRY   p38
10:30am–1:30pm     Spring Garden Party                                DODGES FERRY   p39
10:00am–2:00pm     Help with Digital Devices                          DUNALLEY       p39
10:00am–3:30pm     COTA Tas IT Pop Up Stall in Kingston               KINGSTON       p47
11:00am–12:00pm    Book Group Taster                                  HOBART         p42
11:00am–1:00pm     Polish Dancing for Seniors                         NEW TOWN       p49
11:00am–2:00pm     Spinning                                           SOUTH HOBART   p52
11:30am–12:45pm    Introduction to Petanque                           SANDY BAY      p51
12:00pm–1:00pm     Travels to Svalbard                                KINGSTON       p47
12:15pm–1:00pm     Empowering Seniors                                 KINGSTON       p46
1:00pm–2:30pm      Visit the Cricket Museum                           BELLERIVE      p37
1:00pm–2:30pm      Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                  FRANKLIN       p40
1:30pm–2:15pm      Empowering Seniors                                 KINGSTON       p47
1:30pm–2:30pm      Has COVID Changed Your Life?                       NEW NORFOLK    p49
1:00pm–3:00pm      Croquet for Fun                                    BELLERIVE      p36
1:30pm–3:00pm      Movie Event: Lucky Dip                             GLENORCHY      p40
1:30pm–6:00pm      Spinal Screening                                   HOBART         p43
3:00pm–4:00pm      Pacific Collection Tour                            ROSNY          p51

16    Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:30pm    Spinal Screening                                              KINGSTON             p45
8:00am–6:00pm     Spinal Screening                                              HOBART               p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                         HOBART               p43
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                         KINGSTON             p46
9:00am–3:00pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                              MOONAH               p48
9:00am–3:00pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                              HOBART               p43
9:00am–5:00pm     Hearing Test                                                  HOBART               p43
9:00am–5:00pm     Public Art Exhibition                                         HUONVILLE            p45
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              HOBART               p44
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              HUONVILLE            p45
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              KINGSTON             p47
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              BELLERIVE            p36
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              GLENORCHY            p41
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test              SORELL               p52
9:00am–5:00pm     Inala Jurassic Gardens                                        BRUNY ISLAND         p37
9:00am–5:00pm     COVID-19 Stories from Home                                    NEW NORFOLK          p49
10:00am–3:30pm    COTA Tas IT Pop Up Stall in Hobart                            HOBART               p44
10:00am–11:00am   Helpful Technology                                            ROSNY                p50
10:00am–12:00pm   Instant Square-Rigged Sailing                                 HOBART               p41
10:00am–12:00pm   Thanking the Seniors in Communities                           ROKEBY               p50
10:30am–12:00pm   Helpful Technology                                            SORELL               p51
10:30am–1:00pm    Potted Herbs and Lunch                                        DODGES FERRY         p38
11:00am–12:00pm   Balance and Flexibility — Part Two                            KINGSTON             p46
11:00am–12:00pm   Pacific Collection Tour                                       ROSNY                p51
11:00am–1:00pm    DIGnity Gardening Garden Party                                NUBEENA              p50
11:00am–3:00pm    Channel Museum                                                MARGATE              p48
12:00pm–12:45pm   Staying Active Move                                           KINGSTON             p47
1:00pm–2:00pm     Line Dancing                                                  CHIGWELL             p38
1:00pm–2:30pm     Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                             FRANKLIN             p40
1:00pm–3:00pm     Instant Square-Rigged Sailing                                 HOBART               p41
1:00pm–3:00pm     Care Forward Information Sessions                             ROSNY                p51
1:30pm–2:15pm     Fitness with Music                                            KINGSTON             p47
3:00pm–4:30pm     Calm Water Sail on the Yukon                                  FRANKLIN             p39
5:30pm–8:00pm     Movie Screening: A Secret Love                                SOUTH HOBART         p52
7:30pm–9:30pm     Drive-in Family Movie Night                                   GLENORCHY            p40

                                         Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH   17
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:00pm     Spinal Screening                                             KINGSTON        p45
9:00am–5:00pm      Hearing Test                                                 HOBART          p43
9:00am–5:00pm      Public Art Exhibition                                        HUONVILLE       p45
9:00am–5:00pm      COVID-19 Stories from Home                                   NEW NORFOLK     p49
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test             SORELL          p52
9:00am–5:00pm      Inala Jurassic Gardens                                       BRUNY ISLAND    p37
9:30am–10:30am     Tour of Glenorchy Rowing Club                                GLENORCHY       p41
10:00am–12:00pm    Come and Try Croquet                                         NEW TOWN        p49
10:00am–12:30pm    'Dying To Know' Advanced Care Planning, Control and Choice   DODGES FERRY    p38
10:00am–1:00pm     Family History – Interpreting Your DNA Results               BELLERIVE       p36
10:00am–1:00pm     Explore Your Family History                                  BELLERIVE       p36
10:00am–3:00pm     Bellerive History Alliance                                   BELLERIVE       p36
1:00pm–2:30pm      Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                            FRANKLIN        p40
1:00pm–5:00pm      Hydrotherapy                                                 HOWRAH          p45
1:30pm–2:30pm      Smiling to Your Heart Meditation                             HOBART          p44
2:30pm–3:30pm      Reiki Clinic Session                                         HOBART          p42
3:00pm–4:30pm      Calm Water Sail on the Yukon                                 FRANKLIN        p39
6:30pm–9:00pm      Feast and Film – D’Ferry Flicks                              DODGES FERRY    p38

9:00am–5:00pm      Inala Jurassic Gardens                                       BRUNY ISLAND    p37
9:00am–5:00pm      Public Art Exhibition                                        HUONVILLE       p45
9:00am–5:00pm      COVID-19 Stories from Home                                   NEW NORFOLK     p49
9:00am–5:00pm      Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test             SORELL          p52
9:40am–3:30pm      Knocklofty Seniors Week Walk                                 HOBART          p42
10:00am–12:00pm    Bush Adventures Among Native Spring Flowers                  BLACKMANS BAY   p37
10:30am–2:00pm     Lauderdale Walks                                             LAUDERDALE      p48
11:00am–3:00pm     Channel Museum                                               MARGATE         p48
1:00pm–2:30pm      Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                            FRANKLIN        p40
1:00pm–3:00pm      Social Softball                                              DERWENT PARK    p38
2:00pm–4:30pm      Jazz at West Winds                                           WOODBRIDGE      p53
2:00pm–3:00pm      Australian Army Band Tasmania with Special Guests            HOBART          p41
2:30pm–3:30pm      Hymnfest @ the Cathedral                                     HOBART          p42
3:00pm–4:30pm      Calm Water Sail on the Yukon                                 FRANKLIN        p39

18    Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   SOUTH
Daily Planner: North                                                   (Click on the
                                                                       event to see the
                                                                       full listing)

8:30am–5:00pm       BreastScreen Tasmania                                          EAST LAUNCESTON   p57
9:00am–3:30pm       Free Sound Experience and Coffee                               LAUNCESTON        p58
9:00am–5:00pm       Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test               KINGS MEADOWS     p58
9:00am–5:00pm       Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test               LAUNCESTON        p59
9:30am–4:00pm       Yarns Artwork in Silk                                          DELORAINE         p56
10:00am–2:00pm      Seahorse World Tour and Treat                                  BEAUTY POINT      p56
10:00am–3:00pm      Croquet: A Great Game for All                                  ST. LEONARDS      p61
11:00am–11:45am     Planetarium Show for Seniors                                   LAUNCESTON        p59
11:00am–12:00pm     Tai Chi and Qigong                                             BRIDPORT          p56
1:00pm–3:00pm       Croquet for Fun                                                RIVERSIDE         p60
1:45pm–2:45pm       Tai Chi and Qigong                                             BEACONSFIELD      p56
8:30am–5:00pm       BreastScreen Tasmania                                          EAST LAUNCESTON   p57
9:00am–3:30pm       Free Sound Experience and Coffee                               LAUNCESTON        p58
9:00am–5:00pm       Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test               KINGS MEADOWS     p58
9:00am–5:00pm       Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test               LAUNCESTON        p59
9:30am–4:00pm       Yarns Artwork in Silk                                          DELORAINE         p56
10:00am–12:00pm     Croquet                                                        NEWSTEAD          p60
10:00am–1:00pm      Croquet                                                        ST. LEONARDS      p62
10:00am–2:00pm      Seahorse World Tour and Treat                                  BEAUTY POINT      p56
10:00am–3:00pm      This is Your Story                                             CAMPBELL TOWN     p56
10:30am–11:30am     Morning Tea Onsite and Delivered                               SCOTTSDALE        p61
11:00am–11:45am     Planetarium Show for Seniors                                   LAUNCESTON        p59
1:00pm–3:00pm       Croquet for Fun                                                RIVERSIDE         p60
1:00pm–3:00pm       Care Forward Information Sessions                              RIVERSIDE         p61
8:30am–5:00pm       BreastScreen Tasmania                                          EAST LAUNCESTON   p57
9:00am–3:30pm       Free Sound Experience and Coffee                               LAUNCESTON        p58
9:00am–5:00pm       Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test               KINGS MEADOWS     p58
9:00am–5:00pm       Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test               LAUNCESTON        p59
9:30am–1:00pm       Senior Show Spectacular                                        KINGS MEADOWS     p58
9:30am–4:00pm       Yarns Artwork in Silk                                          DELORAINE         p56
10:00am–2:00pm      Seahorse World Tour and Treat                                  BEAUTY POINT      p56
10:00am–2:00pm      Men's Health and Support                                       DILSTON           p57
10:00am–2:00pm      Golf Croquet                                                   ST. LEONARDS      p61
11:00am–11:45am     Planetarium Show for Seniors                                   LAUNCESTON        p59
1:00pm–3:00pm       This is Your Story                                             CAMPBELL TOWN     p56
1:00pm–3:00pm       Croquet for Fun                                                RIVERSIDE         p60
1:00pm–3:00pm       Care Forward Information Sessions                              RIVERSIDE         p61
2:00pm–3:00pm       Tai Chi and Qigong                                             LONGFORD          p59

20    Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   NORTH
Daily Planner: North
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                      EAST LAUNCESTON        p57
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                           LAUNCESTON             p58
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           KINGS MEADOWS          p58
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           LAUNCESTON             p59
9:00am–5:00pm     Free Hearing Test and Trial                                LAUNCESTON             p58
9:30am–4:00pm     Yarns Artwork in Silk                                      DELORAINE              p56
10:00am–2:00pm    Seahorse World Tour and Treat                              BEAUTY POINT           p56
10:00am–2:00pm    Future Proofing your Home with Smart Technology            RIVERSIDE              p60
10:00am–3:00pm    Tracing your Family History                                LAUNCESTON             p59
10:00am–3:00pm    Croquet: A Great Game for All                              ST. LEONARDS           p61
10:30am–11:30am   Line Dancing for Absolute Beginners                        LEGANA                 p59
11:00am–11:45am   Planetarium Show for Seniors                               LAUNCESTON             p59
12:30pm–4:30pm    Bowls Club Seniors' Open Day                               ST HELENS              p62
1:00pm–2:00pm     Lunchbox Lecture at Launceston Library                     LAUNCESTON             p59
1:00pm–3:00pm     This is Your Story                                         CAMPBELL TOWN          p56
1:00pm–3:00pm     Croquet for Fun                                            RIVERSIDE              p60
1:00pm–3:30pm     George Town Seniors Variety Concert                        GEORGE TOWN            p57
1:30pm–4:30pm     Launceston Bridge Club – Come and Try                      SOUTH LAUNCESTON       p61
1:45pm–2:45pm     Chi and Qigong                                             KINGS MEADOWS          p58

8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                      EAST LAUNCESTON        p57
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                           LAUNCESTON             p58
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           KINGS MEADOWS          p58
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           LAUNCESTON             p59
9:30am–4:00pm     Yarns Artwork in Silk                                      DELORAINE              p56
10:00am–2:00pm    Seahorse World Tour and Treat                              BEAUTY POINT           p56
10:00am–11:30am   The Apple Island Wife                                      RIVERSIDE              p60
10:00am–1:30pm    U3A Activities                                             BEACONSFIELD           p56
10:30am–12:00pm   Walking Through Grief                                      KINGS MEADOWS          p58
11:00am–11:45am   Planetarium Show for Seniors                               LAUNCESTON             p59
1:00pm–2:30pm     Walking Through Grief                                      KINGS MEADOWS          p58
1:00pm–3:00pm     Croquet for Fun                                            RIVERSIDE              p60
1:00pm–3:00pm     Care Forward Information Sessions                          RIVERSIDE              p61

                                        Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   NORTH   21
Daily Planner: North
   9:30am–4:00pm                Yarns Artwork in Silk                       DELORAINE      p56
   10:00am–12:00pm              Croquet: A Great Game for All               ST. LEONARDS   p61
   10:00am–2:00pm               Seahorse World Tour and Treat               BEAUTY POINT   p56
   1:00pm–3:00pm                Croquet for Fun                             RIVERSIDE      p60
   7:30pm–10:00pm               'The Drive In' at Windsor                   RIVERSIDE      p60

   9:30am–4:00pm                Yarns Artwork in Silk                       DELORAINE      p56
   10:00am–2:00pm               Seahorse World Tour and Treat               BEAUTY POINT   p56
   1:00pm–3:00pm                Croquet for Fun                             RIVERSIDE      p60
   2:00pm–3:15pm                Launceston Historical Society Lecture       INVERMAY       p57

Need some help understanding your
online health records?
The Pharmacy Guild is running a FREE interactive
session in Hobart to help you:
   ƒ     Manage and update your own MyHealth Record,
   ƒ     Understand how e-Prescribing works and how it
         changes the way your GP communicates with
         your Pharmacist.
Use your own device - laptop, tablet or smart phone
(spare laptops will be available)
Morning tea will be provided

Wednesday 28 October 2020 (10.00am - 12 noon)
Mathers House, Bathurst Street, Hobart

To register call 6220 2955 or email
(bookings essential)

   22         Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the     NORTH
Daily Planner: North West
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                              ULVERSTONE          p72
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                   DEVONPORT           p66
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                   BURNIE              p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   BURNIE              p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   DEVONPORT           p67
9:00am–5:00pm     Shout to Come Back Out                             DEVONPORT           p65
9:00am–5:00pm     A Treat to Eat                                     DEVONPORT           p66
9:30am–10:30am    Heart Foundation Walking Group                     ULVERSTONE          p72
9:30am–5:00pm     Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                            CRADLE MOUNTAIN     p65
10:00am–11:00am   Zumba Gold                                         MORIARTY            p68
10:00am–3:30pm    COTA Tas IT Pop Up Stall in Wynyard                WYNYARD             p73
10:00am–5:00pm    Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special      ROMAINE             p70
12:00pm–1:30pm    50+ Years Ratepayers Luncheon                      DEVONPORT           p66
1:30pm–2:30pm     Gong Relaxation Session                            LATROBE             p68
1:30pm–2:30pm     Tai Chi                                            ULVERSTONE          p73
2:00pm–4:00pm     All about myGov                                    ULVERSTONE          p72

8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                              ULVERSTONE          p72
9:00am–1:00pm     Rack and Gorge Tour                                QUEENSTOWN          p70
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                   DEVONPORT           p66
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                   BURNIE              p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   BURNIE              p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test   DEVONPORT           p67
9:00am–5:00pm     Shout to Come Back Out                             DEVONPORT           p65
9:00am–5:00pm     A Treat to Eat                                     DEVONPORT           p66
9:30am–5:00pm     Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                            CRADLE MOUNTAIN     p65
9:30am–11:00am    Choir Practice                                     DEVONPORT           p67
9:30am–10:30am    Tai Chi – Movement with Meaning                    EAST DEVONPORT      p68
10:00am–12:00pm   History of a Road                                  BURNIE              p64
10:00am–12:30pm   School for Seniors                                 BURNIE              p64
10:00am–3:00pm    Community Shed — Ladies Open Day                   ULVERSTONE          p72
10:00am–3:30pm    COTA Tas IT Pop Up Stall in Port Sorell            SHEARWATER          p71
10:00am–5:00pm    Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special      ROMAINE             p70
10:30am–3:00pm    Devonport Country Club Seniors Week                SPREYTON            p71
10:45am–11:45am   Tai Chi – Caring for Ourselves                     EAST DEVONPORT      p68
11:00am–12:00pm   Yoghurt Making Demonstration                       DEVONPORT           p67
1:00pm–3:00pm     Care Forward Information Sessions                  DEVONPORT           p65
1:00pm–3:30pm     Bingo                                              DEVONPORT           p67
1:30pm–2:30pm     Gong Relaxation Session                            LATROBE             p68

                        Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   NORTH WEST   23
Daily Planner: North West                                                        (Click on the
                                                                                 event to see the
                                                                                 full listing)
8:30am–5:00pm         BreastScreen Tasmania                                  ULVERSTONE             p72
9:00am–9:30am         Heart Foundation Walking Group                         PENGUIN                p69
9:00am–3:30pm         Free Sound Experience and Coffee                       DEVONPORT              p66
9:00am–3:30pm         Free Sound Experience and Coffee                       BURNIE                 p64
9:00am–5:00pm         Shout to Come Back Out                                 DEVONPORT              p65
9:00am–5:00pm         A Treat to Eat                                         DEVONPORT              p66
9:00am–5:00pm         Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test       BURNIE                 p64
9:00am–5:00pm         Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test       DEVONPORT              p67
9:30am–10:30am        Tai Chi – Loving Life                                  EAST DEVONPORT         p67
9:30am–5:00pm         Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                                CRADLE MOUNTAIN        p65
10:00am–11:30am       High Tea at Hug a Mug                                  DEVONPORT              p67
10:00am–12:30pm       School for Seniors                                     BURNIE                 p64
10:00am–5:00pm        Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special          ROMAINE                p70
10:30am–11:30am       Birds and Native Bushland in the Heart of Ulverstone   ULVERSTONE             p72
10:30am–3:00pm        Devonport Country Club Seniors Week                    SPREYTON               p71
10:00am–11:00am       Zumba Gold                                             MORIARTY               p68
10:00am–12:30pm       Penguin History Group Exhibition                       PENGUIN                p69
10:00am–12:00pm       Hidden Treasures – Digging Up Your Past                QUEENSTOWN             p70
10:00am–12:00pm       Hidden Treasures – Digging Up Your Past                WYNYARD                p73
11:00am–12:00pm       Circular Head Walking Group Meet and Greet             WYNYARD                p73
11:00am–12:00pm       Casual Country Cycling                                 WYNYARD                p73
11:00am–1:00pm        Vanishing Towns of the North-West                      BURNIE                 p64
1:00pm–2:00pm         Tai Chi                                                PRESERVATION BAY       p69
1:00pm–3:00pm         Community Concert                                      ULVERSTONE             p72
1:00pm–3:00pm         Care Forward Information Sessions                      DEVONPORT              p65
1:30pm–2:30pm         Gong Relaxation Session                                LATROBE                p68
2:00pm–3:30pm         High Tea at Hug a Mug                                  DEVONPORT              p67
3:30pm–5:30pm         Vanishing Towns of the North-West                      SMITHTON               p71
6:30pm–7:30pm         Master Swimming                                        DEVONPORT              p66
6:30pm–8:35pm         Film Night – Happy Ending                              DEVONPORT              p66
7:00pm–9:00pm         Penguin History Group Exhibition                       PENGUIN                p69

24    Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   NORTH WEST
Daily Planner: North West
7:30am–9:00am     Mr Perfect BBQ Breakfast                                   ULVERSTONE        p72
8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                      ULVERSTONE        p72
9:00am–1:00pm     Rack and Gorge Tour                                        QUEENSTOWN        p70
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                           DEVONPORT         p66
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                           BURNIE            p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Shout to Come Back Out                                     DEVONPORT         p65
9:00am–5:00pm     A Treat to Eat                                             DEVONPORT         p66
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           BURNIE            p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           DEVONPORT         p67
9:15am–10:15am    Tai Chi                                                    PORT SORELL       p69
9:30am–5:00pm     Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                                    CRADLE MOUNTAIN   p65
10:00am–12:00pm   Hidden Treasures – Digging Up Your Past                    BURNIE            p64
10:00am–12:00pm   History of a Road                                          SMITHTON          p71
10:00am–5:00pm    Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special              ROMAINE           p70
10:30am–3:00pm    Devonport Country Club Seniors Week                        SPREYTON          p71
11:00am–12:00pm   Connecting to Others                                       DEVONPORT         p67
11:30am–1:30pm    Vanishing Towns of the North-West                          QUEENSTOWN        p70
1:00pm–4:00pm     Learn to Play Bowls                                        DEVONPORT         p66
1:30pm–2:30pm     Gong Relaxation Session                                    LATROBE           p68

8:30am–5:00pm     BreastScreen Tasmania                                      ULVERSTONE        p72
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                           BURNIE            p64
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Sound Experience and Coffee                           DEVONPORT         p66
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           BURNIE            p64
9:00am–5:00pm     Celebrate Sound – Hearing Checks and Online Test           DEVONPORT         p67
9:00am–5:00pm     Shout to Come Back Out                                     DEVONPORT         p65
9:00am–5:00pm     A Treat to Eat                                             DEVONPORT         p66
9:30am–5:00pm     Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                                    CRADLE MOUNTAIN   p65
10:00am–11:00am   Zumba Gold                                                 MORIARTY          p68
10:00am–12:00pm   Garden Conversations                                       WYNYARD           p73
10:00am–12:00pm   All about myGov                                            ULVERSTONE        p72
10:00am–5:00pm    Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special              ROMAINE           p70
11:30am–1:00pm    Men's Shed Open Day and BBQ                                ULVERSTONE        p73
1:00pm–3:00pm     Care Forward Information Sessions                          DEVONPORT         p65
1:30pm–2:30pm     Gong Relaxation Session                                    LATROBE           p68

                         Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   NORTH WEST        25
Daily Planner: North West
8:00am–9:30am          Master Swimming                                     DEVONPORT           p66
9:00am–1:00pm          Rack and Gorge Tour                                 QUEENSTOWN          p70
9:00am–2:00pm          Penguin Men's Shed Open Day and BBQ                 PENGUIN             p69
9:00am–5:00pm          Shout to Come Back Out                              DEVONPORT           p65
9:00am–5:00pm          A Treat to Eat                                      DEVONPORT           p66
9:30am–5:00pm          Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                             CRADLE MOUNTAIN     p65
10:00am–5:00pm         Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special       ROMAINE             p70
10:30am–12:30pm        Easy Group Bike Ride                                DEVONPORT           p67
1:00pm–4:00pm          Learn to Play Bowls                                 DEVONPORT           p66

9:00am–5:00pm          Shout to Come Back Out                              DEVONPORT           p65
9:00am–5:00pm          A Treat to Eat                                      DEVONPORT           p66
9:30am–5:00pm          Devils@Cradle Sanctuary                             CRADLE MOUNTAIN     p65
10:00am–5:00pm         Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Spring Special       ROMAINE             p70

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26    Seniors Week 2020 • Daily Planner • Events in the   NORTH WEST
                                                                                                              We can help

                                                                                                          At CTST we provide friendly
                                                                                                          and affordable door-to-door
                                                                                                           transport for the over 65s.
                                                                                                          No matter where you are in
SOMEONE YOU LOVE!                                                                POLISHPOLISH
                                                                                                          Tasmania, CTST can help get
                                                                                                           you where you need to be.
When using a wood heater:
•            Supervise young children at all times                               WELFARE
                                                                                       OFFICE                    We can help with

•            Always use a fixed fire screen
•            Never use accelerants to light a fire                                                        •   Hair appointments
                                                                                  providing information
•            Keep clothing and furniture at least                                                         •   Catching up with friends

             2 metres from the heater/fire                                           and support to
                                                                                                          •   Visits to art galleries
•            Clean chimneys and flues                                                 HACC clients
             professionally every year
                                                                                    and their carers      •   Going to sporting events
•            Install a smoke alarm.
                                                                                 Providing support        •   Medical appointments
For further information contact the
Tasmanian Burns Unit at                                    and
                                                                                        New Town Roadto
or visit                                                           New Town TAS 7008      For more information call us
                                                                                 older persons and         on 1800 78 10 33 or visit us
                           BURNS                                                 their
                                                                                         62 28 62 58       online at
                           AID                                                   –––––––––
                                                                                   Office Hours:
                                                                                    9am to 2pm
                                                    Cool the burn for at least   22-24 New Town Rd
                                                                                     Monday to Friday
                                                      20 minutes                 New Town TAS 7008
                                           under cool running water,
                                          and seek medical attention.            Tel: 6228 6258
                                                                                 Office hours:
Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia

How to:
Set up Zoom on your                                All devices are different.
                                                   Don’t stress about what’s

PC laptop or computer.
                                                   on your screen, look for
                                                   the icons and word
                                                   commands we have ringed in red.

    1          2                          3                          4


                                 IT HELP FOR OLDER TASMANIANS
            Contact COTA for more information on 6231 3265 or
Events that are

Not So Easy: Australian Design                               Sharing Lunch Virtual Style	
and Identity since Federation                               Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery                             Lunch across 3 separate hubs bringing people together
Join Peter Hughes, Senior Curator, Decorative Arts           virtually.
at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery for this             Wednesday 14th October 12:00pm
fascinating session. Peter will take you on a virtual        Online only: Zoom link provided on RSVP
tour from wherever you choose to be, describing the          Bookings: 03 6244 6346 (close: 9/10/20)
highlights of this vibrant exhibition which explores the
changing relationship between design and identity in
Australia from Federation to the early 21 Century. There     Age Coming to a Body Near You
will be time towards the end of the tour to ask questions.   — Things YOU Should Know	
This is an online booked event.                              Advocacy Tasmania
Thursday 15th October 2:00pm–2:30pm                          Age creeps up on us all and there are things we all
Online only: Microsoft Teams                                 should know! Our panel of expert speakers from
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Dunn Place, Hobart         Relationships Australia, Legal Aid Senior Assist, Office
Bookings:            of the Public Guardian, Public Trustee, Council on the
easy-australian-design-and-identity-since-federation-        Ageing and Advocacy Tasmania will collaborate via
tickets-112070339402 (close: 12/10/20)                       live-stream technology to share some stories of the
Enquiries: 03 6165 7000                                      experiences of older people. They will discuss what
                                                             documents and plans you should have in place and what
                                                             support their service can provide if things go wrong.
Stories from                                                 Tuesday 13th October 10:30am–12:30pm
Multicultural Seniors                                       Online only: Zoom link provided on RSVP
Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania                             Bookings: 1800 005 131 |
Tune in to Hobart FM 96.1 every day throughout Seniors       (close: 9/10/20)
Week to hear from a diverse range of multicultural           Enquiries: 0438 602 216
Tasmanians, sharing their stories and experiences of
ageing in Tasmania. We’ll hear from older Tasmanians
in a range of languages including English, German,           Empowering Voices	
Nepalese, Chinese and Italian.                               Advocacy Tasmania
Monday 12th–Friday 16th October various times                Advocacy Tasmania supports older persons to have their
Sunday 18th October various times                            voice heard in a range of situations. This event will be
On Radio Only: Hobart FM 96.1                                livestreamed for attendees to hear how our advocacy
                                                             work can really empower older people and the great
                                                             outcomes that can be achieved.
                                                             Thursday 15th October 10:30am–12:30pm
                                                             Online only: Zoom link provided on RSVP
                                                             Bookings: 1800 005 131 |
                                                             (close: 12/10/20)
                                                             Enquiries: 0438 602 216

30      Seniors Week 2020 • Events that are     ONLINE ONLY
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