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A STRONGER SCOTLAND ii THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 © Crown copyright 2015 You may re-use this information (excluding logos and images) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or e-mail: psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This document is available from our website at www.gov.scot ISBN: 978-1-78544-598-9 ISBN: 978-1-78544-599-6 (E-pub) ISBN: 978-1-78544-600-9 (Mobi) The Scottish Government St Andrew’s House Edinburgh EH1 3DG Published by the Scottish Government, September 2015 Produced for the Scottish Government by APS Group Scotland, 21 Tennant Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NA PPDAS54803 (09/15)
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 3 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 The Programme for Government that we are publishing today builds on a strong record of achievement – it sets out actions for the coming year and a clear vision for the coming decade. At its centre is a commitment to introduce And the Programme sets out how we intend an Improvement Framework for schools, to to use the additional powers which are help us drive up attainment in all schools, due to come to the Scottish Parliament. and to close the attainment gap. We aim to We will take the first steps to delivery of a ensure that children in all parts of Scotland new social security system and abolish the – whether in our least or our most affluent bedroom tax as soon as we have the power areas – have a fair chance to flourish. to do so. We will reduce Air Passenger Duty – boosting connectivity and supporting That ambition encapsulates the themes businesses. And we will abolish fees for which run through this document. We want employment tribunals – ensuring that to create a fairer and more prosperous employees have a fair opportunity to have nation, in which opportunities are open their case heard. to everyone and where because of that, everyone is able to contribute their talent, Finally, the Programme for Government skill and commitment. sets out our approach to government. I am committed to leading the most accessible We will make Scotland the best place in the Government this country has ever had and UK to do business – not through a race to I want to ensure that we build on the sense the bottom, but by focusing on innovation, of engagement and enthusiasm that we saw skills and productivity. – from both sides of the debate – during last We will create a fairer country. We will year’s referendum. So we will help people promote a proper living wage, fair work to have a bigger say in the decisions that and use new powers to improve the welfare affect them most. During the next year we system, mitigating some of the worst will consult on legislation to give greater impacts of the UK Government’s cuts. power to our island communities, and invest in our Empowering Communities Fund. And as part of our work to achieve those aims, we will begin the next phase of public Overall, this Programme for Government service reform – for example by making demonstrates how enduring values – a belief our unified police service more responsive in enterprise, a faith in the importance to the needs of local communities, and of education, a commitment to fairness, transforming primary health care. equality and solidarity, and a passion for democratic engagement – are being The Programme also sets out the legislation applied to make Scotland a fairer and more we will introduce over the coming year. prosperous country. It shows how this We will introduce a bill to tackle Abusive Government intends to achieve our vision Behaviour and Sexual Harm. The Burial and for Scotland’s future. Cremation Bill will meet public concerns, and implement the recommendations of Lord Bonomy’s Report on Infant Cremation. The Private Tenancies Bill provides tenants with protection against excessive rent rises, while also giving clear rights and safeguards to Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP landlords. First Minister of Scotland
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 5 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 This Programme for Government sets out the policies, actions and legislation that we will take forward in 2015-16 to deliver our core purpose of creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and to equip Scotland for the challenges of the next decade and beyond. Our record in Government is one of We will continue to use all the powers at improvement across our public services our disposal at any time to deliver the best against the backdrop of reduced public outcomes we can for the people of Scotland. finances. We have undertaken necessary and important, albeit challenging, reforms to Concrete plans are being put in place our public services, from the integration of to use the new powers that will come health and social care, to the introduction of to Scotland in the current Scotland Bill. Curriculum for Excellence in our schools, the We are working to ensure that we bring reshaping of our college sector to make it forward programmes to use these new fit for the needs of a 21st-century economy, powers in ways that respond to the needs and the establishment of the single fire and and expectations of all the people of police services. Scotland’s economy has Scotland. However, while we welcome these emerged strongly from the global recession additional powers they fall short of what the and we now have lower unemployment and country needs and the people of Scotland higher employment than any other demand. We will therefore continue to press UK nation. for a more effective set of powers for the Scottish Parliament and Government. This Programme for Government, although focused on the next Parliamentary year, lays In taking forward all of the activities of the foundations for the next decade and Government we will be guided by three beyond. It begins to set out the next phase underpinning principles: the need to of reform in our public services – the actions deliver greater prosperity for our country; we will take to ensure that our education ensuring that there is fairness in how our system is world class and that we have the nation’s wealth, resources and opportunities evidence to prove it, that we have an NHS are distributed; and making sure that we that is organised to meet the demands of encourage and facilitate participation by changing demographics and ever advancing everyone in the debates and decisions that technology, and a police service that is matter to them most, regardless of their efficient, effective and enjoys the trust circumstances or backgrounds. and consent of local communities the length We have set out our plans in the following and breadth of Scotland. chapters: We also set out the actions we will take • A Stronger and Fairer Scotland to make Scotland the best place in the UK to do business, not by a race to the • A Strong, Sustainable Economy bottom on costs, but with a focus on strong productivity, innovation, fair work and • Protecting and Reforming Our Public internationalisation. And we set out our Services continued focus on inclusive growth, an • Strengthening Our Communities approach that will reduce the inequality that still scars our country. In short, this Programme for Government will build on strong foundations, to build a country fit and ready for the challenges of the future.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 6 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 A STRONGER AND FAIRER New Powers for the Scottish Parliament SCOTLAND The new powers that have been proposed by the UK Government fall short of what We are fortunate to live in a country where was promised to the people of Scotland. We the values of democracy are respected, will continue to demand that those promises where the Scottish Parliament and Scottish are delivered. But at the same time we Government command respect and where are acting with pace and creativity to be the rights of the individual citizen are ready to use the limited powers that are of paramount importance. Successive proposed, and we will do so in consultation generations have built and protected with others. In particular, we will use those those values and now we must ensure that powers to: we enhance that legacy for subsequent generations. We all share that obligation. In • Bring forward a Social Security Bill Government we never forget that we are within the first year of the new accountable to the citizens of Scotland for Parliament to pave the way – as soon all that we do in their name. as we have the necessary powers – for measures to address weaknesses The Scottish Government fundamentally in Universal Credit, mitigate as far as believes that the decisions which affect we can the impact of UK Government Scotland should be made by the people welfare cuts and abolish the bedroom who live and work here. Even though tax. independence is our ultimate goal, we will do all that we can within the current • Enhance opportunities for employment constitutional arrangements to achieve the and inclusive economic growth by best outcome for the Scottish people. It is improving support for people to move for that reason that we continue to seek into employment through reform of additional devolved powers for the Scottish the Work Programme and linking Parliament and Government. employment programmes with training and education. We will introduce a These new powers will help us make further replacement for the Work Programme progress in delivering our fundamental by April 2017. objective of making Scotland a much fairer society where social justice and • Abolish fees for employment tribunals. tackling inequality drive all that we do as • Reduce the burden of Air Passenger a Government. We have already achieved Duty (APD) by 50% with the reduction much in delivering that vision for Scotland beginning when we introduce a through, for example, our commitment to Scottish APD in 2018. We are currently fair work and the Living Wage; mitigating consulting with stakeholders on the the worst effects of UK Government best way to apply that reduction across welfare cuts; focusing our efforts on new and existing routes. tackling poverty; improving employment opportunities for women and young people; • Promote equalities by taking early and expanding the provision of better action on gender balance on public housing. boards. • Manage the assets of the Crown Estate in Scotland to maximise benefits to the Scottish economy and local communities, in particular the coastal and island communities around Scotland.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 7 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 From April 2016, under the Scotland Act Equality and human rights remain at the 2012, the main UK rates of income tax will heart of our vision for a modern, successful be reduced by 10p for Scottish taxpayers Scotland. We will continue to strongly and in its place the Scottish Parliament will oppose the UK Government’s proposals to be able to set a Scottish Rate of Income Tax repeal the Human Rights Act and substitute (SRIT) each year. it with a British Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. These income tax powers offer inherently limited flexibility as any rate changes Scotland’s Place in the World must be applied equally to all tax bands. The Scottish Government is working to We continue to argue, therefore, for the strengthen Scotland’s place and standing transfer of the further income tax powers in the world. For a country of just over in the current Scotland Bill at the earliest 5 million people we command a global opportunity. The ability to set thresholds reputation and awareness that far outstrips and vary rates by band will allow us to our size. There is enormous potential for us design an income tax policy which supports to capitalise yet further on that excellent Scotland’s circumstances and is in line with international reputation. We will strengthen our principles of fair taxation. our international profile by building on our A Fairer Scotland external relationships and we will help our companies and others, such as universities, Scotland already does better than the UK on to identify opportunities overseas. some measures of inequality – for example, it has seen lower levels of income inequality We also have much to contribute to the over time. However, we need to do more to wider global community by engaging address the underlying causes of inequality internationally in the areas that are of across the range of issues to ensure we are particular concern to us: gender equality, able to live in a fairer, healthier and happier educational attainment, human rights, country, where all people are valued and international development, climate change able to achieve their potential. Whilst the and democratic participation. Scottish Government cannot achieve this on its own, we can play a role in creating Scotland’s relationship with the European the right environment and conditions for a Union is of critical importance to our fairer Scotland and ensure our own policies national interest. The UK Government’s plans and programmes address the underlying to hold an in-out referendum pose real risks causes of inequality. To support this we will for Scotland. In the coming year we will launch a social justice plan to set out how seek to influence the UK’s EU renegotiation the Scottish Government will continue to by promoting a positive reform agenda. We play its part in creating a fairer and more will make a strong and principled Scottish prosperous society. case for the UK remaining a member of the EU. We will also seek a higher degree Scotland is leading the way in the UK in of engagement in EU policy developments involving young people in the democratic and strengthen partnerships with our key process and in June 2015 our proposals EU partners. We will use every lever at our to extend the vote to 16- and 17-year-old disposal to protect our national interests. voters in the Scottish Parliament and local elections in 2016 and 2017 were passed by the Parliament with all-party support.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 8 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 A STRONG, SUSTAINABLE We want Scotland to be the most competitive place to do business and ECONOMY to invest in the UK. We will: We will continue to maintain a pro-business • Expand the availability of business environment so that all our businesses, finance through the introduction of large, medium, small and micro can take full a new £40 million fund to provide advantage of the opportunities that exist investment to SMEs. at home and abroad. Our ambition is that Scotland is seen as the best place in the UK • Work with businesses to deliver our to do business for our indigenous companies strategy on international trade and and inward investors, not through a race investment. to the bottom, but by a focus on skills, productivity, innovation and fair work. • Oversee significant expansion of our digital infrastructure: A more inclusive economy is critical to boosting productivity. It underpins all our • Continue our major programme of actions and activities, such as the Living investment in road, rail and ferries. Wage and addressing the educational • Support our businesses to innovate, attainment gap. especially in collaboration with our The austerity policies of UK Governments universities. caused the recession to be longer and • Support regional economic deeper than should have been the case. development through Regional As a consequence, many individuals and Partnership Plans supported by new companies in Scotland have suffered greater investment of £200,000. hardship than they should. • Extend the operation of Enterprise With the powers available to us we have Areas for a further three years. done all we can to mitigate the impacts of recession and austerity on our country. • Boost productivity through a new From the targeted use of capital investment Manufacturing Action Plan that will in schemes to maximise wider economic develop leadership and skills and benefits, to support for specific sectors and stimulate innovation and investment for small and medium-sized enterprises, in Scottish manufacturing sectors. through to interventions at the individual company level, we and our agencies have • Continue to strengthen social been active across all parts of the economy. enterprise and maintain Scotland’s reputation as a world leader in this We have had 11 consecutive quarters of developing field. growth – the longest period since 2001, with output now above pre-recession levels We will continue to support the creation and record numbers in employment. This, of skilled and well-paid job opportunities, in large part, is due to the hard work, talent particularly for young people, to ensure that and entrepreneurial spirit that we see in the benefits of economic success are shared businesses the length and breadth of the by everyone. Our plans include: country. The well-established links between • Investing in our skills base, and higher education and business continue especially in digital capabilities. to strengthen, bringing enormous mutual benefit. • Expanding opportunities for young people to prepare for work through Developing the Young Workforce, our youth employment strategy.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 9 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 • Continuing to support the hugely successful Modern Apprenticeship programme, having exceeded our target to deliver over 25,000 apprenticeships each year, we will increase the number to 30,000 by 2020. • Expanding coverage of the Scottish Business Pledge – almost 100 companies have already signed up, committing to improve productivity, innovation and fair work. our partners on a reform and improvement • Encouraging employers in all sectors in agenda to make sure that our public services Scotland to embrace the value of fair remain fit for purpose and well-tailored to work in paying the Living Wage and the needs of the individual. promoting an engaged, motivated and well-rewarded workforce. Our approach to government has always been based on belief in the power of • Working with employers to address people. The Christie Commission told us gender stereotypes and support more that public services must be designed with women across the workplace. and for people and communities. A sharp focus on performance, prevention and partnership working within and across local PROTECTING AND REFORMING government, public services and with third OUR PUBLIC SERVICES and business sectors and others is required to ensure this happens routinely. Our record High quality and efficient public services of achievement shows our commitment to make an essential contribution to having decisions being taken as close as possible to a society that is fair and prosperous. The people. Our approach to reform has, at its Scottish Government values the contribution core, a desire to engage citizens and seek and the commitment of the entire public their participation in the design and delivery sector workforce. Far from dismantling of public services. We remain determined public services under the guise of austerity to deliver a decisive shift towards earlier as the UK Government is doing, this intervention and prevention and we Government will continue to work with all recognise that this will require a national our partners, including the third sector, to collective endeavour. support the delivery of services that our fellow citizens rely on. Education At the same time public services also play a At the heart of this programme is our vital role in supporting sustainable, inclusive approach to education. As the next phase of growth, creating a more equal society. Our Curriculum for Excellence, we will develop public services have supported Scotland and implement a National Improvement through the recession. Framework for Scottish Education. The Framework sets out our vision and priorities Those who deliver public services recognise for Scotland’s children and their progress that the world is changing and that our in learning. The purpose of the Framework services need to respond to the changing will be to ensure, in an evidenced and demands and expectations of the public. focused way, that our education system is The use of digital and online services, continually improving, that all children are changes in the demographic make-up of the being equipped with the skills they need to population and technological advances are get on in the world and that we are making also important factors in thinking about the progress in closing the gap in attainment services that we need and how they are between those in our least or most affluent provided. We will continue to work with areas.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 10 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 At the centre of the National Improvement To further expand learning opportunities Framework will be a new system of national, we will continue to implement Developing standardised assessment of children in the Young Workforce – Scotland’s Youth P1, P4, P7 and S3, covering literacy and Employment Strategy, with the aim of numeracy. The Framework will also include reducing youth unemployment by 40% health and wellbeing. Over time this will by 2021. Together with local authorities replace the sample-based Scottish Survey we are supporting schools to play their of Literacy and Numeracy. This will bring part in embedding workplace skills in our consistency to the variety of different young people, enhancing careers education, approaches to assessment currently expanding the range of work-based followed in our 32 local authorities and qualifications available for senior phase support teacher judgement which is at the pupils and encouraging stronger engagement heart of Curriculum for Excellence. We will between schools, colleges and employers. work with teachers and parents to ensure that the new system does not increase the The Scottish Government will also undertake burden on teachers and that it avoids the a range of initiatives to improve education disadvantages often associated with systems and training at all ages. We will: of testing. We will pilot the new assessments • Expand free, high quality early in the areas and schools participating in our learning and childcare for 3 and 4 Attainment Challenge in 2016, before full year olds and new cohorts of 2-year national implementation from 2017. old children with plans to increase the entitlement to 1140 hours a year by The Framework will allow us to identify 2020. areas for improvement in attainment, ensure that we can track progress for • Help our children have the best start our most disadvantaged children and in life through our ‘PlayTalkRead’ help address inequity. It will enable us to programme, providing early learning measure progress across the educational toys, books and other resources for system. Using the information from the parents and carers. We are building new approach to assessment, we will report on this with our ‘ReadWriteCount’ annually on the priorities outlined in the campaign which encourages parents and Framework. Interim reports, using available families to include reading, writing and information, will be published later this counting in their everyday activities. year and at the end of 2016. The first full Framework report based on the new • Implement a package of activity to approach will be published at the end of foster aspiration and give young 2017. These reports will allow us to assess people the experience and access progress and target improvement where that to role models than can help them is necessary. achieve their ambitions with a specific focus on children from deprived Through the new Attainment Challenge, local backgrounds. authorities are starting to target resources where they are most needed, scale activity Justice and use innovation to raise attainment in We attach great importance to having safer their schools. This includes, for example, and stronger communities, where people activity focused on coaching, mentoring feel safe and have confidence that justice and increased parental involvement in and fairness will prevail. When problems education, to ensure all primary school-age and disputes turn into crime and disorder pupils, regardless of background, have the we must ensure we have a fair, swift justice best start in life. Over time, other schools system and a clear penal policy that has the can learn and apply approaches that are trust and confidence of the public. The law proven to be successful. ‘What works’ in abiding majority must be served by modern terms of raising attainment and closing the justice organisations and an efficient justice attainment gap will be what matters. system. Our justice system plays a key role in addressing inequality and building community cohesion. We will:
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 11 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 • Tackle abusive behaviour and sexual The Scottish Parliament, the Scottish offences through a new Abusive Police Authority and local scrutiny Behaviour and Sexual Harm Bill which committees will have a shared will modernise the criminal law to responsibility for holding the police better protect victims and potential to account for the implementation of victims. these priorities. • Introduce new measures to support • Enhance accountability and scrutiny victims and witnesses, including of policing at a local level. The Chief providing wider and more effective Constable will be required to undertake access to supportive measures for a new programme of public scrutiny vulnerable witnesses, such as giving sessions to provide more direct evidence by video link. accountability for the performance of policing in local areas. These will • Introduce a Burial and Cremation Bill to be organised across three regional implement the recommendations made groupings with two to three sessions by Lord Bonomy’s Infant Cremation in each region every year. Over time, Commission, and to modernise the law the aim will be that each local scrutiny in this area more generally. committee has the opportunity to host Policing such a session. Through a local scrutiny Summit to be held in September, we The successful transition to the new single will identify further ways to enhance police service in April 2013 places Scotland local accountability. at the forefront of UK policing. Recorded crime in Scotland is at a 40-year low with • Use the opportunity of the enhanced access to specialist expertise and appointment of the new Chair of the equipment across Scotland, complementing Scottish Police Authority to undertake strong local policing. The single service has a review of police governance at already delivered significant savings while national level. This will ensure protecting our continued commitment to accountability arrangements for 1000 additional officers from Westminster policing take account of the lessons cuts. learned during the operation of the single force to date. Policing in Scotland is more accountable and under greater scrutiny than ever before and • Work with the Scottish Police Authority we need to ensure lessons are being learned to consider the implications of from the biggest public service reform in a changing demands on Scottish policing generation to ensure we continue to have by Summer 2016. This will ensure that, open, accountable policing which meets the in the future, Scotland continues to needs of the people of Scotland now and in have a police service which improves the future. We will: the safety and wellbeing of individuals, localities and communities in Scotland. • Strengthen the community focus of policing. Policing must be carried • Work with Scottish Police Authority out with the support of communities and Police Scotland to ensure throughout Scotland. We will provide recommendations arising from the opportunities for members of the HMICS review of call handling are fully public, communities and local police implemented. scrutiny committees to discuss and • Introduce a Statutory Code of Practice develop new national priorities for for Stop and Search that puts into policing in Scotland. These national practice the recommendations of the priorities will be agreed and published independent Advisory Group chaired by Spring 2016 and will provide a by John Scott QC. clear mandate for the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland going forward.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 12 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 Health and Social Care We will: Our National Health Service is one of our • Begin the reform of primary and most cherished public services. We are community care by testing new steadfast in our belief that the NHS must models of primary care over the remain a publicly-funded and publicly- coming year in at least 10 sites across owned service, free at the point of need. urban and rural Scotland. Those sites We are backing up this belief with record will be in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife, investment of over £12 billion in health Tayside, Forth Valley, Campbeltown, in Scotland. How health and social care is West Lochaber, Islay, Mid-Argyll, and delivered in Scotland continues to evolve, Clackmannanshire. We will work with whether through the provision of major new primary care providers to shape the hospital facilities or the expansion of the future of primary and community care scope of services provided in communities, and during the next Parliamentary but the central aim of a healthier Scotland term we will roll out best practice remains. across the whole of Scotland to transform and enhance the delivery of In common with other developed nations, primary and community care services the NHS in Scotland is serving an ageing through Community Health Hubs. population, where people are living longer with more complex health conditions. We • Ensure that local community-based also face particular challenges in tackling services to patients are delivered by long-standing health inequalities, and the appropriate range of health and improving the health of the population social care professionals working as a whole. There is clear evidence that together more effectively. This delivering as much care as possible at home, will include investing our recently or in a homely setting, delivers the best announced £60 million Primary outcomes. That is why we intend to build Care Fund to transform primary care on our ambitious programme of health building on great examples across the and social care integration by embarking country of providing care for patients on a programme of reform of primary and at or near home rather than in hospital. community care to ensure our NHS develops This funding will also help to address as a truly Community Health Service. immediate workload and recruitment issues through long-term, sustainable Under this Government there are over change. 10,000 more staff working in our NHS and we will continue to support the development • Produce a new National Clinical of the flexible and well-trained workforce Strategy for the NHS, following needed to meet the needs of the people wide engagement with the of Scotland both now and in the future. health professions and patients’ Workforce projections for this year show representatives, to set out an overall that more than 1000 extra NHS staff are vision for the development of clinical expected to be recruited across Scotland this services over the next 15 to 20 years. year, including more than 640 nurses. It will present evidence of how the health service can be shaped to best But we are committed to going further. We support patients and how that change are already working with employers, staff might be shaped at the national, and professional bodies to develop flexible regional and local level. and sustainable services across seven days, building on the services that we already • Continue to deploy our £100 million provide every day of the year. investment in mental health to improve child and adolescent mental health services, improve access to services and in particular psychological therapies and respond better to mental health needs in community and primary care settings.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 13 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 • Introduce the initiative ‘Our Voice’ to 2015, eligible kinship care families (where ensure that the views of service users family members or friends step in to care are heard and responded to at every for children who can no longer live at home) level of the health and social care will receive the same allowance from their system. local authority as foster carers. This shift will potentially benefit 5200 of Scotland’s • Improve patient safety by introducing most vulnerable children in the first year regulation of private healthcare clinics alone. This year, work will also begin to providing services such as Botox. explore and consider how to develop a • Introduce the next phase of our national kinship care allowance so families Alcohol Framework in 2016: it will can receive the same financial support no build on the successes of our current matter where they live in Scotland. Framework and have a clear aim to help tackle health inequalities. STRENGTHENING OUR • Strengthen whistleblowing arrangements for NHSScotland staff by COMMUNITIES establishing an independent national Scotland’s communities are a source of officer to review the handling of energy, creativity and talent. They are whistleblowing cases. made up of people with rich and diverse • Enable the health visiting service to backgrounds who each have something to provide enhanced support, by investing contribute to making Scotland flourish. It £41.6 million over four years for is the role of central and local government additional Health Visitors. to help communities to work together and release that potential to create a more • The Scottish Government recognises prosperous and fairer Scotland. We will only that access to voice equipment is achieve sustainable and inclusive economic vital to children and adults who finds growth for all our citizens when they are speaking difficult or are at risk of able to contribute to society at all levels. losing their voice. We will therefore bring forward an amendment to The Scottish Parliament passed the the Health Bill that is currently in Community Empowerment Act in June Parliament to provide a statutory right giving new rights to communities to own to voice equipment when required. land and buildings and our new £19.4 million Empowering Communities This Government remains focused on Fund has invested in hundreds of “getting it right for every child” and that community-based organisations supporting includes making sure our most vulnerable thousands of people. The Scottish children and families get the practical and Government will build on this in the coming financial support they need. From October year. To pass even more power to our communities, we will: • Empower our Island Communities further, and launch a public consultation on an Islands Bill by the end of September, to provide more power, equality and protection for the Islands to allow them to build a more prosperous and fairer future for their communities. • Secure the devolution of the Crown Estate to Scotland to maximise benefits to the Scottish economy and local communities around Scotland.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 14 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 Homes Land Reform Communities flourish when people have Using land strategically and sustainably good quality, warm, comfortable homes to will contribute to a more prosperous and live in. Despite challenging economic times successful nation. Communities most and cuts to budgets, we are paving the way affected by decisions about land must be for a real acceleration of future new housing fully engaged in those decisions. Our current to help close the gap between need and Land Reform Bill is the next step in our supply. The Scottish Government continues ambitious land reform programme. It will: to deliver progress towards our vision that all people in Scotland live in sustainable • Ensure an effective system of land homes which they can afford and that meet governance and ongoing commitment their needs. We will: to land reform in Scotland. • Extend support to homebuyers • Enhance sustainable development through a successor to our popular in relation to land and improve the Help to Buy (Scotland) scheme, with transparency and accountability of a renewed focus on support for land ownership. affordable home ownership. We shall • Commit to manage land and rights provide £195 million over the next in land for the common good, by three years to give a helping hand to modernising and improving land at least 6,500 households buying a ownership and rights over land. new build home. Help to Buy relies on funding flowing through the Barnett Our Natural Environment mechanism so we will set out more We are proud of Scotland’s natural detail on the scheme’s arrangements environment and the benefit it provides to following the publication of the UK Scotland’s economy and to the health and Spending Review in November. wellbeing of visitors and those living here. • Meet and surpass our five-year target We will review the Protection of Wild to deliver 30,000 affordable homes Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 to ensure across Scotland by March 2016, that it is providing the necessary level including a steadily increasing number of protection for foxes and other wild of new council homes. mammals, while at the same time allowing • Review the planning system to effective and humane control where increase delivery of high quality necessary. housing developments, by delivering Agriculture and Fishing a quicker more accessible and efficient process. Scotland has a vibrant agriculture and rural sector that the Scottish Government • Introduce a Private Tenancies Bill supports. During 2015, we will approve that will meet our commitment to new contracts under the Scottish Rural give tenants in the private rented Development Programme to deliver our sector increased security, while giving priorities of sustainable economic growth, landlords, lenders and investors the protecting the environment, tackling confidence to continue investing in climate change and supporting vibrant rural the sector. This will provide more communities. predictable rents and protection for tenants against excessive rent The Scottish Government is working with increases, including the ability to stakeholders to implement new EU Common introduce local rent controls for rent Agricultural Policy (CAP) requirements, pressure areas. which will tailor European rules to Scottish circumstances and ensure that the CAP contributes to our ambitious climate change targets.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 15 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 The Scottish sea fishing fleet makes a vital • Seek to influence the new BBC Charter contribution to our coastal and island to ensure that the BBC delivers better communities as it harvests our fish stocks outcomes that reflect the needs and sustainably. It can rely on our continuing diversity of Scottish communities and support. In 2016, we will work closely with supports the development, production fishermen as they adapt to new landing and delivery of content from across obligations. We will also follow up our Scotland. response to the independent Wild Fisheries Review by consulting on draft provisions for • Deliver our commitment that all a Wild Fisheries Bill before the end of the libraries should be Wi-Fi enabled. parliamentary session. • Develop opportunities for children and Culture and Sport young people to participate in sport and physical activity by investing up to Our culture and sports make Scotland a £50 million through sportscotland special place, helping bring communities in Active Schools over the years 2015 together. They can break down barriers to 2019. between communities and different demographics to help us build stronger • Build on the momentum from Glasgow communities. They also can play a key role and Sochi and contribute over in tackling inequality, building aspiration £45 million of Scottish Government and supporting the economy. We will: and Lottery funding to the 17 Glasgow Games sports and winter disciplines • Encourage our national collections and over the next four years. performing companies to find new ways of reaching different audiences, • Consult on options to enhance the particularly young people from rights of football supporters. The disadvantaged communities. consultation will seek views on the right to buy, bid, govern, or be • Invest in cultural infrastructure involved in the running or ownership following the completion of new of their clubs. facilities at Glasgow’s Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall and in the construction of the V&A Dundee.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 17 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 On 18 September 2015 it will be a year we can mitigate further reductions imposed since Scotland’s independence referendum. by the UK Government. We will continue to The referendum period saw people make the case to the UK Government for an throughout Scotland take part in discussion alternative approach to public spending. and debate about the future of the country. Scotland has shown the world that it is a Tackling poverty remains our key democratically engaged society, with the priority, and this will become increasingly ideas and energy to transform our country challenging because of announcements by for the better. the UK Government on welfare reform. UK reforms to tax credits alone will reduce the That unprecedented interest in the direction incomes of between 200,000 and 250,000 the country should take and the way it households in Scotland, taking £700 million is governed has continued. The people of from the pockets of people on low incomes Scotland have shown their support for an in Scotland every year. The higher minimum approach to government that recognis es wage for those over 25 will not be sufficient the importance of fairness and inclusion as for the majority of households to offset key contributors to increased prosperity. these cuts to benefit income. The Scottish Government approach also empowers people and communities and The First Minister announced the values high quality public and voluntary appointment of Naomi Eisenstadt as services that respond to the needs Independent Adviser on Poverty and of people. These values underpin the Inequality in June 2015. She is currently Government’s whole approach and this a Senior Research Fellow at University Programme for Government. of Oxford and Trustee at Save the Children and has been tasked with Standing Against Austerity making recommendations to the Scottish Government on how collectively we should The Scottish Government has consistently reduce poverty and inequality in Scotland, argued for an alternative to the UK’s what works and what does not and she approach to public expenditure and will will hold the Government to account on its continue to do so. This approach has led performance. to an unprecedented austerity programme which has resulted in cuts in funding to the Developing Scotland’s Constitution public services that the most vulnerable in our society rely on, and has undermined The Scottish Government believes that economic recovery. The Scottish Government the best long-term future for Scotland is recognises that the UK’s deficit should be as an independent country. However, for reduced, but that this must be done in a as long as Scotland remains in the UK, gradual and responsible manner, ensuring the Scottish Government will stand up for that we continue to invest in economic Scotland’s interests and support greater growth. self-government, working constructively with the UK Government and the other Following the July UK Budget, the next administrations in these islands. UK spending review will result in yet further reductions in public expenditure in We have consistently argued for extending Scotland, extending the period of austerity. the powers and responsibilities of the Despite the reductions that have already Scottish Parliament because we believe that taken place, our management of the public the people who live and work in Scotland finances, and innovative approach to will do the best job of making decisions for infrastructure investment has meant we our nation. Wider responsibilities for the have been able to mitigate the most harmful Scottish Parliament will allow government impacts of these cuts. However, under the policy and public services to be developed current constitutional framework we will be and delivered in a coherent and sensible severely constrained in the extent to which way.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 18 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 Following the work of the Smith of the social security system such as tax Commission, both Westminster and credits and out-of-work benefits. Narrowing Holyrood are now considering the Scotland the gap between the Parliament’s spending Bill, which sets out the UK Government’s and revenue raising powers would both proposals for the implementation of the increase its accountability and enable the Smith Commission, and the UK Government Scottish Government to align better all and Scottish Ministers are also in discussion elements of public policy with its objectives. about the associated fiscal framework. While the Scotland Bill would provide some of the Short of independence, the Scottish powers needed to tackle the issues that face Government’s preferred approach is full Scotland, the Scottish Government continues fiscal autonomy. We believe this would to believe it has significant shortcomings. provide the maximum financial and democratic accountability within the United Fundamentally, the Bill, as currently Kingdom, enabling the Scottish Government drafted, does not deliver in full the to increase economic growth while allowing recommendations of the Smith Commission. Scotland to continue to contribute to the In May the Devolution (Further Powers) United Kingdom as a whole. Committee of the Scottish Parliament, in a report supported by the Parliament as a In July the Scottish Government published whole, concluded that the Bill’s provisions proposals for devolution beyond the Smith on social security do not yet meet the spirit Commission recommendations that would and substance of the Smith Commission’s provide a coherent package of powers to recommendations. boost competitiveness and tackle inequality. These included business and employment Even if the Smith Commission taxation, employment rights including the recommendations are implemented in full, National Minimum Wage, and the social those taxes fully or partly under the control security system. of the Scottish Parliament will increase to around 29% of tax receipts in Scotland and We are continuing discussions with the 36% of devolved expenditure. This falls UK Government to secure changes to the far short of ‘Home Rule’ as over 70% of Bill both to meet the Smith Commission tax receipts and 86% of welfare spending recommendations in full and to go beyond in Scotland will remain in the control of those recommendations and deliver a Westminster. Scotland Bill that empowers the Scottish Parliament to meet the challenges Scotland The Smith Commission recommendations faces. The aim of the Scottish Government did not provide the Scottish Parliament is to secure a Bill, and an accompanying with control over key significant taxes – fair financial agreement with the UK like corporation tax or Employers’ National Government, that it can recommend Insurance Contributions – and key elements to the Scottish Parliament.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 19 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 THE SMITH COMMISSION AND THE SCOTLAND BILL The Scotland Bill currently being considered by the UK and Scottish Parliaments set out the UK Government’s proposals for the implementation of the recommendations of the five-party Smith Commission in November 2014. The main provisions of the Bill cover: • The status of, and arrangements for, the Scottish Parliament, including elections. • Powers for the Scottish Parliament to set rates and thresholds of Income Tax, and devolution of Air Passenger Duty. • Devolution of certain social security benefits, including disability and carers’ benefits. • Powers for the Scottish Parliament to adjust Universal Credit in Scotland including the housing element. • Devolution of some employment services. • Devolution of the Crown Estate in Scotland. • Revolution of Tribunals in reserved areas – such as the Employment Tribunals – in Scotland. • Devolution of some power over equal opportunities. • Devolution of British Transport Police. The Scottish Government set out its views on the Bill in detail in June 2015. We are currently in discussions with the UK Government on changes to the Bill both to meet the Smith Commission in full and to provide sensible changes beyond those recommendations. The Bill will require the agreement of the Scottish Parliament under the Legislative Consent procedure. The aim of this Government is to secure agreement with the UK Government on a satisfactory Bill, and accompanying financial arrangements (the ‘fiscal framework’), in time for the Parliament to consent to the Bill before it dissolves for the Scottish General Election in March 2016. The Scottish Government will only support a legislative consent motion if there is a satisfactory fiscal framework agreed between the Scottish and United Kingdom Governments.
A STRONGER SCOTLAND 20 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 Using the New Powers A SCOTTISH SOCIAL SECURITY The Scottish Government is committed to SYSTEM using the powers in any eventual Scotland Act to improve the lives of the people we The Scotland Bill sets out proposals from serve. We are also committed to an open the UK Government to transfer certain, and consultative process in developing limited social security powers to the Scottish policies for the new powers in the Bill. We Parliament. This would devolve around have set out some early policy priorities £2.6 billion (14.6%) of benefit expenditure and we detail how we will implement these in Scotland which is currently all controlled newly devolved powers throughout this by the UK Government. The Scottish document. We will: Government is in negotiation with the UK Government to secure improvements to the • Bring forward, in the first year of the proposals as we believe the powers on offer new Parliament, a Social Security Bill are limited in their scope and will restrict to give effect to our new social security the ability of the Scottish Parliament to powers and begin to establish the undertake significant reform of the benefits. infrastructure for delivery of devolved welfare powers. Our new powers over social security, despite their limited scope, will provide • Address weaknesses, within our limited opportunities to develop different policies powers, in Universal Credit and abolish for Scotland which are fairer and help tackle the bedroom tax as soon as we have inequalities and poverty, in line with the the powers to do so. core purpose of the Scottish Government. We will use these powers to develop a • Enhance opportunities for employment system which is: and economic growth by improving support for people to move into • Suited to the needs of our people and employment through reform of the our country. Work Programme and Work Choice and linking employment programmes • Underpinned by respect for the dignity with training and education. We will of individuals. introduce a replacement for the Work • Accessible, fair, and commands the Programme and Work Choice by April full confidence of claimants and the 2017. organisations and services which that • Improve access to priority business support them. and tourist markets by reducing We are committed to using the experience air passenger duty. We will reduce of service users and stakeholders in the the burden of APD by 50% with the design of these policies to deliver a Scottish reduction beginning when we introduce social security system that is recognised a Scottish APD in 2018, with a view for its efficiency on behalf of taxpayers, to abolishing it completely when the services it offers and the fairness of resources allow. We are currently the outcomes it delivers. We will set out consulting with stakeholders on the our policy statement on new social security best way to apply that reduction across powers before the end of 2015 and will new and existing routes. introduce a Social Security Bill in the first • Promote equalities by taking early year of the next Scottish Parliament to action on gender balance on public deliver this vision. boards. The Scotland Bill will transfer powers over • Abolish fees for employment tribunals. social security benefits for disabled people with long-term health conditions and their • Manage the assets of the Crown Estate carers. This will cover a series of benefits in Scotland to maximise benefits currently delivered by the UK Government to the Scottish economy and local through Disability Living Allowance communities. (DLA), Personal Independence Payments,
STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 21 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 Attendance Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, help deliver our commitment to reducing the Industrial Injuries Schemes, Severe inequality and stimulating sustainable Disability Allowance and the Motability economic growth. We want to see everyone Scheme. We are committed to establishing a achieve their economic potential, and we social security system that has at its heart recognise the importance of employment a set of principles and values that govern in achieving this. So, we will move quickly it. This will include ensuring that people to implement the new powers which are treated with respect and dignity during allow us to create an alternative to the their time of applying for, being assessed, DWP’s contracted employment support and receiving disability-related benefits. programmes in Scotland, and will do so We will also provide people with relevant from 1 April 2017, the earliest possible information so that they are aware how the opportunity. system will work for them and how long decisions will take. Scottish Government funding has also allowed full mitigation of the bedroom Our Social Security Bill, and accompanying tax in 2014-15 and 2015-16 for around legislation, will be wide-ranging, covering 72,000 households who have had their the principles which will underpin our Housing Benefit reduced. We will use our approach to social security in Scotland as new powers to abolish the bedroom tax well as the improvements we intend to at the earliest opportunity. The Scotland make to the system we inherit. There will Bill will enable the Scottish Government to also be specific provisions to abolish the make changes to Universal Credit, including bedroom tax, introduce flexibilities for those the frequency of payments, varying plans in receipt of Universal Credit in Scotland for single household payments, and paying and the benefits we will introduce under social landlords direct for housing costs in the powers being devolved through the Scotland which will better reflect the needs Scotland Bill. We will develop our approach of the recipients of the benefits. to delivery of the new social security powers in consultation with those with an We are working to develop successor interest in improving social security delivery arrangements for the regulated Social Fund in Scotland, including those in receipt of that provides Sure Start Maternity Grants, benefits. Cold Weather Payments and the Winter Fuel Allowance Payment. As part of this The Welfare Funds (Scotland) Act 2015 put we will improve links to other devolved the Scottish Welfare Fund on to a statutory services such as support for mothers during basis. Working with local government, pregnancy. the Fund has supported over 130,000 households (49,000 were families with The new arrangements will also include children and 82,000 single people) with at responsibility for funeral payments. We least one award between 2013 and March believe no-one should be prevented a 2015, with a total expenditure of around dignified funeral or forced into debt because £65 million. of the costs of organising a funeral for their loved one. We will review advice on The Department for Work and Pension’s planning a funeral, and review how to make (DWPs) Work Programme is not designed best use of funeral payments to support to help those with the greatest barriers to those on low income who need extra help in work into sustained employment. Our vision arranging a funeral. is to use the opportunities of devolution to
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