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      A P R I L 2 4, 2 0 1 9
     Al b a n y C a p i t a l C e n t e r
        Al b a n y , N e w Yo r k


     The Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence
 acknowledges students who have received recognition
 for distinguished achievements. It is the highest honor
 bestowed upon a student by the University. This year,
210 students from 64 campuses will receive this award.

  Nominations are sought for students who have best
demonstrated and been recognized for their integration
of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives
 including leadership, campus involvement, community
service, arts (creative or performing), athletics, and/or
                  career achievement.
Welcome & Remarks
     Dr. Kristina M. Johnson

Presentation of Awards
April 24, 2019

Dear Students, Families, Faculty, Staff, and Friends:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2019 Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence ceremony.
Today, we recognize 210 of the most outstanding students from throughout The State University of
New York System.

Students nominated for the Chancellor’s Award have demonstated academic excellence and are
actively involved in improving their campuses and communities. They stand out among the more
than 424,000 students pursuing degrees at SUNY, and are proven leaders, athletes, volunteers, and
visionaries. Their achievements reflect hard work and dedication, as well as the support of family,
friends, and faculty members. We are extremely proud of them all.

On behalf of the entire State University of New York, I congratulate these amazing students on their
achievements, and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Warm regards,

Kristina M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Music Performance by
University at Albany’s a capella group EarthTones

                 Yafet Andemariam
                   Liam Callahan
                    Josh Joseph
                  William Kimler V
                     Tyler Kluge
                  Michael Murman
                  Adam Norovich
                   Mathew Posa
                   Dorian Wenig

SUNY ADIRONDACK                             Scholarship. As a student leader,           on how identity intersects with
                                            Dillon has founded campus organi-           health-related quality of life, health
Crystal Curry                               zations and served in leadership po-        risk behaviors, and health disparities
Rockaway Beach, NY                          sitions. Additionally, he is a research     among historically marginalized pop-
Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science   assistant focused on addressing             ulations. Despite only beginning her
Crystal is a student trustee, a             national cybersecurity problems, and        career, she is a prolific researcher,
resident assistant, Community Food          works with the NYS Office of Infor-         having already published 12 manu-
Source worker, and among the first          mation Technology Services.                 scripts in peer-reviewed academic
Social Justice Scholars at SUNY Ad-                                                     journals and given 49 presentations
irondack. She is a member of the Phi        Alondra Berroa                              at academic conferences. She will
Theta Kappa Honor Society, and the          New York, NY                                earn her Ph.D. in counseling psychol-
recipient of the PTK All-USA Award.         Political Science & Emergency Prepared-     ogy in May 2021.
She has remained on both the Dean’s         ness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
List and/or President’s List through-       Alondra is currently a master’s in          Nicholas Gonzalez
out her college career. She is a            public administration student at the        Brooklyn, NY
NASPA Certified Peer Educator, and          Rockefeller College for Public Affairs      Political Science
certified in Writing Composition and        & Policy. She graduated from the            Nicholas was chosen to speak on
Tutoring Theory.                            University at Albany in December            the student panel at the SUNY Expo
                                            2018 with a bachelor’s degree in            in April 2018 where he spread the
Jaeran Grandy                               political science & emergency pre-          positive word about SUNY and the
Ulsan, South Korea                          paredness, homeland security, and           University at Albany to prospective
Nursing                                     cybersecurity. Alondra has had the          students and their families. Nicholas
Jaeran decided on a nursing career          amazing opportunity of being very in-       has also attended several admissions
as a young undergraduate in Hawaii.         volved on campus and served on the          events throughout New York State
During the intervening 20 years, she        University Council and the University       to share his positive experience as a
married, had three children, worked         Auxiliary Services Board. She also          student of the University at Albany.
numerous jobs, and amassed count-           worked for the Student Organization
less experiences. She graduated             Resource Center.                            Teniola Olafuyi
cum laude in January 2019 with an                                                       West Hempstead, NY
associate degree in applied science         Langie Cadesca                              Public Health and Political Science
in nursing. At her pinning ceremo-          Brooklyn, NY                                During her time at the University at
ny, she received “The Five C’s of           Criminal Justice                            Albany, Teniola has excelled in the
Nursing” Award, which represents            Langie is a senior at the University        classroom and in the community.
compassion, competence, commit-             at Albany, studying criminal justice        She has served as the programming
ment, confidence, and conscience.           with a minor in Africana Studies.           chair for Sankofa Africa, tutored
She is employed by Albany Medical           In her time at UAlbany, she was a           at Albany High School, and is a
Center.                                     part of Residential Life, a Purple and      UAlbany Votes Ambassador. She
                                            Gold Ambassador, a sister of Zeta           presented her research about the
UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY                        Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., president of       rate of preeclampsia among minority
                                            the National Pan-Hellenic Council,          women at the 2018 McNair Under-
Nana-Hawwa Abdul-Rahman                     president of the Student Association        graduate Research Symposium, and
Clifton Park, NY                            and more. These roles have allowed          interned at Strategic HealthCare, a
Chemistry (Honors)                          her to become a mentor and learn            leading consulting firm, during her
Nana-Hawwa maintained high                  valuable skills for her future.             time in the Semester in Washington
academic standards while fully                                                          Program.
engaged in research, leadership, and        Fu Yee Chua
community service. Her efforts have         Flushing, NY                                Subha Tasnim
yielded several awards, including           Biology with Honors; Psychology; Eco-       Queens, NY
the following: Larry Snyder Organic         nomics                                      Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Secu-
Chemistry Award; Susan Van Horn-            Fu Yee is a member of the Honors            rity, and Cybersecurity; Criminal Justice
Shipherd Scholarship; President’s           College, Phi Beta Kappa Society,            An ambitious student leader who
Award for Leadership; Spellman NIA          Omicron Delta Kappa National                gives back to the community that has
ALANA Scholarship; and Ekow King            Leadership Honor Society, and Alpha         rewarded her with so much growth,
Advocacy Scholarship. Nana-Hawwa            Phi Omega Community Service                 Subha has served four consecutive
tutors students in STEM courses             Fraternity. She is the president of         terms as an elected senator for the
and is the vice president of Omicron        the Neuroscience Club, and conducts         Student Association, where she is
Delta Kappa and the Muslim Students         neuroscience research at Albany             also the chairwoman of the Board of
Association. She has presented her          Medical College. Fu Yee received the        Finance. She is a Purple and Gold
research at multiple conferences.           Spellman Academic Achievement               Ambassador, and a member of Omi-
                                            Award, the Heritage Circle Society          cron Delta Kappa National Leadership
Dillon Asmus                                Scholarship, and other scholarships.        Honor Society and Phi Alpha Delta
Ridge, NY                                   She has also volunteered at Albany          Law Fraternity International. Subha
Business Administration                     Medical Center.                             has been recognized with the Spell-
Dillon has taken advantage of op-                                                       man and President’s Awards for both
portunities available to him through        Melissa Ertl                                academic and leadership excellence.
the university and beyond. He is a          Park Falls, WI
recipient of several campus awards          Counseling Psychology
and scholarships, including the Pres-       Melissa will earn her master’s in
ident’s Award, School of Business           counseling psychology this spring.
Scholarship, and the NYS SPARC              She is actively engaged in research

ALFRED STATE COLLEGE                      assistant in the Human Development         ology of cognition and on the effects
                                          Program. She has developed multiple        of mindfulness on personality and
Carolyn Wright                            presentations on transgender rights        experience.
Franklinville, NY                         and issues for campus audiences.
Agricultural Business                                                                Maria Dubin
Carolyn’s experience in agriculture       Kajol Bahl                                 Carmel, NY
is exceptional. As the president of       Queens, NY                                 Philosophy and Russian Language and
Alfred State’s Collegiate FFA and the     Integrative Neuroscience                   Culture
Treasurer of CAL Club, she is always      Kajol is a senior integrative neuro-       Maria is a senior with majors in
involved in the fundraising, support,     science major on the pre-med track         philosophy and Russian language and
and advocacy of these organizations.      with a cumulative 3.77 GPA. Her            culture. She earned the Dillon Award
Carolyn has volunteered her time at       research experiences include the           for the best Philosophy Honors The-
local livestock events, competed at       role of the AXL gene in breast cancer      sis for her paper titled, “The Highest
regional dairy challenges, and partic-    metastasis and the relationship            Human Good in Aristotle: Philosoph-
ipated in international dairy judging     among fad diets, mood, stress, and         ical Contemplation in Conjunction
events as a member of the Alfred          eating patterns in college students.       with Moral Virtue.” She studied
State College Dairy Judging Team.         She serves as a tutor and teaching         abroad in Russia, where she taught
                                          assistant for chemistry and biology        English and edited articles translated
Peter York                                courses, and enjoys volunteering at        from Russian to English for publi-
Akron, NY                                 doctor’s offices and at an assisted        cation in a Russian newspaper. She
Construction Management Engineering       living facility.                           was a competitive swimmer and is a
Technology                                                                           classical pianist.
Peter’s achievements at Alfred State      Toni Barbarino
and for the SUNY system have              Kings Park, NY                             Michael Jean
been defined by leadership through        Nursing                                    Lido Beach, NY
civic engagement. On campus, he           Toni is a senior with a 3.93 GPA,          Political Science
has served in leadership positions        majoring in nursing and minoring           Michael is a December graduate
in Student Senate while sitting on        in health and wellness. She is a           who majored in political science. He
the Board of Directors for Auxiliary      Binghamton University Scholar, and         was the recipient of the President’s
Services. Peter is also a member of       a member of the Decker School of           Award for Undergraduate Student
Alfred State’s elite Presidential As-     Nursing Honors Program, where she          Excellence in spring 2018. He served
piring Leaders Program. For SUNY          researched the impacts of massage          as co-chair of the National Leader-
SA, he serves as the deputy director      therapy and kinesthetic touch on           ship Team for the American Cancer
of sustainability, helping to reduce      preterm infants. She is currently          Society’s Relay for Life. Michael
plastic bag use on SUNY campuses.         developing this into a continuing edu-     has worked as a camp counselor
                                          cation program for neonatal intensive      at a daycamp on Long Island and
NYS COLLEGE OF CERAMICS AT                care unit nurses. Toni also serves         volunteered with underprivileged
ALFRED UNIVERSITY                         as the campus March of Dimes               children as a member of the SUNY
                                          president.                                 Kids Executive Board.
Allison Piedmonte
Cato, NY                                  Ashley Berlot                              Ryan Martin
Fine Art                                  Moscow, PA                                 Suffern, NY
Allison received her BFA with honors      Integrative Neuroscience                   English and Political Science
at Alfred University in December          Ashley is a December graduate who          Ryan is a senior with majors in
2018. She had the intention of be-        earned a 3.85 GPA while majoring           English and political science, a
coming an engineer, but the transi-       in integrative neuroscience. She is        certificate in global and internation-
tion into sculpture led her to consider   an avid volunteer, working with            al affairs, and a minor in Chinese
both utility and concept. An intro-       the Southern Tier Aids Program,            language. He has a 3.83 GPA, and
duction to foundry enabled her to         Traditional Home Health and Hospice,       has interned with a U.S. Senator, a
combine a life-long love of fiber with    and The Magic Paintbrush Project, to       U.S. Congresswomen, and in the U.S.
metalworking. Her involvement in the      name a few. Ashley also participated       Department of State. Ryan partici-
AU Women’s Leadership Academy             in a highly competitive internship at      pated in a study abroad experience in
has influenced her desire to explore      Robert Packer Hospital, where she          China, and won national awards for
femininity, nostalgia, and gender         conducted research on rectal squa-         speech and debate. He also orga-
identity through her art.                 mous cell carcinomas.                      nized a voter registration project in
                                                                                     conjunction with local businesses.
BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY                     Emily Bibby
                                          Brooklyn, NY                               Josue Minaya
Jasper Arey                               Psychology and Vocal Music Performance     Rockland County, NY
Brookhaven, NY                            Emily is a senior psychology and           Integrative Neuroscience
Human Development                         vocal music performance major with         Josue will be attending medical
Jasper is a senior earning a degree       a 3.88 GPA, and a recipient of the         school in the state of New York in the
in human development and a minor          President’s Award for Undergraduate        fall. Josue’s hobbies include comput-
in women, gender, and sexuality           Student Excellence in spring 2018.         er refurbishment, volunteering, and
studies with a 3.88 GPA. She is           Accepted into the Opera Ensemble in        weight lifting. His intellectual inter-
particularly active with TRiO Student     her first year, she also participated in   ests include medicine and physics.
Support Services, where she is a tu-      a prestigious Italian language study
tor, mentor, and office intern. She is    abroad experience for singers in
a researcher in the Human Sexuality       Urbania, Italy. Additionally, she has
Lab, and an experienced teaching          conducted research on the neurobi-

Shelby Schaefer                           Accessibility Services, and an            Rachael Klug
Queensbury, NY                            activities coordinator for student        Owego, NY
Biochemistry                              government, and graduated from the        Criminal Justice
Shelby is a senior majoring in            Leadership Development Program.           Rachel overcame many personal
biochemistry with a 3.7 GPA. She is       Grace earned a 3.97 GPA and was a         challenges to maintain a 4.0 GPA,
pursuing a career in medicine, and        member of several honor societies.        achieve the President’s List every
currently works as a live-in volun-                                                 semester, and receive several schol-
teer Emergency Medical Technician.        Cody Sponholz                             arships and awards. A member of
She serves as VP for Active Minds,        Dansville, NY                             PTK, ABG, and CJESSA, she serves
an organization that advocates for        Athletic Training                         by leading, mentoring, tutoring, and
mental health awareness on college        Cody has excelled academically,           participating in fundraisers and
campuses. She is a member and             achieving a 3.90 GPA, while receiving     volunteer activities. She volunteers
student assistant for the Student         numerous academic awards such             with victims of domestic violence and
Support Services office. Shelby           as the Clark V. Whited Award and          those with addiction issues. Rachael
was the recipient of the President’s      Merrill J. Melnick KSSPE Gradu-           will attend College of St. Rose,
Award for Undergraduate Student           ate Scholarship. Cody was elected         majoring in forensic psychology and
Excellence in spring 2018.                as the president of the Brockport         pre-law, with a goal of becoming a
                                          Sports Medicine Club, and serves as       drug court judge.
Vivian Wu                                 a member of the Brockport Student
Brooklyn, NY                              Government Academic Club Council.         Minhyung Park
Accounting and Management Information     He has shown a strong passion for         Binghamton, NY
Systems                                   community service, volunteering for       Biological Science
Vivian is a senior majoring in            the American Red Cross and various        Minhyung is an international student,
accounting and management                 campus events, and coaching youth         majoring in biological science. Her
information systems. She serves           sports.                                   ultimate goal is to become a dentist.
as president and CEO of Enactus,                                                    Minhyung has been an active student
where she coached 35 members on           Angelica Whitehorne                       on SUNY Broome’s campus, serving
six projects, addressing real-world       Kenmore, NY                               as a resident assistant, tutor, SI
problems and affecting local and          Women and Gender Studies; English;        leader, vice president of Academic
global communities. The group ad-         International studies                     Affairs in Student Assembly, and
vanced to the Top 32 in both regional     Angelica is a triple major in women       researcher. Minhyung experienced
and national competitions. She also       and gender studies, international         many challenges and struggles as
excelled in an internship with KPMG       studies, and English: creative writing.   an international student, which she
last summer, and they offered her a       She is the president of Gender            believes have given her many oppor-
full-time position as a Risk Consulting   Equity Movement, a club on campus         tunities to grow, while also increasing
Associate upon graduation.                devoted to empowering and uplifting       her willingness to help others.
                                          all identities. She has studied abroad
THE COLLEGE AT                            in Oxford, UK, and Paris, France. Her     BUFFALO STATE COLLEGE
BROCKPORT                                 future aspirations include becoming a
                                          women and gender studies profes-          l’Jaz Eberhardt
Antonio Bottos                            sor, writing a novel, and seeing as       Tonawanda, NY
Baldwinsville, NY                         much of the world as possible.            Journalism
Psychology and Biology                                                              I’Jaz is the student president of the
Antonio, a first-generation college       SUNY BROOME COMMUNITY                     Muriel A. Howard Honors Program,
student majoring in psychology and        COLLEGE                                   and board member of the Honors
biology, is a proud member of the                                                   Advisory Board. She serves as
Honors College and CSTEP/McNair           Orion Barber                              associate news editor of the college’s
program. He is principal investigator     Endicott, NY                              student newspaper, The Record.
on his own independent research           Mathematics and Paralegal Studies         She presented her Honors capstone
project; engages with fellow students     Orion is a tutor, Phi Theta Kappa         project findings on the future of
as a tutor, lab assistant, and com-       Mu Eta chapter president, All-USA         print journalism in the digital age at
munity ambassador; and advocates          Scholar, and thrice elected student       Buffalo State’s Student Research and
for underserved individuals. Outside      trustee. He is also a Congressio-         Creativity Conference. She also vol-
of college, Antonio supports persons      nally commended Eagle Scout and           unteered with the Alternative Break
with developmental disabilities in        renaissance man. Orion consistently       service trip to Yabucoa, Puerto Rico,
both clinical and community settings.     challenges himself and welcomes           to help rebuild homes destroyed by
He intends to pursue a career as a        new experiences. Having entered           Hurricane Maria.
physician and researcher.                 college with a love of mathematics
                                          and finding a love of law, he aims        Nicholas Gray
Grace Kelly                               to pursue graduate degrees in both        Williamsville, NY
Neversink, NY                             fields. Orion has presented at several    Psychology
History                                   conferences including: SUNY Pride,        Nicholas is a Muriel A. Howard Hon-
Grace graduated from The College          SUNY Applied Learning, SUNY Stu-          ors Program student and captain of
at Brockport in December 2018             dent Assembly, and Broome’s own           the track and field team. He earned
with a bachelor’s in history and an       Interdisciplinary Ethics Conference.      an Undergraduate Summer Research
elementary education certification.                                                 Fellowship to examine personal-
Throughout her college career, Grace                                                ity and social factors that impact
was involved in many areas across                                                   performance, and is presenting his
campus. She served as a resident                                                    findings at the Eastern Psychological
assistant, an intern for Student                                                    Association annual conference and

the Buffalo State Student Research        UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO                        Comprehensive Cancer Center
and Creativity Conference. He serves                                                   as a research apprentice.
as president of the Buffalo State         Jacob Bleasdale
chapter of Psi Chi, the national honor    Depew, NY                                    Benjamin Gutsin
society for psychology students.          Biomedical Sciences                          Orchard Park, NY
                                          Jacob graduates with a bachelor              Business Administration
Hibbah Mojawalla                          of science in biomedical sciences            Benjamin graduates with a bachelor
Grand Island, NY                          with minors in pharmacology &                of science in business administra-
Childhood Education                       toxicology and public health. He is a        tion. He is both a University Honors
Hibbah, a Muriel A. Howard Honors         University Honors College Scholar,           College Scholar and a member of the
Program student, is the founder of        and has conducted research at the            School of Management Honors
the Buffalo State Muslim Student As-      School of Medicine, the School of            Program. Benjamin has been a
sociation. She collaborated with the      Public Health, and the Erie County           teaching assistant for several
college’s president to create the first   Medical Center. Jacob has served as          courses, a representative to UB’s
prayer/meditation space on campus,        a teaching assistant, an intern in the       Intercollegiate Athletic Board, and a
and organized biweekly congrega-          Intercultural Diversity Center, and a        research assistant for UB’s Behavior-
tional Friday prayers as well as inter-   health educator with the Erie County         al Medicine lab. He currently serves
faith panel discussions. A two-time       Department of Health.                        as the clinic manager for Corner-
Educational Opportunity Program                                                        stone Manor, a shelter for homeless
(EOP) awardee for academic excel-         Dylan Burns                                  women and children.
lence, she presented her research         Buffalo, NY
on how service learning enhances          Master of Architecture and Master of Urban   Gunnar Haberl
                                          Planning                                     Elma, NY
the preparation of teachers at the
Buffalo State Student Research and        Dylan graduates with a master of             Political Science and Legal Studies Dual
Creativity Conference.                    architecture and a master of urban           Degree
                                          planning. A Western New York                 Gunnar graduates with a bachelor of
Zhanna Reed                               Prosperity Fellow and Presidential           science in political science and legal
Buffalo, NY                               Scholar, he participated in the              studies. He is a University Honors
Arts and Letters                          Fulbright Commission Summer                  College Scholar and the Student
Zhanna concentrated her stud-             Institute, volunteered as house leader       Association president. Gunnar was
ies in dance, music, and theater.         for Habitat for Humanity, and served         selected as UB’s Center for the Study
She also played the leading role in       as an architecture studio teaching           of the Presidency and Congress
Casting Hall Productions’ staging of      assistant and a research fellow in the       Fellow, and was nominated for the
“The Color Purple,” modeled at the        IDeA Center. Dylan also won second           Harry S. Truman Scholarship. He has
college’s Runway 9.0 fashion show,        place in the U.S. Department of              worked as a legislative aide in the
and performed at the Buffalo State        Energy Solar Decathlon, and served           NYS Assembly, and serves on the
Scholarship Gala in 2017 and 2018.        on UB’s GRoW team.                           Iroquois School District’s Board of
Zhanna is a past president of the                                                      Education.
Buffalo State Dance Association and       Julia Cordani
an Educational Opportunity Program        Lewiston, NY                                 Shaun Nowicki
                                          Linguistics                                  Hamburg, NY
academic excellence award winner.
                                          Julia graduates with a bachelor of           English
She has also earned the Outstanding
                                          music and a bachelor of the arts in          Shaun graduates with a bachelor
Undergraduate Service-Learning
                                          voice performance and linguistics.           of arts in English. He is a University
Course Participant award for her
                                          She is a University Honors College           Honors College Scholar, has been
work in Kinesthetic Learning Meth-
                                          Scholar, a former teaching assistant,        president of the Undergraduate
ods and Practice course.
                                          a research assistant in the Depart-          English Club, a teaching assistant
                                          ment of Linguistics working on the           and an ambassador for the English
Allison Torsey
Depew, NY                                 Seneca language, and an avid per-            department, and an editor of NAME
Applied Mathematics/Physics               former in the Department of Music            Magazine. Shaun has also worked as
Allison is a Muriel A. Howard Honors      and the Buffalo community. Julia also        a crew member for the Department
Program student and president of          volunteers with two music education          of Theatre and Dance’s production
the Buffalo State Math Club. She has      nonprofits: Buffalo String Works and         of “10 Out of 12,” and co-dramaturge
twice presented her mathematics           Buffalo Girlchoir.                           for their production of Shakespeare’s
research at the Joint Mathemat-                                                        Julius Caesar.
ics Meeting, the world’s largest          Destiny Diaz
                                          Buffalo, NY                                  Philip Nii Okai Odonkor
mathematics conference. She also          Mathematics                                  Accra, Ghana
participated in Research Experience       Destiny graduates with a bachelor            Mechanical Engineering
for Undergraduates at the Mathe-          of science in mathematics and a
matical Biosciences Institute at Ohio                                                  Philip graduates with a Ph.D. in me-
                                          minor in Spanish. She is a University        chanical engineering. His NSF-fund-
State University. As president and        Honors College Scholar and an
philanthropy chair of Beta Gamma                                                       ed research has been featured in
                                          ambassador for the College of Arts           journal publications, and earned him
chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi, she         and Sciences. Destiny is a Western
helped raise money for the Elizabeth                                                   first place in UB’s 3-Minute Thesis
                                          New York Prosperity Fellow, and              and Transforming Our Tomorrow
Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.         volunteered on an Alternative Break          competitions. Philip is a 2018 Ph.D.
                                          trip to the Dominican Republic.              teaching fellow, an NC State Building
                                          She has completed research dedi-             Future Faculty Fellow, a SEAS
                                          cated to increasing STEM enrollment,         student ambassador, and an invited
                                          and works at the Roswell Park                speaker at 2018 TEDxBuffalo. He

also serves as a mentor for UB’s           as a solar physics REU student, com-
BEAM and Science is Elementary             pleting a project on solar flares. She    Ryan Schubert
outreach programs.                         has also served as concertmaster for      Centereach, NY
                                           the UB Symphony Orchestra.                Criminal Investigation
Katherine O’Donnell                                                                  Ryan is graduating with a bachelor
Williamsville, NY                          Tara Strade                               of technology in criminal investiga-
Biomedical Sciences                        Orchard Park, NY                          tion, with double minors in forensic
Katherine graduates with a bachelor        Psychology and English                    science and economics, which
of science in biomedical sciences          Tara graduates with a bachelor of         she completed in three years. In
and a minor in nutrition. She is a         arts in psychology and English with       the summer of 2018, she did an
published author, University Honors        an education minor. A University          internship with the NYPD Forensics
College Scholar, president of the          Honors College Scholar, she is a          Investigation Division, and received
Association of Pre-Medical Students,       senior resident advisor and vice          the Google Cloud CoSIDA First Team
teaching assistant at Buffalo String       president of the UB ASL Club. Tara        Academic/All-District athletic award
Works, an artist, and a tour guide for     has served as a teaching assistant        (the second student athlete ever to
Admissions. Katherine has traveled         for Honors Colloquium, conducted          receive this award in SUNY Canton
the country to present her research        social psychology research, served        history).
on exercise and concussions, and           as a writing tutor, and acted as a
has funded her travels through             mentor for the Interdisciplinary          CAYUGA COMMUNITY
grants from the university.                Science and Engineering Partnership       COLLEGE
                                           in Buffalo Public Schools.
Jessie Pelosi                                                                        Anthony Christian
Gullford, CT                               Conor Sullivan                            Auburn, NY
Biological Sciences/ Environmental         Lancaster, NY                             Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and
Geosciences                                Business Administration, Economics        Social Sciences
Jessie graduates with a bachelor           Conor graduates with a bachelor of        Anthony has been on the Dean’s
of arts in biological sciences and         science in business administration        List and the President’s List, and is
a bachelor of science in environ-          and a bachelor of arts in economics.      a member of the Phi Theta Kappa
mental geosciences. He is a Uni-           A University Honors College Scholar       Honor Society and the National Soci-
versity Honors College Scholar and         and Western New York Prosperity           ety for Leadership and Success. He
Biological Sciences Honors Scholar,        Fellow, he has volunteered with a         is a tutor at the Center for Academic
and earned a Celebration of Student        dozen local community organizations.      Success, and has been a member
Academic Excellence Award of               Conor serves as a teaching assis-         of the Dance Club, the GIS Club,
Distinction. Jessie helped develop         tant for the Economics Department         and president of the History Club.
a community outreach program in-           and the Honors College, and is a          Anthony received the Burke Memo-
troducing students to environmental        Leadership House peer mentor. He is       rial Library Research Award twice
awareness, and leads research proj-        also a cellist, and performs regularly    and the Peter B. Buxbaum Memorial
ects focused on evolutionary ecology       throughout Western New York.              Scholarship.
and coral bleaching at the Buffalo
Undersea Reef Research lab.                Anthony Taboni                            Mikaela Klinger
                                           Tonawanda, NY                             Cato, NY
Cheryl Porzi                               Political Science and Mathematics         Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and
Rochester, NY                              Anthony graduates with a bachelor         Social Sciences
Occupational Therapy                       of arts in political science and mathe-   Mikaela has been on the Dean’s List
Cheryl graduates with a combined           matics. He is a University Honors         and the President’s List, and is a
bachelor’s and master’s of occupa-         College Scholar, and has been             member of the Phi Theta Kappa Hon-
tional therapy. She is a University        president of the Honors Student           or Society and the National Society
Honors College Scholar, president of       Council, a SUNY SA delegate, an           for Leadership and Success. She is a
the OT Honor Society, and vice presi-      Honors ambassador, a Faculty              note taker and tutor at the Center for
dent of her graduating class. Cheryl       Student Association board member,         Academic Success, and participated
has held leadership positions in the       and a teaching assistant. Winner of       in the Tutor Internship Program.
Residence Hall Association, National       the Robert Stern Award for Best           Mikaela is secretary for the Mosaic
Residence Hall Honorary, the Student       Undergraduate Political Science           Christian Club, a member of the Cre-
Association, and Faculty Student           Paper, Anthony worked as a                ative Writing Club, and a recipient of
Association. She has been a                research assistant, contributing          the Peggy Carroway Scholarship.
research assistant and teaching            to work on the U.S. Circuit Court
assistant, and just completed writing      of Appeals.                               CLINTON COMMUNITY
her first book, which is in publication.                                             COLLEGE
                                           COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY
Julia Quebral                              AT CANTON                                 Jessica Rigby
Williamsville, NY                                                                    Plattsburgh, NY
Physics; Mathematics                                                                 Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science
                                           Hughes Martial Ntwari
Julia graduates with a bachelor of         Yaounde, Cameroon                         Jessica strives for excellence and is
science in physics and a bachelor of       Management                                recognized by many for her breadth
arts in mathematics. She is a Uni-         Hughes has been on the President’s        and depth of accomplishments.
versity Honors College Scholar and a       Honors List, earning a 4.0 GPA; is a      She is an Honors Program student,
Physics Honor Society member, and          Resident Assistant in Kennedy Hall;       member of PTK and Student Senate,
has served one year as president           and volunteered as a translator for       and a celebrated artist. Jessica is
of the Society of Physics Students.        The International Games in Lake           also known for her commitment
Julia visited Montana State University     Placid in January 2019.                   to diversity and inclusion. She is a

leader on campus, taking on roles in          Joshua Popp                               hall. She has completed internships
Lower Judicial as well as service on          Syracuse, NY                              for the Houston Astros in baseball
the Regional Council of Community             Biological Engineering                    operations and Disneyland Resort in
Colleges.                                     Joshua is an enthusiastic and driven      labor relations.
                                              student studying biological engineer-
SUNY COBLESKILL                               ing. He has done extremely well in        CORNELL – NYS COLLEGE OF
                                              the classroom, taking difficult classes   VETERINARY MEDICINE
Allison Finch                                 and working with department admin-
Binghamton, NY                                istration to expand and improve the       Isabel Jimenez
Animal Science                                curriculum. To prepare for a career       Westport, CT
Allison has demonstrated excellence           as a professor, he has performed re-      Veterinary Medicine
in academics, leadership, and civic           search and is now a teaching assis-       Isabel has distinguished herself as
engagement. She maintained a 3.88             tant for an upper-level bioengineering    a student leader, and maintained
GPA while serving in leadership roles         course. Outside the classroom, he         a record of academic excellence.
in four campus organizations, and is          teaches outdoor education courses,        She was a student representative
currently is the vice president of the        and is the president of the Engineers     on college committees related to
Student Government Association.               Without Borders project team.             admissions, curriculum, and hospital
Allison has presented two research                                                      operations. Isabel is first author on
projects at the Northeast Regional            CORNELL – NYS COLLEGE OF                  four research publications, and has
Honor Council Conference. She has             HUMAN ECOLOGY                             presented her work at national con-
also assisted students through her                                                      ferences. Isabel is a leader in several
roles as teaching assistant, orienta-         Nicole Agaronnik                          student organizations, including serv-
tion leader, and student assistant in         Brooklyn, NY                              ing as president of the Surgery Club,
the Career Center. Allison continues          Nutritional Sciences                      wildlife representative of the Zoo and
to serve the campus through com-              Nicole finished her bachelor’s in         Wildlife Society, and vice president of
munity projects.                              nutritional sciences a semester early     the Veterinary Education Club.
                                              so she could continue research she
COLUMBIA-GREENE                               began as an undergraduate the pre-        CORNING COMMUNITY
COMMUNITY COLLEGE                             vious summer. Nicole is an outstand-      COLLEGE
                                              ing student in every measure, with
Randy Dunham                                  impeccable academic achievements,         Samantha Orr
Haines Falls, NY                              an impressive record of scientific        Campbell, NY
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences - Psychology   research and communication, and a         Nursing
Concentration                                 list of accolades related to a career     Samantha’s Corning Community
Randy currently serves as the stu-            in dance, all underpinned by a sense      College team was co-winner of the
dent representative on the college’s          of service.                               2018 Aging Innovation Challenge
Presidential Search Committee. He                                                       sponsored by the New York State
is also president of the college’s            Amber Lee                                 Department of Health. They won
Student Senate, which is charged              Portland, OR                              the Top Innovator Award for their
with recognizing, supporting, devel-          Human Development                         development of GripM8, a device that
oping, and assisting in the funding           Amber’s compassion for people and         allows the aging population to remain
of student clubs, organizations, and          passion for understanding public          independent as long as possible. She
intercollegiate athletic teams. Randy         health is reflected in her record. She    has received a scholarship from the
is a peer tutor in the academic sup-          recently submitted a co-authored          American Association of University
port center. His academic success             scientific article on substance use       Women, and will begin an emergency
includes being on both the President          intervention, and was selected            room fellowship after her studies.
and Dean’s Lists.                             for an honor’s thesis examining
                                              the impact of culture on children’s       SUNY CORTLAND
CORNELL – NYS COLLEGE                         memory. Amber volunteers in Cornell
OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE                         Public Service Center organizations,      Alexandra Fischer
SCIENCES                                      holds campus leadership positions,        Hopewell Junction, NY
                                              competes with the Cornell Figure          Inclusive Childhood Education
Hannah Fuller                                 Skating Team, and was selected for        Alexandra is an inclusive education
Portland, OR                                  the Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory         major with a concentration in English
Plant Science and International Agriculture   Council for the College of Human          language arts. She is a member of
and Regional Development                      Ecology.                                  the varsity golf team and served as
Hannah grew up in Portland, Oregon;                                                     vice president of the Colleges Against
attended pre-school in Germany;               CORNELL – NYS COLLEGE                     Cancer club. Allie was inducted into
and is fluent in German. With a dual          OF INDUSTRIAL & LABOR                     Phi Kappa Phi in the spring of 2018,
major in plant science and interna-           RELATIONS                                 and received Scholar of the Year
tional agriculture & rural develop-                                                     from the SUNY Cortland chapter in
ment, she also minors in community            Niyyah Barber                             the fall of 2018. She aspires to be a
food systems. She is president of             Mansfield, TX                             special education elementary school
the Programming Team for Anabel’s             Industrial and Labor Relations            teacher.
Grocery, and has travelled to India,          Niyyah is the editor-in-chief of
Nicaragua, and Belize for agricultural        Perspectives, the Cornell Undergrad-      Olivia Lindsay
studies. Her goal is to pursue global         uate Disability Studies Journal; vice     Bronx, NY
work in food systems and agriculture          president of Academics for the Black      Sport Management
development.                                  Ivy Pre-Law Society; and a resident       Olivia has three on-campus jobs,
                                              advisor in a freshman residence           volunteers with numerous campus

programs, and is an exemplary             classes, and is highly regarded by         well-respected student who is often
student. She has been honored on          her instructors and fellow students        found tutoring students or helping at
the President’s and Dean’s Lists          alike. She plans to pursue a master’s      SGA events.
several times, and was an awardee         degree in structural engineering. A
at the Honors Convocation in 2017         nationally ranked runner, Elise was        Amanda Fultz
and 2018 for being among the top          selected as the USCAA National Stu-        Beacon, NY
5% of her class. Olivia is described      dent-Athlete of the Year for women’s       Liberal Arts & Sciences - Humanities
as having “a remarkable ability to bal-   cross country. She is active on cam-       Amanda is a first-generation college
ance professional development with        pus and in the community, serving          student. As a Conklin Scholarship
academic excellence,” and someone         in the move-in crew and orientation        recipient and a member of DCC’s
who “demonstrates the best qualities      team, teaching dance and yoga, and         honors program, she earned a 4.0
of SUNY Cortland students.”               participating in community service.        GPA. Amanda has taken on service
                                                                                     learning projects promoting literacy,
Matthew Norris                            SUNY DOWNSTATE                             understanding climate change, and
Homer, NY                                 MEDICAL CENTER                             addressing hunger. On campus she
Exercise Science                                                                     is a member of Democracy Matters.
Matthew was born in Cortland, NY,         Robert Kim                                 A passionate writer, she’ll pursue
and attended Homer Central High           Armonk, NY                                 journalism at SUNY Purchase.
School. He has worked to complete         Medicine                                   Amanda constantly strives to better
his bachelor’s degree in exercise         Robert is the founder/execu-               herself by doing what she loves and
science at SUNY Cortland, while           tive director of the Mentorship &          standing up for what she believes in.
being involved in numerous athletic,      Wellness Program, a peer-led and
leadership, and community ser-            evidence-based intervention that           Trevor Tatunczak
vice activities, including competing      addresses the mental health needs          Poughkeepsie, NY
with the varsity wrestling team and       of medical school students. His            Communications & Media Arts
serving as president. Matthew has         program has expanded to multiple           Trevor strives every day to live
maintained high academic standards,       medical schools, including Columbia        with integrity and be a campus role
and has been accepted into SUNY           University and New York Medical            model. As a recipient of the Conklin
Upstate Medical University’s Doctor       College. Robert remains committed to       Scholarship for Academic Excellence,
of Physical Therapy program.              under-resourced populations as the         he maintained a 3.96 GPA, earning
                                          previous director of RISE, a free HIV/     President’s List recognition each se-
Phoebe Sullivan                           Hepatitis C counseling organization.       mester. Trevor is a strong advocate
Halesite, NY                              Next year, he will be an emergency         for voting,, and has participated in
Speech and Hearing Science                medicine resident.                         events to engage local young voters.
Phoebe has excelled inside the class-                                                On campus, he has encouraged
room with a 4.02 GPA and outside of       DUTCHESS COMMUNITY                         respectful discourse through Phi
the classroom as a campus leader.         COLLEGE                                    Theta Kappa, helped lessen student
She has taken on several leadership                                                  food insecurity via donations, and
roles, including serving as the pres-     Jason Baker                                promoted financial literacy.
ident of the Student Activities Board     Poughkeepsie, NY
and as a member of the Student            Liberal Arts & Sciences - Mathematics      EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE
Government Association executive          Jason is an avid learner who hopes
board. She earned the Outstanding         to be the first in his family to receive   Wales Brown
Student Leader award, and made            a bachelor’s degree. He’s an active        Schenectady, NY
both the Dean’s and President’s Lists.    member of Phi Theta Kappa and Stu-         Adult Learning
                                          dent Government. Jason ran for City        While working on behalf of the
SUNY DELHI                                Council in his hometown of Pough-          underserved population of Schenect-
                                          keepsie, and helped organize March         ady, NY, Wales also advanced his
Ryan Ali                                  for Our Lives Hudson Valley. He is         learning at Empire State College. He
Saint Albans, NY                          passionate about encouraging others        is the single father of four adopted
Information Technology Management         to be their best self. Jason hopes to      sons and, as a Parent Educator,
A dedicated student, Ryan has made        become a math teacher, inspiring           works to improve connections
the Dean’s List every semester at         future generations and sharing his         between parents and children in both
Delhi. His academic excellence is         love of mathematics.                       traditional and foster care settings.
coupled with outstanding leadership                                                  He was the 2018 recipient of the
skills as demonstrated by his roles       Mariama Ceesay                             Schenectady County Bar’s Liberty
as Student Ambassador and vice            Beacon, NY                                 Bell Award in recognition of his
president of the Student Senate, as       Liberal Arts & Sciences - Science          service to a variety of social justice
well as his employment in Residence       Mariama believes the many opportu-         issues.
Life. Always there when you need          nities provided by DCC have empow-
him, Ryan is a fixture at Open House,     ered her to excel academically and         Lynn Ann Hinds McCoy
representing his department with a        become a strong student leader. As         Sylvan Beach, NY
unique ability to connect with people.    a role model for young women, she          Adult Learning
He approaches each situation with         is committed to promoting women            Lynn Ann is a lifelong learner. After
enthusiasm, respect, and a smile.         pursuing STEM careers. Her passion         many years of pursuing her college
                                          for engagement is evidenced through        degree while juggling work, raising
Elise McIntyre                            her involvement in numerous cam-           children, and volunteering, she found
Red Creek, NY                             pus initiatives, including the Student     her home at Empire State College,
Architecture Design & Building            Government Association and New             and completed a B.S. in business
Elise is a standout student in all her    Student Orientation. Mariama is a          management and economics. The

unique experience at ESC ignited her       coming to the United States. She           at the SUNY Student Association
desire to facilitate other adult stu-      obtained her high school diplo-            Conference. While at SUNY Erie,
dents to successfully complete their       ma from Thomas R. Proctor High             he learned the value of hard work,
academic goals, and in doing so, she       School, and enrolled at SUNY Erie          discipline, and helping others as keys
returned to Empire and has earned          Community College as a general             to success. He will continue his edu-
her M.A. in adult learning.                studies major. She has followed her        cation at the University of Buffalo.
                                           inner calling to a career in nursing as
Tatiana Parker                             she hopes to save people’s lives.          Ahmad Rashid
North Syracuse, NY                                                                    Buffalo, NY
Social and Public Policy                   Tokunbo Adebayo                            General Studies
Tatiana is a community advocate,           Buffalo, NY                                Ahmad is an excellent student, and
working to address social challenges       Liberal Arts and Science - Humanities      students at SUNY Erie love him. He
facing the Central New York com-           Tokunbo is majoring in liberal arts        does whatever it takes to help other
munity. Through collaboration with         with a social science concentration,       students and goes above and beyond.
community members, research-               with the goal of becoming a clinical       Ahmad loves to volunteer with the
ing community issues, and active           psychologist. He plans to begin his        college, and does extracurricular
involvement in community activities        career as a researcher, and then           activities outside class. He has twice
and organizations, Tatiana serves as       possibly teach at the higher educa-        received the Outstanding Academ-
a conduit for information and oppor-       tion level. He is one of eight children,   ic Achievement award (fall 2017,
tunity, and supports the empower-          and was raised by his father who           spring 2018), maintained a minimum
ment of all in Central New York.           inspired him with an unwavering            cumulative 3.8 GPA, and was rec-
                                           work ethic. Tokunbo’s plan is to           ognized for academic achievement
Julian Wyllie                              remain in Western New York, com-           each semester since fall 2017 on the
The Caribbean                              plete his Ph.D., and give back to the      Dean’s List.
Masters in Business Administration         community.
Julian is a proud two-time alum of                                                    FARMINGDALE STATE
Empire, most recently earning his          Kyle Harris                                COLLEGE
MBA. While attending Empire, he was        Buffalo, NY
heavily involved in supporting clubs       General Studies                            Messiah Gaymon
and also played a role in forming one.     Kyle is a student athlete who excels       Deer Park, NY
He served on the boards of Black           in the classroom and on the court.         Science, Technology, and Society
Male Initiative, Society for Entrepre-     After being out of high school for         Messiah is currently the president
neurship, and the Graduate Student         a year to work and help with his           of the Student Government Associ-
Collaborative. He also was a member        family’s needs, he went to SUNY Erie       ation, and will be graduating in the
of the Student Affairs Committee,          and played guard for the basketball        spring of 2019. In addition, he is the
the Graduate Student Policy Com-           team. Kyle has been recognized for         recipient of the Farmingdale State
mittee, the Academic Master Plan           his leadership and academic per-           College Award for Student Leader-
Committee, and the Provost Search          formance by coaches and mentors            ship, as well as the 2017 winner of
Committee.                                 in the athletic department for his         the campus Veteran of the Year.
                                           display of academic excellence, while
COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL                   overcoming adversity and maintaining       Jamie Jones
SCIENCE AND FORESTRY                       his Dean’s List status.                    England
                                                                                      Architectural Engineering Technology
Marissa Lathrop                            Kevin Joseph                               Jamie is an international student
Baldwinsville, NY                          Buffalo, NY                                from England, and currently holds
Environmental Education & Interpretation   General Studies                            a 3.97 GPA. He has been on the
Marissa is determined and goal-            Kevin is a committed and motivated         President’s List every semester at
oriented, and strives to treat every       young man. He arrived in the United        Farmingdale State, and is a member
obstacle in life as an opportunity to      States from Haiti in 2015. Kevin also      of the Golden Key and Epsilon Pi Tau
grow. She was the individual winner        learned English, and did exceptional       Honor Societies. Jamie is a four-year
of the USCAA 2018 Cross Country            work academically. He now can              member of the college’s golf team,
Nationals, and the first individual        say that he speaks three languages:        and is currently the vice president
woman to win the nationals at ESF.         English, Creole, and French. Kevin at-     of the Student Athlete Advisory
Marissa published an article in Bea-       tended the SUNY Erie Summer Suc-           Committee.
ver Tales, and has been named to the       cess Academy, and was awarded the
President’s and Dean’s Lists multiple      Student Scholar Award. He values           Lily Moldan
semesters. Her goal after college is       his education, and knows education         Miller Place, NY
to share her passion of science with       will be his gateway to achieving his       Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement
people and promote environmental           future goals.                              Technology
stewardship.                                                                          Lily currently has a 3.57 GPA, and
                                           Michael Malama                             will graduate in spring 2019. In
ERIE COMMUNITY COLLEGE                     Depew, NY                                  addition to her stellar success in the
                                           Business Administration                    classroom, Lily is an integral student
Fahmo Abdullahi                            Michael is originally from Zambia,         leader on campus. Working with the
Buffalo, NY                                Africa, and came to the United States      Dean of Students office, Lily helped
Liberal Arts & Sci - General Studies       to study business and account-             to shape campus orientation pro-
Fahmo was born in Somalia and              ing. While at SUNY Erie, he was a          cedures and led campus initiatives
moved to a refugee camp in Kenya           member of the Student Government.          around issues of Title IX compliance.
at the age of 10, where she lived          Michael helped students in various
for nine years as a refugee before         situations and advocated for change

Jennifer Newins                          er/director of NY MSA Showdown,            Blinne Krieger
Levittown, NY                            founder of FIT Muslim Student Union,       Fairport, NY
Medical Technology                       and leader of FIT’s Student Walkout        Liberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities
Jennifer is a fall 2018 graduate of      in response to the Muslim ban. Her         Blinne graduated from FLCC in
Farmingdale State College. She           academic accomplishments include:          December 2018 with an associate
completed her bachelor’s degree in       Departmental Award in Fashion              degree in humanities. Now she
the Medical Laboratory Technology        Business Management, Presidential          attends Baldwin Wallace University,
Department, finishing with a 3.8 GPA.    Scholar, Dean’s List, three minors,        majoring in history and minoring in
Jennifer also received the depart-       and a study abroad scholarship.            religion. She is an ardent student and
mental Academic Excellence Award,        She has served as a Peer Writing           is always searching for opportunities
and held several leadership roles in     consultant and in numerous fashion         to better her learning as well as her
student organizations.                   industry positions.                        surrounding community. It is her goal
                                                                                    to become a librarian so that she
Luke Rossi                               Joanna Mingo                               can continue to pursue her love of
Sayville, New York                       Islip Terrace, NY                          learning while helping others on their
Bioscience                               Fashion Business Management                own paths.
Luke graduated with a bachelor’s         Joanna has served as director of
of science in bioscience in the fall     programming and vice president of          SUNY FREDONIA
of 2018. He earned a 3.95 GPA,           the FIT Student Government Asso-
and was so well liked that the           ciation. She has been an orientation       Celina Kryk
Department of Biology hired Luke         leader and a resident assistant. In        Spencerport, NY
shortly after graduation to work as      addition to her product development        Communication-Media Management
an instructional support technician.     specialization, she has attained three     A December 2018 graduate, Celina
From Sayville, NY, Luke excelled in      minors and completed five intern-          earned a dual degree in public rela-
one of the more rigorous majors on       ships at prestigious brands such as        tions and media management, while
campus.                                  Marc Jacobs and Givenchy. Joanna’s         simultaneously participating in two
                                         dream company, Macy’s, has offered         study abroad programs. She’s held
FASHION INSTITUTE OF                     her a full-time position that she will     leadership positions in the Student
TECHNOLOGY                               begin after graduating in May.             Association and Enrollment & Stu-
                                                                                    dent Services, where she mentored
Samantha Berger                          Kathleen O’Brien                           first-year students, represented her
New York, NY                             Stony Brook, NY                            class, and trained students. She
Fashion Design                           Advertising and Digital Design             organized youth programming for
Samantha is passionate about             Kathleen’s hustle, responsibility, and     local and international non-profit
children’s clothing. She designed        dedication have helped her excel           organizations, and works with the
hospital gowns for pediatric cancer      inside and out of the classroom at         Belize Police Department to create
patients and created a fashion camp      FIT. She’s been a leader on campus         and deliver diverse programming for
for middle schoolers. At FIT, Saman-     through her role as a senior resident      at-risk teenagers.
tha is a Presidential Scholar. She       assistant, a member of FIT’s Student
studied abroad in Italy, and was goal-   Government Association, and as             Stephanie Wojnowski
ie on the women’s soccer team, all       president of the Advertising Design        Rochester, NY
while completing multiple internships    club. She will be graduating with a        Communication Disorders and Sciences
and minors in art history and Italian.   BFA in advertising & digital design        A graduate of Eastridge High School
Samantha also won the Critic’s           along with three minors.                   in Rochester, NY, Stephanie is a dou-
Choice award for her garment in the                                                 ble major in communication disor-
Associate’s Degree Fashion Design        FINGER LAKES COMMUNITY                     ders and sciences and French. While
exhibition.                              COLLEGE                                    at Fredonia, she has been involved
                                                                                    with various organizations and has
Kiana Brooks                             Jillian Bond                               volunteered with different groups
Sandy Springs, GA                        Canadaigua, NY                             within the community. She plans to
Fashion Business Management              Liberal Arts & Sciences: Humanities;       attend graduate school and become a
Kiana is a member of the Presiden-       Fine Arts                                  practicing bilingual speech-language
tial Scholars Program at FIT, and        Jill is a fall 2018 graduate of Finger     pathologist.
vice president of the Black Retail       Lakes Community College, where
Action Group (BRAG). She pursued         she earned humanities and fine arts        FULTON-MONTGOMERY
two specializations, two minors, and     degrees. She has received several          COMMUNITY COLLEGE
numerous prestigious internships, all    academic awards, and presented
while maintaining a 3.98 GPA. Kiana      at the National Collegiate Honors          Michelle Ferraino
was captain of the FIT tennis team       Council Conference. Jill has held          East Berne, NY
and is a two-time national champion.     several leadership roles, including        Liberal Arts & Science: Science
Her love for languages pushed her to     being an orientation leader, tutor,        Michelle is a first-generation college
add both Spanish and Italian to her      and supplemental instructor. She has       student who studied liberal arts
language repertoire.                     also artistically influenced her college   and science: science concentration
                                         by working on the literary magazine,       at FMCC. As a residential student,
Zainab Koli                              marketing events, and as the scenic        Michelle became involved in many
Flushing, NY                             artist of a theatrical production.         campus and community activities and
Fashion Business Management                                                         was fully engaged on the campus.
Zainab is a leader who sees needs in                                                She was on the Dean’s List each
her communities and challenges her-                                                 semester, inducted into Phi Theta
self to respond. She is the co-found-                                               Kappa, and is graduating with a 3.98

GPA. Michelle embodies a student          2018 SUNYAC Defensive Player of           Jamison Jarosz
who took full advantage of the FMCC       the Year, and leading the Knights to      Schaghticoke, NY
student experience.                       the NCAA Tournament twice, Emily          Engineering Science
                                          served as the advertising sales direc-    Jamison currently serves as Student
GENESEE COMMUNITY                         tor for Geneseo’s student newspaper.      Senate president, a board member
COLLEGE                                                                             on the college’s Faculty Student
                                          Elena Kleinhenz                           Association, and the student repre-
Natsumi Sasabe                            Delmar, NY                                sentative on the college’s Strategic
Tokyo, Japan                              Biology and Spanish                       Planning Committee. He is also a
Theater Arts                              Elena is a member of the Golden           student athlete in track and field, and
Natsumi has performed in five dif-        Key International Honour Society,         is the current president of the Invest-
ferent productions during her time at     and TriBeta, Phi Sigma Iota, Phi Eta      ment Club on campus. Jamison does
GCC. She is cast as a main character      Sigma, and Phi Beta Kappa honor           volunteer work in his community, and
in another show this spring. Natsumi      societies. Also an active volunteer for   is a small business owner.
is involved in Student Government,        several organizations, Elena has con-
and is an RA in our Residence Life        ducted research at SUNY Geneseo,          Sayema Matin
program, and also finds time to be        the Wadsworth Center of the New           Waterford, NY
involved in Phi Theta Kappa and           York State Department of Health,          Biological Sciences
GCC’s Multi-Cultural Communica-           and the Neurology and Research            Sayema has a 3.8 GPA, and plans
tions Club. She will be joining GCC’s     Services of the VA Medical Center in      to attend medical school. She has
Honors program this spring.               Albany, NY.                               been actively involved on campus as
                                                                                    treasurer/secretary of the college’s
Luis Valencia Huerta                      HERKIMER COUNTY                           chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor
Inuyama, Aichi, Japan                     COMMUNITY COLLEGE                         Society, vice president of the Foreign
Business Administration                                                             Language and Culture Club, and a
Luis is a multilingual student tutor in   Elizabeth McDonald                        member of the Public Speaking Club.
accounting, and through his transla-      Montgomery, AL                            She also served as a freshman and
tion skills, he has helped dozens of      Science                                   senior class senator.
students better understand account-       Elizabeth has a 3.67 GPA. She is a
ing. Luis also finds time to be vice      member of Phi Theta Kappa; presi-         JAMESTOWN COMMUNITY
president of Phi Theta Kappa and          dent of Peer Tutor Club; and fiction      COLLEGE
co-president of the GCC Multi-Cul-        editor of Phaethon, a liteary & arts
tural Communications Club. He             publication. She is also a member of      Kendyl Austin
volunteers in the local community         the Psychology Club, Campus Chris-        Lakewood, NY
church, delivering Friday fish fries to   tian Fellowship, Science Club, and        Individual Studies
those who are home-bound, and with        General’s Theater Group. In addition,     Kendyl will graduate in May 2019
Foodlink, assembling bags of food for     she maintains two part-time jobs,         with her associate in science degree
those in need.                            one of which is her own business.         for individual studies. She was the
                                                                                    captain of the two-time, regional
SUNY GENESEO                              HUDSON VALLEY COMMUNITY                   champion volleyball team for JCC,
                                          COLLEGE                                   and is the current president of the
Patrick Buckley                                                                     Jamestown Athletics Association.
Elmira, NY                                Deborah Brannan                           Through these two organizations,
Biochemistry                              Catskill, NY                              she has been an active volunteer
Patrick is a Presidential Scholar,        Liberal Arts and Sciences                 both on and off campus.
and member of the Edgar Fellows           Deborah maintains a 4.0 GPA, and
Honors Program and Phi Beta Kappa.        is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa        JoElla Lane
He is an Andrew Goodman Founda-           Honor Society. She received the           Dunkirk, NY
tion Vote Everywhere Ambassador,          Excellence in Theatre Arts Award, is      Liberal Arts & Sciences: Mathematics
member of the College Task Force          a member of Theater Club, and par-        and Science
on Voter Registration & Engagement,       ticipated in the art exhibit “Postcards   JoElla will graduate in May 2019 with
and office manager of Geneseo             from the Trail” in her community.         her associate in science degree in
Opportunities for Leadership Devel-       Deborah also volunteers at churches       liberal arts & sciences: mathemat-
opment. Patrick was the 2017 James        in Greene County to serve dinners to      ics and science. She earned her
Houston ’80 Ambassador in Innova-         those less fortunate.                     GED in 1998, and returned to JCC
tion, culminating in the development                                                in 2016. Since returning, JoElla has
of the Discovery Café program.            Christopher Calicchia                     received the Dean’s List honor every
                                          Loudonville, NY                           semester, is a member of Phi Theta
Emily Janiszewski                         Engineering Science                       Kappa honor society, is a recipient
Hamburg, NY                               Christopher has a 3.8 GPA, is a           of the Varmee Medical Professionals
Business Administration                   member of Phi Theta Kappa Hon-            scholarship, as well as a founder of
An All-American goalkeeper for the        or Society, and was named to the          the Health & Wellness Club, all while
SUNY Geneseo women’s soccer               NJCAA Academic All-American               maintaining a 3.9 GPA.
team, senior Emily has excelled at        Third Team as a member of the
Geneseo. A Dean’s List regular, she       men’s lacrosse team. He also is a
has volunteered with Special Olym-        member of the Engineering Club, and
pics, and served as a mentor with         is a student worker for the college’s
the Council for Exceptional Children.     Athletics Department. Chris volun-
In addition to being a four-time          teers at the Albany City Mission and
All-Conference selection, including       at his church.
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