Parks, programs, and events guide - Fall 2019 - City of Montpelier
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9/5/2019 version WELCOME! TABLE OF CONTENTS Parks and Facilities Guide 3-4 Welcome to the City of Montpelier Community Ser- vices Department Fall 2019 Program Guide. Frequently Asked Questions 5-6 In this guide, you can learn about Montpelier’s great recreational facilities, youth sports, community Community Events 8 - 9 events, enrichment classes for youth and adults, and other programming and opportunities to keep you Osher Lifelong Learning In- 10 healthy, active, and learning throughout your life, stitute and having fun. 11 Youth Rec Programs Are you as excited about fall as we are? We are pleased to offer more than 100 programs for people VT Tennis Academy 12 of all ages to help usher in the season. This fall, join us for a walk outside to admire the foliage, take up Adult Programs Open to 12 tai chi or pickleball, or take in a film or two through our film appreciation series. Youth When you stop in the office or visit our website, Programs for Various Ages 13-17 you’ll notice that one registration form combines all adult programs offered by the Community Services Department, while another covers youth programs. Programs for Adults 50+ 18-25 Some adult programs are open to youth, too! We (MSAC Info on page 20) hope you’ll discover a new activity in addition to many of your old favorites. Feel free to ask for assis- Free Activities 26-27 tance, as we’re happy to help guide you to the right fit. Instructor Bios 28 - 30 We are very grateful for the support of hundreds of volunteers, thousands of participants, countless do- Fitness facility discounts for 31 nors, and to the taxpayers of Montpelier and sur- MSAC Members rounding towns who allow us to offer affordable opportunities to our community. FEAST Senior Meals Program 31 We look forward to spending this fall season with you. ~ Community Services Team Cover photo by Linda Hall MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 2
9/5/2019 version PARKS & FACILITIES City of Montpelier Community Services Department is generally available only to those hiking on rustic Administrative Offices trails. The “New Shelter” has an accessible route, at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center though currently has a non-compliant lip onto the 58 Barre Street concrete pad under the shelter. The “Old Shelter” Office open Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm does not have an accessible route, but can be ac- Parks: 802-223-7335 cessed by vehicle upon request. None of the outhous- Recreation: 802-225-8699 es are accessible. Senior Activity Center: 802-223-2518 North Branch River Park The office is closed the week of December 24, Janu- East side of Elm Street, past the Elm Street ary 21, and February 18. It is open Town Meeting Recreational Area Day. North Branch River Park (Route 12) extends along al- most three-quarters of a mile of river, with important Montpelier Senior Activity Center (MSAC) wetlands and a rich diversity of wildlife. North 58 Barre Street Branch Park does not have any accessible routes. You 802-223-2518 cannot drive into the park, and the only way to access Year-round program/meeting rooms, meals site, it is to hike or bike on rustic trails. resource library, computer lab, kitchen. MSAC is a fully accessible facility; there are accessible parking Mill Pond Park spots, automatic doors and ramps leading into both East side of Elm Street, approx. 1/4 mile north of the the side and front entrances, an elevator, and accessi- Elm Street Cemetery. Several hundred feet of river ble bathrooms on each floor. frontage, boat launch, numerous wooden benches, river-view stone steps. This small park has on-road Montpelier Recreational Center parking (no accessible spots designated), and has a 55 Barre Street small accessible pathway. The path down to the boat Gymnasium, game room with pool table, meeting launch is not accessible. spaces. Elm Street Recreational Area Open Gym will run Monday, Oct. 7, 2019 until Fri- 1 Poolside Drive day, May 8, 2020. Open gym hours are as follows: Skateboard park, picnic area, outdoor-lighted basket- Monday-Friday: 3-4pm and 7-9pm ball court, tennis courts, athletic fields. Saturday: 1-4pm and 7-9pm Friday and Saturday (high school and older): 9-10pm Montpelier Pool Closed for the season - opens again summer 2020. Hubbard Park Tennis Courts Parkway Street There are four lighted tennis courts located at the Montpelier’s crown jewel. Hubbard Park has ample Elm Street Recreation Field and four at the Montpel- parking (although no designated handicapped spac- ier High School. es), 2 shelters, and a 54 foot stone observation tower. The Tower can be accessed by car upon request, but MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 3
9/5/2019 version Court Rules by the river. Montpelier Public Schools and Outdoor Facilities Montpelier Recreation Depart- ment’s programs take prece- Indoor Facilities for rent dence over all other play. In case of lightning, users must for rent Picnic Area on Elm Street vacate outdoor courts for at If you are planning an outing, com- least 30 minutes after the last Montpelier Recreational Center pany picnic, or just a group get- thunder/lightning is heard/ Looking for a place to have a birth- together, this area can be reserved seen. day party? The Montpelier Recrea- by the day. The picnic area has 4 Courts are to be used for tennis tional Center is the perfect place to grills and 4 picnic tables, horseshoe & Pickleball only. No bicycles, celebrate. There is plenty of room pits, volleyball court and an open skates, skateboards, in-line for games and activities and no area for other games, as well as skates, hockey, baseball or oth- need to cancel a party due to bad access to the pool. To reserve, call er activities permitted. weather. $20 per hour. Contact the the Recreation office at 225-8699. Sitting or leaning on nets caus- Recreation office for more infor- es damage to the nets and net mation at 225-8699. straps and is strictly prohibited. Elm Street Pavilion No food or beverages, other On Elm Street near the pool. $20 Montpelier Senior Activity Center than water or sport drinks, are per hour. Contact the office at 225- Looking for space to hold a private permitted on the courts. 8699 for more information. meeting, class, rehearsal, party, or Sneakers or tennis shoes only other event? MSAC has five differ- may be worn on the courts. Hubbard Park Shelters ent rooms available to rent, accom- Smoking is prohibited. Looking for the perfect place to modating 1-300 people. Amenities Glass containers are prohibited. host your cookout, picnic, or out- include new audio-visual equip- Trash is to be placed in the door event? The Old Shelter, New ment, full-service onsite catering provided containers. Shelter, and Tuning Forks Stage in available, free Wi-Fi, and bulk rent- Pets are not permitted on the courts. Hubbard Park may be reserved for al discounts. The building is ADA Excessive noise, racquet throwing, use in four-hour blocks. Both shel- accessible, LEED Platinum certified, and profanity are strictly forbidden. ters come equipped with grills, pic- air-conditioned, bright, and com- When others are waiting to nic tables, and running water. fortable. Room rates range from play, all play is restricted to one Groups over 50 should fill out a $15 to $40 per hour with a two- hour singles and doubles. group permission form at least 6 hour minimum; some fees apply. No private instructions or clas- weeks ahead of time to give the For more info, contact the office at ses are allowed without written Parks Commission enough time to 223-2518 or msac@montpelier- permission from MRD. review the request. Call 223-7335 To request a reservation, All tennis court rules, regulations, and for more info or fill out our form at fill out the form at: http:// courtesies shall be observed. Users under the age of 14 must be FormCenter/Community-Services- accompanied by an adult after 6pm. 11/Facility-Reservation-Request- 58. Dog River Recreational Area Soccer field, picnic tables, and grills MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 4
9/5/2019 version FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do I register? Moretown, and Worcester) will be Membership is open to anyone 50 Registration forms are available in processed beginning on Monday, or older from any town and runs our office at 58 Barre Street and on August 26. Registrations for resi- July 1—June 30. our websites at dents of other towns and non- members will be processed two Membership is $15 for Montpelier and weeks later. All forms are accepted residents, $30 for residents of sup- on June 3. Pre-registration is re- porting towns (Berlin, Calais, East quired for all MSAC classes. Montpelier, Middlesex, Moretown, Online Registration Worcester), or $50 for all others. Online registration is available for most programs at www.montpelier We accept credit card payments Am I a resident? Please note that for all transactions. This service is If you pay property taxes in you must already have an account offered at no additional fee for Montpelier, whether on a primary in our system in order to register your convenience. Please consider or secondary residence, you qualify online. If you do not have an ac- paying with cash or check or mak- for the resident rate. count, or can’t remember your ac- ing an additional contribution to count password, please call us at cover the card processing fees. What is the refund policy? 223-2518. Both the Montpelier Recreation When activities with limited enroll- Department (MRD) and the Mont- ment become full, you may be pelier Senior Activity Center Payment is required in full at time placed on a waiting list. We will (MSAC) have refund policies. of registration. Most programs re- notify you in these instances and quire advance registration, as in- discuss available options. The Montpelier Recreation Depart- structors prepare based on pre- ment has a new refund policy. registration counts. Do you provide scholarships? MRD offers full refund (minus a $5 The Montpelier Recreation administrative fee) for withdrawal Please sign up early for Montpelier Department offers scholarships for from a program if requested before Recreation Department youth youth sports. Please inquire for registration deadline. If the depart- sports so that we can balance the more information. ment makes a change to a program coaching staff, number of teams, that prohibits a participant from and order uniforms. Registration The Montpelier Senior Activity Cen- participating, a full refund will be submitted two weeks after the ter offers financial aid for member- given. After the registration dead- start date will not be accepted. It is ships to residents of Montpelier line, a 50% refund will be given for now necessary to have background and our Supporting Towns, and for withdrawal, up until the day after checks for all coaches, umpires, trips and classes for members from the first class. There are no refunds and any adults assisting in the any town. after that date. All requests for sport. refunds must be made in writing How much does it cost? by filling out a refund request For Montpelier Senior Activity Cen- For most Montpelier Senior Activity form available online or from the ter (MSAC) programs, registrations Center programs designed for age office. of members from Montpelier and 50+, you must be a dues-paying MSAC Supporting Towns (Berlin, member of the Center to take part, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, but there are many exceptions. MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 5
9/5/2019 version FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CONTINUED... The Montpelier Senior Activity dues and earlier registration, compared to members Center allows any class participant to drop a class up from Non-Supporting Towns. to two weeks after the first session for a full refund, no explanation necessary. After the two-week peri- What if a program is postponed or cancelled? od, prorated refunds will be offered for health or If the minimum enrollment for a program is not family emergency-related drops. reached, the program will be cancelled and partici- pants will be contacted and offered the option of Can I sign-up after the registration deadline? credit or a refund. Late sign-ups are allowed at the instructor’s discre- tion, if there is room. Once a class has started, partici- Classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather. pants will need to pay the walk-in fee per class or will When Montpelier Roxbury Public schools close for need to pay in full for the class. weather, all classes held at school facilities will be cancelled and MOST Montpelier Senior Activity Cen- Is there a late fee? ter programs, regardless of location, are cancelled The Montpelier Community Services Department has unless otherwise announced. The office remains a $10 late fee for any late registrations. open. Please call the office for information at 225- 8699 or 223-2518. Why do some people get delayed two weeks in be- ing able to register for adult classes, even classes open to the public? Classes run by Montpelier Senior Activity Center give registration priorities to MSAC members from Mont- pelier and Supporting Towns (Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, Moretown, and Worcester). Those towns subsidize MSAC’s operating budget, and early registration privileges are a benefit for those members, who also pay annual dues. We allow those with delayed registration to submit their registration forms on the first day of registration and hold them for two weeks, then enter them in the order in which they were received. Online and paper registration are open to all starting at the two-week point (for Fall 2019, this delayed date is September 9). Why do MSAC members from supporting towns still pay higher class fees than Montpelier residents? MSAC members from Supporting Towns (Berlin, Cal- ais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, Moretown, and Worcester) pay higher fees because the amount that those towns contribute to the MSAC operating budg- et is still far less, per person served, than the amount that is contributed by the City of Montpelier (Montpelier tax-payers). However, members from Photo by Linda Hall Supporting Towns do enjoy the benefits of lower MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 6
9/5/2019 version ANNOUNCEMENTS Reasonable Accommodations We welcome requests for reasonable accommodations. Please contact our office at 225-8699. STAFF Youth Sports Please sign up early for youth sports to balance the coaching Arne McMullen, CPRP, Recreation staff, number of teams, and ordering of uniforms. It is neces- Director, sary to have background checks for all coaches, umpires, and any adults assisting in the sport. Janna Clar, Director, Senior Activity Center, Volunteer Opportunities Galore! You can now learn about and apply for dozens of volunteer po- sitions in all three divisions of Community Services at one Geoff Beyer, Parks Director and source. Please stop by office, call 223-2518, or better yet, start Tree Warden, by visiting our website at: Becca Jordan, Communications and We are so grateful for our generous community! Development Coordinator, Montpelier Senior Activity Important Fall Dates Eric White, Program and Pool Monday, August 26: Fall Class Registration begins Coordinator, Week of September 23: Most Fall classes begin Alec Ellsworth, Parks Supervisor, Community Services Department Important Fall Dates September 2, October 14, November 11, November 28 and No- vember 29 the Community Services Department will be closed Jessica Sanderson, FEAST Program for Holidays. The office will be closed, there will be no drop-in Manager, groups or classes (unless otherwise notified), and there will be no FEAST delivery. Vacant, Resource Development AmeriCorps VISTA, Community Services Department Looking for New AmeriCorps Norma Maurice, Office Manager, Vista Member Come serve the City of Montpelier! The Community Ser-vices Department is looking for an AmeriCorps Vista member to sup- Harry Divack, Administrative port volunteer recruitment and manage-ment, event planning, Assistant, and fundraising needs. This is a great opportunity for recent graduates, individuals seeking to change careers, for those peo- Rick Lachapelle, Maintenance ple in between their undergraduate and graduate degree pro- Foreman, grams, or energetic retirees. AmeriCorps VISTAs receive a bi- weekly living stipend, career development advice, and many Carl Nunn, Assistant Maintenance other benefits for their service. If you are interested or have Foreman questions, please call or email Becca at bjordan@montpelier- or (802) 262.6284. MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 7
9/5/2019 version SPECIAL COMMUNITY SERVICE EVENTS SKI & SKATE SALE Saturday, October 19 | 9:00 am - 2 pm | Montpelier High School Gym| Bring items to sell on Friday, October 18, before the sale, from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. The Montpelier Recreation Department reserves the right to refuse any equipment. Pick-up for items not sold will be from 4:30-6:00 p.m. after the sale. Volunteers needed! for this event. Contact 225-8699 for more information or to volunteer. Vol- unteers get to shop Friday night! SQUARE DANCE INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP WITH LIVE FIDDLE MUSIC Sunday, October 20 | 6:30 - 9:00 pm | MSAC Community Room, 58 Barre Street Come to a community square dance with local caller and musician Robin Russell, and live fiddle music by TBD. You don’t need a partner or experience! Robin will guide the group through classic moves and you’ll be flowing with others through the dances from the start. Advance registration: $10. At the door: $15. Mini- mum age: 13. Open to the general public, limited to 64 participants. ENCHANTED FOREST Saturday, October 12 | 3:00 - 8:00 pm | Hubbard Park A magical, performance-filled theatrical evening walk through Hubbard Park. Family-friendly and not scary, this is a chance to experience the park in a whole new light. A Montpelier family favorite event! An unsupervised walk by donation will take place on Sunday, October 13 from 5 - 8 pm MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 8
9/5/2019 version SPECIAL COMMUNITY SERVICE EVENTS HALLOWEEN PARTY For kids aged 12 and under | Saturday, October 26 | 10:00 - 11:30 am | Montpelier High School Cafeteria Games, Prizes, Snacks, and a special magic performance by Marko The Magician! FALL FIBER FROLIC Saturday, October 26 | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm | MSAC Community Room, 58 Barre Street Participants will bring their own supplies and enjoy the time either just creating and/or participating in the mini workshops offered throughout the day. All forms of fiber art are welcome including rug hooking, knitting, crocheting, quilting, applique or weaving. Mini workshops of the various mediums will start at 10am and continue through the day. Full list and schedule of workshops to be released in September. Door prizes and light refreshments for sale, but bring your own lunch. Preregistration and an entrance fee of $10 is re- quired; the fee is to raise funds to provide fiber art supplies and equipment for MSAC classes. MSAC mem- bers will be given preference for the first week of registration but the event is open to the general pub- lic. Questions or interest in presenting a workshop? Contact coordinator and MSAC Rughooking instructor, Pam Finnigan, at Registration is at the Senior Center. MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 9
9/5/2019 version OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE All programs will be held at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center (MSAC), 58 Barre Street, Montpelier Films will be shown at the Savoy Theater, 26 Main Street in Montpelier Programs will not take place when the Montpelier schools are cancelled for weather. You may call (802) 479 - 2602 to confirm Programs take place on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm (films at 12:30 pm). $5 suggested donation per program or $40 for the 13-program series Donations or registration go to OLLI volunteers at the door, not to MSAC. There is an option for OLLI membership; view their website for more information. Events are open to the public. Rapid Reviews Where are all the Great Women Artists? Wednesday, Sept. 11 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Wednesday, Nov. 6 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Room Room White People and Racial Justice: How the Fight 3D Printing Demystified Against Racism is Our Issue Too Wednesday, Nov. 13 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Wednesday, Sept. 18 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Room Room OLLI Films with Rick Winston Eyes & Ears: Talking with Vermonters Where They The British novelist Graham Greene was noted for his Live depictions of flawed protagonists caught up in moral Wednesday, Oct. 2 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community dilemmas. We'll see and discuss three of the best Room films made from his works: "The Third Man" and "The Fallen Idol," both with screenplays by Greene; and Is There a Right to Vote in the United States? the later vintage "The Quiet American." Wednesday, October 9 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Room The Third Man Wednesday, Nov. 20 | 12:30 pm | Savoy Theater Before Vermont: An Archaeological History Prior to European Contact The Fallen Idol Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Wednesday, Dec. 4 | 12:30 pm | Savoy Theater Room The Quiet American Creating a Culture of Clean Water Wednesday, Dec. 11 | 12:30 pm | Savoy Theater Wednesday, Oct. 23 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Room Inside the Black Box: The Vermont and the United For more details and descriptions please visit: States Supreme Courts Wednesday, Oct. 30 | 1:30 pm | MSAC Community Room learning/olli-statewide/central_vermont/ MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 10
9/5/2019 version Youth Rec Programs Little Sprouts Open Gym Deadline to register is December Montpelier resident ($65 for adult Wednesdays, October 2 - August 13! participating with child) 29 | 9:00 - 11:00 am | Montpelier Rec Center Gym | Donations ac- 3 - 6 Grade Youth Basketball Tae Kwon Do A: STAFF cepted |Infants, Toddlers & Pre Saturdays, first practice 11/16/19 | Ages 7 - 8 | 6:00 - 7:00 pm Schoolers Time TBD | Montpelier Rec Center The gym is available on Wednes- Gym | $40 Montpelier residents/ Tae Kwon Do B: days from 9:00 - 11:00 am for pre- not open to non-Montpelier resi- Age 9+ | 7:00 - 8:00 pm school aged children with their par- dents |3 - 6 Graders ents or day care provider. Mats, Teams will practice 1-2 days per Beginners are welcome and en- balls, and other play equipment are week and play games on Saturdays. couraged to join these classes. available for use. Deadline to register is October 25! This is an instructional class for people who want to learn the art of Start Smart Soccer Puppet Workshop Tae Kwon Do. Tuesdays, 9/3/19 - 10/1/19 | 5:00 - Janice Walrafen | Thursdays, 5:45 pm | Montpelier High School | 11/7/19 - 12/12/19 (skips Thanks- Parents who participate in class $48 Montpelier resident/$72 non- giving) | 3:00 - 4:45 pm | Upstairs with their child will get a discount- Montpelier resident |Ages 3 - 5 in Montpelier Rec Center | $70 ed rate of 50% off. NOTE: An addi- This 5-week Start Smart Soccer is a Montpelier residents/ $85 non- tional fee $35.00 will be charged developmentally appropriate, in- Montpelier Residents |Ages 7 - 15 troductory soccer program for chil- Let’s make puppets! Rod puppets, some- for TKD uniform. All participants dren 3-5 years old. This program thing you can hold in your hand and tell must purchase AAU insurance introduces children to soccer in a stories with. On the last day we will pre- through TKD instructor at the cost fun environment. Start Smart Soc- sent a puppet show with them. of $14.00 per year. This will allow cer prepares children and their par- Janice will meet kids at UES right participant to participate in addi- ents for organized soccer without after school and walk them over to the fear of getting hurt. This pro- Rec. Center. Be sure to notify UES tional TKD competitive events. gram is an interactive program with that your child has permission to Snow Mobile Safety Course children and their parents. PAR- leave with her. Saturday, Dec. 7 | 9:00 am - 3:30 ENTS MUST PARTICIPATE. Please pm | Barre Town Elementary leave other siblings at home unless Elementary School Fall Tennis School | no cost but limited spots supervised by another parent. This see page 12 |Ages 8+ five week program is for both par- Co-hosted by Thunder Chickens ent and child. Each child will re- Middle School Fall Tennis and Montpelier Recreation Dept. ceive shin guards 2 soccer balls and see page 12 The class is free of charge, but a pinney. space is limited to the first 40 stu- Tae Kwon Do dents. Lunch will be provided by K - 2 Grade Youth Basketball Matthew Girouard | Mondays & The Barre Town Thunder Chickens. K - 2 Graders | Saturdays, 1/4/20 - Thursdays, 9/9/19 - 12/19/19 (skips Anyone born after July 1, 1983 2/16/20 | Time TBD | Montpelier 10/14/19, 10/31/19, 11/25/19, and must complete and pass a six-hour Rec Center Gym | $35 Montpelier 11/28/19) | Union Elementary safety course. Adults are welcome residents/ not open to non- School Big Gym | $91 Montpelier to attend. Alternatively, the state Montpelier residents residents ($45.50 for adult partici- of Vermont offers an online course Teams will meet each Saturday. pating with child)/ $130 for non- for a minimal fee. MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 11
9/5/2019 version VERMONT TENNIS ACADEMY The Vermont Tennis Academy is designed to help the time will not be permitted to beginners to advanced players reach their maxi- participate and will be excused from mum potential in a very short period of time. The tennis. There are no exceptions. Academy offers low and high performance tennis This is for each child’s safety and training for all ages and abilities. Directed by Scott well-being. Registrations are accepted at the Com- Barker. munity Services office. No registrations will be col- Scott’s experience as a tennis professional includes lected at the courts. teaching all experience levels as well as high school, college, and professional level players. Scott Fall Elementary School Tennis has won over 60 combined singles and doubles Elementary school students | Wednes- tournaments and has worked with former world days, Sept. 11 - Oct. 2 |3:00 - 5:00 pm | champions John McEnroe, Jimmy Conners, Bjorn Montpelier Rec Fields| $60 Montpelier Borg, and Stan Smith. resident/$90 non-Montpelier residents All participants will be divided into groups by age and skill level. Fall Middle School Tennis The Academy offers match play statistics, ball Middle school students | Tuesdays & Thursdays, speed clinics, as well as match strategy. Sept. 10 - Oct. 3 |3:00 - 5:00 pm | Montpelier Rec Absolutely all participants MUST be registered be- Fields| $120 Montpelier resident/$180 non- fore arriving at lessons or camps. Montpelier residents Participants who are not registered at ADULT CLASSES OPEN TO YOUTH See specific class descriptions on specified pages. How the Other Half Writes: Women Composers p. 15 (Ages 12+) Clay Construction - Faces and More p. 13 (ages Intermediate Spanish p. 15 (Ages 14+) 7+) Digital Photography p. 14 (Ages 14+) Advanced Beginner Guitar p. 13 (Ages 14+) Spanish 3 p. 15 (Ages 14+) Reelin’ & Rockin’: Singing Songs of the 50s and Co-Ed Dodgeball League p. 16 (Ages 18+) 60s p. 14 (Ages 14+) Fitness Hooping p. 16 (Ages 18+) Tile Making Workshop p. 14 (Ages 7+) Noontime Basketball p. 15 (Ages 18+) Food for Winter Health p. 13 (Ages 15+) Pickleball p. 15 (Ages 18+) The Anti-Inflammatory Diet p. 13 (Ages 15+) Qi Gong p. 16 (Ages 18+) Healthy Cooking on a Budget p. 13 (Ages 15+) Gentle Yoga in Worcester p. 17 (Ages 18+) Amazing Grains p. 13 (Ages 15+) Yoga Foundations p. 17 (Ages 16+) Exploring Perspective Drawing p. 13 (Ages 18+) Zumba p. 18 (Ages 15+) Drawing the Figure p.13 (Ages18+) Chair Feldenkrais p. 16 (Ages 18+) Beginner Pastels p.13 (Ages 16+) Somatic Movement Classes p. 16 (Ages 18+) Film Appreciation Series “From a Child’s Point of Square Dance Interactive Workshop p. 17 (Ages View” p. 14 (Ages 14+) 13+ Film Appreciation Series “American Indies: Off Hua Yu Style Tai Chi p. 17 (Ages 16+) the Beaten Track” p. 14 (Ages 14+) Stop & Flow - Hatha & Vinyasa p. 18 (Ages Opera 1: From the Court to the Street p. 14 16+) (Ages 17+) MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 12
9/5/2019 version Programs for Various Ages mon winter ailments and ways to are gluten-free. Sample delicious Performing and Fine boost immunity and strengthen breads and spreads and leave with digestion with food and herbs. We recipes and inspiration. See page Arts for various will discuss the connection be- 29 for instructor bio. ages: tween gut health, immune health and mental health. Leave with reci- Exploring Perspective Drawing Advanced Beginner Guitar pes and inspiration. See page 29 Janice Walrafen | 5 Mondays, Tom Wales | 10 Wednesdays, for instructor bio. starts 9/23/19 | 5:00 - 7:00 pm | starts 9/25/19 | 5:00 - 6:00 pm | MSAC Art Room | $25 MSAC mem- MSAC Community Room | $25 Cooking 2: The Anti-Inflammatory bers/$40 public | Ages 18+ MSAC members/ $50 public | Ages Diet Linear perspective and foreshort- 14+ Lisa Mase | Saturday, Oct. 5 | 9:00 ening are ways to understand how This is a continuation of Beginner - 10:30 am | MSAC Kitchen | $20 we create images of depth, interi- Guitar. We will continue to use and MSAC member/$25 public | Ages or, and exterior places, and spaces. learn new chords and play songs. 15+ Inspired by artists such as MS Esch- Students will have to provide We will explore the common er, Dali, Van Gogh, Remedio Varo, their own instrument and have causes of inflammation and learn we will practice drawing the depth some basic knowledge of chords. which foods are best for reducing of space. Open to all abilities. See There will be minimal music theory and eliminating it. We will prepare page 30 for instructor bio. and maximum fun. Playing an in- and sample anti-inflammatory reci- strument is one of the best things a pes and leave with inspiration for Drawing the Figure person can do for him or herself. healthy cooking. See page 29 for Janice Walrafen | 5 Mondays, It’s a lifelong companion, much like instructor bio. starts 10/28/19 | 5:00 - 7:00 pm | a dog, doesn’t complain too much, MSAC Art Room | $25 MSAC mem- but gives back a lot of pleasure. Cooking 3: Healthy Cooking on a Budget bers/ $40 public| Ages 18+ Clay Constructions—Faces and Lisa Mase | Saturday, Oct. 12| 9:00 Here is an opportunity to More - 10:30 am | MSAC Kitchen | $20 sketch from live models, people Georgia Landau | 10 Thursdays, MSAC member/$25 public | Ages and animals. Each week will offer a starts 9/26/19 | 4:00 - 5:30 pm | 15+ lesson in how to draw the human MSAC Art Room | $40 MSAC mem- Gain recipes, shopping tips, and figure: dressed, active, reclining bers/$65 public | Ages 7+ food preparation ideas for buying, and portraits as well as animals. No This clay class begins with making cooking and eating local, seasonal prior experience required and all faces and tiny figures and then meals on a budget. We will share levels welcome. Bring your favorite moves on to working with slabs, our ideas and experiences as well another clay building technique. as cook a healthy dish that’s budg- drawing tools and #2 pencils, Combining these elements will give et-friendly. See page 29 for instruc- eraser, sketchpad 8"x10" or larger. you the tools to create fanciful clay tor bio. $5 model fee payable to instructor. sculpture. Materials fee of $15 for See page 30 for instructor bio. clay, firing and paint or glaze, paya- Cooking 4: Amazing Grains ble to instructor. Lisa Mase | Saturday, Oct. 19 | Beginner Pastels 9:00 - 10:30 am | MSAC Kitchen | (new location) Cooking 1: Foods for Winter $20 MSAC member/$25 public | Joyce Khan | 5 Thursdays, starts Health Ages 15+ Lisa Mase | Saturday, Sept. 21 | Explore the world of delicious, 9/26/19 | 4:30 - 6:30 pm | TW 9:00 - 10:30 am | MSAC Kitchen | inexpensive and easy-to-prepare Wood Gallery, 46 Barre Street | $20 MSAC member/$25 public | whole grains! We will learn how to $50 MSAC members/ $75 public | Ages 15+ create bread, biscuits and muffins Ages 16+ Together, we will explore com- from whole grains, most of which This class is appropriate for those MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 13
9/5/2019 version Programs for Various Ages with no art background to those mation that you can use for life. 14+ with significant background who See page 29 for instructor bio. Some of the best-loved films wish to improve their skills. In this over the years have been those class for beginners, students will Reelin’ & Rockin’: Signing Songs of that sensitively portray the world learn about different kinds of soft the 50s and 60s as it is seen by children. Included pastels and papers, how to apply John Harrison | 10 Tuesdays, are films from France (FORBIDDEN pastels (mark making), shape and 9/24/19 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm | MSAC GAMES), India (SALAAM BOMBAY), form, color, designing a composi- Community Room | $40 MSAC England (THE FALLEN IDOL), Swe- tion, working from a still life and members/ $65 public | Ages 14+ den (MY LIFE AS A DOG), and the from photos. A suggested supply A chorus for rockers of all ages United States (KING OF THE HILL). list will be sent upon enrollment. I who want to sing the great songs Full title list available in front will do a demo each time around a of the fifties and sixties. In this office. basic concept and students will try class, you'll have a great time out the technique. Students will learning to sign classic rock songs. Film Appreciation: “American In- learn major art concepts that apply See page 28 for instructor bio. dies: Off the Beaten Track” to all art media. TW Wood is now Rick Winston | 8 Thursdays, starts accessible! Elevator access is Tile Making Workshop 9/26/19 | 10:00 am - 12:30 pm | through the side door on Mon- Janice Walrafen | 5 Tuesdays, Savoy Theater, Montpelier | $50 signor Crosby. starts 10/1/19 | 5:30 - 8:00 pm | MSAC members/ $75 public | Ages 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road, E. 14+ Digital Photography—Mixed Montpelier | $50 MSAC Members/ Over the last ten years, there Levels $75 public | Ages 7+ have many excellent American Linda Hogan | 10 Fridays, starts Have you ever wanted to make films that choose to portray com- 9/27/19 (skips 11/29/19)| 10:00 a tile or are just curious how it is munities neglected by Hollywood. am - 12:00pm| MSAC Resource done? Working from a flat slab of Some of the films we'll see are Room | $35 MSAC members/ $60 clay, tiles can be carved, sculpted, WINTER'S BONE, set in the Ozarks; public | Ages 14+ drawn, and painted. Create ornate FROZEN RIVER, set in a Mohawk In this workshop we will explore signs for your home, welcoming community in upstate New York; new ways of looking at things visitors with your name and ad- WENDY AND LUCY, set in the Pa- around us to make a picture some- dress, decorative tiles for the cific Northwest; and 99 HOMES, set thing very special, and go deeper kitchen or bathroom, or simply in Florida. into the art of seeing. Each week enjoy working with clay. Material we will take on a theme that will fee of $30 will be charged for clay, Opera 1: From the Court to the help broaden our understanding of glazes, and firing, payable to the Street capturing a perfect image that tells instructor. See page 30 for instruc- Erik Nielsen | 10 Tuesdays, starts a good story. Different photog- tor bio. 9/24/19 | Westview Meadows | raphy genres will be explained as 2:30 - 4:00 pm | $70 MSAC mem- well as things you may want to Humanities and more bers/$95 public | Ages 17+ know to prepare for an exhibit for various ages: While many people regard opera and/or selling your work. You will as something only for the wealthy, need any kind of digital camera Film Appreciation: “From a Child’s for much of its life as an art form with a memory card, a flash/thumb Point of View” it's been one of the most popular drive and a notebook and pen/ Rick Winston | 8 Mondays, starts of the musical genres. This course pencil for notes. This will be a fun 9/23/19 | 9:30 am - 12:00 pm | will explore opera's origins, its ear- class and will open your eyes and Savoy Theater, Montpelier | $50 ly composers and will go right up give you some skills and infor- MSAC members/ $75 public | Ages to the 19th century with the rise of MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 14
9/5/2019 version Programs for Various Ages Italian bel canto works. (Later history of women composers from Active Living and works will be dealt with in a sec- the 12th century right up to the Wellness For Various ond and third course.) Some of the present. It ought to be both fun Ages: composers we'll listen to will in- and enlightening! See page 29 for clude Monteverdi, Purcell, Handel, instructor bio. Archery Mozart, Beethoven and Rossini. It Tuesdays, 10/15/19 - 11/5/19 | has been five years since the series 6:00 - 7:00 pm | R&L Archery, 70 Intermediate Spanish on opera was last offered. This Smith Street, Barre | $30 for all Carlos Reyes | 9 Tuesdays, starts time the classes will be 90 minutes 9/24/19 | MSAC Resource Room | regardless of residency | Ages 3 instead of an hour, and with state- 9:00 - 10:15 am | $30 MSAC mem- grade and up (Children must be of-the-art video projection availa- accompanied by adult) ber/ $55 public | Ages 14+ ble, the experience will be much Learn to handle a bow safely and Intermediate Spanish is a fun richer for all concerned. Once class using songs, games and gram- how to properly shoot at targets at again, composer Erik Nielsen will mar lessons to help students learn R & L Archery’s indoor range. lead the class with humor and pas- Spanish. The class builds upon the sion. The class is open to anyone Noontime Basketball Spanish 7 class. Students will be with curiosity about opera and a 10/1/19 - 8/31/20 |11:45 am - 1:15 provided the tools and they will willingness to listen. See page 29 pm| Montpelier Rec Gym|$80 or provide the motivation to learn a for instructor bio. $2/day for residents/ $120 or $3/ new language and the application day for non-residents| Ages 18+ of the new language in conversa- Daily pick-up basketball games How the Other Half Writes: Wom- tion. All you need to bring is a pen Monday through Friday. You can en Composers and notebook and the desire to sign up for the full year or pay by Erik Nielsen | 10 Fridays, starts learn! See page 30 for instructor the day. 9/27/19 (skips 11/29/19) | MSAC bio. Community Room |3:15 - 4:45 pm Pickleball | $70 MSAC members / $95 public Spanish 3 Monday - Friday, Year-Round |See | Ages 12+ Carlos Reyes | 9 Thursdays, starts flier for times | Rec. Center Gym | Ever wonder whether all women 9/26/19 | 9:00 - 10:15 am | MSAC $30 resident/$45 non-resident for did artistically before 1975 was Resource Room | | $30 MSAC a 22-game punch card or $2 resi- write a little poetry and the occa- member/ $55 public | Ages 14+ dent/$3 non-resident per visit | sional novel? Well, it turns out a Spanish 3 is a fun class using Ages 18+ number of women were compos- songs, games and grammar lessons Pickleball is one of the fastest ers, but are woefully underrepre- to help students learn Spanish. The growing sports in the United sented in historical surveys and class builds upon the Spanish 2 States. This paddle sport is a com- performances. Some of us have class. Students will be provided the bination of tennis, badminton, and heard of Hildegard von Bingen, tools and they will provide the mo- ping-pong. Created in 1965 by Clara Schumann and Fanny Men- tivation to learn a new language some parents on an island near delssohn, but what about Mad- and the application of the new lan- Seattle, WA to entertain their chil- delena Casulana, Amy Beach or guage in conversation. All you need dren with a game the whole family Rebecca Clarke? And once we en- to bring is a pen and notebook and could play. ter the late 20th century the list of the desire to learn! See page 30 female composers of note grows for instructor bio. Beginner: Tuesdays & Thursdays| 1:15 - 3:00 exponentially. Composer Erik Niel- pm sen will lead a 10-week exploration Intermediate: of the rich though largely unknown Mondays & Thursdays| 9:00 - MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 15
9/5/2019 version Programs for Various Ages 11:30 am cover greater ease as they move in Thursdays, 10/17/19 - 10/24/19 Advanced: everyday life. Using slow, gentle Mondays & Wednesdays | 1:15 - movements, directed attention and De-Stress and try a new fitness 3:00pm visualization, Feldenkrais expands class with Carol Becker, Physical Fridays|9:00 - 11:30am your brain’s “map” of your whole Therapist and a Certified Body body. Adding detail to the “map” Hoop instructor. Carol uses large 2 Qi Gong: Chinese Medicine in Mo- improves balance, reflexes and lb "Hula" Hoops for a fun, rejuve- tion posture, creating an opportunity to nating, head to toe work out. If you Edward Kentish | 10 Tuesdays, use muscles and skeleton more don't think that you can "Hula" starts 9/24/19 |11:45 am - 12:45 efficiently and enjoyably. Move- hoop, don't worry Carol will teach pm| MSAC Activity Room | $30 ment sequences will be performed you! Check it out at MSAC members/$55 public | Ages while sitting and standing. The 18+ class will be taught by certified The purpose of Qi Gong is to cul- Feldenkrais practitioner Paul Erl- Somatic Movement: tivate the smooth and abundant baum of East Montpelier. See page Neuromuscular Re-Training flow of Qi, or life energy. Life flows 28 for instructor bio. Amy LePage | 11 Fridays, starts better when we do this! We’ll be 9/27/19 (skips 11/29/19) | 12:00 - learning a set of movements that 1:00 pm | MSAC Studio |$40 MSAC Adult Co-Ed Dodgeball League Fall are gentle, fluid and graceful. We A members/ $65 public | Ages 18+ practice with concentration and Tuesdays, 11/12/19 - 12/17/19 | We utilize slow, focused, gentle awareness of our breath. 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Union Elementary movements that actively engage We practice because it feels School Gym | $15 Montpelier resi- the nervous system in a new learn- good, it slows us down, it brings us dents/ $20 non-Montpelier resi- ing process called neuromuscular to the present and gives us greater dents |Ages 18+ retraining. This class focuses on awareness. We feel better, have National Amateur Dodgeball Asso- increasing mobility; improving pos- more ease, we let go and bounce ciation Rules ture; enhancing coordination; re- back more easily. By the end of the ducing aches, pains and tension series you will have learned a Pre-Registration is required. patterns while improving your movement that you can keep prac- *Teams of 6 with at least 2 women breathing and developing internal ticing, and when you do you’ll find per team. awareness, quiet and calm. Move- yourself dropping into the quiet ments are done standing, sitting calm that you experienced during *5 minute games & no stalling al- lowed; other rules will be ex- and lying on the floor. Modifica- this class. This is a standing prac- tions possible. Interested, but think tice, please wear loose, comforta- plained. an individual session may be a ble clothing and light indoor *Soft Gator Skin dodgeballs used good place to start? Email Amy as shoes, or even no shoes! See page sliding scale is offered to MSAC 29 for instructor bio. Fitness Hooping members. See page 29 for instruc- 7:00 - 8:00 pm | Montpelier Rec. tor bio. Chair Feldenkrais for Head, Shoul- Gym | $20 Montpelier residents/ ders, Knees & Toes $30 non-Montpelier residents Somatic Movement Classes for Paul Erlbaum | 12 Mondays, starts |Ages 18+ Specific Parts of the Body 9/23/19| 2:30 - 3:30 pm | MSAC Amy LePage | 12:15 - 1:15 pm | Studio |$25 MSAC member/ $50 MSAC Studio | $15 MSAC mem- Fitness Hooping A: public| Ages 18+ Thursdays, 9/12/19 - 9/19/19 bers/ $30 public | Ages 18+ The Feldenkrais Method® is an ex- ploratory, playful form of move- Fitness Hooping B: Somatic Movement for Neck & ment that helps many people dis- MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 16
9/5/2019 version Programs for Various Ages Spine - 3 Tuesdays, 9/24/19 - sion may be a good place to start? an opportunity to explore a gentle 10/8/19 Email Amy as sliding scale is to medium yoga practice geared This class focuses on the Neck and offered to MSAC members. See towards improving balance, Spine and will incorporate some page 29 for instructor bio. strength, and flexibility. Postures anatomy and functional movement are adapted to meet the individual to address tension, strain, limited Tae Kwan Do needs of students in the class and range of motion and/or See page 11 for details are coordinated with the breath. pain. Movements are done stand- Integrating breath and movement ing, sitting and lying on the floor. New: Square Dance Interactive helps us work with our nervous Modifications possible. Interested, Workshop with Live Fiddle Music system, strengthen attention, and but think an individual session may Robin Russell | Sunday, October 20 cultivate awareness in our body. be a good place to start? Email | 6:30 - 9:00 pm | MSAC Communi- Participants should be able to Amy as sliding scale is offered to ty Room | $10 for all, pre- move from floor to standing. MSAC members. See page 29 for registered/ $15 at the door |Ages Participants should bring a yoga instructor bio. 13+ mat and a blanket to class. See Come to a community square page 28 for instructor bio. Somatic Movement for Hips, Knees dance with local caller and musi- and Feet - 3 Tuesdays, 10/15/19 - cian Robin Russell, and live fiddle Gentle and Restorative Yoga music TBD. You don’t need a part- (includes chanting) 10/29/19 ner or experience! Robin will guide (New Name, formerly Gentle Yoga This class focuses on the Hips, the group through classic moves with Breathing, Chanting & Knees and Feet and will incorpo- and you’ll be flowing with others Meditation rate some anatomy and functional through the dances from the Ragan Sheridan |11 Thursdays, movement to address tension, start. See page 30 for instructor starts 9/26/19 (skips 10/17/19, strain, limited range of motion bio. 11/28/19) | 5:00 - 6:30 pm | MSAC and/or pain. Movements are done Studio | $25 MSAC members/ $50 standing, sitting and lying on the floor. Modifications possible. Inter- New: Hua Yu Style Tai Chi public | Ages 21+ Ellie Hayes | 10 Fridays, starts ested, but think an individual ses- The primary focus is to adapt sion may be a good place to start? 9/27/19 (skips 11/29/19) | 4:15 - yoga to serve the individual needs 5:30 pm | MSAC Studio | $25 Email Amy as sliding scale is of the student. Integrating breath MSAC member/$50 public | Ages offered to MSAC members. See and movement to guide and 16+ page 29 for instructor bio. support your yoga practice helps to One of the earliest yet least com- develop awareness of your own Somatic Movement for Shoulders, mon forms of Tai Chi, Hua Yu Tai condition, and to feel ease in the Elbows and Hands - 3 Tuesdays, Chi has some unique features that body and a deep sense of well- 11/5/19 - 11/19/19 would be useful for any Tai Chi en- being. Please note: This class thusiast to master. See page 28 for includes some Vedic chants. See This class focuses on the Shoulders, instructor bio. Elbows and Hands and will incorpo- page 30 for instructor bio. rate some anatomy and functional Gentle Yoga in Worcester movement to address tension, Yoga Foundations Barb Alpert|10 Tuesdays, starts strain, limited range of motion (New Time) 9/24/19 | Worcester Town Hall, Bill Dorigan | 12 Wednesdays, and/or pain. Movements are done Route 12 | 1:00 - 2:15 pm | $40 standing, sitting and lying on the starts 9/25/19 | 12:45 - 1:45 pm | MSAC member/$65 public | Ages MSAC Studio | $25 MSAC mem- floor. Modifications possible. Inter- 18+ ested, but think an individual ses- bers/ $50 public |Age 16+ This class will offer participants MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 17
9/5/2019 version Programs for Adults 50+ Ideal for beginners and those who Zumba Work will be finished and fired at want a more in-depth understand- (new instructor) Mud Studio. Clay can be purchased ing of yoga postures, this class Kate Strousse | 10 Thursdays, as needed from the instructor. teaches the fundamentals of the starts 9/26/19 (skips 11/28/19) | Price includes firing of materials. basic groups of yoga postures, in- 7:00 - 8:00 pm | MSAC Studio | See page 28 for instructor bio. cluding standing poses, forward $60 Montpelier resident/$90 non- bends, backbends, inversions, and Montpelier resident | Ages 15+ Drawing Basics restorative postures. Use of props Think you can’t dance? Come and Janice Walrafen | 10 Thursdays, will be taught. Prerequisite: stu- find out the truth: of course you starts 9/26/19 (skips 11/28/19) dents must be able to stand up and can, and it feels good, and life is |1:00 - 2:30 pm | MSAC Art Room lower themselves to the floor unas- better when you do! Zumba is an | $30 Montpelier resident/$40 non sisted. See page 28 for instructor amazing full-body workout dis- -Montpelier resident bio. guised as an inclusive, feel-good, Have you always wanted to easy-to-follow dance party with draw, but not known where to Stop and Flow - A gentle blend of Latin and international rhythms. begin? Do you love to draw, but Hatha & Vinyasa Kate's fun, sweaty and supportive need to set time aside to do it? (New Name, formerly Hatha Yoga ) classes will boost your core This is a great beginner and re- Bessie Sandberg |12 Tuesdays, strength and improve your endur- fresher class. Most often working starts 9/24/19 | 6:30 - 8:00 pm | ance. See page 30 for instructor from life, each class introduces a MSAC Studio | $80 Montpelier res- bio. different skill or lens to draw from idents/$105 non-Montpelier resi- including contour, value, color, per- dents | Ages 16+ spective, foreshortening, portraits, New description: In this gentle yet Performing and Fine proportions, composition, and powerful yoga class, postures are Arts for 50+: more. Great foundational skill practiced to align, strengthen and building and enjoyable time spent encourage flexibility in the body. Handbuilding in Clay drawing. Please bring 9"x12" Each ninety minute class joins Nicole Galipeau | 10 Mondays, sketch pad (not newsprint), #2 HB physical postures with inhales and starts 9/23/19 | 1:00 –2:30 pm | pencils, eraser (knot kneaded). exhales to create unity between MSAC Art Room | $70 for all MSAC Other supplies needed throughout breath, mind and body. You can members class will be a ruler, Prismacolor expect an emphasis on simplicity This is an introductory class in the white pencil and Oil Pastels. See and ease of movement. All pos- art of hand-building in clay. page 30 for instructor bio. tures are thoughtfully made clear Whether making functional pottery and easy to follow. With the inten- or sculptural pieces, we will use Painting at All Levels tion to create bliss, strength and basic techniques such as using Linda Hogan | 10 Monday, starts balance this class fosters a full cir- coils, molds, and pinch-pot 9/23/19 | 10:00 - 12:00 pm | MSAC cuit of the body’s range of motion methods to create pieces in Art Room | $30 Montpelier with standing postures, twists, accordance with individual resident/ $40 non-resident backbends, forward folds, and hip interest. Our class is not only about Explore the wonderful world of openers. All classes end in a deep making art in clay; it is about painting in acrylics, watercolors, relaxation. Beginners, intermediate making art in an intimate and very oils, pastels, your choice. Bring and seasoned Yogis invariably wel- jovial setting! Having a group of us your own ideas or work from a set- comed with a full heart and open working individually but in a studio up in the art room. There will be mind. setting together gives a very instruction, handouts, and many satisfactory feeling of new ideas offered to help you cre- accomplishment and comradery! ate your masterpiece. A great way MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 18
9/5/2019 version Programs for Adults 50+ to start the week off right! See page come. Beginning students will be 29 for instructor bio. called by the teacher prior to the The Montpelier Senior Activity start of class. Also, she will gladly Center (MSAC) is your home answer any questions you might for healthy aging and lifelong Painting in Oils have. See page 28 for instructor learning. We are an active Jeneane Lunn | 10 Tuesdays, starts bio. community, and there’s always 9/24/19 (skips 11/26/19) | 4:30 - something to do, no matter 6:30 pm | MSAC Art Room | $30 Advanced Voice: Keeping Your what your interest is. Montpelier resident/ $40 non- Voice in Shape for Life Montpelier resident Naomi Flanders | 10 Thursdays, These programs are open only This class will cover basic starts 9/26/19 (skips 11/28/19) | to members of the Senior Activ- techniques for painting in oils, but Westview Meadows | 1:30 - 2:30 ity Center, unless indicated by a pm |$30 MSAC members / $55 would also be beneficial to the . more experienced painter. public Instruction will include As seniors, we all notice the aging Membership is open to anyone of both our speaking and singing 50 or older from any town. demonstrations and one-on-one voice. If we have sung in a chorus Membership is just $15 per critique. for years, or done theatrical; work year for Montpelier residents, or taught school, it can be dispir- $30 for supporting towns Intermediate Pastels iting. The good news is that this (Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Jeneane Lunn |10 Wednesdays, doesn't have to happen. This voice Middlesex, Moretown, Worces- starts 9/25/19 (skips 11/27/19) | class give you everyday breathing, ter), or $50 for all others. 4:30 - 6:30 pm| MSAC Art Room | movement and vocalizing exercises Where prices are listed as $XX/ $30 Montpelier resident/$40 non- to keep your whole voice in shape $XX, the first price indicates the resident for life, because of course we all rate for Montpelier members This two-hour class will include a want to still sing in choirs, teach and the second price for all oth- weekly 30 minute demonstration and be in plays! For some of the er members. and 1.5 hours of working time with bodywork, those are able will use individual critique. This class is de- yoga mats on the floor; others will signed for people with some experi- remain in chairs. See page 28 for ence in pastels. Less experienced instructor bio. students will be supported with lots of instruction and more advanced Beginning/Intermediate Shy students will find their work en- Singers Fall 2019 Quarter Dates hanced by specific critique. Naomi Flanders | 10 Thursdays, (Classes run September 23 - starts 9/26/19 (skips 11/28/19) | December 13 2019) Rug Hooking MSAC Community Room| 3:30 - Pam Finnigan | 10 Wednesdays, 4:30 pm | $25 Montpelier resident/ All registration forms will be starts 9/25/19 |9:30 - 11:30 am | $35 non - Montpelier resident accepted beginning August 26. MSAC Art Room | $30 Montpelier Everyone can sing. People laugh $10 late fee after September resident /$40 non-resident when I say this, but I found in my 21. Participants will need a rug hook- work with many people that it's ing frame or 12 to 14-inch quilters true! The class, is for fun and to Most 10-week classes end the hooks, foundation cloth, rug hook, just get you singing! Making music week of November 25. small pair of sharp scissors, a per- with our voices makes us happy, Most 12-week classes end the manent marker and a wool cloth or and we need a class that celebrates week of December 9. wool strips. A machine to cut wool our summer after our long hard Makeup classes will be held the is available for students to use dur- winter! Oh, and bring an instrument two weeks of December 16 and ing class. Supplies will need to be if you are so inclined! See page 28 30. MSAC closed holiday week. purchased by the student. Beginner for instructor bio. and seasoned rug hookers all wel- MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 19
9/5/2019 version Programs for Adults 50+ sary, but a basic understanding of writing illuminates the lives we Humanities and computers will allow you to get the have lived. In addition, writing with most out of the class. Lessons will more for age 50+ take place on Mac computers but others at MSAC is fun, infused with insights and spice! Through the use will be useful even if you have a PC Creating and Remaking Poems at home. Class takes place at Main of writing prompts in class and op- (new instructor & title, formerly Street Middle School (170 Main tional homework assignments, we Making Poems) Street in Montpelier). Instructors will find "side door" ways to enter Samn Stockwell | 10 Wednesdays, will meet students at the gym en- life experiences. Introduction of starts 9/25/19 (skips 11/27/19)| trance, which is in front of the craft elements such as character 3:00 - 5:00 pm |MSAC Activity parking lot. development, setting, plot, image- Room | $30 Montpelier resident / ry, and dialogue will help shape $40 non-Montpelier resident This workshop will offer partici- Explore Memoir: Deepen Your our stories and grow our skills as a Story writer. Sessions include sharing pants an opportunity to create and Maggie Thompson | 10 Mondays, our work aloud (optional), provid- share poems with a supportive starts 9/23/19 | 1:30 - 3:30 pm | ing thoughtful feedback to others, group. The workshop will use Westview Meadows | $40 MSAC writing prompts for the creation of and engaging in lively discussions embers/ $55 public new poems and include discus- about the craft of writing. Classes Whether writing for ourselves or sions of how the poems work. We are tailored to the aspirations of our grandchildren, becoming the will talk about how to communi- the participants. Support and en- older generation in our families cate the unique textures of our provides a rich perspective on the couragement are abundant! New lives in our poems. Discussions of stories that have colored our lives. participants are always welcome. individual poems will begin with Drawing from several books and See page 30 for instructor bio. the positive and include practical resources on memoir, we will ex- suggestions for building a better plore getting started, finding form, poem. See page 30 for instructor Writing Creative Non- Fiction growing our language and craft bio. skills, and incorporating sensory (New Time & Location) details. Memoir is an invitation to Melanie Viets | 10 Fridays, starts Computer Class: Using Google reflect and discover deeper in- 9/27/19 (skips 10/11/19 and Services 101 sights and meaning. Together we MSMS Students |5 Thursdays: 11/29/19) | 9:30 - 11:30 am | Hea- will shape our life experiences into ton Woods, 10 Heaton Street, 9/26/19, 10/10/19, 10/24/19, compelling stories, and offer ro- 11/7/19, and 11/21/19 | Main bust encouragement and Montpelier |$40 MSAC member/ Street Middle School | 11:30 - thoughtful discussion along the $55 public 12:30 pm | $10 MSAC members / way. See page 30 for instructor Creative Nonfiction writing is a $15 public bio. generous art. There’s room to Students from Montpelier’s Main reflect, dig deep into memory and Street Middle School will help you experience, and focus on the Writing learn to use a computer more fully. Maggie Thompson | MSAC Activity present. This class will explore a This class focuses on the Google suite of online services. Google’s Room | $30 Montpelier resident / variety of CNF forms and functions free services can help you search $40 non-resident each section through writing prompts, exposure online, communicate, write and to diverse authors, and craft- share a document, store digital Section A: 10 Mondays, starts focused discussion. We’ll practice photos, and more. Sessions in- 9/23/19 | 10:15 am - 12:15 pm writing about culture, the natural clude: Understanding Gmail, Section B: 10 Wednesdays, starts world, local and global issues, Google Drive, Using Google Search, 9/25/19| 12:30 - 2:30 pm family, memoir and more, and Keeping Photographs Online. depending on the interests of We all have stories. Whether we Bring your questions and projects. journal, write letters, memoir, fic- participants. We’ll work together No computer knowledge neces- tion, creative nonfiction or poetry, to craft compelling writing about MONTPELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES | 20
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