2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools

Page created by Gary Barber
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
2019 Spring/Summer
Course Catalog

Program Offerings
Adult Enrichment
Adult Basic Education
Encore Program
Fridley Community Theatre
Fridley Senior Program
Fridley Event Services
Youth Enrichment
Early Childhood Family Ed
Preschool Programs
Tiger Club Childcare
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
                                                                     Adult Enrichment                            4

                                                                     Encore                                      12

  Family Movie Night                                                 Fridley Community Theatre                   13
  Come and enjoy a nice evening with family & friends and
  watch a movie on the big screen at the Fridley High School
  Auditorium! This event is FREE of charge!
                                                                     Fridley Senior Program                      14
  Concessions available for $1 each.
  Doors open at 6:30 PM and movies begin at 7:00 PM.
                                                                     Fridley Event Services                      18
  Upcoming Movie Dates
  April 12, May 10
                                                                     Youth Enrichment                            20
  Call 763-502-5100 or stop by the Fridley Community Center
  for a list of movies. See you there!
                                                                     Early Childhood Family Ed                   27

                                                                     Preschool Programs                          30
 Adults with Disabilites
 Interested in activities especially designed for adults             Tiger Club Childcare                        32
 with developmental disabilities? For more information
 or to request a brochure listing classes and activities, call
 Community Bridge at 651-748-7232.                                   Swimming                                    35
 Coordinator: Cheryl Gysbers - 651-748-7252
                                                                     Registration                                38

  Metro North Adult                                                  English as a Second
  Basic Education Adult                                              Language (ESL)
  Columbia Heights/Fridley                                           Monday-Friday - 9:00am - 12:30pm
  4111 Central Avenue, NE, Suite 100, South Building,                Monday-Thursday - 6:00 - 8:30pm
  Columbia Heights, MN 55421                                         English for Academic Purposes (E.A.P.)
                                                                     Daytime: Monday-Friday - 9:00am - 12:00pm
  Free Classes! For more information,                                Evening: Monday-Thursday - 6:00 - 8:30pm
  call 763-706-3833
  Classes run year round.                                            Adult Basic Education (ABE)
                                                                     •   Reading
                                                                     •   Writing
                                                                     •   Math
                                                                     •   G.E.D. Test Preparation
                                                                     Tuesday-Thursday - 9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                     Monday / Wednesday - 5:30 - 8:30pm
                                                                     Tuesday / Thursday - 5:30 - 8:30pm
                                                                     Conversation Class (Levels 2 - E.A.P.)
                                                                     Tuesday - 12:45 - 2:00pm

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                      2
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Facilities and Contacts
The abbreviations listed below denote the locations of the Fridley Community Education
classes listed on the following pages of the brochure.     6085 Seventh Street NE
                                                           Fridley, MN 55432
Fridley Schools                                            763-502-5100
FCC – Fridley Community Center
6085 Seventh Street NE                                     Office Hours
                                                           Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
FHS – Fridley High School
6000 West Moore Lake Drive
FMS – Fridley Middle School		                              April 19, May 27, July 1-5 and September 2
6100 West Moore Lake Drive
                                                                     Community Education Contacts
HES – Hayes Elementary School
615 Mississippi Street NE                                            Stephen Keeler
SES – Stevenson Elementary School                                    763-502-5106
6080 East River Road
                                                                     Jonele Jensen
ALC – Fridley Moore Lake Area Learning Center                        Administrative Assistant
1317 Rice Creek Road                                                 763-502-5102

Other Facilities                                                     Valerie Anderson
BLCA – Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts                             Early Childhood Family Education Coordinator
6666 East River Road, Fridley                                        763-502-5143

CHHS – Columbia Heights High School                                  Karin Beckstrand
                                                                     Youth Services (Aquatics & Youth Enrichment)
1400 49th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights
                                                                     and PYP Coordinator
BPE – Boulder Pointe Equestrian and Event Center
6612 189th Lane Northwest                                            Kristi Sabby
Anoka, MN 55303                                                      Tiger Club Coordinator
PTMT - Prime Time Medical Training
6240 MN-65                                                           Sally Leone
Fridley, MN 55432                                                    Tiger Club Assistant Coordinator
VE - Vertical Endeavors
                                                                     Maggie Chandler
2540 Nicollet Ave
                                                                     Adult, Facilities and Senior Programs Coordinator
Minneapolis, MN 55404                                                763-502-5162

                                                                     Fridley Event Services
                                                                     Facilities Rental Request Line

                                                                     Dan Wold
                                                                     Auditorium & Events Coordinator
  District Policy                                                    Bethany Grove
  It is our policy not to discriminate on the basis of gender,       Social Worker
  race, religion, color, national origin, economic status,           763-502-5121
  disability, age or mental status in any of our education
  programs or personnel practices.                                   Mora Slifka
                                                                     Early Childhood Screener

                                                                 3                               SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
Banfill-Locke                                       Mother’s Day Paint & Pink Tea                   Needle Felting -
Center for the Arts                                                                              Toadtool Garden
We are proud to offer classes in the arts in
partnership with Banfill-Locke Center for
the Arts (BLCA).

                                               A fun afternoon celebrating mothers
                                               with a guided painting and pink tea that          Learn the basics of needle felting by creat-
                                               follows.                                          ing a cute toadstool garden and a small
                                               $40 for mother and one child, $10 per extra       ladybug! Students will have the chance to
                                               child.                                            use a variety of different needles to refine
BLCA is a wellspring for the commu-
nity providing inspiration, enrichment, Date: Saturday, May 11                                   their sculptures. We will discuss the safe
enjoyment, opportunities, and education Time: 2-4pm                                              use of needles, different types of wool
through the arts.                       Site: BLCA                                               and how to choose the best materials for
                                        Instructor: BLCA                                         your creations. This class is suitable for
                                        Cost: $40 (Mother + 1 child)                             beginners and those with some sculptural
                                               $10 (Per extra child)                             needle felting experience.
     Painting Through Collage           Class Number: 6002                                       All supplies are provided for a $5 fee, payable
                                                                                                 to instructor.
                                               Arts, Crafts & Textiles
                                                                                                 Date: Wednesday, May 22
                                                                                                 Time: 5-8pm
                                                    Needle Felting - Spring Fairy                Site: FCC-Room 112
                                                                                                 Instructor: Liz Parker
                                                                                                 Cost: $40 (1 session)
                                                                                                 Class Number: 6005

                                                                                                 Open Painting
This class explores painting through the                                                         Come to this class and enjoy painting
process of collage.                                                                              with others.
Supplies included.                                                                               No class June 25 & July 2.

Date: Thursday, April 25, May 2 & 9                                                              Date: Tuesday, April 9 - May 28
Time: 6-9pm                                                                                      Time: 9:30-11:30am
Site: BLCA                                     In this class, students will learn the basic
                                               techniques to make a small spring fairy.          Site: FCC-Room 112
Instructor: Jeffery Ebeling
                                               Choosing from a selection of colors, you          Cost: $16 (8 sessions)
Cost: $65 (3 sessions)
                                               will create a unique needle felted fairy          Class Number: 6003A
Class Number: 6001
                                               that fits your style and personality. This        Date: Tuesday, June 11 - August 27
                                               class is suitable for those with some sculp-      Time: 9:30-11:30am
                                               tural needle felting experience.                  Site: FCC-Room 112
  Have a class suggestion?                     All supplies are provided for a $5 fee, payable   Cost: $20 (10 sessions)
  Want to teach a class?                       to instructor.                                    Class Number: 6003B
  Maggie Chandler
                                               Date: Wednesday, April 17
                                               Time: 5-8pm
                                               Site: FCC-Room 112
                                               Instructor: Liz Parker
                                               Cost: $40 (1 session)
                                               Class Number: 6004
FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                          4
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
                                                                                                   Beginning Knitting
     Botanical Drawing                                Jewelry Design

                                                                                                   Come learn basic knitting techniques and
Students will learn the basics of draw-          Students will learn basic sculptural              how to read patterns. By the end of the
ing from a fresh and beautiful botani-           techniques using wire, resin, and natu-           course, students will know the correct
cal still life. Students will be taught how      ral materials to create beautiful custom          way to hold the needles, complete and
to work with charcoal, pencil, pen and           jewelry. Students will learn basic                count stitches, and pick up dropped
ink, and colored pencils. We will practice       wire-wrapping and resin casting skills to         stitches.
techniques of composition, line expres-          make earrings and a pendant. Students             Please bring a small scissors and a cloth bag
sion, value and shading, and basic color         will then be encouraged to create custom          in which to put your course materials. Other
theory. Students will be encouraged in           designs applying their creativity and new         required materials will be purchased from
their drawing goals, ranging from detailed       skills.                                           the instructor for $20 the first night. Please
realism to enthusiastic expression. The          There is a $30 supply fee payable to the          do not bring your own materials.
instructor will provide a still life and natu-   instructor on the day of the class.
ral items to draw, but feel free to bring in                                                       Date: Saturdays, April 13 - May 18
                                                 Date: Thursday, July 11                           Time: 9-11am
your own items to draw as well! Come
                                                 Time: 6-8pm                                       Site: FCC-Room 105
enjoy a relaxing and fun environment
                                                 Site: FCC-Room 112                                Instructor: Deanna Miller
learning from beautiful plants! Please
                                                 Instructor: Elise Joy Nyenhuis                    Cost: $60 (6 sessions)
bring the following supplies with you to
                                                 Cost: $40 (1 session)                             Class Number: 6009
                                                 Class Number: 6007
Supply List:
                                                 Beginning Crocheting
• Smooth Hot-Pressed Watercolor
                                                 Come and learn basic crocheting tech-
                                                 niques. You will learn the correct way to
• Kneaded Eraser
                                                 hold your crochet hook, read patterns,
• Pencils (HB, 2B, 4B, 6B)
• Willow Charcoal
                                                 and count stitches.                                 Advertise with Us
                                                 Please bring a small scissors and a zippered        To place an ad in this catalog, contact
• Dip Drawing Pen, Nibs, Ink
                                                 cloth bag in which to put your course materi-       Stephen Keeler for more information.
• Colored Pencil Set (Prismcolor)
                                                 als. Required materials will be purchased           Call 763-502-5106, email at stephen.
Date: Thursday, June 13-27                       from the instructor for $10 on the first night.     keeler@fridley.k12.mn.us, stop into
Time: 6:30-8pm                                   Please do not bring your own materials. No          the Fridley Community Center office,
Site: FCC-Room 112                               class April 19.                                     or visit our website at:
Instructor: Elise Joy Nyenhuis                                                                       www.fridleycommed.com
                                                 Date: Fridays, April 12 - May 24
Cost: $60 (3 sessions)
                                                 Time: 6-8pm
Class Number: 6006
                                                 Site: FCC-Room 105
                                                 Instructor: Deanna Miller
                                                 Cost: $60 (6 sessions)                                     Follow Us
                                                 Class Number: 6008                                  @FridleyCommEd
  Need an event space?
  Browse page 18 for Fridley Event                                                                          Like Us
  Services rental opportunities.                                                                     FridleyCommEd

                                                                                                     Find class updates, special events
                                                                                                     and more.

                                                                       5                                  SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
Cooking                                                                                           Festive Spring Salads

                                                  Cooking Classes with
                                                  Laurel Severson
  Cooking with                                    Laurel is an extremely popu-
  Carol Schaub                                    lar instructor throughout the
  Carol Schaub is an avid bread maker,            Twin Cities. She holds degrees
  teaches in 15 districts, and is an              in Home Economics and Educa-                    Head into spring with a Wild Rice and
  engaging and skilled instructor.                tion from the University of                     breast of Chicken Salad or Wild Rice with
                                                  Minnesota and has been teaching                 Fresh Mushrooms and Cashews. We will
                                                  community education classes for                 also feature a vegetarian main dish salad
Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, and
                                                  over 12 years.                                  using multicolored peppers and the
                                                                                                  unique grain, quinoa. What could be more
                                                Sushi                                             refreshing than fruit ? We’ll make a salad
                                                                                                  combination of cantaloupe and straw-
                                                                                                  berries with an orange sauce. Equally as
                                                                                                  pretty is a Raspberry-Spinach Salad with
                                                                                                  Glazed Pecans. Then we will round out
                                                                                                  the evening with 3 easy dressings for your
                                                                                                  favorite combination of assorted garden
                                                                                                  greens - Feta Cheese, Creamy Blue Cheese
                                                                                                  and Orange Dressing. You will be ready
NOW is the time to prepare for the boun-                                                          for spring!
teous fruits of summer. Be ready to ‘jam’                                                         $13 food fee paid to instructor in class.
when the berries, peaches, rhubarb, herbs       Participate in this great class - then make
and more are at their peak of taste and         delicious sushi for yourself, family and          Date: Friday, May 3
availability. Learn the difference between      friends. Learn where to shop, brands to           Time: 6-9pm
the various preserves and have the oppor-       select, preparation of the ingredients,           Site: FHS-Room 113 (Foods Lab)
tunity to taste several different kinds.        assembly of the rolls and presentation.           Instructor: Laurel Severson
You will prepare a batch of jam/jelly from      You will create both the traditional rolled       Cost: $31 (1 session)
start to finish, learn basic ‘hot water bath’   sushi (maki-zushi) and the American Cali-         Class Number: 6102
techniques that are applicable to other         fornia sushi. Start with the easy to make
canning projects and take home 1-2 jars to      seasoned sushi rice, then select and roll           Family Movie Night
enjoy. Tasting of and handout for multi-        wonderful ingredients such as chicken,              Come and enjoy a nice evening with
ple recipes included.                           shrimp, smoked salmon, crab, mush-                  family & friends and watch a movie
There is an $8 materials fee payable to the     rooms, eggs, carrots, avocado, spinach,             on the big screen at the Fridley
instructor on the day of the class.             ginger and more! Note: NO raw fish!                 District Auditorium at Fridley High
                                                There is a $13 food fee payable to the instruc-     School. This event is FREE of charge!
Date: Tuesday, April 23                         tor on the day of class. Limit 18.
Time: 6:30-8:15pm                                                                                   Concessions available for $1 each.
Site: CHHS-Room 137                             Date: Monday, April 22
                                                Time: 6-9pm                                         Doors open at 6:30 PM and movies
Instructor: Carol Schaub                                                                            begin at 7:00 PM.
Cost: $25 (1 session)                           Site: FHS-Room 113 (Foods Lab)
Class Number: 6100                              Instructor: Laurel Severson
                                                Cost: $31 (1 session)                               Upcoming Movie Dates
                                                Class Number: 6101                                  April 12, May 10

                                                                                                    Call 763-502-5100 or stop by the Frid-
                                                                                                    ley Community Center for a list of
                                                                                                    movies. See you there!

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                           6
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
                                               Tantalizing Thai Cuisine                       Dance

  Cooking classes with
  Jeff Sandino!
  Founder of “Flavors from the
  Home” Jeff’s love of food began at                                                            Dance Classes
  the Lincoln Del. He sought formal                                                             with Monica Mohn!
  training at L’Hotel Sofitel in Bloom-                                                         Monica Mohn has over 20+ years
                                               You’ll begin by preparing Vietnamese
  ington, MN and Houston Texas. His                                                             of ballroom dance experience. She
                                               summer rolls served with both hoisin
  40 + year professional career has                                                             coached with the finest instructors
                                               and peanut sauce for dipping. Vietnam-
  brought him to such spots as Buca Di                                                          in the USA, Canada and England,
                                               ese spring rolls follow with pork, shrimp,
  Beppo, Figlio, Sunsets on the Bay, My                                                         earning 3 “USA Dance” National
                                               and glass noodles stuffed in rice paper
  Pie Pizza and the Sunshine Factory                                                            Ballroom Dance titles and numerous
                                               and fried to a golden brown, served with
  to name just a few. He’s appeared                                                             dance awards.
                                               the classic nuoc cham dipping sauce.
  on several cooking shows demon-
                                               You’ll then prepare Pad Thai blending
  strating his culinary wizardry but his
                                               the vibrant flavors of Thailand with rice
  passion is teaching and demystifying
                                               noodles using shrimp, eggs, chilies, garlic,
  the process of gourmet cooking.
                                               basil, scallions, bean sprouts, sesame oil,    Wedding Dance Crash Course-
                                               lemon and crushed red pepper flakes.           It’s not too late!
Southern Italian                               We’ll finish with Crème brulee, rich,          You thought about it! You wanted to! But
                                               creamy custard with a crusty caramel           where did the time go? Not to worry; in
                                               glaze.                                         just 2 hours learn the common wedding
                                                                                              dances Waltz, Rumba, Foxtrot and Slow
                                               Date: Thursday, May 9                          Dance. Monica Mohn, nominated for
                                               Time: 6:30-9pm                                 “Wedding Dance Instruction” by MN
                                               Site: FHS-Room 113 (Foods Lab)                 Bride will teach you easy dancing skills
                                               Instructor: Jeff Sandino                       and fun patterns so you’ll feel comfortable
                                               Cost: $29 (1 session)                          and look great on that special day!
                                               Class Number: 6104                             Couples only please.
We’ll begin by unlocking the secret to                                                        Date: Wednesday, May 22
the perfect marinara sauce and prac-               Edible Landscaping for your Time: 6-8pm
tice it’s versatility in two classic Italian   Yard and Garden                 Site: FCC-Gym
dishes. You’ll prepare baked manicotti         Cultivate a yard that looks and tastes Instructor: Monica Mohn
stuffed with mozzarella, parmesan,             great with idea’s from this edible land- Cost: $28 (per couple)
ricotta cheeses and fresh herbs along          scaping class! Class will look at specific Class Number: 6155
with eggplant parmesan, lightly breaded,       plants that do well in edible landscaping
sauted, topped with a tomato and basil         and discuss special considerations that
relish, covered with mozzarella cheese         you will need to make when converting        Community Education
and baked to a bubbly golden brown.            your flower garden to a food and flower      Advisory Council
You’ll learn to prepare traditional Ital-      garden. Learn how easy it can be have a
ian style bruschetta and we’ll finish with     beautiful yard that offers you tasty food    If you would like to join the Frid-
crème brulee, rich, creamy custard with a      throughout the summer.                       ley Community Education Advi-
crusty caramel glaze.                          Date: Tuesday, May 28                        sory Council or have any questions,
Date: Thursday, April 18                       Time: 5-6:30pm                               contact Stephen Keeler at:
Time: 6:30-9pm                                 Site: CHHS-Room 135                          763-502-5106 or
Site: FHS-Room 113 (Foods Lab)                 Instructor: Maya Lemon                       stephen.keeler@fridley.k12.mn.us
Instructor: Jeff Sandino                       Cost: $50 (1 parent + 1 child)
Cost: $29 (1 session)                                 $10 (each additional child)
Class Number: 6103                             Class Number: 6105

                                                                    7                                SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
Defensive Driving                             Finance & Business                             Is my home ready to sell?
                                                                                             Come to get your questions answered
Defensive Driving                             6 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly                  about selling your home. Now is the time
If you are 55 or older, save money on your                                                   to prepare for the spring market. Topics
car insurance premiums and become a                                                          discussed include:
better driver! Minnesota law requires                                                        • Current market
insurance companies to offer you a 10%                                                       • What to expect
reduction for three years if you take this                                                   • Staging
course. The course is two sessions of                                                        • Decluttering
classroom instruction - no driving or test.                                                  • Home inspections
Senior discount already applied.                                                             • Home warranty
                                                                                             • Professional photography
Date: Monday & Wednesday, May 6 & 8                                                          Refreshments will be served.
Time: 6-10pm
                                              Will I have enough to retire? – Will my
Site: FCC-Room 109                                                                           Date: Thursday, April 25
                                              retirement income last? – Are my assets
Instructor: MN Safety Council                                                                Time: 6:30-8pm
                                              protected? Manage six key risks all retirees
Cost: $28 (2 sessions)                                                                       Site: FCC-Room 105
                                              face to turn retirement concerns into
Class Number: 6200A                                                                          Instructor: Ferndale Realty - Sheri Murray
Date: Monday & Wednesday, July 9 & 11         1. Outliving income                            Cost: $12 (1 session)
Time: 6-10pm                                  2. Inflation                                   Class Number: 6303
Site: FCC-Room 109                            3. Unpredictable events
Instructor: MN Safety Council                 4. Market volatility                           Advance Directives/Health Care
Cost: $28 (2 sessions)                                                                       Directives/Living Will
                                              5. Income taxes
Class Number: 6200B                                                                Are you at least 18 years of age or older?
                                              6. Rising healthcare costs
Defensive Driving Refresher                                                        If so, you should have a signed Advanced
                                        Date: Tuesday, April 23                    Directive (AD), that states what your
Now you can renew your 10% three
                                        Time: 6-7:30pm                             medical wishes are if you become incapac-
year car insurance discount by taking
                                        Site: FCC-Room 109                         itated. The instructor is a Master’s degree
this state-approved four hour refresher
                                        Cost: Free (sponsored by Thrivent)         Registered Nurse who is well versed in
course. There’s no driving and no test.
                                        Class Number: 6301A                        and understands the nuances from her
Senior discount already applied.
                                                                                   work in Emergency Rooms and her role
Refresher – Daytime Class:              Date: Thursday, May 16                     as a Death Investigator for the Medical
Date: Monday, April 15                  Time: 6-7:30pm                             Examiner. Not all AD’s are created equal!
Time: 9am-1pm                           Site: FCC-Room 109                         Learn about the language that should be
Site: FCC-Room 109                      Cost: Free (sponsored by Thrivent)         included and who should have a copy of
Cost: $24 (1 session)                   Class Number: 6301B                        the completed document. Attend this
Class Number: 6202A                                                                informative class and leave with paper-
                                        Social Security:                           work for your Advance Directive. Addi-
Date: Wednesday, May 15
                                        Timing is Everything                       tional time will be spent discussing POA
Time: 9am-1pm
                                        When should I apply for Social Security? (Power of Attorney) and POLST (Provider
Site: FCC-Room 109
                                        How can I maximize my benefits? How Ordered Life Sustaining Treatment)
Cost: $24 (1 session)
                                        will this affect my spouse? You have a lot paperwork.
Class Number: 6202B
                                        of questions to answer. Mistakes can be
Refresher - Evening Class:              costly. We can provide the guidance you Date: Monday, April 22
Date: Thursday, June 13                 need. Join us for a short presentation, Time: 6-8pm
Time: 6-10pm                            Social Security: Strategize to Maximize, Site: FCC-Room 109
Site: FCC-Room 109                      to learn how to sort through the options Instructor: Paula Johns, RN
Cost: $24 (1 session)                   and help ensure the choices you make are Cost: $25 (1 session)
Class Number: 6201A                     tailored to your needs.                    Class Number: 6304
Date: Monday, August 12                       Date: Thursday, May 2
Time: 6-10pm                                  Time: 6-7:30pm
Site: FCC-Room 109                            Site: FCC-Room 109
Cost: $24 (1 session)                         Cost: Free (sponsored by Thrivent)
Class Number: 6201B                           Class Number: 6302
FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                        8
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
Fitness                                          Yoga - Late Afternoon                     Yoga Mindfulness
                                                                                           Explore a deeper mind-body connection
Yoga                                                                                       with Mindfulness Yoga. Learn how to be
Come explore this ancient exercise system                                                  aware of your body and be connected
that strengthens the body while calming                                                    to everything that you do while you
and focusing the mind. Learn how to take                                                   strengthen and tone, improve circulation,
these basic exercises into your daily life to                                              lower blood pressure, and relieve stress.
strengthen and tone your body, improve                                                     No class April 20.
circulation, lower blood pressure, and
help relieve stress. All classes include clas-                                             Date: Saturdays, April 6-27
sic Hatha or stretching, breathing prac-                                                   Time: 10-11:30am
tices, and a guided relaxation/meditation.       No class May 23.                          Site: FCC-Room 114/116
Please dress in comfortable clothes and bring                                              Cost: $27 (3 sessions)
a mat, towel, or rug for floor work.             Date: Thursday, April 4-25                Class Number: 6351A
No class May 14. All classes are instructed by   Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Michael Ledman.                                  Site: FCC-Room 116                        Date: Saturdays, May 4-18
                                                 Cost: $32 (4 sessions)                    Time: 10-11:30am
Date: Tuesday, April 9-30                        Class Number: 6350-Afternoon - A          Site: FCC-Room 114/116
Time: 7:30-9pm                                                                             Cost: $27 (3 sessions)
Site: FCC-Room 114/116                           Date: Thursday, May 2-30                  Class Number: 6351B
Cost: $36 (4 sessions)                           Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class Number: 6350A                              Site: FCC-Room 116                        Date: Saturdays, June 1-22
                                                 Cost: $32 (4 sessions)                    Time: 10-11:30am
Date: Tuesday, May 7-28                          Class Number: 6350-Afternoon - B          Site: FCC-Room 114/116
Time: 7:30-9pm                                                                             Cost: $36 (4 sessions)
Site: FCC-Room 114/116                           Date: Thursday, June 6-27                 Class Number: 6351C
Cost: $27 (3sessions)                            Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class Number: 6350B                              Site: FCC-Room 116                        Date: Saturdays, July 13-27
                                                 Cost: $32 (4 sessions)                    Time: 10-11:30am
Date: Tuesday, June 4-25                         Class Number: 6350-Afternoon - C          Site: FCC-Room 114/116
Time: 7:30-9pm                                                                             Cost: $27 (3 sessions)
Site: FCC-Room 114/116                           Date: Thursday, July 11-25                Class Number: 6351D
Cost: $36 (4 sessions)                           Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class Number: 6350C                              Site: FCC-Room 116                        Date: Saturdays, August 3-24
                                                 Cost: $24 (3 sessions)                    Time: 10-11:30am
Date: Tuesday, July 9-30                         Class Number: 6350-Afternoon - D          Site: FCC-Room 114/116
Time: 7:30-9pm                                                                             Cost: $36 (4 sessions)
Site: FCC-Room 114/116                           Date: Thursday, August 1-22               Class Number: 6351E
Cost: $36 (4 sessions)                           Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class Number: 6350D                              Site: FCC-Room 116
                                                 Cost: $32 (4 sessions)
Date: Tuesday, August 6-27                       Class Number: 6350-Afternoon - E
Time: 7:30-9pm
Site: FCC-Room 114/116                                 Family Movie Night
Cost: $36 (4 sessions)                             Come and enjoy a nice evening with family & friends and watch a movie on the
Class Number: 6350E                                big screen at the Fridley High School Auditorium! This event is FREE of charge!

                                                   Concessions available for $1 each.
                                                   Doors open at 6:30 PM and movies begin at 7:00 PM.

                                                   Upcoming Movie Dates: April 12, May 10

                                                   Call 763-502-5100 or stop by the Fridley Community Center for a list of movies.
                                                   See you there!

                                                                    9                             SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
2019 Spring/Summer Course Catalog - Fridley Public Schools
Adult Enrichment
Tae Kwon Do                                                                                  Cane-Do
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art that       Martial Arts by Master                        Protect yourself using an everyday walk-
uses the hands and feet without weapons.       Robert Howard                                 ing cane! This is the most practical self
Instructor Seybold’s goal is to share the      Robert has been teaching various              defense weapon anyone can learn. What
values and knowledge that he has gained        forms of martial arts for over 22 years       other self-protection tool can you carry
through training to the community. This        and holds numerous advanced black             on a plane or take into a casino? Well
class is open to teens and adults.             belt degrees.                                 suited for both women and men. Phys-
No class May 22, July 3 and July 6.                                                          ical strength and athletic abilities not
Date: Wednesday/Saturday,                    Jeet Kune Do Fusion
May 1 - June 22                              There are many Martial Arts out there           Students are more than welcome to try
Time: 6-7:30pm (Wed)                         today. Master Howard has studied many           one, two or all three programs. Each
& 10:00-11:30am (Sat)                        and holds Black Belts in five different arts:   session consist of 2 classes (5 sessions =
Site: FCC-Gym                                Jeet Kune Do, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do,             10 classes). There will be fees payable to
Instructor: Dave Seybold                     Kempo and Cane. Jeet Kune Do Fusion             the instructor for rank advancement.
Cost: $16 (15 sessions)                      is the combination of Jeet Kune Do with         For more information: jkdfusion.com
Class Number: 6352A                          Hapkido for self-defense along with some        No class April 22, July 1 and September 2.
                                             kicks and blocks from Kempo, the fight-
Date: Wednesday/Saturday,                    ing range from Tae Kwon Do and weapon        Date: Monday, April 8 - May 13
June 26 - August 17                          disarming from Cane.                         Time: 6:30-8pm
Time: 6-7:30pm (Wed) & 10:00-11:30am (Sat)                                                Site: FCC-Room 116
Site: FCC-Gym                                This system is for adults of all ages and Instructor: Master Robert Howard
Instructor: Dave Seybold                     limitations. No special ability needed. The Cost: $100 (5 sessions)
Cost: $16 (14 sessions)                      following is a list of items that makes this Class Number: 6354A
Class Number: 6352B                          program different not only from other
                                             Jeet Kune Do programs out there, but Date: Monday, May 20 - June 17
T’ai Chi Chih                                other Arts as well:                          Time: 6:30-8pm
T’ai Chi Chih consists of soft, simple       • This system is for Self-Defense but Site: FCC-Room 116
movements that naturally circulate and            can move to offense with ease           Instructor: Master Robert Howard
balance the intrinsic energy, or Chi. T’ai   • Only low kicks are used                    Cost: $100 (5 sessions)
Chi Chih is not a Martial Art. This prac-    • Up-to-date weapon disarming skills Class Number: 6354B
tice consists of 19 moves and one pose.      • Attacks are done with punches and
T’ai Chi Chih has many benefits, includ-          grabs familiar to the average person Date: Monday, June 24 - July 29
ing mindfulness, joy, increased energy,      • No forms or Katas                          Time: 6:30-8pm
improvement of balance, decreased            • No Trophies                                Site: FCC-Room 116
anxiety, and much more. You can learn        • No prior Martial Arts training needed Instructor: Master Robert Howard
more about T’ai Chi Chih at http://www.      • This is NOT an MMA program                 Cost: $100 (5 sessions)
taichichih.org/ or e-mail the instructor     • Can be tailored to the individual          Class Number: 6354C
with any questions you may have:
pansophypathways@gmail.com.                Modern Hapkido                                    Date: Monday, August 5 - September 9
                                           Practical Self Defense for Adults. Perfect        Time: 6:30-8pm
Date: Mondays, April 15 - June 3           for men and women of all sizes. No                Site: FCC-Room 116
Time: 7-8:15pm                             athletic abilities required. No board             Instructor: Master Robert Howard
Site: FCC-Room 116                         breaking, high kicks or tournaments. Just         Cost: $100 (5 sessions)
Instructor: Dance Floor (Lower Level)      realistic, versatile self-protection. Nation-     Class Number: 6354D
Cost: $59 (8 sessions)                     ally recognized belts and certificates.
Class Number: 6353                         Modern Hapkido is an extremely real-
                                           istic and versatile discipline of self-pro-
                                           tection that includes an extensive variety
                                           of joint locks, pressure points, grappling
                                           and disarming techniques. The result is a
                                           comprehensive self defense system that is
                                           enjoyable to learn, practical and most of
                                           all - 100% effective!

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                       10
Adult Enrichment
Health & Wellness                            History &                                    Hobbies & Special Interests
                                             Cultural Awareness
Becoming a Hospice Volunteer                                                              Introduction to Bonsai
Allina Hospice & Palliative Care invites Women in Islam
you to consider learning about becoming
a hospice volunteer! Hospice volunteers
offer companionship, help with errands,
provide respite time for caregivers, assist
with writing/reading and in many other
ways support patients and families.

Patients are nearing end of life and they
and their family members greatly appre-
ciate volunteer support. Allina’s hospice                                                 Explore the art of Bonsai. We will discuss
patients reside in their own homes or        This presentation covers Islamic teach-      the art, history and styles of Bonsai in
residential care facilities throughout       ings about the different roles of Muslim     this two day class. Day 1 will cover styles,
the greater metro area and in western        women in society, including cultural         art, science and branch placement. Day 2
Wisconsin.                                   differences. We will talk about common       will cover potting and additional require-
                                             misconceptions regarding Muslim              ments. Each participant will receive a
Date: Tuesday, April 9
                                             women and explain gender equity in the       pre-bonsai tree, a suitable pot with soil
Time: 6-7:30pm
                                             spiritual, social, and economic aspect of    to style.
Site: FCC-Room 109
                                             life. Muslim women and culture/diver-        There is a $35 supply fee payable to the
Instructor: Kate Norten - Allina Health
                                             sity will also be discussed. The presen-     instructor.
Cost: Free (1 session)
                                             tation is concluded with examples of
Class Number: 6402                                                                        Date: Thursday April 18 & 25
                                             Muslim women and their role in history
                                             and today.                                   Time: 7-9:30pm
CPR/AED with First Aid                                                                    Site: FCC-Room 112
                                             Date: Thursday, April 25                     Instructor: Lionel Flood
                                             Time: 7-8:30pm                               Cost: $21 (2 sessions)
                                             Site: FCC-Room 116                           Class Number: 6501
                                             Instructor: Islamic Resource Group
                                             Cost: Free (1 session)                       Bonsai Part 2
                                             Class Number: 6450                           Come to this follow up class, as we look
                                                                                          at how your Bonsai tree is progressing.
                                             Minnesota Muslims Up Close                   Please bring your bonsai tree. Tools will be
                                             Historical records show a Muslim pres- available for use and wire will be available
                                             ence in Minnesota that goes as far back for sale. Introduction to Bonsai required.
Heartsaver CPR/AED with First Aid gives
                                             as 1880. Current estimates put the
those who are not Healthcare Provid-
                                             Muslim population in Minnesota at Date: Wednesday, May 22
ers the knowledge and skills necessary
                                             about 140,000. This class is based on the Time: 7-9:30pm
to recognize and provide basic care for
                                             exhibit Tracks in the Snow - The Minne- Site: FCC-Room 105 (Conference Room)
breathing, cardiac emergencies, inju-
                                             sota Muslim Experience since 1880 which Instructor: Lionel Flood
ries and sudden illnesses until advanced
                                             Islamic Resource Group put together in Cost: $15 (1 sessions)
medical personnel arrive and take over.
                                             cooperation with the Minnesota Histor- Class Number: 6502
Students will be certified by the American
                                             ical Society in 2014. You will get an exclu-
Heart Association for:
                                             sive insight into the lives of Minnesota
CPR/AED for adults, children and infants                                                          Follow Us
                                             Muslims as the class makes their experi-
and Standard First Aid.                                                                    @FridleyCommEd
                                             ences more accessible to you.
Date: Friday, May 17                         Date: Tuesday, May 14
Time: 3-8:30pm                               Time: 7-8:30pm                                       Like Us
Site: Prime Time Medical Training            Site: FCC-Room 109                            FridleyCommEd
Instructor: Prime Time Medical               Instructor: Islamic Resource Group
Cost: $95 (1 session)                        Cost: Free (1 session)                        Find class updates, special events
Class Number: 6402                           Class Number: 6451                            and more.

                                                                 11                              SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
Life Enrichment                       Night Out! Minnesota Twins Game Fridley Community Theatre’s
for those of us 50+                                                   Youth Production of:
Encore is a program designed with the                                 The Most Epic Birthday Party Ever
recently retired or soon-to-retire adult
in mind.

Night Out! Black Violin

                                                Come and join us for a fun group outing
                                                to a Minnesota Twins game as they face
                                                the Boston Red Sox on Dollar Dog night! Fridley Community Theatre’s summer
                                                Enjoy good company and a beautiful ball- youth production is, The Most Epic Birth-
                                                park.                                             day Party Ever. Come out to support Frid-
                                                                                                  ley’s youngest preformers!
“Their music will keep classical music          Cost includes transportation. Seating is Performances will be June 28 & 29 at 7 pm
alive for the next generation.” — NPR           in section 127, rows 9, 10 and 11. You’ll be and June 30 at 3 pm. Tickets on sale at the
                                                right next to the action! We will meet at door.
Black Violin is composed of classically         the Fridley Northstar Train Station plat-
trained violist and violinist Wil B. and        form. You can park in either the East River Date/Time: June 28 & 29 - 7pm
Kev Marcus, who combine their classical         Rd. lot (across the street from Stevenson June 30 - 3pm
training and hip-hop influences to create       Elementary) or the Main Street lot (on the Site: FHS-Auditorium
a distinctive multi-genre sound that is         corner of 61st Ave. and Main St.).                Cost: $7 (General Admission)
often described as “classical boom.” The        Train leaves promptly at 5:36 so please                   $3 (Children 12 and under)
band’s most recent record, Stereotypes,         ensure you are there at least 15 minutes
debuted at #1 on the Billboard Classical        prior to departure. Slots fill quickly so sign up       Spring Birding Walk
Crossover Chart and #4 on the Billboard         today! Call 763-502-5102 for further details. Each spring, many species of warblers and
R&B Chart.                                                                                        other birds make their way to the Twin
                                                Date: Wednesday, June 19                          Cities. Some are just passing through, as
“Black Violin works hard, but makes it          Time: 5:30-10:30pm                                they continue on to breeding grounds
all look like play… Sometimes they play         Site: Fridley Northstar Train Station             further north. Some are just arriving to
with the intense seriousness of orches-         Cost: $55 (1 ticket)                              stay for the summer breeding season,
tral soloists; at others they fiddle as if at   Class Number: 6252                                right in our own “back yards.”
a hoedown; at still others they strum the
violin and viola like guitars.” — The New                                                     Bring your passion to learn on this bird
York Times                                                                                    walk at Springbrook Nature Center
                                                         Follow Us                            in Fridley as we explore the area to see
“Black Violin upends cultural and musical         @FridleyCommEd                              and hear these feathered travelers and
stereotypes…an unexpected blend of clas-                                                      newly-arrived neighbors. The walk is
sically trained musicianship and hip-hop                Like Us                               intended for beginners, so don’t feel you
beats and inventiveness.” — The Miami             FridleyCommEd                               need prior experience or knowledge.
Herald                                                                                        Binoculars and field guides are helpful.
Cost includes ticket and transportation.          Find class updates, special events          We will be walking on trails in the park, so
Pick-up and drop-off at Fridley Commu-            and more.                                   wear comfortable shoes and appropriate
nity Center. Departure time 6:30 PM, Prefor-                                                  clothing for the temperature.
mance 7:30 PM. Limited to 8 tickets.
                                                                                              Date: Friday, May 24
Date: Friday, April 19                            Have a class suggestion?                    Time: 9-10:30am
Time: 6:30-10pm                                   Want to teach a class?                      Site: Springbrook Nature Center
Site: FCC-Patio                                   Maggie Chandler                             Instructor: Amber Burnette
Cost: $71 (1 ticket)                              763-502-5162                                Cost: $15 (1 session)
Class Number: 6251                                maggie.chandler@fridley.k12.mn.us           Class Number: 6553

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                         12
Fridley Community Theatre

Fridley Senior Program
Supporting a Balanced Fridley Senior Program                                               Aging Services Advocate
and Well Connected Life Expanded Services:
Through Active Aging.   Fridley Community Center is open for                               Abuse in later life takes many forms, most
                                                                                           often involving emotional and psycholog-
                                              business. Exciting new additions include:
Welcome to the Fridley Senior Program!        • Bathrooms on the Senior Side.              ical abuse, intimidation and threats, isola-
We offer a complete program of social,        • Drinking fountain on the Senior Side.      tion, neglect, and financial exploitation.
recreational and educational opportu-         • Technology upgrades in room 109,           Do you think you or someone you know
nities for members of our community,              112, 114, and 116 (paid in part by the   may be experiencing abuse? Alexandra
featuring a robust and active Senior              Friends of the Fridley Senior Foun-      House offers free and confidential client-
Program held at the Fridley Commu-                dation).                                 centered advocacy services to adults 50
nity Center. This is the place for seniors    • Centralized offices for all community      years and older. To get help or learn more
to play with their friends, learn a new           needs.                                   about our services, call 763-795-5479.
skill, pursue a favorite hobby and gener-     • Social Worker on site - Office hours
ally have a good time. We’ve designed the         10-11 AM Wednesdays or call for an       On-site Social Worker
Senior Program with special activities            appointment at 763-502-5121              Bethany Grove is the new social worker
and services intended just for our seniors,   • Aging Services Advocate from Alex-         working full-time at the FCC! She is a
including social events, monthly outings,         andra House - 1st and 3rd Wednes-        resource available to seniors and the
exercise classes, and a whole lot more.           days from 1-3 PM - Drop-ins are          community. She is happy to meet one-on-
                                                  welcome or you can call 763-795-5479     one or with groups to answer questions,
Friends of Fridley Senior Program                 to make an appointment                   talk through concerns, assist with navi-
A 501-c 3 charitable foundation has been                                                   gating resources, and/or make referrals
established to support the long term          Senior Services                              to outside agencies. Contact Bethany at
                                                                                           (763) 502-5121 with questions or leave her
needs of the Fridley Senior Program and
low income seniors in our community.          The Bookshelf                                a confidential voicemail.
Thanks to a generous donation from the     A kind volunteer has offered to organize/
Fridley Lions Club, a Lions Share was      curate a bookshelf for our casual book Legal Aid for Seniors
established to help low income seniors     sharing. We are limited to a few shelves
with remodeling needs so they can stay     of space, but if you’d like to bring a few
in their homes safely.                     books and take a few, the bookshelf is in
                                           the Fireside Room. If you have questions
If you are interested in becoming a Friend about this, please call the senior programs
to the Fridley Senior Program please call phone number at 763-502-5150.
763-502-5162 or e-mail Maggie Chandler
-- any size gift is appreciated and is tax Senior Social Dining
deductible - PLUS donating just got easier Senior Social dining is quickly gaining
go to our Give MN page www.givemn.org! a reputation for wonderful food and a
                                           great time! Come join us on third Fridays The Senior Law Project provides a
                                           at noon! Senior Social dining upcoming monthly outreach service at the Frid-
   Contact Information                     dates:                                        ley Senior Center. Areas of assistance
   Maggie Chandler                         • April 12th (second Friday)                  include nursing home issues, housing
   Senior Program Coordinator              • May 17th                                    issues, health insurance, public benefits
   763-502-5162                            • June 21                                     (Social Security, Medicare and Medical
   maggie.chandler@fridley.k12.mn.us       • July 19                                     Assistance, Subsidized Housing), debt
                                           • August 16                                   collection, repossession, conservatorship/
   Other Numbers:                          Sign-up for all the meals by calling 763-502- guardianship, landlord/tenant rights and
   Senior Progam - 763-502-5150            5150. Pre-registration required at least one conciliation court cases.
   Senior Info Line - 763.783-4707         week prior. See you there!                    Date: 1st Tuesdays
   Meals on Wheels - 763-236-3636                                                        Time: 9-10:30am, by appointment
   ACCAP Outreach - 763-783-4741                                                         Site: FCC
   Store to Door - 651-642-1892              Need an event space?                        Cost: Free
   Chores & More - 763-783-4767              Browse page 18 for Fridley Event
                                             Services rental opportunities.

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                      14
Fridley Senior Program
Health Insurance Counseling                      Tech Time with a Librarian                   Happy Hikers
                                                 Make an appointment with a librarian to      If you are looking for an opportunity
                                                 learn about using electronics. Includes      to get more exercise, meet new friends
                                                 e-readers tablets, iPads and smart phones.   and enjoy nature, then the Happy Hikers
                                                 2nd Wednesday of the month. 20-minute        walking group would be a good fit for you!
                                                 1:1 Appointments starting at 10:30am at      These are gentle, scenic walks and the
                                                 the Fridley Community Center. Call the       trails have easy access. No need to sign
                                                 Senior Office 763-502-5150 to register.      up, just meet in the designated parking
                                                                                              lot and start! Please do not bring dogs.
                                                                                              Most park trails are paved and they range
If you are looking for information regard-       Foot Care Clinic                             in length from 1.5 to 3 miles. The trails
ing Medicare, supplemental health insur-         The Senior Program, in cooperation           loop around past parking lots so you can
ance, Medical Assistance or other insurance      with Presbyterian Homes of Minnesota,        choose to leave any time. The parks are
related topics, call 763-502-5150 to schedule    sponsors Foot Care Clinic on the first and   nearby and easy to find. We meet three
an appointment with an insurance coun-           third Wednesday of each month. Clients       times weekly, you choose how often you
selor.                                           will have their nails trimmed, calluses      wish to participate. We gather in the park-
                                                 pumiced, and feet massaged. Appoint-         ing lot and begin walking at 9:00 a.m.
Date: 1st/3rd Thursday                           ments can be made by calling 763-502-
Time: By Appointment                             5150. Fee is payable the day of your For more information or directions, call
Site: FCC                                        appointment to Presbyterian Homes.         volunteer leader Beverly at 763-571-7502.

Senior Outreach Worker                           Date: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays                   Date: See senior newsletter for schedule
Get help filling out forms for a variety of      Time: By Appointment                         Time: 9am
programs (Energy Assistance, TAP, SNAP) or       Site: FCC-Room 110                           Site: See senior newsletter for locations
find programs that you qualify for to make       Cost: $25 (30 min) $15 (manicure)            Cost: Free
life a little easier. Call Kris Moren, Fridley
ACCAP Outreach Worker at 763-783-4741            Gentle Stretch                               Nordic Walkers
                                              This is a senior stretching class held on
Date: 2nd Monday of the month                 Tuesday mornings. Emphasis is on soft
Time: 1-3pm                                   stretching, movement, and flexibility.
Site: FCC                                     Appropriate for all fitness levels. The
                                              instructor will evaluate abilities at the first
A Lions Share                                 class and adapt to fit needs. A $4 fee will
The Fridley Lions Club has generously part- be paid to the instructor.
nered with the Friends of Fridley Seniors
Foundation to provide financial assistance Date: Tuesdays
to low-income Fridley Seniors that need Time: 10-11am
help with home modifications or mainte- Site: FCC-Dance Floor (Lower Level)                   Nordic Walking is a “whole body exercise”
nance. Our mission is to keep seniors safe Cost: $4 (per session)                             moving both your arms and legs, and, as
in their homes for as long as possible.                                                       you practice, you increase walking speed,
                                                                                              take longer strides, and swing your arms,
Grants are for a portion of the costs. Other    Community Education in a bigger arc. This motion engages
resources are also available to help. Contact   Advisory Council                              upper body and core muscles. Nordic
Maggie Chandler at 763-502-5162 with ques-                                                    Walking Poles are available for loan at
tions or application form. Thanks to the        If you would like to join the Frid-           no charge (donations welcome) from the
Fridley Lions for their continued support!      ley Community Education Advi-                 Senior Center. Contact the Senior office
                                                sory Council or have any questions,           for more information 763-502-5150.
Chores and More                                 contact Stephen Keeler at:
Need help with yard work, snow removal, or      763-502-5106 or                               Date: Wednesdays
cleaning your home? Call Chores and More        stephen.keeler@fridley.k12.mn.us              Time: 10am
for more details on how they can help! Call                                                   Site: See senior newsletter for locations
763-783-4767 for more details.                                                                Cost: Free

                                                                    15                               SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
Fridley Senior Program
Volunteer Opportunities                           Healthy Sleep                            Great Decisions Program
                                              In this class we will be talking about       South Africa
Rockin’ Nanas                                 the different types of sleep and how to       The African National Congress (ANC)
Love kids? The Rockin’ Nanas program is
                                              improve it! We will begin by talking about    party has governed South Africa since the
seeking individuals who are interested in
                                              why sleep matters, and what happens           end of apartheid in 1994. But the party
reading, rocking, playing, feeding or lead-
                                              when you don’t get enough sleep. From         today suffers from popular frustration
ing crafts with small children. Minimum
                                              there we will go into the stages of sleep,    over official corruption and economic
commitment is one morning or afternoon
                                              common sleep challenges- like sleeping        stagnation. It faces growing threats from
per week. Call Christine at 763-502-5142
                                              when you are stressed or experiencing         both left and right opposition parties,
to get more information and an applica-
                                              pain. Then, we’ll wrap up the class with      even as intraparty divisions surface.
tion. Background screening required.
                                              tips for a better night’s sleep.              Given America’s history of opportunis-
                                                                                            tic engagement with Africa, there are
Instructional                                 Date: Thursday, May 16                        few prospects for a closer relationship
                                              Time: 1-2pm                                   between the two countries. Meanwhile,
Joy of Painting                               Site: FCC-Room 105 (Conference Room) a weaker ANC could lead to political frag-
Join us for painting with Kitty Swanson
                                              Instructor: Jesse Sweeney                     mentation in a relatively new democracy.
with instruction in the style of Bob Ross.
                                              Cost: $5 (1 session)                          Date: Tuesday, April 16
Date: Wednesday, June 12                      Class Number: 6554                            Time: 9:30-11am
Time: 1-4pm                                                                                 Site: FCC-Room 109
Site: FCC-Room 112                            Planning the Perfect Move                     Instructor: Dr. Leon Rodrigues
Instructor: Kitty Swanson                     Thinking about selling your home this Cost: $5 (1 session)
Cost: $55 (1 session)                         spring or summer? Now’s the time to Class Number: 6553A
Class Number: 6357A                           get thinking about one of your biggest
                                              investments and what it means for your Media & Foreign Policy
Date: Wednesday, July 10
                                              future. Planning your Move will bring in State and non-state actors today must
Time: 1-4pm
                                              three experts to teach you about getting maneuver a complex and rapidly evolving
Site: FCC-Room 112
                                              your home ready to sell. Hear from media landscape. Conventional journal-
Instructor: Kitty Swanson
                                              local Realtor, GRI Renee Miller of Keller ism now competes with user-generated
Cost: $55 (1 session)
                                              Williams Classic Realty she’ll touch on content. Official channels of communica-
Class Number: 6357B
                                              understanding home values, timing your tion can be circumvented through social
Date: Wednesday, August 14                    move, market statistics and how real- media. Foreign policy is tweeted from the
Time: 1-4pm                                   tors market your home. You’ll learn from White House and “fake news” has entered
Site: FCC-Room 112                            Buyer agents tips on what to expect from the zeitgeist. Cyberwarfare, hacking and
Instructor: Kitty Swanson                     a home inspection and how to prepare for misinformation pose complex security
Cost: $55 (1 session)                         it. Finally what to do with all of your trea- threats. How are actors using media to
Class Number: 6357C                           sures as you downsize and how to prepare pursue and defend their interests in the
                                              for the physical move are important steps international arena? What are the impli-
Test Your Nutrition IQ                        to consider as well. Laurie Wrobel with cations for U.S. policy?
In this class, we will be talking all about   Clutter 911, will share her expertise to Date: Tuesday, May 21
nutrition! We’ll start by covering some       round out your day. Guaranteed to get Time: 9:30-11am
of the basics like how food helps keep us     you inspired and organized for your “next Site: FCC-Room 109
healthy. Then, we’ll learn what calories      steps.”                                       Instructor: Dr. Thomas Wolfe
are and how many you need. We’ll also                                                       Cost: $5 (1 session)
take a closer look at the main components     Date: Wednesday, May 22                       Class Number: 6553B
of food: carbohydrates, proteins and fat.     Time: 10-11:30am
Join us for a fun discussion and test your    Site: FCC-Room 105 (Conference Room)
nutrition IQ!                                 Instructor: Laurie Wrobel
Date: Thursday, April 18                      Cost: $5 (1 session)
Time: 1-2pm                                   Class Number: 6552
Site: FCC-Room 105 (Conference Room)
Instructor: Jesse Sweeney
Cost: $5 (1 session)
Class Number: 6402

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                       16
Fridley Senior Program
Clubs & Leagues                             BINGO                                         JAMS - Jammas Are My Specialty
                                            Join us every Thursday for 10 rounds of       Join this talented group of individuals
                                            BINGO. When someone at your table             that love to sew! They make pajamas,
  Coffee, Cards                             wins so do all the table mates! We like to    t-shirts and sweatpants for anyone in
  & Conversation                            pass the luck around.                         need. Most of the articles are made from
  All older adults, age 55 and older, are                                                 donated material.
  invited to participate in any of our      Date: Thursdays                               For more information please call the Senior
  weekly card parties. There is no need     Time: 10-11:15am                              Center.
  to pre-register, just show up and join    Site: FCC-Room 112/114
  in the fun!                                                                        Date: Thursdays
                                            Cost: $2
                                                                                     Time: 12-3pm
                                                                                     Site: King of Glory Lutheran Church
  Bridge                                    Book Club
                                                                                     10103 University Avenue NE, Blaine, MN
  Date: Mondays                             Members meet on a monthly basis to
                                                                                     Cost: Free
  Time: 1-3:30 PM                           discuss selected books and authors.
                                            Upcoming Books:
  Site: FCC-Room 112
                                            • April - The Art of Racing in the Rain,
                                                                                     Special Events
  Social 500                                    Author: Garth Stein
                                                                                          27th Annual Anoka County Crib-
  Date: Tuesdays                                                                          bage Tournament!
  Time: 9:30-11:30 AM                       Date: Fourth Tuesday
                                                                                          Join us for our annual Anoka County
  Site: FCC-Room 114                        Time: 10-11am
                                                                                          Cribbage Tounament. Register with your
                                            Site: FCC-Room 112
                                                                                          partner by, Thursday, April 13th. Tourna-
  500                                       Cost: Free
                                                                                          ment open to participants registered at
  Date: Wednesdays                                                                        an Anoka County Site (Age 55 and Over).
  Time: 1-3:30 PM                           Hardanger Club
                                                                                          Cash Prizes! Traveling Trophy! Fun!
  Site: FCC-Room 114                        Meets weekly.
                                                                                          Date: Thursday, April 25
  Cribbage                                  Date: Wednesdays through May 30               Time: 1pm
  Date: Fridays                             Time: 9-11am                                  Site: FCC-Room 112/114/116
  Time: 1-3:30 PM                           Site: FCC-Room 112                            Cost: $14 (per couple)
  Site: FCC-Room 114                        Cost: Free                                    Class Number: 6551

  Monthly Cards                             Quilters Club                                 Padelford Riverboat Cruise
  These games happen once a month.          Meets weekly.                                 A great activity to get out and enjoy the
                                                                                          splendor of the mighty Mississippi. This
  Tournament Bridge                         Date: Fridays                                 2-hour cruise departs from Harriet Island
  Date: Second Wednesday                    Time: 9-11am                                  in Saint Paul and features live entertain-
  Time: 9:30-11:30 AM                       Site: FCC-Room 116                            ment by the Mississippi Minstrels, who
  Site: FCC-Room 114                        Cost: Free                                    have been playing aboard the Padelford
                                                                                          Riverboats for over 30 years. Boarding
  Hand & Foot                               Campaign of Cheer                             begins 30 minutes before departure.
  Date: Last Wednesday                      This volunteer group makes wheelchair/        Cost includes ticket, transportation, boxed
  Time: 9:30-11:30 AM                       walker caddies, lap robes, and blankets for   lunch, complimimentary coffee, cookies
  Site: FCC-Room 114                        children at the Ronald McDonald House,        and chaperone ticket for the tour. Pick-up
                                            battered women’s shelter, and veteran’s       and drop-off at 6085 7th St NE, Fridley, MN
Video Theater                               home. New members always welcome.             55432 (parking lot off 61st). Departure time
Join us for a movie on Tuesday afternoons.                                                8:45 AM, 9:30 AM boat loading. Limited to
We will show classic films as well as new Date: Mondays                                   10 tickets.
releases. Watch for our senior newsletter Time: 8:30-11am                                 Date: Wednesday, August 14
for movie information.                     Site: FCC-Room 114/116
                                                                                          Time: 8:45am-1pm
                                                                                          Site: FCC-61st Ave Parking Lot
Date: Tuesdays                                                                            Cost: $35
Time: 1-3pm                                                                               Class Number: 6555
Site: FCC-Room 109
Cost: Free
                                                                17                               SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
Event Services & Rentals
Looking for a place to host your next event? Rental opportuni- District Auditorium / Theater
ties are available through Fridley Event Services. Our facilities
are an excellent option for any group large or small!             Auditorium/Theater
                                                                  Fridley District Auditorium at Fridley High School
Whether you are planning to host a conference, banquet, meet- • Seating for up to 715
ing, training, private party, performance (theatre, dance, and • Proscenium stage with full fly loft
concert) or athletic event we have the space that is right for • Orchestra pit
you! Our facilities are conveniently located, easily-accessible • Lighting and sound system
and fully serviced.                                               • Ideal for seminars, conferences, weddings, religious gath-
                                                                      erings, musical and theatrical productions, plus much
We can accommodate groups looking for a location to meet              more
once, weekly, monthly, or annually. Our service stands out
because of the personal attention our customers receive in all
phases of the planning process as well as during and after their

Our goal is to partner with you in each stage of the planning
process to ensure your event is the absolute best it can be!

Fridley Community Center
6085 Seventh Street NE Fridley, MN 55432
Conveniently located approximately one mile north of Highway
694 on 61st Ave NE

Fridley High School
6000 West Moore Lake Dr. Fridley, MN 55432
Conveniently located approximately 1/2 mile north of Highway
694 on West Moore Lake Dr.

Fridley Middle School
6100 West Moore Lake Dr. Fridley, MN 55432
Conveniently located approximately 3/4 mile north of Highway
694 on West Moore Lake Dr.

  Facility Amenities
  Our facilities include the following amenities:

       LCD projection equipment and screen

       Sound system

       Wireless microphones

       High speed, wireless internet

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                   18
Event Services & Rentals
Conferences &                                Banquet Space                             The Cafe at
Meeting Rooms                                & Party Space                             Fridley Middle School
                                                                                       •     Multi-purpose room ideal for
Fridley Community Center                     The Community Rooms at                          banquets/award events
                                             Fridley Community Center                  •     Audio/Visual equipment
                                                                                       •     Seating for up to 200

                                                                                       The Cafe at
                                                                                       Fridley High School
                                                                                       •     Multi-purpose room ideal for
                                                                                             banquets/award events
                                                                                       •     Access to beautiful outdoor court-
                                                                                             yard space
                                                                                       •     Audio/Visual equipment
Meeting facilities for 10-200 with 8-10                                                •     Seating for up to 225
breakout rooms.                         •        Multi-purpose room, ideal for meet-
                                                 ings, workshops, banquets/award
Athletic Facilities                              events.                                   Information, Tours,
                                             •   Audio/Visual equipment                    and Bookings
Gymnasiums at                                •   Seating for up to 150                     For information, to schedule a tour,
Fridley High School                          •   Access to outdoor patio space             or to book a facility contact:

•   Main gym with seating for up to 500 Tiger Territory (Lower Level) at                   Maggie Chandler
•   Concession Area                     Fridley Community Center                           Sales & Marketing
•   Auxiliary gym                       • Multi-purpose room ideal for birth-              Phone: 763 502-5104
•   Locker room facilities available        day parties, showers and small
                                            receptions.                                    Dan Wold
Gymnasiums at                           • Dance Floor with sound system                    Auditorium & Events Coordinator
Fridley Middle School                   • Audio/Visual equipment                           Phone: 763 502-5631
• Main gym with seating for up to 200 • Seating for up to 100
• Auxiliary gym                                                                            Fridley Community Center
• Locker room facilities available      The Banquet Hall at                                6085 Seventh Street NE
                                             Fridley Community Center                      Fridley, MN 55432
The Pool at
Fridley Middle School                                                                      For Pricing & Booking
•   Available for private parties & events                                                 www.fridleyeventservices.com
•   Lifeguards on duty                                                                     763-502-5104

Tennis Courts at
Fridley High School
•   6 courts available
•   Reasonably priced

Athletic Fields                              •   Multi-purpose room ideal for
•   Football fields                              banquets/award events
•   Soccer fields                            •   Audio/Visual equipment                    Advertise with Us
•   Baseball fields                          •   Seating for up to 175                     For more information on placing an
•   Softball fields                                                                        ad in the catalog, call 763-502-5106,
•   Multi-use green space                                                                  stop into the Fridley Community
•   Reasonably priced                                                                      Center office, or visit our website at

                                                               19                              SPRING/SUMMER 2019 CLASS CATALOG
Youth Enrichment
Dance                                      Enrichment                                  Summer Chess Camp (Grades K-8)
                                                                                       Challenge yourself! Play Chess! Exercise
Fridley Area Just For Kix                  Driver’s Ed Training (Ages 14-18)           your brain! This is an excellent opportu-
                                           Classroom training can be taken by          nity to develop better Chess Skills in the
                                           students who are 14-1/2 years or older      summer! In addition to playing chess in
                                           and consists of 10 three-hour lessons.      a relaxed, friendly setting, campers will
                                           Each lesson is independent and can be       also get to play a variety of other enjoyable
                                           taken in any order. If a lesson is missed,  board games, puzzles and sport activities.
                                           the student can make it up when and         Players will be divided by skill level.
                                           where it is convenient at either another    Receive $5 off for registering multiple chil-
                                           Fridley Community Education class or at     dren (must call or stop in to apply discount).
                                           a Safeway classroom. Lesson calendars are
                                           available on Safeway’s web site.            Date: Monday - Thursday, June 10 - 13
Summer Class Offerings                                                                 Time: 8am-12pm
Come dance with Just For Kix this          Behind-the-wheel training consists of 3 Site: FCC-Conference Room (105)
summer! Open to both new and expe-         two-hour private lessons which can be Instructor: Twin Cities Chess
rienced dancers. Classes will focus on     scheduled online or by calling Safeway’s Cost: $80 (4 sessions)
technique, flexibility and strength, and   office (651-351-9150). Pick-up and drop- Class Number: 2245
learning a fun dance routine! Older        off is at home, school or work. Training is
classes focus on kick and jazz technique,  done in a white late-model car with Safe- “Hey Girl” A program of Growth,
and may be split based on experience       way’s “Student Driver” graphics.            Independence, Responsibility and
level.                                                                                 Leadership (Ages 13-16)
                                          Classroom training and Behind-the-           As a Certified Life Coach Practitioner
                                          wheel training are included in the cost.     and Youth Mentor Instructor, Mrs. Sims’
Dates: Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug 5
Location: FMS-Cafeteria                   Safeway Driving School was selected by       goal is to establish ongoing relationships
Class Offerings: (2019-20 grades)         Fridley Community Education to provide       aimed to achieving personal growth
                                          teen driver’s education. Safeway is the      and self-development for adolescences
Hip Hop: 5:15-6pm - Grades 1-8            largest driving school in Minnesota. It      in areas of self-esteem, confidence, and
Petites: 6-6:30pm - Pre, K,1st Grade      has an A+ rating with BBB and is a BBB       communication skills. Mrs.Sims has been
Mini: 6:30-7:30pm - Grades 2-5th          Accredited Business. Safeway has 70 expe-    a supporter for youth for over 6 years
Junior: 7:30-8:30pm - Grades 6-12th       rienced instructors backgrounded and         through mentoring programs and teen
                                          licensed by the MN Dept. of Public Safety.   groups. She continues to grow programs
For more information:                                                                  that strive to give hope to our youth who
Emily Fausher                             Date: Monday-Thursday, April 8 - 25          are in need of advocates that believe in
                                          Time: 3:15-6:15pm                            them. This camp will provide a safe and
Phone: 612-418-9138                       Site: FHS-Room 171                           fun space where girls can have freedom of
Email:                                    Instructor: Safeway Driving School           expression and embrace their true selves.
Fridley_mn@justforkix.com                 Cost: $340 (10 sessions)                     The girls will be building long-lasting
Website:                                  Class Number: 2240A                          friendships with other girls that share
justforkix.com/danceclasses/fridley-mn Date: Monday-Friday, June 17-28                 similar experiences through daily fun
                                                                                       activities. If you have a young girl that is
                                       Time: 1-4pm                                     ready to have some fun for the summer,
Register by June 29th at:              Site: FHS-Room 171
www.justforkix.com/danceclasses                                                        sign up today.
                                       Instructor: Safeway Driving School              Meets in Room 179 at Fridley Middle School.
                                       Cost: $340 (10 sessions)                        Breakfast and lunch provided. No transpor-
                                       Class Number: 2240B                             tation provided. No class July 1-5

                                                                                       Date: Monday - Friday, June 17 - July 11
                                                                                       Time: 8:30am-2:30pm
  Free Summer Lunch Program                                                            Site: FCC-Conference Room 179
                                                                                       Instructor: Aloda Sims
  Fridley Publics Schools is honored to offer free summer lunches to children age 18
                                                                                       Cost: $260 (14 sessions)
  and younger at Fridley High School and Stevenson Elementary, Monday through
                                                                                       Class Number: 2250
  Thursday, June 17 – July 18, 2019. Call 763-502-5022 for more details.

FRIDLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION                                    20
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