Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee

Page created by Edith Hayes
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
senior pastor search:
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
welcome to our church:
The purpose of this profile is to give you and your family a picture of Coram Deo Presbyterian Church:
what we value, how we worship, our history, our ministries, where we live and what we hope for in our next
Senior Pastor. We are praying for you as you consider where the Lord would have you serve His Church,
and we thank you for considering Coram Deo Presbyterian Church of Spokane, WA. Information on how
to contact us and our Application Process can be found at the end of this document.

Coram Deo is a body of believers devoted to making and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ who are
compelled by grace and love to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed in the greater Spokane area.
Together we strive to worship and glorify God. We esteem the Bible as the Word of God– the ultimate au-
thority which guides all aspects of Coram Deo’s teaching and methods. We consider Reformed theology
as defined in the Westminster standards to be a faithful expression of biblical truth. We are affiliated with
the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and the Pacific Northwest Presbytery.
As individuals we seek to live according to the truth of the gospel with an understanding of our adoption
and union with Christ. We are committed to growing together in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord
Jesus Christ, to fellowship with and to serve one another using the gifts God has given to each of us.
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
When asking a congregant “What drew you to Coram
Deo?” a frequent answer is the desire for a biblical
Reformed church with PCA affiliation. What caus-
es them to remain is the worship and fellowship ex-
pressed within that framework at Coram Deo. Our Sunday worship service features the reading of the Word, preach-
ing, prayer, confession and praise. The preaching is expository and our congregation is enthusiastic in their singing,
reciting of the creeds, responsive readings and observance of communion. There is a high level of participation of laity
in leading those portions of the worship service that do not require ordination. Our worship music consists of songs of
theological substance in the form of traditional hymns, traditional hymns to new melodies, and select contemporary
praise songs. These are delivered in an ‘acoustic-Americana’ style that has wide appeal to the diverse age groups
found in our congregation. We attempt to maintain a balance of joy and reverence.

                                                           Our congregation represents every age and stage of life.
                                                           During 2021 our Worship Service attendance averaged 161
                                                           with a high of 193. The general attendance trend continues
                                                           to increase in part due to the solid start our church received
                                                           from our founding pastor Rev. Kyle Parker, the continued
                                                           leadership of our Associate Pastor Rev. Matt Allhands, and
                                                           our Ruling Elders and Deacons.

                                                         Coram Deo has recently transitioned to being fully self-supporting
and is blessed with giving that consistently exceeds expenses. Net income is added to a reserve fund for future facility
acquisition. The budget for the current year for church operations is $405,000.
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
FACILITY                                                                     MORE ABOUT
Coram Deo occupies 6,773 sq. ft. of the first                                CORAM DEO
floor of the Holley-Mason building in downtown
                                                                             The following sections will
Spokane under a three year lease with an
                                                                             provide you with more
option to extend the lease term. This location
                                                                             information about Coram Deo.
has provided a much needed stable base of
operations since November 2020.
                                                                                 • our story
                                                                                 • our mission
OPPORTUNITIES                                                                    • our ministries

Coram Deo is a young church with many pos-                                       • our region
itive attributes. Our transition to a new Senior                                 • our city
Pastor is an opportunity for us to mature as a                                   • our leaders
church body– to be more organized and ef-                                        • search committee
fective in the administration of our ministries with purposeful leadership       • senior pastor profile
development, broadened delegation of responsibility and participation in
                                                                                 • application process
key church activities.
Coram Deo draws families and individuals from well beyond the immediate
Spokane city limits– including people coming from northern Idaho– who are
seeking a biblically sound PCA affiliated church. As Coram Deo continues
to grow we see the potential for establishing one or more sister churches
within the region.
                                  Pins note
                                  the location
                                  of homes of
                                  Coram Deo
                                  around the
                                  Spokane and                                Coram Deo Presbyterian Church
                                  Coeur d’Alene
                                  area.                                      157 S. Howard St., Suite 106
                                                                             Spokane, WA 99201
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
our story:
Coram Deo started well before a body     at the Parkers, and Sunday afternoon months. Since the winter of 2020 the
of believers began to meet in Spokane    worship continued through 2014.        church has worshiped in its current lo-
as the prayer of a current member who                                           cation in downtown Spokane.
                                         In 2015, the congregation grew as God
desired a PCA church in the Spokane
                                         provided Coram Deo its first stable Since returning to Spokane, Rev. Parker
area. She contacted the church plant-
                                         home at Jefferson Elementary School. took another call and Matt Allhands
ing network and began to donate to
                                         The church was particularized, dea- filled an Associate Pastor position and
the fund in hopes for a church.
                                         cons and elders were called, a session continues to serve in this capacity.
God answered by leading Rev. Kyle formed, and the first assistant pastors
Parker, with the church planting net- came and served.                          We are thankful for
work, to plant a church in Spokane. A
                                         The days at Jefferson ended during God’s provision and
grassroots fellowship began in a local
                                         Covid restrictions and we met in as-
                                         sorted venues in Idaho for several faithfulness.
church on the South Hill starting in the
fall of 2013. Networking, Bible studies
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
          clean hearts

                               committed hands

                                       our mission:
   KINGDOM                             Coram Deo signifies “life in the presence of God,”
                                       a relationship possible only by Jesus Christ’s res-
convinced minds
                                       cuing humanity through his gracious sacrifice.
                                       Christ’s grace is evidenced in our ability to love
                                       God and man with:
                                           • convinced minds
                     WORSHIP               • cleansed hearts
                  captivated souls         • captivated souls
                                           • committed hands.
                                       The community of Coram Deo desires to extend
                                       Christ to Spokane and equip the saints to serve.
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
our ministries:
Ministries at Coram Deo are growing and changing as we do. Transitions in locations and other circumstances have
impacted our activities. We continue to look for creative ways to engage with each other and our community around
the gospel of Christ.

On Sunday mornings, there is an Education Hour for adults, youth, and school aged children. Nursery care is available
for infants-preschoolers in the Infant & Toddler Room supervised by vetted church members.

This group focuses on 12 year-old through high school youth. Alongside Bible learning, they have social activities, sing-
ing, games, movie nights and outings that appeal to this demographic.
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
Connect groups provide an opportunity for people to regularly gather in
an informal neighborhood setting with the central goal of building trusting
relationships. Generally incorporating Bible study and prayer, depending
on the members, they may also discuss that week’s sermon, read through a
book, or structure their gatherings around a meal.

Coram Deo is interested in conversation and collaboration within our uni-
versity, college, and 20’s community. During the academic year, we host a
weekly discursive study and dinner. This fellowship group focuses on Bible
study, discussion opportunities on pertinent issues, and also provides a
faith-based social outlet.

Our women’s ministry provides an opportunity for women to practice a com-
mitted, studious application of their understanding of God as they share life
experiences. Opportunities include day time and evening study groups.

This group coordinates twice-monthly fellowship times with snacks after
our services. Additionally, they plan other special holiday events, such as
an Easter Brunch, plus graduation celebrations, meal trains, etc. They also
enhance the worship space and entrance/foyer with seasonal decorations.
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
Our men’s ministry provides an opportunity for men to gain an understand-
ing of their identity, environment, and responsibility within it. Opportunities
include a weekly prayer breakfast and Bible studies.

Along with the Diaconate, the Missions Team guides our church’s support of
organizations and individuals engaged in serving the needs of others in the
context of the gospel of Christ.

A quarterly activity night for children aged 3-12 provides an opportunity
for parents to connect with each other. (Some refer to it as “Parents Night
Out!” Go figure!) There are planned and supervised craft projects, a (fun!)
STEM activity, something to do with cookies or ice cream, a short video, and
games geared to keep this age group involved.
Senior pastor search: - PCA Administrative Committee
our region:
The Inland Northwest, is bounded by the Cascade Mountains on the west, the Rocky Mountains (following the
spine of the remote and rugged Cabinet Mountains) on the east, and encompasses the Columbia river basin
(or Columbia Plateau). Between the mountain ranges are large, sweeping areas of semi-arid steppe, part of which has
been irrigated due to the Columbia Basin Project, resulting in expansive farmland in central Washington. The Palouse,
original home of the Appaloosa, is another major agricultural region located in the gently rolling hills of southeastern
Washington and extending into Idaho.
In northern Idaho the precipitation from the Pacific Ocean over the North Central Rockies forests creates the North
American inland temperate rainforest. The Coeur d’Alene Mountains of this range are noted for their natural resource
wealth, particularly the Silver Valley with its mining heritage dating back to the 1880s.
                                                  Spokane, the region’s largest city, is located near where the arid, and
                                                  largely unforested Columbia plateau meets the lush forests of the
                                                  Selkirk Mountains. The urban area stretches east into Idaho along
                                                  the I-90 corridor through the Spokane River valley across the border
                                                  of Idaho into the cities of Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene on the north
                                                  bank of Lake Coeur d’Alene.
our city:
Spokane is located in the heart of the Inland Northwest and is the second most populous city in Washington. Spokane
serves as the major hub for the Inland Northwest, particularly for service industries, wholesale and retail trade, enter-
tainment, transportation, medical care and education. Spokane has five major universities, two medical schools, and two
top-notch community colleges. Spokane was the fourth largest U.S. health-care center in 2019.

   • The Spokane River runs through the city and downtown’s beautiful Riverfront Park.
   • The Spokane, WA/Coeur d’Alene, ID area has many outdoor activities close by;
     including ski resorts, camping areas, hiking trails and beautiful lakes.
   • Spokane has been selected as an All-America City three times in the past 41 years.
   • The city hosts many great community events, festivals and gatherings, and is home to the
     Lilac Festival Bloomsday Run, one of the largest timed road races in the nation,
     and the largest three-on-three basketball tournament, Hoopfest.
   • Coram Deo’s current home is in downtown Spokane’s historic Holley Mason Building.
our leaders:  MATT ALLHANDS
                                                         JASON FARLEY                                  COREY MCEACHRAN                              KALEB TOPP
              is Associate Pastor at                     is a screenwriter, comedy                     was born and raised in the                     was born in Kalispell,
              Coram Deo. He was born in                  writer, and poet from                         Spokane area, and after 15                     MT and grew up within
              the Northwest and raised in                Spokane, WA. He                               years away, he’s thankful                      the Lutheran Church -
              northern CA. After com-                    pastored for a decade                         to be back in his home-                        Missouri Synod. Kaleb
              ing to Christ near the end                 before becoming a writer.                     town. After graduating                         married his high-school
of high school, Matt earned his AA in        He is married with four kids 19-12. He       college and getting married to Noelle,         sweetheart, Stacia and they went on
Music before leaving home to serve on        works for as Chief Content           he went into youth ministry for a few          to graduate from Hope College in
the staff of Youth With A Mission. He        Officer and Inland Northwest Film            years. During that time he read about          Holland, MI. Kaleb completed medical
earned his BA in Medieval Studies from       Studios as they build soundstages            classical Christian education and              school at the University of ND, and
the University of Oregon (UofO) and          dedicated to film and television in          realized this was the type of youth            interned at Michigan State University
MDiv from Covenant Theological Semi-         Airway Heights, WA.                          ministry he’d like to be involved in.          in Grand Rapids. After completing his
nary. Before moving to Spokane with his      He moved into his childhood home             He spent a decade teaching various             Emergency Medicine training, Kaleb
family, Matt served the Body of Christ       in 2016 and enjoys Martinis and              grammar school levels, the majority            and Stacia moved to Spokane where
in foreign missions, worship leadership,     conversation.                                of his time being with 6th graders             they began attending Coram Deo.
and campus ministry. Matt and his wife,                                                   because they still laughed at his jokes.       Kaleb completed church leadership
Becky, along with their two daughters                                                     The past 10 years have been in various         training in 2020 and became a Ruling
Scout and Lieve, love Spokane because                                                     administrative roles, from vice princi-        Elder at Coram Deo in 2021. They are
it is a place where they see their passion                                                pal to Headmaster. Currently, Corey is         raising three young daughters. Kaleb
for the arts and culture merging with                                                     the Dean of the Grammar School at              is the Elder representative on the
their love of the outdoors.                                                               the Oaks Classical Christian Academy.          Search Committee.

             DAVE SNYDER grew up                            DARREL HAWES                               PETER MORISSETTE                              DAVID WALLACE
             in Compton, CA. After                          was raised in a Christian                  was born and raised in                        David is a native of the
             high school he toured                          home in central WA and                     Hardin, MT and was called                     central valley in Califor-
             North America with the                         made a profession of faith                 to the Lord at a young age.                   nia. He graduated from
             cast of “Up With People!”                      at age 7. He and his wife                  He moved to Brenham, TX                       the Master’s University in
             Dave then earned his BA                        Genhi have 8 children, with                after graduating from Whe-                    Southern California (BA
in Spanish at Cal State University at        two still living at home. His accounting     aton College with a degree in history.         in English) where he also met his wife
Long Beach. He and his wife of 48            credentials include a degree and two         He also earned a MA in Biblical Studies        Sara. They have been married 17 years
years, Kathi, raised their daughter          certifications. He currently manages         from RTS-Houston. Peter taught in              and have 5 boys (5-12). They moved to
and son while Dave maintained a              a public utility and has over 20 years       private Christian schools while in Texas.      Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2014.
30-year career as an IT professional.        experience working in the public water       The Lord opened the door for him and           David is an avid reader, entrepreneur,
After moving to La Crosse, WI in 1986        and wastewater industry. He has been         his wife, Jenn (married in 2014) to move       and learner, having sold an
Dave and Kathi joined a PCA start-up         a deacon for a more than 3 years, is         to Spokane in 2017 where they immedi-          e-commerce business in 2017 he
church where Dave completed leader-          the current church Treasurer and has         ately began attending Coram Deo.               is now focused on new business
ship training in 2001 and was installed      worked in various financial roles for oth-   Peter was part of the initial leadership       ventures and learning languages.
as Deacon. Finding a PCA church was          er churches where he was a member.           class and was ordained as a deacon in          David’s wife, Sara is a Christian
a high priority when Dave and Kathy          He is a music snob who counts himself        2018, having served as chairman these          author and speaker with three
relocated to Spokane in 2016. Dave           privileged to have seen James Taylor,        past years. Peter currently works for          books, two of which were published
serves as Deacon and as part of the          Kansas, and the Neal Morse Band per-         Caterpillar as part of their parts distribu-   by P&R. The Wallaces joined Coram
Coram Deo music ministry. Dave is the        form live, as well as Phil Keaggy more       tion network and Jenn works as an ad-          Deo in 2019.
Deacon representative on the Search          times than he can remember.                  min for a non-profit counseling service.

BRETT BOOZ            JEFF GRAY came          GENHI HAWES           KEN LINDSAY is a      SHELLI PEGRAM,
grew up in rural      to Spokane more         was born in Dallas,   native of southern    a native of SD,
South Jersey          than 30 years ago.      TX. Her father        CA. Ken and his       was raised in the
where he was          Soon thereafter         was an ordained       wife of 45 years,     Lutheran Church-
raised in a PC        Jeff married Robin      Assembly of God       Jan, have two         Missouri Synod.
USA church. He        and together they       minister and her      daughters who,        As a young adult
went to college at    raised their three,     childhood in-         along with their      the Holy Spirit
the University of     now adult, sons.        cluded traveling      husbands, are rais-   worked through
Miami. He worked      Jeff and Robin live     with her parents      ing their families.   the ministry of
for UM for 25         an active lifestyle     to Kenya before       Ken retired in 2015   Campus Crusade
years before mov-     taking advantage        eventually locating   after a 35-year ca-   for Christ (Cru),
ing to Spokane        of the hiking,          in Seattle. Genhi     reer in aerospace     to reveal her need
in 2017. At UM        boating and fish-       and her husband       manufacturing.        to turn to Christ
he was involved       ing opportunities       Darrel married in     He was actively       in repentance.
with InterVarsity     available in the        1990 and relocat-     involved in several   Shelli and her
Christian Fellow-     Inland Northwest.       ed from Seattle to    Conservative Bap-     husband, Rick,
ship and a number     They also enjoy         Loon Lake north       tist and Evangeli-    have been married
of PCA churches.      gardening and           of Spokane. There     cal Free churches     for more than 35
He works in IT at     walks with their        they raised and       over the years,       years. They have
Spokane Teachers      Golden Retriev-         homeschooled          serving in various    three daughters
Credit Union. He      er, Grace. Jeff         six sons and two      leadership capac-     all residing in the
has been married      currently works         daughters. Genhi      ities. More recent-   PNW. Shelli and
to Christy for 23     for the Kellogg         works her hobby       ly Ken and Jan        Rick have been
years and they        company and has         farm, breeding        became members        involved in several
have six children     had a long career       dogs, caring for      at Christ Presbyte-   conservative
ages 6 to 18. They    in consumer pack-       livestock and pets.   rian Church (PCA)     reformed
live just north of    aged goods sales.       Genhi and Dar-        in Temecula, CA.      congregations
Millwood. Brett       Jeff and Robin          rel and their six     After relocating      affiliated with
is Vice-Chairman      started coming to       youngest children     to the Spokane        CREC, OPC and
of the Search         Coram Deo in 2019       have been actively    area in 2019 their    the PCA. They live
Committee and         and knew from the       involved at Coram     search for anoth-     in Rathdrum, ID
participates in the   first visit that they   Deo since 2017.       er PCA affiliated     with their German
Coram Deo music       had found their         Darrel is a Deacon    church led them       Shorthair ‘Lilly’
ministry.             new church home.        and son Jayden        to Coram Deo.         and are one of the
                      Jeff is Chairman of     works with the        Ken plays guitar      many families from
                      the Pastor Search       youth.                and bass with the     the north Idaho
                      Committee.                                    Coram Deo music       area that make        *
                                                                    teams.                Coram Deo their       *KALEB TOPP, Elder and
                                                                                          church home.           DAVE SNYDER, Deacon also serve
                                                                                                                 on the Search Committee
our six top pastoral
priorities:                  (in ranked order)

  The word of God is preached with urgency and conviction, bringing it
  to bear on the changing needs of individuals, the community, and the
  world. High priority of pastor’s time is placed on sermon preparation.
  Pastor accepts an active teaching role, interpreting and teaching the
  Scriptures, theological concepts, history of the Church and current
  events; provides instruction for Church Officers; educational leaders,
  and confirms new members.
  Pastor shares members’ struggles regarding the Christian faith, with
  opportunity provided for individuals and groups to reflect on beliefs,
  concerns, doubts regarding Christian understanding of the spiritual
  dimensions of life.
  Pastor accepts appropriate administrative responsibilities, in a
  climate of delegated tasks and shared leadership; volunteers and
  professional staff encouraged to use their ideas and skills. Work done
  on developing accountability.
  Pastor and Session work to develop a rich worship life, educating the
  congregation for meaningful participation.
  Two-way communication encouraged, information gathered and shared
  that will assist problem solving and decision making; varying opinions
  elicited and all encouraged to listen to opposing points of view.
The pastoral search committee and the congregation have been seeking the
Lord to bring us our next shepherd for Coram Deo Presbyterian Church. We
seek a senior pastor who displays the qualities contained in 1 Timothy 3 and
Titus 1, is an ordained pastor in the PCA (or qualified to be ordained), and
exhibits the following characteristics:

   • Knows who he is in Christ and is faithful in studying and preaching
     the Word of God boldly with urgency and conviction, bringing it to
     bear on the changing needs of individuals, the community, and the
     world. We value expository teaching that’s in accordance with the
     Westminster Standards and the historic confessions of the Church.
   • Is eager to know, love and shepherd the flock with Christ-like
   • Is a wise and humble leader with a minimum of 10 years of pastoral
     experience, preferably including experience as a Senior Pastor in a
     like-minded church.
   • Is experienced in working with the Session to develop a rich worship
     life, educating the congregation for meaningful participation.
   • Is diligent in training church officers, developing leaders, and
     providing instruction for new members.
   • Equips the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body
     of Christ by encouraging all to use their gifts for God’s glory and the
     blessing of our neighbors and the nations.
senior pastor
application process:
    • Pray – Before applying, please confirm your intent to apply
      through prayer
    • Prepare – Please prepare a cover letter, resume,
      Ministry Data Form (MDF)*, and links to several
      preaching examples
    • Post – Once prepared, send your materials to our Pastoral Search
      Committee email:

Our Pastoral Search Committee will confirm receipt and review your
materials. If they would like to schedule an interview, a committee
representative will contact you.

*If you have not prepared a Ministry Data Form (MDF) for the Presbyterian Church in America,
 you can request one here.
157 S. Howard St., Suite 106 | Spokane, WA 99201
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