3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital

Page created by Irene Leonard
3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Life saving targeted lung
health check programme

members                                  The newsletter for all
                                         public and staff members of

                                         Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
                                         Issue 3

                         LHCH            Governor update
                                         and Member
                                       events calendar

                                         LHCH Charity news

Mobile Spirometry        Celebrating
Service arrives at
LHCH                 2   30 years
                         of LHCH
                                     6                       10
3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Welcome                                                                                                                                 Life saving programme targeted lung
Welcome to the autumn edition of             We are delighted to welcome                  as possible. Infection prevention
our newsletter for staff and public
members of Liverpool Heart and
Chest Hospital.
                                             Margaret Carney to the Board of
                                             Directors, who was appointed as a
                                             Non Executive Director commencing
                                                                                          continues to be our highest priority
                                                                                          and as we move through Autumn
                                                                                          into Winter, our flu and covid booster
                                                                                                                                        health check relaunches
                                             1st September. You can read a little         vaccination programmes will be more
Following much consideration we              more about Margaret within this              important than ever before. Please do         A ground-breaking health check programme which has saved
wish to inform you that Neil will be         newsletter.                                  all you can to stay safe in the coming        lives across the city has re-started after being put on hold
retiring as Chair of Liverpool Heart                                                      months and protect yourselves, your
and Chest Hospital in March 2022             As we welcome Margaret, it’s                 families and others.                          during the Covid-19 pandemic.
next year. Having worked within the          important that we acknowledge the
NHS for 50 years, including 12 years         significant contribution made here           Best wishes                                                                                                                                                     Dr Martin
as Chair of this fantastic hospital,         at LHCH over the past few years by                                                                                                                                                                           Ledson,
this has been a difficult decision           our outgoing Non Executive Director,                                                                                                                                                                         Clinical
                                                                                                                                      The Liverpool Targeted Health Check
for him. Whilst he would love to             Mark Jones. We all wish Mark every                                                                                                                                                                           Lead for
                                                                                                                                      ran successfully from 2016 until last
continue beyond next March, Neil             success as he takes up his new post                                                                                                                                                                          Respiratory
                                                                                                                                      year. In that time, it identified over
feels the time is right to retire and to     as Chair at Wrightington, Wigan                                                                                                                                                                              Medicine
                                                                                                                                      120 people who had lung cancer.
allow colleagues time to search for          and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS
                                                                                                                                      Most of them were diagnosed with                                                       symptoms, quite possibly at a stage
his successor and to manage the              Foundation Trust.
                                                                                                                                      early-stage lung cancer and have                                                       when treatment would be much more
transition. The recruitment process
                                                                                                                                      since had curative-intent treatment.                                                   difficult. The care I received – from the
has commenced and we have no                 Our colleagues continue to work
                                                                                                                                        Lung cancer is notoriously difficult                                                 initial health check appointment to the
doubt that the Trust will appoint a          exceptionally hard through the
                                                                                                                                      to detect early. Its symptoms are often                                                subsequent scans, the surgery and the
candidate of the highest calibre in the      recovery phase to ensure our                Neil Large, MBE    Jane                      vague and easy to ignore or dismiss,                                                   recovery – was amazing, and I am so
coming months.                               patients receive the care and               Chair              Tomkinson OBE,
                                                                                                                                      particularly in the current situation. In                                              grateful to the NHS.”
                                             treatment they require as soon                                 Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                      many cases, symptoms only become                                                          Dr Martin Ledson, Clinical Lead
                                                                                                                                      obvious when the cancer has already                                                    for Respiratory Medicine at LHCH,
                                                                                                                                      spread. As a result, around 75% of                                                     said: “Over the years, we have seen

Mobile Spirometry Service arrives at LHCH
                                                                                                                                      people in the UK found to have lung                                                    significant improvement in the early
                                                                                                                                      cancer are diagnosed with terminal                                                     detection of many other cancers but
                                                                                                                                      disease. In Liverpool, the situation is                                                not with lung cancer. Targeted lung
                                                                                                                                      even worse. There were 2,616 new                                                       health checks offer a way to change
The new Mobile Spirometry service will support the Respiratory Diagnostics team in providing                                          diagnoses of lung cancer in the city in                                                this. Without this programme, people
more spirometry tests for our patients both onsite and out in the community.                                                          2014-18, or 523 new cases per year.                                                    like Jo many have diagnosed at a much
                                                                                                                                      Lung cancer incidence in Liverpool                                                     later stage and could have had a very
Spirometry is a basic breathing              enormous help in ensuring this project        welcoming our first patients through the   was 82% higher than expected                                                           different outcome.
test which measures the amount of            got off the ground. It’s an exciting time     doors very soon.”                          when compared to overall figures for                                                      The lung health check scheme has
air that you can blow out and is an          for our team and we look forward to                                                      England.                                                                               also diagnosed people with many
important way of assessing lung                                                                                                                                                                                              other conditions, including chronic
function.                                                                                                                                                                         Jo Shoba                                   obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  It is also the very important first line
                                                                                                                                        “It doesn’t matter who you
                                                                                                                                        are, no one is immune.”                   through the programme. She felt well       and asthma, and even other forms
test in detecting lung disease. The new                                                                                                                                                                                      of cancer, allowing them to get the
                                                                                                                                        – Jo Shoba                                and had no symptoms when she went
mobile unit provides an additional two                                                                                                                                                                                       appropriate treatment and care. That
                                                                                                                                                                                  for her initial appointment. She was
examination rooms which are fitted                                                                                                                                                                                           is why we are delighted to have now
                                                                                                                                                                                  shocked when she was diagnosed with
to the highest standards and include                                                                                                     Sadly, in most cases, the disease is                                                recommenced the programme and
                                                                                                                                                                                  lung cancer even though she had not
special air filtration units designed to                                                                                              incurable. However, when diagnosed at                                                  we can start inviting people back for
                                                                                                                                                                                  smoked in over 40 years.
minimise the risk of exposing patients                                                                                                its earliest stage, almost 6 in 10 (57%)                                               a lung health check. The facts speak
                                                                                                                                                                                      She said: “I was in complete shock!
to airborne infections.                                                                                                               people with lung cancer will survive                                                   for themselves; it will save lives and we
                                                                                                                                                                                  How could I possibly have cancer?
   This expansion of our services will                                                                                                their disease for five years or more,                                                  hope it will take us a step closer to a
                                                                                                                                                                                  It just seemed so unlikely because I
commence onsite here at LHCH initially                                                                                                compared with almost 5 in 100 (3%)                                                     national lung screening programme.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  was so well. But that’s the thing with
and plans are in place to take the unit                                                                                               people when the disease is diagnosed                                                      The Liverpool targeted Lung
                                                                                                                                                                                  lung cancer, as I’ve since learnt. It
into a range of community locations in                                                                                                at the latest stage. Targeted lung health                                              Health Check, which was formerly
                                                                                                                                                                                  doesn’t matter who you are, no one
the future.                                                                                                                           checks, however, has the power to                                                      known as the Liverpool Healthy Lung
                                                                                                                                                                                  is immune. The aim of the lung health
   Dot Price, Respiratory Diagnostics                                                                                                 change this, revolutionising long term                                                 Programme, is available to people
                                                                                                                                                                                  check is to pick up cases like mine at
Manager said: “The new mobile                                                                                                         lung cancer survival rates by detecting                                                aged 55-74 who currently smoke or
                                                                                                                                                                                  the earliest possible opportunity before
spirometry unit will support us greatly in                                                                                            it at the earliest opportunity, even                                                   have previously smoked. If you are
                                                                                                                                                                                  symptoms have even appeared. I
delivering the key diagnostic tests our                                                                                               before symptoms appear, and could                                                      eligible, you will receive a letter from
                                                                                                                                                                                  count myself extremely lucky. Without
patients need as quickly as possible.                                                                                                 cut lung cancer deaths by almost a                                                     the NHS inviting you to make an
                                                                                                                                                                                  this intervention my story would
A big thank you to the University of                                                                                                  third.                                                                                 appointment. For more information,
                                                                                                                                                                                  probably be very different. I would
Liverpool and LHCH Charity who have                                                                                                      Jo Shoba is one of over 100 people                                                  visit https://www.lhch.nhs.uk/lung-
                                                                                                                                                                                  have known nothing about the cancer
made this possible and to Dunmore                                                                                                     who have already been diagnosed                                                        health-check
                                                                                                                                                                                  in my lung until the appearance of
Health who have also been an

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3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Pride in the                     Sir Ken Dodd Training and
                                                                             NHS Week                         Education Centre
                                                                                                              This year we have been pleased            and skills to remain as leaders in the
                                                                             Team LHCH recently               to develop a new dedicated                field of cardiothoracic care for years
                                                                             supported NHS Virtual            education and training facility           to come.
                                                                             Pride with our Pharmacy          that will be used extensively by             The centre will provide:
                                                                             and HR colleagues                students and trainees, clinical           l Dedicated training areas                  research and update their clinical
                                                                             celebrating with their own       staff and education partners.             l Enhanced facilities for our on-call       knowledge.
                                                                             PRIDE parade.                      Thanks to the provision of                 staff, providing a place to rest and     We look forward to formally
                                                                               Some of our Executive          charitable funding, the new                  recharge                               opening the centre later in 2021.
                                                                             Team are pictured showing        centre will be key to ensuring that       l Brand new library facilities where      Watch this space for details of this in
                                                                             their support for PRIDE in the   colleagues develop their knowledge           students and staff can study,          the next edition of Members Matters.
                                                                             NHS Week.

                                                                                                              Learning life-                                                            LHCH is going Green
                                                                                                              saving skills on                                                          In July this year

                                                                                                              World Heart Day
                                                                                                                                                                                        we celebrated the
                                                                                                                                                                                        NHS 73rd birthday,
                                                                                                                                                                                        and we were
                                                                                                                                                                                        also delighted to
                                                                                                              Would you know how to save a life?
                                                                                                                                                                                        have been able to
                                                                                                                 Natalie Hudson, Resuscitation Lead at LHCH, shared vital
                                                                                                                                                                                        provide 10 new EV
                                                                                                              life-saving skills on World Heart Day in a virtual event for our
                                                                                                                                                                                        charging points for
                                                                                                              members. If you missed it you can watch a recording of the event
                                                                                                                                                                                        LHCH staff use,
                                                                                                              on the Membership section of www.lhch.nhs.uk
Return of Volunteers to LHCH                                                                                     Natalie said: “CPR is a life saving tool used following a sudden
                                                                                                              cardiac arrest. This can happen completely out of the blue so it is
                                                                                                                                                 important we are all prepared and
                                                                                                                                                                                        our commitment
                                                                                                                                                                                        to tackling climate
                                 welcome back familiar faces across   volunteers over the next few months.                                                                              change.
We are delighted to announce                                                                                                                     can help others if needed.”
                                 the Trust in their meet and greet    If you are interested in joining our                                                                                Delivered by `Pod Point`, the charging
after 18 months of pausing                                                                                                                         You can also watch a short
                                 roles, on our Acute Cardiac Unit,    outstanding hospital please have a                                                                                stations, located outside the LHCH Research
our volunteer work due to the                                                                                                                    and snappy two minute video
                                 Cedar and Birch Wards to support     look at the advertisement on www.                                                                                 Unit, are accessed via the Pod Point App with
pandemic that they have now                                                                                                                      provided by Natalie highlighting
                                 the patients and the staff.          jobs.nhs.uk and complete the                                                                                      an LHCH.NHS.UK email address.
returned to their roles within                                                                                                                   key resuscitation skills by
                                   The Patient and Family Support     application.                                                                                                        October is Green Awareness Month here
LHCH.                                                                                                                                            following the QR Code.
                                 Team will be recruiting new                                                                                                                            at LHCH and as such we will be organising
  Colleagues were delighted to                                                                                                                     For more detailed information
                                                                                                                                                                                        a range of ‘green’ activities here for our
                                                                                                                                                 please visit the Resuscitation
                                                                                                                                                                                        colleagues to get involved in. We will share
                                                                                                                                                 Council website.
                                                                                                                                                                                        these with you in the next edition of this

                                                                                                              New Non Executive Director appointed
                                                                                                              Margaret Carney commenced                 for ten years. Margaret retired in        and I look forward to supporting
                                                                                                              her role as a new Non Executive           2019 and has since continued her          LHCH in achieving its vision to be
                                                                                                              Director for LHCH on 1st                  work as a Non Executive Director          the best of the best.”
                                                                                                              September 2021 and joins the              with public, voluntary and private
                                                                                                              Trust’s Board of Directors.               sector organisations, and is currently
                                                                                                                Margaret brings with her a wealth       Vice Chair of a social care provider
                                                                                                              of experience having worked in            organisation.
                                                                                                              local government since 1979 in a            On her appointment Margaret
                                                                                                              number of roles including as the          said: “I am delighted to have been
                                                                                                              Director of Finance and Corporate         appointed as Non Executive Director
                                                                                                              Resources at Warrington Council,          of LHCH which has an outstanding
                                                                                                              Executive Director of Corporate           reputation both regionally and
                                                                                                              Resources, Strategic Partnerships         nationally. The NHS faces
                                                                                                              and Health and Care at Rochdale           challenging times more than ever
                                                                                                              Council and CEO at Sefton Council         before due to the covid pandemic

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3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
                        Celebrating 30 years of LHCH
                           1st April 2021 marked 30 years to the day that
                           LHCH, formerly known as The Cardiothoracic
                           Centre (CTC), was one of 57 organisations in
                           the first wave of NHS Trusts. We had a chat
                           with Janice Dunne, Cystic Fibrosis Specialist
                           Nurse who has worked here for an impressive
                           36 years.
Jan tell us a bit about your career          the week. We held a paper pad on
I trained at the Royal Liverpool College     the ward with referrals hand written
of Nursing 1984-1987 and went on             from all District General Hospitals .
to qualify in September 1987. I then       l Pacemakers would remain in bed

worked as a Staff Nurse for two years        24 hours post procedure, cardiac          patients had three days bed rest and
on the former E Ward which was where         catheter patients would remain lying      patients who had a cardiac arrest

                                                                                                                                 Surgery and sewing: from the Theatre to the Gallery

the LHCH Research Department is now          flat for 12 hours then slowly sit up,     sadly often died.
located. Back then it was a Nightingale      myocardial infarctions (heart attack)
Ward with a six bedded area. I went
on to become the Ward Manager for                                                                                                A new exhibition of portable antique sewing machines was recently opened in Penmaenmawr...
Ward A (now known as Birch Ward) for                                                                                             by Mr Mo Zeinah, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon from LHCH.
17 years. I had the best staff on Ward
A and I was nominated by the team as                                                                                             Displaying part of 76 year-old             months converting a shop to put them         and to complete the work I’d started on
the Best Supporting Manager at the                                                                                               Frank Meldrum’s classic collection,        on display, my plans were put on hold        the gallery.”
                                                                                                                Jan is                                                      by a heart attack at the end of March.         Mr Zeinah said: “I was delighted and
very first awards evening. I have been                                                                                           the ‘So Handy’ gallery has finally
                                                                                                                pictured at
a CF Nurse Specialist for the past 11                                                                                            become a reality, thanks in part to          “After being transferred to LHCH for       honoured to be invited by Frank to visit
                                                                                                                her qualifying
years and work with a fantastic team.                                                                           presentation     the specialist care and treatment he       specialist care, my wonderful surgeon,       and also to formally open his gallery
                                                                                                                day in           received earlier this year from Mr Mo      Mr Zeinah, told me that I needed major       and it’s wonderful to see him back on
Tell us what you remember from                                                                                  September        Zeinah, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon         surgery – a triple heart bypass and an       his feet and enjoying the things he
back then which was different to how                                                                            1987.            and all the team at LHCH.                  aortic heart valve replacement.”             loves most.”
it is now?                                                                                                                         Frank said: “I’ve always had a             “Thankfully the surgery was a                The gallery (6 Oxford Arcade, Pant-
l Patients on the orthopaedic wards
                                                                                                                                 passion for portable antique sewing        success and after a couple of weeks          Yr-Afon, Penmaenmawr, LL34 6AE),
   were allowed to smoke in the ward!                                                                                            machines, and I wanted to find a           receiving care from the staff in intensive   which is also supporting the LHCH
l The nurse in charge would dish out
                                                                                                                                 space where other people could enjoy       care and on the wards, I was able to         Charity was officially opened by Mr
   the meals at breakfast, lunch time                                                                                            them as well. But after spending eight     return home to continue my recovery –        Zeinah on Thursday 1st July.
   and teatime from a large trolley.
l I was a 3rd year student and left

   in charge on night duty on a busy
   surgical ward when short of staff.                                                                                             Sisters climb to say thank you to LHCH!
l The nurse in charge of the ward

   would arrange the pacemaker list for                                                                                           Young sisters Lauren and Isabelle,
                                                                                                                                  from St Helens recently climbed
                                                                                                                                  England’s third highest peak,
                                                                                                                                  Helvellyn, to say thank you to
                                                                                                                                  LHCH for the care that their dad
    Flu campaign launched                                                                                                         received earlier this year.
                                                                                                                                    Their dad, Simon, a fit and healthy
    This year’s flu vaccination campaign      You can now have your flu jab to       and colleagues. LHCH staff can               45 year old production supervisor,
    is underway here at LHCH.               protect yourself, your family, friends   find out more about the flu clinic           was rushed to LHCH back in May
                                                                                     and drop in times on our staff               for emergency surgery to replace          that dad received from Professor
                                                                                     intranet. If you do not work at              his aortic valve and aortic root after    Field and the whole LHCH team, and
                                                                                     LHCH, you can read more about                being diagnosed with infective            we’re so thankful to have dad back at
                                                                                     the flu vaccination and where                endocarditis.                             home making a steady recovery.
                                                                                     you can obtain it via www.nhs.                 Lauren, aged 25, a health advisor         Supporting LHCH Charity was just
                                                                                     uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-              for North West Ambulance Service,         our small way of saying thank you to
                                                                                     influenza-vaccine                            said: “We’re so incredibly grateful for   the hospital for looking after dad so
                                                                                                                                  the amazing treatment and aftercare       well.”

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3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Employee of the                                                                 Governor update
                                                                                                                                    Public Governor for Merseyside. You      become a Governor to give something         Linda

    Month Awards                                                                                                                    can read some more about them
                                                                                                                                                                             back to LHCH for the fantastic
                                                                                                                                                                             treatment I received in January 2010.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “I have worked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for the NHS for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         many years, both
                                                                                                                                    “Following some                          Ray                                         as a healthcare
                                                                                                                                    investigation                            “I was treated by                           assistant and
                                                                                                                                    treatment                                staff at LHCH and                           as a secretary/
    Our ‘Best of the Best’ Monthly Award Scheme has gone                            (L to R) Allan Pemberton, Joan Burgen and       regarding my                             was impressed                               administrator.
                                                                                    Lynne Addison                                                                                                                        I have also in
    from strength to strength this year. Congratulations to our                                                                     heart at Whiston                         at the time by the
                                                                                    Following our recent governor                   Hospital in                              organisation as                             the past worked for the (then) North
    most recent winners of the ‘Best of the Best’ Employee of                       elections we are pleased to welcome             December 2009,                           a whole and the                             Lancashire PCT as a commissioner,
    the Month Award:                                                                back Allan Pemberton, Public                    I attended LHCH                          staff in particular.                        and been a Staff Governor at
                                                                                    Governor – Cheshire, Joan Burgen,               in January 2010 to have my mitral        I still attend the                          Preston Hospital. I understand what
                                                                                    Public Governor – North Wales and               valve replaced with a mechanical         hospital and                                patients need and expect, and I
                                                                                    Lynne Addison, Public Governor –                valve under the treatment of Mr Oo,      when I saw the opportunity to become        also understand why it is not always
    Chloe Robinson, Healthcare Assistant, Oak Ward
                                                                                    Rest of England & Wales who have                then Consultant Cardiac Surgeon.         a Governor I thought it was time to         possible to fulfil these needs and
    – June 2021
                                                                                    all been re-elected for another three           The operation went well and I left the   at least try to give something back to      expectations without the Governors
    “Chloe is a fantastic Healthcare Assistant (HCA) on
                                                                                    year term of office. We are also                hospital 5 days after the operation. I   such a great institution if only my time.   working with the Trust to bring them
    our ward and always strives to do her best. She is
                                                                                    delighted to welcome Roy Page                   have been in good health since this      I hope that I can carry out the role in     about. I believe I have much to offer
    fantastic with our new starters and students and
                                                                                    and Ray Davis as Public Governors               and take warfarin every day to manage    such a way as to benefit all who use        and now I’m retired, I have the time and
    has been a fantastic mentor to them. Chloe
                                                                                    for Cheshire and Linda Griffiths as             my blood coagulation. I wanted to        and work at the Trust.”                     commitment to make a difference.”
    is extremely supportive to the nurses she
    works alongside and is able to recognise
    deterioration in patients which she has                                                              You can read more about the Council of Governors on the About LHCH section of our website.
    recently experienced and escalated efficiently
    and appropriately. Chloe is a great asset to
    our team.”
                                                                                      SAVE THE DATE                                 Virtual events calendar – dates for your diary!
                                                                                                                                                   Cardio-Oncology                                                          2022         Obstructive Sleep
                                                                                          2021       Combined General                  2021                                  before, during and after their cancer
                            Josh Preston, Lab Scientist, Research – July                                                                                                                                                                 Apnoea. Friday
                            2021                                                                     Meeting of Council
                                                                                          12BER of Governors and                       11
                                                                                                                                                   Thursday 11th             treatment. This event has been                  18H         18th March 2022 at
                                                                                                                                                   November 2021 at          organised in conjunction with Ainsdale         MA RC
                            “Josh is a vital part of the Research team. He works        OC TO                                        NO VE MB ER                                                                                         2pm via Zoom.
                                                                                                      Annual Members’                              6.30pm via Microsoft      Medical Centre.
                               hard to ensure samples are processed even                                                                                                                                                                 Join
                                                                                                      Meeting.                                     Teams.
                                though this can often be after his allocated                                                                                                    2021        COPD. Wednesday              Jennifer Furlong,
                                                                                      Tuesday 12th October 2021 at 4pm              Join us for a
                                 working hours. This has enabled the Targeted                                                                                                               17th November 2021 at        Advanced Clinical
                                                                                                                                    virtual health talk
                                   Lung study to progress well and provide vital      via Zoom.
                                                                                                                                    with Dr Rebecca
                                                                                                                                                                                 17 ER 11am via Zoom.                    Physiologist, Sleep
                                    information to this extremely important study     Celebrate our successes of 2020-                                                        NO VE MB
                                                                                                                                    Dobson, Consultant                                      Join Emma Rickards,          Service Lead &
                                    looking at cancer treatment. Joshua does this     21, receive the annual report
                                                                                                                                    Cardiologist -                                          Consultant Respiratory       Deputy Manager,
                                    without complaint and shows a willingness to      and accounts from the Board of
                                                                                                                                    Imaging & Cardio-                        Nurse on World                              Respiratory
                                  help which enables the study to run well.”          Directors and hear a report from
                                                                                                                                    Oncology at LHCH.                        COPD Day. Emma                              Diagnostics will
                                                                                      our Governors along with details
                                                                                                                                    All are welcome                          will provide a                              define Obstructive Sleep
                                                                                      of our future plans and service
                                                                                                                                    to attend this free session and learn    presentation on                             Apnoea, explain the symptoms,
                                                                                      developments. This is also a perfect
    Sue Craig, Administration Officer, Therapies – August 2021                                                                      more about this fast developing          the background of                           diagnosis, treatments and
                                                                                      opportunity to share views and ask
    “Sue is the backbone of the Therapies team. In essence                                                                          Cardio-Oncology service. This service    Chronic Obstructive                         alternative treatments. Jenny will
                                                                                      us any questions you may have
    our department would not run without her and she goes                                                                           is a close collaboration between         Pulmonary Disease                           also discuss the subject of living
                                                                                      regarding the services we provide.
    above and beyond. She coordinates our diaries, orders our                                                                       oncologists and cardiologists from two   (COPD), potential                           with the condition and driving. The
    equipment and oversees every fine detail in the department.                                                                     trusts to provide cardiac assessment     treatments, living with                     presentation will be followed by a
    She does this always with the biggest smile. She continually                                                                    and care for a wide range of patients    COPD and keeping your lungs active.         question and answer session.
    goes out of her way to help anyone she can, without
    hesitation. She is our resident council and                                                                                           For more details on any of the events please visit www.lhch.nhs.uk.
    in essence our LHCH Mum. She embodies                                                                             You can also book your free place on any of our virtual events by emailing membership.office@lhch.nhs.uk
    and personifies LHCH’s values of kindness,
    compassion and exceptional care. Sue is a
                                                                                                                                    LHCH public members will have received a members’ survey
    general ray of sunshine to be around, always
    available for her wisdom and advice. She makes sure                               Have your                                     enclosed with your copy of Members Matters. Please spare
    we are all ok before leaving in the evenings and can
    always make you smile even on the longest, toughest
                                                                                      completed your                                a few moments to provide us with some feedback so we can
                                                                                                                                    improve our communications and programme of events.
    days!”                                                                            members survey?                               Have you been a patient of LHCH and do you have a story to
                                                                                                                                    share? We would love to hear from you!

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3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
lhch                                                                       Jack and Imogen’s coast to
            Charity news update                                                                                                                                                        coast adventure
                                                                                                   caring for people with heart and lung disease

Therapies Team conquer Three Peaks                                                                                                                                                     A big congratulations to Jack
                                                                                                                                                                                       and Imogen from our Respiratory
                                                                                                                                                                                       Diagnostics team who have just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               sense of achievement when we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               completed the walk but were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               also sad to have finished since
The last weekend of July was                      progressed however, they felt that         or too cold but it was really hot during                                                  completed a self-supported hike         we had such a great time! We felt
a particularly active one for 9                   they also wanted to do something to        the Ben Nevis climb so it was a real                                                      across the UK from coast to             overwhelmed with the amount of
members of our Therapies Team                     benefit the hospital and so they set       challenge. We were all quite proud of                                                     coast (Newcastle to Bowness on          money that we raised for Lhch
who undertook to climb the 3 highest              up a JustGiving Page and absolutely        ourselves that we managed to push                                                         Solway).                                Charity from lovely friends, family,
peaks in the UK in 23 hours and 32                smashed their original target by raising   through and get to the top.”                                                                The pair walked an impressive         colleagues and people we met
minutes!                                          £830 so far for LHCH Charity.                We can’t thank Aaron, Hannah, Laura,                                                    13 hours a day on steep hills whilst    along the way.”
  Initially the group wanted to                     Aaron Thomas, one of those taking        Pat, Neil, Andy, Ben, Libby and Tony for                                                  carrying heavy equipment over four         An amazing £1,200 has been
undertake the challenge to push                   part said: “The whole weekend was a        all their hard work and effort in raising                                                 and a half days. Along the way they     raised for our very own hospital
themselves and stay active after the              great success. The weather was lovely      such an amazing amount for our work.                                                      faced some difficult terrain and very   charity. A big thank you to Jack
past difficult year. As the training              for the first two climbs not too warm                                                                                                hot weather conditions!                 and Imogen for supporting LHCH
                                                                                                                                                                                         Jack said: “We felt an enormous       Charity.

                                                                                                                                                   Christmas is coming...
                                                                                                                                                   Well, yes we do know it’s only
                                                                                                                                                   Autumn but this is the ideal time
                                                                                                                                                   to get ahead with your Christmas
                                                                                                                                                   shopping and avoid all those
                                                                                                                                                     LHCH Charity has some lovely
                                                                                                                                                   cards and gifts this year
                                                                                                                                                   that are sure to make
                                                                                                                                                   your friends and
                                                  Are you in?                                                                                      family very happy.
                                                                                                                                                     You can view the
                                                                                                                                                   full collection
                                                  To mark the Covid-19 pandemic              and the funds raised will go towards                  of cards and
                                                  and celebrate and support LHCH’s           supporting the life-saving work of                    merchandise by
                                                  outstanding staff – LHCH Charity           Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital.                   visiting our
                                                  has launched it’s “In for a £1” Club.        If you would like to learn more get                 website
                                                    It only costs £1 per week to be a part   in touch with the LHCH Charity Office                 at www.
                                                  of it and you can either pay by regular    on 0151 600 1409 or visit our website                 lhchcharity.
                                                  gift of £4 per month or send a year’s      www.lhchcharity.org.uk                                org.uk/
                                                  subscription of £52. Everyone that           As a very famous supermarket says:                  shop.
                                                  joins will receive some lovely goodies     “Every little helps” and just imagine the             Alternatively you
                                                  including the very sought after” In        difference we could make if everyone                  can contact our
                                                  for a £1” badge, shopper and pen           agreed to donate just £1 per week.                    LHCH Charity
                                                                                                                                                   team by emailing

     Free will service launched!
                                                                                                                                                   uk or by calling
                                                                                                                                                   0151 600
     If you are one of the 50% of people           to make a donation to LHCH Charity to        You can get in touch with Accord                   1409.
     in the UK who have not yet made a             access this service either.               by ringing 01744 807 048 or emailing
     will then we have a great offer for              So what are you waiting for?           them at lhch@accordwills.co.uk and,
     you!                                          Making a will ensures that your wishes    if you would like to learn more about
        Thanks to a partnership with Accord        are carried out when you are no           how a bequest could help the hospital
     Will Services. They will provide you          longer here and can save your loved       don’t forget to visit our website at
     with a will, or review your existing will,    ones from the stress of dealing with      www.lhchcharity.org.uk/make-your-
     absolutely for free. There is no request      your estate.                              mark-on-the-future.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11
3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Please support the work of LHCH Charity
                      Help us care                                                                                                                          ✃
                      for our patients,                                      £10          £20         £50         £100    Other amount £.................
                      their families and
                                                                          Name (PLEASE PRINT)
                      our dedicated
                      staff with your
                                                                          Address (PLEASE PRINT)
                      donation to
                      LHCH Charity.

                      £5       would help us to
                               provide a bag of
                      toiletries for an emergency                         			Postcode
                                                                            Yes please send me the LHCH Charity Christmas cards
                      £20          would help us
                                   provide hot meals
                      for our staff during the
                                                                          and merchandise brochure (my address is above).

                      pandemic                                            Please return this form and your donation to:

                      £50                                                                                            ou so m
                                                                                                             T hank y support!
                                   would help us                          Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity
                                   purchase specialist                    FREEPOST RRLL-KSHT-ZLKE

                                                                                                                 r your
                      equipment for rehabilitation
                                                                          Thomas Drive, Liverpool L14 3PE
                      £100            would support
                                      counselling for
                      our staff with mental health
                                                                          Registered Charity Number 1052813
                                                                          Please make all cheques payable to LHCH Charity. No stamp required on envelope.

                        Privacy notice for our Members
                        We collect and hold public and staff member information for the purposes of the Trust to meet the legal
                        requirements set out in UK law, or exercise the official authority established for a Foundation Trust as a
                        public body.
                          Personal information will only be used to fulfil the requirements in relation to the individual’s membership of Liverpool
                        Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and not shared elsewhere.
                          Staff and Public Members can opt out at any time by contacting the Membership Office on 0151 600 1410 or by
                        emailing membership.office@lhch.nhs.uk
                          For more information please visit the LHCH Privacy Notice on our website http://www.lhch.nhs.uk/about-lhch/

                     Get social We always welcome comments and feedback on our social media pages
                                                                                     Instagram                                         Web
                           Twitter @LHCHFT
                                                                                     www.instagram.com/lhch.ft/                        www.lhch.nhs.uk
Facebook “f ” Logo       CMYK / .eps   Facebook “f ” Logo   CMYK / .eps

                                Facebook                                             Email
                                www.facebook.com/lhchft/                             communications@lhch.nhs.uk

3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital 3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital 3 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
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